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In Earth Magic, Steven D. Farmer offers a unique synthesis of ancient spiritual practices and philosophies that have pro

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In Earth Magic, Steven D. Farmer offers a unique synthesis of ancient spiritual practices and philosophies that have proven over millennia to help heal the spiritual causes of physical and emotional illnesses, augment personal power, enhance manifestation abilities, and encourage a balanced and harmonious relationship with our Earth. With these cards, you'll be able to connect with the key spirits in nature and harness their unique elemental power. Beautifully designed and expressed with a rare sensitivity, you will want to revisit these cards whenever you need guidance. In the past and in present-day indigenous traditions, women have known that the womb houses the greatest power a woman possesses: the power to create on all levels. Utilized in the process of giving birth, this power of creation can also be tapped in the birth of projects, careers, personal healing, spirituality, and relationships. However, because the womb stores the energetic imprint of every intimate encounter--loving or not--the creative voice of the womb is often muffled or absent altogether, affecting the emotional, mental, and spiritual health of women and their relationships. Drawing on sacred traditions from ancient India, Tibet, Egypt, Gnostic Christianity, and Judaism, the practice of Womb Wisdom empowers women to become aware of the intuitive voice of the womb outside of pregnancy and the moon cycle to unlock this potent inner source for creativity, birthing the new conscious children, spiritual growth, and transformation not only for themselves but also for their male partners. The authors include exercises to clear the past, release toxic emotions, open the womb's energetic pathways, activate the sacred sensual self, bring balance to relationships, and harness creative potential. Including intimate, individual stories of women experiencing the opening of the womb, this book also explores the forgotten sacred sites of the womb around the world as well as how the womb's energies are crucial to birth a new civilization in the spiritual shift of 2012. The accompanying 45-minute CD includes a soundscape to assist in the awakening of these creative forces The powerful, wise, and loving goddesses want to help you to realize your full potential! The 44 goddess cards in this deck will help answer your questions and give you guidance about personal and spiritual growth. The goddesses are from Celtic, Egyptian, African, Judeo-Christian, Buddhist, and other cultures, and they work beautifully with your angels and fit in with any spiritual path. With the gorgeous artwork and enclosed guidebook, you'll get to know these goddesses intimately. You'll form relationships with Quan Yin, Green Tara, Lakshmi, and other benevolent deities; and you'll find out whom to call upon for specific issues. Doreen Virtue has created this easy-to-use deck to help you give accurate readings for yourself and others. The Keepers of the Light are a congregation of Ascended Masters and divine beings who are dedicated to the peace, healing and nurturing of the world. These amazing masters transcend religion and go beyond time - they are here and willing to help all of those who call on them. This new Keepers of the Light oracle card deck from Kyle Gray draws together 45 Ascended Masters, spiritual deities and beings from many world traditions, and embraces spiritual teachings from ancient to modern times. The deck balances male and female energies, and includes traditional masters including Lord Buddha and Mother Mary, Earth-based deities such as Gaia and Cernunnos, and modern favourites including Sanat Kumara, Lady Venus and Saint Germain. Each card is beautifully hand drawn by visionary artist Lily Moses, who paints what she sees from a deep meditative state. The deck's aim is to help spiritual seekers develop their intuition and to really start trusting the messages that spirit shares. If money confuses and frustrates you, and if you long to be fully supported from your dream career, you'll love the Angels of Abundance Tarot Cards. Tarot is an extremely accurate and detailed way to receive guidance, and Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine have teamed up to create a 100 percent positive, easy-to-use, safe and gentle tool to help you rapidly attract an abundance of happiness, love and all forms of success! Radleigh Valentine and Doreen Virtue's other tarot decks have been incredibly positively received. Their attention to detail, beautiful designs and fidelity to the timeless principles of the tarot are unmatched. Doreen and Radleigh's extensive experience teaching divination using cards around the world is brought to bear on this collection. You will quickly see results with your new found tool for attracting abundance into your life. The imagery and messages of these cards are overwhelmingly positive!

The Energy Oracle Cards are designed to reveal both the present energy you project and the results you are likely to attract. The unlimited power of your own consciousness is a vital force that moves through the Universe and plants the seeds of your destiny far and wide. These easyto-use cards will help you to understand what your consciousness is creating, as well as reveal any hidden blocks that may be delaying your progress. The information they bring will empower and inspire you, for it comes from heavenly messengers, friends from the spirit realm and your own higher self. All that you need is available to you, so let your intuition soar. Listen to the messages it brings and take your life to wonderful new heights! Imagine... between the visible and the unseen is a guiding force that some call Spirit, the Holy Will, the Divine, the Field, or Consciousness. Using this card deck by Colette Baron-Reid will connect you to that larger Consciousness and guide you as you travel along on the journey of your life. The themes of these 52 cards represent some of the places you'll visit, the conditions you may encounter, and the allies and challengers you'll meet as you navigate a metaphoric map of your life's journey. The enclosed guidebook will help you ask the right questions and interpret the messages in your readings. The Enchanted Map Oracle Cards were created in order to empower you to understand the story of your fate, destiny, and free will; and allow you to chart a course to live a life of deep purpose, true prosperity, and vibrant love. Step into the Enchanted Map... and watch the magic come alive! Set your intentions, break through blockages and achieve your dreams using the 49 cards and workbook of this extraordinary divination system! Each original card connects with a major chakra and represents one of the mystical fables revealed by angels to psychic Tori Hartman over five years following a near-death experience. The Oracle contains 49 unique chakra cards, each with its own fairy-tale image, as well as a detailed workbook that includes divination spreads, chakraby-chakra insight to guide you on your journey, and a personal inquiry and focused meditation for each card. The divination spreads range from basic one-card readings to more complex, yet still easy-to-use layouts. This new deck is set to become a classic for those interested in card divination.

