PARCIAL FINAL INGLÉS 1 Opción Múltiple Elige la opción que complete mejor el enunciado o que responda mejor a la pregunt

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PARCIAL FINAL INGLÉS 1 Opción Múltiple Elige la opción que complete mejor el enunciado o que responda mejor a la pregunta. Instructions: Read the article. Then choose the correct answer. My friend Jettrin’s job is cool! What does he do? Well, he’s a tour guide for divers. Jettrin is Thai and is 24 years old. I think his job is interesting because people from all around the world come to Thailand to dive in the sea with Jettrin. So every day he meets people from different countries. Some of Jettrin’s friends are from Ireland, Japan, New Zealand, Canada, Uruguay, and Greenland. Wow! His life is exciting, and he has a good salary too. In my job, I see the same people every day. I’m a diver too, but not for tourists. I dive for seafood with my brother and father. We catch octopus and shellfish. My family and I then sell the seafood to restaurants. My name is Luis and I’m 24 like Jettrin. My salary isn’t good, though. We are poor and life isn’t easy, but we are happy. We come from Bioko, Equatorial Guinea. We are Equatorial Guinean and we speak Spanish here. We are the only country in Africa where people speak Spanish. Tourists come here from Spain, but not from many other countries. I sometimes want to meet more people like Jettrin does, but I enjoy my days with my brother and father. Diving is difficult and it isn’t a safe occupation. The sea is sometimes very cold and there are many dangerous fish. However, for me, the work is very interesting. I think other jobs are boring. Police officers, pilots, and photographers aren’t like us. We can stay underwater for 10 minutes! Jettrin and I are very lucky men. _b___

1. What does Luis catch in the sea? a Shellfish . b Octopus and shellfish . c Octopus .


2. How long can Jettrin and Luis stay underwater? a 10 minutes . b 5 minutes . c 15 minutes . Instructions: Listen to the conversation. Then choose the correct answer.


3. What does the man do? a He’s a doctor. . b He’s a musician. . c He’s an engineer. .


4. What is the man’s nationality? a He’s French. . b He’s Peruvian. . c He’s Irish. .


5. What city is the woman from? a Sydney . b Melbourne . c Canberra . Instructions: Listen to the conversation. Then choose the correct answer.


6. What is the man’s job? a He’s a doctor. . b He’s a pilot. . c He’s a nurse. .


7. Does the woman like her job? a No, because it’s difficult. . b No, because it’s boring. . c No, because she’s poor. . Instructions: Read the article. Then choose the correct answer. From Monday to Friday, my daily routine is always the same. I get up at six o’clock in the morning and go to the gym to exercise at six twenty. I come back home, take a shower, get dressed, and then eat breakfast at seven thirty. I always catch the bus near my house at seven forty to go to work. I read the newspaper on the bus and arrive at the office at eight fifteen. I start work at eight thirty. My work days are always the same. I am an engineer, but most of the time I work in the office. I draw plans for buildings. Sometimes my coworkers and I eat lunch out of the office, but usually we stay in. In the evenings, I usually eat dinner and then watch TV. Sometimes I go to the movies on Wednesday nights with my good friends. On Friday nights, I usually go out to dinner with them.

Weekends for me are usually the same too, but sometimes I go to the beach or go play tennis. One thing that I always do is go to my German class. I have class every Saturday from eight thirty to ten o’clock. This weekend will be special though. It’s my father’s birthday and there is a surprise party for him. I have a lot to do. There is a special meal to prepare, a nice present to buy for him, and of course I have to invite all of his friends. ___b_

8. In the evenings, I usually ____ . a go exercise . b watch TV . c go to the movies .


9. I exercise in the morning at ____ . a six twenty . b six thirty . c seven o’clock .


10. On the bus, I ____. a read the newspaper . b study German . c read work plans . Instructions: Listen to the conversation. Then choose the correct answer.


11. Does the woman’s family give her mother presents on Mother’s Day? a Yes, they do. . b No, they don’t. . c Sometimes they do, and sometimes they don’t. .


