Iron Kingdoms 5th Dnd

Iron Kingdoms is a fantasy role-playing game Having overcome insurmountable odds and writing history in blood red ink, p

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Iron Kingdoms A setting adaptation for Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition

Foreward As with any homebrew, this is a labor of love. I’ve loved the Iron Kingdoms since I first read about them in middle school . I have fond memories of the Iron Kingdoms d20 for third edition D&D, and somewhere I still have the original copies of the Warmachine: Prime and Prime Mk II core rulebooks. The setting has fascinated me for many years and remains, I believe, one of the best written settings in modern circulation. A lot of the text, and all of the ideas, within this document are ripped straight from Iron Kingdoms and Warmachine/Hordes books. Privateer Press and Doug Seacat, you have my gratitude for this lovely setting. Dungeons and Dragons has also shaped my adolescence and young adulthood. There is no better game, in my humble opinion, and it has been the medium through which I have come to know many of my closest friends. Alas, I am too young to remember the origins of D&D, but I keep my original 3rd edition Player’s Handbook and the sample adventure Caves of Shadow tucked away safely for posterity. It is largely for the love of this game that me and my friends share that we don’t use the official Iron Kingdoms RPG product. Dungeons and Dragons has aged well, in my opinion, and 5th edition is the best balance of robust rules and compelling storytelling that I have found. I greatly look forward to what Wizards of the Coast do with this game and hope they maintain the high standards with which 5th edition was written. On a more specific level, there are a handful of people who’s work I’ve ripped off in this document. Matthew Mercer’s Gunslinger martial archetype is derived from Pathfinder’s gunslinger class, and is well implemented into 5th edition. Though firearms aren’t as unstable in the Iron Kingdoms as they are in Whitestone, I still like the subclass enough to copy it here with a few edits to remove the rules for misfires. Additionally, Joshua Raynack and Cameron Guill have a top notch Blood Magic arcane tradition for wizards. I first discovered this archetype as an honorable mention in some Wizards of the Coast article, and fell in love at first sight. I hope to play one some day, but until then I’ll settle for passing them off as Skorne Mortitheurges to torment my players with. I have also adapted some stuff from u/mblack91, who posted his/her 5th edition update of Iron Kingdoms a long time ago ( I drew a lot from his/her races and his/her version of fell callers. I didn’t agree with his/her portrayl of gun mages, bodgers, and arcane mechaniks, but I took what I did like and ran with it. The gun mage class, in particular, borrowed the Unearthed Arcana arcane archer's "arcane shot" and most of the arcane shot options for its rune shots. A lot of stuff I also recycled from an older attempt of mine to convert the Iron Kingdoms d20 to Pathfinder. That material is halfcompleted and can be found here: So I guess my point here is that I'm including a lot of stuff in here that isn't original work. I don't want credit for any of that stuff, I'm just a guy who compiled the stuff and converted it to 5th edition. If you want to run games in a full-metal fantasy setting where ironclad automata and battle mages meet on the battlefield, where gunsmoke fills the narrow alleys of crowded port cities, and where a dragon rules over a kingdom of necromancers and pirates, then pack your dice for Immoren, because you've found yourself a new home. -u/NyQuil_Delirium


Welcome to the Iron Kingdoms


elcome to a land where magic and machinery intermingle and nations engage in conflict rooted in ancient grudges while exploiting innovations from an ongoing industrial revolution. The Iron Kingdoms lie in the heart of western Immoren, with thriving cities separated by dark wilderness regions that are home to feral beasts, savage tribes, and dangerous cults. To survive you’ll need brains, brawn, and perhaps a loaded pistol or two. Divided by culture and geography, the people of these nations are diverse, with attitudes and beliefs shaped by thousands of years of rich and bloody history. Not so long ago the region was subjugated by the Orgoth, terrible invaders from across the seas who plunged Immoren into a dark age of servitude. Gaining freedom required making use of arcane might and technological invention. The Iron Kingdoms now fight each other to control their own destinies. The extensive cities grow by the year as people in rural regions abandon the toil of their ancestors to better themselves in soot-choked urban centers. The advent of steam power has revolutionized every walk of life. Smokebelching factories pollute the air and dump alchemical waste into gutters, and many make their living under harsh and cramped conditions. Violence often seems the easiest solution to many problems. Yet within these cities exist endless possibilities for the clever or courageous. New trades and crafts have emerged, offering steam engines, clockwork machines, factory-forged goods, and fiendish weapons for those with the coin to afford them. Mechanika, the combination of arcane power with engineering, has resulted in sweeping changes. One of the first and most dramatic mechanikal innovations were the mighty engines of war called colossals by which the people of western Immoren defeated the Orgoth. Those machines were replaced by smaller but more intelligent and agile automatons called steamjacks, used extensively for labor. Steamjacks haul goods from ships and trains, lift impossible loads for construction, and are employed on the fringes of civilization to chop wood or till fields. When armed for war, these machines are called warjacks, and some carry the most advanced weapons ever created. The supernatural is a tangible and usually hostile thing in western Immoren. The dead rise from graveyards at the behest of necromancers to beset the living. The gods are real and to be feared as much as praised, and their priests can invoke both curses and blessings. Some say the Gift of Magic is more of a curse than a blessing. It arises spontaneously in children or young adults who become sorcerers and who cannot always control the forces they instinctively channel. They have at times been persecuted as witches, condemned by priests of both the Menite and Morrowan religions that hold sway over spiritual matters. Yet arcanists who master their talents and belong to respected orders become vital members of their communities. The militaries of every nation are eager to utilize such talents, especially those rare few with the warcaster ability allowing them to commune with the artificial minds of warjacks.

Though the Iron Kingdoms are dominated by humanity, other races also live within their borders. Trollkin, ogrun, and gobbers have adapted to urban life and can become wellrespected bodyguards, soldiers, alchemists, and mechaniks. The dwarves of Rhul maintain their own nation but freely trade with the human kingdoms and are a common sight in the human lands. The occasional Iosan or Nyss elf may be encountered as an exotic rarity, their agendas an enigma. The southernmost of the Iron Kingdoms is Cygnar, which emerged from the Corvis Treaties as the wealthiest nation, noted for its industrious cities and lands rich in resources yet also beset by enemies on all sides. Cygnar boasts some of the greatest minds in the history of the region. While famed for technological innovation, this nation is also a bastion for the dominant Church of Morrow. Occupying a huge expanse of frozen northern land is the Empire of Khador. Its citizens are tough, weathered, and proud of their mutual solidarity. Khador has embraced industry as heartily as warfare, and its people work to exploit what resources they can scrape from these difficult lands. Khadorans have their own great inventors, and it is from this region that Immoren gained the steam engine and the railroad. The western kingdom of Ord has its own distinct culture and has earned the respect of its neighbors for its strong navy and stalwart soldiers, but it has also endured great poverty. It is a realm of foggy bogs, wet marshes, and rocky farmland. The Ordic people find diversion in song, gambling, and ale rather than dwelling on life’s inequities. Ord occupies a unique niche as a neutral nation that has become a haven to all manner of mercenaries and privateers. Centrally located, the former nation of Llael is now occupied by Khador and contested by Menite zealots. A beleaguered Llaelese Resistance fights on, but many Llaelese see this cause as futile. The chaos of this region has made life difficult while creating lucrative opportunities for mercenaries, spies, missionaries, and anyone skilled at arms, engineering, or smuggling. The Protectorate of Menoth is the newest Iron Kingdom. This theocracy emerged from the Cygnaran Civil War over a century ago as a result of a religious schism. While once beholden to Cygnaran law, the Protectorate declared independence and committed to a violent crusade against those refusing to pray to Menoth, the Creator of Man. Its priests enforce a strict interpretation of their religion to keep the population in line. The nonhuman nations of Rhul and Ios lie adjacent to the lands of men, while to the west across the Meredius is the Nightmare Empire of Cryx, an island realm ruled by the Dragonfather, Toruk. Extensive wilds like the Gnarls, the Thornwood, the Bloodstone Marches, and the Wyrmwall Mountains present myriad savage hazards. Those who would prosper in the Iron Kingdoms must be well armed and band together with others possessing the grit and fortitude to strike out in search of adventure. There are countless paths to fame and fortune—but just as many to death and ruin. Which fate is in store for you?


Chapter 1:Races of the Iron Kingdoms


variety of races and ethnicities call the Iron Kingdoms home, but humanity is unquestionably the most dominant despite the fact that dwarves, elves, goblins, ogrun, and trollkin all have complex civilizations and histories of their own.


The earliest chronicles of men have survived since the Old Races Era over 6,500 years ago, with roots going back to strong tribal societies. Yet, thousands of years later, the lines are becoming less distinct. Homogenization looms, in some nations more than others, and impending ethnic dilution grows closer every day. Cygnar and Ord, in particular, are fast becoming hodgepodge nations as the spirit of enterprise and industry brings people closer together and replaces ethnic boundaries with political ones. Of course, segregation and discrimination in such nationsin every multi-ethnic nation of Immoren- does exist, and each nation of men has begun to integrate their ethnicities to some minor capacity. Cultural traditions, aptitudes, and biological differences remain present, even if somewhat diminished through interbreeding. In this time of industrialization, national pride serves to blur the ethnic boundaries more than anything else, followed closely by the initiative of enterprise.

Men of the Northern Kingdoms

The frozen north of Immoren is home to mountains, tundras, and huge evergreen forests. The Khadoran Empire lays claim to this land, but above certain latitudes national boundaries cease to have any meaning. In the distant north, men mingle with Nyss elves and Rhulic dwarves and ogrun, while east of Khador and south of Rhul, the kingdom of Llael is nestled Khard

The Khardic men and women of Khador are large in stature and long in memory. It is said, often by the Khards themselves, that the bloodlines of giants run in their veins. This may well be true, for indeed theirs is a harsh land where only the strong survive. Giants or no, the blood of the Khardic horse lords of the old empire runs through them. They have a nigh mystic regard for their riding animals, and Khardic horsemen are frightening opponents. While older values tend to outweigh newer ideals, the Khards are not against employing new skills and industries for the Motherland. Proud, pugnacious, and patriotic, these folk are easy to incite to action for their country. Kossite

Few lands are as untamed as savage Khador, and few people are as untamed as the Kossites. The people of the long-lost realm of Kos are reclusive, living in relative confinement among the very trees they embody; they are tall and thicklimbed like the northern oaks, steadfast as the winter woods, and as ready to repel intruders as the thorny blackroots.


Kossites do not like to be disturbed, even by other Kossites. They have a reputation for being unfriendly and indifferent, tending to prefer the isolation of their backcountry homes to the urban innovations of city life, and their small communities consist of just a few families. In truth, they are known for hostilities amongst their own as much as with outsiders. They are known also for their knowledge of the land, and most Kossites make brilliant hunters and trappers. Those who set out into the wider world often find employment in the Queen’s army as scouts and foragers. Ryn

Many Immorese folk display their hard labors on their faces; dark and worn, weather and scarred. This is not the case in Llael, where the Rynnish majority tends to be pleasing to the eye, if not the ears, with their honeyed voices and debonair mannerisms. Though often labeled as flippant cavaliers, foppish counts, or shameful charlatans, courtly manners are of great importance in Llael, and measure of a man is taken based on appearance and manners. Rynfolk are witty, arrogant, charming, conceited, flirtatious, beguiling, and devil-may-caresometimes altogether, but rarely all at once. Not to say that every Ryn is a rogue; some of them serve lords and ladies throughout the kingdoms as courtiers and valets, as they are brought up with a gift for eloquence. Skirov

On the fringes of the Motherland, high in the Khadoran mountains, reside the barbaric Skirov. Never a unified nation, they were primarily hordes descending from their mountain retreats in ages past to raid and pillage their pastoral cousins. In those long ago times, the Skirov worshipped the Devourer Wurm, but as the world infringed upon the barbarian north, the tribes who prospered were the ones who acknowledged the truth of Menoth- and some eventually Morrow. Today, their faith is more rigid than ever. Often, they devote themselves to rooting out enemies of their faith with the same savagery of their ancestors. Skirov are thickset and pale-skinned, often bearing scars and tattoos that are the legacy of ancient practices. Certain families can be distinguished at a glance by their markings, akin to Orgoth branding practices from centuries ago. Indeed, during the Occupation other ties were forged between the Skirov and the Orgoth, and even today it is whispered that Skirov loyalty is questionable. Umbrean

Just east of the Khadoran-Llaelese border, the Umbreans of Laedry- where many of them reside- are a minority if ever one existed. They are few in number, which seems to please Khadorans and Llaelese. To most Khadorans, these people serve as a reminder of loss of the former capital of Khard, while to the Llaelese, they are seen as untrustworthy sellswords.

    Considering these attitudes, it should come as little surprise that most Umbreans are more than passable fighters. They’re a tight-knit group with guarded dispositions, rarely venturing abroad without a blade at the ready. Indeed, soldiery is deeply rooted in the blood of Old Umbrey, and though few in number, these square-built, weathered folk appear in nearly every army and mercenary company throughout Immoren, usually as small bands of Umbreans that keep to their own. In truth, much of their lineage has been depleted, though they deny it. Over the generations, Umbreans have intermingeld with Khards, Skirov, and Ryn, but if asked an Umbrean will quickly recite his lineage back to the horselords that once rode roughshod over the northern steppes during the height of the Khardic Empire. They take their former glory seriously, and men have died in duels over ill-placed remarks about an Umbrean’s lineage. These folk no longer have a kingdom of their own; their loyalties lie with the relics and paintings of a bygone era when they were the proud princes and warlords of Old Umbrey.

However, their practicality suffers when their obstinacy takes a firm grip of their faculties. Even if a Midlunder realized he wasn’t going about something in the finest fashion, he’d be damned before he’d let on that he was proceeding in the wrong. Seems foolish to outsiders, but if a task falls to a Midlunder, it’ll be finished, and finished well, one way or the other. This attitude goes a long way toward explaining the high number of Midlunders in the Cygnaran military. Most Midlunders have brown, auburn, or ginger hair, but lighter locks are not uncommon. Their skin ranges from pale to ruddy, and their physiques run the gamut. If trained or apprenticed properly, Midlunder tenacity means they take to just about any craft they put their minds to. Morridane

In the far north, small pockets of humans called Vindol live in the Shard Spires and shun civilization. Their neighbors in the Rimeshaws and the Scarsfell and the Vilkhon Bluffs are the Ruscar, the Vorgoi, and the even fewer Bolotov, respectively, all of whom have minority representation in Tverkutsk and Ohk and villages throughout northwestern Khador. In the eastern steppes and among the Kovosk Hills, pastoral nomads called the Yhari-Umbreans are primarily shepherds and herdsmen, but some still ride in bands like the horselords of yesteryear. In the open borderlands between Llael and Rhul, the majority of the Nyan- considered little more than animistic barbarians- have settled as farmers and herdsmen. Their numbers are very few; it is believed that only a few thousand exist, and many of these are abandoning domestication and returning to raiding or migrating into Rhydden, Leryn, and Riversmet in search of either a more profitable or less dangerous occupation.

Generations ago, east of Tordor and south of the Khardic Empire, dark forests and mysterious swamplands made up the river valley called Morrdh, named for the nearly forgotten, ancient kingdom that only exists now beyond a veil of memory and myth. This is now a dread and murky place where shadowy creatures and wicked magics loom among sunken ruins and petrified bones. From such a feared realm come the Morridane. Ancient records show that the lawbreakers and criminally insane from other countries were exiled or escaped into the boggy wastelands over the centuries because of their transgressions, surely lending to the valley’s insidious reputation. These renegades and outcasts had to learn every sticky branch, soggy suckhole, and dark grotto of Morrdh in order to stay alive, and generations of living and dying in the muck have bred a suspicious and reclusive lot. Not all of them have dark souls, though. Some have emerged to build trading communities, which some say is the spirit of ancient Morrdh taking hold. Regardless, if one has the wherewithal to delve beyond the grimy exterior and endure their guarded manner, one might discover that within many a Morridane is a shrewd and honorable soul. Then again, one just might uncover a foul-breathed, cold-blooded brigand with a quick dagger…

Men of the Central Kingdoms


Other Ethnicities

At the heart of the Iron Kingdoms lies the kingdoms of Cygnar and Ord. Cygnar is the world leader in industrialization, while Ord is the preeminent naval power, ensuring the people of both nations are a common sight wherever one ventures. Midlunder

Dominating the northern regions of Cygnar, the Midlunder population is second only to the Caspians, and a more obstinate breed doesn’t exist. These no-nonsense, rugged folk look for the most practical means of accomplishing a task, and won’t quit until it’s done.

The Thurians have a knack for subtly bending the truth to get what they want, be it a fast gold crown or two in a backwater pub, or weaving an incantation to hurl lightning bolts. Hiding beneath their fair hair and ruddy tones are some of the most strategically minded men and women in all of Immoren. They are excellent learners in both books and bar rooms. With so many port towns and a constant flow of foreign trade in and out of their region, the quick-to-learn Thurians easily find work in any walk of life. Time and again, these selfassured youngsters, swayed by the life of the adventuring sailor, end up bound to some grimy Ordic vessel or, worse, shackled in the belly of a Cryxian slave ship. But a sharp mind can be just as deadly as a sharp dagger, and many Thurians have become pirates and brigands, raiding the highways and waterways of Immoren. Surprisingly, and unlike most other cultures, Thurians do not spurn spellcasters; in fact, many are trusted as much, if not more than, their priests.



The Tordorans are the original lords of Ord, and they don’t mind letting everyone know. Like the Ryn, Tordoran blood remains more pure than many other ethnicities due to ancestral pride and the desire of the castellans to maintain this purity. Aside from the Khardic Empire and the Kingdom of Caspia, the nation of Tordor was one of the shining examples of humanity prior to the Occupation, and they put up the greatest resistance against the foreign invaders, spearheading the confrontation with their armada. Nowadays, the castellans of Ord are High Tordoran. They claim the finest ships throughout the kingdoms and control ninety percent of the nation’s resources. Their ancestral legacies are preserved through arranged marriages and blood-debts with other castellan families. In the main, the High Tordorans see their lowborn brothers as little better than Thurians, yet a castellan family would still prefer to see one of their own captaining their vessels, highborn or low- though the majority of any crew is likely to be Thurian. Indeed, the western seas have always been their most notable conquest, both historically and today, and shipboard trade owes much to the efforts of Tordoran sea captains. Not all are called to the sea, however. Some among the lowborn have never spent a day aboard a ship. They prefer to live among the “plebeians,” but in truth, thanks to the castellans, most Tordorans simply can’t afford to do otherwise. They live out their days with a few coppers in their pockets, looking for gainful opportunities and cheap drinks. Other Ethnicities

Interspersed throughout Ord and western Cygnar are the Radiz and the Sinari, two ethnic groups that appear somewhat interrelated. Both are considered vagabond races that have never rightfully held lands of their own. They mingle as best they can as entertainers, fortune-tellers, thieves, dancers, and sailors, and can be found in small pocket groups mostly throughout coastal towns and cities from Carre Dova to Highgate. The Radiz are dusky-skinned by lighter in both frame and complexion next to the Sinari, who have a very distinct and contrasting umber-hued tone and broader facial features, characterizing them as foreign to the more indigenous, fairer-skinned races. Cygnar also has several other pocket ethnic groups. In the northwest among the Gnarls to White Bay are the sparse and incomprehensible Gnasir and the even sparser and more incomprehensible Arjun, both of whom tend to speak a nasal swampie dialect. Scattered throughout the Wyrmwall are such groups as the Olgar and the Clamorgan; in the southern mountains, the Baldavans are gradually migrating coastward and have even made nationalistic demands to be recognized by the Cygnaran Crown as their own government.


Men of the Southern Kingdoms

Southern Immoren is home to the lower half of Cygnar, as well as the beshadowed kingdom of Cryx in the Scharde Isles. The Protectorate of Menoth also lies south of Cygnar, nestled in the unforgiving deserts bequeathed to them in the wake of the Cygnaran Civil War. East of the Protectorate lies the wide, sandy expanses of the Bloodstone Marches. Caspian/Sulese

Though of the same descent, more than a river separates the Caspians and the Sulese. Caspia is one of the greatest cities in the civilized world. It is a testament to the skill of men and has stood as a beacon and refuge to southerners for well over a thousand years. Just over a century ago, however, the City of Walls was torn asunder and thousands of lives were lost in a religiously fueled civil war that resulted in the birth of the Protectorate of Menoth and the city of Sul. Today, on the Caspian side of the Black River, the Sancteum of Morrow stands as a monument to the arisen Twins, while east of the water, the walls of Sul are a constant reminder of Menoth’s presence. Caspians and Sulese are the most abundant people of western Immoren. Aside from their religious differences, they are much the same, the only outward discrepancy being hygiene and attire, as even the common Caspian has access to simple comforts unavailable to the inhabitants of the Protectorate. Caspians of the temperate regions are usually cream-skinned, whereas those of the south have brown or coppery skin. Hair and eyes are typically dark and their frames typically trim. Sulese people are even more trim and darkened by the sun and wind of the desert landscape. Bitterness still very much exists between these peoples to this day, more on the eastern side of the river than the west, and many feel it is but a matter of time before this race is once again at each other’s throats. Idrian

The barbarians of the Bloodstone Marches are diminishing. Those that still exist refer to the deserts of the east as “Idria.” Hence, according to western logic, all of them must be Idrian. As maintained by this race, they hail from a hundred different tribes, but this means little to the Sulese who have opressed them. At one time, the Idrians inhabited the fringes of the Marches and the lands further south, but incessant feuds and a sudden “changing of the earth” wiped most of them out. Those who emerged from the sands converted to Menoth. A few stragglers still refuse to accept the new religion, but they are withdrawing further into the Marches and southward as the decades pass.

    Idrians are easily marked, with almond-shaped eyes and dark brown to olive skin. They have adopted much of the Sulese culture, but while some of their traditions have been eradicated by the Menite influence, many families still practice “less offensive” rituals: peculiar naming ceremonies, marriage rituals, funeral rites, fire-eating rituals, hair-cutting ceremonies, the use of cosmetic dyes, and various piercing practices just to name a few. So far, the theocracy has tolerated these customs, but Idrian death rites, in particular, are coming under much scrutiny from the Hierarch and his exemplars. Whether these converts will fade over time or increase remains to be seen, but it seems unlikely that the Protectorate will ever fully stamp out the old ways of the Idrians. Scharde

The most abundant inhabitants in Cryx are the undead, but second in number are the malevolent and unmannered Scharde. The taint of dragonblight hangs heavy over the Scharde Isles, making these folk the darkest sort of humans. For centuries, they have raided the coasts, sailing under the flags of pirate captains who serve pirate kings who, in turn, serve racketeers that answer to the powerful Lich Lords- the very servants of Lord Toruk. Indeed, every Scharde is connected to the Dragonfather, whether they acknowledge it or not. Dragonblight affects Schardes differently. Outwardly, many look as human as any other, save for their cultural habits of ritual scarring, tattooing, and bone piercings. Socially, however, all Scharde tend to be callous cutthroats who would sell their own children if the need arose. Those living nearest to the Dragonlord’s nest, however, bear black or shining eyes, razor-sharp teeth, discolored skin, blackened nails, and pronounced veins in the face and neck. Even so, this blight is subtle compared to the deeper taint that threatens the souls of each and every Scharde.

Human Traits

It’s hard to make generalizations about humans, but your human character has these traits. Ability Score Increase. Your ability scores each increase by 1. Age. Humans reach adulthood in their late teens and live less than a century. Size. Humans vary widely in height and build, from barely 5 feet to well over 6 feet tall. Regardless of your position in that range, your size is Medium. Speed. Your walking speed is 30 feet. Languages. You can speak two languages of your choice.


Dwarves are equally stalwart in body and demeanor. They have a great lust for life, strong religious convictions, and rich codes of honor and law. Their culture is as distinct and substantial as the mountains they call home. It is a common human perception to think of Rhul as fixed and unchanging, but this is not true. They are highly adaptable, with a firm grasp of the changing times. The dwarves of today are much the same, yet very different from their ancestors. They are engineers without peer, readily embracing the advances of mechanika, the conveniences of steam power, and the improvement of all things manufactured.

Dwarf Traits

Your dwarf character has an assortment of inborn abilities, part and parcel of dwarven nature. Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2 and your Wisdom score increases by 1. Age. Dwarves reach adulthood at around two decades and live 140 years on average. Size. Dwarves stand between 4 and 5 feet tall and average about 150 pounds. Your size is Medium. Speed. Your walking speed is 25 feet. Your speed is not reduced by wearing heavy armor. Darkvision. Accustomed to life underground, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. Dwarven Resilience. You have advantage on saving throws against poison, and you have resistance against poison damage. Dwarven Toughness. Your hit point maximum increases by 1, and it increases by 1 every time you gain a level. Dwarven Weapon Training. You have proficiency with the battleaxe, handaxe, light hammer, and warhammer. Stonecunning. Whenever you make an Intelligence (History) check related to the origin of stonework, you are considered proficient in the History skill and add double your proficiency bonus to the check, instead of your normal proficiency bonus. Tool Proficiency. You gain proficiency with one set of artisan’s tools of your choice. Languages. You can speak Rhulic and one extra language of your choice.


In their secluded eastern realm, where other races are barred upon pain of death, the elves of Ios live in a state of apprehehsion. Pressure is constantly exerted by outspoken and influential radicals upon their leaders. The elven extremists implore action against the rest of the world, pointing out the threat of those who dare cross their borders in search of plunder, their numbers ever increasing, or the irresponsible actions of outsiders through the arbitrary misuse of magic– actions that are “killing” their goddess. Nevertheless, elven leaders in the Consulate Court remain locked in debate regarding any action, some of them incensed, others completely dismissive, all of them exasperated. In truth, it is generally acknowledged that humans are a threat to the Iosan way of life– and perhaps ultimately the very existence of the elven race– but open warfare against the countless outsiders is impractical to most of the consuls, who insist this would only hasten their demise. Such antagonism among their upper classes has every elf on edge, it seems. They are a people very much afraid of what lies beyond and before them.


    The elusive elves called Nyss are even more mysterious than their distant Iosan kin. They are a nomadic and tribal people that keep their secrets closely. Because of this, their far northern territories have seen very little contact with any of their Rhulic or Khadoran neighbors. Rarely do the Nyss openly cross paths with outsiders, but when these encounters do happen they are tense and occasionally end in bloodshed if formalities are not observed, especially when fools dare to venture beyond the runestone-marked borders of Nyss territory. Some folk brand them as backward, ignorant savages, but they have a rich heritage and are skilled in the arts of carpentry, leather craft, and smithing. They construct halls of wood and stone- even what might be considered small towns. However, these dwellings do not belong to specific people, but instead are occupied on a temporary basis by the various shards as they pass through regions on their seasonal sojourns. The Nyss do not practice mining, so metals are rare and highly valued by the tribes. This is perhaps one of the few reasons they interact at all with outsiders, occasionally trading with outlying Khadoran or Rhulic settlements for iron and precious metals, which they primarily use for creating their sacred weapons.

Elf Traits

Your elf character has a variety of natural abilities, the result of thousands of years of elven refinement. Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2. Age. Elves physically mature by age 23 and can live to be 275 years old. Size. Elves range from 5 and half to well over 6 feet tall and have slender builds. Your size is Medium. Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Darkvision. Accustomed to twilit forests and the night sky, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. Children of the Veld. You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put you to sleep. Keen Senses. You have proficiency in the Perception skill. Languages. You can speak either Shyr or Aeric and one other language of your choice. Iosan Elf


Goblins in the kingdoms are commonly separated into two groups: gobbers and bogrin. Gobbers are a widespread and notably wayfaring race, found nearly anywhere humans are found, and often where they are not. Of all the cultured races, despite their physical appearance and peculiar habits, goblins are the most “human” in their outlook and way of life. They are social creatures, and gobbers form sizable communities, villages, and even towns, with rules, laws, and an established caste system. There are four underlying groups: intellectuals and priests of Dhunia (bruhmeyena taka), rulers and warriors (kuteshihahu taka), merchants and skilled artisans (vishipudeeti taka), and other laborers (simply called taka). These four classes are lacking in the more primitive, nomadic bogrin kriels, who divide themselves into the kuteshihahu and everyone else.

Goblin Traits

Your goblin character has the following traits as a result of their quick fingers and peculiar upbringings. Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2. Age. Goblins mature very quickly, reaching adulthood in their early teens. Few live far beyond half a century. Size. Gobbers average about 3 feet tall and weigh around 40 pounds. Your size is Small. Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet. Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. Stealthy. You have proficiency in the Stealth skill. Swampborn. You have advantage on saving throws against poison, and you have resistance against poison damage. Languages. You can speak Gobberish and one other language of your choice.

    Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 1. Arcane Senses. You may cast the detect magic spell once using this trait. You regain the ability to do so when you finish a short or long rest. Iosan Weapon Training. You have proficiency with the longsword, shortsword, shortbow, and longbow. Extra Language. You can speak, read, and write one extra language of your choice.


Nyss Elf


    Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 1.


Cold Resistance. You have resistance to cold damage. In addition, you are unharmed by temperatures as low as -50 degrees Fahrenheit. Nyss Weapon Training. You have proficiency with the greatsword, longsword, longbow, and shortbow. When making an attack with a greatsword, you use your choice of your Strength or Dexterity modifier for the attack and damage rolls. Take note that the weapon does not gain the finesse property.

    Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 1. Pack Tactics. You have advantage on attack rolls against a creature if at least one of your allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated. Silent Hunter. You can attempt to hide even when you are only lightly obscured by foliage, heavy rain, falling snow, mist, and other natural phenomena.     Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 1. Nimble. You can move through the space of any creature that is of a size larger than yours.

    Escape Artist. You are proficient in the Acrobatics skill, and you have advantage on Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks against effects that cause the grappled or restrained conditions. Additionally, when an enemy misses you with an attack, you can use your reaction to move up to your speed without provoking opportunity attacks. Tool Proficiency. You gain proficiency with the artisan’s tools of your choice: alchemist’s supplies or tinkerer’s tools.

Ogrun Weapon Training. You have proficiency with the glaive, halberd, and pike. Powerful Build. You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift. Languages. You can speak Molgur-Og and one additional language of your choice.


Trollkin are large; the smallest of them are on par with the largest of men, and they stand roughly a head shorter than a hefty ogrun, but they cannot be mistaken for either. Their thick, freckled skin is pale gray touched blue and green in places, and their irises so colorless their eyes appear stark white at a distance. They have large, three-fingered hands and three-toed feet, spiny protrusions on the backs of their heads and necks, and their sonorous voices are not easily misjudged. Some among them have been “blessed” and born with sorcerous abilities. A trollkin sorcerer is easily marked as they are smaller than their kin, with stark white skin bereft of any coloration, and are held in high regard among their people. For the trollkin, the ethno-tribal way of life has never faded. Every trollkin is a member of a tightly knit clan called a kith, who are often related by blood, and neighboring kith are considered a kriel, essentially a word in Molgur that translates as “people.” It is believed that as many as 200 kriel exist throughout western Immoren. The eldest kith of a kriel are called the Circle of Stones, and it is these who regulate and establish trollkin customs, laws, and religion. Indeed, trollkin culture is a lavish display of colors and decorations. Every kith has a quitari, a tartan pattern that distinguishes their kith that is sometimes worn as a sash around the waist or over the shoulder, and is incorporated on banners and pennons. Trollkin are unrestrained in their music and dance and just as unrestrained in their beliefs that all natural phenomena are born of Dhunia and have souls. Spirits dominate everything they do, and it is customary, in honor of Dhunia, to offer fruits and flowers to others as a token of goodwill or to make amends. A trollkin’s blood and bloodline, like their souls, are extremely important affairs, and it is considered a grave offense to dismiss or disrespect such a thing. Most trollkin adherents of Dhunia believe that all things come from and return to the earth to be reborn. Because they are so closeknit, trollkin are sometimes considered aloof by other races, occasionally even hostile. This may have something to do with their bias against creatures they consider “weak blooded,” but they try not to hold this too personally against those who don’t have the good fortune to be born trollkin.

Tracing the history of the ogrun is not easy, for they have had few chroniclers of note. Their past is known best among those living in Rhul, where they have lived in harmony with the dwarves for centuries. Long ago, the ogrun were part of an alliance of barbarians known as Molgur, a savage yet egalitarian confederation of humans, ogrun, trollkin, and goblins. The Molgur swept through the southern human tribes like a plague, conquering all who stood before them and taking tribute and sacrifice. The ogrun were the most powerful of these warriors, entrusted with holding the front lines even in the most impossible battles. Yet for all their killing prowess and enormous strength, they have ever been a spiritual people and are noted for their loyalty even today. Indeed, ogrun will put their lives on the line readily for those to whom they have given their allegiance. In time, the Molgur were scattered. No longer bound by ties of unity and seeking only survival, the bulk of the ogrun journeyed north, into the far mountains, where they sometimes crossed the dwarves of Rhul. Occasional tribes of ogrun were put to the sword, and sometimes a dwarven patrol would vanish, but, in time, both races have learned to respect the other and live in peace.

Ogrun Traits

Your ogrun character is large and imposing, and has a variety of characteristics that derive from their great stature. Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2 and your Constitution score increases by 1. Age. Ogrun mature only marginally faster than humans and live for the better part of a century. Size. Ogrun stand roughly 8 feet tall on average, and weigh close to 400 pounds. Your size is Medium. Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Class Restriction. Ogrun cannot take levels in Bard, Sorcerer, or Wizard, and they cannot select the Eldritch Knight or Arcane Trickster subclasses, as they do not have the Gift. Long-Limbed. When you make a melee attack on your turn, your reach for it is 5 feet greater than normal. Menacing. You are proficient with the Intimidation skill. Oathkeeper. You can take a moment to remember your oaths and steel yourself for the tasks to come as a bonus action. Once within the next 10 minutes, you may roll a d6 and add that number to one ability check, attack roll, or saving throw you make. You can wait until after you roll the d20 before deciding to use this ability, but must decide before the DM says whether the roll succeeds or fails. You cannot use this ability again until you finish a short or long rest.


Trollkin Traits

Your trollkin character has certain traits thanks to their resilient physiology. Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2 and your Strength score increases by 1. Age. Trollkin mature at about the same rate as humans, but they can live to be over 150 years old. Size. Trollkin stand between 6-1/2 and 7-1/2 feet tall and weigh about 250 pounds, though trollkin arcane spellcasters among are albino and a head shorter. Your size is Medium. 9

    Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Natural Athlete. You have proficiency in the Athletics skill. Poison Resistance. You have advantage on saving throws against poison, and you have resistance against poison damage. Regeneration. Whenever you spend Hit Dice during a short rest, double the number of hit points you regain. In addition, you slowly regenerate severed body parts, growing back severed fingers and toes after 24 hours; severed hands and feet after 3 days; and severed limbs after 1 week. If a severed body part is present and whole, you can reattach it during a short rest as long as you spend at least one Hit Die to regain hit points. Tough As Nails. You can focus yourself to occasionally shrug off injury. When you take damage, you can use your reaction to roll a d12. Add your Constitution modifier to the number rolled, and reduce the damage by that total. After you use this trait, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest. Languages. You can speak Molgur-Trul and one other language of your choice.

Other Races

Though humans comprise the vast majority of western Immoren’s inhabitants, and elves, dwarves, and the the Dhunian races form a significant minority, there are many other sentient species throughout the continent. Sometimes, these strange and exotic people make their way to the periphery of civilization as adventurers.


Farrow are an opportunistic and hardy race of boar-men that has thrived on the fringes of civilization for centuries. They are found among the unclaimed badlands of Cygnar and are particularly numerous on the habitable fringes of the Bloodstone Marches. Their territories are dotted with farrow villages led by local chieftains, with populations ranging from a few dozen individuals into the hundreds. The mightiest of these local leaders are self-appointed warlords, each of whom has dominated numerous lesser chiefs. Many farrow make a living as guides, scouts, and traders, and some sustain themselves as brigands, attacking travelers on the trade roads of western Immoren to pilfer goods. Farrow also make excellent cooks. (Bacon makes everything taste better.) Farrow are a sturdy, strong race possessing a natural talent for physical activity. They stand about as tall as humans but carry themselves in a stooped, hunchbacked posture. A farrow’s face is much like that of a boar, with a long tusked snout and a flat cartilaginous nose, but the eyes betray a keen intelligence. Farrow are quite shrewd and have a deserved reputation as peerless scavengers. They waste little; in their raids they will take anything that isn’t bolted down and will transform even cast-off materials into effective weapons, tools, and armor. Though life on the fringes requires many to indulge in opportunistic banditry to survive, farrow settlements are generally open to trading with other races, and farrow warriors often sell their services as mercenaries and guides. Grun, the farrow tongue, has a simple grammar and includes a large number of words borrowed or modified from Cygnaran, peppered with emotive grunts and squeals irreproducible by humans. 10

Farrow society is brutal by the standards of some outsiders, as the strong dominate the weak and disputes are commonly resolved through violence. Dhunian shamans hold a respected position in farrow villages and can sometimes mediate escalating conflicts that threaten the community. Though religion is not a central aspect of farrow life, most tribes venerate Dhunia to some degree, depicting her as a pregnant female of their race. Farrow spellcasters often rise to leadership thanks to their special talents. The greatest farrow warlords are those who can control porcine warbeasts and employ them to crush would-be rivals. Nonetheless, there is room in farrow society for other roles, and those who are clever or skilled seek the protection of stronger allies who value their talents.

Farrow Traits

Your farrow character has certain traits thanks to their hardy bodies. Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2 and your Strength score increases by 1. Age. Farrow mature at about the same rate as humans, but they live less than a century. Size. Farrow stand about as tall as humans, but are broader and carry themselves hunched over. They weigh about 200 pounds. Your size is Medium. Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Charge. When you use your action to Dash, you may make one melee attack as a bonus action. If you move at least 10 feet in a straight line immediately before taking this bonus action, the attack deals extra damage on a successful hit. You can roll one of the weapon's damage dice one additional time and add it to the damage of the attack. Disease Resistance. You have advantage on saving throws against diseases. Keen Smell. You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell. Natural Weapons. You can use your tusks as a natural weapon to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with your horns, you deal slashing damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier. Poison Resistance. You have advantage on saving throws against poison, and you have resistance against poison damage. Relentless. When you are reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright, you can drop to 1 hit point instead. You can't use this feature again until you finish a long rest. Languages. You can speak Grun and one other language of your choice.


Bipedal reptiles endowed with formidable natural weapons, gatormen are primal hunters who dwell in deep swamps and along remote rivers, dominating any area they inhabit. They are feared predators notorious for guarding their territories with bloodthirsty efficiency and will eagerly assail any trespassers. Gatormen have long jaws lined with large, sharp teeth for rending flesh, and their bite has bone-shattering power. Their thickly scaled hide overlays exceptionally dense muscle, providing tough natural armor. A gatorman’s mind is that of a cold-blooded predator always searching for prey to consume. Gatormen can live incredibly long, and they spend the majority of that prolonged life jostling for dominance among their own kind. Tribes tend to be independent of each other if not openly antagonistic, competing for resources and hunting territory. Gatorman tribes are led by bokors, feral witch doctors who command predatory swamp spirits and necromantic powers. Ruthless but pragmatic, gatormen will often barter with outsiders who bear offerings. Swamp denizens must placate or otherwise come to terms with local gatorman tribes if they hope to survive. Gatormen do not lightly break their word— whether a promise of safe passage or a vow of vengeance— and are rigid in interpreting such agreements, savagely punishing those suspected of betrayal.

Gatorman Traits

Your gatorman character has a handful of abilities due to their biology. Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2 and your Wisdom score increases by 1. Age. Gatormen can live several centuries, but most die from violence well before then. Size. Gatormen tower over humans, standing 7 to 8 feet tall and weighing between 500 and 600 pounds. Your size is Medium. Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Swim Speed. You have a swimming speed of 30 feet. Bayou Lore. You gain proficiency with two of the following skills of your choice: Animal Handling, Nature, Perception, Stealth, and Survival. Bite. Your fanged maw is a natural weapon, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with it, you deal piercing damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike. Hold Breath. You can hold your breath for up to 15 minutes at a time. Hungry Jaws. In battle, you can throw yourself into a vicious feeding frenzy. As a bonus action, you can make a special attack with your bite. If the attack hits, it deals its normal damage, and you gain temporary hit points equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum of 1), and you can't use this trait again until you finish a short or long rest. Natural Armor. You have tough, scaly skin. When you aren't wearing armor, your AC is 13 + your Dexterity modifier. You can use your natural armor to determine your AC if the armor you wear would leave you with a lower AC. A shield's benefits apply as normal while you use your natural armor.

