One Day in History

Read the following text. What did some people do on 18th October 2006? ONE DAY IN HISTORY On the morning of Wednesday l8

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Read the following text. What did some people do on 18th October 2006? ONE DAY IN HISTORY On the morning of Wednesday l8th October 2006 5O,OOO people in the UK sat down at their computers. They wrote a blog about what they did the day before for a history website. The idea was to give a picture of life at the beginning of the 2lst century. 1 Pauline, From Birmingham Yesterday was our l0th wedding anniversary. The day was very typical, but the evening was special. I went to work by car as usual. The traffic was terrible, and I was very stressed. The day went fast. At 4.00 I went to pick up my children from the nursery. We went to Pizza Hut and they had a pizza. When my husband came home he had a fantastic surprise for me - a present! A trip to Paris on the Eurostar. I didn’t have a present for him... Terrible! But we had a good dinner and a bottle of apple juice. We went to bed happy. 2 Nick, from Glascow 4.25 a.m. I got up. 5.45 a.m. I went for a swim - 280 lengths. (At the weekend I sometimes do 400 lengths) 9.30 a.m. went to work. Nothing special. 4.30 p.m. went home, and I had a sandwich. 7.50 p.m. went to bed 3 Rachel, from Manchester School as usual. In the afternoon we had history. It was good. Then English - we had a film. At 3.20 we went home and I went on the computer on MSN. Then I did my homework and had dinner. After dinner it was the big match on TV – Manchester United at home to Copenhagen in the Champions League ...3-0 to United. Brilliant! I went to bed late. Read the blogs. Complete the sentences with P (Pauline), N (Nick), or R (Rachel) 1 - Is a teenager R 2 - Is married with children. P 3 - Got up very early N 4 - Didn’t write anything about the morning R 5 - Did a lot of exercise. N 6 - Had a bad morning. P 7 - Didn’t have a very interesting day. N 8 - Went to a restaurant. P 9 - And - had a very good evening. P 10 - Went to bed very early N

Writing Think about the blog post, write a paragraph in about 40 – 60 words mentioning the events of an important day in your life. I had to play a football game in just one month, found a coach, he said “if practice football every day, you will always succeed”, finally, the day came, I played the match, It was a peak emotional state during the whole game, at the end of game we won.