Joey Yap - BaZi Essentials - Creators (Output Structure)

THE FIVE STRUCTURES 創 CREATORS 作 OUTPUT STRUCTURE 型 Find out your Structure with your phone / browser

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your Structure with your phone / browser

Innovative Fun-loving Expressive

Find Out what your Structure is with your phone/browser 1. Go to

2. Key in your Date of Birth

3. Your Structure is instantly revealed Your Structure is:

CREATORS (Output Structure) 2

* The calculator will automatically convert your Western date of birth to Chinese in deriving your Day Master

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CREATORS (Output Structure)



Output Structure

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BaZi Essentials: The Five Structures CREATORS (Output Structure) Copyright © 2010 by Joey Yap All rights reserved worldwide. First Edition April 2010 All intellectual property rights contained or in relation to this  book belongs to Joey Yap. No part of this  book may be copied, used, subsumed, or exploited in fact, field of thought or general idea, by any  other authors or persons, or be stored in a retrieval system, transmitted or reproduced in any way,  including but not limited to digital copying and printing in any form whatsoever worldwide without the prior agreement and written permission of the author. The author can be reached at: Mastery Academy of Chinese Metaphysics Sdn. Bhd. (611143-A) 19-3, The Boulevard, Mid Valley City, 59200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel : +603-2284 8080 Fax : +603-2284 1218 Website : DISCLAIMER: The author, Joey Yap and the publisher, JY Books Sdn Bhd, have made their best efforts to produce this high quality, informative and helpful book. They have verified the technical accuracy of the information and contents of this book. Any information pertaining to the events, occurrences, dates and other details relating to the person or persons, dead or alive, and to the companies have been verified to the best of their abilities based on information obtained or extracted from various websites, newspaper clippings and other public media. However, they make no representation or warranties of any kind with regard to the contents of this book and accept no liability of any kind for any losses or damages caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly from using the information contained herein. Published by JY Books Sdn. Bhd. (659134-T)






The Good








The Bad


Needs Attention










The Good


The friendly parent










Output Structure

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The Bad








Jumping to conclusions





The Bright Side



The Dark Side





The Good











The Bad








The know-it-all



Suitable Careers



Suitable Job Roles & Environment





Obstacles to Wealth



Best path to Wealth







Output Structure

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At, you will find some useful tools to ascertain key information about the Feng Shui of a property or for the study of Astrology. The Joey Yap Flying Stars Calculator can be utilised to plot your home or office Flying Stars chart. To find out your personal best directions, use the 8 Mansions Calculator. To learn more about your personal Destiny, you can use the Joey Yap BaZi Ming Pan Calculator to plot your Four Pillars of Destiny – you just need to have your date of birth (day, month, year) and time of birth. For more information about BaZi, Xuan Kong or Flying Star Feng Shui, or if you wish to learn more about these subjects with Joey Yap, logon to the Mastery Academy of Chinese Metaphysics website at

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CREATORS (Output Structure)


Innovative, Fun-loving, Expressive



Output Structure

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The BaZi Structures: Knowing Your Place in the World The idea for the BaZi Essentials series of books arose out of a desire to simplify the sophisticated study of Chinese Astrology into something a little easier to digest. Too many people are only familiar with the “12 Animal Year Signs” type of Chinese Astrology. But the true form of character traits in Chinese Astrology stems from the Day of Birth, not the Year of Birth. My previous series on the BaZi Essentials: 10 Day Masters focused on exactly that – the individual Day Master based on your Day of Birth. If you’ve read my books on BaZi, BaZi – The Destiny Code and BaZi – The Destiny Code Revealed, or even taken any classes on the subject, you probably know that there is really NO end to BaZi studies. There may be a finite amount of theory or principles to learn, but the methods of application and interpretation are varying, complex, and hence, endless. That’s precisely why BaZi can become a lifelong study and education. The book you’re currently holding in your hands belongs to the BaZi Essentials: 5 Structures series. It takes one step higher into demystifying the complex nature of BaZi studies to help you understand how you use BaZi your daily life, and to navigate through the events and people in your world. But how is the BaZi Structures series book different from the Day Master series? Well, consider BaZi to have 3 layers of complexity based on the information gleaned from your day of birth:


10 Day Masters (Level 1) Who You Are - The Day Master reveals your basic character; your essential personality traits, strengths and weaknesses fall under this.

5 Structures (Level 2) How You Approach the World - The Structure reveals your personality in relation to the world. In essence, your BaZi Structure shows you your modus operandi – why you behave the way you do, and what attitudes you project in life.

10 Profiles (Level 3) What You Do - The Profile reveals your individual lifestyle. It helps you understand what you do in the world, and how your actions are manifested. Your BaZi Profile explains your ‘style’ of operation in life. It’s about how you function as a unique individual. If you don’t know what’s your BaZi chart or your Structure, don’t worry. You can log on to my website at www.joeyyap. com/bazi5s to find out your Structure instantly.



Output Structure

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It goes without saying that if you’re an Output Structure, you’re obviously more than just the characteristics listed here. You’re not only a confident, talented performer who is great with ideas, with the occasional propensity to having a diva moment! This book will, however, provide you with a general blueprint as to how you approach your life. What are your most negative and positive personality traits? What are you like as a friend, as a parent, and as a worker? What type of careers and job roles are best suited to your disposition, and how to you deal with everyday problems, challenges, and issues – whether in your professional or personal life? What is your attitude to wealth, and how would you best go about making the most of your talents to gain more wealth? In other words, what’s your path of least resistance to wealth? All these questions and more are addressed in this book, so that you’re able to see exactly how the Output Structure person is reacts to and interacts with external influences. But bear in mind that in BaZi, the concept of STRONG or WEAK elements play a big role in determining how much of a Output Structure you are. These factors are too varied and complex to be discussed here in a simple book (it is, however, a fundamental section of my professional BaZi courses and Destiny Code series of books). Suffice to say that to read and understand this particular book, you merely need to be aware of this concept. If your Structure is strong, you’ll exhibit more of these tendencies outlined in this book. The strongest element in your chart determines your BaZi Structure. However, it is entirely possible for one person to have a mix of Structures in his or her chart because of the different elements. As such, not everyone is a pure Structure. The second strongest element in your chart is known as your secondary BaZi Structure, and determines your secondary nature. Consider it your sub-behaviour, if you will. The print-out of your chart that you obtain from my website as mentioned above will clearly indicate the second strongest element.