Powerful Build. You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift. Languages. You can speak Quor-Gar and one other language of your choice.


The satyxis are an ancient warrior race. Once famous for their honorable traditions and prowess in battle, they led a life of conflict and heroism. As it happens, a fight between Toruk and the dragon Shazkz devastated the homeland of the satyxis centuries ago. Dragon fire and spilled dragon blood tainted the land and ultimately the satyxis bloodline as well. The women survived, but the men were rendered monstrous and deformed. Over the ages, this dragonblight has crept further into their blood, making the women strong and the men non-existent. After the blight took hold, satyxis women learned it was best to mate exclusively outside of their own bloodline. Myth and records show they often choose to seduce their most capable opponents (traditionally known as chosen) into fathering their children. Once with child, the satyxis mother leaves the chosen male and retreats to her homeland to give birth. Daughters are treated as warriors with a birthright— the sons are brutally sacrificed. Today, the satyxis homeland is lost, though it is thought to be close to Cryx. In the modern day, the women the Orgoth called “reaver witches” are well known on that dark isle and the surrounding waters. Select daughters are chosen by Toruk to serve his will as assassins or worse. Pirate crews also value the satyxis as elite officers.

Satyxis Traits

Your satyxi character has certain traits thanks to her piratical upbringing. Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2 and your Charisma score increases by 1. Age. Satyxis mature at the same rate as humans, and can live to be up to 120 years old. Size. Satyxi are about the height and weight of human men, with large horns adding the greater part of a foot to their height. Your size is Medium. Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. Blightborn. You have resistance to necrotic damage thanks to a traditional Cryxian upbringing. Natural Weapons. You can use your horns as a natural weapon to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with your horns, you deal bludgeoning damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier.


    Siren’s Song. You can cast the charm person spell once with this trait. You regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells. Languages. You can speak Satyxi, Cygnaran (Scharde Tongue dialect), and one other language of your choice.


The skorne are one of Immoren’s most ancient civilizations. Their culture developed apart from the forces that shaped the western nations, but though they never suffered the lash of the Orgoth or the conflicts of the west, they endured a litany of catastrophes and warfare. The skorne have been fundamentally shaped by tremendous destruction and suffering, beginning with the annihilation of the Empire of Lyoss and the supernatural cataclysm that consumed the east. Had the Lyossans not plunged the world into fire, though, the skorne would likely never have risen to prominence. From humble nomadic roots, the skorne established a permanent civilization in an era of dramatic upheaval. Over thousands of years spent thriving despite misfortune and learning to strengthen themselves through privation, the skorne developed into the dominant inhabitants of eastern Immoren and became one of the two most influential races on the continent. The skorne are devotees of millennia-old philosophies that shaped a complex society with distinct concepts of honor, sacrifice, and morality. Their long history of struggling for survival and internecine warfare amid a desolate environment forged them into remarkable warriors who draw on a powerful and dark mystical tradition that taps into the very power of flesh and death. Though they were once fractured and divided, the unification of the skorne into an empire has turned them into an existential threat to the west, a culture of proud, united warriors boasting a singularly formidable army bent on conquest. For the skorne, the subjugation of the west is the only possible outcome of thousands of years of refining the arts of war. Philosophy has played a key role in the evolution of the skorne people, including the central tenet of ancestor worship. The skorne do not acknowledge or revere gods but look instead to the great figures of their family lines and aspire to emulate those who have achieved greatness. Such a legacy is the closest most skorne can come to immortality; they have no expectation of enduring past death except in the memories of their kin. They have no knowledge of Urcaen. Instead, the skorne believe only annihilation awaits them as their spirits tumble into a hellish wasteland they call the Void. Skorne society is strictly regimented, with the warrior caste above all others. Great warlords direct the course of skorne society, and the warrior caste subjugates the workers and scholars who advance skorne society in more subtle ways. Their tribal culture relies upon the enslavement of defeated enemies and the use of beasts of labor. All skorne dwelling within the empire know their place in society, who their betters are, and how to offer the proper amount of deference to their superiors. The caste system exists even among tribal nomads living beyond the borders, though not as rigidly enforced as within the great cities of eastern Immoren.


Skorne Traits

Your skorne character has certain abilities thanks to their harsh conditioning. Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2 and one ability score of your choice increases by 1. Age. Skorne mature at about the same rate as humans and usually live less than a century. Size. Skorne are tall and lean of build, standing between 51/2 and 7 feet tall and weighing about 160 pounds. Your size is Medium. Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Skilled. You have proficiency in two skills of your choice. Languages. You can speak Skorne and one other language of your choice.


The Tharn are a primal race of barbarians that once stood on the verge of extinction. More beasts than men, in ancient times their tribes, or tuaths, spread across Immoren. They were a people given over to bestial transformation, predation, and bloodlust. For centuries the gnawed remains of human sacrifices hung from the trees to mark the fringes of their territory. Of all the peoples who once revered the Devourer Wurm, the Tharn were the most devoted to raw, predatory savagery. Direct descendants of the Molgur, they have terrified the Iron Kingdoms for centuries. Tharn were known to emerge from the deep wilderness to savagely fall upon the soldiers of civilized armies and indulge in terrifying rites of Devourer worship. It was the Tharn that convinced civilized mankind that all worshippers of the Wurm are bloodthirsty cannibals. Through countless generations of devotion and sacrifice to their hungry god, Tharn have transformed into something other than human—which they now see as prey. They deem it their primal birthright to channel the Devourer into their bodies, transforming into bestial warriors or preternaturally swift hunters. The identity of the human tribe the Tharn arose from, as well as the specifics of their pact with the Devourer, is lost to time. Legends of transforming barbarians appear throughout various old sagas. Records from the Orgoth Era make scant mention of Tharn, though it was the scribes of that time who first used the name. Records of barbarian attacks and Orgoth reprisals survive, but they indicate few clashes after the invaders claimed the territories the Tharn inhabited. The Tharn generally did not contest lands the Orgoth desired. Instead, they moved to regions of little use to the invaders, although the Orgoth did drive them from the Thornwood and elsewhere. After the defeat of the Orgoth, the Tharn had greater liberty to raid into the edges of the newly formed Iron Kingdoms. They destroyed whole villages and murdered isolated columns of soldiers before falling into obscurity and returning to the Thornwood, where they became most numerous.

     Doom almost came to the Tharn some three centuries ago after they were drawn into a war between Khador and Cygnar. By the thousands, Tharn journeyed south to raze strongholds in northern Cygnar, focused only on hunting and killing in the Devourer’s name. These barbarians had no interest in claiming territory and willingly gave up ground when the Cygnarans rallied against them, but the Church of Morrow declared a holy war against the Tharn, calling it a battle against the darkness itself. Amid reports of terrible carnage and cannibalism, the Exordeum of the Church of Morrow bestowed a withering curse known as the Ten Ills upon the Tharn. The curse inflicted lasting infertility and almost destroyed them. Survivors of the war soon became too few to risk their lives in battle. The Tharn withdrew to the deeper forests and mountains, and for a time civilized man thought their race had perished. The Tharn had long had strong ties to the blackclads of the Circle Orboros, and for hundreds of years the druids worked to unravel this Morrowan curse. It was eventually the potent Morvahna the Autumnblade who would prove successful, some thirty years ago. Once the curse was undone, the Tharn experienced a great upsurge in births. In only two short generations much of the damage done to their numbers has been reversed. The Tharn remain truly grateful to the Circle Orboros and to Morvahna specifically and have proven their willingness to fight for them. The order has taken advantage of this gratitude by offering countless opportunities for the Tharn to display their hunters’ prowess and devotion to the Devourer. It does not trouble the Tharn that others view the blackclads as manipulative. Indeed, speaking ill of the blackclads to a Tharn who remembers the Ten Ills is a provocation to quick violence. The largest Tharn territory in western Immoren is deep in the Thornwood Forest, though smaller tribes have established themselves in most major forests and as far away as the Scharde Islands. Tharn tribes have also been settled throughout the dominions of the Circle Orboros so that the blackclads can draw upon the strength of their warriors to protect sacred sites and launch offensives against their many rivals.

Feral Transformation. As a bonus action, you can enter a bestial state where your senses become sharper and your claws become keen. During a feral transformation, you gain the following benefits: You have advantage on saving throws against effects that would charm you. You have advantage on Charisma (Intimidation), Dexterity (Stealth), and Wisdom (Perception) checks You have disadvantage on Charisma (Deception) and Charisma (Persuasion) checks, as well as disadvantage on all Intelligence skill checks and saving throws. Your unarmed strikes deal 1d6 slashing damage on a hit. At the start of each of your turns, you gain temporary hit points equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum of 0) if you have at least 1 hit point. A feral transformation lasts for 1 minute. It ends early if you are knocked unconscious or if you take a bonus action on your turn to end it. When your feral transformation ends, you suffer one level of exhaustion. You must finish a long rest before you can perform a feral transformation again. If Calder and either of Caen’s other moons is full, then you cannot restrain your inner beast. For the duration of the lunar conjunction, you cannot end your feral transformation. Languages. You can speak Molgur-Tharn and one additional language of your choice.

Tharn Traits

Your tharn character has certain skills thanks to the blessings of the Devourer Wurm. Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2 and your Dexterity score increases by 1. Age. Tharn mature at the same rate as humans, and live about three quarters of a century. Size. Tharn are large and muscled, standing between 6 and 7 feet tall and weighing around 200 pounds. Your size is Medium. Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. Bestial Claws. You are proficient with your unarmed strikes, which deal 1d4 slashing damage plus your Strength modifier on a successful hit. Menacing. You have proficiency in the Intimidation skill.


Chapter 2: Character Options


eroes can come from any walk of life, and the mightiest mages rub shoulders with the lowest rogues. Each type has a place in the Iron Kingdoms, though there are some additional options and tweaked class features.

Character Classes

The following changes are made to class features. Additionally, new subclasses and a new class are introduced.


Alchemy is a growing scientific tradition in Western Immoren, and its practitioners are respected members of the academic community. Usually, it is an alchemist specializing in medicine that the common man will turn to for medical care. The Order of the Golden Crucible, based out of Llael, is the largest Immorese organization based on alchemical study and membership in the Order is highly prestigious. In the far east, the Skorne Empire also produces alchemists, though they refer to the art as chymistry and rely on slightly different principles. Gunsmiths are always in high demand in the Iron Kingdoms, and new experimental designs are always in need of field testing. Arcane Mechaniks are skilled engineers that weave magical talent into their machines The Arcane Mechanik Artificer Specialty is described later in the chapter. Wondrous Invention

The following items are not available: bag of holding, alchemy jug, robe of useful items, bag of beans, decanter of endless water, folding boat, and Heward’s handy haversack. The DM should work with players to find suitable substitutes. Mechanical Servant

Instead of a mechanical servant as described in the class feature, artificers forge bonds to mechanikal servitors as described in chapter 4. When you gain this feature at 6th level, you gain a mechanikal servitor with a value of 1,000 gp or less as a companion.


The onset of industry has endangered the way of life of many "barbaric" peoples. Though the citizens of the Iron Kingdoms eagerly anticipate the spread of their culture to the wilderness, they are unaware of how many pockets of resistance exist at the edges of civilization. From the clans of northern Khadorn and the trollkin kriels of the Thornwood to the Idrian tribesmen of the Bloodstone marches, rich cultures untouched by industrialization flourish in the unblemished regions of wilderness.


Many warriors from the fringes of civilization follow the path of the berserker. Warriors who revere animistic totems are rarer, but are found in cults to the Devourer Wurm and amongst the Tharn. There are warriors among the armies of the Skorne that savor causing as much pain as close as possible. These “battleragers” often adorn their armor with spikes and blades. The masses of the Protectorate are more than willing to lay their lives down for their god, and these zealots are found in all reaches of the Kingdoms. The followers of Dhunia believe in reincarnation, and some Dhunian warriors have learned how to channel their past lives to aid them in battle.


Bards are a rare breed in Immoren. Though music itself is not magical, those with the Gift are capable of channeling magic into their music through dedicated study to produce magical effects. Because their raw talent has been tempered with such study, and because it is vastly more entertaining, the common folk of the Iron Kingdoms do not attach the same stigma to bards as they do other arcanists. Bardic training is usually done through apprenticeship to another bard, but in Ord there exists a number of concert halls that have begun recruiting magical talent to add to their symphonies and operas. Bards who travel with military units, mercenary companies, groups of brigands, and even aboard ships often regale their allies with tales of valor and bravery, even as they plunge into battle alongside them. In the streets of Ordic cities and western Cygnar some bards thirst for glory and seek to sing their own praises. These “bravos” are skilled swordsmen in their own right, and channel their magic toward that end. Some bards make less overt use of their magic. The Cygnaran Reconnaissance Service, Ordic courtesans, and even some undercover agents from the Greylords Covenant serve as spies and specialize in infiltration. Many famous trollkin skalds are warrior-mages who wield the power of their voices as fell callers.


Clerics are common across all of Immoren, but the greatest concentration of them is the Sancteum of Morrow in Caspia and the Protectorate of Menoth. Chapter 3 discusses the religions of the Iron Kingdoms and which deities sponsor which domains. Not all religions are preoccupied with life and death in the manner typically seen. Priests of the Maiden of Gears and followers of the Devourer Wurm, however rare, manifest their divine power differently. These clerics do not receive the Turn Undead effect for their Channel Divinity ability. Instead, they receive the option for their faith below:

Why not a subclass? Clerics and paladins are recieving altered class features instead of a new subclass for their religion because religions have many different expressions. Just as gods in other settings have multiple domains their clerics may embrace, gods in the Iron Kingdoms have multi-faceted followings. These rules are designed to give religions differences while allowing multiple philosophies within each.

Channel Divinity: Stall Machines [Cyriss]

As an action, you raise your holy symbol and rebuke the animating energies of constructs. Each construct within 30 feet of you must make a Wisdom saving throw. If the construct fails its saving throw, it is paralyzed for 1 minute or until it takes any damage. Channel Divinity: Incite Rage [Devourer Wurm]

As an action, you spill some of your own blood as a sacrifice to the Wurm and speak a prayer, inciting feral rage in your allies. Choose up to 6 allies within 30 feet of you (you can choose yourself in place of one of the allies). For the next minute, each target can roll a d6 when rolling damage for a melee weapon attack and add the number rolled to the damage roll. At 14th level, this bonus increases to 2d6.


Druids in the Iron Kingdoms are secretive and insular. Some priests of nature-related deities, such as Dhunia and Scyrah, manifest their powers as druids instead of clerics, but the majority of druids are the mysterious Blackclads of the Circle Orboros. The Circle is an all-human religious sect related to the Devourer Wurm, though much of their work involves maintaining the balance of nature and civilization in an attempt to appease the Devourer and, so doing, save the world from destruction. The onset of industrialization has spurred many druids into violent action against urban centers, while others seek to resolve the conflict peacably.


Fighters are found everywhere in Immoren, especially with the rising tensions and imminent war that most authorities are predicting. Many fighters are drawn from the ranks of national armies or mercenary companies, who are building up forces before the war. The Cygnar-Khador border has always been well patrolled by both sides, as skirmishes are frequent there. In the south, many Menites have taken up the art of arms in support of separatist actions for the Protectorate. Along the Broken Coast, pirates and sailors from Cryx, Cygnar, and Ord all ply the waters and depend on sharp steel and heavy guns to defend themselves. The northern steppes of Khador saw the thundering hooves of the Horselords centuries ago, and today there still exists a strong mounted tradition in those regions.

Firearms were originally invented some 600 years ago during the Orgoth rebellion and they have only become more deadly and more reliable since. Though the cost of firearms is prohibitive for most commoners, everybody has at least seen a firearm and the prices are plummeting due to increasing industrialization. Gunslingers are an increasingly common sight in the Kingdoms, and many developed out of the dueling traditions of Llael and aboard the ships plying the coasts of Ord, Cygnar, and Cryx. Steamjacks have changed the face of modern war, but require skilled ‘jack marshals or warcasters to command. Out of a desire for warjack-like strength driven by the intelligence of a human emerged the first designs for steam armor. Many years later, the pilots that specialize in the use of steam armor are known as ironheads. This tradition has found great success in Khador, where military-grade steamjack cortexes are rare to find and difficult to produce. The largest collection of steam armor exists in the armories of the Khadoran ManO-War garrisons, standing ready to march on the enemies of the Motherland. The Gunslinger and Ironhead Martial Archetypes are described later in the chapter.


Monks are rare in the Iron Kingdoms, and most come from religious organizations. Menite monks are the most numerous and are members of the Order of the Fist, an organization that aids the Scrutators as secret police within the church, passing unarmed and unnoticed amongst the population. Morrowan monks are members of the Order of Keeping, which is responsible for guarding religious relics of the Morrowan faith and for the protection of important members of the church. The Dark Twin has her own devotees as well, capable of wielding darkness itself as a weapon. A number of monks are trained in the Skorne Empire, with their powers arising from their intimate knowledge of anatomy and the study of souls. On the other side of the Bloodstone Marches, Idrian tribes have had a resurgence in their ancient systems of hand-to-hand combat as the Protectorate tightens the screws on them with oppressive disarmament policies.


Paladins are warriors of rare faith that can be found across all of Immoren. In Cygnar, the greatest concentration of them is the Sancteum of Morrow in Caspia. These holy knights swear their vows and often spend years on pilgrimages to the sites of holy relics and places of Ascension. In the church of Menoth, paladins swear their oaths to the waning Order of the Wall, sworn to defend the faithful from evil. Though they are being crushed beneath the weight of church politics, they still make their stand on the field of battle and in the dark places of the world. Paladins of other faiths also exist in the world; the fane of Scyrah produces a number of Iosan paladins that seek to save their goddess while mediating the rising extremism in the church, while Rhulic clan leaders channel the powers of the Great Fathers. The many expressions of faith also produce a diverse selection of divine abilities, and paladins of some gods have slightly different class abilities. 15

Divine Sense: Geomantic Perception [Cyriss]

You can open your senses to the ebb and flow of magical energies. You can use your action to see a faint aura around any visible creature or object within 60 feet that bears magic until the end of your next turn, and you learn its school of magic, if any. You can use this feature a number of times equal to 1 + your Charisma modifier. When you finish a long rest, you regain all expended uses. This ability replaces the Divine Sense ability that paladins normally receive at 1st level. Divine Sense: Bestial Senses [Devourer Wurm]

Unlike the lapdogs of civilization, your senses are honed to a razor edge. You have advantage on all Wisdom (Perception) checks. Additionally, your sense of smell is as keen as a wolf’s and you can track creatures on scent alone. If you are surprised at the beginning of combat and aren't incapacitated, you can act normally on your first turn. To gain this benefit, you can't be blinded, deafened, or incapacitated. This ability replaces the Divine Sense ability that paladins normally receive at 1st level. Lay on Hands: Arcane Fluctuations [Cyriss]

The Maiden of Gears blesses flesh and steel alike. When you use your lay on hands ability, it functions on constructs and objects just as it does on living creatures. Additionally, you can expend hit points from your pool of healing to power mechanikal devices. Every 5 hit points is equivalent to 1 charge from an accumulator, and powers the device for 1 hour. This ability can provide power to devices with no charge, but it cannot recharge spent accumulators. This ability augments the Lay On Hands ability that paladins normally receive. Divine Smite: Demolish [Cyriss]

When you deal extra damage to a target of a melee weapon attack from your Divine Smite ability, the damage increases by 1d8 if the target is a construct, an undead, or a fiend. This ability augments the Divine Smite ability that paladins normally receive. Divine Smite: Dhunian Fury [Dhunia]

When you deal extra damage to a target of a melee weapon attack from your Divine Smite ability, the damage is cold, fire, or lightning damage (your choice) instead of radiant damage. This ability augments the Divine Smite ability that paladins normally receive. Divine Smite: Frostbite [Nyssor]

When you deal extra damage to a target of a melee weapon attack from your Divine Smite ability, the damage is cold damage instead of radiant damage. This ability augments the Divine Smite ability that paladins normally receive.


Divine Smite: Shadowstrike [Thamar or Toruk]

When you deal extra damage to a target of a melee weapon attack from your Divine Smite ability, the damage is necrotic damage instead of radiant damage. This ability augments the Divine Smite ability that paladins normally receive.


In the Iron Kingdoms, most rangers are outdoorsman, explorers, and scouts that live by skill, ingenuity, and respect for nature. The rangers of Immoren are seldom capable of casting spells, and most use the “ranger without spells” variant. Those that do use magic are usually involved with the Circle Orboros or the religions of Dhunia, Scyrah, Nyssor, or other primal deities. Many are often wanderers, tracking bounties and fugitives across the Iron Kingdoms. Some, such as the notorious Alten Ashley, make their living as professional monster hunters, or selling their services as mercenaries. Some magically-inclined rangers are recruited by more “civilized” churches, however. Most notably, the church of Morrow sponsors the Order of Illumination, which uses the skills of rangers to hunt down infernals, grymkin, and other monsters. In the recesses of human civilization, however, the Retribution of Scyrah has mage hunter operatives that earn their wages in the blood of human arcanists.


Thieves, tricksters, and those who survive by the sharpness of their skills alone can be found in all civilizations, though some cities, such as Five Fingers, are notorious for their expansive criminal elements. The inexorable advance of industry throughout Immoren has give rise to a new breed of rogue, called the Bodger. Bodgers specialize in quick fixes and coaxing even the most battered machines into functioning while they improvise technological solutions for their more pressing problems. The Bodger Roguish Archetype is described later in the chapter. Thieves’ Cant

When you gain this feature at 1st level, you learn the Five Cant language.


Immorese sorcerers are outcasts, often greeted with equal parts scorn and fear, the common person trusts sorcerers far less than wizards or bards because they wield dangerous powers without the formal training in when their use is appropriate. Furthermore, the source of sorcerous powers is often assumed to be Infernal in nature, and fears surrounding those fiends are great enough that the common person may not be willing to listen to reason when it comes to sorcery.

    A notable exception to this attitude is the Trollkin, amongst which sorcerers are stunted in growth and albino. Despite these marked differences, Trollkin sorcerers are a respected caste of society. At the opposite extreme of the spectrum is the Protectorate of Menoth, where witches are bound in chains and put to work crafting and repairing the mechanika of the militant orders. Some of these repentant witches are sent to the battlefield as living weapons to bring cleansing flame down on Menoth’s enemies.


Warlocks exist in all of the Iron Kingdoms, and are the subject of many cautionary children's tales. These men and women have learned the forbidden lore of Infernals and made pacts with those creatures— trading either their souls or those of others for the magical powers they now wield. These mages are distinguishable from those of other arcane traditions by the witch-mark they carry on their soul and telltale physical manifestations of their Infernal pacts, such as a missing shadow or a reflection with a mind of its own. These marks are not commonly known, however, and many warlocks can go for years before being discovered. The threat of witchcraft has tarnished the reputation of more honest magic users and drawn even their ire on discovered witches. While Infernals are the most common sponsors of such pacts, there are other potential patrons for an enterprising warlock. The Defiers, powerful entities that were banished to the wilderness of Urcaen by Menoth for refusing to bend to his will, are the lords of the Grymkin and have been known to grant power to those who balk the demands placed upon them. Morrowan Ascendants and Thamarite Scions might also be willing to reach out to a mortal soul, while skorne extollers call upon their exalted ancestors for aid and deliverance.


Wizardry was originally developed by the savant Sebastian Kerwin during the Orgoth Occupation, and has developed since then at an exponential rate. The majority of wizards are trained through apprenticeships, but all of the Iron Kingdoms except the Protectorate of Menoth train wizards for their military forces, and a number of non-governmental organizations train Gifted people in the arcane arts for more commercial reasons. Oddly, some churches sponsor the arcane arts as well, and theurgist wizards can be found in the Morrowan Order of Illumination and congregations of Thamar, where they are ordained to hold the same spiritual authority as a priest. A parallel evolution of the arcane arts developed in the Skorne Empire to the east of the Bloodstone Marches, where the practice of mortitheurgy— power from the border between life and death— is the norm. The Mortitheurge Arcane Tradition is described later in the chapter.

New Subclasses

The following subclasses are available to characters in the Iron Kingdoms when they reach the appropriate level.

Artificer Specialty: Arcane Mechanik

Bridging the gap between machines and magic, the arcane mechanik is an arcanist with a penchant for mechanikal engineering. He is an innovative crafter of mechanika devices and has the necessary skills and knowledge to create and repair mechanika armor and weapons or the arcane systems of steamjacks. The arcane mechanik has likely spent some time as an apprentice for an established arcane mechanik or for an organization that employs them, such as the Steam and Iron Workers Union. Creating mechanika is an incredibly expensive undertaking, and arcane mechaniks often turn to adventuring and mercenary work to fund their private endeavors. Since their skills are in high demand, an arcane mechanik typically has little trouble finding lucrative employment. Additionally, the wild and unpredictable life of a freelance mercenary often provides the perfect testing ground for many types of mechanikal creations. Bonus Proficiencies

When you choose this artificer specialty at 1st level, you gain proficiency with mechanik’s tools, thieves’ tools, and tinker's tools. Mechanikal Enhancement

At 1st level, you gain the ability to imbue magic into a weapon or armor. At the end of a long rest, you can upgrade one nonmagical object that is a suit of armor or a simple or martial weapon. Until the end of your next long rest or until you die, the object becomes a magic item, granting a +1 bonus to AC if it’s armor or a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls if it’s a weapon. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest. Expertise

At 3rd level, choose two of your skill proficiencies. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses either of the chosen proficiencies. At 7th level, you can choose two more of your proficiencies to gain this benefit. Power Surge

Your expertise with mechanika affords you an intimate knowledge of arcanodynamic power sources. Starting at 3rd level, when you take the Use an Object action to activate a mechanikal item, you can expend one spell slot to power it (even if it doesn’t have a power source installed). The item gains a number of charges equal to the level of the expended spell slot.


    Furthermore, you can channel your magic into your attacks to disrupt enemy constructs. When you hit a construct with a melee weapon attack, you can expend one spell slot to deal force damage to the target, in addition to the weapon's damage. The extra damage is 2d8 for a 1st-level spell slot, plus 1d8 for each spell level higher than 1st, to a maximum of 5d8. Additionally, the target must make a Wisdom saving throw or be stunned until the end of your next turn. Calloused Hands

Beginning at 9th level, you have been burnt and shocked by your own creations so often that you have built up a tolerance. You gain resistance to fire and lightning damage. Additionally, you have a keen eye for inscribing items with magical runes. When you use your Infuse Magic feature, you may infuse a number of spells equal to twice your Intelligence modifier. Improvised Engineering

By 14th level, you have learned enough about the workings of mechanika that you can improvise the use of items even when they are not intended for you. You ignore all class, race, and level requirements on the use of magic items. Additionally, whenever you hit a construct with a melee weapon, the creature takes an extra 1d8 force damage. If you also use your Power Surge with an attack, you add this damage to the extra damage of your Power Surge. Mechanist

At 17th level, you are so attuned to mechanikal constructs that you can bond to additional ones. You may have a number of Mechanical Servants (as the class feature) equal to your Intelligence bonus. Additionally, you craft another item from your Wondrous Invention feature.

Martial Archetype: Gunslinger

Credit: Matthew Mercer Swords, axes, and bows are the weapons of the past. The weapon of today is the gun. Fighters that specialize in the use of these weapons have a reputation for quick wits and true grit. Grit

Starting at 3rd level, you gain a number of Grit points equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1). You can spend Grit points to perform various special “shot” attacks with your firearms. An attack can only be affected by a single shot feature. You can regain spent Grit points in the following ways: Critical hit with a firearm. Each time you score a critical hit with a firearm attack while in combat, you regain 1 spent Grit point. Critical hits gained outside of die rolls (due to an incapacitated enemy, for example) do not regenerate Grit. Killing blow with a firearm. Each time you reduce a dangerous creature (DM’s discretion) to 0 hit points with a firearm attack, you regain 1 spent Grit point. You also regain all spent Grit points after finishing a short or long rest.


Deadeye Shot

Beginning at 3rd level, you can spend 1 Grit point to gain advantage on the next attack roll you make with a firearm this round. Quickdraw

When you reach 7th level, you add your proficiency bonus to your initiative rolls. You can also stow a firearm, then draw another firearm as a single object interaction on your turn. Violent Shot

Starting at 7th level, you know how to aim for maximum effect. You can spend 1 or more Grit points before making an attack roll with a firearm. If the attack hits, you can roll one additional weapon damage die per Grit point spent when determining damage of the attack. Trick Shot

By 10th level, you’ve honed your aim to the degree you can shoot to disable an opponent. You can spend 1 Grit point before making an attack roll to target a specific location on the target’s body. If the specified body part cannot be seen, or the target lacks the part in question, only normal damage is suffered with no additional effect. Trick Shot DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Dexterity modifier.     Head. On a hit, the target takes normal damage and must make a Constitution saving throw or suffer disadvantage on attacks until the end of their next turn. Arms. On a hit, the target takes normal damage and must make a Strength saving throw or drop 1 held item of your choice. Torso. On a hit, the target takes normal damage and is pushed up to 10 feet directly away from you. Legs/Wings. On a hit, the target takes normal damage and must make a Strength saving throw or get knocked prone. Lightning Reload

Starting at 15th level, you ignore the Reload property of any firearm you make attacks with, so long as you have sufficient ammunition. Piercing Shot

By 15th level, you’ve refined your deadly gunplay to allow certain shots to pierce through foes and continue on to damage others. You can spend 1 Grit point before making an attack roll with a firearm that deals piercing damage. If the attack hits, you make an attack roll against every creature in a line directly behind the target within the weapon’s short range. Vicious Intent

At 18th level, your firearm attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20. Hemorrhaging Critical

Upon reaching 18th level, whenever you score a critical hit on an attack with a firearm, the target additionally suffers half of the damage from the attack at the end of its next turn.

Martial Archetype: Ironhead

Towering behemoths of steel plate and steam engines, ironheads stride through the battlefield encased in their custom made suits of steam armor. Commanding the strength of a warjack, ironheads are capable of extraordinary martial feats. Bonus Proficiencies

When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with mechanik’s tools Hand-Me-Downs

When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you produce your first suit of steam armor. You are assumed to have been working on the armor for quite some time, finally finishing it during a short or long rest after you reach 3rd level, or to have received it from an NPC. The armor is ramshackle and requires constant attention from you to hold together. It counts as a suit of light steam armor (see Chapter 4) that only has 30 hit points and a Strength score of 18, and you must spend 1 hour a day to keep it in working condition. At any point in the future, you may spend 2,000 gp on sufficient parts to upgrade your steam armor, at which point it confers all the benefits of normal light steam armor. Full Steam

By 7th level, your steam armor is like a second skin to you, and you can do things with it that normal fighters can’t. You gain a set of combat abilities, referred to as maneuvers, which are fueled by special dice called superiority dice. Superiority Dice. You have four superiority dice, which are d8s. A superiority die is expended when you use it. You regain all your expended superiority dice when you finish a short or long rest. You gain another superiority die at 10th level and one more at 18th level. Maneuvers. You spend your superiority dice on your maneuvers. You can use more than one maneuver per turn, but no more than one maneuver per attack. You do not have to be wearing steam armor to use maneuvers. Maneuvers

The maneuvers are presented in alphabetical order. Brace for Impact. When you are hit by an attack, you can use your reaction and expend one superiority die to reduce the damage by the number you roll on your superiority die + your Constitution modifier. Full Throttle. When you use your action to Dash, you may spend a superiority die to make one melee weapon attack as a bonus action. If you move at least 10 feet in a straight line immediately before taking this bonus action, have have advantage on the attack roll. If you hit, you add the superiority die to the attack’s damage roll. Iron Curtain. If you or a creature within 5 feet of you is hit by an attack, you can expend one superiority die as a reaction. Roll the die, and add the number rolled to the target's AC against that attack. If the attack still hits, the target has resistance against the attack's damage.

Redline. When you make a melee weapon attack against a creature or shove a creature, you can expend one superiority die, roll it, and add it to the attack roll or Strength (Athletics) check. You can use this ability before or after rolling the d20, but before any of the effects of the attack or shove are applied. Heavy Metal

When you reach 7th level, your steam armor gains an extra rig slot. You gain an additional rig slot at 10th, 15th, and 18th level. Pit Stop

At 10th level, you become especially adept at repairing your steam armor. Repairs to your suit of steam armor only cost 5 gp per hit point, and you can repair up to 20 hit points with one hour of work. Additionally, you know how to make quick repairs in combat. As an action, you can spend a superiority die and add the result to the total hit points of your steam armor. Relentless

Starting at 15th level, when you roll initiative and have no superiority dice remaining, you regain one superiority die. Ironclad

At 18th level, you have resistance to bludgeoning, slashing, and piercing damage from nonmagical weapons while you are wearing steam armor. Additionally, your superiority dice turn into d10s.

Roguish Archetype: Bodger

When your boiler goes down, you call a steamo. When your mechanikal sword quits cutting steel like butter, you need an arcane mechanik. When you don’t even know what the problem is, but you need it fixed now, you hire a bodger. Bonus Proficiencies

When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with the mechanik's tools. Bodge

At 3rd level, your improvisational approach to engineering begins to bear fruits. At the beginning of a short rest, you can rummage through your pockets to cobble together an item. The object can be worth no more than 100 gp, and as part of the experimentation, you must expend materials with a value equal to the item you want to make. Additionally, your intuitive approach craftsmanship allows you to hastily improvise when dealing with mechanikal devices and magical items. You can grant yourself advantage on all Intelligence or Dexterity checks to interact with mechanika, but if you do so the item breaks down 10 minutes later. An item broken in this way requires 1 hour of work and a DC 15 Intelligence (Mechanik’s Tools) check to repair. Furthermore, you may use the bonus action granted by your Cunning Action to take the Use an Object action when operating mechanikal devices.



At 9th level, whenever you expend charges from a mechanikal device or magical item to cast a spell, you can spend an equal number of additional charges from the item to increase the item’s saving throw DC by your proficiency bonus. Demolish

By 13th level, you have developed a reputation. Some think that you are inspired, while others think you’re half-gremlin. Regardless, you like tinkering, and part of that is taking things apart. Any hit you score with a melee weapon attack against a construct is a critical hit. Contraption

At 17th level, you are well versed in mechanika, and can rig even sensitive or volatile mechanika to make a trap. By taking 1 minute to assemble the proper pieces, you can cast glyph of warding as a 4th level spell without expending a spell slot. If you choose the spell glyph option during the casting of the spell, you can store a spell cast by an ally or from a mechanikal item, as long as it remains within reach for the duration of the casting.

Arcane Tradition: Mortitheurge

Credit: Joshua Raynack and Cameron Guill Mortitheurges come to their arcane powers by a unique blend of philosophy, the study of anatomy, and deep insight into the fundamental nature of the processes of life and death. Mortitheurgy is practiced solely in the Skorne Empire, as their strange magics resemble necromancy to western arcanists. In truth, mortitheurgy a different beast altogether. Mortification

Mortitheurges can draw power from the vital essence of living creatures at 2nd level. By using a blade or some other bloodletting tool, the mortitheurge can use a bonus action to call upon the power of their lifesblood by either inflicting a minor or severe wound upon yourself. Minor Wound. Inflicting a minor wound requires the expenditure of 1 hit die. Instead of regaining hit points, you gain 1 pain point. Severe Wound. Inflicting a severe wound requires the expenditure of 2 hit dice. Instead of regaining hit points, you gain 2 pain points. While you possess one or more pain points, you have advantage on your first death saving throw in a day. Furthermore, you can expend pain points to perform the following rituals: Agony. When you hit a creature with a melee or spell attack, you can expend 1 or more pain points to deal psychic damage to the target, in addition to the damage of the attack. The extra damage is 1d6 for 1 pain point, plus 1d6 for each additional pain point, to a maximum of 5d6. At 14th level, increase the damage die of Agony to a d8.


Life Sense. The sound of blood pumping in the veins of the living registers upon your senses like a soothing rhythm upon your being. Expend 1 pain point as an action to focus your awareness upon the immediate area to reveal the presence of living creatures. Until the end of your next turn, you know the location of any beast, giant, or humanoid, within 60 feet that is not behind total cover. You know the type of any being whose presence you sense, but not the identity of the creature. Fortitude. Expend 1 pain point as a bonus action to gain a bonus to Constitution saving throws, which lasts for 1 minute, equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of +1). You can invoke this ritual twice. Afterward, you cannot perform it again until you finish a short or long rest. After a long rest, all of your unexpended pain points vanish. When you adopt this tradition at 2nd level, you gain proficiency with light armor and simple weapons. Power Through Pain

At 6th level, you gain resistance to psychic and fire damage. Furthermore, whenever you begin casting a spell of 1st level or higher that deals psychic or fire damage, a wave of pain and anguish erupts from you. This wave causes creatures of your choice within 10 feet to suffer psychic damage equal to half your wizard level. Additionally, you learn to manipulate the flow life energy, even if it is not your own, to either stem death or empower your magic. Reaving. When you reduce a creature to 0 hit points with a melee or spell attack, and the creature dies, you gain 1 pain point. Mark of Blood. When an attack scores a critical hit against a living creature within 10 feet, you can spend 1 pain point as a reaction. Until the end of your next turn, you gain advantage on attack rolls against the creature. Stem Death. When you make a death saving throw and roll a 19-20 on the d20, you regain 1d6 hit points instead of normal. At 14th level, you regain 1d6 hits points when you instead roll a 18-20 on a death saving throw. Soul Burn

At 10th level, you can invoke the vital energies of others to bind your wounds. Should you drop to 0 hit points and do not die outright, you can make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw. If you succeed, one willing creature within 30 feet can expend one hit die and you regain a number of hit points equal to the result. Each time you use this feature after the first, increase the DC by 5. When you finish a short or long rest, reset the DC to 10. Furthermore, you can transform the blood within your veins into raw arcane power via an extremely painful process. As a bonus action on your turn, expend one or more pain points to create one spell slot. For each pain point you expend, roll 1d6 and consult the following Creating Spell Slots table for the result. You cannot create a spell slot higher than 5th level

Creating Spell Slots Spell Slot Gained

Dice Result











Master Mortitheurge

When you achieve 14th level, you learned the final secret of weaving pain and raw arcane power into one source of magic. When you inflict a minor or severe wound through your Mortification feature, you gain a greater number pain points. When you inflict a minor wound, instead gain 2 pain points, while a severe wound yields 4 pain points.

New Class: Gun Mage

An arcanist with a penchant for gunfighting, the gun mage strikes down his enemies with rune-scribed bullets. Although the gun mage has intrinsic sorcerous abilities, his skills require very specific training. For this reason, the gun mage probably spent at least some time as a member of an established militant arcane order. There, he learned how to harness his power through the barrel of a gun, unleashing spells in a hail of lead. Deadly and skilled, a freelance gun mage is a valuable commodity who can earn substantial coin as a gun for hire, a bodyguard, and even as an assassin. Gun mages who served with an arcane order typically have experience leading men into combat and are often recruited to serve the same role in prominent mercenary companies.

Class Features

As a gun mage, you gain the following class features. Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d8 per gun mage level Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per gun mage level after first. Proficiencies

Armor: Light Armor Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons Tools: None Saving Throws: Dexterity, Charisma Skills: Choose two skills from Acrobatics, Arcana, Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Perception, and Sleight of Hand Equipment

You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background: (a) a military pistol and 20 bullets or (b) two small pistols and 30 bullets (a) a dungeoneer’s pack or (b) an explorer’s pack Leather armor, a dagger, and a gunner's kit


A character who decides to multiclass into gun mage must have both Dexterity and Charisma scores of 13 or higher.