Mystics have passed down stories of magical realms hidden from mortal sight, bridging the world of Nature and Spirit. Even before the written word, the ancients established a Divine partnership between humans and these Hidden Realms. These cards represent some of those realms and their Queens and Kings, Princes, and other magical helpers. Let the Swan Queen point the way to transformation, the Arrow Master help you reach your goals, the Sun Dancers herald your victories, and the Sacred Union speak to the depth of your longing for love. Ask and ye shall receive, for the Highest Good is their motto. If you call upon them, they will answer. Nature is continually enticing us to spend time in her embrace, through the calling of birds, the babbling of brooks and streams, the fragrant smell of the flowers and the whispers of the trees as the wind blows through their branches. Through this vibrant deck, featuring the exquisite artwork of Josephine Wall, nature beckons you to experience a world of profound beauty and timeless wisdom. Re-ignite your connection to the great spirit of Mother Earth and tap into the profound peace, healing and guidance she offers us - if we only take a moment to listen. 50 full colour cards and 72-page guidebook set, packaged in a hard-cover box. Colette Baron-Reid has expertly blended elements of the I-Ching, Norse runes, traditional tarot and other ancient divination tools into a sacred communication system: Wisdom of the Oracle. This 52-card deck and companion guidebook will allow you to interpret messages about all aspects of your journey, with over 250 independent meanings that can speak to an unlimited number of circumstances. Imagery of animals, the elements of nature and other potent symbols will touch you deeply so that a soulful dialogue about your life can take place. The Wisdom of the Oracle Divination Cards are waiting for you to consult them so you may receive answers and know the way forward to peace, purpose, prosperity and love.

The Native Spirit Oracle Cards profoundly deepen your connection to the mysterious, natural forces around you. Created by Denise Linn, an enrolled member of the Cherokee tribe and the bestselling author of the books Quest and Kindling the Native Spirit, this 44-card deck with companion guidebook holds the keys to unlocking a wondrous realm where you'll discover what destiny has in store for you. These oracle cards were birthed at the base of a sacred mountain, and they carry the mystical energy that surrounded their birthing. Each card opens a gateway so that you can powerfully and immediately discern your own unique, secret messages from the Universe. Kyle Gray's Angel Prayers Oracle Cards deck is a powerful spiritual tool that allows you to tap into the profound wisdom and healing support of the angels in a way that will feel real and positive. Using bright, modern imagery together with traditional symbolism, this exciting deck is full of loving messages from the angels, archangels and even the Divine Mother and Divine Father. Each card also offers you a powerful affirmative prayer that will help you to resolve specific situations in your life for the highest good. Your angels have been with you throughout your life and they understand the challenging situations of your past. They will help you release all that you no longer need so that you can find the peace and harmony you deserve in this present moment. You and your guides will eventually create your own language, and your deck will become your friend and your very own spiritual support system.

Mother Mary is beloved for the purity of her compassion, nurturing, and protection. She cares deeply about each of us, and gives us tender motherly advice about every part of life. This 44card deck by Doreen Virtue is a beautiful, safe and respectful way to connect with Mother Mary's loving wisdom. The accompanying non-denominational guidebook gives you step-by-step instructions on how to receive accurate and trustworthy messages for yourself and others. It explains the general meaning of each card and provides specific details that can illuminate the answers you're seeking. Mary, Queen of Angels Oracle Cards are for people of all faiths and beliefs to bring the incredible energy of Mary into your heart. The Wisdom of Avalon Oracle Cards by Colette Baron-Reid is a 52-card divination system-an inspirational tool to bridge the unseen world of Spirit and the physical world of our day-to-day lives. Based on the rich mythology of ancient Britain's Isle of Avalon and the wisdom teachings of its priestesses, these cards will help you find valuable and powerful insights in all aspects of life as you chart your path and manifest your destiny with clarity and purpose. Their use will shed light on what has been, what needs illumination in the present, and what will weave patterns into the future. The deck will help you discover the potential of your own intuition as you follow the omens and symbols of the Goddess, the Kingdom of the Faeries, Merlin, and the Priestess of magical Avalon. See into the future . . . and discover that you are more than you know! These oracle cards provide immediate access to your Divine Spirit, where you receive specific guidance and direction for any and all challenges facing you in life. Each card not only offers direction for specific problems, it also reinforces the path to your Higher Self, freeing you from the turbulence and fear of the ego plane. You can use this deck (and the accompanying guidebook) for specific direction, meditation, life and purpose readings, and to offer guidance to others; as well as to connect to your Divine Self, where drama and stress give way to joy and inner peace. The Gateway Oracle Cards by Denise Linn, founder of the Gateway DreamingT Institute, are the keys to unlocking the ancient wisdom within you. They reveal a wondrous realm where you'll discover what destiny has in store for you and also learn how to give accurate, heartfelt readings to others. This deck and accompanying guidebook help you interpret the signs that are all around you, from your nightly dreams to the coincidences, synchronicities and symbols in your waking life. The Universe is always whispering to you, and the Gateway Oracle Cards assist you in understanding these secret messages from the realm of Spirit. An enchanted voyage awaits you. The keys through the gateway are in your hands!