A healthy BaZi Structure is one where the strengths of all the elements are balanced; one where a single element is not too strong. When an element is too strong, it becomes known as an extreme BaZi Structure. This is typically indicative that more of the negative traits of that particular structure will prevail. You do need to bear in mind that this book shows you the traits of the Output Structure in general, and doesn’t take into account the particularities of your entire BaZi chart! Therefore, it also becomes extremely valuable and important to get a complete BaZi consultation from a professional, or to take a full BaZi course and learn and master the interpretation skills for your own individual use. BaZi is a study that helps us understand ourselves, make better decisions, and ultimately, enables us to shape our life for the better. These compact, easy-to-understand guides are designed to help you fulfill your life’s goals in a more meaningful way. I hope to make BaZi a relevant a part of your life – and may the knowledge that you gain serve you in all of life’s endeavours. I wish you much pleasure and excitement in your journey towards understanding BaZi and applying it in your life.

Joey Yap April 2010 Author’s personal website : Academy websites : l

Follow Joey Yap’s current updates on Twitter : Join Joey Yap on Facebook :


朋 友 peng you





Output Structure

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INTRODUCTION What is the Output Structure Personality? They are the creators. In a nutshell, they are the idea-makers, the conjurers, and the visionaries. Output Structure people are appealing and extremely charming. As creators, they are the ones coming up with the plans and structures and dreaming up great ideas and backstories. They have talent and smarts in spades. Output Structure people will be the ones telling the story and being the centre of attention. They are often, without a doubt, the stars of the show. Funny and witty with a great sense of presence, Output Structure individuals live in the moment and have loads of energy. They have unending enthusiasm and drive for a project or endeavour that grabs their attention. They enjoy what is unique and different, and their thinking is


often out of the box and utterly fresh. A novel path or idea is the one where the Output Structure is most likely to be found travelling. They are often gifted at verbal expression and articulation, and are wildly expressive with their gestures and their mannerisms. At certain points, Output Structure people can exaggerate too much and be somewhat of a drama queen (or king!). They have a tendency to be flaky and excitable, and are prone to being self-promoters who only have eyes for what’s new and what’s cool or interesting, while everything else falls to the wayside. While they’re not exactly self-interested, they can be a little too keen to advance their own cause at the expense of others.


好 hao




Output Structure

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SPONTANEOUS Impulsive and fun

The Output Structure person is a real live-wire with a terrific sense of fun. They enjoy spurof-the moment activities, and are always ready to follow the lead of their impulse. This is because they’re unconventional people who are always on the lookout for new, fresh events, people, ideas, and things. Output Structure individuals have very appealing personalities that’s always looking for ways to shine. They want high dazzle, drama, and mystery. Combined with their sense of fun, this makes them people that others want to be around. They are constantly bubbly and cheerful, and possess a high sense of energy and enthusiasm for the best of plans.


Their sense of curiosity also keeps them fresh, enabling them to constantly seek out what is intriguing. They constantly ask questions and live squarely in the present, making them highly infectious people to be around. Output Structure people are rarely fans of routine and what is predictable and consistent.

KEY FACTS • Rarely banal • Impulsive • Always up for something new • Keen for fresh excitement



Output Structure

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All the world’s their audience Output Structure people are mostly extroverts by nature. They enjoy people, and enjoy being around people. Making friends with others comes easily to them, especially once someone has piqued their interest. They enjoy collecting intelligent, talented, witty, and extraordinary people around them – and indeed, they are the type of people who will have little flocks of fans around! Their natural flair and verve makes them very entertaining guests and people to be around. They want to be where the action is, and loves to have a jolly good time – and more often than not, this involves time spent with other people, not alone. They are keen to have applause and laughter surround them, and will cultivate human relationships in order to be able to have this regularly.


Because they have innate talents in talking, and are known to be able to spin truly entertaining stories, Output Structure people are good at drawing out introverts. They are known to get even the ‘shy’ ones up and laughing. Their ability to look on the bright side of things also makes them highly-valued as co-conspirators, co-cheerleaders, and as friends and colleagues.

KEY FACTS • Friendly • Outgoing • Draws people in • Keen to know more people • Likes to spend time with others



Output Structure

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Highly infectious good energy Output Structure people are instantly recognisable by their enthusiasm. There is never a dull moment around these people, as their transmittable high energy truly propels the momentum of any event. Others find it undoubtedly refreshing and uplifting to be around them, because they definitely know how to liven things up and create a good atmosphere. Output Structure people also like to convey their sense of enthusiasm to the people whom they like. They can be very affectionate and touchy feely, constantly wanting to hug their friends or ruffle their siblings’ hair! They can present themselves as being rather wideeyed and innocent, but this is just a natural by-product of their fervent curiosity. They


are very animated, and often wear their expressions on their face. Current events and yes, even gossip, fuel the flames of their passion! They enjoy being in the know and in the thick of things precisely because they are active participants in the game of life, not watchers or bystanders. Their sense of energy and passion for what they do also makes them very clever and knowledgeable; indeed, Output Structure people are often sharp, alert, and on-theball with most matters of current interest.