Gun Bond

At 1st level, you learn a ritual that creates a magical bond between yourself and one firearm. You perform the ritual over the course of 1 hour, which can be done during a short rest. The firearm must be within your reach throughout the ritual, at the conclusion of which you touch the firearm and forge the bond. Once you have bonded a firearm to yourself, you gain a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with it, or a +2 bonus on attack and damage rolls with it if it is a magelock firearm. Additionally, if it is within line of sight, you can summon that firearm as a bonus action on your turn, causing it to fly to your open hand. You can have a number of bonded firearms equal to your Charisma modifier, but can summon only one at a time with your bonus action. If you attempt to bond with a firearm beyond this limit, you must break one of your previous bonds. At 13th level, you gain a +3 bonus on attack and damage rolls with your bonded firearm if it is a magelock firearm.

Arcane Accuracy

Starting at 2nd level, when you hit a creature with a ranged weapon attack, you can expend one spell slot to deal extra damage to the target, in addition to the weapon's damage. The extra damage is 2d8 for a 1st-level spell slot, plus 1d8 for each spell level higher than 1st, to a maximum of 5d8. When you gain this ability at 2nd level, you choose what form of damage your Arcane Accuracy deals from the following: acid, cold, fire, lightning, or poison. When you gain a level in this class, you can change the type of damage dealt.

Fighting Style

At 2nd level, you adopt a particular style of fighting as your specialty. Choose one of the following options. You can't take a Fighting Style option more than once, even if you later get to choose again. Close Quarters Shooter

When making a ranged attack while you are within 5 feet of a hostile creature, you do not have disadvantage on the attack roll. Your ranged attacks ignore half cover and three-quarters cover against targets within 30 feet of you. You have a +1 bonus to attack rolls on ranged attacks. Defense

While you are wearing armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC. Mariner

As long as you are not wearing heavy armor or using a shield, you have a swimming speed and a climbing speed equal to your normal speed, and you gain a +1 bonus to AC. Marksmanship

You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make with ranged weapons.


The Gun Mage Level Proficiency Bonus Features 1st


Gun Bond

— — — — —



Arcane Accuracy, Fighting Style, Spellcasting


2 — — — —



Gun Mage Order, Rune Shot (2 options)


2 — — — —



Ability Score Improvement


3 — — — —



Extra Attack




— — —







— — —



Gun Mage Order, Rune Shot (3 options)




— — —



Ability Score Improvement




— — —







— —



Firestorm, Rune Shot (4 options)





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Gun Mage Order





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Ability Score Improvement





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Gun Bond








Gun Mage Order








Improved Arcane Accuracy, Rune Shot (5 options)








Ability Score Improvement
















Rune Shot (6 options, improved shots)









Ability Score Improvement









Arcane Armory








When you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage die for an attack you make with a ranged weapon that you are wielding with two hands, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll. The weapon must have the two-handed or versatile property for you to gain this benefit. Two-Weapon Fighting

When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can add your ability modifier to the damage of the second attack.


By the time you reach 2nd level, you have begun manifesting arcane talents. See chapter 10 of the Player's Handbook for the general rules of spellcasting. The gun mage spell list is included in this document. Spell Slots

The Gun Mage table shows how many spell slots you have to cast your spells of 1st level or higher. To cast one of these spells, you must expend a slot of the spell’s level or higher. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a long rest.


Spells Known 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th

For example, if you know the 1st-level spell shield and have a 1st-level and a 2nd-level spell slot available, you can case shield using either slot. Spells Known of 1st Level and Higher

You know two 1st-level spells of your choice from the gun mage spell list. The Spells Known column of the Gun Mage table shows when you learn more gun mage spells of your choice. Each of these spells must be of a level for which you have spell slots. For instance, when you reach 5th-level in this class, you can learn one new spell or 1st or 2nd level. Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can choose one of the gun mage spells you know, and replace it with another spell from the gun mage spell list, which also must be of a level for which you have spell slots. Spellcasting Ability

Charisma is your spellcasting ability for your gun mage spells, since your magic is innate. You use your Charisma whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Charisma modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a gun mage spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one.

Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier

Improved Arcane Accuracy

Spellcasting Focus

You can use a firearm you are proficient with as a spellcasting focus for you gun mage spells

Beginning at 15th level, whenever you hit a creature with a ranged weapon attack from a firearm, the creature takes an extra 1d8 damage. If you also use your Arcane Accuracy with an attack, you add this damage to the extra damage of your Arcane Accuracy. The damage is of the same type selected for your Arcane Accuracy feature.

Rune Shot

Arcane Armory

At 3rd level, you learn to unleash special magical effects with some of your shots. When you gain this feature, you learn two Rune Shot options of your choice (see the "Rune Shot Options" section below). When you fire a rune-carved bullet from a firearm as part of the Attack action, you can apply one of your Rune Shot options to that bullet. You decide to use the option when the bullet hits, unless the option doesn't involve an attack roll. You cannot use this ability the same turn that you use your Arcane Accuracy ability. You have two uses of this ability, and you regain all expended uses of it when you finish a short or long rest. You gain an additional Rune Shot option of your choice when you reach certain levels in this class: 7th, 10th, 15th, and 18th level. Each option also improves when you become an 18th-level gun mage.

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Extra Attack

Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the attack action on your turn.


At 6th level, you learn how to direct an errant bullet toward a new target. When you make a ranged attack roll with a firearm and miss, you can use a bonus action to reroll the attack roll against a different target within 20 feet of the original target. This secondary attack ignores three-quarters cover and half cover.


At 10th level, you can use your action to lay waste to an area target. Choose a point within short range of a firearm you wield. You may make a ranged weapon attack against each target within 15 feet of that point, ignoring the reloading property of your firearm as long as you have sufficient ammunition.

Starting at 20th level, whenever you roll initiative and have no uses of Rune Shot remaining, you regain one use of it.

Rune Shot Options

The Rune Shot feature lets you choose options for it at certain levels. The options are presented here in alphabetical order. If an option requires a saving throw, your Rune Shot save DC equals 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier. Banishing Shot

You use your magic to try to temporarily banish your target, making them incorporeal, invisible, and placing them in a static state. If the bullet hits a creature, the target must also succeed on a Charisma saving throw or be banished. While banished in this way, its speed is 0, and it is incapacitated. At the end of its next turn, the target reappears in the space it vacated or in the nearest unoccupied space if that space is occupied. After you reach 18th level in this class, a target also takes 2d6 force damage when the bullet hits it. Brutality

If your bullet hits a creature, the target takes an extra 2d6 necrotic damage and must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the damage of the target's attacks is halved until the next turn. The necrotic damage increases to 4d6 when you reach 18th level with this class. Grapeshot

You imbue your rune shot with an excess of kinetic energy that causes it to explode mid-flight. If the bullet hits a creature, the target and each creature within 10 feet of it takes 2d6 force damage. The force damage increases to 4d6 when you reach 18th level with this class.


Ghost Shot

You use magic to turn your bullet ethereal. When you use this option, you don't make an attack roll for the attack. Instead, the bullet fires forward in a line that is 1 foot wide and 30 feet long, before disappearing. The bullet passes harmlessly through objects, ignoring cover. Each creature in that line must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a target takes damage as if it were hit by the bullet, plus an extra 1d6 piercing damage. On a successful save, a target takes half as much damage. The piercing damage increases to 2d6 when you reach 18th level with this class. Homing Shot

    Using magical senses, you grant your bullet the ability to hunt down your target, allowing the projectile to curve and twist its path in search of its prey. When you use this option, you don't make an attack roll for the attack. Instead, choose one creature you have seen in the past minute. The bullet flies toward that creature, moving around corners if necessary and ignoring three-quarters cover and half cover. If the target is within the weapon's range and there is a path large enough for the bullet to travel to the target, the target must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, it takes damage as if it were hit by the bullet, plus an extra 1d6 force damage, and you learn the target's current location. On a successful save, the target takes half as much damage, and you don't learn its location. Shadow Fire

Your magic summons unnatural shadows that cling to the target. If the bullet hits a creature, the target takes an extra 2d6 psychic damage, and it must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be unable to see anything farther than 5 feet away until the start of your next turn. The psychic damage increases to 4d6 when you reach 18th level in this class. Snare

Aspiring gun mages can learn their trade through joining one of two orders.

Order of the Arcane Tempest

The Militant Order of the Arcane Tempest is a branch of the Cygnaran military made up exclusively of gun mages trained to serve their nation. Arcane Tempest members serve alongside the other service branches of the army, providing fire support on the battlefields of Immoren. Retired Arcane Tempest Gun Mages often find themselves drawn to adventure like flies to honey, and can bring a fearsome fusillade down on their foes. Rune Shot: Disruption

When you enter the Militant Order of the Arcane Tempest at 3rd level, you learn a special Rune Shot that disrupts magic. If your bullet hits a creature or object affected by magic, make a Charisma check for each spell on the target. The DC equals 10 + the spell’s level. On a successful check, the spell ends. You have advantage on the Charisma check when you reach 18th level in this class. Witch Mark

Beginning at 3rd level, when you make a successful ranged weapon attack with a firearm against a creature, that creature has disadvantage on saving throws against the next spell you cast on them within 1 minute. Spellshot

At 7th level you can weave spells into your bullets. After making a successful ranged weapon attack with a firearm, you can cast a gun mage spell with a casting time of 1 action as a bonus action. After using this ability, you can’t use it again until you finish a short rest.

When this bullet strikes its target, conjuration magic creates grasping, thorny brambles that wrap around the target. If the bullet hits a creature, the target takes an extra 2d6 poison damage, its speed is reduced by 10 feet, and it takes 2d6 slashing damage the first time on each turn it moves 1 foot or more without teleporting. The target or any creature that can reach it can use its action to remove the brambles with a successful Strength (Athletics) check against your Rune Shot save DC. Otherwise, the brambles last for 1 minute or until you use this option again. The poison and slashing damage both increase to 4d6 when you reach 18th level in this class.



The Loyal Order of the Amethyst Rose is the oldest order of gun mages in Immoren, and is sworn to the service of the Llaelese crown. Members are not necessarily members of the military, but serve the crown as an order of highborn knights might. The Order of the Amethyst Rose has the distinction of serving as the king’s personal bodyguards, making membership a coveted and prestigious honor. Unlike the disciplined sorceries taught by the Militant Order of the Arcane Tempest, the Loyal Order of the Amethyst Rose encourages their members to develop their own unique arcane talents.

Your bullet lifts the target off their feet and throws them backwards with a cacophonous blast. If your bullet hits a creature, the target takes an extra 2d6 thunder damage and it must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, the target is pushed 15 feet away from you in a straight line and knocked prone. On a successful save, the target takes half as much damage and is not moved. The thunder damage increases to 4d6 when you reach 18th level in this class. 24

Gun Mage Orders

At 11th level, when you damage a creature that is concentrating on a spell, that creature has disadvantage on the saving throw it makes to maintain its concentration. Auspex Arcana

Starting at 14th level, your vision is augmented by your magic. As an action, you gain truesight out to a range of 60 feet for 10 minutes. After using this ability, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.

Order of the Amethyst Rose

Rune Shot: Blackpenny

When you join the Order of the Amethyst Rose at 3rd level, you learn a special Rune Shot that explodes inside your target’s body. If your bullet scores a critical hit, you can roll one additional weapon damage die and add it to the extra damage of the critical hit. When you reach 18th level in this class, you roll two additional damage dice. Arcane Panache

Starting at 3rd level, your reflexes are honed to a razor’s edge by your magic. You add your Charisma modifier to your initiative rolls in addition to your Dexterity modifier. Deadeye

Beginning at 7th level, the range of any firearm you wield is increased by 20 feet. Rynnish Roulette

At 11th level, your firearm attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20. Rolling Thunder

When you reach 14th level, your magic allows you to slip between moments in time and move with supernatural quickness. As a bonus action, you can enter this state for 1 minute. While you are in this state, any time you take the Attack action and reduce a creature to 0 hit points with a ranged weapon attack from a firearm, you may immediately make another ranged weapon attack with a firearm, ignoring the reload quality of any firearm as long as you have sufficient ammunition. If this or any subsequent extra attacks reduce a creature to 0 hit points, you may continue to make extra attacks until you fail to reduce a creature to 0 hit points.

Gun Mage Spells 1st Level

Alarm Burning Hands Chaos Bolt Charm Person Chromatic Orb Color Spray Detect Magic Disguise Self Earth Tremor Ensnaring Strike Feather Fall Fog Cloud Grease Hail of Thorns Hellish Rebuke Ice Knife Jump Magic Missile Protection from Evil and Good Ray of Sickness Shield Silent Image Sleep

Thunderwave Witch Bolt 2nd Level

Aganazzar’s Scorcher Alter Self Blindness/Deafness Blur Cordon of Arrows Darkness Darkvision Detect Thoughts Enhance Ability Flaming Sphere Gust of Wind Invisibility Knock Magic Weapon Maximilian’s Earthen Grasp Melf’s Acid Arrow Mirror Image Misty Step Pyrotechnics Ray of Enfeeblement Rope Trick Scorching Ray See Invisibility Shatter Silence Snilloc’s Snowball Swarm Spider Climb Suggestion Warding Wind Web 3rd Level

Blink Conjure Barrage Counterspell Dispel Magic Elemental Weapon Fireball Flame Arrows Fly Glyph of Warding Haste Lightning Arrow Lightning Bolt Magic Circle Nondetection Protection from Energy Sending Thunder Step Vampiric Touch Wall of Sand Wall of Water Water Breathing


4th Level

Charm Monster Confusion Dimension Door Elemental Bane Evard’s Black Tentacles Fire Shield Freedom of Movement Greater Invisibility Ice Storm Mordenkainen’s Faithful Hound Otiluke’s Resilient Sphere Shadow of Moil Stoneskin Storm Sphere Vitriolic Sphere Wall of Fire 5th Level

Bigby’s Hand Cloudkill Cone of Cold Conjure Volley Dominate Person Enervation Far Step Hold Monster Immolation Mislead Modify Memory Passwall Steel Wind Strike Swift Quiver Telekinesis Teleportation Circle Wall of Force Wall of Light

New Feats

The following feats are available to characters in the Iron Kingdoms. This supplement introduces a new type of feat, called society feats. These feats represent your membership in a powerful organization in Immoren. Possessing these feats represents both the effort taken to gain membership, the specialized training that members receive, and the perks and obligations of membership. In some instances, it might be unclear when a character should take a society feat or include an organization as part of their background or class selection. Society feats exist only for those organizations that provide substantial boons to their members in such a way that it outstrips what a background might provide. For example, a character who is a steamo of the Steam and Ironworkers Union receives some basic benefits from their membership, but these are sufficiently covered by the Guild Artisan background. Meanwhile, the Order of Illumination provides benefits to its members that eclipse the scope of a background. An Illuminated character could take the society feat, below, or play a wizard with the Theurgist Arcane Tradition. Players and their DMs should discuss the best way to represent a character’s abilities as they develop.


If you lose your membership in an organization, it is up to the DM to decide what happens, but it is recommended that you are allowed to replace the lost feat with another feat or ability score improvement. Individuals who lose membership in an organization often face difficulties when forced to interact with their erstwhile peers.

Aurum Ominus Alchemist

Prerequisite: Artificer of 1st level or the ability to cast 2nd level spells, proficiency with alchemist’s supplies. Your alchemical expertise and acumen has been recognized by the Order of the Golden Crucible, which has granted you membership. The Order mainly concerns itself with cultivating financial and political power. The Order issues you a signet ring of alchemically purified gold bearing the Order’s seal, called the Aurum Ominus. This ring’s imprint marks letters as being officially sanctioned by the Order, which can serve to speed shipments of alchemical supplies, be regarded as expert advice by aristocrats and courts, or designate the authority of scientific notes. The Order of the Golden Crucible maintains well-guarded guild houses throughout all of the Iron Kingdoms except for Ios. You may lodge at one freely, receiving the same accommodations they would at an inn, with 3 good meals a day and the comfort of knowing the Crucible Guard stands ready to intervene if you are accosted by undesirables. Furthermore, you may utilize the state-of-the-art alchemical facilities of a guild house to receive the following benefits: You have access to alchemist’s supplies, and advantage on any checks made with them. You can identify one potion, oil, or other alchemical substance without tasting it by spending a short rest at a guild house. Any alchemical items or potions you produce cost half as much in raw materials and can be manufactured twice as quickly. If you are an artificer, you gain an additional spell known at 7th and 13th level. These spells must be of a level you can cast. If you are an artificer with the alchemist artificer specialty, you learn an additional alchemist formula of your choice. You can purchase any potions the guild house has in stock for half the price. As an Alchemist of the Order of the Golden Crucible, you must perform the duties of a member. Membership duties include free exchange of alchemical research with other members of the Order, safeguarding Order assets, and collaborating on projects with other members. Additionally, the Order may call upon the your talents at any time, for any purpose, for up to one week at the your expense. Calling alchemists to service is done rarely, and only in instances of legitimate need. Finally, the Order charges membership dues equal to 1,500 gp per year, which may be paid in gold or in an equivalent amount of alchemical supplies. A one year grace period is bestowed upon new members, absolving them from membership dues. If a membership payment is missed, it accrues interest at 15% per year, compounded monthly. Members who do not pay their dues are not kicked out of the order, but instead become increasingly indebted and indentured to the Order.

Fell Caller

Credit: u/mblack91 Prerequisite: You must be a trollkin with a Charisma score of 13 or higher You possess the Gift of Bragg, a talent unique to a bloodline of trollkin that allows them to channel magical powers through their voices in great booming bellows that are called Fell Calls. Fell Callers have deep, sonorous voices that are moving and impossible to ignore. You gain proficiency in the Intimidation skill. If you are already proficient in the skill, you add double your proficiency bonus to checks you make with it. Additionally, you can use your voice to achieve the following effects, as an action: You sound a call that can be heard for a number of miles equal to half your character level. You stabilize each trollkin character within 30 feet of you. You unleash a 15-foot cone of destructive sonic energy. Creatures in this area must make a Constitution saving throw. The DC for this saving throw equals 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier. A creature takes 2d6 thunder damage on a failed save, and half as much on a successful one. The damage increases to 3d6 at 6th level, 4d6 at 11th level, and 5d6 at 16th level. After using this ability, you can’t use it again until you complete a short or long rest.

Fraternal Brother

Prerequisite: Human male, wizard of 5th level, 1,200 gp paid to the Fraternal Order in membership dues. You have graduated from your apprenticeship to, or been sponsored for membership by, a Brother of the Fraternal Order of Wizardry. After all membership dues are paid, you are afforded full membership as a Fraternal Brother, granting you access to towers that the Fraternal Order owns and operates throughout Cygnar, Ord, Llael, and Khador. You may find free room and board at these towers, and may purchase lesser lodgings for your companions where space is available. Due to your access to the Order’s libraries, you may add three wizard spells to your spellbook when you gain a level of wizard, instead of two. Additionally, while at an Order tower, you gain the following benefits: Copying and producing spellbooks and scrolls costs half as much. You have access to alchemist’s supplies. You may find copies of any legal wizard spell of 5th level or lower. You can reference the libraries of the Order. If you spend an hour pouring through the writings at the tower, you have advantage on the next Intelligence (Arcana) check you make for the next hour. Duties of a Fraternal Brother include being summoned by the Order at any time, at your expense, for up to one week, to perform duties such as collaborating on arcane research or accompanying an expedition.

The Order charges membership dues of 100 gp per month, but they don’t press you to pay them except for every six months. If you miss a six month payment, you have six more months to settle your account. If you miss your second deadline, you are expelled from the Order and all of your personal possessions are repossessed to settle your debts. Your spellbook is stripped from you during an elaborate ceremony, if circumstances allow. Members of the Fraternal Order of Wizardry may never be members of the Greylords Covenant.


Prerequisite: Khardic, Kossite, or Skirov ancestry or proof of loyalty to the Motherland through military service. Able to cast 1st level spells from the artificer, bard, sorcerer, or wizard spell list. You have sworn yourself to the Motherland and the Greylords Covenant, becoming a member thereof. Greylords are incredibly loyal amongst themselves and to Khador. Their unity leads them to be more powerful than other arcanists, but they sacrifice a degree of personal freedom. As a Greylord, you are beholden first and foremost to the Khadoran Empire. Greylords hold military rank as an officer and magus. Soldiers loyal to Khador recognize your authority and influence, and defer to you if they are of a lower rank. You can invoke your rank to exert influence over other soldiers and requisition simple equipment or horses for temporary use. You can also usually gain access to friendly military encampments and fortresses where your rank is recognized. Greylords are given free reign in their research, so long as the results are shared with the Motherland. Because of this, you can find copies of spells of up to 6th level from the artificer, bard, sorcerer, or wizard spell lists somewhere in the Covenant’s archives. The Greylords Covenant requires no membership dues, however, the members are sworn to the Khadoran crown for life and can be called upon for service at the discretion of the government. In practice, older Greylords are left to their own devices and seclusion, though this is far from a constant. You enter the Greylords Covenant at the rank of Uchenik and are promoted based on your arcane skill. Your specialized training grants you the following benefits: You gain proficiency with light armor. You gain proficiency with two weapons of your choice. You have resistance to cold damage. You learn to speak one language from the following list: Caspian, Khurzik, Nokiri, Orgoth, or Telgesh.



Long hours at the range and in the trenches have accustomed your fingers to the workings of firearms in all their forms. You gain the following benefits: You may reload weapons you are proficient with that have the Reload property as a bonus action. Being within 5 feet of a hostile creature doesn’t impose disadvantage on your ranged attack rolls. You may draw a firearm without using an action or bonus action as long as the weapon is easily accessible, you have a free hand, and it is your turn. When you use the Attack action and attack with a onehanded weapon, you can use a bonus action to attack with a loaded one-handed firearm you are holding.

Illuminated One

Prerequisite: Able to cast 1st level spells from the artificer, bard, sorcerer, or wizard spell list. Proficiency with the Religion skill. Worshipper of Morrow. The Order of Illumination is a branch of the Sancteum, the seat of the Morrowan church, that studies how arcane magic can be used to thwart the Dark Arts. Their ranks are primarily composed of wizards, but any arcane spellcaster who does not practice witchcraft can qualify. It takes a special sort of individual to be able to face infernalism and necromancy and still remain a pure and devout instrument of Morrow’s will. Your training has equipped you to fight these evil entities. You add the following spells to the artificer, bard, sorcerer, and wizard spell lists if you possess levels in any of those classes: aid, banishing smite, bless, blinding smite, detect evil and good, dispel evil and good, sanctuary, shield of faith, spiritual weapon, and wrathful smite. Additionally, you gain the following benefits: You gain proficiency in a single martial weapon of your choice. You learn the Telgesh language, which is used in lasting works of necromancy. You are an ordained member of the Morrowan church, and can technically perform religious functions, though they are rarely asked to do so. You and your companions can find simple accommodations at any church or cathedral of Morrow. Illuminated Ones are expected to root out heresy and the Dark Arts wherever they go, and as such can be called upon to deal with such a situation when it arises and can be dispatched to various locales. As a devout members of the church, you are expected to donate 10% of their personal wealth to the church, as well as delivering reports periodically to your superiors. Failure to apprehend a witch, stay in contact with the church, or donate your wealth can call their motivations into question and result in an inquisition into your personal life.

Maritime Order of the Trident

Prerequisite: Tordoran or Thurian ancestry, able to cast 2nd level spells from the bard, sorcerer, or wizard spell list.


The arcanists of the Maritime Order of the Trident train extensively to work in concert with the Ordic Royal Navy. As living military assets, they learn both combat and pragmatic magic that can save lives and change fortunes on the high seas. Though these arcanists are expected to serve for a time as part of the Ordic Navy, many go on to barter their services to large shipping concerns or mercenary forces. A small number join the pirate crews that call Ord home. You hold military rank in the Ordic navy as an officer and magus. Soldiers and sailors loyal to Ord recognize your authority and influence, and defer to you if they are of a lower rank. You can invoke your rank to exert influence over other soldiers and requisition simple equipment or horses for temporary use. You can also usually gain access to friendly military encampments and fortresses where your rank is recognized. Furthermore, you gain the following benefits: You learn the gust cantrip and the gust of wind and obscuring mist spells, which are considered bard, sorcerer, or wizard spells (your choice when you select this feat) for you. As long as you are not wearing armor or using a shield, you have a swimming speed and climbing speed equal to your walking speed. You gain proficiency in a single martial weapon of your choice. The Maritime Order of the Trident requires no membership dues, however, the members are sworn to the Ordic crown while still serving (typically a period of 8 years, including apprenticeship to a senior Trident) and can be called upon for service at the discretion of the government.


Prerequisite: You must be a spellcaster who can cast 2nd level spells. You possess the rare talent of a warcaster and can direct steamjacks to do your bidding, enhancing their fighting prowess by channeling your magical focus through them. As a bonus action, you may mentally command any steamjack under your control within 500 feet of you (if you control multiple steamjacks you can command any or all of them at the same time, issuing the same command to each one). You decide what action the steamjack will take and where it will move during its next turn, or you can issue a general command, such as to guard a particular chamber or corridor. If you issue no commands, the steamjack only defends itself against hostile creatures. Once given an order, the steamjack continues to follow it until its task is complete. For more information on controlling steamjacks, see the ‘Jack Handling skill in chapter 4. With an effort of will, you may also focus your magic to aid your steamjacks and yourself in combat. To do so, you use a bonus action on your turn and expend one or more spell slots. For each level of spell slot you expend, you may grant one focus point to a steamjack under your control or to yourself. A steamjack may have no more than three focus points at any time.

Is “Warcaster” a duplicate feat? The Player’s Handbook has a warcaster feat in it, but in the Iron Kingdoms, warcasters are an established feature of the setting. In order to rectify this overlap, it is suggested that you use the feat presented here to represent warcasters in the Iron Kingdoms. The feat in the Player’s Handbook is still valid, and should be renamed to “Battlecaster.”

    A creature who has one or more focus points may expend them within the next minute, after which any unspent focus points are lost. When a creature spends a focus point, they usually roll a die and add the number to a different roll. The size of the focus die is determined by how many focus points are spent. Warcaster Focus Focus Points Spent

Focus Die







Focus may be used in three ways, described below. After a focus point is used or a focus die is rolled, it is lost. A creature may spend as many focus points as they have in a turn. Boost. As part of an attack action, a creature may roll a focus die and add the result to an attack or damage roll. The creature can wait until after it rolls before deciding to use the focus die, but must decide before the DM says whether the roll succeeds or fails. A particular attack or damage roll may only be boosted once, but a creature may boost as many attacks as they have the focus for. Reinforce. As a reaction, when a creature is targeted by an attack, it may roll a focus die and add the result to their AC until the start of their next turn. Additional Attack. As a bonus action, a creature may expend a focus point and make a weapon attack.


Chapter 3: Personality and Details


ore than just the words and numbers on a sheet, characters are defined by their personalities and details. This section discusses names common to the Iron Kingdoms, the languages spoken by their inhabitants, and the religions that are practiced.

Character Details

First impressions go a long way toward defining a character’s relationships. Some of the first things people take note of are names, stature, and age.


Until shortly after the Orgoth Occupation, most people in western Immoren required but a single name. However, as populations and geographic mobility became greater, the need arose to introduce other ways of describing and identifying people. Most cultures have gone through phases, employing a variety of methods to describe and identify people. Over time, the use of surnames, or family names, has become commonplace; these are passed from one generation to the next. For most of western Immoren, the use of surnames is a somewhat recent phenomenon, occurring in only the past 400 years or so. The following names are divided by nation and ethnicity for humans and race for non-humans. Since human ethnic boundaries have become blurred over the past several generations some naming conventions have been nationally influenced. Cygnaran Names (Caspian, Midlunder, Sulese)

Caspian, Midlunder, and Sulese names come in a wide variety, many of them influenced by other cultures. When it comes to surnames, some are derived by combining two words such as “bicker” and “staff” for Bickerstaff. What’s most important is choosing words that play well on the ear. Most Thurians have either a Caspian/Midlunder first name or surname. First Names (Male). Alain, Alger, Alnor, Alvy, Amery, Ansel, Anson, Ard, Arias, Ardin, Arkin, Arland, Artis, Baen, Bain, Bairn, Barden, Barigan, Barlowe, Bartley, Bayden, Beck, Bergin, Birk, Bixler, Blayde, Blythe, Bolden, Boren, Bors, Bowden, Brandel, Brill, Brock, Brone, Brue, Brunner, Bryson, Cacey, Caine, Cam, Camden, Casner, Cobb, Creedan, Creel, Crowle, Dalmer, Dardan, Degar, Delp, Dexer, Dextrel, Dorn, Dowd, Doyle, Druce, Dugger, Dunley, Durwin, Eckert, Egan, Elias, Elgin, Ennis, Everett, Fane, Fargas, Finch, Fitch, Gade, Gadsen, Galt, Garrett, Garrick, Godwin, Griffin, Gum, Gunner, Hamil, Harlan, Hawke, Heremon, Icabod, Jagger, Jarok, Jonas, Julian, Kade, Kell, Kerne, Kerr, Leto, Lon, Mago, Malek, Milo, Nash, Nolan, Odger, Olson, Pandor, Perth, Phineas, Radnor, Regan, Retho, Reynard, Rowe, Rudd, Scarle, Sebastian, Sorley, Timeck, Ulfass, Vahn, Victor, Vidor, Vinter, Waldron, Wolfe, Wyatt


First Names (Female). Alanna, Alexia, Alley, Amery, Ashlan, Ashley, Bailey, Betilda, Brona, Cammy, Canice, Cara, Caylan, Cecily, Creena, Dara, Darsey, Delaney, Derry, Desle, Devlin, Dunla, Elatha, Elspeth, Emma, Enda, Erris, Evelyn, Gale, Gwen, Haley, Henna, Islene, Jenett, Jordan, Juliana, Katerine, Kealey, Kearey, Keavey, Kelsey, Kiltey, Lorna, Matilda, Meara, Morna, Muriel, Nally, Orla, Renny, Rosaleen, Rowan, Sabina, Shay, Stiana, Tara, Torey, Tressa, Una, Vora, Wren Surnames. Ainsworth, Aleman, Alkott, Applewhite, Ashburn, Ashcroft, Atchley, Atwood, Bainbridge, Bancroft, Bannister, Barrington, Barton, Baskin, Belker, Bingley, Blackburn, Blackwood, Boggs, Borloch, Borne, Bradner, Brasher, Briarford, Brisbane, Broadnax, Brocker, Calligan, Calvirt, Cosgrave, Darkmantle, Denby, Denisson, Dryden, Dumas, Dunford, Durst, Ellsworth, Falk, Fenwick, Forsythe, Fullet, Gadock, Galbraith, Gant, Gately, Gilfin, Gilroy, Grayden, Grimes, Hadely, Haightley, Halstead, Hartcliff, Helstrom, Helwick, Hitch, Hornbeck, Hurst, Ironside, Keightley, Heller, Kendrick, Kerrigan, Kerswell, Kinnet, Kirkston, Kurgan, Langworth, Lynch, Mallett, Mallory, Millward, Montfort, Mosley, Murdoch, Norwick, Oberen, Oldham, Pendrake, Ratcliff, Redgrave, Rhinehart, Rolfe, Rusling, Scarrow, Shaw, Skarholt, Sunbright, Talbot, Tolbert, Versh, Villius, Voyle, Wadock, Whitefield Cygnaran Names (Morridane, Thurian)

Most Morridane and Thurian names are the same as Caspian and Midlunder names, although some remain distinctly different. It is worthy of note that the Morridane and Thurian naming conventions have many similarities in the suffixes. There are a plentitude of names ending in -an, -in, and -eigh. Also, it should be noted that the application of the prefix mac- to some Thurian surnames is a custom that dates back several hundred years. In the Ordic tongue, ‘mag’ means ‘son,’ and scholars state that this is the likely a comparative translation. So, for example, surnames such as MacBurney and MacRoane are examples of last names one might attribute to Thurians or other races with Thurian surnames by marriage. First Names (Male). Aidan, Ardan, Bastian, Blake, Bradig, Branduff, Brogan, Brosnan, Byrleigh, Cagneigh, Colm, Conleth, Conor, Cormick, Cronan, Cullin, Darian, Darragh, Decklan, Deegan, Dermid, Dermot, Dougal, Dougan, Eilish, Fergus, Finnegan, Flynn, Gervin, Gorman, Gralan, Hagan, Hanagan, Hogan, Ian, Keegan, Killian, Kirwin, Larkin, Lonan, Lorcan, Lorgan, Luan, Mairtin, Morgan, Nolan, Odran, Olan, Ossian, Piran, Quinn, Quinlan, Rogan, Ronan, Ryleigh First Names (Female). Aideen, Ansleigh, Beara, Boand, Brennan, Caelan, Caitlin, Carleigh, Carolan, Clancy, Dana, Devlin, Eithne, Evlin, Gillian, Jelyan, Jerilyn, Kaelin, Keehan, Kennan, Kensiegh, Kerin, Kerry, Kileigh, Lacy, Leigan, Lennon, Mara, Meara, Megan, Milish, Nial, Nivin, Paddy, Regan, Roshean, Shannon, Teagan, Tiernan

Surnames. Aghamore, Bain, Bartley, Beene, Berrigan, Blathmac, Bradigan, Bray, Brenn, Burney, Byrne, Carrock, Cathmore, Corcoran, Corley, Cronan, Decklan, Deorain, Derrigan, Donovan, Doyle, Dromore, Duff, Duffock, Duggan, Dunne, Enabarr, Fagan, Finnian, Finnigan, Gafneagh, Garrity, Gilmore, Glasneagh, Gormleigh, Gowan, Grady, Grath, Hugh, Hurlough, Kaddock, Kain, Kannock, Kavanaugh, Kearneigh, Keehan, Kerrigan, Kilbride, Kildair, Lattimore, Leegan, Lochlan, Lowreigh, Lynch, Madigan, Melroane, Moriarty, Murrough, Rathleagh, Reardan, Riordan, Roane, Ryland, Scully, Sheridan, Sorleagh, Torcail, Turlough, Vain, Waddock, Wain Khadoran Names (Khard, Kossite, Skirov, Umbrean)

In Khador, surnames are reserved for the kayazy and men of status. Many Khadorans refer to each other by their first name and a last name taken from their father’s first name, with males adding -evich and -ovich and females adding -ovna and -evna to the last name. Therefore Grigor, son of Alexei, would be Grigor Alexeivich. However, naming conventions are no longer standardized as they once were and many families regularly break with this tradition. This shift in naming is most evident in the burgeoning middle-class, who often uses family names to create a perception of status that might not have previously existed. First Names (Male). Aika, Aleksi, Alexandr, Alexei, Aliosha, Ambroz, Andrei, Blasnoch, Barak, Bladko, Boris, Borja, Chasek, Costi, Culamir, Dahlrif, Dalmat, Dmitri, Dobrinya, Dorek, Dragash, Drago, Falko, Fedko, Fedor, Fodor, Gasan, Ghita, Giza, Gorash, Goraz, Gorian, Grigor, Grigory, Iagan, Iakhno, Iakshen, Igor, Ilya, Ivan, Ivash, Ivdan, Jachemir, Jarosch, Jozef, Kachalo, Kigir, Kirbitei, Kohan, Kosara, Ladimir, Levanid, Loshka, Luka, Malash, Malko, Michal, Michka, Mikhail, Mikolo, Mishka, Negomir, Nekras, Nikolei, Olekse, Pachek, Petrov, Pyotr, Radomir, Radu, Rajko, Ruskin, Sadko, Sergei, Servath, Solovei, Stoyan, Valerian, Vasily, Vasiuk, Vasko, Vladjimir, Vojin, Volkh, Yakov, Yaro, Yuri, Yurik First Names (Female). Akina, Akilina, Aleksa, Anana, Anastasia, Anikita, Bazhina, Britt, Cesta, Cestina, Corinna, Dalika, Darzha, Elina, Eliska, Elka, Gridia, Gubina, Ihrin, Ilyana, Ivona, Kasia, Katerina, Katia, Klenka, Ksana, Laika, Lariana, Ludmila, Malana, Marfa, Marina, Marta, Mia, Mikhaila, Milena, Misha, Myrra, Nastaja, Natalya, Nikita, Ninete, Ondreiana, Riksa, Siri, Sivasha, Sofia, Sonja, Stefka, Tahni, Tara, Tatyana, Vjera, Yelena, Zelmire, Zori Surnames. Abrosim, Adka, Agrimko, Aleksy, Aleshko, Anonidka, Babora, Belavdon, Berzhin, Blizbor, Bolovan, Borga, Csabor, Dementskov, Dvora, Durga, Faltin, Grishka, Grychkin, Gubin, Istori, Karakov, Koposin, Krasnovo, Kutzov, Ladislav, Lichko, Lovot, Louka, Lozar, Makara, Makarin, Makarov, Mikitka, Mileshka, Mrovka, Nagorka, Nazarko, Neshka, Orlov, Osokin, Ostyvik, Padorin, Ptrok, Petru, Raboshich, Rachlavsky, Radazar, Rostov, Starov, Stravite, Szetka, Ushka, Tiudiaminov, Toshiana, Varnek, Venianminov, Vilimov, Vislovski, Zavor, Zeitsev, Zhina, Zhivo

Llaelese Names (Ryn)

The majority of first names in Llael are much the same as Cygnaran first names (above), though they often favor replacing the ‘e’ or ‘i’ with a more flourishing ‘y.’ Where Llaelese monikers are most distinct is in the surnames. Some families- usually those that are longstanding and steeped in tradition- still apply the connecting di or d’, which is a locative for ‘of’ in Ryn, or di la for ‘of the,’ e.g., Elias di Gilfyn, Lorna d’Wythsten, and Taryn di la Rovissi. Some scholars conjecture that Rynnish names such as Bralzzi and Granzio have some connection to the former kingdom of Tordor. They may not be far off-base with such theories. It is said that during the last days of Tordor, many of the noble families journeyed inland to the eastern reaches of western Immoren and settled in what would later become Llael. Surnames. Albyn, Alyr, Anthys, Badrigio, Boudewyn, Bracsio, Bralazzi, Bray, Chalerio, Claeys, Culpyn, Denys, Dimiani, Donaes, Dromio, Dunlyfe, Dyvacci, Dyvarc, Elyse, Faryll, Feryse, Fiscani, Florys, Gervaes, Ghelyt, Gilfyn, Glaeys, Gossyn, Govaes, Granzio, Gustyn, Gylbert, Gyrart, Henryn, Hengys, Lamsyn, Laureyns, Loys, Lymos, Lynyse, Mancario, Martyn, Matys, Mirassi, Morosini, Moysarc, Niclaeys, Petrozzi, Polaro, Rimbaldi, Rovissi, Sanlyfe, Tadiri, Torys, Trivassi, Vandyse, Viadro, Viscario, Weyne, Wulfe, Wythsten, Yrnyse Ordic Names (Tordoran)

    First Names (Male). Agnolo, Alvoro, Amador, Amario, Ambro, Andro, Avito, Bacar, Bartal, Barzal, Belchior, Bernal, Biagio, Caldini, Calefo, Damasco, Dego, Falchi, Faro, Fernam, Francar, Gaspar, Gazo, Gismondo, Gazca, Grigori, Jaspar, Laspar, Lavoro, Lionor, Lorio, Lupar, Lupo, Malo, Manario, Maro, Mateo, Montador, Nando, Nicolo, Olivo, Ormano, Padri, Pascal, Piero, Rafaldo, Ranal, Rufio, Salvi, Sighieri, Stagiar, Vasco, Zachar First Names (Female). Alda, Aldiana, Anastasi, Andrea, Badessa, Biella, Branca, Carlutia, Consola, Creena, Danola, Dialta, Eliana, Favia, Felice, Fia, Gabriele, Giana, Giona, Giovanna, Gratia, Imelda, Isabel, Lena, Loriana, Lorita, Malatesta, Margia, Matea, Mirena, Nicola, Oliveta, Orabella, Rena, Rosa, Sandrea, Scarlata, Selanda, Simona, Stiata, Tadea, Talia, Tareyja, Valori, Verona Surnames. Acorsi, Actavio, Avreu, Balduccio, Bandesco, Bateu, Begni, Belcari, Benzo, Bezerra, Borgho, Brancacci, Carvalo, Cassini, Castra, Corazo, Cravo, Degrata, Duranti, Evora, Fariseu, Florio, Gaspar, Gateu, Ginori, Goncal, Graza, Guaspar, Labigio, Lasca, Lioni, Mascal, Masi, Mateu, Mazini, Nerini, Orafi, Osoyro, Ovalho, Pagani, Pelario, Pescar, Petri, Randasi, Regla, Rosado, Rubeu, Salo, Salvestro, Santoro, Scali, Scorgiani, Segalozo, Silva, Simtra, Solvo, Stario, Stradue, Tavora, Tedesci, Telloso, Tieri, Torcail, Trovato, Ubaldo, Ulavari, Valoro, Varyo, Vascal, Vascalho, Versalo, Viteu, Zacharo, Zaspar, Zucco


Protectorate Names (Idrian)

Idrian surnames have been quite recently added to the name giving rituals. The conventional practice is to combine one’s tribal name as a suffix to a short surname. The name giving ritual takes place upon a child’s third year. Up until that time, a child has neither a first nor a last name. During the ritual, a child will be presented with a patronymic name. For example, if a boy’s father hails from the Makha tribe, the boy may then be called Sahu Kehtmakha, and if a girl’s father is of Silmani blood, she may then be called Saleha Tarsilmani. Currently, eleven tribes are recognized within the Protectorate of Menoth. These are the eleven that converted en masse in 565 A.R. to the Menite faith. Dozens of other tribes exist, but it is these eleven that comprise the majority of Idrians in the Protectorate. Below is a list of those tribes. First Names (Male). Abidin, Adil, Adira, Affendi, Aiman, Akhet, Akhun, Amir, Amon, Amran, Anazim, Anuar, Arshad, Arzu, Azlan, Azrul, Badan, Bahari, Baharudin, Bakara, Bakva, Banu, Bashah, Dahari, Djavak, Djokola, Durga, Eman, Faizal, Fakharuddin, Farhan, Fashran, Fazrul, Ghani, Goha, Gosaf, Haakim, Hadi, Hafizul, Harun, Hasnan, Huslan, Ihsan, Imran, Ishak, Iskandar, Izal, Jaafar, Juhari, Kamarul, Khalid, Khvas, Kutsna, Lasha, Makhari, Marlizam, Moatstaf, Mustafa, Muzaffar, Naazim, Nahak, Najmudin, Nazri, Proha, Razak, Retek, Rosdan, Saadim, Sahrizan, Sahu, Saltuk, Shaharuddin, Shamsul, Shariman, Shazrin, Siva, Sulaiman, Syahiran, Taarek, Taha, Tajuddin, Tarmizi, Umar, Vasan, Vasu, Volka, Yahaja, Yusuf, Zadar, Sahrin, Sahrul, Zakari, Zaru, Zedrin First Names (Female). Adelina, Adisa, Ami, Amira, Anisah, Aryani, Asmida, Aysha, Azara, Azlina, Bala, Berka, Chiora, Dalina, Dasima, Dedika, Dendara, Ezadura, Fareha, Fariza, Fatimah, Gulisa, Hafizah, Hasha, Haslina, Imanina, Indra, Jamilah, Juvita, Katijah, Kheta, Kita, Laili, Lamara, Lamzira, Latifah, Lilja, Mahiran, Maisa, Mariani, Maya, Mazlin, Mutiara, Nadira, Nazariah, Nurjahan, Nurshafira, Opra, Rahanah, Rahiza, Rana, Razmani, Reha, Rohani, Safrina, Saleha, Sanatha, Shafeera, Shalan, Shorena, Shuhada, Siti, Suriani, Tasara, Tiara, Tiesa, Uma, Usha, Voha, Yana, Yara, Yasmin, Yati, Yuzmin, Zahidah, Zahirah, Zakira, Zarina, Zuraina Surnames. Ad, An, Anh, At, Bal, Bahl, Bahn, Behn, Das, Dur, Et, Eyn, Had, Has, Ja, Kahn, Kat, Kehn, Keht, La, Lahn, Ma, Maz, Naj, Naz, Rehn, Roh, Sa, Sahn, Sek, Sekh, Set, Sil Tar, Tas, Ull, Uz, Veht, Yah, Yas, Yeht, Zah, Zhah Tribal Names. Bukhari, Foha, Madrah, Makha, Nazira, Okar, Raza, Silmani, Sohar, Yohada, Zahari. Dwarven Names

The dwarves of Rhul typically have short, simple first names, rarely longer than two syllables. With male names, at least one syllable will be hard. Their surnames fall into one of two categories. Some of these are descriptive, adopted by the individual (or one of their ancestors) to portray their style or record their fame. However, more traditional individuals adopt the name of their clan. Optionally, they use the conjunction ‘of’ to connect their first names and clan names; for example, Tholrick of Sigmur rather than Tholrick Sigmur.


