Learning Activity 2.

Learning activity 2 / Actividad de aprendizaje 2 Evidence: Personal likes / Evidencia: Gustos personales Aprendiz: Anama

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Learning activity 2 / Actividad de aprendizaje 2 Evidence: Personal likes / Evidencia: Gustos personales Aprendiz: Anamaria Pachón Valbuena For this evidence, you have to write a text in English explaining your favorite animals and sports. You have to write simple sentences using the vocabulary and structures you learnt. The text must also have pictures supporting your information. / En esta evidencia debe escribir un texto en donde exponga en inglés a través de frases sencillas y usando las estructuras y vocabulario aprendido, cuáles son sus deportes y animales favoritos; el escrito debe ir acompañado de imágenes. This description must have, at least, six sentences explaining the reasons why those are your favorite things. / La descripción debe tener mínimo seis frases las cuales expliquen claramente por qué son sus deportes y animales preferidos.

SOLUTION My favorite sport is cycling, I don’t practice it but I like, becase it’s a demanding sport, exciting and obviously because in Colombia there are very good cyclists like Nairo Quintana, Rigoberto Uran, Esteban Chaves, Lucho Herrera, and others. Another sport that I really love is figure skating because it’s a very beatifull sport and the diferentes figures that the skater do it’s directly related with ballet. Finally I really like watch on TV the Olympic games and I very anxious because in August are this wonderfull event in Rio de Janeiro.

My favorite animal are cats, dogs elephants, in fact I think that the all animals are beautiful and all of them play a role very important in this planet, an we as humans must care for them, love them, protect them and save them from bad people who only wanna to get money, that situación is very sad. We are all beings must live in harmony an peace.