How to Protect Yourself Agains - David Goddard_55882

How to Protec Yourself Again st Psychic Attack W e are all aware of the importance of having security for our homes;

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How to Protec Yourself Again st Psychic Attack


e are all aware of the importance of having security for our homes; to protect them from intruders, thieves or would­

be killers. And that same need exists for protection for our minds, bodies and souls. �ith the increase in the numbers of people who use psychic means to hurt their enemies, having the Secret Knowledge of True spiritual Defense, against their psychic wickedness, is vital. And, you now have in your hands a practical manual about how to defend yourself from Psychic attacks, and assaults by Dark magic. It is based upon the author's own experience, of over thirty years in-depth work in this field. T he techniques given herein are effective and powerful protections. Also included are methods for cleansing people and places that are already under the influence of evil.

UThe Light shines in the Darkness but the Darkness cannot overcome the Light."

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by David Goddard

Published by Rising Phoenix Foundation, Inc . Flat 3, 224 Nether Street, London N3 1 JD, United Kingdom How to Protect Yourself Against Psychic Attack © 20 1 2 David Goddard & Rising Phoenix Foundation ISBN-lO: 09832469 1 2 ISBN- 1 3 : 978-0-9832469- 1-6

David Goddard asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, storage or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publishers. British Library Catalogue in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.




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How to Protect Yourself Against Psychic Attack

CONTENTS Preface.. Introduction

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Indicators of Psychic Attack Attackers


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Magical assaults.. Demonic p ossession

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Preliminary defenses

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. .... ...................... ............. ......... ... .... . ... ... ............... .................... 29


Raising the Walls of Prayer .. ...... . .. .. Holy Water

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................................................. 39

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Shielding your aura .. .

.................................... ............. 47


Mantle of Our Lady


Invoking Great Michael

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The Holy W heels . .

.. ......... .......................... 51


Holy G uardian Angel.. Breastplate of Truth


The Adamantine Tower Armor of Light

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Invoking the Heavenly Powers..

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CleanSing of Places ..




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Appendix . Psalms of Protection ... .



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How to Protect Yourself Against Psychic Attack



rowing up in Africa, I saw the dark side of the magical arts. It was (and still is) used to terrorize and destroy people. Where sorcery

and Blood-magic is used to manipulate and harm people in all area of their lives: in their businesses, in local and national politics, and their health and wellbeing. Also, in my international travels, I have seen the increase of evil

magic in modern First World cities. The mutilated bodies of people who have been tortured in evil rites are thrown into the River Thames in London. And the same abominations are happening in the metropolitan cites of Europe, America and elsewhere. Sorcerers now blatantly advertize their services to homes, and on the internet. There are websites offering curses and evil spells to destroy enemies. And now, more than ever before, there are easily obtained books teaching their readers how to summon evil spirits. And how to 'visit destruction' on other human beings. Only last month, an 'academic' conference was held in Stockholm dedicated to "Embracing the Dark': The majority of speakers were self-avowed practitioners of sorcery. All of these ancient evils were, at one time, cast out from most of First World culture. But now, due to the decline in spiritual consciousness, they are back - and thriving. So, I am very pleased to now publish this manual of Psychic Self­ defense. It is my earnest wish that it will help and protect many.

Benjamin Philips,

Cofounder & Director of the Rising Phoenix Foundation

How to Protect Yourself Against Psychic Attack



PSYChiC attack - what is it? It is when the subtle aspects of the mind are violently used to bring hurt, distress, pain and

suffering to another person. It is a form of astral bullying. It can be caused by a number of things and that varies from what could be called 'mild' to 'fatal'. Psychic attack is also known as "ill wishing': ''evil eye': "cursing': and "malificare': Despite what some modern folk think - the reality of Psychic attack has been recognised by every culture in human history. Now you do not get that amount of smoke without a big fire. But, it is important, first and foremost, to know that Psychic attack is rare. It is

not an everyday occurrence in the lives of most people.

In cases of suspected PsychiC attacks, diagnosis should always precede treatment, to ascertain whether something is a true Psychic attack or not. So the first thing that should be looked at is, the health of the person being attacked and their subjective conditions. Is there anything that has made them more susceptible to paranoia? This can be physical health; not eating properly; lack of exercise and fresh air; the use of drugs (not medically prescribed ones); overuse of alcohol will aggravate the conditions; and also obsessing or stressing out over matters in life, such as: work, family and romance. Has the person been engaging in "passive psychism" (what is wrongly called "spiritual-development")? The kind of New Age flim-flam that advocates 'open yourself up and just allow whatever comes to you'? This kind of passivity lowers the natural defenses of the psyche (the soul of the person) and can lead to forms of mental invasion, as well as hypersensitivity and self-delusions. Many professional psychics are neurotic and have nervous disorders. All of these factors have to be taken into account for an accurate diagnosis.

How to Protect Yourself Against Psychic Attack


Also the practical question is: if a person may be under Psychic attack, then why are they being attacked? If it is a true case it will be that they have an enemy, somebody who is 'in hate with them. This may well have a cause. The fact that the person has an enemy doesn't mean that they are a bad person. However, we all know of cases of people who have a great hatred for an individual and because there are no laws controlling psychic attack, some people with a little know­ how and some with a great deal of knowledge resort to this kind of evil as a way of bringing pain to people whom they hate. When we are dealing with Psychic attacks at the usual level - I distinguish them from 'magical attacks' which are far more serious.