12. How does the man’s family celebrate Mother’s Day? a They go to a movie. . b They eat at a restaurant. . c They have a picnic. . Instructions: Choose the correct possessive adjective to complete each sentence.



The bag belongs to me. It’s ____ bag.

a . b . c . __c__

his our my

14. The keys belong to them. They’re ____ keys. a his . b our . c their . Instructions: Read the article. Then choose the correct answer. My teenage son, Donny, is traveling alone for the first time to visit his grandparents in Peru. He has a flight early Saturday morning at eight thirty. I am sharing a few pointers with him to make his travel easy. 1. Donny has two bags. He should tie a sock to his bags so that he can find them. 2. He should check the expiration date of his passport. 3. He should take a good book with him. 4. He should take some snacks. (I think some beef jerky, and a couple of oranges or a mango.) 5. He should make a copy of his passport. 6. He shouldn’t wear expensive jewelry. 7. He shouldn’t take a lot of cash. (People lose cash and it’s dangerous to carry. The best idea is to take a credit card. Donny already has one credit card.) What else? I think Donny should take a sweater because it’s sometimes cold on the airplane. Oh, and he shouldn’t forget to buy a nice present for his grandparents! (Maybe some gloves and a scarf is OK.) Donny is taking the shuttle bus to the airport on Saturday because it’s so early in the morning. It’s also quick and cheap and he actually wants to be independent and do everything on his own. He has his passport and visa. He knows that at the airport he has to check in and go through security before he boards the airplane. Once he arrives in Peru, he has to go through immigration, claim his baggage, go through customs, and finally meet my dad outside of the customs exit.


15. Where is Donny going to meet his grandfather? a in customs . b in immigration . c outside of the customs exit .


16. What is one of the snacks will Donny take on the airplane? a beef jerky . b apples

. c .


Instructions: Listen to the conversation. Then choose the correct answer. ____

17. Where does the man plan to go? a Rome . b Paris . c London .


18. Where should John put the credit card company’s phone number? a in his wallet . b in his passport . c in his baggage .


19. Why should John check in at the airport early? a to have time to go through security . b to get a better seat on the airplane . c to buy duty-free goods . Instructions: Choose the correct word to complete each sentence.


20. Do we have ____ tea? a some . b any . c a/an .


21. We don’t have ____ potatoes. a some . b any . c a/an .


22. We have ____ cheese. a some . b any

. c .


Instructions: Read the article. Then choose the correct answer. I would like to lose weight before the end of the year. I plan to go on a special diet and I think that I will feel much healthier too. My doctor suggests a high-protein diet or a high-fiber diet, so I made a couple of menus to try. My High-Fiber Diet: Breakfast: One bowl of high-fiber breakfast cereal (nothing with a lot of sugar), or a whole-wheat bagel and some fruit like apples and oranges. Lunch or Dinner: Vegetables like broccoli or cauliflower, bean or lentil soup (I like lentils!), and some berries or nuts. Snack: Popcorn or dried fruit (I don’t really like popcorn, so fruit is better.). My High-Protein Diet: Breakfast: Three sausages, two eggs, and a glass of milk. Lunch or Dinner: A large steak (I love steak!), and cheese. Snack: A hamburger or hot dog without the bread. (My doctor doesn’t think that any bread is good for my diet.) After two weeks I should see a change. I hope so! The diet should be easy because a lot of the things on my menus are my favorite foods. I like the high-protein diet better, but it seems like a lot of meat. People who exercise say that a high-protein diet really works. It certainly is more interesting. _a___

23. After ____ I should lose some weight. a two weeks . b two days . c two months .


24. On my high-protein diet I can eat ____ for breakfast. a three eggs . b four eggs . c two eggs .


25. My doctor doesn’t think that ____ is good for me. a dried fruit . b bread

. c .


Instructions: Listen to the conversation. Then choose the correct answer. ____

26. How much milk do the speakers have? a a little . b a lot . c a few . Instructions: Listen to the telephone conversation. Then choose the correct answer.


