ITEP Practice Test II

Practice Test II International Test of English Proficiency®   Universidad  Politécnica  de  Santa  Rosa  Jáuregui  -­

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Practice Test II International Test of English Proficiency®


Universidad  Politécnica  de  Santa  Rosa  Jáuregui  -­‐  2015    

Timing When you are answering the test questions, the number at the lower left of your screen will tell you:





A. The number of the current question. B. The total number of questions in the section. C. The amount of time remaining in the section.

At the beginning of each test section, you will have limited amount of time to read the directions. This time will be displayed for you both visually and in numbers of seconds remaining, as in this example: 26


GRAMMAR (10 minutes) In the grammar section, there are two question types: • In questions 1-13, you must click on the circle next to the Word or phrase that correctly completes the sentence. • In question 12-25, you must click on the circle next to the incorrect word or phrase in the sentence. You will be shown one example before each of the two different questions types. You have 10 minutes to review the examples and answer the 25 questions. During the 10 minutes, you may use the “Back” button to return to any question and, if you wish, change your answer. Part 1 Select the answer that CORRECTLY completes the sentence. 1. The cheetah is the ________ animal on land. o quick o quicker o quickest o quickly 2. My parents said they would be happiest if _________ a job in my hometown. o I were to find o to find o I were found o finding 3. Commuters are twice __________ public transportation when gas prices are increased. o as likely to use o likely to use o likely using o as likely using 4. Working with classmates can be ___________ good opportunity to make friends.  

Universidad  Politécnica  de  Santa  Rosa  Jáuregui  -­‐  2015    

o o o o

an a the very

5. After Tom’s wife went to the beauty salon, _______ hair looked beautiful. o his o she o her o she’s 6. It would be best for them _______ procrastinating so that they can avoid feeling stressed over the weekend. o stop o stopping o stops o to stop 7. It’s going to be hard for me to get an A in class, even _________ a final exam score of 100 percent. o to o at o though o with 8. A person’s passive vocabulary is often twice __________ his or her active vocabulary. o as large than o larger as o as large as o larger than 9. The girls brought the birthday cake with __________. o it o her o them o they 10. Amy seldom makes mistakes __________ she is competent in accounting. o but o because o in spite of o while 11. We will take _____ car to the park. o their o theirs

o o

they’re there

12. Popular movie stars are ________ famous than unknown authors.  

Universidad  Politécnica  de  Santa  Rosa  Jáuregui  -­‐  2015    

o o o o

many most more much

13. I ________ an appointment with the doctor last month. o had o was o had been o have had Part 2 Select the word or phrase that is NOT CORRECT. 14. Linda received a award for her work on the company project. o received o a o work o company 15. The newsletter sent out by the admissions office states that student enrollment this year is at the higher it has ever been. o sent o states o is o higher 16. Thomas Edison is the man that he is famous for inventing the light bulb. o is o he o for o the 17. If you get any chance, you should visit your grandparents. o if o any o should o your 18. After eating dinner, Tom took his dog for the walk. o After o eating o took o the

19. My supervisor told me at the interview that I should received my parking permit in the mail before my first day at work.  

Universidad  Politécnica  de  Santa  Rosa  Jáuregui  -­‐  2015    

o o o o

at received the before

20. If the weather was sunny and warm, so we all went to the beach for the day. o if o so o all o for 21. The house looks new and beautiful since it was painting white. o looks o since o painting o white 22. Almost every afternoon, Bill is stopping at the store to buy milk. o Almost o is stopping o to o buy 23. At classical concerts, many times the best ones is the last to perform. o times o ones o last o to perform 24. Shannon told me that she’s considering moving closer to the city next year, since they’re commute to work is too long right now. o closer o since o they’re o is 25. It snowed so many yesterday that they actually closed the university; they hadn’t done that in over 36 years! o many o actually o hadn’t o over