First Names (Male). Admon, Arlack, Barl, Bartan, Bindar, Brogan, Bulin, Decklin, Dragar, Dunarl, Durg, Durke, Ecken,Freitag, Galtar, Gamack, Gerhard, Gidrick, Golrick, Gornock, Gruhn, Guvul, Havelock, Hedwig, Herne, Holdur, Jaldun, Jurg, Kalmon, Lossock, Redgar, Theldor, Tholrick, Thorne First Names (Female). Anlost, Bredine, Brunev, Cathro, Celath, Crelyth, Crieda, Darlave, Dira, Garline, Gedine, Geduve, Girta, Gorina, Heleth, Hiln, Magrat, Marba, Mendine, Nollos, Sartine, Torlith, Uhlith, Ulave, Vetta Surnames. Belgre, Blackheel, Blackitt, Darrow, Dolgren, Domack, Dorgun, Durkin, Fortros, Gherke, Hardwick, Icehold, Lugro, Netweaver, Olghrd, Oreblood, Redhammer, Rothrock, Serric, Sigmur, Softshadow, Steadfast, Stoneground, Torgun, Urdro, Whitnock, Wroughthammer Elven Names

Iosans and Nyss share the same root culture and language and thus there is a strong resemblance between the names found within each ethnicity. The language of the Nyss is closer to the archaic form of Iosan; they typically use ‘y’ or ‘ae’ in place of ‘i’ in naming (so that Asir becomes Asyr, Breir becomes Breyr, Rissill becomes Ryssyll and so forth). First Names (Male). Alcyr, Avross, Bres, Callael, Callis, Cinsyr, Cybross, Erryll, Felcyr, Glyssor, Gossyr, Laconfir, Lani (Lanae in Nyss), Lissor, Neriwhen, Pelyth, Rillis, Sarlos, Shas, Thale, Tryiss, Tylth, Vyros, Vystral First Names (Female). Aesha, Alyssa, Caelyth, Cytyss, Dahlia, Edrea, Falcir, Feen, Gaelyr, Hellith, Lorimir, Lothwyn, Meryll, Miir, Renyll, Sacyl, Shael, SIllith, Tanyr, Tathir, Tenae, Velwhin, Veryth, Ystith Surnames. Alcyan, Asir, Breir, Ellowuyr, Ferryll, Graccys, Hallyr, Heryllith, Larisar, Lloryrr, Luynmyr, Lyorys, Menellyth, Raefyll, Reyvrese, Ryssyll, Syvas, Vrir, Vaelyn, Wyldiss, Wyllothyr Goblin Names

Rather than having a first name and a surname like most other races, goblins have sole but compounded names explaining how they fit into society. The first syllable or two is personal and distinctive; what a human might understand as being a first name, and their names are often truncated to the first syllable or two (sometimes three) after introductions have been made. Most gobbers tend to oblige the other races by allowing them to address them this way, but among others of their kind this is considered informal and only suitable for kin and close friends. Following their “first name,” or iplikat in Gobberish, the next one or two syllables are their mother’s iplikat, followed by the father’s iplikat, and then the remainder- which a goblin typically earns during adolescence- identifies such things as their skills, their place in goblin society, their caste and profession, or hopes for their future accomplishments. In bogrin society, names are sometimes extended by adding intimidating adjectives to describe their prowess or standing within their kriel, such “the Fierce” or “Bowel Biter.”

    Many adjectives in Gobberish are double entendres, making it easy for left handed compliments or accidental insults by using them in the wrong context. The most common means of insult is to distort the intended meaning of a name into negative connotation, usually by stressing the wrong syllable. Other races, humans especially, are guilty (often unknowingly) of such abuse. In fact, multiple meanings are exacerbated by regional variations: a bogger from the Scharde Islands, a swamp gobber in Cygnar, and a gobber from the Khadoran taiga all interpret the same name rather differently. For example, Endarenmoanoanheg could be interpreted as “Enda, daughter of Ren and Mo, skillful toolmaker” or “Enda, daughter of Ren and Mo, weak old crone.” As a side note, some goblin names seem to have been influenced by trollkin names, likely due to proximity, occasionally using Molgur-Trul descriptors. In general, male names use ‘k’ isntead of ‘g’ in their descriptors, while female names use the feminine form, which often uses ‘g’ rather than ‘k’. If the last syllable of a goblin’s name ends in a vowel, they usually add a consonant such as “g’, ‘k’, ‘n’, or ‘m’ simply to lend the name a sense of finality. Male Names. Bertulakuggamulak “Bert”, Bollomvorgobalt “Boll”, Borkanhekkanaken “Bork”, Gorkanhorkaggonal “Gork”, Gortralakanomok “Gort”, Hoggarakanaggananaen “Hog”, Monatralokoranuman “Mon”, Poggolagulobaltulon “Pog”, Tikalagunahunaken “Tik”, Tokalagunagganek “Tok”, Vogaragekanokon “Vog”, Zhagganazomok “Zhag” Female Names. Agghianothakanen “Aggie”, Belendaranhekkameleg “Bel”, Katrenadaramunrel “Kat”, Marigekalanemun “Mari”, Megrendaggananeg “Meg”, Selegrendargamun “Sele”, Terewikkadarheleg “Tere”, Walurenmogrelag “Walu” Ogrun Names

Although most ogrun have two names, many mature ogrun have three. The second name indicates their family; some wandering ogrun have been known to drop this or even adopt a descriptive name in its place. Female names tend to contain softer vowel sounds than their male counterparts. When they swear to a korune, ogrun typically adopt their korune’s name as an extra surname, using it as a mark of pride in their allegiance. This third name is normally only used as part of formal introductions or ceremonies. First Names (Male). Borok, Bosh, Dunuk, Gantak, Gorgol, Gorlu, Kulk, Kogul, Lagdor, Lorgrul, Monon, Natak, Oknot, Tokol, Tuluk, Zorok First Names (Female). Bekken, Beleg, Dekri, Garka, Ilka, Jessen, Kelen, Kinik, Krishka, Rengan, Rilik, Tilka, Torin, Vilin Surnames. Ammok, Assag, Berok, Hammerhand, Hedlok, Halghat, Ironbiter, Ironside, Korsuk, Kulghat, Longspear, Nokter, Oakknee, Skullsplitter, Stonehand, Strongarm, Thagrosh, Thologhat, Turnok, Urark, Warbiter Trollkin Names

Trollkin take great pride in their lineage, but rather than extend their names as goblins do, they memorize family trees. For matters of ceremony, trollkin introduce themselves by reciting this full lineage. In human society, trollkin may use the name of their kith or kriel as a surnames; others have adopted descriptive names.

First Names (Male). Balasar, Bendek, Ganthak, Gargosh, Gerlak, Grindar, Holdar, Horluk, Jonhot, Jostan, Kolor, Korlar, Masdun, Stershan, Tassar, Termen First Names (Female). Brolas, Harthreen, Jata, Jennan, Jussika, Lassan, Masalass, Mossan, Niolor, Nosson, Olos, Rossan, Sollisa, Sossamon, Vasalor, Vatess, Vessos, Vialoss Surnames. Bloodborn, Bloodbreath, Boomhowler, Delleb, Dogalus, Doomspeaker, Firetongue, Goodhammer, Gormas, Hoagbarth, Kavkalash, Lorgash, Lugosh, Slaughterborn, Surfborn, Stonehide, Toborg, Tumbrog

Height and Weight

You can decide your character’s height and weight or use the tables below. In general, northern humans are of larger stock due to a surplus of arable land providing better nutrition, but as industrialization creates food surpluses in the south, this trend is changing. The shortest humans stand a head taller than dwarves, and goblins reach to their waists. In contrast, trollkin are at least a foot taller than all but the largest humans, and themselves are small in comparison to the giant ogrun. Random Height and Weight Race

Base Height

Height Modifier

Base Weight

Weight Modifier




110 lbs (x2d4) lbs




100 lbs (x2d4) lbs




130 lbs (x2d4) lbs




145 lbs (x2d4) lbs




110 lbs (x2d4) lbs




95 lbs




110 lbs (x2d4) lbs




110 lbs (x2d4) lbs




125 lbs (x2d4) lbs




120 lbs (x2d4) lbs




115 lbs (x2d4) lbs




125 lbs (x2d4) lbs




140 lbs (x2d6) lbs




40 lbs

Elf, Iosan



110 lbs (x1d6) lbs

Elf, Nyss



125 lbs (x1d6) lbs




380 lbs (x2d6) lbs




220 lbs (x2d6) lbs

Trollkin Sorcerer



180 lbs (x2d6) lbs

(x2d4) lbs

x1 lbs


While the vast majority of the Iron Kingdoms are inhabited by humans, the minority of other races hold differing views on life because of their longevity, or lack thereof.


Age Race

Living Languages Adulthood Middle Age Old Venerable Maximum







Elf, Iosan






Elf, Nyss































As both the official language of one of the Iron Kingdoms and the primary trade tongue used by merchants and travelers throughout the Iron Kingdoms, Cygnaran is the most widely spoken language in western Immoren. The languages of the other kingdoms- Khadoran, Llaelese, Ordic, Rhulic, and Shyrare also quite prevalent, especially within their native provinces. As one might expect, a number of subfamily languages are interspersed amid the various language families, and the most popular of these are listed below.


Literacy is not a widespread skill in the Iron Kingdoms. Characters are presumed to be illiterate, and may become literate by substituting one known language. A character who is literate is literate in all languages they can speak unless otherwise noted. In most cases, being illiterate doesn’t interfere with navigation, as shops are marked with appropriate symbols and signposts bear the heraldry of the land’s rulers.


Over time and distance, languages slowly diverge and branch into new dialects, and eventually new languages. While industrialization and modern communication technologies greatly slow this process, it can still be found in rural areas and among folk who care little for technology. Dialects have a difficulty rating, listed in brackets, that represents how divergent it is from the root language. The higher the difficulty of a dialect, the harder it is for other speakers of the language to understand and communicate with the speaker of a dialect. Many times, it is also difficult to read the writings of people who are used to speaking in a dialect. They might apply idiomatic expressions and corrupted spellings that are foreign to other readers. Over time, however, a character who speaks the same root language can acclimate to a dialect. Acclimation takes one week of frequent exposure for every point of difficulty rating. While a character is unfamiliar with a dialect, they have disadvantage on all Charisma checks to interact linguistically with speakers of a dialect, and disadvantage on all Wisdom (Perception) or Intelligence (Investigation) checks made to discern statements or writings made by the speaker of a dialect.





Official language of Cygnar and a common trade tongue.


Five Cant Originated in Five Fingers, but used Caspian by pirates and criminals throughout the kingdoms. Scharde Tongue [3]


Sulese [1] Official language of the Protectorate Caspian of Menoth, though a dialect of Cygnaran in truth. Swampie [3]

Dialect of Cygnaran used by Swampies and River Folk.



Spoken by Idrian nomads and other inhabitants of the Bloodstone Marches.



Official language of Khador.


Urnyak [3]

Still spoken by many Skirov.



Official language of Llael.



Spoken by human barbarians, as well Molgur as many Dhunian races.

Gobberish Spoken by bogrin tribes and gobbers, Moglur [4] though the two dialects are quickly diverging. The language is rooted in Molgur. MolgurOg [1]

Dialect of Molgur spoken by ogrun communities.


MolgurTrul [2]

Dialect of Molgur spoken by trollkin communities.



Official language of Ord, and common in many ports throughout the kingdoms.


High Spoken by some highborn Tordorans, Caspian Tordoris this language is swiftly on its way to [1] join Caspian and Khurzic, but lives on through Ordic. Rhulic

Spoken by the dwarves of Rhul


Miner A dialect of Rhulic spoken by dwarven Rhulic Rhulic[1] communities outside of Rhul. Shyr

Spoken by the elves of Ios


Dead Languages Language Caspian



Root of Cygnaran, widely used in Caspian religious rituals and academic research.


Root of Rhulic



Primarily used by Khadoran scholars and the Menite clergy.





Dialect of Cygnaran used in the Scharde Isles and Cryx.

Presumably the living language of the Orgoth Orgoth empire, but only used by Orgoth researchers in western Immoren. The root language of the dialects spoken by bog trogs and gatormen.


Obscure Languages Language




Language of the Nyss



The horrid speech of the Dregg is composed mainly of sucking and clicking noises, punctuated by chortles and hisses. It might be possible for a human to learn, but the horrors of such study would surely drive one over the brink. It is unknown if it has a written form.



An odd pidgin of Caspian and porcine Caspian squeals and grunts spoken by the bestial Farrow. The language’s roots reinforce the idea among many scholars that the Farrow were once men that were subjected to cruel magical experiments.

Molgur- An almost unrecognizable blending of Tharn [3] Khurzic and Molgur spoken by the savage Tharn of the Thornwood. The Tharn have a strong oral tradition, but use no writing. Nokiri


Spoken by the fiendish members of Nokiri the Nonokrion Order, the infernal language is obscure, but not especially difficult to learn. It is exhaustively documented by infernalists and signs indicate that it is but a dialect of a wider infernal language.


A dialect of the dead Quor tongue spoken by gatormen.



A dialect of the dead Quor tongue spoken by bog trogs.


Saelaan The obscure language of grymkin that Saelaan is forbidden to be taught to outsiders. A written form does exist and is composed of twisting and befuddling glyphs. Satyxi

Spoken by the satyxi warrior women, this language has an alphabet with suspicious similarities to Caspian.



Spoken by the Skorne of the Bloodstone Marches.


Telgesh Tkra Zunus

Clerics and scholars of Thamar speak Telgesh this language, as do many enterprising necromancers. Spoken only by Lord Toruk and his top servitors in Cryx.


An odd language brought back from Zunus the distant continent of Zu. Scholars are swiftly trying to learn the language through studying artifacts and interacting with the natives of the distant land, but it remains obscure in Immoren. The written form uses highly ornate pictographs that are difficult to learn.


There are two broadly accepted religions among the nations of mankind, represented by the Church of Morrow and the Temple of Menoth. The relationship between these religions is complex and has changed over the centuries, alternating between periods of relatively stable peace and ones of strife and violence. Usually the tensions between these religions are more subtle. In most large communities, members of these faiths have learned to coexist. While Morrow and Menoth are the most pervasive religions in the Iron Kingdoms, a number of other faiths exist, especially among the other races that call western Immoren home. The degree of awareness that humans have of other religions varies but is usually limited. Most people in western Immoren are aware that Iosans, Nyss, Rhulfolk, trollkin, ogrun, and gobbers have their own faiths but are rarely interested in the particulars.


Across western Immoren, the Church of Morrow is indisputably the dominant faith, with a sizable majority in every human kingdom except the Protectorate of Menoth. Khador is the only kingdom with a substantial minority of Menites, but even there Empress Vanar is a recognized Morrowan and the church has tremendous reach and influence. Ord and Cygnar both recognize the Church of Morrow as their state religions, as did Llael when it was independent. The Morrowan faith emphasizes the individual as a potential agency of good and stresses how each person can contribute to society. Its beliefs resonate with people in many walks of life and social strata, advocating improvement through self-reflection, good works, honorable conduct, and self-sacrifice. Core to the Morrowan faith is the idea of Volition—that every person in life makes choices that determine whether they will be a force for positive empowerment or for selfish gain. By association, pious Morrowans are seen as good and reliable citizens while those who succumb to the “dark path” of Thamar are seen as evil, self-serving, and destructive. This is a simplistic reduction of the subtleties of Morrow’s and Thamar’s respective philosophies, but clear distinctions appeal to the masses. The more nuanced aspects of the Twins are left to theologians and scholars. Before his ascension, Morrow was both a philosopher and a soldier, a thinker who endorsed the virtues of peace but who allowed that armed conflict was sometimes necessary. The Morrowan faith teaches that honor can be maintained amid violent strife if applied judiciously, such as to defend the helpless. Morrow insisted the better side of man’s nature could rise to the fore even amid the bloodiest of conflicts. This allows his message to have impact in times of both peace and war and to appeal to soldiers as well as those they protect.


Ascendants of Morrow

    Asc. Angellia (f) ascended 1027 BR Patron of history, lore, and the written word. Prodigious Rynnish scholar, historian, and linguist. Wrote the definitive history of western Immoren up to her time. Recovered the lost Enkheiridion and wrote its definitive notated translation. Asc. Corben (m) ascended 102 AR Patron of alchemy, astronomy, and the arcane. Notable arcanist who advanced astronomy, mechanika, and alchemy. Cured Rip Lung plague. Ascension seen as sign of Morrow’s endorsement of arcanists who apply their powers to good works. Asc. Doleth (m) ascended 1411 BR Patron of sailors, boatmen, and fishermen. Fisherman on the western coast. Followed quiet, solitary path toward enlightenment. Meditated on Morrow’s teachings while at sea. Selflessly rescued victims of shipwrecks amid storms of the Meredius. Asc. Ellena (f) ascended 1590 BR Patron of pilgrims, proselytizers, travelers, and messengers. Conducted pilgrimages in a particularly dangerous era. Spread teachings of Morrow to farthest corners of continent. Proselytizing ensured rapid spread of the faith. Performed charitable works where Menite temples had turned a blind eye to suffering. Asc. Gordenn (m) ascended 812 BR Patron of farmers and family. Monk and farmer devoted to alleviating suffering during Time of the Long Sun, a horrible drought. Credited with countless miracles, such as turning barren farmlands fertile and calling down rainfalls. Saved thousands from starvation. Asc. Katrena (f) ascended 1810 BR Patron of valor, knighthood, and nobility. First Ascendant, born in frozen north, ascended after protecting Morrowan priests and thinkers from the Menite Purging. One of the first and greatest defenders of Morrowan faith. Died from wounds suffered in battle with Menites defending one of the first primarchs. Asc. Markus (m) ascended 305 AR Patron of soldiers and city watchmen. Ordic soldier who single-handedly stalled an invading barbarian horde at the Siege of Midfast by challenging its fourteen chiefs to a series of duels. Died and ascended as the siege was lifted. Asc. Rowan (f) ascended 289 BR Patron of the poor and downtrodden. Lived during height of the Occupation. Renounced all material wealth and spent her life alleviating the suffering of the enslaved Immorese. Achieved enlightenment through self-sacrifice. Asc. Shevann (f) ascended 500 AR Patron of merchants, oratory, and conciliation. Most recent ascendant. Negotiated peace with the Sul-Menites after the Cygnaran Civil War. Considered patron ascendant of Caspia. Asc. Sambert (m) ascended 605 BR Patron of craftsmen, artists, and builders. Masterful sculptor, architect, painter, mason, and engineer with skill to manifest the divine on Caen through craft. Revolutionized sacred architecture with Archcourt Cathedral and other buildings in the Sancteum. Asc. Solovin (m) ascended 1253 BR Patron of healers, battle-chaplains, and midwives. Soldier and priest from Thuria who visited countless battlefields to treat wounded regardless of their affiliations. Sacrificed himself to destroy Scion Remel.



While Morrow has become the most prominent deity of the Iron Kingdoms, the cults devoted to his twin sister Thamar exist in relative obscurity, a fact her adherents prefer. Despite this, the teachings of Thamar have had tremendous impact on the Morrowan faith, forming a conceptual counterpoint by which their beliefs and morality are defined. To adhere to Morrow’s path one must reject Thamar’s, and vice versa. Thamar has had just as profound an impact on the thinking and philosophies of mankind as her brother, but her legacy is cast in shadow since Thamar’s faith is inherently subversive and is associated with the darker aspects of human nature. The concept of transgression as a gateway to enlightenment is fundamental to Thamarite belief. For this and other reasons, this faith has always been relegated to cult status, and its adherents are both feared and loathed by the dominant religions. Those who truly understand Thamarite philosophy know there are many roads to unlocking one’s own inner potential, some subtler than others. Thamar is seen by her faithful as the goddess of knowledge in all forms. She is a champion of the downtrodden, the outcast, the vengeful, and the iconoclastic. She is a goddess of freedom, self-expression, and perseverance. Those drawn to her darker aspects for their own sake or who use their faith as an excuse to justify atrocious deeds are blind to her true path. Besides the nefarious villains among her faithful there have also been heroes advocating the liberation and freedom of the spirit. When it has suited their ends, Thamarites have even shown a willingness to come to the defense of pious Morrowans. The relationship between Morrow and Thamar and their respective paths is complicated and difficult to quantify even for theologians. On one hand, Morrowan doctrine suggests it is natural and inevitable that some people will choose the “dark path of Thamar” when confronted with the Volition. Church doctrine suggests these people are to be pitied and treated humanely, advising that those who have taken this turn might be set back on the path of light. The Church of Morrow makes a significant distinction between those who have unknowingly fallen under Thamar’s sway and those who outright worship the goddess, forsaking all other faiths. Those who act from selfish or misguided desires but who have not actually devoted themselves to the Dark Twin can be redeemed, while those who have sworn allegiance to Thamar are enemies of the faith. Scions of Thamar

    Sc. Aidan (m) ascended 344 BR Patron of thieves, relic seekers, and the hunted. Outlaw and grave robber who undermined Orgoth rule defying their laws and evading those hunting him. Desecrated Morrdhic, Rhulic, and Orgoth tombs to acquire occult lore. Sc. Bolis (m) ascended 271 AR Patron of gamblers, smugglers, and fences. Criminal mastermind and entrepreneur. Popularized gambling as a gateway to deeper vice and laid foundation for Five Fingers to become a free haven of crime, manipulating Ord and Cygnar to do so.

    Sc. Delesle (f) ascended 1610 BR Patron of necromancy, rebellion, and self-determination. Conducted campaign of terror against Menite temples and priesthood in the early Thousand Cities Era. Desecrated burial grounds and animated the dead to make war on Menites. Shielded Morrowan communities from scrutators during the Menite Purging. Sc. Drayce (m) ascended 1400 BR Patron of liars, politicians, and pleasure seekers. Most charismatic and subtle of Thamar’s scions. Influential leader, master of human weakness, singularly ruthless and manipulative politician, and notorious hedonist. The full scope of his influence was not realized until long after his ascension. Sc. Ekris (m) ascended 1780 BR Patron of secrets, diviners, and forbidden lore. First Scion, alleged disciple and lover of Thamar before her ascension. Peerless occultist who determined Telgesh glyphs derived from Morrdh. Expanded early mystical writings of Thamar. Made pacts with infernals to extend his life and complete enlightenment. Sc. Khorva (f) ascended 1250 BR Patron of duelists, assassins, and criminal Enforcers. Peerless assassin and killer. Assassinated Primarch Lorichias in the Divinium. Her actions and ascension were witnessed by a Menite delegation. This eventually ended the Menite Purging, allowing Morrowans and Menites to coexist. Sc. Lukas (m) ascended 995 BR Patron of the depraved, the mad, and the Visionary. Sadistic hunter and killer, least understood of the scions. Sought immortality through a legacy of horror by murdering and torturing hundreds, including Morrowan priests. Chose victims based on prophetic visions and dreams. Feared even by Thamarites. Sc. Nivara (f) ascended 25 AR Patron of arcanists, artificers, and teachers. Most influential arcanist of the early Rebellion. Kerwin’s true successor, who innovated use of arcane power in war. Her rune-inscribed puzzles laid the foundation for the cerebral matrix. Sc. Remel (m) ascended 1700 BR, destroyed 1253 BR. No current patronages. Ancient scion noted in Morrowan records as destroyed during the ascension of Solovin. Most modern Thamarites disavow his existence. Sc. Roth (m) ascended 687 BR Patron of bandits, mercenaries, and outcast Soldiers. Bandit lord who carved out a fiefdom along the Dragon’s Tongue River leading an army of cutthroats. Displayed brilliant tactics when he was almost victorious against three vastly superior armies in the Battle of Roth’s Stand. Sc. Stacia (f) ascended 421 AR Patron of arsonists, revenge, and the persecuted. Sorceress of tremendous power branded a witch and sentenced to death. Defied authorities in Mercir, where she obliterated every arcanist in the area and consumed three-quarters of the city in an inferno.


While the Menite religion played a central role in the rise of human civilization, this ancient faith has been on the decline for centuries. Only in the Protectorate of Menoth are Menites the overwhelming majority, as that strict theocracy was established specifically to restore the faith to prominence. In the Protectorate life is quite different than anywhere else in the Iron Kingdoms, as religion is an inextricable part of life. The Sul-Menites of the Protectorate claim to have restored the old traditions of their faith, but in many respects their society is unique and does not resemble that of ancient times. The priest caste is in absolute control of the government, with the temple’s hierarchy filling the positions held by the nobility in other kingdoms. The leader of the temple is also the head of state, a position presently occupied by Hierarch Severius, a formidable scrutator who leads armies of the faithful to war. The Protectorate’s army is simply an extension of the temple, and its clergy also enforce the law. Sacred rites and rituals pervade all aspects of life, and these, too, require the guiding hand of priests. Though not all people who live in the Protectorate are equally pious, all are affected by religion daily in countless ways. The hardship of working the barren lands east of the Black River only amplifies the prayers of the faithful who look to Menoth to improve their lives and shelter them in the afterlife. For the poor, the promise of Urcaen has more appeal than daily existence, which lends greater fervor to prayer. The best chance many have to improve their standing is to serve the temple more actively and directly, such as by joining the Temple Flameguard that serves as the Protectorate’s citizen militia or by aspiring to other temple positions. As a matter of course every Menite in the Protectorate is aware they may have to take up arms to defend the faith. They each know to whom they must report should the call to arms be given, and there are weapons stashes in most communities for this eventuality. The prospect of war and crusade is a real fact to every Menite in this nation, since they believe themselves to be the last bastions of their faith, a religion that has been under constant attack by the godless for centuries. This attitude stands in contrast with that of Menites in other kingdoms, who have had to learn to live alongside their countrymen of other faiths. Unlike the Church of Morrow, the “Temple of Menoth” is not a single organization, but many. The Sul-Menite temple is distinct from the Old Faith of Khador, and independent temples exist in both Ord and Cygnar with no connection to these groups. While this may change in the course of the SulMenite crusades, at present the Menites do not share a hierarchy.


    Menite communities outside the Protectorate must grudgingly accept Morrowans but are not tolerant of other faiths. Menites see the Devourer Wurm as the ancient foe of their god and its cultists as deserving of violent extermination. This is one area where Morrowans and Menites fundamentally agree. Historically, Menite confusion about the distinction between Dhunia and the Devourer Wurm has prompted violence against trollkin, ogrun, and gobber tribes as well. Similarly, most Menites are uncomfortable with the arcane. Menites see the spread of the Gift as an affront to the Creator by Morrow and Thamar. As a consequence, those born with strong arcane abilities within Menite communities have difficulty coming to grips with their powers, sometimes denying them outright. Others feel compelled to purify themselves through ritual and prayer. In remote Menite communities, local priests have been known to put to death young children manifesting sorcery. In the Protectorate of Menoth, the only sanctioned arcane practitioners are those belonging to the Vassals of Menoth. This group performs works vital to the Sul-Menite war effort, but it's arcanists are kept under constant supervision and are treated akin to indentured servants of the state, enjoying only limited freedom.


Despite the relatively recent discovery of the goddess Cyriss, her following has spread rapidly among the members of specialized technical fields, including astronomy, mathematics, engineering, and mechanika. Her faith has adherents at most major universities, observatories, and machine shops. The worshipers of the Clockwork Goddess have yet to experience much persecution. They are fortunate to have risen to prominence in an age when the more tolerant Morrowan faith holds the majority. Furthermore, its adherents have no longstanding animosities and few religious rivals. Unlike Thamarite and Devourer cults, they are not associated with black magic or unwholesome rites. In certain areas of Cygnar the worship of Cyriss has even gained nominal acceptance, and the Crown has sanctioned the construction of a large temple to Cyriss in Caspia. Most followers of the Maiden of Gears worship discreetly, reluctant to identify themselves as believers to outsiders. They quietly practice their faith by engaging in scientific pursuits, working on mathematical theory, crafting intricate pieces of machinery or mechanika, studying astronomy, or deciphering codes and enigmas. Members may carry a small token of their belief to identify themselves to one another, such as a pendant inscribed with her symbol amid interlocking gears. While this faith is not actively persecuted, many Menites and Morrowans view its members with suspicion. Rumors among them suggest inner cabals that practice peculiar rites related to the celestial cycles. These cults are said to have built sizable hidden temples across western Immoren, each filled with a dizzying array of wondrous machinery and protected by automated guardians. Some even whisper that high-ranking priests of Cyriss can transfer their souls into machine bodies to attain immortality.


That the cult possesses different layers of membership is true. Those who prove their loyalty and impress ranking priests with their intelligence and skill may eventually earn access to the cult’s inner workings. With its own distinct beliefs, goals, and purposes, this group is almost a different faith, its members separate from the worshipers who simply revere Cyriss as a patron.

Devourer Wurm

Cults of the Devourer Wurm are considered dangerous and worthy of expunction by both Menites and pious Morrowans. Adherents of the Beast of All Shapes can be found among barbaric humans, bogrin, trollkin, and several other wild races, although they are fewer in number in the modern era. The Devourer-worshiping Molgur, which included many of these races, left a legacy of fear that lingers still. With the memory of Devourer-worshipping barbarians engendering such strong antipathy, it is no coincidence that most Devourer cults exist on the fringes of civilization or deep within the untamed wilderness. With few exceptions, these cults are isolated, have no shared religious accord, and demonstrate a wide variety of rites and rituals. Each Devourer cult has its own customs, adornments, and depictions of its multifaceted god. The so-called Beast of All Shapes has been portrayed countless ways, most often as a predatory totemic animal such as a wolf, serpent, bear, eagle, or shark. There are also groups that worship the Wurm under another name. Many gatorman tribes worship an entity called Kossk, described as a primal alligator or gatorman with a voracious appetite, for instance; blackclads of the Circle Orboros consider this another aspect of the Wurm rather than a distinct entity. Human worship of the Wurm was still practiced by large numbers as recently as 305 AR, which marked the last great gathering of uncivilized human tribes from northern Khador. These tribes endured massive casualties and conversions during and after the Siege of Midfast and never recovered their numbers. Remnants of these people and similar tribes persist in the more remote wilderness regions, particularly in the northern mountains and forests of Khador, on several of the outer Scharde Islands, deep in Cygnar’s Wyrmwall Mountains, and in the Bloodstone Marches. Most Devourer cults revere the moons, particularly Calder, which they associate with the Wurm, and feast rites are conducted both when Calder is new and when it is full. Bloodletting rites are common, with human sacrifice and cannibalism also practiced, although cannibalism has never been as widespread as attributed by Menite and Morrowan clergy. The most feared of cultists are the Tharn, attributed with supernatural transformative abilities as a birthright of their long association with the Wurm. The Tharn were thought on the verge of extinction but have had a recent resurgence as a result of an alliance with the blackclads who inhabit the wilderness.


While in ancient days the worship of the Wurm was widespread, the fall of the Molgur led to the adoption of Dhunian practices by surviving trollkin, ogrun, and goblin tribes. The worship of Dhunia is accepted in the human kingdoms, though many view it as primitive. This religion was ignored by human theologians until recently, and most humans still know little about it. The rare shrines to Dhunia found in human towns and cities are generally located in districts with sizable resident populations of trollkin, gobbers, or ogrun. These are usually outdoor monuments in stone with rune-carved columns but may include a large central abstract depiction of the pregnant goddess. Much larger and more impressive Dhunian holy sites exist in dedicated communities of these races. For most Dhunians, worship is a private affair; they rarely congregate except at seasonal rituals. Dhunians pray to the goddess in times of travail and seek her blessings for childbirth or conception, as fertility is one of her main concerns. Her connection to the passing seasons leads her worshipers to make offerings and conduct celebratory feasts during the equinoxes. Dhunian communities often support at least one, and often several, shamans, who have studied the ways of the goddess and instruct others in spiritual beliefs. A shaman’s role is similar to that of a priest, but he may also serve as a chief or an advisor to a chief. Dhunia favors those who are stalwart in the defense of their families, and although she is not depicted as aggressive, some of her shamans are accomplished warriors and invoke her name when entering battle. While most shamans are rooted to a specific community, some prefer a nomadic existence and travel from village to village, offering spiritual counsel and sharing news. Among the trollkin, Dhunian shamans are often looked to for lore concerning the full-blood trolls that coexist with wilderness kriels and serve as beasts of labor and war. Each Dhunian race has different ways of reversing the goddess, but it is common for pious believers to keep runic necklaces or adornments on their person or weapons. These are often small pieces of stone or metal inscribed with simple runes believed to bring good fortune and protection. Some of these are ancient and carry considerable symbolic importance. The runes do not name Dhunia herself but describe desirable attributes or convey meanings of protection or prowess in battle. They are looked upon as akin to permanent prayers to Dhunia requesting her blessings for those who wear them.

The Great Fathers

The dwarves of Rhul worship the Great Fathers, thirteen progenitor gods that sired their race and established their system of laws. Each of the Great Fathers embodies a different aspect of Rhulic culture, but their clergy is devoted to them as a pantheon, offering praises to each in turn. There are rituals throughout the year devoted to specific Great Fathers, and Rhulfolk will occasionally invoke individual names when engaging in activities relevant to each one’s purview.

All thirteen Great Fathers are represented by influential clans in Rhul bearing their names. Each of these clans is led by a stone lord who bears additional responsibilities as the inheritor of a divine legacy. While the nation is an oligarchy, the thirteen stone lords are empowered as heads of state and work with Rhul’s governing body, the Moot of the Hundred Houses, represented by the hundred most powerful clans. Religion and government have overlapping roles in Rhul. The central holy text of the Church of the Great Fathers is the Codex that records all of Rhul’s extensive records of legal precedence. Similarly, the practice of law and jurisprudence is inextricable from religious rites among the dwarves. Despite this, Rhul is not a theocracy, and the role of the priesthood is to serve as judges and arbiters of jurisprudence. Clan lords are the ruling class of Rhul, but disputes between clans may provoke intervention by Moot judges, appointed members of the clergy recognized for expertise in Rhulic law. Arbitration takes up more of many priests’ time than the study and preaching of religious doctrine. At any time when Rhulfolk cannot resolve a dispute, either party can seek a member of the clergy to witness a lawful duel or to arbitrate grievances. Their decisions carry the full weight of law and are recorded in the ever-expanding Codex. As a legacy of the legend of the Claywives, the wives of the Great Fathers, women have traditionally dominated the Rhulic clergy, occupying many of the highest ranks, although both genders are accepted into the priesthood. The Claywives have accumulated a body of their own legends, and although the practice is frowned upon by traditionalists their names are sometimes invoked in prayer in a similar fashion as Great Fathers. The Cult of the Claywives is large and generally accepted, as all dwarves recognize the equal role of these progenitors in their existence. Outsiders may make the mistake of thinking this religion is similar to that of the Menites. In mixed dwarven and human communities there is some natural sympathy between these faiths, as both religions emphasize hard work and adherence to lawful conduct. On closer examination, however, the doctrines of the Church of the Great Fathers bear far more similarities to those of the tolerant Church of Morrow, advocating self-improvement and intellectual challenges rather than absolute obedience. Rhulic jurisprudence encourages debate and argument, in stark contrast to Menite law. Rhulic and human secular laws also differ in many respects—the legal dueling and feuding accepted among Rhulfolk would be deemed an egregious breach of the peace in the human Iron Kingdoms. Dwarves have generally had an easy time integrating into human cities and have never faced significant religious strife. Many of the laws of the Codex are pertinent only to Rhul and have no bearing on dwarves living among mankind. Rhulic morality is largely in line with that of the human majority religions, and this faith has never sought to proselytize.