KEY FACTS • High-energy • Extremely passionate • Affectionate with others • Curious and up-to-date • Inspires positive energy in others


壞 huai




Output Structure

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“No one is more popular than I am!” When their qualities start to manifest as negative qualities, then Output Structure’s propensity to like being in the centre of attention makes them... too much of an attention-seeker! However, the Output Structure individual places a high amount of value on attention and the quality of it that they generate. Because of this, they enjoy the limelight a little too much and don’t always realise when they’re taking too much of it. They want to be thought of as unique and extraordinary, and as such take it personally when the attention is no longer on them.


They are rather competitive, and tend to see popularity as a bit of a contest too. Output Structure people are also very dramatic, and can sometimes be overly expressive. This expressiveness needs an audience, and for this reason they can sometimes insist on it a little too much. Their persistent energy may be too much for other people to take.

KEY FACTS • Must be at the centre of everything • Craves popularity • Wants to be unique and thought of as special • Can be a diva



Output Structure

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Wanting to follow their own path As befits their strong personalities, Output Structure individuals enjoy being the dominant ones in a relationship. This means that they enjoy being looked up to, to some degree, and also enjoy being the constant go – to person that everyone else turns to. They like to feel useful and needed, but more than that, they must feel as though their words and advice are actually implemented and used. As such, Output Structure people can be rather insistent in trying to implement their way. Usually, if they give someone words of wisdom, they expect to be followed. Whether it’s deciding on a place to eat or which movie to watch, they constantly expect to have the last word, and they hope


that their advice is always taken. Their ideas must excite other people, or they become quite unhappy. This doesn’t necessarily mean that the Output Structure like to use others, but it’s just that their natural sense of curiosity gets them involved in other people’s lives. They don’t understand why other people don’t want to consult them for most things, and take it personally when friends choose to disregard their two cents worth. Sometimes, they can get affronted and take this as a personal slight.

KEY FACTS • Wants to be leader of the pack • Likes to give suggestions • Expects advice to be followed • Wants to show others the way



Output Structure

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Easily swayed by newer, more exciting ideas Strangely enough for Output Structure people who are naturally confident and daring, they can become rather fickleminded. They change their minds quite often, and are rarely of the same frame of mind between the space of time of now and, say, tomorrow! This is largely due to their curious nature. Their mind is like a sieve; it processes all sorts of information because they genuinely want to know about things that interest them, but they can however be prone to being influenced by this need for excitement and freshness. As such, if they don’t find something exciting or noteworthy, it tends to be low on their list of priorities.


Their head is continuously filled with new ideas and thoughts, and because of this, it is sometimes impossible for them to be consistent and constant with any of their ideas. As such, others often have a hard time keeping up with Output Structure because the goal post moves so often! It’s difficult for other folks to get a grip on what Output Structure is saying.

KEY FACTS • Easily influenced by newer ideas • Changes mind easily • Forgets what is not important to them • May neglect important facts and events


父 母 fu mu




好 hao




Output Structure

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Being the ‘cool’ parent Where their kids are concerned, the Output Structure person approaches them with the same sense of fun and playfulness as they do with their regular life. They act more as friends to their children than as actual parents or supervisors. They don’t alienate their kids by setting up strict boundaries that prevent natural interaction from occurring. There are no strict boundaries they adhere to, that make their kids separate in the parent/child category. The Output Structure parent wants to be completely immersed in their child’s life, and will take the necessary steps to do, and to be seen as a fun-loving cool parent. They will be heartened if their children approach them more than they do their own friends.


The Output Structure parent will have good relations with his or her children because of this. Because of this, their kids’ friends will also enjoy hanging around the Output Structure. In fact, their friends will probably enjoy interacting more with the parent than the kids themselves!

KEY FACTS • Approachable • Dislikes parent/child boundaries • Is open to their kids • Likes to play down formalities



Output Structure

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Circus master of the home The Output Structure parent doesn’t maintain his or her home in traditional ways. They like the domestic scene to be a place of fun and play. Indeed, it plays to their strengths as creative visionaries to do away with the traditions, conventions, and formalities of a staid and stable home. As parents, they like to imbue their children’s life with a sense of fun. As such, the Output Parent will typically be the one horsing around and goofing off with his or her kids. They are not above rough horse-play or joking about, and will gladly get into the dirt and muck with their kids and have a good time. They encourage it, and prefer to see their kids having fun than strictly adhering to the rules. There is no such thing


as “Children are seen and not heard” in the Output Structure’s house! They also like to organise a whole heap of activities that will keep their kids entertained. Life as a child in the Output Structure’s household is rarely ever dull, and is always packed with things to do from morning to evening. As they are extroverts who like to participate in all that the world has to offer, the Output Structure parent likes his/her kids to do the same, as well.

KEY FACTS • Playful • Never a dull moment • Is as mischievous as the kids • Not a strict authoritarian



Output Structure

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Using humour as their best weapon As befits their tendency to be fun-loving, playful parents, the Output Structure’s best weapon as a parent is their tendency to be incredibly funny and humorous. From a young age, they expose their kids to their delicious wit and appreciation for all the funny things in life. This is a good thing, as the Output Structure’s household is always filled with laughter. They encourage their children to see the funny side of life, which, if one looks hard enough, is always there. Because of this, they prefer to turn disasters and catastrophes into funny events. The Output Structure’s children are rarely to be found crying over spilt milk for long. They’ll soon be found laughing over the funny shapes it makes on the floor.


Because of this, Output Structure parents tend to instil a sense of resilience in their kids, whether they realise it or not. Being able to laugh at the world and at themselves without taking things too seriously allows them to grow up with a sense of perspective.

KEY FACTS • Uses humour to deal with disaster • Wisecracking • Loves to laugh • Makes a joke out of tough times



Output Structure

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Always finding the silver lining Hand-in-hand with their love of humour, Output Structure parents are eternal optimists in their role as parents. They are not the hand-wringing, doom and gloom type of people who emphasise the worst in life and show their children how to mope and sulk. Instead, they are optimistic and try to see the bright side of life. Whenever things go wrong, the Output Structure person will teach his or her kids to find the silver lining in every cloud. They encourage their children to dwell on the positives, and to avoid moping over the negatives. As a parent, they help their children see that any setback is only negative for a temporary amount of time.