This inspirational deck of cards will help you discover and connect with your own power animal. The accompanying booklet will help you learn what your power animal says about you, how to call upon the spirit animal and how to receive a channeled message from that animal. It will also guide you on which animal spirit to call on for particular situations and how to consult your power animal as an oracle. The Lenormand cards are named after Marie-Anne Lenormand, a famous clairvoyant of the 18th and 19th century, who read the cards for Napoleon and Josephine Bonaparte. The deck is already popular and widely used across Europe and beyond, and now The Enchanted Lenormand Oracle is bringing it to a wider audience. The cards come with an accompanying book on how to use them to discover your destiny. Beautifully presented, this oracle kit can help you to solve problems, prepare you for what the future holds and develop your intuition. 39 beautifully illustrated cards - the traditional 36 plus 3 extra to represent the seeking self - are accompanied by an accessible book, Understanding the Lenormand Oracle, providing everything you need to reveal and shape your destiny. Accessible yet comprehensive, the book offers indepth commentaries for each card, making interpretation simple and enlightening. Practical advice on how to use the cards in layout is also provided - whether you need guidance on a specific problem or wish to look at the bigger picture and discover new spiritual meaning and true purpose in your life. Perfect for beginners and professional readers alike, this valuable kit provides everything you need to master the all-seeing power of the Lenormand deck. 45 Gaia-inspired images designed to bring peace and healing. 45 powerful heartfelt messages that offer guidance and clarity. 45 self-empowering affirmations to help you fulfil your dreams. Far back in time, light from the underlying fabric of creation burst forth creating the super-luminous event through which our Universe was born. Time began its endless journey through everexpanding space. The early universe was simply a sea of particles floating through space and time. But life's invisible wheels were already in motion and over time the sea of particles became a sea of stars from which Gaia, our Earth, was born; a living, breathing entity; our Goddess, our Mother and our reflection. GAIA ORACLE will point you in love's direction and help you find the answers you seek. 45 full colour cards For the fans of the best-selling House of Night series, the Wisdom of the House of Night Oracle Cards provides a unique interactive experience with the vampyre Goddess Nyx. Packaged in a keepsake box with a guidebook, the deck contains fifty gorgeously illustrated cards, many of which are based on characters in the books. To begin, simply ask Nyx a question: What should I do in this situation? What is going on with my relationship? What will result from my next action? Then select a card and consult the guidebook to discover the message that Nyx intends for you. Just like Zoey Redbird and the other fledglings of the House of Night, you will be encouraged to trust your intuition and make powerful decisions about your life! The Wisdom of the House of Night Oracle Cards is an original divination system, created by P. C. Cast and oracle expert Colette Baron-Reid. It draws inspiration from the Tarot, Norse runes, and the I Ching, but no special expertise is required to use these cards. The illustrations are by digital artist Jena DellaGrottaglia. The Soul Coaching Oracle Cards, by bestselling author and healer Denise Linn, provide a direct connection to the Soul. The card deck and guidebook can be used to give yourself, your loved ones, and your clients remarkably accurate, heartfelt readings . . . as well as help you touch the sacred place within. You'll come to understand what your Soul wants you to know about your relationships, your career, your creativity, and even your future. Every card glows with beautiful artwork and a positive message that can help you receive profound spiritual guidance from your higher self! The Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom Healing Cards were created by Dr Northrup to help women reach clarity, fulfilment and success in each of five major life areas: fertility and creativity, partnership, self-expression, self-care and nurturance, and the development of an enlightened

mind and heart. This beautiful deck includes 50 oracle cards, each with a unique illustration on one side and a detailed explanation of its meaning on the other. It also includes an instruction booklet that offers practical ways to access intuitive, grounded information on a number of issues. In this new edition, artwork from artist Jena DellaGrottaglia lends new energy, and an aesthetic at once fresh and timeless, to this classic set of archetypes and life themes. 'True health is only possible when we understand the unity of our minds, emotions, spirits and physical bodies and stop striving for perfection,' says Dr Northrup. These cards are an inspiring resource for bringing our selves into unity and moving toward ever more vibrant health. WHISPERS OF LOVE ORACLE CARDS were created to help you find methods and messages for building stronger more loving relationships whilst, also, reminding you of the interconnectedness of everything in your life. Whether it be a romantic connection or your connection to others around you, these beautifully illustrated cards will help you find answers and solutions. You can choose cards for everyday guidance or you can do readings focusing on a specific question or relationship. However you use these cards, they will be an invaluable tool to add clarity to your situation by connecting you with your inner guidance and intuition. 45 full colour cards

Liquid Crystal Oracle is an ever-unfolding and enlightening adventure through the Crystalline world. These potent cards will open the doors for you to the Atlantian Earth and introduce the Master Crystal Devas, the Mineral Kingdom's creators, unlocking their ancient and sacred knowledge. The 77 cards and comprehensive 292-page guidebook is a powerful life-changing crystal healing system. Through this oracle, receive the keys to the Crystalline world, discover Atlantian Spirituality, activate the Atlantian Octahedrons of Light, allowing you to connect with the crystals and tap into their wisdom, and heal with over 150 Sacred Trinities and sequences of crystals. The author travels widely around Australia conducting workshops and is based on Torquay, Victoria. Book & Tarot Deck. Explore your spiritual and human existence within the bounds of natural imagery and look into the energies, fears, and wrong beliefs that are holding you back from having the best life possible. Via Shamanism studies, these 44 beautifully drawn oracle cards on black background will help you learn the importance of symbolism in the human psyche. Discover for yourself and others the energies surrounding situations in life that can hinder or assist you along your path of self-awareness and healing. Whether a novice or skilled reader, the messages found in these cards and the accompanying guidebook will give you the insight, personal empowerment, and trust in your own intuitive abilities and will allow you to begin an energetic healing journey that is precisely tailored to you. Consider the universal symbols and energetic messages these cards have for you. Begin living a life of spiritual clarity, energetic oneness, and personal empowerment. The Spirit Messages Daily Guidance Oracle Deck, with its accompanying guidebook and 50 beautifully designed cards, was created by John Holland to assist you in getting support, comfort and divine guidance from Spirit, your loved ones, family, ancestors, friends, guides and helpers in the Spirit World. These cards will also help the user to develop a higher awareness of Spirit and remind you that you are never truly alone. These extraordinary cards will bring insight and clarity around some of the major decision points in your life, or just to reaffirm that you're making the right decisions. The Spirit World communicates through these cards with guidance and direction in matters of self-love, vulnerability, relationships, trust and more. As you work with these cards, they will strengthen your natural ability of intuition and the beautiful, loving bond that you and the Spirit World share. Harness Our Earth's Spiritual Energy to Heal Your Past, Transform Your Present and Shape Your Future Heal your past, transform your present and fulfil your potential by connecting with the planet's most sacred sites, guided by world-famous shamnic healer Barabara Meiklejohn-Free. Featuring breathtaking illustration by renowned spiritual artist Yuri Leitch, each card channels the