27. What is the woman doing right now? a She’s playing soccer. . b She’s watching a soccer game. . c She’s buying a soccer ball. .


28. What does the woman usually do on Mondays? a She goes to the gym. . b She goes swimming. . c She goes to a soccer game. .


29. What is Danny doing right now? a He’s playing soccer. . b He’s watching a soccer game. . c He’s lifting weights at the gym. . Instructions: Listen to the conversation. Then choose the correct answer.


30. What do the speakers decide to do? a go to a baseball game . b go to the movies . c go swimming .

Verdadero/Falso Indique si la oración o enunciado es verdadera o falsa. Instructions: Read the article. Then answer True or False. My friend Jettrin’s job is cool! What does he do? Well, he’s a tour guide for divers. Jettrin is Thai and is 24 years old. I think his job is interesting because people from all around the world come to Thailand to dive in the sea with Jettrin. So every day he meets people from different countries. Some of Jettrin’s friends are from Ireland, Japan, New Zealand, Canada, Uruguay, and Greenland. Wow! His life is exciting, and he has a good salary too. In my job, I see the same people every day. I’m a diver too, but not for tourists. I dive for seafood with my brother and father. We catch octopus and shellfish. My family and I then sell the seafood to restaurants. My name is Luis and I’m 24 like Jettrin. My salary isn’t good, though. We are poor and life isn’t easy, but we are happy. We come from Bioko, Equatorial Guinea. We are Equatorial Guinean and we speak Spanish here. We are the only country in Africa where people speak Spanish. Tourists come here from Spain, but not from many other countries. I sometimes want to meet more people like Jettrin does, but I enjoy my days with my brother and father. Diving is difficult and it isn’t a safe occupation. The sea is sometimes very cold and there are many dangerous fish. However, for me, the work is very interesting. I think other jobs are boring. Police officers, pilots, and photographers aren’t like us. We can stay underwater for 10 minutes! Jettrin and I are very lucky men. _a___

1. Diving is difficult because the sea is sometimes very cold. a. True b. False


2. Luis and Jettrin both have a good salary. a. True b. False


3. The writer wants to be a photographer in the future. a. True b. False


4. Jettrin has friends from Ireland, Mexico, and Peru. a. True b. False Instructions: Read the article. Then choose True or False. From Monday to Friday, my daily routine is always the same. I get up at six o’clock in the morning and go to the gym to exercise at six twenty. I come back home, take a shower, get dressed, and then eat breakfast at seven thirty. I always catch the bus near my house at seven forty to go to work. I read the newspaper on the bus and arrive at the office at eight fifteen. I start work at eight thirty. My work days are always the same. I am an engineer, but most of the time I work in the office. I draw plans for buildings. Sometimes my coworkers and I eat lunch out of the office, but usually we stay in.

In the evenings, I usually eat dinner and then watch TV. Sometimes I go to the movies on Wednesday nights with my good friends. On Friday nights, I usually go out to dinner with them. Weekends for me are usually the same too, but sometimes I go to the beach or go play tennis. One thing that I always do is go to my German class. I have class every Saturday from eight thirty to ten o’clock. This weekend will be special though. It’s my father’s birthday and there is a surprise party for him. I have a lot to do. There is a special meal to prepare, a nice present to buy for him, and of course I have to invite all of his friends. __b__