While it has long been one of the smallest faiths of western Immoren, the Fane of Nyssor is now reduced to a fraction of its former size. This has long been the religion of the Nyss of northern Khador, whose culture and society were nearly destroyed by the rise of the Legion of Everblight. Even as Nyss culture has been torn apart, their homelands lost and abandoned, many of their people murdered or converted into blighted monstrosities, the religious practices of the Nyss have suffered as well. The Nyss were once part of the Iosan people. In the days following the Cataclysm, the survivors of the Empire of Lyoss followed their gods in an exodus from eastern Immoren. As each god settled into a different city of Ios, those who would become the Nyss dwelled in Darsael, now a forgotten ruin. After the Divine Court left Ios in its unsuccessful quest to return to the Veld, these people abandoned Darsael and made the long trek into the northwestern mountains seeking their patron, Nyssor. The people of Darsael had long been shunned by other Iosans, who did not value the qualities of winter, and so their departure was not mourned. It was not the scorn of their neighbors that motivated their travels, however. Rather they responded to the words of their prophet Aeric, who had received a vision calling them into the frozen mountains to await the return of their god. Over the centuries the Nyss became a distinct people turned to a life of semi-nomadic tribes, hunting from the land, living in many ways akin to the old tribes that had prowled eastern Immoren before the unification of Lyoss.


Among Iosans the worship of the goddess Scyrah, the goddess of spring, is all but universal. At the same time, there is no race more secretive and unforthcoming about their religion or spiritual beliefs than the elves. Even those who have been exiled and no longer dwell among other Iosans rarely speak about their faith. With the Iosans’ reputation for being aloof and unapproachable, this is not particularly surprising to outsiders, but it does mean very little is known of Iosan religion. In previous centuries, before Ios sealed itself from the outside world, some minimal communication on the topic reached human theologians, but they know little more than that an elven pantheon exists. Rumors persist that the Iosan gods walk among their people, but on this topic Iosans are particularly silent.

This is a social taboo so strong it crosses all class and sect lines, for the simple reason that it is imperative outsiders do not know of the doom awaiting their race. Scyrah has long been their last savior, and upon her shoulders rests the wellbeing of an entire civilization, yet she lies in fitful slumber and is prophesied to die in less than a century. Even the recent discovery of Nyssor has not changed this, and most elves consider it too early to hope. Given their reluctance to show outward signs of their faith, some outsiders may gather the impression Iosans are a non-spiritual people, but nothing could be further from the truth. Considering that the death of Scyrah could occur within the lifetime of most Iosans, they are intensely pious, feeling a close connection to Scyrah mixed with grief, fear, and uncertainty. The prospect of death is terrifying to Iosans, as they take no comfort or assurances in their fate in the afterlife. The Veld is vacant of the gods who once defended it. The piety most Iosans living outside of Ios feel is a deeply private affair, with spiritual rituals and prayers undertaken in isolation. Iosans still pray to the Vanished, and it is not uncommon for the pious to offer nominal praises to the other gods at certain times. In ancient days each of the Divine Court was given attention at times related to their purviews. Lacyr was at the forefront of every prayer, Ossyris prayed to at times of war or turmoil, Ayisla worshiped at the onset of nightfall, and Nyrro worshiped at daybreak. Scyrah received considerable devotion at the start of spring, Lurynsar at summer, Lyliss at autumn, and Nyssor at winter. Many of these praises still take place in private, with Scyrah now at the heart of all rituals and ceremonies, as since her solitary return to Ios she is seen as regent for Lacyr. In Iosan religion, the fane is both a church and a physical home of a god. Once there were eight occupied fanes, one for each of the gods, but now only Lacyr’s former fane in Shyrr is inhabited—and Scyrah, who rests there, is sleeping and largely insensate. The physical proximity and tangibility of the goddess nevertheless resonates with all Iosans, as the center of this church where the goddess of spring lies is literally holy ground. Most Iosans visit the fane once in their lives. Scyrah’s return and lack of communication has prompted division among those who revere her. Three distinct sects persist, both in Ios and among those citizens living abroad: the traditional and conservative Fane of Scyrah, worshiped by the majority; the Seekers, a small but dedicated group who hopes to find evidence of the Vanished elsewhere in the world; and the Retribution of Scyrah, a growing radical movement who believe human magic is responsible for the wasting of the gods.

Skorne Philosophy

Outsiders mistakenly believe that the skorne have no religion. In ancient times the elves of Lyoss called the skorne “godless” and “faithless.” The first label is accurate, but the second is not. Their religion comprises a sophisticated form of ancestor worship that does not venerate any god or pantheon of gods.


    Skorne accept that gods may exist, based on exposure to the power of religious figures in other cultures, especially the ancient Empire of Lyoss. However, the obliteration of Lyoss convinced them of the fickle nature of gods, and skorne see deities as a crutch for weaker peoples. Skorne philosophers take pride in having freed themselves from the divine and refuse to acknowledge a creator. They do not refute the possibility that a god may have had a hand in their creation, but they consider this notion irrelevant. They pass down no creation myth, believing instead that they have risen to greatness as a people on the strength of their will and the example of their ancestors. Skorne ancestor worship focuses on those great individuals whose deeds are immortalized in legend, paragons of values the skorne consider vital. Different schools of philosophy center around the legends of specific skorne ancestors, and these comprise the varied “faiths” of the skorne. Myriad cults are dedicated to specific ancestors. Some remain exclusive to a single family or bloodline, while the entire skorne population reveres certain ancient and singular ancestors. A skorne may venerate multiple ancestors, but most choose two for the majority of their devotion. Usually they first select one of the great ancients whose legend all skorne know and who embodies the virtues of their caste. The second, typically exalted within recent memory, possesses a lineage deemed particularly admirable and has a more direct relation to the individual skorne. Skorne demonstrate veneration in several ways, such as maintaining a small dedicated shrine in one’s home or keeping an item associated with the ancestor on one’s person. Some skorne inscribe ancestral names and symbols on weapons or armor. As in the west, individual piety varies. Some skorne rarely think of the ancestors, while others spend a lifetime painstakingly attempting to emulate them. Those who possess the core sacral stone of such a revered ancestor, or a fragment thereof, are particularly fortunate and favored, though this rarely occurs outside the extoller caste. The skorne have a very different depiction of the afterlife than any religion of western Immoren. Skorne have no equivalent to Urcaen and believe that nothing positive awaits them after death. After death, a skorne’s spirit falls into the Void. Only by preservation in a sacral stone can this fate be avoided. A skorne earns preservation either by rising to greatness and being chosen by the extollers as exalted or by falling in battle near an ancestral guardian or an extoller who preserves his essence as an honored companion of the exalted. The number of individuals thus preserved is small; the vast majority are lost to the Void. Most skorne have a pragmatic attitude toward this reality and consider it a simple fact of life.


Dragons exist in the old legends as fiendishly powerful monsters once thought to be embodiments of the Devourer Wurm. They were imperishable terrors that passed overhead on shadowy wings and breathed fire on any that offended them. As scholars learn more of dragons they have become less certain of their nature, for they have little in common with anything else that walks or flies or swims.

All dragons originate from one progenitor: Toruk, called the Dragonfather. For the last sixteen centuries this creature has been worshiped as a god by those dwelling in the island empire west of Immoren. Those who worship the Dragonfather claim he has always been a part of the world, although he never participated in the frenzy of fertility and generation that gave rise to life on Caen. Toruk and the other dragons may not be alive, by ordinary reckoning—they do not breed or propagate as other species do, but possess immortality rooted in a heartstone, an indestructible crystal called an athanc. Toruk’s worshipers believe that at some point in ages past Toruk became tired of his solitary existence and created a brood to serve him. He divided his athanc and from each splinter a new dragon came into being, each uniquely terrible. The followers of the Dragonfather are a rare breed, and are universally loathed in Western Immoren. Unlike priests of otehr gods, who serve their communities, priests of the Dragonfather often occupy official positions in the Cryxian government. Many can be found as officers of the Black Fleet or studying as accomplished necromancers. Gods of the Iron Kingdoms God

Suggested Domain


Morrow Knowledge, Sunburst of Morrow, also known as Life, The Radiance Protection, War Thamar

Arcana, Thamar’s Leash, also known as the Death, Ternion Brand Knowledge, Trickery

Menoth Grave, Life, Light, War Cyriss

Arcana, Forge, Knowledge

The Seal of Menoth, sometimes referred to as the Menofix Masque of Cyriss, also called the Face of Cyriss

Devourer Nature, A swirl of talons or fangs around a Wurm Tempest, central sphere of darkness called the War Wurm’s Maw, Wurm’s Talons, or the Wurm’s Eye Dhunia

Life, Nature

Abstract runes

The Forge, Mount Ghorfel, Great Fathers’ Tor, Great Protection, and Colossus of Ghorfel Fathers War Nyssor

Grave, Shard of Winter, also Nyssor’s Shard Nature, Tempest


Life, Nature

Sigil of Life, also called the Spring Sigil


Death, Tempest, Trickery

Seal of Cryx


Chapter 4: Equipment


ndustrialization has hit the Iron Kingdoms hard, and it is only because of industrialization that so much is possible in Immoren. New machines flood the markets with cheaper goods and fill the battlefields with ever more creative and effective methods of killing. Science has even affected the advancement of magic. Enchanting, once a difficult and dangerous process, has been rendered down to the art of producing mechanika, which duplicates the effects of true enchantments and a much more reasonable cost.

Adventuring Gear

On the road, in the dungeon, or while dodging bullets, adventurers have need of the latest and greatest equipment. Below are some of the advancements the last few centuries of engineering have made possible.

New Weapons

Many weapons have special properties related to their use, as shown in the New Weapons table. Concealable. A character trying to hide this weapon’s presence has advantage on Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) checks to do so. Grenade. A character can throw a grenade up to 30 feet as an action. On impact, the grenade deals damage to everyone in a radius out to the listed range, or half as much on a successful DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. Reload. The indicated number of shots can be made with a weapon that has the reload property. A character must then reload it using an action. Scatter. When a character makes an attack with a weapon with the Scatter quality, the character may immediately make a second attack with disadvantage against a creature within 5 feet of the target. This second attack does not use up any additional ammunition. Special Materials

    Blessed Silver. Quenched in holy water and blessed by a holy priest, items made from blessed silver are anathema to undead. Those who expect to fight such horrors can silver a single weapon or ten pieces of ammunition for 100 gp. This cost represents the price of raw materials, the skill to fashion such an item, and the difficulty in tracking it down. Lodestone. The foul and fickle grymkin make for wily foes, but naturally magnetic stone disrupts them. Lodestone is not frangible enough to hold an edge or point, so only bludgeoning weapons can be made from lodestone. A single lodestone weapon or ten pieces of lodestone ammunition cost 50 gp more than a normal weapon of that type. This cost represents the price of raw materials, the skill to fashion such an item, and the difficulty in tracking it down.


Platinum. The blighted offspring of dragons are vulnerable to pure platinum. Unfortunate adventurers who anticipate fighting those abominations can commission a single weapon or ten pieces of ammunition out of pure platinum for an additional 200 gp per pound that the equivalent mundane item would weigh. This cost represents the price of raw materials, the skill to fashion such an item, and the difficulty in tracking it down. Platinum weapons are softer than steel and hold an edge only poorly. A successful attack with a platinum weapon against a creature that is not vulnerable to it reduces the size of the damage die by one step. For example, a platinum longsword wielded against a human guard will only deal 1d6 damage on a successful hit, rather than 1d8. Serricsteel. The dwarves of Rhul fashion a fantastic alloy that is lighter and stronger than normal steel. They are expensive and must be imported from Rhul. They weigh one quarter less (75%) and cost an additional 100 gp per pound that the equivalent mundane item would weigh. While wearing serricsteel armor, any critical hit against you is treated as a normal hit. Special Materials Material


Blessed Silver

+100 gp


+50 gp


200 gp/pound


100 gp/pound

New Weapons

    Amblerose Rivet Gun. Not a conventional weapon by any means, a rivet gun can spit out a rapid stream of rivets to make sure any unruly plates know their place. The rivet gun can also be used to spray an area with self-peening reminders of who’s in charge instead of making a single attack. When used in this manner, select a point within the weapon’s long range. Every creature within 10 feet of that point must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or take the weapon’s normal damage. Creatures within the weapon’s short range have disadvantage on this saving throw. This action uses 10 pieces of ammunition. Bayonet. A bayonet is a blade that can be fitted over the end of a rifle to create a spear-like weapon. When affixed to a two-handed firearm, it uses the given profile, but when wielded on its own it is treated as a dagger and the wielder has disadvantage on attack rolls with it due to the lack of a proper hilt.

New Weapons Name



Weight Properties

    Collapsing Baton

12 gp

1d4 bludgeoning

2 lbs

    Bayonet Name     Collapsing Staff

3 gp Cost 40 gp

1d8 piercing Damage 1d6 bludgeoning

1 lb Special, Two-Handed Weight Properties 2 lbs Concealable, Versatile (1d8)

    Gearbow, Light

45 gp

1d6 slashing

6 lbs

Ammunition (range 60/180), Reload (18), Two-Handed


1 gp

1d6 piercing

3 lbs

Special, Thrown (range 20/60)

    Grenade, Fragmentation

75 gp

5d6 piercing

1 lb

Grenade (20 ft)

    Grenade, Incendiary

180 gp 6d6 fire

2 lbs

Grenade (10 ft)

    Grenade, Smoke

50 gp

1 lb

Grenade (20 ft), Special

    Grenade, Stun

100 gp —

1 lb

Grenade (15 ft), Special


50 gp

1d8 bludgeoning

6 lbs


    Pincer Staff

30 gp

1d6 piercing

8 lbs

Reach, Two-Handed, Special

    Gearbow, Heavy

65 gp

1d8 slashing

14 lbs Ammunition (range 80/240), Reload (12), Two-Handed

    Grenade Launcher

80 gp

7 lbs

    Harpoon Gun

95 gp

1d8 piercing

11 lbs Ammunition (range 40/120), Reload (1), Special, TwoHanded

    Shield Gun

320 gp 1d10 piercing 10 lbs Ammunition (range 10/30), Reload (1), Special

Simple Melee Weapons Concealable, Finesse, Light

Simple Ranged Weapons

Martial Melee Weapons

Martial Ranged Weapons, Other Loading, Special, Two-Handed

Martial Ranged Weapons, Pistols     Amblerose Rivet Gun

75 gp

1d6 piercing

3 lbs

Ammunition (range 10/30), Reload (10), Special

    Clockwerk Arms Pepperbox 280 gp 1d6 piercing

5 lbs

Ammunition (range 20/60), Reload (4)

    Flare Gun

65 gp

2 lbs

Ammunition (range 10/30), Light, Reload (1)

    Pistol, Dragon

250 gp 1d6 piercing

3 lbs

Ammunition (range 10/30), Reload (1), Scatter

    Pistol, Military

250 gp 1d10 piercing 4 lbs

Ammunition (range 30/90), Reload (1)

    Pistol, Small

185 gp 1d8 piercing

Ammunition (range 20/60), Light, Reload (1)

    Radliffe Firestorm

2,650 gp

    Radliffe Quad-Iron

300 gp 4d4 piercing

6 lbs

Ammunition (range 20/60), Reload (1)

    Rynnish Hold-Out Pistol

210 gp 1d6 piercing

2 lbs

Ammunition (range 20/60), Concealable, Light, Reload (2)

1d6 fire

2 lbs

1d10 piercing 5 lbs

Ammunition (range 30/90), Reload (5)


New Weapons, Continued Name



Weight Properties

Martial Ranged Weapons, Rifles     Carbine, Military

375 gp 1d12 piercing

7 lbs

    Clockwerk Arms Revolving     Rifle

705 gp 1d10 piercing

14 lbs Ammunition (range 30/90), Heavy, Reload (4), TwoHanded

    Radliffe Repeating Long Gun Name

3,750 Cost gp

8 lbs Ammunition Weight Properties (range 40/120), Reload (6), Two-Handed

    Radliffe Two-Shot Rifle

400 gp 1d12 piercing

7 lbs

Ammunition (range 40/120), Reload (1), Two-Handed

    Rifle, Long

285 gp 1d12 piercing

7 lbs

Ammunition (range 40/120), Reload (1), Two-Handed

    Rifle, Military

375 gp 2d6 piercing 9 lbs

Ammunition (range 50/150), Reload (1), Two-Handed

    Rynnish Walking Stick

300 gp 1d6 piercing 2 lbs

Ammunition (range 15/45), Concealable, Reload (1), TwoHanded


250 gp 1d12 piercing

7 lbs

Ammunition (range 15/45), Reload (1), Scatter, TwoHanded

    Slug Gun

415 gp 2d10 piercing

15 lbs Ammunition (range 15/45), Heavy, Reload (1), TwoHanded

    Vanar Liberator

545 gp 2d8 piercing 14 lbs Ammunition (range 60/180), Heavy, Reload (1), TwoHanded

    Vislovski Rifle

450 gp 1d12 piercing

1d12 Damage piercing

7 lbs

Clockwerk Arms Pepperbox and Revolving Rifle. The earliest attempt at creating multi-shot firearms was the pepperbox, first crafted by the Clockwerk Arms Company, these pistols have a large cylinder of steel with four barrels bored into it. Due to the stress placed on the cylinder, the caliber of the shot is somewhat limited, giving the weapon a reputation for limited stopping power. Between shots the shooter has to rotate the cylinder by hand to bring the next barrel in line with the mechanism. Though no longer cuttingedge, pepperboxes are still an affordable way to get more shots off between reloads. A rifle-sized version was later created as a military prototype, but the great weight of the weapon, along with its limited range and firepower failed to persuade military buyers. Flare Gun. A flare gun can shoot a flare up to 250 feet, but when used as a weapon it has a short range of 10 feet. A creature hit with a flare gun must make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be blinded until the end of its next turn. A flare emits bright light for 60 feet and dim light for another 60 feet and burns for 2d6 rounds. Illumination flares are available for 5 gp each that burn for 1 minute and have parachutes that will keep them suspended for their duration.


Ammunition (range 30/90), Reload (1), Two-Handed

Ammunition (range 60/180), Reload (1), Two-Handed

Gearbow. Growing in popularity due to the scarcity of ammunition in wartime, gearbows are similar to crossbows in concept. Instead of firing bolts, however, a gearbow has a squat, cylindrical magazine toward the rear of the weapon that holds sharpened discs pierced through the center. The center hole allows the weapon's mechanism to engage with the projectile as it accelerates it at high speeds towards the target. A lever on the bottom of the weapon allows the user to simultaneously cock the bow and load a new disc from the magazine. These weapons count as crossbows for the purposes of Crossbow Expert and similar feats. Grenade, Smoke. A smoke grenade deals no damage, but instead creates a 20 foot radius cloud of smoke on impact. This smoke spreads around corners, and its area is heavily obscured. It lasts for 1 minute or until a wind of moderate or greater speed (at least 10 miles per hour) disperses it. Grenade, Stun. A stun grenade deals no damage, but instead on a failed DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, every creature within 15 feet is Stunned until the beginning of their next turn. Grenade Launcher. A grenade launcher increases the range at which a character can use a grenade to 80 feet. Harpoon and Harpoon Gun. A Large or smaller creature hit by by a harpoon or harpoon gun must make a successful Strength check or be pulled 10 feet toward the attacker. The DC of this check is equal to 8 plus the Strength modifier and proficiency bonus of the harpoon or harpoon gun wielder.

     Mechanoflail. Whenever a creature makes a successful attack with a mechanoflail, it can immediately make another attack as a bonus action. Pincer Staff. A Large or smaller creature hit by a pincer staff by a creature that is proficient in its use is restrained until it is freed. A pincer staff has no effect on creatures that are formless, or creatures that are Huge or larger. A creature can use its action to make a Strength check to free itself or another creature within its reach on a success. The DC of this check is equal to 8 plus the Strength modifier and proficiency bonus of the pincer staff’s wielder. Radliffe Firestorm and Repeating Long Gun. One of the greatest gunsmiths of the age, Radliffe’s design incorporates an “ammo wheel”— a steel cylinder containing five cartridges that rotate into place between the firing pin and the barrel. This weapon takes the basic concept of the pepperbox and solves the problems with weight and firepower by limiting the weapon to a single barrel. While the pistol version has seen limited success, mostly as a sidearm for wealthy officers, the revolving long rifle procured a contract with the Cygnaran military that sees Radliffe’s factories working day and night. A character wielding a repeating firearm can load chambers of the ammo wheel individually or purchase additional ammo wheels that can be swapped for ease of use. Additional ammo wheels cost 15 gp. Note that the price of the weapon accounts for the difficulty in acquiring a quasi-legal weapon produced solely for military contracts. Radliffe Quad-Iron. An experimental weapon produced by Radliffe’s armories, the quad-iron is a heavy pistol with a large cylinder bored with four barrels. At first, it seems much like a pepperbox, but to those familiar with firearm mechanisms, it becomes apparent on close inspection that all four barrels fire simultaneously. Charges for a quad-iron are hard to find due to their exotic nature, but quad-irons pack one hell of a punch when a shot lines up well. Radliffe Two-Shot Rifle. Considered a mad design by his peers, Radliffe’s two-shot rifle utilizes “superimposed charges” to get off multiple shots. This appears to be a regular long rifle, but a second firing mechanism is positioned a few inches in front of the trigger guard. The shooter loads two cartidges into the weapon’s breach, and the forward firing mechanism triggers the front-most charge first. The rearward bullet protects the blasting powder behind it, preventing the whole thing from exploding. A handful of highprofile accidents involving just such an incident have seen that this weapon is anything but a commercial success, however. If a character rolls a natural 1 on their attack roll with this weapon, they take 2d12 piercing damage and the rifle is broken and unusuable until repaired. Rynnish Holdout Pistol. Designed for discretion, the Rynnish holdout pistol is low-profile and easily concealable. Recognizing that many who use it may not have the time to reload, the weapon considerately bears two barrels with one firing mechanims. The barrels easily pivot to swing the loaded one into place. Rynnish Walking Stick. A favorite among gentlemen and the seedy underworld alike, a “Rynnish walking stick” is a gentleman’s cane with a hollow steel shaft that holds a small pistol cartridge hidden within. A Rynnish walking stick’s grip has a concealed trigger to fire the weapon, and the butt-plate swivels out of the way to protect the barrel from mud and debris.

Shield Gun. A character wielding a shield gun receives the benefits of wearing a shield as well. Slug Gun. An anti-warjack weapon pioneered by the Devil Dogs mercenary company, slug guns fire a heavy, large caliber projectile. Some have even called the weapon a “sawn-off cannon”, which speaks not only to the weight of the charge, but also the limited accuracy of the weapon at long range. Vanar Liberator. Dubbed the Vanar Liberator by Vislovski himself in honor of the Empress, this Khadoran heavy military rifle weighs a full 14 pounds and uses twice the amount of propellant as a standard long rifle charge, making it a true terror on the battlefield. Vislovski Rifle. This rifle is highly valued by hunters and snipers throughout the kingdoms and is known for a long range and high accuracy. Vislovski rifles use nearly as much propellant as a normal military rifle, but use a smaller bullet and a much longer barrel to increase the effective range. Ammunition Cost Weight Cost (per (each) 10)

Ammunition Type Amblerose Rivet Gun

1 sp 0.5 lbs

Gearbow, Light or Heavy

1 sp

1 lb

Clockwerk Arms Pepperbox, Rynnish Holdout Pistol, Rynnish Walking Stick

5 sp

0.75 lbs

Small Pistol, Dragon Pistol

7 sp 0.8 lbs

Clockwerk Arms Revolving Rifle, Long Rifle, 9 sp Military Pistol, Radliffe Firestorm, Radliffe Two-Shot Rifle

1 lb

Harpoon Gun

1 gp 30 lbs

Flare Gun, Military Carbine, Military Rifle, Scattergun, Vislovski Rifle

11 sp 1.3 lbs

Radliffe Quad-Iron, Slug Gun, Vanar Liberator

15 sp 1.8 lbs

Specialist Ammunition

Sometimes lead isn’t enough to put down what needs killing. Armories across Immoren are stocked with a variety of special ammunition. The following ammunition types modify firearm ammunition. The additional cost is listed in each description. Special ammunition types cannot be combined. Buck and Ball. These long, vicious cartridges have a sachet of shot packed in front of the ball. A weapon firing buck and ball reduces its short range by 15 feet and its long range by 45 feet, to a minimum of 5 and 15, but gains the Scatter quality. Buck and ball ammunition costs an extra 2 sp per shot. Specialist Ammunition Ammunition Type

Ammunition Cost

Buck and Ball

+2 sp


+5 gp


+6 gp


+30 gp


+5 sp


    Incendiary. Coated in an alchemical substance that burns hot and bright, but degrades the ballistic trajectory, incendiary ammunition sears its targets. Incendiary ammunition deals an extra 1d6 points of fire damage on a hit, but reduces the short range of a weapon by 10 feet and the long range by 30 feet, to a minimum of 5 and 15. Additionally, the bright streak it cuts through the air immediately reveals the shooter’s location unless disguised by magic. Incendiary ammunition costs an extra 5 gp per bullet. Lodestone. Anathema to grymkin, monster hunters occasionally load their weapons with bullets chiseled out of magnetite. These have poor ballistic qualities, and a weapon firing lodestone bullets reduces its short range by 30 feet and its long range by 90 feet, to a minimum of 5 and 15. Lodestone bullets cost an extra 6 gp per shot. Necrotite. The foul coal infused with necromantic energies that powers the Scharde Isles has a toxic quality that will sicken those it is embedded in. Some unsavory pirates out of those blood-soaked coves risk fighting with it, despite its otherwise poor quality. A weapon firing necrotite bullets reduces its short range by 30 feet and its long range by 90 feet, to a minimum of 5 and 15, but deals an extra 1d8 necrotic damage. Bought in the black markets of the mainland, necrotite bullets cost an extra 30 gp per shot Precision. Rather than the regular spherical lead ball, these bullets have a conical shape that causes them to fly straighter. Precision ammunition adds 10 feet to the short range of a weapon and 30 feet to the long range. Precision ammunition costs an extra 5 sp per bullet. Firearm Modifications

The creation of firearms is far from a standardized process, with each gunsmith having his own methods. The following details some common modifications seen throughout the Iron Kingdoms. A firearm may possess more than one customization unless otherwise stated. Breakdown Customization. This customization indicates that a weapon has been built in such a way that it can be easily disassembled into component parts. The enhanced concealability makes this a valued customization for assassins. The weapon can be assembled or broken down with 1 minute of work. While broken down, the weapon gains the Concealable quality, but cannot be used. This modification doubles the base cost of the firearm. Firearm-Melee Combination. An attempt by weaponsmiths to overcome the slow reload of firearms in close quarters, this customization builds a pistol into a melee weapon. This combination is imperfect at best, as it handles like a particularly heavy pistol or a particularly unbalanced melee weapon. Still, these weapons are occasionally seen in the hands of the wealthy or those with specialized needs in a weapon. A military pistol, small pistol, or dragon pistol may be built into any melee weapon. A firearm-melee combination weighs as much as both weapons combined, and when a character makes a successful melee attack with a firearm-melee combination, they may immediately make a ranged attack against the same target with the pistol portion as a bonus action.


A character can make ranged attacks with a firearm-melee combination normally, but the short range of the pistol component is reduced by 10 feet and the long range is reduced by 30 feet, to a minimum of 5 and 15 feet. A firearmmelee combination costs twice as much as the base melee weapon and pistol combined. Magelock. Highly sought after by gun mages, and rarely found outside the military orders of gun mages. These weapons offer no benefit to most shooters, but the peculiar brand of magic used by gun mages resonates more closely with these weapons. When a character with the Gun Bond ability bonds to a magelock weapon gets a +2 bonus on attack and damage rolls instead of +1. A one-handed magelock firearm costs four times as much as a regular firearm of its type, and a two-handed magelock firearm costs five times as much. Multiple Barrels. This modification adds an additional barrel to a firearm. This modification may be applied multiple times. Each additional barrel modifies the reload value a firearm by +1 and multiplies the weight by +50%. This modification costs 75% the base cost of the firearm. Scope. Optics mounted above a weapon’s barrel can make far off objects appear closer, thereby increasing a weapon’s effective range. A weapon mounting a scope increases its short range 20 feet and its long range by 60 feet. This modification costs 175 gp. Suppressor. This cylinder attaches to the end of a firearm and is filled with both alchemical gels that absorb sonic energy and vents to redirect the escaping gases. This reduces the noise made by a gunshot, but reduces the amount of force behind a shot as well. A weapon mounted with a suppressor can only be heard by creatures within 30 feet, and those creatures have disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks to pinpoint the shooter’s location. A weapon with this modification reduces its short range by 10 feet and its long range by 30 feet, to a minimum of 5 and 15 feet. A weapon with a suppressor cannot mount a bayonet. A weapon with multiple barrels cannot mount a suppressor. A suppressor costs 150 gp. Firearm Modifications Modification


Breakdown Customization

2x base cost

Firearm-Melee Combination

2x base cost

Magelock (one-handed)

4x base cost

Magelock (two-handed)

5x base cost

Multiple Barrels

75% base cost


+175 gp


+150 gp

New Gear

A wide variety of goods and services are available throughout the Iron Kingdoms and beyond. The following lists include most common goods and services. Alchemist’s Beard. This device is a face mask which fits to the head with a series of buckles and straps, and when tightly affixed to the face it creates an impermeable seal around the mouth and nose of the wearer. The “beard” of the mask is a large oblong leather sack affixed to the mask with a metal screw cap. Alchemically treated fibers in the filter allow clean air in, but prevent particles and alchemical substances from permeating the filter’s membranes. While wearing an alchemist’s beard you are immune to inhaled poisons and harmful gaseous substances. Once the filter is exposed to a contaminant, it continues to provide protection for 24 hours, after which it needs to be replaced. Alchemist’s beards are also available for horses and dogs, which derive from military uses. Arcane Condenser. A hemispherical device about 6 to 8 inches in diameter, two metallic, rune-engraved arms reach upward from the device ending in copper clamps that latch onto an accumulator. Arcane condensers are the primary tool used to recharge arcanodynamic accumulators. Use of arcane condensers are detailed later in this chapter. Arcantrik Torch. A simple mechanikal device, arcantrik torches are used to cut through sheet metal. An elemental filament called a firethread is placed in the torch and an arcanodynamic charge is run across a simple rune plate and through the firethread, creating an adjustable and continuous flame of intense heat. The torch is handheld, with a socket for a capacitor in the handle. The torch has three settings, and switching between settings requires an action. Primed. The flame is reduced to bright blue glow, casting bright light in a 15 foot radius and dim light for an additional 15 feet. This setting uses a negligible amount of power from the capacitor. Heat. Orange flame jets from the nozzle of the torch, casting bright light in a 30 foot radius and dim light for an additional 30 feet. While on this setting, the wielder can use an action on each of their turns to replicate the effects of the heat metal spell. When used in this way, the heat metal has a duration of 1 round, a range of touch, and is DC 15. On this setting, the torch drains 1 charge per minute from a capacitor. Fuse. Bright white flame obscures the tip of torch, casting bright light in a 45 foot radius and dim light for an additional 45 feet. This setting is used to weld or cut through metal objects. While on this setting, the wielder can make a melee weapon attack with the torch as part of the attack action on their turn. The torch is a simple melee weapon with the Finesse property that deals 4d6 fire damage on a successful hit. This damage ignores the damage threshold of metal objects. On this setting, the torch drains 1 charge per round from a capacitor. Backpack, Framed. Also known as a rucksack, a framed backpack distributes weight more efficiently for the wearer. While wearing a framed backpack, you count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity. Bandolier. A leather strap that runs from shoulder to belt, a bandolier can hold up to 10 pieces of rifle or pistol ammunition or up to 4 potions.

Adventuring Gear Item



Alchemist's Beard

450 gp

3 lbs

    Replacement Filters

100 gp

1 lb

Arcane Condenser

3,000 gp

8 lbs

Arcantrik Torch

260 gp

4 lbs

Backpack, Framed

45 gp

4 lbs


1 gp

1 lb

Cartridge Box

5 gp

3 lbs

Chair, Camp

4 gp

3 lbs

Coal (10 pounds)

5 sp

10 lbs


4 gp


8 gp

Gunner's Kit

35 gp

12 lbs

Holster, Wrist-Loader

30 gp

1 lb

Lantern, Magnified Bullseye

15 gp

3 lbs

Mechanik's Drill

120 gp

11 lbs

Mechanik's Kit

50 gp

18 lbs

Pocket Watch

100+ gp


35 gp

2 lbs

Steam Saw

105 gp

16 lbs

Cartridge Box. A wood box covered in oiled leather or some other weather-resistant material, cartridge boxes protect ammunition from moisture and crushing, while keeping them easily accessible during battle. Typically, a cartridge box will hand from a baldric or bandolier and can hold up to 50 bullets. Chair, Camp. A folding stool consisting of three legs fixed together at their center points, with a triangle of durable cloth on one end to provide a seat. Coal. Coal is the fuel for many of Immoren’s latest innovations, and is widely available. This represents common quality coal. Coal used in industrial applications or for military or alchemical purposes can cost as much as 1 gp per pound. Flintstriker. A small brass cylinder containing a spring and a steel wheel, with a set of calipers mounted on top to hold a flint. When the spring is wound and released, the flint grinds against the steel, producing a spray of sparks. Using it to light a torch-or anything else with abundant, exposed fuel-takes a bonus action. Goggles. Originally used for protection by mechaniks and other industrial workers, goggles protect the eyes from environmental hazards. A character wearing goggles has disadvantage on all Wisdom (Perception) checks, but has advantage on any saving throw that would impose the blinded condition. Gunner’s Kit. This kit includes a number of tools useful for disassembling, cleaning, and assembling firearms and firearm accessories. It also includes scales for measuring out blasting powder, tools for casting bullets, and space for storing completed rounds. Note that this kit is not used in the production of blasting powder, which is produced alchemically. 47

    Holster, Wrist-Loader. A wrist-loader holster is a sturdy leather bracer fitted with a spring mechanism that can put a firearm with the Light quality into your hand instantaneously. A pistol requires 1 minute to properly fit into a wrist-loader holster, as the spring needs to be loaded and the delivery arm needs to be carefully attached to the firearm. The pistol can be drawn without using any action (preserving your object interaction for your turn), whereupon the delivery arm releases the pistol and retracts up your sleeve in the bracer in order to prevent interference with the weapon’s operation. Lantern, Magnified Bullseye. This otherwise normal bullseye lantern has been fitted with a sliding magnifying lens. With the lens in place, the lantern casts bright light in a 120 foot cone and dim light for an additional 120 feet. Once lit, it burns for 6 hours on a flask (1 pint) of oil. Mechanik's Drill. Used to bore holes in metal, wood, or other materials, drills can easily bore holes in people too. A mechanik's drill is a heavy, two-handed version of the handcranked kind used by carpenters. A mechanik's drill can be mounted on a steamjack, fixed in place and connected to a steam engine, or powered from a capacitor. The arcantrik version drains 1 charge per minute of operation from a capacitor and can be wielded as a simple melee weapon with the Heavy and Two-Handed properities that deals 2d8 piercing damage on a successful hit. A mechanik's drill can also be used to destroy a lock if the operator isn't concerned about making a lot of noise. A drill takes a number of rounds to drill through a lock equal to the lock's DC. Once a lock has been drilled, it cannot be picked afterwards, even if the drilling was incomplete. Mechanik’s Kit. A kit containing an endless variety of ratchets, pliers, tongs, spanners, calipers, conductance awls, etching tubs, rune scrivers, conduit grips, glyph irons, arcanometric slide rulers, warding sticks, and countless other tools. Proficiency with these tools is required for many tasks involving mechanika and mechanikal constructs. Pocket Watch. Most clocks are large affairs mounted on towers bestride Morrowan cathedrals or town squares. Only in the past 50 years have locksmiths in the aptly named Clocker’s Cove created mobile clocks. These small, intricate “pocket watches” have become immensely valuable for ship captains, who use them to aid in calculating location and distances. From ships they have spread throughout the Iron Kingdoms, becoming useful as an everyday timepiece for businesses, railroad workers, soldiers, and the wealthy. Pocket watches vary widely in quality and cost of construction, but basic models possess a steel or brass body, a fine chain to attach it, and an hour hand. More expensive models can be gilded or etched, might have jewels mounted, and might possess a minute hand. Watches are spring powered and do not unwind at a constant speed, meaning that they “lose” time between windings and are generally only accurate to within an hour or two. Watches with minute hands are more accurate, but there is little need for extremely accurate timekeeping in the lives of most people. Spyglass. A collapsing metal tube with one or more magnifying lenses, spyglasses magnify far off objects to twice their size. When extended for use, a spyglass is about 18 inches long, but can collapse to about 10 inches for storage.


Steam Saw. Typically found in the forestry industry, steam saws spin at high speed to cut through wood. Traditionally powered by steam, most are fixed in place in sawmills or mounted to industrial laborjacks. A handheld version exists powered by arcanodynamic capacitors. The handheld version drains 1 charge per minute of operation from a capacitor and can be wielded as a simple melee weapon with the Heavy and Two-Handed properities that deals 3d6 slashing damage on a successful hit.

Steam Armor

Sometimes, the abilities of men fall short of the needs of war. Engineers have sought many ways to improve these abilities, but one of the more successful methods has been steam armor. Steam armor puts the strength of a warjack in the hands of a highly trained soldier. Suits of steam armor are bulky affairs, covered in pistons that bear the significant weight of the plate and back-mounted boiler. That armored bulk affords significant protection to the wearer, however, who operates the suit from within the aptly nicknamed “coffin” that is impossible to enter or exit with anything resembling haste. The tight confines also prevent the operator from wearing anything more than heavy clothing and stashing a dagger or pistol in with them. The operator’s arms and legs extend from the coffin into the limbs of the steam armor, grasping manipulators and other controls that give a skilled operator a degree of dexterity approaching that of an unarmored man. Especially skilled pilots often are given the moniker “Ironhead” to denote their aptitude. Steam armor comes in two broad size categories: light steam armor, which is superficially similar to a suit of plate armor a few sizes too large, and heavy steam armor, which leaves the operator towering over common warriors in a hulk of steam and steel. Small characters, such as gobbers, can only operate light steam armor, while Medium characters with the Powerful Build or a similar trait (such as ogrun) are too big to fit into even heavy steam armor. Large and larger creatures, and nonanthropomorphic creatures, cannot wear steam armor. A character must be proficient with heavy armor to wear steam armor, and even then, it requires a period of familiarization to be truly comfortable in it. Steam armor offers unparalleled protection to it’s wearer, however the true appeal is more than just protection. Steam armor grants the following benefits to its operator: Donning steam armor and bringing the boiler up to steam requires 30 minutes and an assistant. Doffing steam armor requires 5 minutes. While wearing steam armor, you use the suit’s Strength score in place of your own. Suits of steam armor have their own pool of hit points. Whenever you take damage, you first subtract from the suit’s hit points before your own. When a suit of steam armor is reduced to 0 hit points, it is wrecked and you are Restrained until you free yourself. Repairs to a suit of steam armor cost 10 gp per hit point. A character who has proficiency with smith’s tools, tinkerer’s tools, or mechanik’s tools may repair 10 hit points of damage per hour of work. Steam armor is heavy armor that grants the listed armor class. You may use a shield while wearing steam armor.

While wearing steam armor, you have disadvantage on all Dexterity (Stealth) checks, and others have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks to detect you. While wearing steam armor, you have a walking speed of 30 feet. Your unarmed strikes deal 1d6 bludgeoning damage while wearing steam armor. Steam armor has a set number of Rig Slots, which allow for customization of the armor with specialized systems. Additional slots may be designed into the armor, but each additional rig slot reduces the armor’s hit points by 10. Light steam armor usually weighs 300-500 pounds when unloaded. Heavy steam armor usually weighs around 400750 lbs. While wearing heavy steam armor, you are considered large sized. Your reach is 5 ft. Whenever you wield a weapon with the Versatile property, you deal damage as if you were using it in two hands. Operating steam armor on standby power for 4 hours, or combat power for 1 hour, requires 10 pounds of coal and 5 gallons of water for light steam armor, and 20 pounds of coal and 8 gallons of water for heavy steam armor Building Steam Armor

A prospective engineer faces many decisions when designing a suit of steam armor. Below are the attributes for each type of chassis. Steam Armor Chassis Chassis Type


AC Strength HP Rig Slots


6,000 gp 18





11,000 gp 20




Equipment Rigs

With the exception of the man-o-war suits of steam armor produced by the Khadoran Empire, no two suits are alike. Each was designed differently, and this is most commonly seen in the different equipment rigs they mount. Equipment rigs are additional mechanical systems that add to the utility of steam armor suits. They must be purchased separately from the chassis. Some rigs take up multiple slots or may be taken multiple times, as noted in their description. Amphibian Adaptation. This rig addresses the vulnerability of the steam armor’s boiler to water by sealing it off completely and utilizing advanced gaskets, valves, and exhausts to operate in the presence of water, even if completely submerged. Rather than the typical helmet mounting, amphibious suits of steam armor have a large helmet with thick glass portals through which they view the world. The suit is completely air tight, which allows the user to operate underwater for up to 15 minutes (as the suit’s engine consumes much of the operator’s air supply) and renders them immune to any harmful gases (in or out of water). The thick, armored glass that the operator has to look through imposes disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks. This rig is integral to the design of the steam armor and does not require an action to activate. This extensive modification takes up two slots.