energy of the featured site. This easy-to-use deck is the only one to address the three dimensions of your life (past, present and future) on every card. This Oracle contains:*53 cards capturing the energy of ancient sites all over the world* A detailed guidebook on how to question the Oracle and use it to connect with the sites* A mystical symbol plus an exercise, a ritual or a meditation on every card to help you draw power and insight from each site Inspired by the majesty and mythos of birds great and small, The Winged Enchantment Oracle invites us to spread our wings as we venture on our own soul journeys. Mesmerizing shapeshifter artwork beckons us to see multiple levels of meaning and new perspectives on our earthly experiences. The set includes 39 oracle cards and a 48-page illustrated guidebook with custom card spreads. This card deck is both a teaching tool about crystals as well as an accurate divination method. In Doreen's previous writings, she has corresponded the aura color and functions of each angel, with corresponding crystals who share the same properties and colors. Now with the Crystal Angel Oracle Cards, readers can see a beautiful original painting on each card by artist Marius Michael-George, featuring a specific angel with their crystal and a detailed message upon each card. The accompanying guidebook will also make suggestions about incorporating crystal gemstones into readings with the Crystal Angel Oracle Cards. The Wisdom of Avalon Oracle Cards by Colette Baron-Reid is a 52-card divination system-an inspirational tool to bridge the unseen world of Spirit and the physical world of our day-to-day lives. Based on the rich mythology of ancient Britain's Isle of Avalon and the wisdom teachings of its priestesses, these cards will help you find valuable and powerful insights in all aspects of life as you chart your path and manifest your destiny with clarity and purpose. Their use will shed light on what has been, what needs illumination in the present, and what will weave patterns into the future. The deck will help you discover the potential of your own intuition as you follow the omens and symbols of the Goddess, the Kingdom of the Faeries, Merlin, and the Priestess of magical Avalon. See into the future . . . and discover that you are more than you know! These oracle cards provide immediate access to your Divine Spirit, where you receive specific guidance and direction for any and all challenges facing you in life. Each card not only offers direction for specific problems, it also reinforces the path to your Higher Self, freeing you from the turbulence and fear of the ego plane. You can use this deck (and the accompanying guidebook) for specific direction, meditation, life and purpose readings, and to offer guidance to others; as well as to connect to your Divine Self, where drama and stress give way to joy and inner peace. Ask your Guides is a 52-card psychic intuitive oracle deck (with accompanying guidebook) based on the traditional minor arcana of the tarot. The deck is designed to not only guide you, the seeker, through present and upcoming life events and challenges, but will also connect you directly with specific spirit guides and divine helpers who are there to help you navigate these transitions and challenges successfully. This inspirational deck of cards will help you discover and connect with your own power animal. The accompanying booklet will help you learn what your power animal says about you, how to call upon the spirit animal and how to receive a channeled message from that animal. It will also guide you on which animal spirit to call on for particular situations and how to consult your power animal as an oracle. The Lenormand cards are named after Marie-Anne Lenormand, a famous clairvoyant of the 18th and 19th century, who read the cards for Napoleon and Josephine Bonaparte. The deck is already popular and widely used across Europe and beyond, and now The Enchanted Lenormand Oracle is bringing it to a wider audience. The cards come with an accompanying book on how to use them to discover your destiny. Beautifully presented, this oracle kit can help you to solve problems, prepare you for what the future holds and develop your intuition. 39 beautifully illustrated cards - the traditional 36 plus 3 extra to represent the seeking self - are

accompanied by an accessible book, Understanding the Lenormand Oracle, providing everything you need to reveal and shape your destiny. Accessible yet comprehensive, the book offers indepth commentaries for each card, making interpretation simple and enlightening. Practical advice on how to use the cards in layout is also provided - whether you need guidance on a specific problem or wish to look at the bigger picture and discover new spiritual meaning and true purpose in your life. Perfect for beginners and professional readers alike, this valuable kit provides everything you need to master the all-seeing power of the Lenormand deck. Every night when you're asleep, your angels, your unconscious mind and the universe are giving you guidance, answers to your questions, and cautionary signs. You can take charge of your life and experience deep healing by understanding and processing these dream messages. In this beautifully illustrated card deck, Doreen Virtue and Melissa Virtue reveal the meaning of 55 basic dream symbols. The accompanying guidebook explains how to conduct 'dream readings' to resolve your deepest questions and concerns and shine light upon your unconscious mind. In this way, you can harness the power of your dreams to steer yourself in your desired direction! 45 Gaia-inspired images designed to bring peace and healing. 45 powerful heartfelt messages that offer guidance and clarity. 45 self-empowering affirmations to help you fulfil your dreams. Far back in time, light from the underlying fabric of creation burst forth creating the super-luminous event through which our Universe was born. Time began its endless journey through everexpanding space. The early universe was simply a sea of particles floating through space and time. But life's invisible wheels were already in motion and over time the sea of particles became a sea of stars from which Gaia, our Earth, was born; a living, breathing entity; our Goddess, our Mother and our reflection. GAIA ORACLE will point you in love's direction and help you find the answers you seek. 45 full colour cards

You are invited to enter the realm of Faery! The Wild Wisdom of the Faery Oracle, beautifully packaged in a large box (22 x 16cm), is your doorway into the magickal realm of the Faery.Each gloriously illustrated card is brimming with secrets, messages, insights and guidance directly from the most helpful and wise of natures guardians, delivering clear messages anddirect and loving guidance. Easy to read, yet deep, mystical and rich, the Wild Wisdom of the Faery Oracle includes an in-depth guidebook revealing the secret lore of the Faery realm as well as clear lessons on how to connect, create and nurture deep relationships with your own Faery guardians and allies.The included card layouts allow you to give powerful, insightful and accurate readings for yourself and others.When you connect with the Fae, their powerful natural magicks can assist with healing and enhancing your health, activating vivid psychic abilities, gaining insight and direction within your relationships, awakening your innate connection to abundance and life becomes an inspirational experience, full of meaning and joy. Your own ability to see, sense and feel the Fae accurately will grow stronger and clearer each time you work with this enchanted, inspiring deck, steeped in authentic, deep Faery magick. Awaken your intuition and receive guidance and wisdom from the Angelic, Elemental and Faerie, and Galactic realms. As you connect with high-frequency dimensions of light, sacred color, and radiance from these 44 highly accurate and magically infused activation and oracle cards, they will expand with energies unlike any other deck youve experienced. Interacting with these cards will help strengthen your intuition and psychic senses, cultivate clarity, and inspire selfempowerment. Seven vibrant Chakra cards are included as a tangible, intuitive-strengthening tool intended for self-transformation, self-illumination, and self-healing. The companion guidebook provides full interpretations for each card so you can swiftly begin working with the energies of the deck. Learn how to read the cards by using five unique oracle and three powerful activator spreads for healthy relationships, healing, and money manifesting. Use these enchanting cards for personal intuitive guidance, client readings, energetic activation, or as affirmation cards. Includes card deck and guidebook.