Universidad  Politécnica  de  Santa  Rosa  Jáuregui  -­‐  2015    

The Listening section has 3 parts: • Part 1. Four short conversations, each followed by 1 question. • Part 2. One longer conversation, followed by 4 questions. • Part 3. One lecture, followed by 6 questions. You will hear each conversation or lecture only one time. However, you may take notes while listening and use your notes when answering the questions. You must answer each question before counting. To continue to the next question, click the “Next” button. In this section, you cannot use “Back” button to return to an earlier question. The number of questions and the amount of time you have to answer the questions will be shown separately for each section in the “Question – Time Left” window on your screen. Time is not counted while you are listening to the conversation or lecture. Listening 1 Conversation 1 1. What were the students told to read? o Chapter 26 o Notes from chapter 26 Conversation 2

o o

Chapter 3 Last week’s notes

2. What does the woman say she wants to do? o Take a history class o Write about Washington DC Conversation 3

o o

Attend a class trip Study for a psychology test

3. What does the man ask for help with? o Speaking to a professor o Changing his schedule Conversation 4

o o

Finding an office Getting to class on time

4. What does the man think the woman should do during spring break? o Visit her friend in New York o Stay at school and study o Go to the beach with Brittany and o Invite Brittany and Peggy to visit her Peggy

Listening 2 1. Why does the mention his workplace? o He thinks his boss is impressed with him. o He is looking for a different job.

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He spends more time there than at school. He is writing a paper about it.

2. What does the man mean when he says: “Pin it down and then back it up”? o Find an appropriate person and write about him. o Choose what to study and take classes in that field. o Identify an argument and support it with research. o Complete an assignment and save it on a computer. 3. What does the woman suggest the man do if he can’t solve his problem? o Ask a successful businessperson. o Transfer to a different class. o Speak to the professor directly. o Change the topic of the assignment. 4. Why is the man speaking to the woman?


Universidad  Politécnica  de  Santa  Rosa  Jáuregui  -­‐  2015    

o o o o

He wants her advice on what class to take. He is unsure about an assignment. He wants to tell her a story. He wants to help her in class.

Listening 3 1. Which statement best describes the professor’s purpose? o To describe the complexity of riparian rights o To give examples of how riparian rights have not changed over time. o To argue that riparian rights need to be clarified by new legislation. o To examine how ancient societies interpreted riparian rights. 2. So there are questions of property “ownership” here, but also of how that body of water relates to the larger hydrologic and biological systems of the Earth. Our generation knows what some of our ancestors didn’t know –that the health of the water system as a whole has a direct effect on our own health. What does the professor imply? o Pollution may be tolerated if it is restricted to the water that flows through the owner’s property. o Previous generations neglected the field of law having to do with riparian rights. o Issues of water ecology are now understood to have ramifications beyond the strict questions of “rights” and “ownership”. o More people are now being made ill by polluted water. 3. How might someone’s riparian right be denied? o If a boat travels on the river that runs through the property o If a riparian owner redirects some of the water to sell to a neighbor for crop irrigation o If a habitat that is favorable for the breeding of fish is created by fallen trees o If an upstream riparian owner sells his land to someone else 4. Riparian rights involve all of the following EXCEPT: o who can use the water from rivers and lakes o who has access to the water in rivers and lakes o what structures can be built onto rivers and lakes o the buying and selling of land bordering rivers and lakes 5. The riparian owner does NOT own: o the land that borders a river o the trees immediately adjacent to a river o the water that flows in the river o usage rights to water flowing in a river 6. Which of the following is an advantage of a forested riparian zone? o It increases the speed of the water. o It increases the temperature of the water. o It decreases the amount of oxygen in the water. o It decreases the erosion of the riverbank by the water.


Universidad  Politécnica  de  Santa  Rosa  Jáuregui  -­‐  2015    

The Reading section has 2 parts: • Part 1. The first passage is approximately 250 words in length, and is followed by 4 questions. • Part 2. The second passage is approximately 450 words length, and is followed by 6 questions. In this section you will have 20 minutes to read two passages and answer comprehension questions about them. While there is time remaining, you may use the “Next” and “Back” buttons to move forward and backwards between both passages and all of the questions, and you may change your answers if you wish. Prepare to begin part 1.