As such, they generally try to raise their children to be as cheerful as they are. It’s not so much a “Grin and bear it” mentality as a “Look hard and you will find something to grin about” type thinking. This sense of humour and optimism will help their children go a long way toward solving their own problems and dealing with their misfortunes.

KEY FACTS • Looks at the bright side • Avoids dwelling on the negatives • Uses optimism as a resource • Focus on learning something from the good


壞 huai




Output Structure

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The ‘anything goes’ household As a parent, Output Structure does not lead the most well-maintained and carefullycontained household. No, as much as it suits their rag-tag personality, Output Structure parents tend to be rather messy and harried. Their home is literally quite a frenzy of things and events. Now, the Output Structure parent doesn’t set out to be messy and untidy. It’s just that they’re constantly interested in everything around them. As such, they collect things and paraphernalia that tend to clutter up the home and bring about a terrific sense of mess, giving the higgledy-piggledy effect.


The Output Structure parent naturally doesn’t believe him or herself to be occupied with the matter of cleaning and organisation. Therefore, it helps if their kids are able to do this for them! In some ways, as the Output Structure is eternally a child at heart, any children they choose to have will sometimes have to play the role of the mature grownup!

KEY FACTS • Untidy • Disorderly • All over the place



Output Structure

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“Oops, I forgot my child at the dentist’s!” A classic trait in the Output Structure personality’s nature is its forgetfulness. In its general life, the Output Structure person is liable to forget names and appointments with impunity. It’s not that they mean to, but it’s just that their head becomes like a sieve when there’s too many things to process at once. They only have space in there for the important facts and forget the miscellaneous, trivial details of whose name is what and where to meet for dinner! Likewise, as parents, most Output Structure people are occasionally forgetful. It’s not so much that they forget the names of their kids as they forget where their kids are, and with whom. They tend to make it a recurring habit to forget all their children’s appointments, and will often be found waiting to pick them


up at school when they should be at the badminton courts! Output Structure also packs on too many activities into their own calendars, and their children’s. As such, they have trouble keeping track. But the main reason for this is simply because Output Structure people tend to forget stuff that they find too boring or unworthy of their attention. As such, routine chores or events like “doctor’s appointment” and assorted stuff tend to fall to the wayside because it’s not on their mental priority list.

KEY FACTS • Lacks memory for the boring stuff • No head for times and names • Mixes up schedules • Preoccupied



Output Structure

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DISORGANISED The helter-skelter life

As a parent, Output Structure also lacks certain time-management skills and does not really know how to structure their children’s lives. As such, things are often piled up one on top of another. There is no coherence to the daily schedule of activities, and very often this can prove to be a terrific nuisance! In general, Output Structure is unable to be organised and methodical in all that it does. Even in its day-to-day life, they prefer to live the organisation of stuff to everyone else. Because they rarely adapt organisational skills for themselves, they grow to become parents who are unable to implement it in the lives of their children.


For the most part, most Output Structure people find it hard to get excited about organisation. It just seems like a very dry, “must-do” chore that saps the energy of their daily life. Hence, even as parents, they live more in the present and tend to have the mindset of taking things day-by-day, or as they come. Also, because they’re more of a big picture type of person they tend to miss out on the little details.

KEY FACTS • Unstructured • Not methodical • Does not get excited by the idea of organisation • Doesn’t focus on the details • Lives in the present



Output Structure

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JUMPING TO CONCLUSIONS Doesn’t listen to the whole story

As parents, Output Structure people are very much into listening to their own voice – sometimes, to the detriment of those of their children! This does not come out of any meanspirited attempt to ignore their children; in fact, most Output Structure parents aren’t even aware that they’re doing it. They’ve just gotten used to focusing on their own voice for so long. Because they enjoy listening to their own voice, as parents they can override others’ stories – even those of their children! Naturally, Output Structure parents don’t see themselves as doing anything intentionally mean, but their children may see it from a different perspective!


As such, their children may also have some trouble getting their point across to their parents. If this is left to carry on, it could lead to potential communication problems – with the children talking about one particular thing, and the parents talking about something else entirely! Again, the Output Structure parent doesn’t mean to disassociate, but it’s just that the more outrageous or interesting thing grabs their attention first!

KEY FACTS • Cuts off children’s stories • Interfering • Tries to race ahead to the conclusion • Does not allow the children to finish speaking • Focuses only on what grabs the attention



The Output Structure Personality at a Glance


優 點 you dian



• Entertaining All the world’s a stage, and you’re indeed the star of the show! A natural livewire and brimming with energy, you’re meant to be put under the spotlight for a reason – you entertain. You thrive on compliments and enjoy being the envy of others. • Funny You truly possess a genuine sense of humour, because you enjoy laughing at yourself and the world at large. Nothing escapes your radar of hilarity. You enjoy wit, repartee, and a strong sense of irony – all of which sharpens your sense of humour to a fine point. • Creative You’re the creative dreamer who can come up with plans and ideas that can literally take everyone else’s breath away. You’re good at conceptualising stuff that others can only dream of. You enjoy impressing others with your creativity.



Output Structure

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• Confident You’re literally able to create a name or a brand for yourself based on your talents, skills, and capabilities. While others wonder ‘what to do with their lives’, you march forward with verve and confidence. You are ingenious and unique, and command the respect of others through your selfassuredness. • Innovative You’re often the go-to person for a solution or an idea when the rest of the team has come up with nothing – or the same thing they’ve been coming up with for the last 3 years. You’re always keen to take an existing framework and make it better, or better yet, come up with something new from scratch.