Indicators of Psychic Attack


o what are the indications of a Psychic attack? Characteristic dreams are typically terrifying. They will usually have a similar

scenario and involve the same people or the same images or even the same creatures - for example a wolf or a hyena. The feeling of weight upon the chest, particularly when one is sleeping and then one comes to half-wakefulness. There have been many pictures painted over the centuries showing beings kneeling upon the chest of victims. If there is this sense of weight on the chest, and the other conditions are proven, this is usually an indication that the source of the attack is nearby. That is because there is etheric energy (it is not a purely astral event), and etheric energy requires that the person who is sending the attack is nearby and able to generate ectoplasm. The sense of fear and oppression is very characteristic of these psychic or occult attacks. But it is extremely rare for an attack to come straight out of the blue. In the same way that some people can tell when a thunderstorm is coming; so an approaching assault often

How to Protect Yourself Against Psychic Attack


casts a shadow on the consciousness of the victim before it arrives. And this sense of oppression can be felt by the intended victim. Nervous exhaustion is one of the indications of Psychic attack. When the person is fully under attack, they don't sleep well, they are frightened to sleep and this in turn leads to increasing nervous exhaustion and of course in time will lead to a mental breakdown. It is quite rare for basic Psychic attacks to result in the death of a person, although it is possible. Usually it is the full-on magical attacks, the occult attacks of the bigger level, that will be aiming at the destruction of the person's physical life. Generally Psychic attacks drag down the emotional and mental health of the person concerned. Changes in temperature in the home, electrical problems and unusual phenomena around the person being attacked is an indication. Also, if the symptoms of the psychic assault lessen, or go away altogether when the victim is in a totally different environment, is indicative. In other words, if they go on a journey away from their home, away for a few days and there are no symptoms, but as soon as they come back to their usual place the symptoms return again. It is important to realize that headaches and a general malaise, in and of themselves, do not indicate a Psychic attack. There are other factors too that may be involved: health issues; allergies; various intolerances. It is also important to realize that difficulties in life like losing one's job, or breaking up with one's partner, and things like this are not indicators of Psychic attack. It is also important to ascertain whether the person is getting the right amount of sleep. Sleep is very necessary to avoid imbalances on all levels, particularly on the psychic leveL The symptoms we have mentioned so far are, what we could call,

How to Protect Yourself Against Psychic Attack


the subjective symptoms - and they have to be sifted through very carefully because they are subjective on the part of the person. There are other phenomena which are more objective that indicate that the person


being attacked. After all, the attack is coming in most

cases from the malignant mind of another human being, and in most cases that person is actively psychic themselves. They are not doing it with knowledge, they are doing it through direct mental focus upon the person whom they hate, but what they do stirs up other powers in the astral neighbourhood (the astral environment). This is why a sense of fear is one of the surest signs that herald an attack, but one needs to ascertain whether the person is naturally fearful due to life-experience, low self-esteem or whether it only come on since the attacks. After all, with most attacks, if they are successful, the victim becomes afraid to sleep; they cannot keep awake indefinitely; they become worn out by the fear, the lack of sleep, and mental breakdown soon follows. Evil smells and odours are another manifestation of an astral attack. The characteristic smell is that of rotting flesh like a corpse that has been left in the sun. These smells come and go capriciously but while they are there and manifesting, there is no doubt about them and why these smells are strong indicators is because others in the room can smell them as well as the victim. Sometimes the smell is like the stink of drains. These smells come and go. A curious phenomenon is 'slime' - like the mucous trail left by slugs - this appears on walls, sometimes the ceiling, but more often than not on the floor. The strange thing is that sometimes there are marks, like footprints, in the slime. Also, if there is snow around the home of the person who is under attack, sometimes there will be odd footprints in the snow that appear from nowhere and lead nowhere.

How to Protect Yourself Against Psychic Attack


They are suddenly there and they go on for a few yards and then they stop. Another phenomenon of Psychic-attack is bruises and even cuts upon the body of the victim. This happens because of skirmishing during sleep. This is the phenomena of repercussion. If somebody who is doing the attack is more trained, they will deliberately wait until their intended victim is probably out of their body, in sleep and that is when they will do their major assault. Then when the person wakes there are bruises on the body, often in a definite pattern. It is also known in severe cases to register as cuts and wounds. These can be bites and scratches appearing usually on the limbs but not always. In very severe magical attacks this can be even more pronounced. Fire breaking out in odd places, electrical problems, lighting, heating, electrical gadgets, computers keep flaring or breaking for no apparent reason is an indicator that magical force is at work. And then there may be Poltergeist activity, which is when objects are thrown about, or noisy manifestations occur: when there is nobody else in the house and unexplained sounds are heard people. There is another curious phenomena which most occultists call the "astral bell': The sound varies. It often resembles the sound of a cracked wine glass, or a knife blade, but it can sound like a full bronze bell. This phenomena usually announces the coming of some kind of entity but it does not necessarily mean that it is a herald of evil. Sometimes the sound of silvery bells or like Tibetan singing bowls or gongs, can signal the advent of good spirits and angels. So this in itself should not be seen as malignant. It also needs to be borne in mind that, some individuals will use the topic of Psychic attack as a way to get attention. This needs a 'hawk eye' - experienced perception - because even an otherwise

How to Protect Yourself Against Psychic Attack


balanced person, if they have been under attack for a while, will be exhibiting signs of nervousness, fearfulness, that could lead one to think that the person is neurotic or paranoid. If there is a suspicion that this may be case, then this is where any physical phenomenona particularly when it has been seen by other people - is of importance. One nee