From the Ether to the Quantum Field

From The Ether To The Quantum Field Essay By Peter Fritz Walter Let me introduce the present essay with a quote that m

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From The Ether To The Quantum Field Essay By Peter Fritz Walter

Let me introduce the present essay with a quote that must come over as uncanny for it treats an entirely different subject. The quote is from ‘Think and Grow Rich,’ Napoleon Hill’s famous study on success, an endeavor proposed to him by Andrew Carnegie. The last thing I would have expected in a book on sound business principles, and the secrets of success was to read about the ether! Napoleon Hill writes in Think and Grow Rich (1937), Chapter Three: The ether is a great cosmic mass of eternal forces of vibration. It is made up of both destructive vibrations and constructive vibrations. It carries, at all times, vibrations of fear, poverty, disease, failure, misery; and vibrations of prosperity, health, success, and happiness, just as surely as it carries the sound of hundreds of orchestrations of music, and hundreds of human voices, all of which


maintain their own individuality, and means of identification, through the medium of radio. From the great storehouse of the ether, the human mind is constantly attracting vibrations which harmonize with that which dominates the human mind. Any thought, idea, plan, or purpose which one holds in one’s mind attracts, from the vibrations of the ether, a host of its relatives, adds these ‘relatives’ to its own force, and grows until it becomes the dominating, motivating master of the individual in whose mind it has been housed.

The astonishing thing about this quote is that at the time when Hill wrote his book, in 1937, modern science had not yet recognized the quantum field, the zero-point field or quantum vacuum, and more importantly, the unified field or super-string field. To conclude that Hill was very probably initiated in the secrets of perennial science, which always had known


the fact that all life and living is basically a function of vibration. In fact, you find this knowledge also in the books of New Thought authors, such as James Allen (1864-1912), Wallace D. Wattles (1860-1911), Charles F. Haanel (1866-1949) or Ernest Holmes (18871960). Vibration really is the most basic of all phenomena we can observe around life and living. Life is essentially vibration, and all vibration potentially is at the origin of one or the other form of life. In Antiquity, vibrational and sound healing was the special knowledge of the enlightened sage, who was typically always also a musician, and this tradition that was perhaps first established by the Egyptians, became firmly rooted in the Greek and Roman


empires, and from there made it through the MiddleAges, in the Renaissance. —See, for example, Jonathan Goldman, Healing Sounds: The Power of Harmonics (2002) and Joachim-Ernst Berendt, Nada Brahma: The World is Sound (1991).

However, this tradition went underground during the so-called Enlightenment, and the establishment of reductionist modern science that discarded out from scientific observation all what is beyond the five senses, disqualifying theories as ‘vitalistic’ that care about the reintegration of the lost continuum. Emotions and the sexual function are energy phenomena; to not see that equates fundamental ignorance. It’s as if a car maker asserted that a car is propelled by the engine, without mentioning that the engine in turn only works because of fuel. Of course,


as the car is ultimately driven by the fuel in the tank, so is the human body by the bioenergy that is part of the bioplasma, and of the aura, as well as the atmospheric energy field that connects all living systems. This ignorance is not archaic, it is a modern retrogradation of human intelligence! It started with the split between science and religion, at the time of Newton and Descartes. So we can actually say that this ignorance was somehow deliberate. Those topics were relegated to mysticism, religion and superstition. The result was clockwork science; as it ticked along with mechanical precision, it deemed itself to be superior over what it called ‘epiphenomena.’ One of those epiphenomena was the ancient notion of the ether; for let’s not be mistaken, and despite the different terms used in different cultures, all the —6—

ancient traditions knew about and recognized the cosmic ether, the luminiferous ether, the life force, the supreme energy. And this force was always equated with divine power; it was considered as the ultimate creator principle! Now let me clarify one important notion. We should not talk about ‘energy science’ as some modern researchers do. For the term ‘energy’ historically connotes kinetic energy, while here we are not talking at all about kinetic energy but a specific bioplasmatic energy field. Kinetic energy is an outcome or a function one of many, of the cosmic energy field; another is bioelectricity, and still another are hurricanes and thunderstorms. —7—

