North Nodes by Sign and House

NORTH NODES BY SIGN AND HOUSE Excepts from Jan Spiller’s Astrology for the Soul Aries or First House What to develop In

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NORTH NODES BY SIGN AND HOUSE Excepts from Jan Spiller’s Astrology for the Soul

Aries or First House What to develop Independence Self-awareness Trusting one?s impulses Courage Constructive self-interest Moderation in giving Self-nurturing What to Change Seeing oneself through others? eyes Debilitating selflessness Being Mr or Ms Nice Obsessive attachment to fairness and justice Co-dependence: attachment to external harmony ?Tit for tat? mentality Overall things to avoid or what Aries North Node needs to be aware of: A preoccupation with justice. Aries are very giving people by nature, yet their need for justice and absolute fairness is abyssal. Start with ?playing fair? with themselves by not giving more than they feel comfortable doing and know that nothing will be reciprocated. An unending search for an ideal, committed partnership. The feeling of completeness they are seeking can only be achieved individually; and not a by-product of a relationship, no matter how wonderful the other person is. By going their own direction, the appropriate people will be drawn into their life support them The Real Wants and Desires of Aries North Node To experience happiness, harmony, fairness, and support with one person whom they love. To achieve this, they first must be that kind of partner to themselves. By learning about themselves, and understand they true needs and desires, they will attract this in their mate. They need to find what make and brings them joy and do those things that are self-nurturing. This will make them have sense of balance.

Taurus or the 2nd House What to Develop: Loyalty Awareness of boundaries Taking things one step at a time A sense of self-worth Awareness of personal values Patience Honoring expressed needs of self and others Enjoying the five physical senses Gratitude Awareness of nurturing from Mother Earth (Taurus is an earth sign)

Forgiveness Persistence What to change Attraction to crisis situations Over concern with other?s business Impatience Inappropriate intensity Judgmental tendencies Preoccupation with the psychological motivations of others Resistance to cooperating with what others want Overreacting Destroying something in order to eliminate one part Obsessive-compulsive tendencies Overall what to avoid? a need to seek self-worth through others. What is really wanted: to merge with someone else?s energy and feel mutual empowerment. For this to happen: Taurus north node people must first get in touch with their own values? Must become strong within themselves, aware of what they want, and tune in to what is real and meaningful for them. The challenge is to establish their own energy systems and figure out who they are as individuals. As their energy becomes stronger, they will automatically attract mates of similar energy with whom they can form successful partnerships. Gemini or Third House Qualities to Develop Healthy curiosity Asking questions to learn how others think Seeing both sides of a situations Tact Logic Communication of internal dichotomies A positive approach to life and other people Purposely cheering up others Using a non-threatening approach when expressing ideas Listening Openness to new ideas and experiences Seeking factual informational before making decisions Character Traits to Lose Self-righteousness Aloofness Assuming others know ?where they?re at? Thinking one knows what others? views into account Careless spontaneity Taking shortcuts Taking oneself too seriously; having a ponderous approach to life Acting on intuition without checking the facts Resisting ideas that are foreign to one?s belief system Prejudging present situations on the basis of past experience Traits to Watch For?to Avoid Self-Righteousness can lead them into the endless search for Truth. Since it?s impossible to be ?right? all the time, they never feel good about themselves. Because they argue that they are right, they push others away. With enough humility and openness to really listen to others? view points, they can get to know others which will help them feel more connected.

Cancer or Fourth House Characteristics to Develop Noticing and validating feelings Empathy Nurturing and supporting others Building one?s own foundation and security Honest disclosure of feelings and insecurities Humility Accepting others? foibles and fluctuating moods without judgments Staying centered in one?s own feelings Characteristics to Release Needing to control everything and everyone Compulsion to take charge without fully understanding the situation Ignoring the process; being too focused on the goal Feeling completely responsible for everything Hiding feelings and fears in intimate relationships Doing things to gain respect or admiration from others Taking care of others? feelings and neglecting one?s own Doing what is ?socially acceptable? rather than what is totally honest Thinking that things have to be difficult in order to be important Cancer North Nodes or the Fourth House people must to realize their need to be in control and that in reality, they can?t really control people or situations enough to feel that it?s safe to be themselves. They tend to inappropriately seize others? responsibility by taking charge of situations in other people?s lives without being asked. This comes from a great demand for acknowledgment. Others won?t be able to give enough recognition to their satisfaction. These people will not have enough confidence to feel safe from vulnerability. At some point, they will have to risk in letting others know the truth about their insecurities, along with the fears of abandonment and rejection. After doing this, they will actually gain total safety by revealing their feelings through taking charge of them at a deeper level. They want is absolute control over every area of their lives at all times. Power to succeed is the ultimate goal and an insatiable need. By being in touch with their insecurities, feelings and sharing the truth about this is the way to attain this goal. Acknowledging their insecurities will give Cancer North Node people a stable base to create success in the outer world, since they are no longer fighting or resisting the truth about who and what they really are. Releasing this hidden agenda gives a calm, inner assurance of accomplishing their goals. This will also help develop an awareness and support of other?s feelings as well as for themselves.