• Performer You’re a natural-born performer. Why quietly share your ideas with someone while huddled in a corner when you can shout it out from the stage, or sing it out, or even get up on the table and preach it? You don’t believe in working subtly from the background. You enjoy the attention and are able to command it and hold others in thrall. • Enthusiastic You are full of energy, and are completely enthusiastic with the things that you’re interested in – which is mostly everything. No one can accuse you of being dull or dispirited. You often are keen to suck out the marrow out of life, and do it will full-on optimism.


弱 點 ruo dian



• Superiority complex Sometimes, you have to admit, you do think you’re superior to or better than anyone else. But this is something to guard against. As they say, pride always comes before a fall! You are more likely to slip, stumble, or make a mistake the more you continue to think that others have nothing worthy to offer you. • Contemptuous You often dismiss other people’s suggestions as too pedestrian, but it’s easy to miss the diamond in the sand when you’re not even looking. You use contempt as your best order of defense against inanity and stupidity, but you rarely see how you alienate others and discard good ideas.



Output Structure

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• No staying power Like a racehorse, you’re often off and running to a very good start. Unlike a racehorse, you rarely have the stamina to see things through till the end because of your arrogance. But even racehorses need to run around the track before they can compete, and it’s a value worth practicing in your own life. • Egotistical Because you’ve often been told that you’re the best, you sometimes let it go to your head. Let’s face it, you’re often the best because of your energy and your drive, but if you’re smug and selfimportant, no one will be able to get along with you!


• Spoilt Much like the goddess Juno sent a gadfly to torment Io in Roman myth, you can be insufferable when you think you’ve been thwarted. You’re able to throw a tantrum and be a difficult diva – antics that could put true-blue divas to shame.

• Loud You enjoy the sound of your own voice just a little too much. This can prove to be a problem, especially when you’re monopolising conversations at business deals and dinner parties, sidelining other people who also have something to say. • Immature Yes, you can often behave like a toddler who refuses to grow up, by being naive and temperamental and moody. Occasionally, you can also be rather self-centred and thinks the world revolves around you – much like how little people do!


事 業 shi yue




好 hao




Output Structure

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The dreamer, the visualiser, the visionary You know those annoying types who always seem to have an ‘Eureka’ moment? That’s the Output Structure individual. People who fall under this Structure are very creative, and receive their inspiration and motivation from being able to think of new things and come up with ideas that no one else has barely thought about, much less even dreamed of. They are innovative, and enjoy improving on old things. It’s never just good enough for the person of the Output Structure; it always has to be better than it has ever been before! They have the ability to look at the big picture or idea, and derive new ways to get from one place to another. In the workplace, they’re full of zest and energy and driven by the need to reform, change, transform, adapt, and revolutionise!


You can bet that it was the Output Structure individual who first made lemonade out of lemons. Not content with coasting along enjoying how ‘things already are’, Output Structure individuals invest thought and energy into shaking things up and making what’s good, even better. They thrive on visualising their ideas and coming up with the plan.

KEY FACTS • Always inspired • Imaginative • Able to see things differently • Innovative and radical • Thrive on changes



Output Structure

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The star of the show Output Structure individuals have a flair for the dramatic, and are meant to be squarely in the spotlight. They are often very verbal and animated, excitedly conveying new ideas with expressive hand gestures and probably hitting things within immediate vicinity in their bid to articulate themselves. They are gifted with expressing themselves; hence, they have no problem conveying an idea or thought. They are often the star of the show, and like to be the centre of attention as a result. During brainstorming sessions or meetings, the Output Structure person is the one on whom everyone has their eyes trained. Because of this natural propensity to be in the spotlight, they are also ably gifted with the ability to show others the way and teach them how to do things. They are confident and rarely have doubts or insecurities about their ideas and plans.


They love getting on their soapbox, or being at the head of a presentation, or pitching new ideas to clients, customers, and even their own boss! Output Structures are often fun, the life of the party and the workplace, and they know how to command the attention and keep it long enough to get their point across. In fact, the more attention they receive, the more motivated they become. Not for them the behind-the-scenes toiling, or the understated or subtle modesty of a humble worker!

KEY FACTS • Dramatic and theatrical • Very eloquent and articulate • Excitable and inspires excitement • Confident



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SELF-AWARE Skilled in personal branding

The Output Structure individual is very much into branding, and knows how to make a name for his or herself through inherent talents and capabilities. As such, the Output Structure is very self-aware. From young, they have a clear idea of their gifts and talents, and know that the best way to make a name that sticks is by capitalising on those talents and gifts. They allow their skills to manifest as ideas or physical actions, or take their ideas and make them workable projects that bring upon recognition and reputation to the self. Whether they do it on behalf of themselves as individuals, or as part of a corporation or company that they’re with, they are very adept at creating a brand or a name and making it stick in the eyes of everyone else.


This, combined with their ability to craft new projects and plans and think up new ideas, often lead to a kind of ‘tipping point’ effect. Output Structure individuals are often the ones starting new trends and fashions, and leading the latest rage over some brand new concept. Their confidence and high levels of energy also prove to be a boon, as their branding attempts often become infectious and utterly irresistible to others.

KEY FACTS • Good at marketing the self • Make a name through skills and talents • Craft concepts that stick • Confident of own abilities



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A rebel with a cause The Output Structure person is always serving a cause of his or her own making. They are always engaged in a fight with the world – not in the sense of beating everyone down, but more to the point of taking what exists and running the full gamut with it. Or else, they see great appeal in starting from scratch and exploding in a fever of pure success and exhilaration. They don’t like to be told what can or cannot be done. They usually rebel against what they see as conventional norms or methods of doing things because they’re always convinced that there’s a way to do it better – and more often than not, they’re always right! Not for them the staid path of the tried-andtested, the usual recourse to the tried-andtrue. As Output Structures are very sure of themselves, they tend to possess a greater propensity to dive headfirst into endeavours that others will consider risky and unchartered territory. In fact, much like the early colonisers


of the vast land of the Americas, the Output Structure person sees herself as an explorer and a discoverer of new ideas, methods, and concepts. They truly get a thrill from coming up with something totally over-the-top, or devising a completely unique strategy that takes off in new directions never thought of before. To do this requires a courageous mindset – one that is willing to suffer any risks in the course of creativity and imagination. This mindset belongs firmly to those of the Output Structure variety. As such, there’s never a dull day with these individuals!