Cargo Rig. Not the greatest feat of engineering, but undoubtedly useful, a cargo rig is simply a space to store things on the steam armor’s back. It provides an armored compartment that can hold up to 200 lbs of gear and external webbing capable of holding another 100 lbs. Gear stowed in the compartment is not accessible by anyone wearing the suit. This modification occupies one slot. Cloud Venting. Evolving from emergency exhaust vents, a cloud venting rig allows the operator of a suit of steam armor to produce a cloud of vented steam and exhaust smoke that accumulates in the rig during the armor’s operation. As an action, the operator can produce a 20 foot radius cloud that spreads around corners. This area is heavily obscured and lasts for 5 rounds or until a wind of moderate or greater speed (at least 10 miles per hour) disperses it. After being expelled, the smoke and steam require 1 minute to build back up after venting before they can be used again. This modification takes up one slot. Escape Coffin. Some ironheads are uncomfortable with being trapped in their coffins if their armor becomes disabled. As a bonus action, the operator of a suit of steam armor outfitted with an escape coffin can trigger shaped explosive charges that blast the specially armored coffin 15 feet in a random direction. This coffin has AC 18 and 50 hit points and is air tight. The coffin has enough air for 1 minute, after which the occupant begins to suffocate. Exiting the coffin uses up half the occupant’s movement. Many ironheads will stock their escape coffins with a small survival kit. This modification occupies one slot. Extra Armor. When ironheads need to shrug off more than just small arms fire, they add extra armor to their suits. A suit with extra armor plating increases its AC by 2, but reduces its speed by 10 feet and increases the armor’s weight by one quarter. This modification takes up one slot. Internal Starter. Steam armor equipped with an internal starter is designed so that the operator can get his steam armor to operational status without any assistance. By carefully designing the suspension harness, the operator can strap himself in while the automated boiler is firing itself up. An internal starter reduces the amount of time required to don the armor to 10 minutes, though the boiler still takes 15 minutes to get up to steam. No assistants are necessary for this process. If a mechanika mounting rig is also included in the armor, 1 charge from the armor’s capacitor can be expended to bring the boiler up to operational power within one minute. An internal starter takes up one slot. Jump Jets. The jump jet rig is a very recent invention inspired by Cygnar’s “Minuteman” warjack. Using steam rockets and extensive shock absorbers, a suit of steam armor equipped with jump jets can leap great distances. This rig is activated as a bonus action. A suit of light steam armor with this rig leaps up to 40 feet into the air, while heavy steam armor can only manage 20 feet. Because of the shock absorbers, a suit of steam armor with this modification treats the distance of any fall as if it were 20 feet shorter when calculating fall damage. Once this rig is activated, it cannot be used again for 10 minutes while the system charges. This modification requires significant rerouting of the armor’s power supply and occupies two rig slots.


Equipment Rigs Rig

Rig Slots


Amphibian Adapatation


2,000 gp

Cargo Rig


250 gp

Cloud Venting


600 gp

Escape Coffin


500 gp

Extra Armor


1,000 gp

Internal Starter


750 gp

Jump Jets


1,800 gp

Mechanika Mounting


3,000 gp

Performance Power Plant


4,000 gp

Pneumatic Venting


2,500 gp

Reinforced Chassis


500 gp

Salvage Rig


1,000 gp

Serricsteel Chassis


4,000 gp

Servitor Bay


1,750 gp

Weapon Mounting


800 gp

Mechanika Mounting. This rig outfits the steam armor with arcane conduits that allow it to channel energy from rune plates, as well as a socket for a capacitor or mounting for an arcane turbine (which must be purchased separately). Steam armor may mount rune plates with up to 5 rune points. Performance Power Plant. One of the simplest ways to get more power out of a machine is to make the engine bigger. Ironheads who don’t worry about fuel can install this deluxe engine to increase their steam armor’s performance. A suit of steam armor with a performance power plant increases its Strength score by 2 and its speed by 10 feet. This heavyweight engine increases the armor’s weight by one quarter and requires twice as much fuel as a normal engine. This modification takes up one rig slot. Pneumatic Venting. This system adds extra pneumatics to the limbs of a suit of steam armor, increasing its Strength score by 2. This modification occupies one rig slot. Reinforced Chassis. Sometimes an ironhead realizes that they need more metal between them and the enemy. They realize this dream by reinforcing the chassis of their steam armor, adding thicker steel to shore up weak points and more unconventional defenses elsewhere. This rig does not take up an rig slot and may be purchased multiple times. Each time it is taken, the steam armor’s hit points are increased by 10 and the weight is increased by 5%. Salvage Rig. A salvage rig is a crane mounted to the suit of steam armor and using its mass as a counterweight. Though the crane’s claw is very strong, it is not very dextrous and often requires several tries to grab the intended target. A salvage rig increases a suit of steam armor's strength score by 5, but only for the purposes of lifting, dragging, or otherwise moving things.


Additionally, the operator of a suit of steam armor equipped with a salvage rig can attempt to grapple a target with the crane. This works like a normal grapple, except the operator has a reach of 10 feet for the grapple attack and disadvantage on Strength (Athletics) check to initiate the grapple due to the clumsiness of the claw. When grappling with the claw, both of the pilot’s hands remain free. A salvage rig occupies one rig slot. Serricsteel Chassis. By reinforcing and replacing parts of the steam armor’s chassis with the legendary Rhulic metal serricsteel, a canny and wealthy mechanik can cut the weight of a suit of steam armor without sacrificing durability. A suit of steam armor equipped with a serricsteel chassis weighs 80% what it normally would and uses one quarter less fuel. Since the mobility systems are less stressed, the armor’s speed is increased by 10 feet. A serricsteel chassis does not take up any rig slots. Servitor Bay. A servitor bay rig provides safe storage and battlefield deployment systems for up to 4 tiny sized servitors or 1 small sized servitor. These servitors are held inside an armored compartment on the back of steam armor. As an action, the operator of the steam armor may deploy 1 small sized or 2 tiny sized servitors to any unoccupied adjacent space. This leaves both the steam armor and the servitors vulnerable, provoking opportunity attacks. A servitor bay occupies one equipment slot and can be taken twice. Weapon Mounting. A weapon mounting rig is a reinforced hard point on the shoulder of a suit of steam armor that mounts a weapon. This weapon can be any simple or martial ranged weapon. Firing controls are linked to the manipulator gauntlets of the steam armor. The mounting does not have the ability to traverse in any direction, however, and so the whole suit must be moved to aim at the target. Consequently, attacks made with mounted weapons reduce their effective range by 10 feet, to a minimum of 5 feet. A weapon mounting occupies one rig slot.


Alchemy is arguably the oldest arcane art in the Iron Kingdoms. Its roots and practices predate the Gift of sorcery by centuries. Alchemical formulae and discoveries have become an essential element in mechanikal invention. Like most sciences, it also has applications in war. Alchemists crafted the first firearms, using them to equip the Army of Thunder against the Orgoth. Over the centuries keen minds have continued to enact new and deadly uses of these principles. Only recently have such weapons become available for individual use. Today mercenaries, rebels, and rogues find alchemical weapons excellent tools for achieving their goals both on and off the battlefield. True alchemy is the synergy of natural ingredients and arcane lore. What began as a simple study of herbs and their properties has evolved into a vast field of study. Alchemy includes everything from the brewing of love potions and the mixing of healing salves to the careful creation of blasting powder.

    Though many alchemical concoctions can be derived from simple plant, animal, and mineral components carefully extracted by a trained practitioner, in the hands of an alchemist these mixtures can be enhanced with magic to give them greater potency and duration. This results in safer elixirs and balms as well. In some cases, magical techniques are necessary to isolate the key ingredients from their original source. Early alchemy was simply the process of deriving potent concoctions directly from plant and animal mixtures, but modern alchemy is as firmly enmeshed with arcane magic as is the study of mechanika. The early forms of alchemy are still practiced by modern apothecaries, while true alchemists have moved on to perfecting magically enhanced alchemicals. The rigorous science that evolved as part and parcel of alchemy was incredibly important to the later development of the Gift of magic. Without this precise scientific approach, the folk of western Immoren would have had a very difficult time embracing and understanding the difficult rituals and formulaic castings necessary to wield the Gift.

The Art and Science of Alchemy

The key components of any alchemical creation are its ingredients. A character wishing to create an alchemical item must first gather all the ingredients listed in the formula. In a location where the ingredients can be readily purchased, the character can simply pay the material costs listed in the item description. If the character is creating the item in the field where ingredients are not available for purchase, he must use ingredients from his inventory. Without access to all the proper ingredients, an alchemical formula cannot be brewed. Once a character has gathered the necessary ingredients for an alchemical formula, he must spend time brewing the formula by combining, cooking, and stabilizing the ingredients using an alchemy lab. A character must be proficient with alchemist’s supplies to brew an alchemical formula. Ingredients and alchemical formulae are listed in the entry for each item that can be created using alchemy. Once the character has spent the allotted time brewing the formula, he must make an Intelligence (Alchemist’s Supplies) check. Each formula produces a different result if the check fails. The DC, success results, and failure results are listed in the entry for each item that can be created using alchemy. Distillation

Just as a character can brew alchemical formulae, he can also distil ingredients from existing alchemical substances. Distillation of an alchemically created item requires a character to spend half the time it requires to brew the item processing the alchemical materials with an alchemy lab. At the end of the process, make an Intelligence (Alchemist’s Supplies) check with a DC equal to the synthesis DC of the formula. On a successful check, the alchemical substances are destroyed, but the character can extract one unit of a single ingredient listed to create that substance and one unit of alchemical waste (crystal or liquid). On a failed check, the alchemical item is destroyed and the character produces one unit of alchemical waste (crystal or liquid).

Primary Alchemical Ingredients

Alchemical items are created from a formula of ingredients and processes. Although complex formulae can include unique and rare ingredients, nearly all formulae contain ingredients from this list of core alchemical ingredients. Ingredients valued at less than 100 gp are readily available in most mid-sized cities. Ingredients that cost 100 gp and over can be more difficult to procure, at the DM’s discretion. Alchemical Stone

    Cost. 10 gp Alchemical stone is a dense but easily ground white stone that serves as a foundation for allowing other alchemical ingredients to bond together more strongly than is otherwise achievable. Alchemical Waste, Crystal

    Cost. 15 gp This crystalline byproduct of the alchemical brewing process is often left behind when more valuable alchemical compounds have been distilled during brewing. Alchemical Waste, Liquid

    Cost. 15 gp Liquid waste is often drained off or filtered out during the alchemical brewing process to achieve the desired mixture of alchemical effects. Arcane Extract

    Cost. 115 gp This mildly luminescent liquid is infused with residual arcane energies. Its sources are as varied as the tint of its faint glow and include plants and creatures with arcane powers or long term exposure to arcane energies. Arcane Minerals

    Cost. 150 gp Sacred geological sites and arcane constructs are the most common source of arcane minerals. Usually the substance is sand-like and granular, although it can sometimes be procured in solid pieces the size of a marble. Bioluminescent Extract

    Cost. 25 gp This ingredient is usually a liquid or a paste and is collected from a variety of fungus, insects, and aquatic creatures. The substance gives off a faint glow that can be manipulated with a variety of alchemical processes. Burrow Mawg Adrenal Gland

    Cost. 100 gp A powerful alchemical ingredient, this pea-sized gland rests at the base of the brain of a burrow mawg in a small, bony cavity covered by a dural fold. Burrow mawg adrenal glands need to be fresh for inclusion in most alchemical compounds, though some call for dried glands. Upon removal from the burrow mawg’s skull, the gland must be alchemically preserved, so only characters proficient with alchemist’s supplies can perform the procedure.



    Cost. 500 gp This dense, gray, translucent ooze is left behind when an incorporeal undead creature moves through a solid object. The ooze rapidly dissipates, so it must be collected quickly and stored in an airtight jar. A living creature coming into direct contact with ectoplasm feels a sickly cold sensation moving rapidly through his body as long as contact persists. Heavy Metals

    Cost. 30 gp Toxic metals such as iron, copper, and mercury are common in most industrialized areas of the Iron Kingdoms. Most alchemical formulae that require them use only trace amounts. Menoth’s Fury

    Cost. 50 gp Derived from crudely refined and treated oil, Menoth’s Fury is a highly flammable alchemical agent that ignites on contact with air and burns with incredible intensity. Mineral Acid

    Cost. 25 gp This caustic liquid can be found in nature at the bottom of deep cave pools or pushed through to the surface in geysers. It is most commonly acquired as a by-product of metal smelting. Mineral Crystals

    Cost. 50 gp Various salts and other rock crystals are a common element in alchemical brewing, as their nature allows the bonding and retention of various energies desired by alchemists. Occasionally a formula calls for more valuable gems, which are not part of this category. Mutagenic Extract

    Cost. 350 gp This highly prized liquid can be gathered only from creatures that undergo physical transformations. Organic Acid

    Cost. 45 gp Corrosive bile and caustic natural weaponry are harvested to create this alchemical ingredient. It can also be refined from some plant extracts, although the process to do so is lengthy and expensive. Organic Oil

    Cost. 10 gp Whale oil is one of the most common animal-based organic oil in the Iron Kingdoms due to the creatures’ high concentration of blubber. Organic oil can also be harvested from a variety of other animals, nuts, seeds, and fruits. Organic Toxin

    Cost. 100 gp Venomous creatures of all shapes and sizes sting, spit, and bite with a variety of deadly toxins. Alchemists harvest and use the venom of such creatures to create dangerous poisons or brew anti-venom to halt the effects of life-threatening toxins. 52

Alchemical Items

The following attributes describe how alchemical items function in the game: Cost. The amount of money required to purchase the alchemical item. Description. The description of the alchemical item. Special Rules. This is the effect the alchemical item has in the game. Ingredients. This is the list of ingredients required to brew the alchemical item and the associated costs for any nonstandard ingredients. Total Material Cost. This is the total cost of all required ingredients to brew the alchemical item. Alchemical Formula. These are rules for brewing the alchemical item once the character has the required ingredients in hand. The character can double or even triple the ingredients described for a single batch to produce two or three doses at the same time without adding any additional manufacturing time. Alchemical Acid

    Cost. 300 gp Description. Alchemical acid is a potent corrosive alchemical compound. Special Rules. Vials of alchemical acid can be used as thrown weapons, but due to the inaccuracy of thrown glassware and the low cost of reliable grenade housings, acid bombs (see “Alchemical Grenades” below) are the preferred delivery method for the substance. As an action, you can splash the contents of this vial onto a creature within 5 feet of you or throw the vial up to 20 feet, shattering it on impact. In either case, make a ranged attack against a creature or object, treating the acid as an improvised weapon. On a hit, the target takes 5d6 acid damage. Ingredients. 2 units of alchemist’s stone, 1 unit of mineral acid, 2 units of organic acid. Total Material Cost. 135 gp Alchemical Formula. Brewing an alchemical acid requires an alchemy lab and two hours of labor spent combining, cooking, and stabilizing the ingredients. At the end of this time, the alchemist makes a DC 16 Intelligence (Alchemist’s Supplies) check. If the check succeeds, the character creates one dose of alchemical acid. If the check fails, he creates one unit of alchemical waste (liquid). Alchemical Antitoxin

    Cost. 225 gp Description. This pungent elixir can be injected to help counteract many natural and alchemical poisons. It is provided in a syringe for ease of use. Special Rules. As a bonus action, a character can inject this formula into themselves or an ally. When you administer this formula, the recipient has advantage on saving throws against poison and resistance to poison damage for 1 hour. Ingredients. 1 unit of alchemist’s stone, 1 unit of organic acid, 2 units of organic toxin. Total Material Cost. 155 gp

Alchemical Items Names



Alchemical Acid

300 gp

1 lb

Alchemical Restorative

500 gp

1/2 lb

Alchemical Antitoxin

500 gp

1/2 lb

Ashes of Urcaen

1,250 gp

2 lbs

Bottled Light

200 gp

2 lbs

Fortemorphic Elixir

900 gp

1 lb

Healing Liniment

250 gp

2 lbs

Rust Agent

150 gp

2 lbs

Somnolence Elixir

400 gp

2 lbs

Spirit Salts

1,500 gp

4 lbs

Trench Rations

10 gp

3 lbs

Vitrioloic Fire

200 gp

1 lb

Alchemical Formula. Brewing an alchemical antitoxin requires an alchemy lab and one hour of labor spent combining, cooking, and stabilizing the ingredients. At the end of this time, the alchemist makes a DC 16 Intelligence (Alchemist’s Supplies) check. If the check succeeds, the character creates one dose of alchemical antitoxin. If the check fails, he creates one unit of alchemical waste (liquid). Alchemical Restorative

    Cost. 500 gp Description. This is a fast acting alchemical pharmaceutical that promotes rapid blood clotting and regeneration. It is provided in a syringe for ease of use. Special Rules. As a bonus action, a character can inject this formula into themselves or an ally. When you administer this formula, the recipient regains 8d4 + 8 hit points. Ingredients. 2 units of alchemist’s stone, 1 unit of mutagenic extract, 1 unit of organic oil. Total Material Cost. 380 gp Alchemical Formula. Brewing an alchemical restorative requires an alchemy lab and two hours of labor spent combining, cooking, and stabilizing the ingredients. At the end of this time, the alchemist makes a DC 16 Intelligence (Alchemist’s Supplies) check. If the check succeeds, the character creates one dose of alchemical restorative. If the check fails, he creates one unit of alchemical waste (liquid). Ashes of Urcaen

    Cost. 1,250 gp Description. This ashen powder has the faint smell of sulfur and is laced with energy from beyond the living world. When cast into the air, the powder binds with disembodied spirits and drags them into the physical world. Special Rules. When you use an action to throw the powder into the air, each incorporeal creature and object within 10 feet of you becomes solid for 2d4 rounds. The duration is the same for all subjects, and the powder is consumed. A creature that turns corporeal loses its immunity or resistance to nonmagical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage and loses its incorporeal movement ability. Ingredients. 1 unit of alchemist’s stone, 1 unit of arcane minerals, 1 unit of ectoplasm.

Total Material Cost. 660 gp Alchemical Formula. Creating Ashes of Urcaen requires an alchemy lab and two hours of labor spent cooking the ingredients and grinding them to ash. At the end of this time, the alchemist makes a DC 18 Intelligence (Alchemist’s Supplies) check. If the check succeeds, the character creates one application of Ashes of Urcaen. If the check fails, he creates one unit of alchemical waste (crystal). Bottled Light

    Cost. 200 gp Description. This is a two-part oil tightly sealed in a liquid filled lantern or jar. One part is a thick, viscous oil. The other is a sickly yellow grease that floats atop the oil. When shaken, the two oils mix to give off light Special Rules. Bottled light can be shaken as a bonus action. Once shaken, the substance gives off bright light out to a range of 60 feet and dim light for another 60 feet for 1 minute. After it goes dark, the bottle can be shaken again activate the light once more. After two weeks, bottled light becomes inert and no longer reacts when shaken. Ingredients. 1 unit of arcane extract, 2 units bioluminescent extract. Total Material Cost. 165 gp Alchemical Formula. Brewing bottled light requires an alchemy lab and two hours of labor spent combining, cooking, and stabilizing the ingredients. At the end of this time, the alchemist makes a DC 16 Intelligence (Alchemist’s Supplies) check. If the check succeeds, the character creates one does of bottled light. The fluid components of bottled light must be poured into a jar or airtight liquid lantern for storage. If the check fails, the character creates one unit of alchemical waste (liquid). Fortemorphic Elixir

    Cost. 900 gp Description. This clear, red solution is a strength-enhancement serum intended for injection. The side effects can outweigh the benefits with periodic usage. Special Rules. As a bonus action, a character can inject this formula into themselves or an ally. When you administer this formula, the recipient has advantage on all Strengthbased attack rolls, Strength checks, and Strength saving throws, and all melee attacks deal +5 damage of the weapon’s type on a successful hit. Fortemorphic elixir lasts for 2d6 rounds, after which the recipient gains a level of exhaustion. Ingredients. 1 unit of alchemist’s stone, 1 unit of burrow mawg adrenal gland, 1 unit mutagenic extract. Total Material Cost. 460 gp Alchemical Formula. Brewing fortemorphic elixir requires an alchemy lab and two hours of labor spent combining, cooking, and stabilizing the ingredients. At the end of this time, the alchemist makes a DC 17 Intelligence (Alchemist’s Supplies) check. If the check succeeds, the character creates one dose of fortemorphic elixir. If the check fails, he creates one unit of organic toxin.


Healing Liniment

    Cost. 250 gp Description. This divinely infused alchemical salve is applied to grievous wounds and wrapped with clean bandages to accelerate healing. Special Rules. A healing liniment can be applied by a character proficient with the Medicine skill before a short or long rest. Whenever the patient rolls a 1 or 2 on a hit die they expend during that rest, they can reroll the die and must use the new roll, even if the new roll is a 1 or a 2. Ingredients. 1 unit of alchemist’s stone, 1 unit of arcane minerals, 1 unit organic oil, 1 flask holy water (25 gp) Total Material Cost. 195 gp Alchemical Formula. Brewing a healing liniment requires an alchemy lab and two hours of labor spent combining, cooking, and stabilizing the ingredients. At the end of this time, the alchemist makes a DC 13 Intelligence (Alchemist’s Supplies) check. If the check succeeds, the character creates one dose of healing liniment. If the check fails, he creates one unit of alchemical waste (liquid). Rust Agent

    Cost. 150 gp Description. Rust agent is a fast-acting alchemical compound that temporarily softens and rapidly corrodes metals. The agent is made up of two reactive substances that must be mixed to take effect. Special Rules. Vials of rust agent can be used as thrown weapons, but due to the inaccuracy of thrown glassware and the low cost of reliable grenade housings, rust bombs (see “Alchemical Grenades” below) are the preferred delivery method for the substance. As a bonus action, you can break the wax barrier separating the two substances comprising a vial of rust agent and mix them. As an action, you can splash the contents of a mixed vial onto a creature within 5 feet of you or throw the vial up to 20 feet, shattering it on impact. In either case, make a ranged attack against a creature or object, treating the rust agent as an improvised weapon. On a hit against a construct or a target wearing metal armor, all attacks the target have advantage for 1d4 rounds. A target with resistance to acid damage is unaffected. Ingredients. 1 unit of alchemist’s stone, 1 unit alchemical waste (crystal), 1 unit heavy metals, 1 unit mineral acid Total Material Cost. 80 gp Alchemical Formula. Brewing the two parts of rust agent requires an alchemy lab and two hours of labor spent combining, cooking, and stabilizing the ingredients. At the end of this time, the alchemist makes a DC 13 Intelligence (Alchemist’s Supplies) check. If the check succeeds, the character creates the two parts of a single dose of rust agent. If the check fails, the ingredients are wasted. Somnolence Elixir

    Cost. 400 gp Description. Imbibing just a few drops of this opalescent liquid quickly dulls one’s senses and helps him to have a peaceful night’s sleep. A larger dose can knock out a grown man almost immediately. Special Rules. One vial of somnolence elixir is enough to provide peaceful sleep for a month, though chirurgeons note that dependence on the substance can develop. 54

Larger doses can be administered through drinks or injection. When a creature receives a larger dose, they must make a DC 17 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 hour. If the saving throw fails by 5 or more, the creature is also unconscious while poisoned in this way. The creature wakes up if it takes damage or if another creature takes an action to shake it awake. A vial contains enough elixir for 3 of these larger doses. Ingredients. 1 unit arcane minerals, 1 unit organic acid, 2 units organic oil. Total Material Cost. 215 gp Alchemical Formula. Brewing a somnolence elixir requires an alchemy lab and two hours of labor spent combining, cooking, and stabilizing the ingredients. At the end of this time, the alchemist makes a DC 17 Intelligence (Alchemist’s Supplies) check. If the check succeeds, the character creates one vial of somnolence elixir. If the check fails, he creates one unit of alchemical waste (liquid). Spirit Salts

    Cost. 1,500 gp Description. The homes in many Cygnaran coastal towns have a tradition of keeping lines of salt in front of their doors to keep evil spirits from entering their homes. When the minerals that this symbolic defense originated from are properly prepared and poured in a line upon the ground, the alchemically treated salt forms a barrier that undead creatures and infernals cannot cross. Special Rules. A character can spend a minute pouring out the spirit salts. There are enough salts in one jar to ward up to twelve 5-foot squares. Several jars can be used to ward a large area. Spirit salts affect celestials, fey, fiends, and undead. Creatures of those types can’t willingly cross the barrier by nonmagical means. If a creature tries to teleport inside a closed barrier, it must first succeed on a DC 19 Charisma saving throw. Affected creatures have disadvantage on attack rolls against targets on the other side of the barrier. Targets on the other side of the barrier can’t be charmed, frightened, or possessed by affected creatures. The salts remain potent for 1 hour, after which the ectoplasm evaporates out of them and they become inert. Ingredients. 2 units alchemist’s stone, 1 unit ectoplasm, 2 units mineral crystals Total Material Cost. 610 gp Alchemical Formula. Brewing spirit salts requires an alchemy lab and two hours of labor spent combining, cooking, and stabilizing the ingredients. At the end of this time, the alchemist makes an INT + Alchemy roll against a target number of 14. If the roll succeeds, the character creates one jar of spirit salts. If the roll fails, he creates one unit of alchemical waste (crystal).

Trench Rations

    Cost. 10 gp Description. Soldiers fighting at the front lines need to be supplied with their daily rations, but poor conditions, alchemical weapons, and a lack of time and equipment to prepare regular meals means that fresh food is often unavailable. Military logisticians and alchemists have joined their efforts to produce alchemically preserved and packed meals known as “trench rations.” Contained in tin cans covered with a layer of treated canvas to silence their clanking and protect from weather and alchemical weapons, trench rations remain edible for up to 15 years but are hardly appetizing. The canvas covering is labeled with the contents of each can, with a small rotation of meals for variety. Soldiers subsisting off trench rations can look forward to meals containing a 6 ounce can of meat (corned beef, sardines, ham, salmon, bacon), two 8 ounce cans of hard bread or hardtack biscuits, 5 ounces of wax-flavored chocolate, 10 ounces of canned vegetables or beans, and 11 ounces of sundries such as sugar, salt, coffee, cigarettes, or liquor. Special Rules. A single trench ration can sustain a character for 1 day of heavy activity. Trench rations will not spoil unless their packaging is destroyed. A trench ration weighs 3 pounds and is held in a squat tin can about the size of a wheel of cheese. Ingredients. 1 unit alchemist’s stone, 1 day’s rations Total Material Cost. 10 gp, 5 sp Alchemical Formula. Preparing trench rations requires a kitchen and an alchemy lab, and two hours of labor spent combining, cooking, and stabilizing the ingredients. At the end of this time, the alchemist makes a DC 11 Intelligence (Alchemist’s Supplies) check. If the check succeeds, the character creates one day’s worth of trench rations. If the check fails, the ingredients are wasted. Vitriolic Fire

    Cost. 200 gp Description. Vitriolic fire is a dangerous alchemical oil that bursts into superheated flame upon exposure to the air. Some alchemical arms producers make huge batches of this substance for use in cinder bombs (see “Alchemical Grenades,” below). Special Rules. Vials of vitriolic fire can be used as thrown weapons, but due to the inaccuracy of thrown glassware and the low cost of reliable grenade housings, cinder bombs (see “Alchemical Grenades” below) are the preferred delivery method for the substance. As an action, throw the vial up to 20 feet, shattering it on impact. Make a ranged attack against a creature or object, treating the vial as an improvised weapon. On a hit, the target takes 2d6 fire damage at the start of each of its turns. A creature can end this damage by using its action to make a DC 15 Dexterity check to extinguish the flames. Ingredients. 2 units alchemist’s stone, 1 unit heavy metals, 1 unit Menoth’s Fury. Total Material Cost. 100 gp

Alchemical Formula. Brewing vitriolic fire requires an alchemy lab and two hours of labor spent combining, cooking, and stabilizing the ingredients. At the end of this time, the alchemist makes a DC 16 Intelligence (Alchemist’s Supplies) check. If the check succeeds, the character creates one dose of vitriolic fire. If the check fails, he creates one unit of alchemical waste (liquid).

Alchemical Grenades

The standard for a grenade in the Iron Kingdoms is a small clockwork or fuse-triggered bomb that relies on blasting powder, heat, the mixture of reactive agents, or springreleased venting to disperse noxious or explosive alchemical compounds. More exotic, complex, and expensive compounds are typically found only in the hands of mercenary specialists, combat alchemists, and adventurers. Alchemical weapons are specially treated clockwork vessels for containing and detonating alchemical compounds. Each alchemical weapon holds one application of an alchemical substance. Pulling the weapon’s pin starts the clock’s very short timer, which detonates the alchemical weapon soon after. The effects depend on the alchemical compound used. Filling and arming an empty vessel with an alchemical substance requires 10 minutes. Alchemical weapons have the following properties: Alchemical Weapons Name

Cost Weight Properties

Alchemical Grenade 30 gp 2 lbs

Grenade (10 ft)

Blast Arrow

50 gp 2 lbs

Grenade (10 ft), Special

Rifle Grenade

75 gp 3 lbs

Grenade (10 ft), Special

Alchemical Grenade. An alchemical grenade is thrown by hand and releases the alchemical agent loaded inside of it, affecting every creature within the area of effect. Use the saving throw DCs for the alchemical agent. Blast Arrow. A blast arrow is designed to be fired from a bow and increases the range at which a character can use a grenade to 60 feet. A blast arrow releases the alchemical agent loaded inside of it, affecting every creature within the area of effect. Use the saving throw DCs for the alchemical agent. Rifle Grenade. A rifle grenade fits on the end of a military rifle and increases the range at which a character can use a grenade to 80 feet. A rifle grenade releases the alchemical agent loaded inside of it, affecting every creature within the area of effect. Use the saving throw DCs for the alchemical agent.


Once, using magic to permanently enhance items was a dangerous practice. A mage would have to permanently sacrifice some of their life force to fuel such an enchantment, and the best enchanters died early because of it. Now, science has enabled the production of mechanika- the merging of technology and magic that allows for the production of smaller components requiring negligible amounts of life force to produce. This also drives the price down considerably.


Mechanikal Items

Truly magical weapons still exist, often as ancient relics of past eras. They are rare, however, and no modern producers are known. When the Immorese need a better version of something, they go to an arcane mechanik. With the heightening tensions in the world, many mechanikal items are weapons and armor, but there are also utility items that are created using mechanikal methods. Some items require specialized runes and rune plates that function only with that item. Other devices can work with a host of different runes, and switching between rune plates gives the item different arcane effects. For example, a mechanikal sword can function with either a Flaming rune plate or an Accuracy rune plate, with different arcane effects. A mechanikal sword cannot be made to function with the Fleet rune from a suit of mechanikal armor. All mechanikal weapon and armor rune plates integrate glyphs that compensate for the added weight of mechanikal augmentation. These glyphs are constantly active but draw only a minute amount of power from the device’s capacitor. Note that a magical item may not be fitted with mechanikal components. Attempting to do so will destroy both items. Mechanikal Weapons

Mechanikal weapons are considered magical weapons while they are charged. If a mechanikal weapon loses its charge, any attacks made with it suffer a -1 penalty on attack rolls until the capacitor is replaced. The painstaking craftsmanship required to manufacture a mechanikal weapon means the base cost is multiplied by 10. For example, a longsword fitted to house mechanika would cost 150 gp instead of 15 gp. The size constraints of manufacturing mechanikal weapons means that darts, slings, whips, blowguns, and nets cannot be manufactured as mechanikal weapons. Ammunition for anything smaller than siege weapons cannot be manufactured as mechanikal. Mechanikal Armor and Shields

Mechanikal armor requires a high degree of craftsmanship to integrate and protect mechanikal components without compromising the armor’s integrity. Due to this, the base cost of mechanikal armor is multiplied by 5. For example, a breastplate with mechanika fittings would cost 2,000 gp instead of 400 gp. Mechanikal armor must have rigid plate components in order to properly mount the components and focus the enchantment. Because of this, only shields and suits of breastplate, half plate, and plate can be manufactured as mechanikal armor. If a suit of mechanikal breastplate or half plate loses its charge, the wearer can only apply their Dexterity modifier to their armor class to a maximum of +1 as the added weight of the mechanikal components throws off the wearer’s balance. Activating Mechanikal Items

Depending on the construction and nature of the mechanikal item, its magical properties will either constantly be on or require a trigger to activate. Items that must be triggered require an action to do so unless otherwise stated.


Mechanikal Item Attunement

Just as with magical items, many mechanikal items require attunement. Mechanikal weapons, armor, and shields all require attunement.


Mechanika has three primary components: the housing, the rune plate, and the capacitor. Housing

The housing of a mechanikal item is the chassis upon which it is built and all other components are mounted. Typically, the housing is the item that is to be enhanced. A mechanikal sword, for example, might become the housing by fitting it with a socket for the power source and a protective covering for the rune plate. The costs for housings of mechanikal weapons and armor are discussed above. Mechanikal housings for other items cost 100 gp and weigh 5 pounds unless otherwise noted. Rune Plates

Rune plates are the functional aspects of a mechanikal device, which makes the discovery of mechanika runes by Sebastien Kerwin one of the most important in the history of Immoren. These eponymous runes are etched upon plates or strips of copper, silver, or gold. When an arcane charge is applied to the plate, it is directed and shaped by the wholly magical runes until it produces the desired effect. Rune plates are discussed in more detail below. Capacitor

The last major component is the capacitor. Arcane charge is required to power all mechanikal devices, and that charge can be provided in a multitude of ways. By far the most common method is the arcanodynamic accumulator, a sort of rechargeable magical battery that mages can pour power into, if they have the right equipment. Other methods include arcane turbines or the specialized stormchamber. All power sources provide magical charges, measured in units called kerwins, that are shaped into the desired effect by rune plates. Power sources are connected to the housing by a socket built into it, or by cables of conduit. These same conduits are also responsible for connect the rune plate to the object to be enhanced. Arcanodynamic power sources are volatile, and are prone to exploding if they are ruptured. For this reason, they tend to be encased in hardened metal, giving them and AC of 19, 20 hit points, and a damage threshold of 5. If a capacitor is reduced to 0 hit points, it explodes, dealing 1d10 damage for each charge that remained within. Alchemical capacitors deal acid damage, arcanodynamic accumulators and clockwork capacitors deal force damage, soul cages deal necrotic damage, and stormchambers deal lightning damage. Arcane turbines are substantially larger than other power sources, making them more resilient. Additionally, arcane turbines lose functionality as they take substantial damage, avoiding rupture. Alchemical Capacitor. A fairly recent invention, the alchemical capacitor produces arcane charge from a volatile alchemical reaction within their casing that can be dangerous outside of a controlled environment.

Arcane Condenser A hemispherical device used to recharge accumulators, arcane condensers turn raw magical energy harnessed by spellcasters into arcanodynamic charge ready to be stored in an accumulator. In order to recharge an accumulator, a spellcaster must place both hands on two large contact points on the side of the condenser. After concentrating for 1 minute, the spellcaster can begin channeling magic into an accumulator that is mounted on the condenser. The mounted accumulator regains 1 charge for every 3 spell levels expended by the spellcaster. Only an accumulator with zero charges left can be recharged. Accumulators with residual charge rupture when they are recharged. Only characters with levels in artificer, bard, sorcerer, or wizard can use an arcane condenser.

    Arcane Turbine. Arcane turbines are the most efficient way to produce large volumes of arcane power, however they are somewhat less than mobile and far from cheap. Arcane turbines function by using steam power to turn an enchanted wheel that produces a small arcane charge, which spins around a ring wrapped in gold or silver wire, charging the wire through the process of arcane induction. An arcane turbine can run for eight hours on a hopper full of coal and a topped-off boiler. Arcane turbines that are small enough to be mounted on armor or carried around holds 3 pounds of coal and 1 gallon of water. These personal turbines produce 8 kerwins of charge while they are running. Larger turbines exist for industrial purposes and are proportionally more expensive and fuel-intensive. Conduit cables to connect the turbine to mechanikal objects cost 50 gp. Arcanodynamic Accumulator. The conventional way of powering mechanika is with the trusty accumulator. Steel cylinders built around a great many layers of gold foil, between which arcane charges are stored in an alchemical solution, accumulators emit a bright blue glow visible through notches in the casing, which dims and turns yellow as charges drain. Clockwork Capacitor. Operating on the same principle of arcane induction that an arcane turbine uses, these devices are two stacked cylinders of brass, which when turned in opposite directions, wind a mainspring inside. That mainspring turns an enchanted wheel that produces a small arcane charge, which spins around a ring wrapped in gold or silver wire, charging the wire through the process of arcane induction. Since the mainspring has to release a constant and steady amount of energy to provide continuous power, a clockwork capacitor will only hold a charge for one day. Winding a clockwork capacitor takes fifteen minutes of continuous winding.

Soul Cage. Foul necromantic devices that are universally illegal, soul cages are magical items that absorb the souls of the recently departed and convert them into arcane charge that is rumored to be used in the powering of necrotech. When a creature with a soul is slain within 30 feet of a soul cage, its soul is captured by the cage instead of passing on to Urcaen. Each hit dice that a captured soul has provides one kerwin of charge to the soul cage, up to a maximum of 100 charges. While the soul is so held, it cannot pass on to Urcaen, and thus cannot be targeted by any spells that raise the dead. It is believed that souls that are exploited this way are left so drained and weak that they cannot pass on and will linger on Caen as ghosts, hungry for the energy they are devoid of. Stormchamber. These highly specialized devices are alchemically strengthened glass coils protected by brass and copper caging, all containing the force of raw, elemental lightning. Stormchambers are currently only available through the Cygnaran military, and their manufacture is highly classified. Stormchambers produce 3 charges continuously. Capacitors Capacitor Type



Alchemical Capacitor

100 gp


Arcane Turbine

5,000 gp


Arcanodynamic Accumulator

500 gp


Clockwork Capacitor

1,000 gp


Soul Cage

30,000 gp



2,500 gp


*See description for special rules Assembly

Once a character has gathered the three necessary components for constructing a mechanikal device, he or she must spend time assembling the device. Assembling a handheld device requires one hour of work. At the end of the hour of assembly, the character must make an DC 15 Intelligence (Mechanik’s Tools) check. On a failure, the device does not function and the character can try again. Assembling larger devices requires 8 hours of work, at the end of which the character must make a DC 20 Intelligence (Mechanik’s Tools) check. A character may also dismantle mechanikal items with a DC 13 Intelligence (Mechanik’s Tools) check. This requires 30 minutes for handheld devices and 4 hours for larger ones. Note that the nature of a rune plate is not immediately obvious. A character may discern the nature of a rune plate with an identify spell or a DC 17 Intelligence (Arcana) check. Changing a capacitor is much easier than mounting rune plates to housings, and requires 5 minutes, but no specialized knowledge.


