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Revision test Prepositions of Place Prepositions of Time 1 Put in the right preposition 3 Put in the correct preposit

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Revision test Prepositions of Place

Prepositions of Time

1 Put in the right preposition

3 Put in the correct preposition

1. ___ the kitchen 2. ___ the floor 3. ___ Japan 4. ___ work 5. ___ home

1. ___Christmas 2. ___ the evening 3. ___ Christmas evening 4. ___ the weekend 5. ___the 1-st of April

6. ____ the world 7. ____ the shops 8. _____ Baker Street 9. _____ the desk 10. _____ 31 Baker Street

1 0 2 Fill in the gaps with the suitable prepositions. 0 0 1. There's some coffee __the shelf ___the cupboard. 0 2. My friend works___a chemist's___the town centre. 0 3. There's a cinema___the corner___the end of the street. 4. On Sundays Mr. Smith stays___home and works ___the garden. 5. Our train arrived____York. Paul met us___the station. 6. Does your train stop ____Krakow? 7. I live ____York ___42 East Street, and Jane lives ____ West Street. 1 4

6.____ April 7.___ Monday 8. ___ Monday morning 9. ___ 1997 10.___ night 1 0

4 Add at, in or on where necessary. 1. Ann doesn't normally work ____the weekend, but she had to work___ last Saturday. 2. Did he send you a card____your birthday? 3. The Browns went on holiday to Italy____ Easter and then again____ the summer. 4. Robert Burns was born___ 1759 and died___ 1796. 5. She's going to a conference in Spain ___ a week. 6. Do you enjoy driving ____night? 7. I'm taking my driving test____4.50____ September 1st. 1 1

5 Read the text and put in the right prepositions. Jack and Mary live 1____ a small town 2___ California. Their parents have a house 3____ the beach 4_____ Santa Rose. 5____ summer they usually spend time there. They get up 6____ 10 o'clock 7___ the morning, have breakfast and go swimming or surfing 8_____the sea. They have lunch 9_____ the beach. 10____ the afternoon the kids often play beach ball games 11 ____ the shore. 12___ the evening they have dinner13 ____ home. Later they go to meet their friends 14 ____ Sarah's Beach Cafe 15______ Sunrise Street. 16____ Sundays they usually go to a disco 17 ____ night. They often go to bed 18___ about 11 or 12 o’clock 19___ the evening. 2 They like to spend summer 20___ California. 0


6 5

Exercise 1 1. in 2. on 3. in 4. at 5. at 6. in 7. at 8. in 9. on 10. at Exercise 2 1. on, in 2. at, in 3. at, at 4. at, in 5. in, at 6. in 7. in, at, in Exercise 3 1. at 2. in 3. on 4. at 5. on .6 in 7. on 8. on 9. in 10. at Exercise 4 1. at, – 2. on 3. at, in 4. in, in 5. in 6. at 7. at, on Exercise 5 1 in 2 in 3 on 4 at 5 In 6 at 7 in 8 in 9 on 10 In 11 at 12 In 13 at 14 at 15 in 16 On 17 at 18 at 19 in 20 in