Behaviors Scientists debate the difference between instinctive behaviors and behaviors that are the result of higher order thinking. For example, many scientists believe that animals can feel pain, but they question whether animals can feel emotions, such as love, grief, or empathy since scientists cannot observe or measure these. However, some scientists argue that if a person sees someone crying, he can assume that the person feels sad since he responds in a similar way to sadness. Because scientists who work with animals have seen them cry too, some have concluded that animals, like humans, experience emotions. (Ÿ) Scientists generally agree that much animal behavior, even when it is very complex, is based on instinct. For example, flatworms, birds, primates, and others, follow complicated rules and rituals for mating. (Ÿ) Many animals, including gorillas, fish, birds and even insects species live together in social groups. Animals may imitate one another’s behavior, or learn to associate an event, say a warning cry, with another, such as the presence of a predator; but these behaviors are performed automatically, without conscious thought or planning. (Ÿ) Thus, a mother bird, pre-chewing her food, and then putting it into the mouth of her young, is not acting out of love. (Ÿ) She is simply responding by instinct to the baby’s cry. However, other animal behaviors seem too complex to be purely instinctive. For example, gazelles, zebras, and buffalo put themselves in danger to save another from a predator’s attack. Elephants have been seen protecting human swimmers from sharks. Healthy animals oftentimes share food with weaker members of the group. Because of these and other examples, today more scientists are beginning to accept the possibility that the emotional lives of animals may be similar to that of humans. 1. What is the main point of the passage? o There is disagreement as to whether animal behaviors can result from higher order thinking.

o o

Animals perform social rituals in the same way that humans experience them.


Animals with complex behaviors tend to help and protect humans form harm.

Most social animals obey very complicated rules for mating based on the species’ culture.

2. What example does the author give of behavior that indicates animals may have emotions?  

Universidad  Politécnica  de  Santa  Rosa  Jáuregui  -­‐  2015    

o o o o

Mating Living in social groups Learning how two events are related Responding to the needs of another animal

3. “Nonetheless, they are responding to chemical signals rather than emotional choices”. Click on the circle (Ÿ) to insert new sentence into the passage. To change your answer, click on a different circle. 4. The word “assume” as used in the passage means: o Guess o Accept o Suggest o Respect Coffee Every morning, people all over the world start the day with a cup of coffee. Nearly 2.25 billion cups of coffee are consumed around the world. Coffee is an integral part of the day for many people. Even after waking up in the morning, people drink it throughout the rest of the day. Ever since it was first introduced a few centuries ago, coffee has served a major social function in society, and in many cities all over the world coffeehouses and cafes are as popular now as the have ever been. The origins of coffee aren’t entirely clear. There are a few different accounts of its discovery. One particular theory involves a ninth-century Ethiopian goat herder named Kaldi, who noticed that his goats became extremely energized after eating bright red berries from a bush. Kaldi then decide to eat the berries himself and experienced a similar reaction. His body was reacting to caffeine, which is the active ingredient found in coffee that provides a jolt of energy. While the early history of coffee may be ambiguous, more is known about the path it began to take starting in the fifteenth century. Around this time, coffee was first cultivated in southern Arabia; it continued to spread to other areas, including parts of Africa, the Middle East, Europe, and the Americas. Over time, coffee’s popularity continued to grow rapidly. Today, it is one of the most-traded commodities in the world. Coffee plants are grown on plantations, and farmers harvest the coffee “cherries”, typically by hand. Although we often think of coffee beans as brown, they are actually green when they are picked. These beans are separated from the outer shell of the “cherry”, and the dry bean are then roasted. It is in this stage that the beans release the coffee’s aroma and the beans turn from a green to brown color. The beans are then shipped to be sold, either whole or ground. Once purchased, they are finally brewed for consumption in kitchens, restaurants, and, of course, coffeehouses and cafes. The production of coffee involves millions of people in several countries, most notably Brazil, Vietnam, and Colombia. In order to ensure that coffee beans are of good quality, farmers often receive assistance from management companies that train farmers to employ modern, professional practices. These companies also teach farmers how to keep operation costs low while still maintaining profitability. Coffee has played an important role in society for a long time. (Ÿ) Coffeehouses, also known as coffee shops or cafes, were established in the seventeenth century as public  

Universidad  Politécnica  de  Santa  Rosa  Jáuregui  -­‐  2015    

places for intellectuals and professionals to gather, exchange ideas and debate various topics, such as art, politics, and trade. (Ÿ) Artists, thinkers, and writers frequented coffeehouses for the open discussions that were encouraged. (Ÿ) Today, coffeehouses are extremely common in major cities around the globe. (Ÿ) They still serve as gathering places for people to talk, read, and work –and, of course, to enjoy the varieties of coffee that have been developed over the years.