KEY FACTS • Loves a challenge • Craves a risk • Rebels against norms • Chafes against restrictions


壞 huai




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Being a tad hardheaded... just a tad! On the flipside of their extreme confidence, Output Structure individuals have a great tendency to be extremely stubborn because they always think they’re right. Naturally, no one can be right all the time. The rest of the world knows this, but good luck trying to convey this information to the Output Structure person. One is very likely to get lambasted in return! But the fact of the matter is, one can’t be right all the time, but the Output Structure person has very little humility in his or her nature to allow themselves to admit to mistakes. Worse still, they have no personal mechanisms for admitting to or accepting failure. Once they’re convinced that what they’re doing is the only way to do things, or that their idea is the only one that works, they literally tune out other people’s suggestions and feedback.


In a group situation, it may take lots of people or colleagues to come together before the Output Structure person is able to admit defeat. A lot of it also has to do with their unwillingness to ‘lose face.’ Because their success rates are often high, the only way they know how to deal with something that is not success is by digging in their boots and refusing to budge an inch. Others often have a hard time cracking that veneer of stubbornness and getting the main point across.

KEY FACTS • Hard-headed • Convinced that they’re always right • Unreceptive to others’ suggestions • Always arguing their point



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Adopting the diva routine Because they’re so often up in the spotlight, Output Structure people can get very used to the ‘taste’ of fame; whether or not they are truly famous or are simply notorious for being loud and opinionated! They will often cop to a diva attitude at work, which can prove very difficult for others who need to work with them. They have a flair for the dramatic, but when things take a turn down south, this tendency to make a drama of everything simply becomes very loud and tiresome for everyone else concerned. Much like a young toddler stomping his feet in frustration because he can’t have what he wants,


Output Structure people are known for being able to throw their own special brand of ‘adult’ tantrums! When this happens, they can be very argumentative and demanding, and beware the tempestuous seas of an Output Structure’s nasty temper! Combined with their tendency to be stubborn, they can often put their foot down hard, and usually expect someone else to bear the pain with nary a whimper.

KEY FACTS • Tempestuous • Prone to stormy mood swings • Want things their way • Rarely give in to others • Demanding



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Rarely putting the nose to the grindstone The trouble with an Output Structure personality is that most of them have grand visions and dream big. They don’t want to execute just any old diddly little idea. No, if they’re going to do something, it’s fairly important that this something be an idea that is groundbreaking or revolutionary. It’s not just good enough to shake one tree and cause a breeze. It’s important to shake enough that the whole forest comes crashing down. However, pulling off grand ideas requires time, commitment, and effort. Unfortunately, while many Output Structures start off very well and begin to execute an idea with great flair and finesse, they often peter out towards the end. They are great at starting something, but very bad at finishing it and bringing it toward a satisfactory conclusion.


They lack the discipline needed to keep themselves anchored to the chair as long as it takes. Because they often demand to be pampered, they are rarely able to tell themselves to stick it through till the end. Hard work is not for them, especially not if it doesn’t really lead to attention or a place in the spotlight! Output Structures as such tend to lack the rigour and attention needed to be meticulous and detailed, as they’re more of the ‘bigger picture’ type.

KEY FACTS • Good starters, bad finishers • Unruly • Wilful • Not good at being precise and meticulous



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Suffering from delusions of grandeur Output Structure people are very often undergoing a sort of complex known as the superiority complex! While others are often wondering if they’re good enough, Output Structures know that they’re good enough (or possibly, better than good) even when it’s very clear to others that they’re not! As such, it often presents a tricky dilemma for others who have to deal with them. They get carried away with believing that only their vision is the best or most unique one. While this is often the case, it very rarely is always the case, but it’s hard for the Output Structure to come down from the clouds when the need arises. More often than not they’re always floating about even when everyone else has long since landed on solid ground and firmly moved along!


When they’re convinced that they’re right, there’s no convincing them otherwise – unless the other person is an equally strong personality who can put the Output Personality person in her or place! When they finally realise that they have been wrong or misguided, they come down to earth in a very hard way – with a crash, in fact, and need some prodding before they’re able to stand on their feet again. Because being a contrarian is also in their nature, they will often waste valuable time and effort fighting off accusations that they’re wrong simply because they think they know better than everyone else.

KEY FACTS • Have a ‘God’ complex • Cannot admit defeat • Believe they’re superior to mostly everyone • Won’t admit to being wrong




• Arts, Performing Arts, Entertainment Jobs in performing arts or any type of creative industry require talents and skills, most of which Output Structure people have in abundance. It also requires a high level of confidence in oneself to believe in those talents and want to share it with the world – both traits of which they also possess in profusion. Think about it: a writer must feel that whatever he’s writing is worth writing about. An actress needs to know that she is meant to be onstage. Besides, they often have the flair and the energy to pull it off. Being able to visualise grand themes and ideas, or invent their own source of wealth through their talents means that they’ll also find success as a movie director, screenwriter, or as celebrity chef, sports player, decorator, etc.



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• Marketing, Sales, Branding, Advertising The world has already seen so many tired ideas over and over again. With a fastgrowing digital consumer public now taking over, the Output Structure’s ability to craft outstanding new ideas and think of visionary new products will be a godsend for a public that needs something new. Marketing and branding also requires the genuine ability to think out-of-the-box. The Output Structure is also able to talk to people, charm them, and be on the frontline – and that translates to sales. As such, they also make great salespeople.

