Marijuana Magick- A Practitioners Guide

MARIJUANA MAGICK - A PRACTITIONERS GUIDE – - BY: MAGUS SATIVUS Forward There are those who believe that cannabis, or a

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Forward There are those who believe that cannabis, or any drugs, do not belong in the witch’s spell book. However, this is foolishness as virtually anything we can provide at least some good should be available to the witch or warlock who wishes to use it, as long as it is used responsibly and with the proper motives and deference to the earth. While drugs can certainly cause declines in quality of life, they can also cause great increase in the joys of life as well as the ability of the witch or warlock to improve their craft. The role of this guide is not necessarily to promote the use of cannabis, as well as any other drug, but rather to allow those who choose to partake in this wondrous herb to do so in a responsible manner that is integrated into a full and rich way into their rituals, both in daily life as well as special occasions. The goal of this book is to help integrate this for instant rituals, taking both common rituals these will special rituals that rely specifically on the use of this holy sacrament. What one must realize is that any kind of substance, including cannabis, has a role in our daily lives it is used responsibly and intentionally. Just as wine has a sacred role in the Christian religion, cannabis should have a sacred role in this religion as well as it can help move the mind up into a higher plane as well as increase feelings that allow us to connect with the mother goddess, which is done in conjunction with other rituals, can be excellent way to worship and improve oneself. Cannabis already has a sacred role in number of real religions, including Rastafarianism as well as most likely the early Christian church. This is not something that is foreign or alien to the

earth but rather comes out of it naturally. It is a medicine, a fiber and is this book will explain, a sacrament. While many people see marijuana as a foreign or alien herb, something that causes people to go to a type of consciousness that is not conducive to magick, enlightenment, spiritual bliss or whatever you choose to call it, I do not believe that this is the case. While abuse of substances, or overreliance’s on drugs, or any kind of substance for that matter, can be detrimental, it need not necessarily be so. It is possible and very common to integrate human behaviors and foreign substances into worship. Christians use bread and wine in their sacrament, the various Native American cultures use peyote and ayahuasca to help them attain a level where they can communicate with the gods, and the list could go on and on. I hope to help those who choose to do so, to integrate cannabis into their spiritual rituals in a positive and healthy way that will allow them to enhance their spiritual health, improve their physical and mental health, and continually honor mother earth, pachamama, the giver and sustainer of life. On a legal note, this should only be attempted in states or jurisdictions where one is able to legally obtain and use marijuana.

Blessing the ground This ritual is best used when you want to bless the ground in order to a attune it to a higher level as well as simply to think the earth for its bountiful glory. This can also be used in order to help promote crop growth. This is one of the simplest rituals that involved cannabis, and should be performed often.

The person should first stand in a circle that is approximately 10 feet in diameter, though this can depend on how much space is available to you at the time. The person should draw the circle either with their finger or with a small stick and then begin to draw the pentagram while standing in the middle of the star. The individual should first face towards the south and light the cannabis, and in either a glass pipe or in paper, in say “thank you for the bounty of the ground and the earth”. The person should take one puff of the marijuana, inhale for five seconds or as long as they can, and exhale towards the south. The individual should then face the north and say “thank you for the bounty of the sky, of space and of the aether”. The individual should then take another puff of the pipe or joint and hold it in for 5 seconds or as long as they can. The person should next look towards the east and say “I thank you for the gift of fire, of energy, of warmth, of knowledge. Prometheus has given this to us from you and we thank you for that”. Then take another puff from the pipe or the joint as before and turn to the west and say “thank you for the gift of water, this life sustaining liquid that has allowed us to flourish” and repeat with the pipe or joint again. Now, look towards the north and say “thank you again earth, for your bounty and your glory. Please let me flourish on this earth and you have all of your believed plants and animals, let man and woman live together on your surface in harmony with nature and let us live to abide by your laws and enjoy your grace, bounty and joys” now, sit cross legged or however comfortable you are able in the middle of the pentagram looking south. Close your eyes and imagine the earth as the blue and green marble that it is, pulsating in life and joy and the green and blue rays of energy coming through the surface of the ground to hug your

soul and furnish you with the energy that you are requesting. Now, visualize this energy going into whatever endeavor you wish and fueling it to an amount that you could not previously imagine. Sit there for several minutes imagining the same thing, while chanting softly to yourself if you wish, though this is not necessarily required. What is important is to keep the same goal in mind while opening your soul up to the healing and rejuvenating energies of the earth. At this point, the cannabis will have already helped you open up part of your soul and say “thank you earth for the plants that you give us to use, as medicine for our mind, body and soul. Thank you for these and let us use them responsibly, to heal out body, enlighten our mind and engage our spirit”. Continue meditating here as long as you wish, though try not to let your mind wander too far from the goal that you are setting. When you are ready, you may stand up and say “thank you earth for your bounty, for your joy, for your gifts of pleasure and happiness. Now, gently wipe the pentagram away with a brush so that it cannot be seen anymore. This helps us remember that the earth, like all things, is fleeting and in time will no longer exist though the memories of it and its spirit will continue to live on forever.

