Final Test - Pre-Intemediate

Nume …………………………………… Prenume………………………………... Companie………………………………. Trainer…………………………………... Data……………………………………... FINAL TE

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Nume …………………………………… Prenume………………………………... Companie………………………………. Trainer…………………………………... Data……………………………………...

FINAL TEST Exercise1. Questions and verb forms Put the word in the right order to make a question. 1. English / you / start / did / learning / when? …………………………………………………………………………………. 2. Tennis / often / play / how / does / she? …………………………………………………………………………………. 3. Do / doing / what / at / you / like / weekend / the? …………………………………………………………………………………… 4. Weekend / do / what / you / would / to / this / like? …………………………………………………………………………………… 5. Dictionary / why / got / you / haven’t / a? . …………………………………………………………………………………… 6. Much / put / my / coffee / sugar / how / did / in / you? …………………………………………………………………………………… 7. Phoned / doing / John / when / what / you / were? …………………………………………………………………………………… 8. Radio / listening / does / enjoy / to / mother / the / your? …………………………………………………………………………………… (8 points)

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Exercise2. Tenses and verb forms Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense or verb form. A (1)…………………….. you ……………………..(know) Brian Bailey? B Yes, I (2) ……………………..(meet) him two years ago while I (3) …………………….. (work) in Germany. (4) ……………………..he still ……………………..(live) there? A Yes, he does. He (5) ……………………..(live) in Frankfurt. He (6) …………………….. (heve got) a good job there but at the moment he (7) ……………………..(work) in London. He’s here for a few days and I’d like (8) …………………….. (invite) him and you for dinner. Can you (9) …………………….. (come)? B Yes, I hope so. I’d love (10) ……………………..(see) Britain again! When I was in Germany we (11) ……………………..(see) each other quite often because his office was near the school where I (12) ……………………..(teach) and so we sometimes (13) ……………………..(have) lunch together. I always enjoyed (14) ……………………..(talk) to him. I even wanted (15) ……………………..(write) to him but he moved and I didn’t know where. (15 points) Exercise 3. Count and uncount nous Underline the uncount nouns in the following pairs of words. Money / pound Flower / flour Job / homework Furniture / desk Song / music

rice / potato loaf / bread luggage / suitcase meat / hamburger food / meal (5 points)

Exercise 4. Articles Complete the text with a, an, the or nothing. My Aunt Vanessa is (1) ……….. artist. She lives in (2) ……….. beautiful old cottage by (3) ………..sea and she paints (4) ………..small pictures of wild flowers and birds. She doesn’t

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like leaving (5) ………..cottage, but once (6) ………..year she travels by (7) ………..train to London and has (7) ………..tea with me at (8) ………..Savoy Hotel. (8 points) Exercise 5. Descriptions Complete the dialogue with the following words: worst, latest, more, as (*2), funnier, than, friendlier, tastier, like, was, what, the most. 1 A I started a new job today, working in an office. B Really? How did it go? A It was OK. I was a bit nervous. B What are the other people (1)…..………..? A They’re very nice. They seem (2) ……….. than the people in my old job, and the job is much (3) ……….. interesting. B You worked in a shop before, didn’t you? A Yes. Working in an office is better (4) ………..working in a shop, I’ll tell you! That was the (5) ………..job I’ve ever had. I hated it. 2. C We went out for a meal to Luigi’s last night – you know, that new Italian restaurant. D Mmm, I know. What (6) ……… like? C It was (7) ……… Italian meal I’ve ever had, and it wasn’t as expensive (8) ……….. Giovanni’s, so I think we’ll go there again. D Yes, Giovanni’s used to be the (9) ………..popular restaurant around here, but then it started getting very expensive. C And the service isn’t (10) ……….. good as it used to be. D What did you have? C Paul and I both had veal, but mine was cooked in wine and herbs, and it was (11) ………..


than Paul’s. But he liked it. D It sounds great. E Have you read John Harrison’s (12) ………, Going Round the World? F No. (13) ………..’s it like? E I think it’s the (14) ……….. book he’s written. I laughed out loud all the way through. F I didn’t like The Truth and the Light, the one that came out last year. E Neither did I. This one’s much (15) ……….. F Can I borrow it? (15 points) Exercise 6. Time clauses Put the words in the right order.

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1. Hear / if / I / news / any / you / I / phone / will / …………………………………………………………………………………. 2. Pay / as / you / I / back / soon / can / I as / will …………………………………………………………………………………. 3. You / feel / stop / better / if / will / you / smoking …………………………………………………………………………………. 4. Car / Peter / enough / when / he / buy / a / has / will / money …………………………………………………………………………………. 5. Problem / help / I / you / have / you / a / will / if. (5 points)

Exercise 7 Tenses Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets: Present Tense Simple or will future 1. I ………………………..(call) you when lunch ……………………….(be) ready. 2. If you ………………………..(be) late, I ………………………….(go) without you. 3. If she ………………………….(pass) her driving test, she …………………….(buy) a car. 4. I ……………………………(go) home as soon as I ………………………..(finish) work. 5. If my neighbor …………………………………..(not stop) making a noise, I

………………………..(go) round and complain. (5 points) Exercise 8 Adverbs Complete the sentences with an adverb from the list: too, exactly, only, just, especially. 1. I’m hungry. I …………………..had a piece of toast this morning. 2. I like the Impressionists, ……………………….Monet. [Type text]

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3. It is ………………………….three fifty-five and twenty seconds. 4. Paul plays the guitar and sings, …………………………… 5. He went abroad on the 5th , ……………… before my birthday. (5 points) Exercise 9 Passives Put the word in the correct order 1. World / is / English / the / all / spoken / over ………………………………………………………………………… 2. Mary’s / invited / I/ to / wasn’t / party / why? …………………………………………………………………… 3. Will / when / be / new / the / built / bridge? ………………………………………………………………………….. 4. Asked / car / design / were / they / to / new / a …………………………………………………………………………… (4 points) Exercise 10 Translate 1. Daca as locui in Brazilia, as sti portugheza. …………………………………………………………………………….. 2. Daca as castiga mai multa experienta in acest domeniu, as fi extreme de multumit. ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 3. Nu as ezita sa-I scriu Mariei, daca as avea noua ei adresa. ………………………………………………………………………………………… 4. Ii voi darui un buchet de flori sotiei mele, daca va accepta sa vorbeasca cu mine. [Type text]

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...................................................................................................................................................... 5. Daca as castiga un salariu mai mare, as avea posibilitatea sa economisesc niste bani. …………………………………………………………………………………………………. (10 points) Exercise 11 Prepositions Complete the sentences with the correct preposition 1. I’ve been reading a story……………………..two girls who travelled round the world. 2. I sold my car …………………………….2,000p. 3. If the machine weren’t …………………….of order, I’d get you a drink. 4. Do you believe……………………. UFOs? 5. Let me pay ……………………..the drinks. (5 points)

Exercise 12 Listening Listen to the song and try and fill in the lines with the corresponding words I am ………………………, I am ……………… home again across the sea I am ………………………stormy waters, to be near you, to be free. I am …………………….., I am …………………. like a bird across the sky I am ………………………, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, high clouds, to be near you, to be free. Can you hear me, can you her me, through the dark night far away? I am …………………, forever……………………………… be with you; who can say? (5 points)

Exercise 12 Speaking [Type text]

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(10 points)

90-100 pct = FB 70-90 pct = B 70 pct = Satisfacator (si se poate repeta testul; insa, daca nu se doreste acest lucru, se elibereaza o diploma de participare)

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