Stunningly illustrated set of oracle cards that deliver powerful messages of love, healing and protection to a new generation. From the author of The Oracle Tarot, Magical Spell Cards and White Magic. As Above, So Below CD also available. Features 54 heart-shaped cards packaged in a heart-shaped hard-cover box. HEART AND SOUL CARDS, featuring the illuminating artwork and words of Toni Carmine Salerno, offer practical guidance. Answering questions on love, life and the impermanence of our physical existence, they provide nourishment and inspiration for mind, body and spirit. Reminding us of our true immortal nature, HEART AND SOUL CARDS urge you to look within your own heart, for it is from within that the extraordinary is created and is able to manifest in our everyday life. Magdalene is not solely a biblical figure; rather, she is a modern day Goddess who holds a most sacred and ancient wisdom.' (Taken from the Guidebook's introduction.) An eternal ocean of loving guidance. This inspirational and insightful card set will allow you to receive clear messages and give accurate readings to yourself and others. Featuring all new paintings, the Magdalene Oracle is a tool you will use again and again. 45 full colour cards Featuring 70 illuminating paintings by visionary artist Rassouli, the cards in Journey of Love are bursting with vibrant hues and stunning mystical depictions of feminine and natural beauty that help you connect deeply with the love that is at the very heart of everything in existence. Accompanied by exquisite poetic verses by Richard Cohn and profound messages of guidance by Alana Fairchild, these cards are designed to assist you to find your authentic path through the opportunities for growth presented to you in all aspects of life, especially in your relationships, not only with others, but in your sacred relationship with yourself. Ask the oracle whatever it is you yearn to know, then be carried on a journey through the mists of time, where your answers await... Features 70 cards and 164-page guidebook, packaged in a hard-cover box set. Dragons are beautiful, wise, open-hearted etheric beings of the angelic realms who are sent here by Source to help and assist us. They operate on a different vibrational frequency to us, which is why most people can't see them, but they are very willing to connect with us if we are ready to tune in to their wavelength. Dragons really love the planet and everyone on it, and are pouring into Earth now to help us with the transition to the new Golden Age. They can protect and care for you, be your friend and companion, and help in a myriad of ways. The help they can offer depends on the type of dragon they are. For example, earth dragons can move in front of you, clearing and lighting up your path; fire dragons burn up the lower energies around you; water dragons help you to flow round challenging situations and people; and air dragons help you to rise above earthly matters. As you work with these Dragon Cards you will discover many ways in which dragons can support your life, assist your spiritual growth and illuminate your ascension path. These Dragon Oracle Cards will attune you to the different dragons. They will also offer you guidance about your daily life, your soul mission, your ascension path and how you can serve the planet. Gordon Smith, the internationally renowned medium, and his close friend Tibetan Buddhist and artist Dronma have combined their skills and insights to create an oracle that they hope will help people to live happier lives. This extraordinary deck of oracle cards fuses ancient Tibetan wisdom with contemporary Western psychological insight to give you the keys to achieving a happier and more balanced life. Using the five Tibetan elements of Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Space, this deck will help you understand the elemental forces, of which you and the world around you are composed. Use these 34 cards for daily guidance, individual spreads, or for meditation. Also included is a mandala image for guidance in laying out spreads. The Psychic Soul Oracle Cards by celebrity medium and bestselling author, Mitchell Coombes, offer insightful answers and spiritual guidance on your love life, career, health, family, finances and more.Each of the 36 oracle cards in this unique deck feature a beautiful crystal butterfly to help you tune into your intuition and awaken your psychic senses.With the help of the enclosed

guidebook, you'll discover the meaning of each card and learn how to give yourself and others accurate and insightful readings. With this unique oracle deck, you can harness the power of crystals for healing, divination, and transformation! Created by the founder of The Academy of Crystal Awakening, each of these 56 cards features an exquisite photo of a potent crystal. The booklet offers step-by-step guidance that enables you to tap into your own intuition and work with crystal devas the spiritual energies of the crystals themselves. And eight layouts, from a one-card draw for specific issues to a seven-card layout that covers all aspects of life, can answer questions about the future, point you in the right direction, and help you rediscover the energy and power that is inherent in each of us." A personal and yet universal journey to knowledge and self awareness. Each card visually captures an aspect of the God or the Goddess and of the Wiccan tenets and beliefs. Look at the cards for guidance or for inspiration, to find within the answers to your questions. In times past, it was not uncommon for a seeker of knowledge to request the advice of an Elder; someone skilled in the ability to commune with the energies of nature. Elders were seen as direct links between the people and Spirit, with their words held in high esteem. When questions were raised, the Elder would take up a small pouch, perhaps containing claws, teeth, whiskers and bones of sacred animals which, after a quick shake, would be upended, the contents permitted to spill haphazardly onto the ground. Depending on where and how they fell and the patterns they formed, the Elder would glean information relevant to the seeker by interpreting the messages offered by the animals represented by the claws and teeth. Developed with the corresponding energies of the four directions in mind, the uniquely Australian ANIMAL DREAMING ORACLE embraces this ancient concept in a manner more befitting our times. Instead of the traditional claws and bones, it presents the animal energies to the people as beautifully illustrated portraits, with each animal's Dreaming clearly interpreted in the accompanying guidebook, allowing you to give and receive accurate and inspirational readings for yourself and others. Being a kid in this modern world can be difficult at times; confusing, overwhelming and even a little frightening. Its hard to know what decisions to make and what actions to take, because temptations, dares and opportunities lurk around every corner.There seems to be so much more for kids to be wary of, aware of and ready for these days things that their parents, guardians and teachers never had to contend with when they were growing up.Throughout the history of mankind, ancient cultures believed that we can communicate with and learn from the animals that each animal offers its own unique insights and teachings, which can greatly enrich and deepen our lives, assisting us in communing with the forces of nature.Taking this ancient principle and adapting it into an easy-to-use oracle card set, theyCreature Teacher Cardsyand the accompanying guidebook offer daily guidance, nurturing and practical support from the animal kingdom, specifically catered towards todays young people, as they deal with real issues in a real and confronting world.Drawing on the authors own life experiences as a child, and later as a father, school teacher and mentor to troubled youth, this beautifully illustrated card set offers a powerful, passionate and to-the-point wisdom to gently encourage young people to heal the past, stand confidently in the present and embrace the future as empowered and inspired individuals. Tap into the collective imagination of Native American inspired imagery and symbols. The stylized artwork in this exciting deck provides a unique entry into your own spiritual work. From divination to journeying between worlds, this oracle is sure to help you understand more about yourself and the nature of our world. The companion booklets for most Lo Scarabeo decks are in five languages: English, Spanish, French, Italian, and German. The Oracle of the Innocent Heart is about simple things; the simple things a child will ponder and question for hours, but that an adult may consider for a second and then dismiss as unimportant or trivial. It is an Oracle that asks the adult mind to journey within to seek the advice and solace of the inner child. It asks the mental, relentlessly processing adult mind to be still, to be silent, kind,