As this is so, we should talk about ‘field science’ or ‘the science of the bioenergy,’ or else use the vocabulary of quantum physics and call it string theory. This science has a long history. In ancient China it had two important applications, Feng Shui, and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Again, some modern researchers on what they call ‘the cosmic life energy’ make for confusion as they tend to call the unified field ‘acupuncture energy.’ That’s about as scientific as when a child observes a dog and utters that dogs have ‘an energy to jump.’ The meridians in our organism are not the only channels where we can observe the flow of the ‘cosmic breath.’ Fairy paths, the bird migration and the continental drift are other fields of observation, not to mention the functional discharge or ‘effluvia’ dur—8—

ing a thunderstorm, observed so well by Nikola Tesla, which actually is a bioelectric storm, or the causes of hurricanes and tsunamis. I will mention many more in the course of my narration. Another cause of confusion is of epistemological nature; it is the fact that the ancients called this science philos sophia, which literally means ‘love of wisdom.’ In modern times, this is then translated as ‘philosophy;’ but our understanding of philosophy is very different from that of the ancients. For the ancients, it was the highest form of observing nature, hence it was science! For us, it is speculation about the destiny of humanity. I came to call it ‘perennial science,’ a term that was inspired by Aldous Huxley’s book ‘Perennial Philosophy.’ This science was truly holistic, not frag—9—

mented. It was not superstition, as shamanism is not superstition. It was including wisdom techniques such as astrology and numerology, face and palm reading, divination, and prophecy. Most of it was ‘hermetic,’ which means secret or occult, only transmitted orally from master to disciple, in the hands of the clergy, or independent sages. This ancient holistic science is the real Tree of Knowledge that the Bible mentions in the Genesis. We are today again talking about ‘holistic science’ but we deem it to be a new science. This is incorrect, to say the least, for all ancient science traditions, which I cumulatively call ‘perennial science traditions’ were holistic. Hence, what is called ‘new science’ refers to a renewal of science not pertaining


to the ancient traditions, but to the Cartesian interlude that lasted roughly 300 years. On first sight, one may wonder why Newton and Descartes were so outspoken against the clergy; upon deeper research, it becomes clear that they had a valid reason to at least ‘officially’ put up a ravine between science and religion. Actually, when you study their biographies you will see that they both were real initiates, not just ‘a physicist’ and ‘a mathematician.’ Both were studying what at the time was called the ‘occult sciences’ and which is exactly that Tree of Knowledge I am talking about here, that ancient hermetic tradition. The problem with science at that time was that people eventually woke up from the quite arbitrary judgments that the Church arrogated itself to make —11—

about life, death, and evil. The Church by and large had overtaken Aristotle’s epistemology, and whatever the great philosopher’s motivation was, the Church did not care much about it, for it had its own power agenda. So Aristotle’s scientific system was bent and twisted until it fit the Church’s needs to control people and hold them back from inquiring themselves, in the way the old sages did. An inquisitive spirit had to be declared heresy, so that the rule of ‘divide et impera’ could be upheld under yet another name. And when the Middle-Ages took their end, and the Renaissance was heading again toward the Light of Knowledge, it was a good man’s duty to take that distance to the clergy mob, and if it was only to show that one had more to offer than pious devotion and lacquered obedience! —12—

Besides that, Newton’s scientific worldview made not only a lot of sense, but it really worked. Cartesian science worked, when it was applied to clockworks, and for construing canon balls and guns, simple machines, and railroads. And it worked for the Industrial Revolution to flourish and head humanity into a new age. It was less brilliant when applied to living systems; it created a medical science that is drug-based, chemical, and mechanistic. It could not understand living systems, as it did not understand the function of pattern. And as this reductionist science was going mainstream, and became an essential part of our school system, it brought about millions of deficient thinkers!


Now let me give a short overview over the development of the concept of the ‘ether’ into what today modern science calls the unified field or superstring field. There was namely a hidden science history going all along mainstream science, as something like a ‘parallel reality.’ I would first like to examine the concept of ‘psychic energy’ that was forwarded by Carl Jung (1875-1961). Jung puts up an astonishing analogy between the Platonic concept of ideas, and the concept of energy in his study Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious, saying that at bottom there is no difference between Plato’s concept of ‘ideas’ and Jung’s proprietary concept of psychic energy that he considered to be a constituent element in archetypes.