Harnessing of the Earth’s Energy This ritual is best for when you are feeling physically ill. Obviously, you should be seeking medical attention from a professional as well as your herbalist and through other natural remedies. What many people forget is that modern medical science, while having many faults and shortcomings, can still be useful for many people and those who are feeling seriously ill should consider this. For this ritual, you will need.


Salt to draw a circle


White and green candles


A chalice


About 4 ounces of liquid of your choice infused with cannabis. Soak approximately 3 grams of cannabis in the 4 ounces of liquid for several hours and then strain. You will then put this in the chalice for drinking First, draw a circle on the ground, preferably outdoors though it can be indoors as well, with

the salt. It doesn’t need to be large, just large enough to comfortably surround you. Now, sit in it if you are able and close your eyes for several minutes while brining your sickness to mind and focusing on your sickness. Slowly, imagine the green and blue healing energies of the earth and the purple and yellow healing energies of the sky enveloping you, pulsating and throbbing, going into where you are sick and healing you. Take the athame and point north with it and say “O’ great north, give me the power and the strength to improve my health, to feel better and allow myself to continue on this great earth”. Visualize the healing white energy enveloping you and improving that which causes you to be ill. Stand there with the athame pointed out so that the point is raised while still pointed north. Allow it to make circles while still pointed that direction and visualize the energy being attracted to the point of the athame and then going through the base of the athame, into your hands, onto your entire body and into the part of your body that is making you ill. Turn to the south of the circle now and say “blessed earth, creator of all that is green and verdant, sustainer of life and spirit and health, home of the plants and animals, big and small, all that has been in existence on your wondrous surface, give me the strength to live, to heal, to improve in all sustainable ways. Help me find the power in myself to do give back to you, mother and father of

all, and stay healthy at all times. Now, drink as much in the chalice as you can while pointing towards the south. Repeat the incantation “ohm, ye, ohm, ye, kwan, ye, kwan, ye, verd, ye, verd, ye, gran, ye, gran, ye” for several minutes while the cannabis takes effect. As it takes effect, visualize the leafs of the plant, each as athames pointing towards the celestial space and acting as lighting rods attracting lightning bolts of positive energy. Imagine the various colors of energy soaking up into the leaf of the cannabis plant and pulsating with green energy and life. When you feel the pulsating sensation in your brain, turn to the east and say “earth, give me the knowledge and wisdom to improve myself, my health, my mind and my spirit. Feed me with your bounty, mother earth, pachamama, sustainer”. Now, turn to west of the pentagram and say “earth, give me the emotional power to heal, to help others heal, to help society heal, to help the earth heal, to help the entire universe heal. You are the sustainer of life, the healer of all that lives on your surface.” Now, face the north again while looking to the ground and say “earth, you have given us the plant and the animals to feed us, to clothe us, to help us grow and flourish on your verdant surface. Allow us to heal and allow me to heal. You have given us the herbs to extend our life, to heal our body, to sustain our minds, to help us unleash the joy and happiness and ecstasy within. You allow us to reach the depths of our minds when we might not be able to ourselves. Thank you, mother, for the gifts you have bestowed upon us”. Continue facing the north, while placing the athame pointed towards the sky with it well above your head. Visualize the healing powers of the heavens raining down upon you, attracted by the power of the athame. Continue visualizing this for several minutes while your body is infused with the energy of the heavens and with blue and white light.

Point the athame towards the ground while visualizing the healing green energy from the earth flowing into your body and healing it. The blue and white pulsating energy is continuing to heal your mind and spirit, and allow the green pulsating energy from the earth to heal your body. Continue in this position for several minutes. After you have finished this portion, look towards the south again and say “thank you mother earth for your healing properties, for your healing energies and for all you have given us now.” Look toward the circle of the pentagram and say “thank you for your power at this moment, and thank you for what you have helped me attain now”. Now, take the broom and brush the circle into nothingness. The ritual is complete.