• Law, Legal Practice, Politics Output Structure individuals are often very verbal, and good with words. They possess the enviable gift of being eloquent and articulate, and are able to convey their thoughts and ideas to a large audience using their moment in the spotlight or on the podium. This, coupled with their tendency to be a daredevil who risks censure in the search for nonconformity makes them ideal candidates for the law, legal, and political fields, or even in high-profile activism.

• Digital Entrepreneurs, Business Output Structure people have the knack to market and brand their own talents and skills, or those of others, and the aptitude to find new consumer markets through innovative packaging and advertising. In a highlysaturated online world, their expertise could probably help digital ventures and start-ups turn in a very nice profit. 93



• At the helm of the project Output Structure people are suited to doing jobs that find them at the head of planning committee. They’re not the type of people who enjoy working in the background, being analytical and performing the mundane day-to-day tasks that require much detail or preciseness. They’ll be much better off envisioning new campaigns or projects, and getting up in front of others and telling them how to do something – which, incidentally, will be what they’ve thought up!



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• AVOID: Following orders and being stifled Output Structure individuals will not thrive in situations where they are meant to perform rote jobs, or toe the line by listening to marching orders and then fulfilling a brief or a task according to the specifications given. If they can’t at least partake in the creation of an idea, or help to innovate on existing ideas and methods, then the Output Structure person will likely wither and waste away like a plant without sunlight and air.


Output Structure people need to be given the space and freedom to exercise independent thinking and a mind of their own, or it’s akin to wasting one of their best natural resources: creativity. Their rebellion also stems from the need to conceptualise and view things differently from others; being expected to follow orders and toe the line will naturally be too restrictive, and put them in a resentful mode of being. They typically don’t adhere to fixed routines and closedcubicle workspaces. The 9-5 drill behind a table is not their thing. They will quickly wilt in such an atmosphere.


財 富 cai fu






• One of the biggest problems in obtaining wealth for most of the Output Structure is its inability to manage its cashflow. This is because they usually are ignorant of the proper financial methods of management due to a deepseated arrogance that they don’t need to know about these things. This will prove to be a serious obstacle to wealth. • The Output Structure individual is also very resistant to incorporating viewpoints from others, or suggestions that are different from its own. As such, they can be resistant to being ‘rescued’ out of a financial mistake, even if they’re unsure how else to proceed. • They often confuse being stubborn with being persistent, and may go along on the wrong path because they’re being too hardheaded to think otherwise.



Output Structure

創 作 型 • Output Structure individuals also have trouble understanding the concept of failure, and often don’t know when they have a failure in their hands. As such, plenty of money and time will be wasted in trying to pursue a project heading toward failure, or resuscitating a dead idea. • Similarly, Output Structures have trouble putting on the brakes when they have to. Their sense of bravado and over-confidence can be a real detriment towards acquiring real wealth. Sometimes, ideas need to be killed from the start before it can continue to do harm. But having a tempestuous character and being inclined to illusions of grandeur can persuade the Output Structure person to continue on with his idea or project even when it’s yielding no profits, or recording a loss.


• Output Structure people also tend to think too big, have grand ideas and visions, and fail to follow through with the plan. Abandoned good ideas due to a lack of discipline and work ethics can also be a great obstacle towards maintaining consistent wealth. • Output Structure people also like shortcuts. They always like to find the swiftest, most unique way. This means that they tend to compromise on the fundamentals, and those who do that are the ones who tend to fall the hardest.




• Output Structures will find that their money is literally where their mouth is. Therefore, they should invent their own wealth based on their ideas and concepts. People will pay big money just to get a crack at the Output Structure’s mind. They are the value, and they create value. • They can capitalise on their performing or artistic talents – whatever it may be, be it singing, acting, writing, designing, etc. – and combine that with their flair for branding by creating their own brand. In a sense, they market and sell their talents and package themselves as the ultimate end product.



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Famous Output Structure People • Elton John • Tiger Woods • J.K. Rowling • Gordon Ramsay • Michael Jackson

• They can also build a brand of their skills, even if it’s something as perfectly ordinary as, say, cooking! Output Structure’s propensity for being in the limelight, and its ability to do it with flair, enables them to create their own franchise, as it were. Their sense of showmanship makes a difference. An example of this Output Structure is Gordon Ramsay of Hell’s Kitchen fame.


• A long-term, self-sufficient way to make money is by inventing their own wealth, or rather, creating their own streams of wealth and actualising different streams of income. In a sense, they can create an industry around their creative output. This is how book authors, song writers, and other creative developers do it. The rights, licences, and intellectual property of these end products can continue to generate revenue in the most profitable way. Consider Output Structures like J.K. Rowling, and Elton John.






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If you know people who belong to the Output Structure and want to know how to best work with them (as colleagues) and manage them (as an employer), read on for some hints:

• T h e biggest problem to get around where Output Structures are concerned is literally their ego. Coupled with a monstrous selfconfidence, it can seem almost daunting to tiptoe around their alsofragile and divaesque feelings. It requires the ability to stand your ground. If you feel that you’re right and they’re wrong, tell them so.


• Preferably, tell this Output Structure person that he is wrong when you are alone. They need to save face and maintain their reputation, so take them aside and don’t back down privately, not publicly!

• In work assignments, keep them on the front line, as they engage well with people and are often articulate with their words. As such, they sort of instinctively make natural salespeople.

• Output Structures tend to be smart alecs not because they’re out to be as hostile as possible, but because they tend to have learned the value of probing the unknowable to test out or uncover new ideas. As such, before you deal with a smart alec, ensure that you know ALL your facts. If possible, try to know more than the smart alec. This will earn you their grudging respect.