Thus, Jung’s insight that archetypes contain psychic energy is sound and consequent. In accordance with most native people’s traditions, Jung called the universal vital force ‘mana.’ An eminent expert on the matter, Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772), was asking the same question as Jung and answered it by pointing to the bioplasmatic energy that produces, for example, an ectoplasm; he called it spirit energy simply because he had observed that spirits he encountered during séances were emanating this energy, and later found that same energy in plants. There is a continuity in bioenergy research in so far as all researchers speak of a unifying energy concept, instead of splitting the cosmic energy into psy-


chic energy, on one hand, and kinetic energy, on the other. Let me briefly report, for this purpose, the explanations of Paracelsus, Swedenborg, Mesmer, Freud, Reichenbach, Reich and Lakhovsky. Paracelsus (1493-1541), a wandering scholar and healer from Switzerland was one of the greatest exponents of holistic science in medieval times; he was a phenomenally successful natural healer and alchemist. He used to call the bioenergy vis vitalis or mumia and he identified this energy in all plants. Paracelsus was the first to recognize that the energy manifested in different plants in a way such as to form specific patterns, like a unique vibrational code assigned to each of them. With this extraordinary knowledge that is, as I found, also taught and ap—16—

plied in Chinese herbal medicine, he lectured that certain plants are collateral for healing and certain others not. He thus proposed to take only the vital essence from plants, as this was later done by Samuel Hahnemann and Edward Bach in homeopathy, by the use of distillation. The tinctures he thereby created possessed the distinctive characteristic of being highly effective, condensed and potent healing agents through their harmonious melting of various plant energies into a higher form of unison vibration, which we have to imagine as some sort of composite vibrational code. The same what Paracelsus achieved doing in the West, Chinese sages did in the East, as they found, millennia before his birth, after testing over genera—17—

tions, that no one single plant can achieve a healing potency that a set of collateral plants, distinctly distilled into a super-vibrational tincture, can effect. Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772), known for his research on spiritism, called the subtle bioenergy spirit energy. Because of his specific interest in the afterworld, Swedenborg examined the bioenergy in ectoplasm and drew his conclusions on the basis of these findings. However, Swedenborg lacked the comparative insights that the other researchers possessed, especially Paracelsus and Carl Reichenbach, regarding the bioenergetic vibration of plants. Swedenborg’s concept is well affirming that the cosmic energy is a unified concept, contrary to Jung’s split definition that acknowledged it only in its dual-


istic consistence as psychic energy, on one hand, and kinetic energy, on the other. Furthermore, as Swedenborg elaborated an entire cosmology, and thus a spiritual explanation of the spirit energy, he ultimately related the cosmic energy to God, as a manifestation of the Divine. Franz-Anton Mesmer (1734-1815) was a German physician who, interestingly enough, wrote his doctoral dissertation on the influence of planetary energies upon the human body. His main focus was on the lunar energy in its influence on bodily functions such as sleep rhythms, secretion and healing processes. Contrary to Paracelsus’ focus on plants, Mesmer’s scientific and medical focus was upon humans only. Mesmer got to his insights through the tedious study of hysteria. At his time namely, hysteria, prob—19—

ably because of the cultural taboo around female sexuality, was a rather common emotional disease to be found with middle and upper class women who had suffered patriarchal and sex-denying upbringing and who in addition were living in a condition that did not allow them to abreact their sexual energy. While Freud’s etiology of hysteria was sexual, Mesmer, in good alignment with the morality code of his time, did not touch the sexual question and instead experimented with magnets for healing hysteria. He came up with the expression ‘animal magnetism’ for the simple reason to distinguish this variant of magnetic force from those which were referred to, at that time, as mineral magnetism, cosmic magnetism and planetary magnetism.