Feeding the Flame This ritual is meant to celebrate the element of fire, that allows us to sustain human life on many parts of the earth. Fire is something that was in ancient legend handed down to us from the gods by Prometheus. This fable explained fire as knowledge and while it is natural, the ability to start and control it is one of the most important things that man has ever achieved. It is important to remember that fire is one of the most important things that man has learned to harness, and should be celebrated as a type of union between humans and nature in which we create a reaction that mother earth sustains. For this ritual, you will need -

An athame


5 sticks of incense


A bottle of ever clear or other grain spirit


A bundle of wood and some kindling


Salt, preferable from a large container


A large open space, free from distractions and by a fire pit

First, place the wood in the fire pit so that the wood is angled towards the sky with plenty of kindling underneath it. Next, use the salt to draw a large circle around the fire pit, though you do not need to make the star of the pentagram. Say “fire, given from the gods to let us live on this earth, in all places, we worship all places. Fire, you have helped us to live, to eat, to stay warm. We thank you and the earth from which you come. You allow us to smoke the joyous and healing herb. Thank you element of the earth”. Now, begin the fire so that it is burning only slightly and say “man and womankind did not create you, o’ flame, but we have learned to sustain you and harness you. please continue to help us thrive on this earth”. Now, the fire should be slightly higher and slowly pour a small amount of the grain alcohol on the fire while chanting “fire, fire, of the earth, in your flames we live rebirth” chant this for several minutes. Now, take an incense stick and light it in the flame. When the incense is burning, us it to light the cannabis in your pipe and begin smoking. After each toke, say “from the fire we get the flame, we light the sacred herb and begin again”. Do this until the cannabis in the pipe is exhausted. Now, pour some more grain alcohol onto the fire while repeating “I feed the fire of the earth, I ask you to give me rebirth”. Repeat this for several minutes after you pour approximately one cup of grain alcohol slowly over the fire, being very cautious about safety.

Next, say “earth, we thank you for the fire you have given us, now energize me so I can complete what I want to and constantly improve my life, the lives of those around me and give me the energy I need to worship you throughout my daily life. As I smoke my holy herb grown in your sacred ground and use the sacred fire to light it, I ask that all things I do under the influence of his sacred herb be in honor of you, o’ earth.” Meditate on the flame and how it reaches into all areas of our life and while it can be a force for good, it can also do ill. Meditate on this thought for several minutes while soaking up the energy that is being released by the fire. Meditate on the fact that the earth has given us plants that we are now burning for warmth and energy and how this process will be started anew. When you are done, say “I am now breaking the flame” and ensuring that the flame has almost died down close the circle. The ritual is now complete.

The blessing of the oil For this ritual, you will need -

Pure olive oil








Incense stand


Five yellow candles



First, take the cannabis and soak it in the oil. You can use as much as you like, but a few grams for the oil would be sufficient. Let it soak for several days until the oil has been thoroughly infused into the oil. Next, pour it into the chalice and draw a pentagram with the rosemary and put a candle at each point of the pentagram. Light these while chanting “may the earth heal my body and cleanse my soul. Light each candle slowly and thoughtfully as you imagine the earth healing you. now, use all five candles to light the incense while you chant “may the earth bring me the pleasures of the flesh and the pureness of the heart”. Now, place the incense near the head of the pentagram in the incense stand. Take the chalice and say “earth, you have brought this sacred herb so we may be healed and live better lives. Give me the power to heal myself and the wisdom to know myself. Let this herb be my guide as I become a better, healthier person and serve you and others”. Dip your finger in the chalice and take the oil and dab it on your forehead. Next, begin smearing the oil over your face, lips, and upper body while chanting “oh, ya, oh, ya, whe, na, whe, na”. again, spread the oil thoughtfully and purposefully, and visualize absorbing the cannabis into your body and it healing you and bringing you joy. You are able to bring yourself this joy as well, but this herb can help you get there more quickly and easily and that is why the earth gave it to us. Look to bottom of the pentagram and say “earth, thank you for the joys that you have given us on your surface. I thank you.” next, look to the north and say “air, thank you for the life giving properties you bring us” now, look to the east and say “fire, I thank you for the warmth you have given us and allowed us to live in all regions of the earth and to cook.” Now, turn to the west and say “water, I thank you for the life you have brought this planet and for the oceans, lakes and rivers” Go back to the chalice and say “praise to the earth and all of its wonders, give me the strength to heal and improve.” Now, visualize yourself improving, either in health, mental fitness,

moral character or whatever other way you want. The goal of this is to heal and improve any part of ourselves that we wish and through cannabis aiding in the opening of the gateways of the body and the chakras, we can do this in a more succinct manner than we might be able to do solely through yoga or meditation. When you are done, chant “ha, ne, ha, ne, ya, no, ya, no” for several minutes to end the incantation and then close the circle. The ritual is now complete.