Rune Plates

Rune plates are the surfaces on which magical runic formulae are inscribed. They are created from rare magically attuned materials that can harness powerful arcane energy. Mechanika runes are the magical formulae inscribed onto rune plates. These runes transform the magical energy charging the rune plate into arcane effects. Each rune is a true expression of the arcane mechanik’s craft, and the inscription of different runes upon powerful rune plates allows for almost unlimited combinations of arcane effects. Each mechanika rune has an associated rune point value that describes its complexity. The more complex the rune, the higher its rune point value. Each rune plate can have up to five points of runes. Rune points are also a measure of the amount of power output required from the device’s capacitor to power the rune plate. Take care to make sure that the power source can in fact power the plate. Each rune point drains one kerwin of charge from a capacitor per day. Few capacitors can sustainably charge complex rune plates. A mechanik can purchase rune plates or inscribe them on their own. Inscribing a rune plate takes 1 day for every 250 gp of its cost, and requires half the cost in raw materials. If a rune plate has not reached its rune point allowance in runes, it can have additional runes inscribed on it. The following attributes describe how rune plates function in the game: Type. This describes what sort of object can accept this rune plate. Cost. The amount of money required to purchase the rune plate. Rune Points. This is the number of rune points the rune takes up on a rune plate. Effect. This is the effect the rune has. Accuracy

    Type. Melee or Ranged Weapon Cost. 900 gp Rune Points. 1 Effect. While this weapon has power, you gain a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with it. You may inscribe this rune up to three times. The second instance costs 1,800 gp, and the third instance costs 5,400 gp. Aegis

    Type. Armor or Shield Cost. 1,500 gp Rune Points. 1 Effect. While this armor or shield has power, you have a +1 bonus to AC while it is equipped. You may inscribe this rune up to three times. The second instance costs 3,000 gp, and the third instance costs 9,000 gp. Aquatic

    Type. Armor Cost. 750 gp Rune Points. 1


Arcanika Tales told by those who have been to Ios suggest that elven mechanika is vastly superior to human or dwarven designs. Called arcanika, elven devices utilize the geomantic energy produced by friction between Caen and Urcaen that coalesces along magical ley lines in order to power their effects. In game terms, this means that arcanika functions like a regular magical item, since it doesn’t need replacement capacitors. Because of this, arcanika is not designed to be disassembled, and so the rules for crafting mechanika do not apply to it.

    Effect. While this armor has power, you have a swimming speed equal to your walking speed. In addition, whenever you start your turn underwater with 0 hit points, the armor causes you to rise 60 feet toward the surface. Blessed

    Type. Melee or Ranged Weapon Cost. 17,150 gp Rune Points. 3 Effect. When you hit a fiend or undead with this weapon while it has power, that creature takes an extra 2d10 radiant damage. Additionally, while powered and wielded, the weapon creates an aura in a 10-foot radius. You and all creatures friendly to you in the aura have advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects. Compensator

    Type. Armor Cost. 900 gp Rune Points. 1 Effect. While this armor has power, you may add an additional point of your Dexterity bonus to your armor class. Medium armor can add up to +3, while heavy armor allows +1. You may inscribe this rune up to two times. The second instance costs 1,800 gp. Corrosive

    Type. Melee or Ranged Weapon Cost. 1,750 gp Rune Points. 1 Effect. While the weapon has power, the character wielding it deals an extra 1d6 acid damage on a successful hit. On a critical hit, the target takes 2d6 acid damage at the end of their next turn. This rune plate cannot be combined with the venomous rune plate.


    Type. Melee or Ranged Weapon Cost. 1,250 gp Rune Points. 1 Effect. While the weapon has power, the character wielding it deals an extra 1d6 fire damage on a successful hit. On a critical hit, the target takes 2d6 fire damage at the end of their next turn. This rune plate cannot be combined with the freezing or venomous rune plates. Fleet

    Type. Armor Cost. 2,500 gp Rune Points. 1 Effect. While this armor has power, your walking speed is increased by 15 feet and your speed isn’t reduced if you are encumbered or wearing heavy armor. Fortification

    Type. Armor Cost. 815 gp Rune Points. 1 Effect. While the armor has power, any critical hit against you becomes a normal hit. Freezing

    Type. Melee or Ranged Weapon Cost. 1,250 gp Rune Points. 1 Effect. While the weapon has power, the character wielding it deals an extra 1d6 cold damage on a successful hit. On a critical hit, the target is restrained until the end of their next turn as ice freezes them in place. This rune plate cannot be combined with the flaming rune plate.#### Heightened Strength     Type. Armor Cost. 6,000 gp Rune Points. 2 Effect. While this armor has power, your Strength score increases by 2 and can exceed 20, but not 30. You may inscribe this rune multiple times. The second instance costs 12,000 gp. Repulsor

    Type. Shield Cost. 900 gp Rune Points. 1 Effect. Whenever you shove a creature while this shield has power, you have advantage on your Strength (Athletics) checks and if you succeed, the target takes 1d6 force damage, is knocked prone, and is pushed 10 feet away from you instead of the normal effects of a shove. Resistant (Damage)

    Type. Armor or Shield Cost. 4,500 gp Rune Points. 2 Effect. While this armor or shield has power and is equipped, you have resistance to one type of damage from the following list: acid, cold, fire, force, lightning, necrotic, poison, psychic, radiant, or thunder. You may inscribe this rune multiple times. The second instance costs 9,000 gp.


    Type. Melee or Ranged Weapon Cost. 1,800 gp Rune Points. 1 Effect. While the weapon has power, it emits bright light in a 30 foot radius, and dim light for an additional 30 feet. On a successful hit, the character wielding it deals an extra 1d6 radiant damage. On a critical hit, the target is blinded until the end of their next turn. This rune plate cannot be combined with the vampiric rune plate. Shocking

    Type. Melee or Ranged Weapon Cost. 1,450 gp Rune Points. 1 Effect. While the weapon has power, the character wielding it deals an extra 1d6 lightning damage on a successful hit. On a critical hit, a bolt of electrical energy leps from the target to a different creature of your choice that you can see within 10 feet of it, dealing 2d6 lightning damage. This rune plate cannot be combined with the flaming rune plate. Slaying

    Type. Melee or Ranged Weapon Cost. 6,500 gp Rune Points. 2 Effect. When you hit a creature of a specific type with this weapon, it takes an extra 3d6 damage of the weapon’s type. The type is specified when the rune is crafted from the following list: aberration, beast, celestial, construct, dragon, elemental, fey, fiend, giant, monstrosity, ooze, plant, or undead. Speed

    Type. Melee Weapon Cost. 4,800 gp Rune Points. 2 Effect. While the weapon has power, you can make one attack with it as a bonus action on each of your turns. Spell Ward

    Type. Armor or shield Cost. 27,750 gp Rune Points. 4 Effect. While this armor or shield is powered, you have advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects, and spell attacks have disadvantage against you. Stall

    Type. Melee or Ranged Weapon Cost. 11,250 gp Rune Points. 2 Effect. When you hit a construct with this weapon while it has power, that creature takes an extra 2d10 force damage. On a critical hit against a construct, it is paralyzed for 1 minute. At the end of each of its turns, the target can make a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw to end the effect.



    Type. Armor Cost. 1,800 gp Rune Points. 1 Effect. If an effect moves you against your will along the ground while the armor has power, you can use your reaction to reduce the distance you are moved by up to 10 feet. In addition, you have advantage on saving throws that would result in you being knocked prone. Throwing

    Type. Melee Weapon Cost. 1,300 gp Rune Points. 1 Effect. While the weapon has power, it has the thrown property with a normal range of 20 feet and a long range of 60 feet. In addition, immediately after you make a ranged attack with this weapon, the weapon flies back to your hand. Thundering

    Type. Melee or Ranged Weapon Cost. 1,750 gp Rune Points. 1 Effect. While the weapon has power, the character wielding it deals an extra 1d6 thunder damage on a successful hit. On a critical hit, the target is knocked prone.

Cyrisstech The followers of Cyriss are aware of the same geomantic energy that the Iosans draw upon and use it to power many of their devices as well. Priests of Cyriss, unlike other divine casters, can inscribe rune plates with divine spells from the cleric or paladin spell lists. These devices, known as Cyrisstech, utilize geomantic energy to power their effects. Unlike arcanika, which uses ambient energy, Cyrisstech requires energy to be transmitted to the devices. Temples of the Maiden of Gears have large chambers designed specifically to transmit power to Cyrisstech devices in the immediate area. Larger temples can power devices at a longer range, but most temples have an effective range of about 1 mile. Cyrisstech is built like any other form of mechanika, except that rune plates use divine spells instead of arcane and they include no capacitor. When Cyrissists need to operate abroad, they bring mobile transmitters for geomantic energy. These range from as small as a backpack-sized unit to large enough to fill a wagon. These mobile transmitters can draw on some ambient energy, but peak performance requires a priest of Cyriss to charge it by expending spell slots.


    Type. Melee Weapon Cost. 1,800 gp Rune Points. 1 Effect. While the weapon has power, the character wielding it deals an extra 1d6 necrotic damage on a successful hit. On a critical hit, that target takes an extra 10 necrotic damage if it isn't a construct or an undead. You also gain 10 temporary hit points. This rune plate cannot be combined with the shining rune plate. Venomous

    Type. Melee or Ranged Weapon Cost. 1,250 gp Rune Points. 1 Effect. While the weapon has power, the character wielding it deals an extra 1d6 poison damage on a successful hit. On a critical hit, the target takes an additional 1d6 poison damage and is poisoned until the end of their next turn. This rune plate cannot be combined with the corrosive or flaming rune plates. Vicious

    Type. Melee or Ranged Weapon Cost. 500 gp Rune Points. 1 Effect. While the weapon has power, you deal an extra 7 force damage on a critical hit.


Dedicated Mechanikal Devices

There are many mechanikal devices with a dedicated form and function that work only when empowered with a very specific set of runes. The makeup of these devices can change only slightly and still remain functional. The power source and specific look of the housing can change, but the rune plates themselves cannot be altered in any way. A character fabricating such a device uses the rules above to determine the cost of materials and length of time required to construct the device’s housing and capacitor. Each device then requires a specific rune plate described in the text of each item below. Additionally, mechanikal versions of many magical items exist. These mechanikal versions sometimes take a slightly different form, but their functionality remains the same. For example, a mechanikal deck of illusions might look like a jack-in-the-box styled device. Capacitors are socketed into the items where possible, and otherwise connect via conduits to a belt-mounted socket. Items that provide passive effects draw a number of charges from a capacitor based on their rarity. Common items draw 1 charge per day, uncommon items draw 2 charges per day, rare items draw 3 charges per day, very rare items draw 4 charges per day, and legendary items draw 5 charges per day. Items that have charges, such as a wand, instead draw power directly from a capacitor. These items expend of a number of charges based on the level of spell the recreate, as described in the table below.

Charged Items Spell Level




















The following items are available as mechanikal items: amulet of proof against detection and location, boots of elvenkind, boots of levitation, boots of speed, boots of striding and springing, boots of the winterlands, bracers of archery, bracers of defense, cap of water breathing, chime of opening, circlet of blasting, cloak of arachnida, cloak of displacement, cloak of elvenkind, cloak of invisibility, cloak of protection, cloak of the bat, cloak of the manta ray, crystal ball, cube of force, deck of illusions, dimensional shackles, driftglobe, dust of dryness, eversmoking bottle, eyes of minute seeing, eyes of the eagle, gem of brightness, gem of seeing, gloves of missile snaring, gloves of swimming and climbing, gloves of thievery, hat of disguise, helm of brilliance, horn of blasting, horseshoes of a zephyr, horseshoes of speed, immovable rod, instrument of the bards, iron bands of Bilarro, lantern of revealing, mantle of spell resistance, necklace of adaptation, periapt of health, periapt of proof against poison, periapt of wound closure, pipes of haunting, pipes of the sewers, robe of eyes, robe of scintillating colors, robe of the archmagi, rod of absorption, rod of alertness, rod of lordly might, rod of the pact keeper, rod of rulership, rope of climbing, rope of entanglement, saddle of the cavalier, sending stones, slippers of spider climbing, staff of charming, staff of fire, staff of frost, staff of power, staff of striking, staff of swarming insects, staff of the adder, staff of the magi, staff of the python, staff of the woodlands, staff of thunder and lightning, staff of withering, tentacle rod, wand of binding, wand of enemy detection, wand of fear, wand of fireballs, wand of lightning bolts, wand of magic detection, wand of magic missiles, wand of paralysis, wand of polymorph, wand of secrets, wand of the war mage, wand of web, wind fan, winged boots, and wings of flying. Arcantrik Scope

    Cost. 5,500 gp Rune Points. 3 Effect. This is a mechanikal rifle scope that enables its user to pierce the most obscuring magic. While it has power, you have darkvision out to a range of 120 feet and can see invisible creatures and objects within 120 feet when looking through the scope. An arcantrik scope also provides the benefits of a mundane scope.

Farsight Goggles

    Cost. 1,150 gp Rune Points. 2 Effect. Farsight goggles are a complex piece of optical mechanika. Originally developed for forward observers to monitor troop movements, the high cost of the goggles has dramatically restricted their use. Notably, they have found a place among the agents of the Cygnaran Reconnaissance Service who use the goggles on desperate missions when they must navigate hostile terrain in the dead of night. The goggles appear as a pair of heavy, three-lensed goggles with glowing green lenses, attached to a heavy belt with a lowslung alchemical capacitor supplying power to the device. While these goggles have power, you have darkvision out to a range of 60 feet. As an action, you can switch them to focus at range. In this mode, you can see up to 1 mile away with no difficult, and are able to discern even fine details as though looking at something no more than 100 feet away from you. While focused at range, you have darkvision out to a range of 120 feet, but have disadvantage on attack rolls and Wisdom (Perception) checks within 30 feet of you.

Warcaster Armor

The militaries of the Iron Kingdoms equip their warcasters with mechanikal armor so advanced that only the most skilled armorers and arcane mechaniks understand the techniques behind its construction. All warcaster armor is custom-fitted to the individual. Plate armor is used as the basis for warcaster armor, but a wide variety of types can be modified to suit the needs of the ’caster, some sacrificing greater protection for augmented mobility. Every suit of warcaster armor is unique, and the cost, look, and specific materials vary considerably. The most expensive and refined suits are built from the finest alloys by wealthy kingdom militaries and include small, precisely tooled components. Those built by mercenary companies or poorer nations are usually more cumbersome and employ heavier metals and thicker pipes and gauges. Even these are marvels of modern mechanika, employing scores of dedicated rune plates connected by an intricate lattice of arcane conduits. Most important, all warcaster armor is integrated with an arcane turbine, a highly efficient and advanced type of steam engine worn on the back and fueled by coal. The steam engine in an arcane turbine powers small internal mechanisms, the negligible weight of which allows the turbine to run for many hours on a small quantity of coal. A turbine should be refueled once a day, although if its wearer has not been in active combat it can sustain itself at its lowest setting over several days of use. Warcaster armor includes exhaust pipes for venting smoke and excess steam pressure. These expel thick plumes when running at full power but only a trickle when dampened. Warcasters must be wary of running turbines at full power in enclosed spaces, such as aboard a passenger train, where emissions quickly become a breathing hazard.


    The heart of the turbine is a complex series of wire-coiled wheels spinning inside a thinly layered metal lattice, all constructed of arcane-sensitive alloys. This turbine powers a protective field around the warcaster that also helps negate the encumbrance of the armor and ensures heat generated by its boiler is safely dispersed. This field absorbs damage that would otherwise be sustained by the wearer. Spellcasters attuned to the armor can enhance the field’s protective qualities by overboosting the field, which can allow a warcaster to walk unscathed through explosions and direct fire that would otherwise be instantly fatal. Military warcasters are usually aided in the process of donning armor and priming its turbine by an assisting adjutant, but practiced mercenaries can don their own armor with a bit of hassle and additional time. The turbine requires only a couple of minutes to be stoked and quickly reaches peak efficiency. Power Fields

While its boiler is fueled and its arcane turbine is in operation, an attuned suit of warcaster armor generates a power field that absorbs damage. This field has either 30 or 60 hit points, based on its rating. Whenever you take damage, the power field takes the damage instead. If this damage reduces the power field to 0 hit points, you take any remaining damage. While the power field has 0 hit points, it can't absorb damage, but its magic remains and can be replenished with magical energy. As an action, you may expend a spell slot. The ward regains 1d6 hit points per level of the spell slot. During peaceful interludes, the power field will replenish on its own. At the end of a short rest, the power field regains all hit points. Note that non-attuned warcaster armor cannot generate a power field. Warcaster Armor

Armor (breastplate, half plate, or plate), very rare or legendary (requires attunement) Cost. 12,800 gp for the very rare version, or 25,600 gp for the legendary version. Effect. This mechanikal armor mounts an arcane turbine that produces 8 kerwins of charge. The armor’s power field and mechanikal assist abilities draw 5 points of charge. Additional rune plates can be incorporated into the armor, or other devices can be connected via arcane conduits that cost 50 gp. While powered, this armor’s weight does not count against the encumbrance of the wearer. Additionally, powered warcaster armor provides a power field, as described above. The very rare version of the armor has a 30 hit point power field, while the legendary version has a 60 hit point power field. If the armor loses power, the wearer may not apply their Dexterity bonus to their armor class as the weighty boiler assembly throws their balance off. Additionally, the wearer’s walking speed is reduced by 5 feet. The boiler must be stocked with fuel to power the arcane turbine. Warcaster armor consumes 1 pound of coal and 2 gallons of water for each 8 hour period of operation.


Mechanikal Prosthetics

The Iron Kingdoms can be a dangerous place to live at times, and while the advent of modern medicine can save many lives, limbs are not always spared. More than a few farmers have lost extremities to new industrial farming tools, but the biggest producer of amputees is war. New weapons are capable of increasingly horrific injuries, and sometimes a soldier needs to be put back in the fight. Mechanikal prosthetics are cutting edge designs that replace missing limbs with a degree of functionality approaching the original. Mechanikal prosthetics utilize highly specialized rune plates, mechanikal triggers, and reflex arrays that make up the prosthetic’s animus assembly. The animus assembly is a finely tuned sensor package that is meticulously calibrated to the wearer and detects the motor impulses of the stump which the limb fits over. This calibration uses up one of the wearer’s attunement slots. Although the animus assembly provides a dramatic improvement over mundane prosthetics, any mechanikal limb still moves sluggishly in comparison to flesh. Mechanikal prosthetics require a degree of concentration on the user’s part in order to compensate for the delay between their intended movement and implemented effect and to pay attention to the limb, which lacks any sort of sensory feedback. This confers certain disadvantages on the user, described below. Typically, mechanikal prosthetics drain 1 charge per day from a capacitor, though certain enhancements can increase that. Mechanikal prosthetics are not especially sensitive to water and operate fine even when submerged, though prolonged exposure can corrode the sensors of the animus assembly. Mechanikal limbs are attached to their user via a harness, holding them in place as they move around. Strapping a limb on takes 5 minutes without assistance or 2 minutes with assistance and requires one free hand. Cryxian necrotechs are the exception to this rule, and they make a common practice of surgically attaching prosthetic limbs, mounting a socket to the user’s skeleton. Such implanted prosthetics almost always are powered by corpus converters, described below. Mechanikal limbs require 8 hours of weekly maintenance by someone proficient with mechanik’s tools. This maintenance does not have to be consecutive. Mechanikal prosthetics have their own Strength and Dexterity scores, which are used whenever that limb in particular is used in an activity. When an activity involves only the prosthetic is determined by the DM, but when in doubt use the character’s own scores. Common situations when the limb’s attributes are used include: Making an attack with a weapon that does not have the two-handed property, including an unarmed strike. Grappling or shoving a creature when your free hand is the mechanikal prosthetic. If weekly maintenance is missed, the limb’s Strength and Dexterity decrease by 1 for each week that is missed. Restoring a limb to working order requires a DC 20 Intelligence (Mechanik’s Tools) check.

Mechanikal Prosthetics Charges per day



Mechanikal Arm




1,500 gp

Mechanikal Leg




1,000 gp

Piston Array



250 gp

Reflex Array



300 gp

Arcane Compensator


4,500 gp

Armored Frame

500 gp

Cerebral Relay



2,500 gp


50 gp

Concealed Weapon

150 gp

Corpus Capacitor


8,000 gp


830 gp

Punch Piston

Special —


Servitor Hand


1,600 gp


15 gp

Mechanikal Arms. Mechanikal arms are the closest the wounded can get to a flesh and blood replacement, and they provide a fully articulated range of motion that enables a user to perform most of the tasks they could when they had two arms. Attack rolls made by a mechanikal arm with a weapon held in one hand use the attributes of that limb. Attack rolls made by a mechanikal limb with a two handed weapon use the lower of both limbs’ attributes. An unarmed strike made with a mechanikal arm deals 1d6 bludgeoning damage. Due to the bulk of a mechanikal arm, a character cannot wear magical gloves over one. Mechanikal arms that replace limbs amputated below the elbow function identically to regular mechanikal arms, except that they cannot be modified with a punch piston (see below). Due to the attention that a mechanikal arm demands, the user cannot maintain concentration on a spell during any turn the carry something in their mechanikal arm. Mechanikal Legs. Mechanikal legs are a vast improvement over simple peg legs and crutches. Each mechanikal leg a character possesses reduces his speed by 5 feet due to the required concentration and resulting limp. A character with one mechanikal leg suffers no further penalties, but a character with two mechanikal legs may not take the Dash action. Due to the size of the limb, a character cannot wear magical footwear over one. Other Prosthetics. While conventional science and mechanika can only replace limbs, and still not quite to a satisfactory level, rumor tells of other sources by which one might find replacements for such organs as eyes, lungs, or hearts. Two main sources are cited in these rumors: Cryxians and Cyrissists. The necrotechs of Cryx are capable of more violent or crude methods of replacement, leading to creatures that are not living, undead, or constructs, but somewhere between.

The temples of Cyriss, Maiden of Gears, are strange places where technology is advancing at a rate hitherto unknown to Immoren. Cyrissists are supposedly capable of reproducing the intricacies of the eye or functions of the lungs with mechanikal parts, bringing the mortal ever closer to a mechanical state more aligned with their goddess. Finally, many mechaniks suspect that the borders of Ios hide more than a few technological marvels, including advanced prosthetics. Mechanikal Prosthetics and Enhancements

A variety of enhancements are available for mechanikal limbs, and are described below. Unless otherwise noted, an enhancement can only be taken once. Enhancements can be built into the limb at creation or added afterwards. Arcane Compensator. Based off the grammatic circuits of arcane capacitors in warcaster armor, arcane compensators allow the user of a mechanikal arm to concentrate on spells. If a spellcaster has multiple mechanikal arms, then all of them must be equipped with an arcane compensator if they want to concentrate on a spell. Armored Frame. Warriors are at a much greater risk of losing limbs than the rest of the population and therefore require limbs that can stand up to battle. A mechanikal limb built with an armored frame eschews all semblance of natural appearance in exchange for durability. Whereas a normal limb might be unnoticed beneath clothing and at a distance, a mechanikal limb with an armored frame will be obviously asymmetrical. Armor-framed limbs are based upon warjack designs, and often borrow traits from them, such as a limited number of fingers. The armored frame enhancement must be included when the limb is built and cannot be added afterwards. A character wearing a mechanikal arm with this modification and carrying nothing in that arm gains a +1 bonus to AC as they can turn blades with it much like a shield. Cerebral Relay. Cerebral relays are tiny mechanikal devices possessed by a numina, the same energies that control servitors and steamjacks. Those with the talent for communicating with such energies, such as warcasters, can control the limb as if it were their own. An outfitted mechanikal arm no longer prevents concentration on spells, and mechanikal legs no longer reduce their wearer’s speed. Additionally, a linked wearer can push their limb beyond its normal limits, though their mechaniks scold them for it. Whenever the wearer makes a Strength check or saving throw, or makes an attack roll using that limb, they can immediately expend one charge from the limb’s accumulator to gain advantage on the roll. A character with the Warcaster feat, or the Mechanical Servant feature from the Artificer class may benefit from a cerebral relay. Compartment. A skilled mechanik can design a prosthetic limb so that it has extra space within it to stow small items. An arm with this modification can store one item weighing 1 pound or less. Legs are more accommodating and can store up to 3 pounds. This enhancement cannot be included in a limb with the concealed weapon enhancement. Detecting the compartment requires a DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check by someone specifically examining the character.


New Skill: 'Jack Handling Steamos, junkers, and mechaniks all have to deal with steamjacks and other mechanikal constructs. Whenever you issue instructions to a mechanikal construct that it hasn’t been trained in, but is physically capable of doing, the DM might call for an Intelligence (‘Jack Handling) check. You can also make an Intelligence (‘Jack Handling) check to issue orders to a steamjack in combat.

    Concealed Weapon. Prized by those who get in fights often or who dabble in assassination, this enhancement adds concealable offense to a mechanikal limb. By designing a mechanikal arm with extra space, it may contain any weapon that does not have the heavy, two-handed, or versatile properties. If the weapon has the thrown property, it cannot be used. This weapon retracts into the arm when not in use, requiring a DC 20 Intelligence (Investigation) check to spot by someone specifically examining the character. This weapon can be deployed as a bonus action. The price of this enhancement is in addition to the weapon to be mounted. Any weapon mounted in this way can be mechanikally enhanced, but must draw power from the capacitor mounted in the arm itself. Corpus Capacitor. This highly illegal augmentation is banned virtually everywhere outside of Cryx. Luckily for those who use it, virtually nobody but an arcane mechanik or inquisitor would even recognize the device. Based on the necromantic soul cages used to power some forms of necrotech, a corpus capacitor siphons the life force of the user to whom a mechanikal limb is grafted in order to power that limb. A corpus capacitor obviates a mechanikal limb’s need for a power source. A corpus capacitor can only be installed in a mechanikal limb that is grafted to the user. A corpus capacitor drains one hit die from the user for each charge the limb would normally require per day. This includes the cost for any integrated mechanika. Piston Array. Piston arrays are additional actuators that can be built into a mechanikal limb, increasing the force the limb can exert. Most commonly seen in mechanikal arms in order to allow the user to lift heavy loads or swing harder in combat, piston arrays are also used for especially heavy wearers of mechanikal legs, or simply to allow them to jump further. This enhancement may be taken up to 10 times. Regardless of how many times it is taken, piston arrays increase the daily power requirements of a limb by 1 charge. Punch Piston. A punch piston is an enhancement designed with combat in mind. By including a number of arcane capacitors, arcane charge can be built up and released in a violent punch. Used by some warriors as a surprise weapon, and by some as an efficient way to end brawls, a mechanikal arm outfitted with a punch piston draws an extra charge per day from the limb’s power source. In return for the increased power burden, a character can take an action to make a single melee attack with the mechanikal arm. This attack is resolved as if the character’s Strength score were 4 points higher than the arm’s normal Strength score. This attack deals 1d8 bludgeoning damage, plus the arm’s Strength modifier. If the arm is equipped with the spike modification as well, then it deals 1d10 bludgeoning damage, plus the arm’s Strength modifier. 64

Reflex Array. Reflex arrays allow a limb more graceful movement, smoothing out the normal jerkiness by using finer clockwork and reducing reaction times by enhancing the conduiting throughout that triggers the pistons and actuators. Reflex arrays require the limb to also be equipped with a cerebral relay. Reflex arrays may be taken up to 10 times. Regardless of how many times it is taken, reflex arrays increase the daily power requirement of a limb by 1 charge. Servitor Hand. An eccentric upgrade, this fits a mechanikal arm enhanced with a cerebral relay with a secondary cerebral matrix that lies dormant until the wearer detaches the hand from the arm as an action, at which point it becomes a servitor. The separated hand counts as a tiny servitor and can be upgraded as any other mite of its size. While detached, the limb’s loses use that hand. In order to power itself, the hand charges built-in arcane capacitors that drain an extra charge per day from the arm’s accumulator. Spikes. This simple, yet brutal upgrade makes the unarmed attack of a mechanikal limb deadlier, dealing 1d8 bludgeoning damage.

Mechanikal Servitors

Servitors are small automatons that are commonly seen in industrial settings throughout the Iron Kingdoms. Servitors come in a great range of size and form, some as tall as a man and some small enough to fit in a pocket. While a great many are bipedal, they also can be designed as quadrupedal “mites”. Servitors operate via their cerebral matrix, which is a much more basic form of the cortex seen in their larger cousins, steamjacks. Most servitors only have the capacity to perform a handful of functions, being similar in intelligence to a reptile, so long as they are operating within their design parameters. A mechanik setting out to build a servitor must first gather several components: the chassis, the engine, the cerebral matrix, and extra enhancements. Chassis

Servitors are popularly built in one of two chassis configurations, “manikins” and “mites”. Manikins are bipedal and basically humanoid in form, looking like miniature steamjacks. Mites appear almost insectoid, and possess multiple legs and manipulators. Servitor chassis have the following characteristics: Servitor Chassis Chassis

STR DEX AC HP Speed Weight

Manikin, Small

12 10 13 14 20 ft 60 lbs 200 gp

Manikin, Medium 14


8 12 23 25 ft 120 lbs 400 gp

Mite, Small

10 12 12 12 20 ft 60 lbs 200 gp

Mite, Tiny


14 12 8 15 ft 15 lbs 150 gp


The power source for the servitor, some engines are better suited for powering servitors designed for different roles. Sandleton Steam Engine. A basic steam engine powering a small arcane turbine, the Sandleton steam engine is a favorite for industrial servitors for the readily available fuel source and powerful pneumatics. Steam engines can only be installed in medium and small servitors. A steam engine runs for 5 hours on 1 gallon of water and 5 pounds of coal. Servitors powered by steam increase their Strength score by 2. Sandleton steam engines cost 175 gp. Devenrew Crank Engine. Operating off the same principles as a clockwork capacitor, the Devenrew Crank Engine is often installed by mechaniks on a budget, who value the rechargeable design. Crank engines can only be installed in medium and small servitors. A crank engine requires 5 minutes of cranking for each half hour of operation, and the mainspring can store enough torsion to power a servitor for 8 hours. Servitors powered by crank engines have disadvantage on all Dexterity (Stealth) checks due to the noisy clockworks. Devenrew crank engines cost 85 gp. Novotski Accumulo-Inducer. The most advanced solution for powering servitors is the Novotski Accumulo-Inducer, which uses an arcanodynamic accumulator to power the construct. Accumulo-inducers can be installed in servitors of any size thanks to the lack of moving parts. Accumuloinducers drain 1 charge per hour of operation. Servitors powered by an accumlo-inducer increase their Dexterity score by 2. Novotski Accumulo-Inducers cost 285 gp. Cerebral Matrix

Cerebral matrices are the brain of the servitor, and even the best of them is only equal to the worst quality cortex in a steamjack. All cerebral matrices provide a Wisdom score of 10 and a Charisma score of 1. The matrix’s Intelligence score depends on the grade of the matrix. Cerebral Matrices Grade





250 gp



350 gp



500 gp



650 gp


Mechaniks often tailor the form of a servitor to meet the use they were designed for. A Tiny servitor may accept only 1 enhancement, while a small servitor may have 2, and a medium up to 3. A servitor may have a given enhancement more than once.

Burdewelle Alchemical Tracer. Using special alchemical substances to emit an arcane wavelength, a mechanik can tune a a pair of alchemical goggles to visualize the lingering effects of this emission. The tracer leaves a glowing trail visible only to the wearer of the attuned goggles. The alchemical emission is slightly heavier than air and slowly settles to the ground. Recent passage is indicated by a vaporous glowing cloud floating above the ground while older trails settle on the ground and leave a glowing smudge where the servitor has passed. The servitor must be instructed to leave a trail, and the trail persists for 48 hours. The accompanying goggles are included with the enhancement. Equipment Mount. Used to equip servitors with specialized equipment, this replaces their arm or manipulator with a specific industrial tool. Servitors are proficient with any equipment mounted on them. The weight and cost of the tool is added to that of the servitor, plus an additional 50 gp for the equipment mounting itself. Fortification. Reinforced with armor plates and heavier clockwork, the servitor is made more durable. Fortification provides a +1 bonus to AC each time it is installed. Every two of these enhancements reduces the servitor’s speed by 5 feet. James & Willet Task Plate. A specialized rune plate etched with knowledge of a particular skill that interfaces with a cerebral matrix. For each task plate installed, the servitor gains proficiency with one skill, tool, or weapon. Jasenov’s Eye. This enhancement equips the servitor with advanced optics that are capable of fine, precision work. The servitor has a +10 bonus to all Intelligence (Investigation) checks and Wisdom (Perception) checks. Additionally, the servitor has advantage on tasks involving the manipulation of fine mechanisms, such as the use of Thieves’ Tools. Jasenov’s Glyph Plate. A security countermeasure installed in servitors to prevent unauthorized people from commanding the servitor, this enhancement allows a servitor to learn the appearance of person and designate them as their sole operator. Once set, only that person may issue orders to the servitor, though use of a disguise kit or illusion magic may trick the servitor. Physical Augmentation. By utilizing more robust coils, springs, and gears, a servitor’s physical abilities can be improved. The servitor gains either +4 Strength or Dexterity. Alternatively, the structure of the servitor can be reinforced, granting +5 hit points. This enhancement may only be installed once for either ability, or up to twice for hit points. Porter’s Scabbard. A simple upgrade that installs a concealed compartment in the servitor. The servitor can carry up to 10 pounds of equipment without appearing to have any equipment at all. The servitor may retrieve items from its porter’s scabbard as an action. Speed Enhancement. By fine-tuning the timing of a servitor’s mobility mechanisms and increasing the drive strength, a servitor’s movement speed can be increased by 5 feet.


Servitor Enhancements

Steamjack Enhancements




Burdewelle Alchemical Tracer


400 gp

Arc Node

7,500 gp

Equipment Mount



Armored Cowling

2,500 gp


5 lbs

50 gp

Equipment Mount

750 gp

James & Willet Task Plate


250 gp

Mechanika Mounting

7,000 gp

Jasenov's Eye

2 lbs

425 gp

Performance Power Plant

2,000 gp

Jasenov's Glyph Plate

1 lbs

325 gp

Pneumatic Venting

1,500 gp

Phyiscal Augmentation

20 lbs

100 gp

Reflex Array

2,000 gp

Porter's Scabbard

10 lbs

30 gp

Speed Enhancement

5 lbs

50 gp


The bread and butter of modern Immorese militaries, ‘jacks are the imposing, steam-powered, metal giants that stomp through battlefield and factory alike. Useful in a vast array of circumstances, ‘jacks are far from cheap. The high demand of parts, especially cortexes- the mechanikal brains of steamjacks- means that it is easy for an enterprising businessman, adventurer, or mercenary to beggar himself in an attempt to purchase and fuel a ‘jack. For those that can maintain them, however, ‘jacks promise to add their prodigious strength and durability to any operation. Steamjacks are built in 4 steps: chassis design, enhancement installation, cortex installation, and construction. Building a steamjack requires 1 day for every 500 gp of it’s price. Chassis

While warjacks dominate the battlefields of Immoren, the vast majority of steamjacks serve as laborers in industrial and commercial settings. Steamjacks are categorized as light or heavy. The statistics below are a baseline for light and heavy laborjacks and warjacks. The Intelligence score and proficiency bonuses are for ‘jacks with a cupernum-grade cortex. The price is for the chassis alone. Enhancements

No steamjack model is without its distinguishing features. The installation of these enhancements are often a labor of love by the mechaniks that maintain the steamjacks. Aftermarket installation takes one day for every 1,000 gp an enhancement costs. A light steamjack can install 3 enhancements, while a heavy steamjack can install 5. Enhancements can be installed above this limit, but the cost for any such enhancements doubles and the steamjack’s hit point total decreases by 15 for each enhancement. Arc Node. An invention that has altered the roles of warjacks on the battlefield, the glowing arc node sits above the cortex housing and allows a warcaster controlling a ‘jack to cast spells as though the ‘jack was the point of origin for the spell. This does not allow the ‘jack to benefit from spells with a range of “self”. Arc nodes are restricted to military warjacks in all of the Iron Kingdoms.




Armored Cowling. Common on warjacks and steamjacks used in demanding industries, this modification adds additional armor plates to the chassis. A steamjack with this enhancement increases their armor class by +1 and their weight by 5%. A steamjack can take this enhancement multiple times. For every two times this enhancement is installed, reduce the steamjack’s walking speed by 5 feet. Equipment Mount. This enhancement replaces one of the steamjack’s hands with a specialized piece of equipment. In industrial laborjacks it is common to see rock drills, cargo clamps, or powered saws in place of hands, while warjacks mount enormous weapons. A ‘jack is automatically proficient with any piece of equipment mounted on its chassis, and it cannot be disarmed of it. If a ranged weapon is mounted to a steamjack, it can hold a magazine of 100 pieces of ammunition for small arms or 20 pieces of ammunition for siege weapons. Mechanika Integration. Although all steamjacks incorporate an arcane turbine to power their cortex, this upgrade increases the output of their turbine in order to power their mechanikal weapons. A steamjack with this enhancement produces 10 kerwins of charge that can be used to power rune plates installed on the ‘jack’s armored cowling or any integrated weapons. Performance Power Plant. By installing a larger engine, the steamjack’s performance can be increased at the cost of fuel efficiency. A steamjack with a performance power plant increases its Strength score by 2 and its walking speed by 5 feet. Additionally, its fuel requirements are increased by 50% and its weight is increased by 10%. Pneumatic Venting. This enhancement adds more pneumatics to the steamjack’s chassis, increasing its Strength score by 2 each time it is installed. Reflex Arrays. This enhancement increases the density of the arcane conduiting that makes up the steamjack’s reflex arrays, increasing its Dexterity score by 2 each time it is installed. Cortex Installation

Installing the cortex takes one day for every 1,000 gp the cortex costs. Each cortex has the following attributes: Cortex Grade. The quality of the cortex Intelligence. The Intelligence score of a steamjack installed with this cortex. Proficiency Bonus. The proficiency bonus a steamjack installed with this cortex. Cost. The market value of the cortex.

Steamjack Logistics Running steamjacks over an extended period of time requires occasionally burdensome logistics, since coal runs out and water for steam boilers must be replaced. On long journeys it is common for steamjacks to be hauled by trains or wagons as close to their destination as possible, to save on coal. Most steamjacks can run without refueling for most of a day if involved only in travel or light activity, but active combat burns fuel far more quickly. A steamjack should be refueled every day that it is functional, whether or not it is in combat. For game purposes, a light steamjack requires 30 pounds of coal and 12 gallons of water for a day of light activity. Heavy steamjacks require 50 pounds of coal and 20 gallons of water a day for light activity. Any day in which a steamjack engages in heavy labor or combat doubles the amount of fuel required for operation.

Steamjack Command Protocols

Cortex Grades Grade

Intelligence Proficiency Bonus





5,000 gp




8,000 gp




13,000 gp




20,000 gp


After the chassis is constructed, the cortex must be connected. This requires a DC 20 Intelligence (Arcana) check and 16 hours of work. The tight confines of such work means that the mechanik connecting the cortex can only be aided on the task by one individual, who grants advantage on the skill check. A failed skill check at this stage requires another 16 hours to troubleshoot which connections are erroneous and to solder them to the proper reflex arrays. Once the cortex is installed, a mechanik must perform the preliminary programming of the cortex. This requires a DC 15 Intelligence (‘Jack Handling) check and 16 hours spent with the steamjack. Because the steamjack will only recognize one primary marshal, this skill check can not be aided by another. However, advanced cortex designs take more easily to the training, and programming an Aurum or Arcanum grade cortex grants advantage on this check. It is not necessary for the same individual to do every skill check. In fact, in modern factory settings, the lead engineer for construction seldom has any part in cortex installation, and initial programming is usually performed by a specialist.

The assembly of a steamjack is a complicated process, and involves many parts. After the ‘jack’s body is put together comes the intricate installation of the cortex, which houses the mind of the ‘jack. Connecting the cortex requires a mechanik to solder hundreds of feet of wire in place. Once the installation is complete and the engine is brought up to steam, the lead mechanik will perform a basic functions check to ensure construction has been completed to standard and that all the cortex connections are in their proper place. If an error has been made somewhere, the ‘jack has to be powered down and the malfunction identified and fixed. Once the problems are solved, the cortex needs to be programmed by an expert ‘jack marshal with the basic tasks the steamjack is expected to perform, before being sold. These stages of construction are represented by a series of skill checks. First, a DC 15 Intelligence (Mechanik’s Tools) check is required to put together the chassis. This process takes 160 hours to complete, but can be split among several mechaniks as long as they are all proficient with mechanik’s tools. Each enhancement installed on a steamjack adds 1 to the check’s DC and 8 man-hours to the time required to construct it. The lead engineer is the one who makes the skill check, and additional workers on the task only reduce the time required instead of granting the lead engineer advantage. If the check is failed, then the construction is faulty. Attempting the skill check again requires another 80 man-hours, or another 160 man hours if the check was failed by 5 or more.