Leo or the 5th House Characteristic to Develop Individuality Willingness to take ?center stage? Following one?s heart?s desires Strengthening one?s willpower Enthusiasm Self-confidence Taking risks Relating to the childlike quality in others Enjoying life-having fun Looking at life as a game Developing an ?It?s up to me? attitude.

Characteristics to Release Yielding to peer pressure in order to ?belong? Detaching from emotional situations Aloofness Waiting for others to prompt one?s own actions Excessive daydreaming Running away from confrontations For Leo North Node, an awareness of the overriding needs to feel the acceptance of peers. Friends can?t give enough support for them to break out as individuals and take advantage of the exciting opportunities life brings. Becoming their own best friend and encourage themselves to go after their dreams that will make them happiest. They tend to get wrapped up in finding out more knowledge and they can?t get enough of it to push them forward. They want to have ensured successful creative action and continue to go with the flow, waiting for happiness to come to them. Risking it all and creating their happiness is key and the knowledge will come with this. Leo North Node people really want to receive love. They have an endless need to experience loving energies from others. When they give love to others, all the love they want will come to them. Through the use of creativity to contribute to happiness of others, they create the audience they are looking for. Leo North Node knows they are on the right track by the applause and approval they have by others. These people can accurately use their gift of objectivity to see the games being played around them. The best use of this gift is in intensely creative projects.

Virgo or Sixth House Characteristics to Develop Participation Bringing order to chaos Creating routines Focusing on the here and now Acting on feelings of compassion Being of service to others Analyzing and categorizing Gaining self-confidence through experience Moderation Taking risks in spite of fears Noticing and valuing details Characteristics to Release Being a victim (or having a victim consciousness Confusion and disorientation Avoidance of planning Escapism/addictive tendencies though? drugs, alcohol, excessive sleep, unhealthy relationships Extremism Oversensitivity Self-doubt Feelings of inadequacy Withdrawal Vagueness (not wanting to commit)/inaction Giving up Virgo North Nodes people tend to have a victim consciousness. Others can never give enough reassurance to overcome their inner feelings of helplessness or paranoia. Only when they stop and reevaluate through introspection with themselves will they understand what they have been doing. This process will help them

discover what outer structure they need to create in order to give themselves inner strength and purpose. This will help stop the endless search for a mentor or savior whom they can blindly and to when they can surrender to. However life has shown them that inward surrender will not make the external world orderly and productive. To achieve their goals, they need to organize their lives in a way that fits them to make them feel safe and security. The more they actually participant in life, the more they will find what they are looking for within themselves?.confidence and self-worthiness. To get what Virgo North Nodes really want is security in peace and oneness, they must service others in the here and now. They tend to focus on the Universal themes of life and want to get lost in this reality. Shifting their focus on participation and services will restore order in situations surrounding them. Scorpio and 8th House Characteristic to Develop Self discipline Choosing constructive change Releasing whatever causes stagnation and low energy Eliminating non-useful possessions Enjoying things without having to own them Accepting support from others (ideas, money, opportunities) Enjoying high-risk situations that make one feel alive Awareness of others? psychology (desires, wants, needs and motives) Openness to partnering, supporting, and merging power with others Characteristics to Release Attachment to comfort and the status quo Possessiveness Overconcern with accumulation and ownership Questioning past decisions Stubbornness Getting bogged down in sensual appetites Repeatedly doing things one way (the hard way), knowing there is an easier way Resistance to change and others? input Scorpio North Node?s focus is comfort, through accumulation of money and possessions. These people will never have enough money and personal property to afford to bond with another and feel their needs are completely being met. What they really want is money and accumulating financial resources and material possessions to gain a sense of comfort and stability so they can really begin to live. To achieve this goal, they must be willing to form partnerships with others, finding others who have similar values and resources (money or talent) that they can share. When Scorpion North Node uses their talents to enhance their partner?s energy, truly linking with others as a team, then success is there. Sagittarius or the Ninth House Characteristics to Develop Reliance on intuition, prophetic abilities, and invisible guidance Speaking from one?s Higher Consciousness Developing a sense of freedom and adventure with spontaneity Direct communication free from censorship Trusting oneself Spending time alone and in nature Patience Intuitive listening or hearing the meaning behind the words Characteristics to Release Second-guessing what others are thinking