He chose the word ‘animal,’ and not human, because it goes back to the Latin root animus. In Latin, animus means what is ‘animated’ with life, with breath, what thus belongs to the animate realm. What Mesmer discovered was thus the bioplasmatic energy that since long was known before him. Mesmer first encountered healing currents through huge and strong magnets that he placed between himself and the patient, and later observed, to his great astonishment, that the same healing effects occurred also without the magnets; which made him conclude that ultimately it was his own body electrics, his own bioplasmatic vibration that had that curing effect upon his hysteric patients. Mesmer thus discovered the subtle energy that before him Paracelsus called vis vitalis and that Swe—21—

denborg named spirit energy, and gave it that somewhat fancy name animal magnetism. Behind the divergence in terminology, these scientists observed and reported basically the same natural phenomena. Baron Carl Ludwig Freiherr von Reichenbach (17881869), a German noble who was a recognized chemist, metallurgist, naturalist and philosopher and member of the prestigious Prussian Academy of Sciences, known for his discoveries of kerosene, paraffin and phenol, spent the last part of his life observing the vibrational emanations and bioenergetic code in plants. He spoke of Od or Odic force, a life principle which he said permeates all living things. Reichenbach was by no means a mystic, but an industrial and a natural scientist. His conclusions were based on the controlled observation of natural —22—

processes in plants and in humans, and the interactions between plants and humans. For example, when observing a plant in a darkened room in the cellar of his castle that he had isolated against telluric vibrations, he observed, after having accustomed his eyes to the dark, a blue-green shadowy egg-formed substance around the plant. After having been certain about his own accurate perception and the repeatability of the experiment, he invited other scientists and lay persons to join him in his observations, and all those other persons, who were carefully selected in terms of mental clarity and sanity, corroborated his observation. On the basis of his discoveries, Reichenbach set out to heal sick people with the Odic force construing various devices for this purpose. He became very —23—

popular as he, as a rich industrial, went to the poor in order to heal their suffering family members. Reichenbach’s research clearly corroborates an important part of the spiritual microcosm of the native Kahunas in Hawaii and the corresponding cosmology of the Cherokee natives in North America who almost exclusively use plant-contained bioenergy in their approach to heal disease. Dr. Wilhelm Reich (1897-1957) was a physician and psychoanalyst, and later orgone researcher, from Austria. Reich was a respected analyst for much of his life, focusing on character structure, rather than on individual neurotic symptoms. Reich was in many ways far ahead of his time in promoting healthy adolescent sexuality, advocating free availability of contraceptives and abortion, and stressing the impor—24—

tance of women’s economic independence. Reich is best known for his studies on the link between human sexuality and emotions, the importance of what he called orgastic potency, and for what he said was the discovery of a form of energy that permeated the atmosphere and all living matter, which he called orgone. Reich built boxes called orgone accumulators, in which patients could sit, and which were intended to accumulate the bioenergy. He corroborated, through his research on what he called orgone energy, what holistic researchers before him already had observed: that life is coded in patterns of an invisible subtle bioplasmatic energy that is not to be confounded with bioelectricity, and that is somehow related to the creator principle. —25—

Georges Lakhovsky (1869-1942) was a Russian engineer who emigrated to France before World War I. In 1929, Lakhovsky published his book Le Secret de la Vie in Paris, translated in English as The Secret of Life. He discovered that all living cells possess attributes normally associated with electronic circuits. Lakhovsky made the discovery that the oscillation of high frequency sine waves when sustained by a small, steady supply of energy of the right frequency brings about what he called, perhaps for the first time in science history ‘resonance’ and what today we know as cell resonance. He further found that not only do all living cells produce and radiate oscillations of very high frequencies, but that they also receive and respond to oscillations imposed upon them by outside sources. This source of radiation was at—26—

tributed by Lakhovsky to cosmic rays that constantly bombard the earth. Based on these insights, he construed devices for healing by the application of high frequency waves, that today we know as Radionics. Lakhovsky found that when outside sources of oscillations are resonating in sync with the energy code of the cell, the growth of the cell would become stronger, while when frequencies differed, this would weaken the vitality of the cell. From this primary observation, he further found that the cells of pathogenic organisms produce different frequencies than normal, healthy cells. Lakhovsky specifically observed that if he could increase the amplitude, but not the frequency, of the oscillations of healthy cells, this increase would dampen the oscillations produced by disease-causing —27—