and peaceful like that of a child's. To be gentle, to remember, to dream and to listen again to stories that encourage the stagnant mind to wake up, to dare and wonder, to embark on adventures and to rescue princesses from towers and treasure from dragon-filled caves. It is about reigniting creativity, reawakening the inquisitive spirit and nurturing the generous heart; all the things the adult mind once did when it was young, but has now forgotten to do. In short, this is an Oracle for those seeking magic and beauty, permission to heal and the will to grow; not to grow 'up' mind you, but 'back' - back to the Land of Possibility. An Oracle that will transport you back through the years of lost innocence to reclaim a gentle beauty that once lovingly guided your heart and inspired your soul. A beautifully presented set of 44 guidance cards featuring full colour photographs of crystals, gems and minerals. This deck also includes an easy-to-use 88-page guidebook. One of Toni Salernos best-loved oracle decks, totally revamped and updated for a brand new audience. A personal and yet universal journey to knowledge and self awareness. Each card visually captures an aspect of the God or the Goddess and of the Wiccan tenets and beliefs. Look at the cards for guidance or for inspiration, to find within the answers to your questions. Give your spirit a voice with the inspirational SPIRIT ORACLE, now in a new edition with updated cover art. Ask a question, pick a card and listen to the guidance that stems from your own soul. Rediscover the magical and healing power of love that lies within you. True wisdom is the light and love which emanates from your soul. Access your own inner wisdom and bring answers to your questions with this inspiring and easy-to-use card set. Featuring the illuminating artwork of Toni Carmine Salerno, the UNIVERSAL WISDOM ORACLE is designed to provide clear messages and gentle guidance. With the accompanying guidebook, which includes card meanings and various spreads, you will be able to give daily readings to yourself and others. 45 full colour cards Features 45 cards and guidebook, packaged in a hard-cover box. Be guided by the Blue Angel, Archangel Michael, to a sacred space within your heart that is full of eternal wisdom. Together you shall journey along pathways of light and experience the bliss and profound beauty that exists within the soul of creation. The Blue Angel Oracle offers his loving protection, he will help you overcome your fears and find the answers that you seek. You will discover that every question also contains the answer, and the answer is always within you. Michael guides you to your own truth and reminds you of your immortal nature. A personal and yet universal journey to knowledge and self awareness. Each card visually captures an aspect of the God or the Goddess and of the Wiccan tenets and beliefs. Look at the cards for guidance or for inspiration, to find within the answers to your questions. Lord Ganesha, the renowned elephant-headed god, is one of the most revered and worshipped deities in the Hindu pantheon. Ganesha's energy has the power to clear obstacles, bestow wisdom and promote prosperity & success in all ventures. Work with this unique deck to invoke the blessings and protection of Lord Ganesha, patron of the arts and sciences and keeper of great knowledge. Call on him whenever you feel yourself in need of inspiration, guidance, and a clear path through the obstacles and challenges that lie ahead. 50 cards and guidebook There are secret messages all around you; it's simply a matter of being able to hear them. In this graceful and elegant card deck, bestselling author Denise Linn guides you in understanding the events, signs and coincidences in your life, leading you toward a personal and spiritual transformation. Denise's sage guidance helps you transcend and activate your intuition, realize your life's purpose and potential, and achieve a genuine state of peace. These Sacred Traveler Oracle Cards assist you to step behind the mystic veil into hallowed dimensions that will align your inner spiritual existence with your outer life. Each card interprets the signs that are around you and deciphers the secret messages of the universe - from Answering the Call to Discovering