Whenever a ‘jack is assembled and first lumbers out of the factory it knows the language that was hard-coded into its cortex and a few simple tasks that were programmed into it. Though a ‘jack understands a particular language, it lacks the ability to speak. “Jacks can communicate some ideas through steamy hisses, clanks, and metallic groans. ‘Jacks are not literate, though they may grow to recognize certain symbols and associate them with meanings. More importantly, a fresh ‘jack is a clean slate. The first person that addresses it is designated its primary handler. The primary handler installs a series of verbal passcodes that allow the primary handler to designate secondary handlers, as well as preventing unauthorized users from issuing orders to the ‘jack. The primary handler may designate secondary handlers with a DC 15 Intelligence (‘Jack Handling) check, or designate a new primary handler with a DC 20 Intelligence (‘Jack Handling) check. The primary handler has absolute authority over a steamjack, and their orders take priority over all secondary handlers. In order to change a ‘jacks primary handler without their consent, a character must gain access to the cortex access panel. Cortex access panels are always well protected. A standard laborjack’s cortex access panel is hidden behind a keyed lock requiring a DC 20 Dexterity (Thieves’ Tools) check to bypass. Warjacks have even higher DC locks, and sometimes include additional security measures such as traps or magical wards. Once a cortex access panel is opened, an array of levers are exposed that allow the cortex to be wiped and restored to a blank slate with only the encoded language. The proper configuration of these levers to initiate a cortex wipe is unique to each model of steamjack. If the configuration is unknown, a DC 20 Intelligence (Mechanik’s Tools) check can be used to discover the sequence. After a cortex wipe has been initiated, the cortex will require about 4 hours to finish the process, during which the chassis is locked in place on standby mode. When the cortex comes back online, the first person the ‘jack sees is designated as the new primary handler. Of course, if a creature other than an approved handler tries to gain access to its cortex access panel, the steamjack will resist their efforts so long as it remains activated. 67

The exception to this is warcasters, who are capable of mentally commanding steamjacks. A warcaster can bond to a steamjack they are touching as an action, so long as they know the ‘jack’s native language. Warjacks receive an additional layer of security to protect them from unauthorized access by warcasters in the form of cortex locks. A cortex lock is similar to the verbal passcodes that allow ‘jack marshals to control steamjacks, but they take the form of a series of mental images that a warcaster must project into the ‘jack’s mind to bond to it. In the process of bonding to a ‘jack, a warcaster creates a personal layer of mental code that allows the ‘jack to recognize them, effectively creating another cortex lock. While a ‘jack is bonded to a warcaster, no verbal passcodes can assert authority over them. A ‘jack’s cortex locks can be erased only by a cortex wipe. Cortex locks do not prevent an authorized ‘jack marshal from commanding a warjack that is not bonded to a warcaster. If a bonded warcaster dies or falls unconscious, the psychic backlash whips through all of their bonded ‘jacks. ‘Jacks who suffer backlash have their cortex overloaded and they shut down, remaining inert until they are reactivated. Steamjack Personalities

All steamjacks, whether bonded or not, develop unique quirks, affectations, and character traits over time. Steamjacks with higher grade cortexes develop positive personality traits faster than those with lower grades, and steamjacks with a lot of contact with ’jack marshals and warcasters develop even faster. Lower grade cortexes are more likely to develop quirks that interfere with their functions or at least require small efforts to compensate by their controller. Example of personality quirks include: a ’jack that simmers with anger and takes a threatening posture with approaching strangers; an overprotective ’jack that is eager to leap to the defense of its controller or other allies; an easily distracted ’jack that pays too much attention to small shiny things or sudden movements despite more important things going on; an imitative ’jack that regularly picks up small bodily mannerisms from those around it, even those it just meets; a twitchy ’jack that eagerly points its ranged weapon or raises its melee weapon against otherwise innocuous individuals that happen to be nearby. Such quirks do not impact the steamjack's rules but can come up in play, particularly during social interactions. Players controlling characters with steamjacks should discuss potential quirks with their Game Masters. Ideally every steamjack should have at least a relatively entertaining and interesting, if simple, personality. This can sometimes be defined in a single word or sentence such as: overly protective, sullen, clumsy when handling fragile things, or easily angered. ’Jacks manifest personality through non-verbal communications such as body movements, posture, and the use of certain primitive sounds such as venting steam from engines, clanks from fired pistons, and other signals. Other ways personality can manifest have to do with unusual requirements for obeying commands, such as a preference for unusually constructed sentences, orders needing to be shouted since the ’jack’s hearing apparatus is faulty, or a ’jack that has trouble realizing when it has actually completed a given task. Personality traits should be used to add to a scene, to make the ’jack seem individual and distinct, rather than sabotaging players or the ’jack’s controller in an important situation. 68

Light Laborjack

Light Warjack

4,000 gp, 2 tons Large construct, unaligned

9,000 gp, 3 tons Large construct, unaligned

Armor Class 13 (natural armor) Hit Points 115 Speed 25 ft.

Armor Class 15 (natural armor) Hit Points 146 Speed 30 ft.







18 (+4) 8 (-1) 16 (+3) 4 (-3) 10 (+0) 1 (-5)







20 (+5) 10 (+0) 18 (+4) 4 (-3) 10 (+0) 1 (-5)

Damage Resistnaces Bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical weapons that aren’t serricsteel. Damage Immunities Poison, Psychic Condition Immunities Charmed, Exhaustion, Frightened, Petrified, Poisoned Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10 Languages understands one language, but can’t speak Challenge 3

Damage Resistnaces Bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical weapons that aren’t serricsteel. Damage Immunities Poison, Psychic Condition Immunities Charmed, Exhaustion, Frightened, Petrified, Poisoned Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10 Languages understands one language, but can’t speak Challenge 7



Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 2d6 + 4 bludgeoning

Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 2d8 + 5 bludgeoning

Heavy Laborjack

Heavy Warjack

7,000 gp, 4 tons Huge construct, unaligned

16,000 gp, 5 tons Huge construct, unaligned

Armor Class 15 (natural armor) Hit Points 152 Speed 20 ft.

Armor Class 17 (natural armor) Hit Points 212 Speed 25 ft.







22 (+6) 5 (-3) 20 (+5) 4 (-3) 10 (+0) 1 (-5)







24 (+7) 8 (-1) 22 (+6) 4 (-3) 10 (+0) 1 (-5)

Damage Resistnaces Bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical weapons that aren’t serricsteel. Damage Immunities Poison, Psychic Condition Immunities Charmed, Exhaustion, Frightened, Petrified, Poisoned Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10 Languages understands one language, but can’t speak Challenge 5

Damage Resistnaces Bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical weapons that aren’t serricsteel. Damage Immunities Poison, Psychic Condition Immunities Charmed, Exhaustion, Frightened, Petrified, Poisoned Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10 Languages understands one language, but can’t speak Challenge 9



Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 3d6 + 5 bludgeoning

Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 3d8 + 7 bludgeoning


Chapter 5: Magic


t its most fundamental, magic is a supernatural energy and medium that can be manipulated to affect the underlying fabric of reality by an effort of will. The world of Caen normally exists in a state of stability and natural law, where matter and energy follow predictable and otherwise inviolable patterns. Magic allows those who master its principles to defy or bend natural law, whether subtly or overtly, creating causality that would not be possible without the manifestation of the arcane. Practitioners of magic have at their disposal tremendously useful but also singularly dangerous forces. Some would say this is the power of the gods made manifest—a way mortals can perceive and affect the weft and weave that is the ineffable essence of reality. Many arcanists view it rather as a natural force that has its own strict laws, limits, and predictable interactions that are simply not yet fully understood. Some practitioners make it their life’s work to add to the understanding of these powers and pass this lore to their peers. For others, magic is purely an outpouring of one’s own will and is wielded intuitively like a weapon. Mortal minds find it difficult to control the vast and dangerous energies required to shape reality, but a very few reach levels of power that blur the line between mortal and divine. Producing magic requires the ability to tap into a source of this supernatural energy and shape it by mentally visualizing and manipulating formulae comprised of mystical runes. It is by these runes that magical effects become fixed, their energies lying dormant but ready. Once an arcanist is satisfied with his formulae, he activates the runes to trigger the release of energy, by which the spell is completed and the magic invoked. For those practiced in these arts, this entire sequence takes mere seconds. In order to accomplish this exploit, one must have the special Gift to see and shape mystical runes. This is sometimes described as an unlocked talent inherent to fully awakened immortal souls. This Gift can be found in humans, dwarves, elves, trollkin, and some other races, but remains dormant and unharnessed by most. Humanity has had a complex relationship with this talent, as for most of recorded history only priests could manifest magic. This changed during the Orgoth Rebellion, and as the ability became more widespread it also began to appear unpredictably in young individuals. Those who spontaneously manifest arcane potential and develop this power without formal training are known as sorcerers. They still use mystical formulae when working magic, but their runes are less distinct and their formulae less precise and complex. The power of sorcerers is linked to a particular elemental affinity, such that the magic they can summon gives them power over rock and stone and manifests as blazing fire, flashes of lightning, or freezing winds.


Such natural aptitude is rare and has historically been met with fear and persecution in the Iron Kingdoms. This was exacerbated by incidents wherein incautious sorcerers unleashed destruction through unrestrained manifestations of elemental powers. Numerous organized efforts have cropped up over the years seeking to find and eliminate sorcerers. In the present day, sorcerers are no longer universally loathed and feared, but they are still seen as potentially dangerous. In many regions sorcerers are encouraged to seek formal training so their powers can be put to productive ends, such as within a kingdom’s military. Gifted individuals with any degree of instruction are deemed wizards, even if their occult education is limited to the self-directed study of tomes. Wizards make systematic efforts to understand and improve their control over magic. Some sorcerers pursue formal arcane study after realizing the limits of intuition, and join the ranks of the educated. Many of the most successful arcanists began their careers as sorcerers and eventually learned to temper and amplify their natural power through diligent study. Some individuals are born without the Gift, but seek out powerful patrons that can grant them magical powers. These individuals are referred to as warlocks, or by less polite names outside of academic circles. Most warlocks make their deals with infernal entities, pledging their souls or those of others in return for the Gift. Some warlocks instead treat with the Grymkin who wander the wilderness of Urcaen, damning themselves to the same fate upon death. Some other entities are powerful enough to bestow the gift, but these are few and far between. The gods also give magic to their faithful mortal supplicants. Since before written history there have been those who invoke magic through faith: priests and shamans. These spiritual leaders mix prayer and formulae to create magic through small miracles they credit to their divine patron. The greatest priests occasionally manifest miracles sent directly from the gods, and these serve as a tangible reminder that higher beings are watching and intervening in the world through their mortal intermediaries. Most arcane scholars and theologians believe divine magic flows from the connection between the immortal soul and Urcaen, serving as a bridge for the energies of the gods. Others insist faith has inherent power and that truly divine energies are present only for the rarest and most spectacular miracles. Though the source of a faith caster’s magic differs from that of secular arcanists, the fundamentals of how it is wielded are not dissimilar. Some faith casters rely on the force of their will to summon magic appropriate to their faith, whereas others tap into their powers with effortless ease or facilitate their magic by a connection to living beasts. All must still manipulate the mystical runes and formulae that allow magic to shape reality. Faith casters rarely possess a deeper understanding of the complex rules by which magic functions and manifest magic strongly associated with the attributes of their divine patron. They sacrifice some flexibility to stand as an unwavering mortal conduit for the power of their god on Caen. In compensation, those who are truly faithful and become favored might be granted access to miracles beyond the power of scholarly arcanists.

Runes and Formulae

Harnessing power that can ignore the laws of nature or be transformed into tremendous surges of awe inspiring elemental force is not a subtle or invisible practice. Although their techniques of summoning and shaping magic varies, all casters work through runes and formulae and these become visible to those around them when a spell is cast. The exact shape and color spectrum of these runes varies by a caster’s background and training, although there are fundamental sigils shared by many groups. For example, all modern human arcane orders draw from the same foundation, based on sigils developed during the early rebellion against the Orgoth. A caster inherits the runic forms of his source material, whether from a tutor or tome of recorded lore. Untrained sorcerers have less distinct runes and simpler formulae for this reason, pouring raw power into their sigils to make up for a lack of finesse. Sorcerer runes are closely aligned with their elemental affinity, being a more limited vocabulary describing manifestations of fire, ice, lightning, or earth. Some arcanists learn to customize the manifestations of their runes, but this requires considerable practice. When a mage casts a spell, glowing runes depicting a tangible manifestation of formulae appear briefly surrounding his person, in a size and scope relative to the power being invoked. Less potent spells are prefigured by circles of runes around the caster’s hand or an item used as a point of focus, such as a weapon. Larger effects result in concentric rings of runes around the caster’s body, sometimes at waist height, at the shoulders, or around the head. If a spell is affecting someone else nearby, runes briefly manifest around that person as well. To most people these glowing runes are indistinct and quickly forgotten manifestations of magic, with no meaning other than as an ominous sign of gathered supernatural forces. For other arcanists, it is possible to anticipate the scope and nature of the magic being gathered by witnessing the runes, an aptitude that can provide a tremendous tactical advantage. While bright, the appearance of these runes is too brief and focused to be utilized as a source of light, although they certainly draw attention to a caster in a dark place. Casters involved in clandestine activities sometimes develop the ability to mask these runic formulae. Runes must always manifest for magic to function, but a skilled practitioner can change the hue and minimize the size and intensity to the point that they are all but unnoticeable. Certain spells specifically designed to augment stealth include these techniques as part of their casting.

The Dark Arts

There are many taboo practices among magical circles, but few are as persecuted as necromancy and infernalism. These two are universally proscribed by the laws of the Iron Kingdoms (except for in Cryx), and practitioners must find ever more creative ways of hiding their arts.


Necromancy in the Iron Kingdoms is a broad category of occult study that encompasses power related to death. Necromancy includes energy generated by dying tissue and from the moment of death as well as what lingers in the bodies of the dead. Higher forms of necromancy involve the manipulation of the power of the soul itself and the connection between the body and the soul. Like other arcane studies, the dark art of necromancy is not fully understood and its principles and possible applications are being continually expanded and refined by its practitioners. The practice is believed to be inherently corruptive and is forbidden by the majority of religions. Necromancy is illegal everywhere in the Iron Kingdoms. The only nation in western Immoren where this art is openly practiced is Cryx. Nonetheless, individual Thamarites have been studying necromancy longer than Cryx has existed, with the art predating the Gift of Magic and thought to have originated in the Kingdom of Morrdh. Among Thamarites, the study of necromancy dates back to Scion Delesle. The most common and widely practiced necromantic process is the use of complex runes to give motion and mobility to the dead. Thrall runes are glyphs of great power derived from Telgesh that can be used to animate the dead to serve the living, representing necromancy in its most straightforward form. Like mechanika runes, thrall runes can be used to many different effects depending on the skill and imagination of their crafter and the time he spends inscribing the runes. Generally, the more complex the runes, the more powerful a thrall can be created. The simplest thrall requires only rudimentary runes, whereas more powerful thralls require sophisticated inscriptions covering every square inch of their forms. Less permanent spells of animation exist for dabblers, but these produce undead that are less durable, less capable, and more free-willed than thralls. To create a thrall, a necromancer needs to assemble the required body parts and then carefully inscribe the runes upon the bones and flesh. Most thralls require a complete set of bones, generally human. These might be mixed and matched from any number of rifled graves as required. It is also worth noting that a “fresh” thrall is by no means better than one crafted from aged bones, or vice versa. Only the runes matter. For some necromantic processes, the type of corpse and the potency of the body or its history are relevant, but this is beyond the scope of the most commonly employed methods of animation. Animating a body has no impact on its soul, which has usually already departed. The runes are applied in a number of different ways. Painting the runes on a simple thrall is an easy expedient, but complex creations take considerably more work. Bones are generally etched and then filled with pigment. Flesh is stitched together and tattooed. In all cases, the more permanent the medium, the better. Once a necromancer has procured his tools, a corpse, and a private location in which to operate, he can commence his work. A clandestine place where the necromancer can work undisturbed is of vital importance. Not only can distractions be disastrous to such painstaking work, but necromancy is also highly illegal. If caught, its practitioners are certain to face execution in every civilized land in western Immoren. 71

Corpse Preparation

The necromancer must first ensure the corpse is intact, at least with regard to the type of thrall he wishes to create. Most thralls created for labor or defense must have a pair of arms and legs, but this is not always the case. Cryxian necrosurgeons are particularly skilled in their dark craft, manufacturing thralls barely recognizable as having once been human. All thralls must have a head or skull. If the corpse is not in one piece, the necromancer needs to stitch, brace, bolt, or otherwise see to its assembly. Though the animating energies of thrall creation hold the creature’s form together with arcane force, the complex process of inscribing the thrall runes requires an intact working surface. Some thralls are so complex that they must be inscribed in stages and concentric layers. When faced with such a challenge a necromancer might prefer to work piecemeal, completely rendering the runes on the innermost location before attaching it to the rest, then moving to the next most difficult location, and so on. Corpse preparation requires a DC 20 Intelligence (Arcana) check to ascertain the necromantic requirements of a corpse, and a DC 15 Wisdom (Medicine) check or Intelligence (Herbalism Kit) check to successfully modify the corpse to a usable state. Making both of these checks requires 8 hours of work. Runic Inscription

Following thrall creation, the body takes on supernatural qualities. Its flesh becomes increasingly taut and leathery, but it also dramatically increases in strength and durability. Natural decay is arrested and after a few weeks any stench of putrefaction is reduced to a musty, sickly odor. Once the corpse has been suitably prepared, the necromancer is ready to begin the painstaking process of inscribing the animating runes. The length of time this process takes and its difficulty depend on the complexity of the thrall being created. The complexity of thrall runes are measured in rune points, as with mechanika (see Chapter 4). The more complex the thrall, the higher its rune point value. The length of time required to create a thrall depends on its total number of rune points. Once completed, a thrall exists until it is destroyed. A completed thrall cannot have additional runes added to it. Though not standardized among necromancers, the rare inks used in inscribing thrall runes are invariably quite expensive. These inks include alchemical solutions imbued with distinct arcane qualities, ash from supernaturally active battlefields or grave sites, distilled bodily fluids, or traces of rare metals. The more complex the thrall’s runes, the more the necromancer should expect to pay for the appropriate inscribing inks. Thrall Runes Rune Points


Thrall Types

The primary complexity involved in creating a thrall is the type of thrall being animated. The simplest thralls are relatively easy to create, but they are poor combatants and can follow only the simplest instructions. For all intents and purposes, they can be thought of as mindless. More complex thralls have greater combat ability and can be imparted with a semblance of rudimentary intelligence. Some necromancers are so skilled they can use their runes to instill personalities in their thralls, and advanced thralls can develop personalities over time. Usually these personalities are completely artificial, a result of the animation process, but thralls might display residual traits inherited from the corpse(s) utilized in their construction. These entirely superficial qualities do not impact a thrall’s readiness to obey orders. Risen are the simplest of thralls. They are utterly mindless and can follow only the simplest instructions. They are poor combatants but tireless workers. A risen is generally animated by a simple glyph inscribed on its forehead. Warrior thralls are simple combatants typically used as sentries and bodyguards. Though unintelligent, a warrior thrall fights well and can follow simple orders. Its runes are fairly simple and are mostly contained to its head. Thrall lieutenants are complex thralls that are covered with intricate runes imparting them with uncanny intelligence. They are semi-autonomous creatures capable of limited decision making. They are entirely devoted to the will of their creator and follow his orders even to the point of their own destruction. Thrall lieutenants can speak their creator’s language and do so with a dry, quiet rasp that is the product of no mortal tongue. These creatures are usually dispatched to command more simple thralls.


Rune Points: 1 Medium undead, neutral evil Armor Class 13 (armor scraps) Hit Points 16 Speed 25 ft.







13 (+1) 6 (-2) 16 (+3) 3 (-4) 6 (-2) 5 (-3) Damage Immunities Necrotic, Poison Condition Immunities Charmed, Exhaustion, Frightened, Poisoned Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 8 Languages understands one language, but can’t speak Challenge 1/8

Time Required



1 hour

250 gp


6 hours

750 gp



12 hours

1,500 gp


24 hours

3,000 gp

Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 1d6 + 1 bludgeoning


72 hours

6,000 gp


+24 hours

+2,000 gp

Thrall Upgrades


A necromancer can weave a number of refinements and unnatural traits into his thrall runes during the creation process. These upgrades add to the rune point value of the thrall being created. New upgrades cannot be added to a thrall after the creation process is complete. Thrall upgrades have the following attributes that define how they function in the game. Each upgrade can be taken only once.

Rune Points: 3 Medium undead, neutral evil Armor Class 14 (armor scraps) Hit Points 54 Speed 30 ft.







14 (+2) 8 (-1) 16 (+3) 7 (-2) 8 (-1) 6 (-2) Damage Immunities Necrotic, Poison Condition Immunities Charmed, Exhaustion, Frightened, Poisoned Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 8 Languages understands one language, but can’t speak Challenge 1/2


Artificial Intellect

    Rune Points. 2 Effect. The thrall increases its Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores by +4. Dark Power

    Rune Points. 3 Effect. The thrall gains a modicum of mystical talent that allows it to cast spells. The thrall is a 5th level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is the same as it’s creator’s. The thrall knows 4 cantrips and 4 spells. These must be cantrips and spells the creator knows. Ghostly

Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 1d8 + 2 slashing

    Rune Points. 3 Effect. The thrall gains resistance to acid, cold, fire, lightning, and thunder damage, as well as bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical attacks. Additionally, the thrall can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. It takes 5 (1d10) force damage if it ends its turn inside an object.


Grave Chill

Light Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +1 to hit, range 80/320 ft., one target. Hit 1d8 - 1 piercing

    Rune Points. 3 Effect. The thrall emanates an aura of unnatural cold. The thrall is immune to cold damage and any creature that starts its turn within 10 feet of the thrall takes 2d6 cold damage and its speed is reduced by 10 feet until the start of its next turn. On a successful DC 14 Constitution saving throw, a creature takes half damage and is not slowed.

Rune Points: 4 Medium undead, neutral evil Armor Class 16 (armor scraps and shield) Hit Points 86 Speed 30 ft.







16 (+3) 11 (+0) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 8 (-1) Damage Immunities Necrotic, Poison Condition Immunities Charmed, Exhaustion, Frightened, Poisoned Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 8 Languages understands one language, but can’t speak Challenge 3

Actions Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 1d8 + 3 slashing


    Rune Points. 2 Effect. As a reaction when a creature makes an attack against an ally of the thrall, the thrall grants a +2 bonus to the ally’s AC if they are within 5 feet of the thrall. Killer

    Rune Points. 2 Effect. The thrall’s proficiency bonus increases by +1. Additionally, when the thrall scores a critical hit with a melee weapon or reduces a creature to 0 hit points with one, the thrall can make one melee weapon attack as a bonus action. Language

    Rune Points. 1 Effect. The thrall learns two additional languages, which must be languages the creator knows. The thrall gains the ability to speak if it could not already.


Lock Step

    Rune Points. 1 Effect. The thrall has advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of the thrall’s allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated. Preternatural Awareness

    Rune Points. 2 Effect. The thrall’s supernatural perception keeps it constantly aware of its surroundings. It has advantage on initiative rolls and can see invisible creatures within 10 feet. Rune Hardened

    Rune Points. 1 Effect. The thrall increases its Constitution score by +4. Rune Powered

    Rune Points. 1 Effect. The thrall increases its Strength score by +4 Speed in Death

    Rune Points. 1 Effect. The thrall increases its Dexterity score by +4. Its walking speed increases by 10 feet. Watch Thrall

    Rune Points. 1 Effect. The thrall becomes proficient with the Perception skill and has advantage on all Wisdom (Perception) checks.

Caring for and Commanding Thralls

Thralls are thought of as mindless, but this belief is not entirely true. Most thralls entirely lack for self-will and have no desires other than a persistent urge to harm the living. Left to their own devices they simply stand in place, potentially indefinitely, and have no physical needs. The animating process largely halts or at least greatly slows most aspects of rot and decay. Thralls do not fall apart simply from the passage of time, although they can suffer damage and eventually collapse when their physical integrity is lost. Once destroyed, a previously animated corpse usually cannot be animated again, although in some cases repairs can be made by replacing lost or shattered body parts. It is believed that some aspects of the deceased persist as an indelible imprint on the remains of the dead. These characteristics are exploited for a variety of necromantic processes. For thralls, the animating runes establish a basic pattern of behavior but also exploit deeply imprinted behavior to facilitate a thrall’s functioning. For example, bodies contain persisting knowledge of how to move, walk, maintain balance, use their hands, and so on. Regardless of the state or lack of physical sense organs, thralls are aware of their surroundings and can see and hear to a similar degree as the living. Even in total darkness, thralls inherently sense living beings and can move directly toward them.


Necrotech Cryxian necromancers often seek to improve their thralls using nonmagical methods in order to keep the cost of inscribing tunes down. “Necrotechs” fuse undead flesh with blighted steel, stitching furnaces and steam engines powered by necrotite into their thralls. Thralls so enhanced cost an extra 1,000 gp in parts and production of the engine, but can be upgraded with enhancements normally only suitable for mechanikal prosthetics. These prosthetic enhancements are not exactly the same design, but provide the same benefits and operate on similar principles. Instead of drawing charges from a capacitor, necrotech is fueled by a necrotite engine. The engine can run for 24 hours on 1 lb of necrotite. If the engine loses power, the thrall loses its immunity to exhaustion and immediately suffers one level of exhaustion. Each day that a thrall remains unpowered results in another level of exhaustion. Necrotite coal is contraband outside of Cryx and can be quite costly. In remote areas it can cost as much as 50 gp per pound. Near battlefields where it can be mined or in cities with a robust black market, the price can drop to 20 gp per pound. In Cryx itself, prices average 10 gp per pound.

    By way of a combination of this lingering imprint and animating runes, a thrall can understand basic spoken orders and act as bid by its creator. More complex functionality is artificially endowed by the nature of the runes employed in a thrall’s animation. The simplest thralls are extremely literal in the execution of its orders and cannot exercise judgment in processing commands. The complexity of the thrall determines the scope of the tasks it can perform. Even the simplest thrall can undertake tasks such as rudimentary labor, including digging or moving heavy objects. Advanced thralls can make complex decisions and demonstrate qualities that suggest a personality. Most still lack inherent motivation and exhibit only superficial indications of anything resembling individuality, such as posture, mannerisms, and responses to orders. Advanced thralls can be empowered to speak and relate messages. Death magic is inherently inimical to the living and most thralls naturally seek to do violence against the living. This tendency is easily exploited to use them as warriors and guardians. Thralls can be instructed not to attack certain individuals and might have limited ability to distinguish friends from foes, although obvious markings might be necessary to avoid accidents. For example, a simple thrall might not be able to tell two people apart but could be told not to attack anyone wearing a red armband. Simple thralls require short and direct commands, and most thralls cannot remember more than one or two orders at a time. More advanced thralls can be given long-term objectives and layered orders that include contingencies. As a general rule, necromancers do not entrust vital and complex tasks to thralls, which perform best when given direct supervision or extremely simple tasks, such as an order to kill anyone other than the necromancer himself who enters a room.

Infernalism and Other Forms of Witchcraft

The study and invocation of infernal entities is a discipline more blasphemous and feared than necromancy. Few are mad or desperate enough to truck with these creatures from realms beyond Caen and Urcaen. Contacting the infernals is perilous, and those who possess the knowledge guard it jealously. Despite having learned how to summon infernal creatures, bind them into service, and make terrible bargains with them, infernalists often know little about the creatures themselves or what deeper desires they may foster beyond a hunger for the souls of the living. Most infernalists are arcanists who have opened a font of power that grants them frightening and terrible gifts. The price is invariably paid in souls, and infernalists often barter pieces of their own essence as well as selling souls stolen from others. The dreadful actions of infernalists have magnified the suspicion and distrust heaped on all who practice magic, making them as hated by other magic practitioners as by the pious. Grymkin are malevolent and devious supernatural creatures that visit mischief and violence on all those they encounter. The nature of grymkin is little understood and remains a topic of debate amongst extraordinary zoologists across western Immoren. These creatures are almost certainly not of the natural world, although their origins are as uncertain as their inscrutable motives. Some scholars believe they come from a realm beyond Caen, linking them to beings such as infernals; others consider them to be tangible manifestations of dreams and nightmares. All agree that they seem to visit suffering on intelligent creatures alone and rarely interfere with ordinary animals or beasts. All grymkin seem driven by perverse whims rather than ordinary predatory instincts. Some grymkin are believed to have specific vulnerabilities that circumvent their impressive supernatural capabilities. Some of these claimed disadvantages are incredibly esoteric, but others are quite common, such as the weakness of gremlins against feline predators. Regardless, grymkin have given rise to colorful folklore, though separating fact from fanciful exaggeration can be difficult. In many cases, the demonstrable facts are as outlandish and unlikely as the many stories that have been invented out of whole cloth. Those who study grymkin have discovered that not all grymkin are equally powerful. At the breed’s apex exist a series of individuals known as the Defiers. These are beings attested to have god-like power, and as with any powerful being, they have their mortal followers. Some of these followers receive powerful boons from their patrons that compete with any blessing handed down from a god. Whether a witch or warlock deals with infernals, grymkin, or other unsavory entities, their practices are considered evil and illegal by virtually every government. When found out, witches face torture or execution.


The denizens of Urcaen and the Infernal Realms are not standing ready to be summoned at the beck and call of mortal spellcasters. Spells that summon creatures often do not work as intended in the Iron Kingdoms, if they work at all. These spells are discussed below.

The summon greater demon, summon lesser demons, and unseen servant spells do not exist in the Iron Kingdoms. The conjure celestial spell uniquely beseeches one of the gods for aid, and will be answered if the caster is in exceptionally good standing with the god. Otherwise, the spell has no effect. The conjure animals, conjure elemental, conjure fey, conjure minor elementals, and conjure woodland beings spells all summon entities from the wilderness of Urcaen. Summoned entities are always fey creatures and are nefarious grymkin. These creatures will follow the instructions of whoever summoned them for the duration of the spell. After the spell ends, or if the caster’s concentration is broken, the summoned creatures remain and act of their own accord. The infernal calling and planar ally spells can be used to summon infernals, but do not bind them in any way. Planar ally can also call grymkin. Planar binding can be used to bind any conjured creature, including infernals, to your will. A bound creature, when released from service, will seek retaliation against its captor. The find familiar, find greater steed, and find steed spells can only summon fey and fiend creatures, which are grymkin and infernals respectively. Canny witch hunters can sometimes identify a witch by their servants.

Teleportation and Translocation

Some wizards have experimented with crossing distances instantaneously, however translocational magic seems to be more common amongst sorcerers who work it instinctively, for the written lore is closely guarded and known to only a few. One reason these spells are so carefully guarded is that they are dangerous and known to attract unwanted attention. Infernals who happen to be in the right place at the right time, metaphysically speaking, can “tag along” on teleportation or summoning spells, even if uninvited. This is a rare, but very real, danger that a mage might not discover until it is too late. Indeed, since these spells are so rare, it is fairly common for Infernals to provide them as boons to wizards they seek to corrupt, bestowing corrupted versions of the spells specifically designed to attract their attention. Careful or paranoid wizards use teleportation magic only when necessary, often taking precautions against trouble such as a protection from evil and good spell or similar measures. Lesser teleportation spells, such as misty step and dimension door, carry less risk than spells such as teleportation circle (some claim that the risk is negligible for line-of-sight teleportation). Also, practitioners of druidic and divine magic that are granted teleportation magic do not need to pass through the infernal realms and are relatively safe when they teleport.

Planar Magic

As far as the inhabitants of Immoren know, there are only two worlds: Caen, where they live, and Urcaen, where their souls go when they die. Some have studied and postulated the existence of other realms, such as the infernal realms or the Void of skorne philosophy, but these studies have been less than fruitful and are seldom encouraged by authorities.


    Magic that draws on the energy of other planes doesn’t exist in the Iron Kingdoms, and items that create extradimensional spaces don’t exist. Astral projection, demiplane, gate, Leomund’s secret chest, maze, Mordenkainen’s magnificent mansion, plane shift, and similar spells are not known to Immorese spellcasters. Spells that have multiple functions may not have all options available to them. For example, the imprisonment spell can use the “chaining” option, but not the “hedged prison” option because it creates a demiplane. Similarly, the banishment and banishing smite spells can be used to send an infernal or grymkin back to their native realms, but will have no effect when used on a mortal. Spells that interact with the ethereal plane, such as etherealness, still function. Instead of shunting the subject of the spell to another plane, however, the subject just takes on an incorporeal form on Caen. Some creatures, such as infernals, break these rules regularly and possess magic beyond mortal knowledge. From such entities, a mortal mage might be capable of some of the otherwise impossible spells listed above.

Magical Restoration

Nothing in this world is free, and healing is one of the more common prayers sent up to the gods by mortal followers. Sometimes, the gods will see fit to aid mortals, but doing so invariably comes at a price.

The Pain of Healing

True healing is not a natural aspect of magic; knitting living flesh and organs is a complex and difficult endeavor better served by surgeons or allowing a body to rest and recover. Mystical restoration is possible only through a manifestation of divine energy, which makes all healing a minor miracle. Such miracles carry risk and inflict a toll on the body, whether as temporary weakness or, in the case of repeated healing, permanent marks or impairment. When a character is healed by a spell or a supernatural ability, roll a d6 and reference the table below, adding +1 for each time the character has been healed since their last long rest. If the creature being healed worships a different god that the one bestowing the healing, add +2 to the roll. Magical Healing Roll Effect 1-3 You have no side effects from the healing. 4-5 You suffer from a mild and temporary side effect of the healing. You might take ill with a fever, feel extraordinarily tired, or suffer some other mild affliction. Gain 1 point of exhaustion. 6 You are afflicted by extreme fatigue. Gain 2 points of exhaustion. 7 You are struck dumb. You cannot speak or cast spells for the next 2d6 hours. 8 You are marked by the rigors of healing. You add 2d10 years to your age. If you die from old age as a result of magical healing, you dissolve into a pile of dust.


Raising the Dead

Returning from the dead is no simple matter. The gods need souls and will relinquish them only begrudgingly. Once a priest has agreed to perform the ritual, the return from Urcaen is not without risk to the priest or the deceased. The more powerful a soul is, the less willing the gods are to part with it. The dangers of returning a soul are intertwined with the dangers of regular healing magic as well, making the process complicated and painful. Whenever a character attempts to raise the dead, they must make a Wisdom saving throw with a DC equal to 15 + the level of the character being raised. If the save is successful, then there are no side effects to the ritual. On a failed saving throw, the character casting the spell must roll 1d8 and consult the table below. Raising the Dead Roll Effect 1 Your constitution is weakened by the intimacy with death. You have disadvantage on Constitution saving throws and vulnerability to poison damage. This effect may be removed by a greater restoration spell after 1d6 weeks. 2 You are plagued by spirits that also seek to return to life. These spirits permanently drain your three highest level spell slots. This effect can be removed by a series of 1d10 banishment spells. 3 Your god humbles you by withdrawing their blessing. You cannot cast spells for 3d6 weeks. 4 Your hands are crippled and deformed by the ritual, leaving them unable to properly grasp or hold anything heavier than a few pounds. Additionally, you cannot cast spells with somatic components. This effect can be reversed by a regenerate spell. 5 Your eyes incinerate and are left as blackened pits. You are blinded. This effect can be reversed by a regenerate spell. 6 You permanently reduces their Wisdom score by 1d6 and suffers an indefinite madness (DMG pg 260). 7 One of the your limbs, determined at random, is turned to dust. This effect can be reversed by a regenerate spell. 8 The gods demand a soul in exchange and 1 humanoid character within 100 feet of the ritual is instantly slain. If no other characters are present during the ritual, the caster is slain.

Raising the dead can be just as harrowing for the deceased as for the caster. If the caster failed their Wisdom saving throw, then the character being raised must immediately roll 1d8 and consult the following table. If the caster succeeded on their saving throw, then there is still a chance the character will suffer a side effect. Roll 1d100, and if the result is less than three times the character’s level, roll on the table below. A character always returns from the dead with 4 levels of exhaustion. It should be noted that reincarnation is less disruptive than resurrection. A character who is returned to life through a reincarnate spell will never roll on the Returning from the Dead table. A spellcaster who casts the reincarnate spell has advantage on their Wisdom saving throw.

Returning from the Dead Roll Effect 1 You give off a foul stench, as if you are rotting. You have disadvantage on Charisma (Persuasion) and Dexterity (Stealth) checks. 2 You are disturbed by fleeting memories of Urcaen. You suffer from an indefinite madness and a longterm madness (DMG pg 260) until cured. 3 One of the your limbs, determined at random, is turned to dust. This effect can be reversed by a regenerate spell. 4 You are physically deformed. You permanently reduce your score in one ability by 2 points. Roll a d6 to determine which ability is reduced. Additionally, your appearance gives you disadvantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks, but advantage on Charisma (Intimidation) checks. 5 Your eyes become the color of tombstones and see nothing. You are blinded. This effect can be reversed by a regenerate spell. 6 An aura of death hangs around you. Plants with and die, and animals are hostile in your presence. 7 Your constitution is weakened by the intimacy with death. You have disadvantage on Constitution saving throws and vulnerability to poison damage. This effect may be removed by a greater restoration spell after 1d6 weeks. 8 Another soul has followed you back to the land of the living and taken up residence in your body beside you. You are treated as an undead creature for the purposes of spells and effects. Undead creatures believe you are also undead. If an undead targets you directly with an attack or a harmful spell, that creature must make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw (an undead needn't make the save when it includes you in an area effect, such as the explosion of fireball). On a failed save, the creature must choose a new target or forfeit targeting someone instead of you, potentially wasting the attack or spell. On a successful save, the creature is immune to this effect for 24 hours. An undead is also immune to this effect for 24 hours if you target it with an attack or a harmful spell.

New Spells

The spells are presented in alphabetical order. Foxhole is a ranger, sorcerer, and wizard spell. Polarization and repair damage are artificer, bard, sorcerer, and wizard spells.


1st-level transmutation Casting Time: 1 action Range: 60 feet Components: V, S, M (a spade or shovel) Duration: Instantaneous You create a 5 foot deep hole up to 10 feet in diameter centered on a point within range. You must create the hole on a horizontal surface made of dirt, sand, or clay. A Medium or smaller character standing in the hole has half cover from creatures outside the hole, unless the attacker is directly over the hole. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher you can create another hole for each spell level above 1st. You can overlap multiple holes to create a trench network. Polarization

4th-level transmutation Casting Time: 1 action Range: 30 feet Components: V, S, M (iron filings and a small magnet) Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute Choose a creature you can see within range. You surround the creature with a magnetic field that attracts or repels metallic objects. Attraction. Small metallic objects are pulled toward the target. Metallic objects within 5 feet weighing less than 10 pounds fly toward the target and cling to their person. This attraction does not have enough momentum to cause damage. Any time the target wishes to drop a metallic object, they must make a Strength saving throw or the object remains attached to them. Ranged and melee weapon attacks against the target with metallic weapons have advantage. The target has vulnerability to lightning damage. Repulsion. Small metallic objects are repelled from the target, out to a range of 5 feet. Any time the target attempts to grasp a metal object weighing less than 10 pounds, they must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed saving throw, the object is repelled from their grasp before they can secure it. Ranged and melee weapon attacks against the target with metallic weapons have disadvantage. The target has vulnerability to lightning damage. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 5th level or higher, you may target one additional creature for each slot level above 1st. Repair

1st-level transmutation Casting Time: 1 action Range: Tocuh Components: V, S Duration: Instantaneous A construct you touch regains a number of hit points equal to 1d8 + your spellcasting ability modifier. This spell has no effect on creatures that are not constructs. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the healing increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 1st.