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• Be factual and concrete when dealing with issues. Don’t waffle about or be vague when dealing with the Output Structure person. The moment they find a hole or weak spot in your argument or idea, they will hone in on that. Avoid this by being one step of ahead of them.


• If the Output S t r u c t u r e ’ s dramatics or strong personality starts to interfere in a bad way (i.e. they are unable to back down or realise why their idea won’t work) ask them to state how their facts bear on the case or task at hand. Get them to restate their views, which gives them a chance to reconsider their own views in light of your questions.

• Be prepared to defend your point of view over a prolonged period, and steer clear of group discussions – things can escalate in emotional pitch and temperature quite fast if you try to shame the Output Structure person into backing down. • Most importantly, as Output Structure tends to enjoy wit and entertainment, it’s important to try to have fun with them. That’s the best way to get them on your side, and to get on their good side!

• They have a tendency to exaggerate and over-dramatise whatever they say, so take it with a pinch of salt. Whether it is true or untrue, you may need to verify and double check some of the information first.



IDENTIFYING THE EXTREME OUTPUT STRUCTURE PERSON At the workplace, it will be fairly easy to spot the Output Structure person with extreme qualities. Read on to find out how these qualities are manifested:



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The Smart Alec

• He will be the typical know-it-all who talks all the time, but does not listen. In fact, he will repeat his points and ideas over and over again, and will have minimal respect for the suggestions and ideas of others. He thinks he is constantly right, and likes to have the last word.


Deal with it by: Taking them aside in a private setting, and dealing with them with force, but respectfully. Usually, they will tend to become more pliable once they learn that you know just as much about the problem/ task/project as they do. So do your homework, and get them alone.

• He is extremely critical of work that he did not do. This situation will be heightened if he and someone else competed for the same task or project, and he lost out to the other person. He is liable to go over the same faults over and over again, and offer no words of encouragement – only words of criticism.

Deal with it by: Asking him how he will do it better. Again, this is something that needs to be done in private. Whether you’re him employer or supervisor, or the colleague who beat him out, let him know that you consider him input valid. He is not out to get anyone. He just wants to know that him contribution is equally valid and vital. Give him a chance to contribute.



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• He considers himself the person with the grand ideas. He makes sweeping statements, and presents all his thoughts in broad strokes. He does not figure out or bother about the finer details, or how the work gets done. His focus is on ideas, innovation, concepts, and long-range thinking – even to the point of unworkability.

Deal with it by: Asking him to suggest a concrete to-do plan. Even if he’s not going to be working on the details of the project as the backroom staff, he needs to be able to see how grand ideas and actual workable plans sometimes clash. Getting him to come up with a concrete strategy that is doable forces him to reassess his own plans – in his own eyes. This makes him more amenable and better able to understand the frustrations of others.

• He has a very strong ego, and likes to give the impression that he is superior to everyone else. As such, on certain occasions, he can be very condescending in speech and in manner. He may see no qualms in publicly running you down, or in criticising someone in front of the whole office. While he’s not motivated by malicious intent, he is keen to protect her ‘territory’ of being the best one out there.

Deal with it by: Telling him point-blank how much his behaviour is upsetting you, and others. The Smart Alec gets too caught up in his own grand ideas and illusions, and often forgets the personal cost of his words and behaviour. Sincerity can sometimes work wonders, especially blunt, rational criticism without emotional drama and hysteria. He will be liable to mend her ways or be more careful once you are frank with him.


Further Your BaZi Knowledge Recommended Reading and Courses

Must-have BaZi Basics! BaZi – The Destiny Code provides complete beginners knowledge on the fundamentals of BaZi in clear, easyto-understand language and vivid examples, while BaZi – The Destiny Code Revealed is an in-depth resource on advanced BaZi principles and theories. 1) BaZi – The Destiny Code

2) BaZi – The Destiny Code Revealed


Study BaZi from the Comforts of Your Home Supplement your BaZi studies from home with our online courses. Video lectures by Joey Yap, combined with slide presentations and notes, provide you with a complete BaZi learning experience. All without having to step outside your door!

WWW.MAELEARNING.COM/BZONLINE Study BaZi at the Mastery Academy Embark on BaZi classes at the Mastery Academy with Joey Yap and our team of professional instructors. Learn the ancient techniques and secrets in an intimate, friendly setting, aided by professional teaching tools and workbooks. Practical training and a conducive learning environment! Design Your Destiny Module Module Module Module

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Intensive Foundation Course Practitioners Course Advanced Practitioners Course BaZi Mastery








The Creator and a talented performer; you spin magic with your words and actions. The Output Structure personality in a nutshell is the outgoing, fun, and creative one who’s always thinking up the best ideas and laughing the loudest at a dinner party. Very self-assured and articulate, you command attention and hold others in thrall no matter where you are. On the flip side, you’re prone to enjoying your moment in the spotlight a little too much. You succumb to ‘diva’ moments and suffer from “it’s all about me” syndrome. Discover how you relate to the people and the world around you in your capacity at work, as a friend, and as a parent. This book outlines your plus points and your negative points, and provides ideas on how to make your personality work for you. There are ideas on your suitable careers, job roles, and ideal paths to attaining wealth. There’s even a special section to show others how to deal with someone like you!

What is a Structure? You’ve already heard of the concept of the Day Master in BaZi – but the BaZi Structure goes one step further. If the “Day Master” reveals your character traits, your “BaZi Structure” peels off another layer to help you understand your behaviour and attitude towards the people and events in your world. Your BaZi Structure reveals your mode of operation in life and how you relate to your friends, family and your work. The intensity and value of your Day Master’s traits are determined by your BaZi Structure. Regardless of whether you’re a CEO, manager, or student – if you’re an Output Structure person, you’re a Creator! Find out which Structure you belong to and learn more about yourself and others.

Mastery Academy Of Chinese Metaphysics