1. Following is a sentence that begins a summary of the main points of the passage: “Coffee is a popular commodity that has a long history and valuable place in society.” Continue the summary by choosing 3 of the 6 sentences below that best represent MAIN points in the passage. Mark your 3 answers by selecting the appropriate checkboxes. To change an answer, click again on that checkbox to remove the check mark. Possible answers: o The details of coffee’s discovery are uncertain. o Caffeine is the active ingredient in coffee. o Coffee is one of the most-traded products in the world.

o Coffee cherries are typically harvested by hand. o Coffeehouses have played an important cultural role for hundreds of years. o Keeping operation costs low is important for farmers.

2. According to the passage, what can be said about the beginnings of coffee?

o o o o

Its discovery may date as back as the 9th century. Coffee was originally harvested in Brazil on a plantation. The first coffeehouses appeared in Ethiopia. Coffee berries were originally harmful to one’s health.

3. According to the passage, where was coffee first cultivated?

o o o o

Colombia Europe Southern Arabia The Americas

4. The word “employ” as used in the passage means:

o o o o

Hire Use Receive Sell

5. “Walking down a busy street in New York City, for example, one might encounter several coffeehouses – perhaps all even on the same block”. Click on the circle (Ÿ) to insert new sentence into the passage. To change your answer, click on a different circle.  

Universidad  Politécnica  de  Santa  Rosa  Jáuregui  -­‐  2015    

6. At which stage in coffee production do the beans change color?

o o o o

Roasting Separating Grinding Brewing

WRITING Use the topic given on the next screen; write a short note or letter. You will have 5 minutes. Your note should be 50-75 words long (maximum length is 100 words). 1. Topic: You are going to attend a university in the US and will live on campus, in the dorm, with another roommate. Write a letter to this university describing the type of roommate you would like to have. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

You will have 20 minutes to write an essay expressing your opinion on the topic given on the next screen. Give reasons and specific examples to support your opinion. Your essay should be 175-225 words long (maximum length is 250 words).


Universidad  Politécnica  de  Santa  Rosa  Jáuregui  -­‐  2015    

2. Topic: Nuclear power is used for many purposes. There are advantages and disadvantages to having nuclear power. What do you feel they are and do you believe that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? Why or why not? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

SPEAKING The speaking section has two parts:


Universidad  Politécnica  de  Santa  Rosa  Jáuregui  -­‐  2015    

• In the first part, you will both hear the question and see it printed on your screen. • In the second part, you will hear a statement that presents two differing opinions, or points of view, on a topic. You will only hear the statement –it will not be shown on your screen. After you hear the statement, you will be asked to express your thoughts on the topic. In both Parts 1 and 2, you may take notes and use them to help you with your spoken responses. Speaking practice section ü ü ü ü

After the beep, please say your name. Thank you. And where do you live? What is the weather like today? Finally as the timer counts down, tell us one thing you like to do to have fun.

PART 1 1. What is most difficult about learning a foreign language? Prepare: 45 seconds. Speak: 60 seconds. PART 2 2. Internet, email, text messaging, cellphones and similar technologies have greatly change human communication. Some people believe that these technologies have improved relationships between people, by allowing them to interact with one another easily and inexpensively. Other people feel that these technologies have had a negative influence on human relationships, because people no longer communicate with one another face to face. What are your thoughts on this question? Prepare: 45 seconds. Speak: 60 seconds.


Universidad  Politécnica  de  Santa  Rosa  Jáuregui  -­‐  2015