Truth to Infinite Abundance, and more! Use these cards every day and you'll discover what destiny has in store for you. Dream Cards are beautifully rendered cards featuring the art of world-renowned fusion artist Rassouli and bestselling author and dream expert Kelly Sullivan Walden. They're based on the 53 most common dream symbols among modern dreamers and filled with innovative and ageless wisdom. A powerful tool to assist everyone in tapping into their dreaming mind or subconscious (which scientists say comprises 88 percent of our capacity), these cards will interpret your life and fulfill your wildest dreams. They're valuable and fun for all, whether you're in the living room, bedroom, boardroom or private sanctuary. Einstein attributed his theory of relativity to accessing his dreaming mind while awake, and Freud said that dreams are 'the royal road to the subconscious'. As Kelly says, 'Dreams are love letters from home written in our first language that of the soul - communicated in pictures, stories and metaphors.' Mother Mary loves you unconditionally, no matter what your religious or spiritual background. This moving and powerful deck explores the profoundly healing, protective and soothing energy of Mother Mary. Through this oracle, she brings you her guidance and wisdom and connects you with knowledge of your own spiritual potency and divinity so that you may experience ever greater peace and love on your life journey. Illuminating illustrations capture the true essence of Mother Mary's extraordinary energy while the comprehensive guidebook offers detailed messages for each card as well as practical healing processes and affirmations to help you integrate the teachings of the Holy Mother. Boxed kit (5 x 6 1/4) includes a 44-card deck and a 192-page book. Crystals have been used for divination since ancient times. Their powerful intrinsic energies can serve as mirrors to reveal your true path and link you to that part of yourself that is all-seeing and all-knowing. Created by bestselling crystals expert Judy Hall, The Crystal Wisdom Oracle will connect you to your higher, intuitive self, and, in the process, give you amazing insights into your past, present and future. The kit consists of: a fully illustrated book containing 40 crystal profiles and advice on using the Oracle; a deck of 40 crystal divination cards; and a crystal, which is kept atop the cards to keep their energy clear. Shuffle the pack and draw a card for an immediate insight. Or, for more in-depth readings, spread the shuffled cards according to one of the four crystal "lattice" designs the author describes, each one suitable for a different type of enquiry: Square (answering "what if?" questions); Hexagonal (how to move forward); Orthorhombic (hidden obstacles and skills); Triclinic (making decisions). Four card suits reflect the vibrational frequencies of crystals (Earthy, Healing, Cosmic and Integration) and allow you to conduct divinations at various levels, from the material to the spiritual. Superb, specially commissioned photography captures the essence of each of the 40 crystals shown on the cards. Perfect for anyone drawn to the beauty and healing energy of crystals, this Oracle shows you how to call upon them, even in card form, for life guidance and self-knowledge. Everyone has felt a place of incredible power--be it a natural sanctuary, a breathtaking landscape, an ancient temple, a colossal shrine, or even simply a sacred space in the home or garden. Many of the places hold an energy that goes far beyond their physical beauty to stir within us feelings of awe and wonder. At the very heart of this stirring is the remembrance of an ancient time when humankind was intricately connected and in tune with the power of the Earth. This awe-inspiring deck reconnects us with that reality, transmitting the energy of forty-one of the most deeply moving sacred places on the globe, capturing the essence of each one so that we may experience its unique beauty and profound insights. Boxed kit (5 x 6 3/4) includes a 41-card deck and a 128-page book. n ancient times, across countless cultures throughout history, there were those traditionally revered as wise ones - gifted oracles who spoke directly with nature, interpreted signs and omens, and communed with the gods for messages, with extraordinary clarity and foresight. Much of this ancient wisdom and many of their divinatory tools have been forgotten with the passing of time. This unique deck brings them together again, offering the chance to re-connect with different fortune-telling tools & modalities as well as rediscovering the ancient significance of

a multitude of omens and signs from the universe. By rebirthing these lost arts of divination we reawaken our soul's connection with the world of spirit, and gain access to the symbolic answers that guide us to our heart's true desire and higher purpose. 45 cards and guidebook This easy-to-use deck of oracle cards is appropriate for beginners as well as those experienced with divination cards. Fairies are beloved "nature angels" who, since they're so close to the earth, are brilliant at healing and helping with everyday concerns such as relationships, health issues, and finances. Each card has a gorgeous painting of fairies and a message or answer for you. All of the paintings and messages are suitable for children as well as adults. The enclosed guidebook walks you through the steps for giving an oracle reading for yourself or others, and outlines the extended meanings behind each card. Taoism is an ancient philosophy that emphasizes attainment of wisdom and harmony as a way to success. Throughout history it has provided guidance from personal challenges to important sovereign decisions. Now, the principles and essence of Tao are presented within one visionary system incorporating teachings from Taoist masters, the power of nature's elements, the revelations of zodiac animals, and the dynamic interactions among them. Taoist wisdom is now easily accessible to gain insight, devise strategies, and provide a glimpse of changes to come. Consult the cards when confronted with roadblocks, or pick a card to inspire and empower you. The Wisdom of Tao is complete with detailed oracles, vivid images and symbols, clear instructions, and fascinating stories of the ancient teachers and personalities chosen to guide us. Includes 45 cards and 185-page illustrated guidebook. A book and pack of 72 cards for insight and prediction. Every legendary villain has a story ultimately more fascinating than his hero counterpart. These fallen angels are no exception: cast out from heaven, the subversive spirits in this deck have committed at least one of the seven deadly sins to secure their place in the legions of the damned. The cards in Nigel Suckling's oracle are similarly rich with experience, and devilishly direct: Zepar, the angel who makes women love men, reveals the complications of an affair; Gusion, who can discern the past, present and future, calls upon you to let intuition rule; while Shax, who has the appearance of a stork, warns you to protect your wealth. Choose a card for daily insight, or lay them out for a reading, just like tarot... and you will find that your readings have depth and veracity. The accompanying book reveals the card's meaning, and explains the circumstances of each angel's history and wisdom teaching. The illustrations, by artist Sarah Perkins, have been specially commissioned to evoke the dark charm of these most fascinating, mysterious creatures, all of whom offer a special message for you. This 63-card deck (with accompanying guidebook) is loosely based on the traditional Major Arcana of the Tarot. These oracle cards will assist you in answering life's most profound and pressing questions: What is my purpose in life? and What am I here to learn? . . . and they'll also show you how you can quickly and successfully attain your goals. Each card helps you better understand your soul lessons in every situation and guides you toward the highest expression of your soul. By working with the deck and guidebook daily, you'll enter the most direct path to worldly success, and also experience a profound sense of inner peace. This inspirational card set, featuring the illuminating artwork of best-selling artist and author Toni Carmine Salerno, allows you to quickly and easily receive answers to your questions and gain deeper insights into your current state of being. Complete with 42 cards and an 124-page guidebook, featuring an Angel Dictionary, giving you researched information on the Angels, listing their historical / current roles and associations and a section on Communicating with the Angels, the Ask An Angel cards are a set you will want to treasure. The detailed information on how to use the cards and various card-spreads contained in the guidebook will allow you to give in-depth readings for yourself and others, allowing the loving guidance and support of the angelic realm to be a constant and powerful healing presence in your life. Elves and fairies share their Woodland Wisdom to help you move your life forward in positive ways. The Woodland Wisdom Oracle deck is comprised of 29 vibrantly-illustrated cards; 24