The Vortex Materials to be used 1. chalice filled with wine 2. wand 3. sound system (can be of any kind) 4. candle (black, if possible) 5. mirror 6. altar 7. medium amount of cannabis The setting should be a dark room (preferably small). Arrange yourself in front of the altar in which you have set a candle in the middle. On the left side is to be the chalice and on the right side is to be the wand. Behind the altar is to be set a mirror in which the candles light can be reflected. Start the music, which should be something that you personally enjoy, preferably rhythmic and natural (I usually use ocean sounds). Play it as loud as your circumstances allow you. As a rule, the louder that the music is played, the more your mind can become part of the ritual.

Meditate in front of the candle, close your eyes, and reflect on inner peace and balance. Next, take the cannabis and vape it or smoke it until you have fully consumed it. There is no right amount to consume at this point, but it should be enough that you are heavily into it, more so than you usually are. Then, gradually think of your energy growing larger and larger. Visualize it constantly expanding and growing larger. Then think of yourself sucking psychic energy from a black vortex. This is to be from any source possible and whom you suck the energy from does not matter. Now imagine you depositing all of your bad energy into that vortex to be destroyed. Now open your eyes, reach for the chalice, and repeat the words “I drink from this chalice all the good in the world. I proclaim the destruction of all lie and hypocrisy and I shall rise to the ultimate fate. I proclaim upon this day that I am born anew in the light of the sacred earth in the dawn of this new beginning. I consume the sacred herb and I am becoming one with the earth and all of the majestic glory herein”. Drink the wine from the chalice and set it down. Take the wand, point it as if touching stars, and proclaim, “The stars of space reach through my spine and signal a New Aeon of man and woman kind. Praise all the glories of the earth and teach us to live as one with you” Now place the wand down and stare back into the flame. Visualize all greatness coming into you and forming a vortex. Now repeat this sigil and imagine it in front of you as you visualize it. BHWER GRHRE JNRED NURWQ NIRWC

Now recite your wishes and demands as well as grievances. Say all that needs to be said. Then, when you are done, scream, “I am done! I cast out all ill feelings and horrid spirits. I am one with the clean earth and banish demons to the winds!” Awaken in time and feel anew. Liberty is yours for the taking. You are now free.

Smoke and mirrors For this ritual, you will need 1. 3 mirrors 2. five white candles 3. a small alter 4. a vaporizer 5. a fog machine (can be picked up at many novelty shops fairly cheaply or online) 6. Set an alter and on it put the five candles so that they form a pentagram. Next, set a mirror across from you on the altar and 1 mirror on each side of you. light the candles and turn down the lights so that you are almost in darkness. Turn on the fog machine and wait several minutes until it has warmed up and is becoming sufficiently foggy. At the same time, turn on your vaporizer so it has enough time to warm up. When it has become foggy, and your vaporizer is ready, breathe in the vapor, imagining vapor as green smoke that is filling your lungs and brining you natural energy and is anchoring yourself to the earth.

This is a simple ritual for the banishing of the pentagram. You will not need any cannabis specifically for this, but will usually be under its influence when you do this as the ritual will have been over. Stand and inhale fully. Visualize brilliance emanating from your head just above it as you vibrate the vowel “e” (EEEHHH!!) at a high pitch and then a low pitch, alternating between them. Inhale again very slowly and purposefully. Visualize the light coming from your throat as you vibrate “i” (IEEEE!). Repeat this for the chest vibrating “a” (AAAHHH!) slowly and purposefully, alternating between high and low pitch. Do not alternate too quickly. Repeat the procedure again for the stomach vibrating “o” (OOOHHH). Next vibrate each of the vibrations again only this time instead of visualizing a body part, draw a line of a pentagram for each letter. Drawing the line with either a wand or an athame, though your finger could also do if you have nothing else. You can also visualize this as well as your mind should be effective as long as you visualize it very strongly. Turn 90 degrees (from facing east to facing south for example) and repeat the procedure above. Repeat this until you’ve done all four directions. Once you have all of your pentagrams drawn and visualized repeat the above procedure for the body for each of the vowels in reverse order ( “o”, “a”, “e”, “i”).