cells, thus bringing about their decline. However, when he rose the amplitude of the disease-causing cells, their oscillations would gain the upper hand and as a result the plant would become weaker and illness increase. As a result of these observations, Lakhovsky viewed the etiology and progression of disease as essentially a battle between resonant oscillations of host cells versus oscillations emanating from pathogenic organisms. He initially proved his theory using plants. In December 1924, he inoculated a set of ten geranium plants with a plant cancer that produced tumors. After thirty days, tumors had developed in all of the plants, upon which Lakhovsky took one of the ten infected plants and simply fashioned a heavy —28—

copper wire in a one loop, open-ended coil about thirty centimeter (12”) in diameter around the center of the plant and held it in place. The copper coil was found to collect and concentrate energy from extremely high frequency cosmic rays. The diameter of the copper loop determined which range of frequencies would be captured. Lakhovsky found that the thirty centimeter loop captured frequencies that fell within the resonant frequency range of the plant’s cells. This captured energy thus reinforced the resonant oscillations naturally produced by the nucleus of the geranium’s cells. This allowed the plant to overwhelm the oscillations of the cancer cells and thereby destroy the cancer. The tumors fell off in less than three weeks and by two months, the plant was thriving. All of the —29—

other cancer-inoculated plants, those that were not receiving the copper coil, died within thirty days. Lakhovsky then fashioned loops of copper wire that could be worn around the waist, neck, elbows, wrists, knees, or ankles of people and found that over time relief of painful symptoms was obtained. These simple coils, worn continuously around certain parts of the body, would invigorate the vibrational strength of cells and increased the immune response which in turn took care of the offending pathogens. Upon which he construed a device that produced a broad range of high frequency pulsed signals that radiate energy to the patient via two round resonators: one resonator acting as a transmitter and the other as a receiver. The machine generated a wide spectrum of high frequencies coupled with —30—

static high voltage charges applied to the resonators. These high voltages cause a corona discharge around the perimeter of the outside resonator ring that Lakhovsky called effluvia. The patient sat on a wooden stool in between the two resonators and was exposed to these discharges for about fifteen minutes. The frequency waves sped up the recovery process by stimulating the resonance of healthy cells in the patient and in doing so, increased the immune response to the disease-causing organisms. Harold Saxton Burr (1889-1973) was E. K. Hunt Professor Emeritus, Anatomy, at Yale University School of Medicine. Burr found that all living things are molded and controlled by electrodynamic fields and demonstrated to measure them using standard voltmeters. He named them fields of life or simply the —31—

L-field. Beginning in the 1930s with his seminal work at Yale, Burr was able to verify his initial hypothesis of subtle energy fields that govern the human body. Burr set up a series of experiments that showed that all living organisms are surrounded and encompassed by their own energy fields. He showed that changes in the electrical potential of the L-field would lead to changes in the health of the organism. By leaving some trees on the Yale campus hooked up to his L-field detectors for decades, he was able to demonstrate that changes in environmental electromagnetic fields such as the phases of the moon, sunspot activity, and thunderstorms, substantially affected the L-field. He found he could detect a specific field of energy in a frog’s egg, and that the nervous system would later develop precisely within —32—

that field, suggesting that the L-field was the organizing matrix for the body. In his work with humans, Burr was able to chart and predict the ovulation cycles of women, to locate internal scar tissue, and to diagnose potential physical ailments, all through the reading of the individual’s L-field. Student and colleague Leonard Ravitz carried Burr’s work forward. Ravitz focused especially on the human dimension, beginning with a demonstration of the effects of the lunar cycle on the human L-field, reaching a peak of activity at the full moon. Through work with hypnotic subjects, he demonstrated that changes in the L-field directly relate to changes in a person’s mental and emotional states. Ravitz came to the conclusion that emotions can be equated with energy. —33—