Working Wisdom Cards for inspirational guidance, and five Gold Power Cards to reinforce the power delivered by these messengers. The 48-page booklet provides a description for each card, along with a special inspirational message, and sample readings. Big dreams "can" indeed come true! Last season, Amy and Monte reminded their millions of fans to keep love in mind. This year, they're extending their remarkable new concept in card games to include wealth. This stunningly designed set of 36 color oracle cards packaged in a display box with a lift-off top and tri-fold guide actually shows users how to become more prosperous. At the same time, they'll enhance their spirit and learn to pay attention, open their hearts, and feel deserving of a life that can be fully enjoyed. Each card offers a short, inspiring message about attracting success: simply choose one and recite the inspiring words inwardly throughout the day, like a mantra. Amazing, everyday challenges suddenly transform into life-altering Gaia, or Mother Earth, is our home. In this collection of 40 photographic art cards based on the natural world, each card combines two or three nature photographs forming a new, unique image full of color and vibrancy. This rich layering offers nuances of meaning that change every time you view a card. Use the cards as an oracle, a poetic guidebook, or as inspiration for prayers, poetry, story or song, drawing, painting, or sculpting. By meditating on the cards, you can use Gaia's wisdom to spark your own intuition. Listen to Gaia speaking through these beautiful cards and you'll find the answers you seek!

inspire your sixth sense to guide you, using the energy associated with images on 60 beautifullyillustrated oracle cards. Based on the law of attraction, you will choose the cards that are in vibrational harmony with the answers you seek or what you most need to know. Working with these cards on a daily basis will have a positive impact on your life and the people around you. What do you need to know about love? Spark your intuition and connection with Divine guidance and celebrate love through purity and the magnificence of self!

Crystal Reading Cards consist of 62 cards, all with exquisite photos of many of the world's most powerful crystals. Embark on a journey with these crystal reading cards, to a deeper place of love and inspiration in your life. Your deepest questions will be answered with clarity as you open yourself to healing. Richly illustrated with original artwork and intricate Celtic designs, this kit holds the key to unlocking the wisdom of distant ancestors. The "Celtic Wisdom Oracle" includes a deck of 40 cards representing spiritual ancestors, clans, and powerful archetypes, plus an 80-page book that explains in detail how to interpret them. Draw a single card for immediate guidance or lay out spreads of between three and eight cards for more in-depth readings. Being clairvoyant or intuitive is not a magical skill but an innate ability that anyone can learn to develop. Brimming with simple and practical exercises this collection will help you to develop your own natural intuitive and clairvoyant abilities. It is a 'must have collection' for anyone seeking greater clarity and fulfilment now. The package teaches you how to: Meet your Spirit Guides and Angels Conduct a Psychic Conversation Develop the Art of Automatic Writing Experience and Release Past Lives And much more. You can do it! You are Clairvoyant (2007) is a best-selling Mind Body Spirit book. In You are Inspired (2009) Belinda teaches the reader to tap into their true self and real life dreams. Both titles also have companion CD's complements book and CD. You Are Clairvoyant Oracle Cards are a beautifully illustrated 44 deck of cards. Belinda's 3rd CD You are Abundant is a collection of inspiring and uplifting meditations to guide you along the pathway to greater spiritual awareness with your divine guidance and Angels. This beautifully illustrated oracle of 52 cards by the creator of Cosmic Ordering is a fantastic method to develop a closer connection with the power of the cosmos. Picking a card each day will help you focus your intentions and create the right mental attitude to attract the life that you truly desire. Barbel Mohr is the woman credited with inspiring Noel Edmonds to change his life

and fulfil his dreams. This is the first card deck that she has created in the English language and is the ultimate way to improve your cosmic ordering skills. Have you ever wanted to receive a personal message from the Other Side? Now you can! Imagine travelling to a sacred place where you are able to receive communication from your loved ones who have passed on, your ancestors, your spirit guides or even your guardian angels. What if they knew what you needed to know about every aspect of your life's journey? What if, when you asked for advice or a sign about your direction, you could receive it in the form of a postcard from Spirit? Colette Baron-Reid has created this original and unique oracle card system to open a portal to the 'other side' of the veil. Through a compassionate and sometimes playful chorus of voices, it's as if you were receiving a postcard just for you from another dimension - a message that carries profound meaning as well as practical advice. Ask your loved ones, spirit guides or guardian angels to help guide you in all of life's issues. Pose a question and a postcard from Spirit will show up with just the right answer! Nature Spirits Oracle Cards is a 52 easy-to-use deck of cards and is appropriate for all ages. The Nature Spirits are from the elemental kingdom and are powerful healers. When called on, the nature spirits can assist with our daily concerns such as body care and health, work, family, relationships and finances. A guidebook is included that will explain each card and take you through the process of giving a reading for yourself or others. Communicating with angels can bring comfort, wisdom, and answers to life's most significant questions. Making contact couldn't be simpler now, thanks to this beautifully presented gift set. In addition to a deck of 52 specially-commissioned inspirational cards--all with sumptuous four-color illustrations picked out with silver--it includes the stunning 80-page book "Discovering Angel Energy," which explains how to contact angels and invoke their assistance in your daily life. Just choose a card and refer to the corresponding page in the book to find enlightening interpretations and affirmations. The deck is arranged into four suits around the archangels Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, and Uriel--and each one is devoted to a different quality, from justice, protection and truth to peace, healing, and harmony. Work with just one card or several, in easy-to-learn layouts that can help you solve problems, increase self-awareness, or find spiritual light and guidance. And because all the images have deep symbolic resonance, the cards can also be used as a basis for meditation. "The Angel Insight Pack" is the perfect gift or self-purchase for anyone who seeks to draw comfort, guidance, or inspiration from angelic wisdom.