Indecisiveness Perpetually seeking more information Saying what others want to hear Invalidating intuitive knowing with logic Gossiping Impatience ~ wanting immediate answers, validation Trusting others? perceptions and thoughts instead of one?s own. The biggest issue for Sagittarius North Node/9th House is the need for mental security. They want to say all the right things, so others will like them and agree with them. They got on endless search for the Truth to figure out what to do. Sages need to trust their own intuition and trust and act out of the own truth through integrity, which will draw the right people to them to help gain that security and peace of mind that they search. These people never have enough information. Their thirst for knowledge and spiritual ?truth? keeps them distracted, instead of simply trusting their inner guidance. Feeling a connection with others is what Sages/9th house people really want. They want to be understood, appreciated and supported for who and what they are. When they speak through their intuition, all the right words come as do the right people who are attuned as they are.

Capricorn or Tenth House Characteristics to Develop Self- control Approaching life from an adult position Self-respect Staying goal oriented Sensible approaches to problem solving Keeping commitments and promises Letting go of the past Self-care Accepting responsibility for success Characteristics to Release Dependence Moodiness Insecurity leading to inaction Limiting self through fear Using the past to avoid the present Isolation-spending too much time at home Lack of self-respect Avoidance of personal risk Controlling others through emotional overreactions Capricorn North Node/10th house people need to become aware of their dependence. Their desire to be taken care of which can lead them into a trap of endless searching for security. Emotional dependencies with others that forces people into becoming a basis for their security. They need lots of reassurance to feel safe and need to gain the ability to act like an adult and take charge of their own lives. By recognizing they can take the risk and full responsibility for the consequences, they can gain self respect, assurance that they are looking for. Once they do this, they will feel secure and have control of their destiny. Capricorn North nodes need to take charge of creating what they want for themselves and pursue their goals, helping them gain that much wanted secure and much needed self-respect. Aquarius or 11th House

Characteristics to Develop Objectivity (seeing the total picture) Desire for friendship Making decisions for the group?s best interest Willingness to share unconventional ideas Willingness to champion humanitarian causes Active participation in groups Awareness of equality Relating to others as individuals, apart from their specific roles Creating win/win situations Recognizing how others are special Characteristics to Release Insistence on getting one?s way Making changes just to exercise authority Attachment to taking risks (romance or gambling) Willfulness and stubbornness Attachment to the need for approval Melodramatic tendencies Doing what?s expected instead of following one?s heart Unbridled passion- going to extreme Unawareness of others? importance Prideful responses based on fear Aquarian North Node need to aware of their needs for approval from others. They need to risk disapproval and be true to self and nontraditional ideals in order to develop the deeper and more satisfying of self approval. They never feel free to dedicate themselves to humanitarian concerns unless they can forget their personal desire. When they add their considerable gifts and abilities toward making universal causes successful, their efforts are energizing and rewarding for everyone concerned. If Aquarian North Node people dedicate themselves to a larger cause, they will find that the Universe will fulfill them on the personal level as well. They need to mindful of the old adage: ? Be careful of what you ask for, you may just get it.? Overall, these people want to be loved and in love. They need to learn to go with the flow, to tell the Universe what they want and let life bring others who will recognize and adore them. Learning to receive love naturally, to be open to opportunity and response to those who come into their live to love them.

Pisces or 12th House Characteristics to Develop Being nonjudgmental Compassion Surrendering anxiety to a Higher Power Freeing the mind through meditation and self-reflection Focusing on the spiritual pathway Trusting in positive outcomes Acknowledging connection with the universe Welcoming change Characteristics to Release Hyper anxiety reactions Over-analyzes Obsessive worry Exaggerating the importance of details Critical first reactions Fault finding ? making others wrong

Excessive anxiety over making mistakes Being Mr. or Ms. Perfect Staying in unpleasant situations Inflexibility Pisces North Node people need to be aware of their need for order and unending search for perfection. This need for perfect order helps them feel secure in themselves, yet this can cause continual tensions. Their ideal life or others? ideal is never good enough to let go of the control, postponing love and joy in their lives. They need to accept that the universe?s plan is the best around for all around and let it unfold in divine timing perfection. The only place they create perfect order is within themselves, by surrendering to the Higher Power and trusting that everything is in order as it should be. Pisces North Node must blindly trust the Infinite and accept everything contributes to their greater good and happiness. Pisces North Node want to be right all the time and for everyone to follow their plan?because ?they know best.? They first need to accept that they don?t know the plan and need to turn away from rigidity physical and material planning for themselves and everyone else. Trusting and surrendering to the Higher Power?s wisdom will change their situations to be alignment that they really want. Pisces rules enlightened states of consciousness, the oceanic feeling of oneness with all life. The life purpose is to nurture that state and make it part of their daily experience. **Excerpt from Jan Spiller’s ”