Most intriguingly, Ravitz showed that the L-field as a whole disappears before physical death. While Burr expressed himself in a rather misleading terminology, speaking of electricity when he connoted the life force, and of electromagnetic fields when it was about the unified field, most of the literature on energy and vibrational medicine cite Burr as one of their pioneers. In fact, Masaru Emoto says in his book The Secret Life of Water (2005) about Burr that he ‘laid much of the basic foundation for the science of hado.’ To summarize, these researchers saw the link between cell vibration and health, or disease. All of them were using a bioenergetic research approach which today we would call systemic, and they are to be considered the first systems researchers in the —34—

human history of science! And all of them were able to construe devices or even work without devices to influence and manipulate the cell vibration so as to strengthen immunitary response and fighting pathologies. The process was particularly demonstrative with Georges Lakhovsky’s research in that it was experimentally demonstrated how a simple device, because of resonance triggered with the cell’s bioplasmatic vibration, could actively fight a cancerous tumor in the plant and thus eliminate the cancer. It is really time for a change, and the way to go clearly is indicated by bioenergy research both in the East and the West; that is why I presented the various approaches to assessing and measuring the bioplasmatic energy in the foregoing text. —35—

Summarizing, I can affirm that all methods and scientific approaches used for assessing, measuring and monitoring vital energies converge in a single well-defined scientific catalogue that is so complete that it can be used as the basis for a new science, a science that integrates the specific knowledge about the cosmic and human energy fields, and that is a functional, systemic and holistic science.

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Two Essays on Analytical Psychology Collected Writings, Vol. 7 Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1972 First published by Routledge & Kegan Paul, Ltd., 1953 Karagulla, Shafica The Chakras Correlations between Medical Science and Clairvoyant Observation With Dora van Gelder Kunz Wheaton: Quest Books, 1989 Krishnamurti, J. Freedom From The Known San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1969 The First and Last Freedom San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1975 Education and the Significance of Life London: Victor Gollancz, 1978 Commentaries on Living First Series London: Victor Gollancz, 1985 Commentaries on Living Second Series London: Victor Gollancz, 1986 Krishnamurti's Journal London: Victor Gollancz, 1987 Krishnamurti's Notebook London: Victor Gollancz, 1986 —49—

Beyond Violence London: Victor Gollancz, 1985 Beginnings of Learning New York: Penguin, 1986 The Penguin Krishnamurti Reader New York: Penguin, 1987 On God San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1992 On Fear San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1995 The Essential Krishnamurti San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1996 The Ending of Time With Dr. David Bohm San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1985 LaBerge, Stephen Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming With Howard Rheingold New York: Ballantine Books, 1991 Lakhovsky, Georges La Science et le Bonheur Longévité et Immortalité par les Vibrations Paris: Gauthier-Villars, 1930 Le Secret de la Vie —50—

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Marina del Rey: De Vorss Publications, 1995 Originally published in 1953 Growing Into Light A Personal Guide to Practicing the Huna Method, Marina del Rey: De Vorss Publications, 1955 Lowen, Alexander Bioenergetics New York: Coward, McGoegham 1975 Depression and the Body The Biological Basis of Faith and Reality New York: Penguin, 1992 Fear of Life New York: Bioenergetic Press, 2003 Honoring the Body The Autobiography of Alexander Lowen New York: Bioenergetic Press, 2004 Joy The Surrender to the Body and to Life New York: Penguin, 1995

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The Amazing Laws of Cosmic Mind Power West Nyack, N.Y.: Parker, 1973 Secrets of the I Ching West Nyack, N.Y.: Parker, 1970 Think Yourself Rich Use the Power of Your Subconscious Mind to Find True Wealth Revised by Ian D. McMahan, Ph.D. Paramus, NJ: Reward Books, 2001 Myss, Caroline The Creation of Health The Emotional, Psychological, and Spiritual Responses that Promote Health and Healing With C. Norman Shealy, M.D. New York: Harmony Books, 1998 Narby, Jeremy The Cosmic Serpent DNA and the Origins of Knowledge New York: J. P. Tarcher, 1999 Nau, Erika Self-Awareness Through Huna Virginia Beach: Donning, 1981 Neill, Alexander Sutherland Neill! Neill! Orange-Peel! New York: Hart Publishing Co., 1972 Summerhill A Radical Approach to Child Rearing —57—

New York: Hart Publishing, Reprint 1984 Originally published 1960

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