5. German class is on every Saturday for two hours. a. True b. False


6. This weekend is my father’s birthday. a. True b. False Instructions: Read the article. Then choose True or False. My teenage son, Donny, is traveling alone for the first time to visit his grandparents in Peru. He has a flight early Saturday morning at eight thirty. I am sharing a few pointers with him to make his travel easy. 1. Donny has two bags. He should tie a sock to his bags so that he can find them. 2. He should check the expiration date of his passport. 3. He should take a good book with him. 4. He should take some snacks. (I think some beef jerky, and a couple of oranges or a mango.) 5. He should make a copy of his passport. 6. He shouldn’t wear expensive jewelry. 7. He shouldn’t take a lot of cash. (People lose cash and it’s dangerous to carry. The best idea is to take a credit card. Donny already has one credit card.) What else? I think Donny should take a sweater because it’s sometimes cold on the airplane. Oh, and he shouldn’t forget to buy a nice present for his grandparents! (Maybe some gloves and a scarf is OK.) Donny is taking the shuttle bus to the airport on Saturday because it’s so early in the morning. It’s also quick and cheap and he actually wants to be independent and do everything on his own. He has his passport and visa. He knows that at the airport he has to check in and go through security before he boards the airplane. Once he arrives in Peru, he has to go through immigration, claim his baggage, go through customs, and finally meet my dad outside of the customs exit.


7. Donny is traveling to Peru. a. True b. False


8. Donny shouldn’t carry credit cards while he’s traveling. a. True b. False



Donny is going to visit his aunt and uncle.

a. True b. False Instructions: Read the article. Then Choose True or False. I would like to lose weight before the end of the year. I plan to go on a special diet and I think that I will feel much healthier too. My doctor says suggests a high-protein diet or a high-fiber diet, so I made a couple of menus to try. My High-Fiber Diet: Breakfast: One bowl of high-fiber breakfast cereal (nothing with a lot of sugar), or a whole-wheat bagel and some fruit like apples and oranges. Lunch or Dinner: Vegetables like broccoli or cauliflower, bean or lentil soup (I like lentils!), and some berries or nuts. Snack: Popcorn or dried fruit (I don’t really like popcorn, so fruit is better.). My High-Protein Diet: Breakfast: Three sausages, two eggs, and a glass of milk Lunch or Dinner: A large steak (I love steak!), and cheese. Snack: A hamburger or hot dog without the bread. (My doctor doesn’t think that any bread is good for my diet.) After two weeks I should see a change. I hope so! The diet should be easy because a lot of the things on my menus are my favorite foods. I like the high-protein diet better, but it seems like a lot of meat. People who exercise say that a high-protein diet really works. It certainly is more interesting. _b___

10. I think the high-fiber diet sounds more interesting. a. True b. False


11. I really like popcorn. a. True b. False


12. On a high-protein diet you can eat steak and cheese for dinner. a. True b. False


13. Apples and oranges are high in fiber. a. True b. False


14. Dried fruit is a good snack for a high-protein diet. a. True b. False

Instructions: Read each sentence. Then choose the correct answer. __a__

15. This sentence is correct: My brothers are playing soccer. a. True b. False


16. This sentence is correct: Mona is rock climbing today. a. True b. False


17. This sentence is correct: The students are liking this lesson. a. True b. False


18. This sentence is correct: Gene and Chris is taking a break. a. True b. False


19. This sentence is correct: It isn’t costing a lot of money to buy sports equipment. a. True b. False


20. This sentence is correct: I am studying now. a. True b. False


21. This sentence is correct: My sisters are knowing how to play ice hockey. a. True b. False Instructions: Read the article. Then choose True or False. Kate and Yolanda are planning an adventure holiday. They both prefer outdoor sports and think that indoor sports are boring. They leave this Sunday for Costa Rica for one week and already have a list of exciting activities on their vacation calendar. On Monday, Kate and Yolanda want to go bungee jumping from a bridge at the Old Colorado River near San Jose. The bridge is 265 feet high. Their friends think bungee jumping is crazy, but Kate and Yolanda think it’s fun. On Tuesday and Wednesday, they are planning on doing some rock climbing at the Río Oro Canyon. It doesn’t cost a lot because they are bringing their equipment with them. This is their favorite sport and they do itoften in the mountains near their homes. Rock climbing is definitely a dangerous sport, but they use ropes and other safety equipment. On Thursday, they plan to go diving on Cano Island. This is one of the best places in Costa Rica to see crab, shrimp, and squid. And everyone says that it’s beautiful. Kate is a good swimmer, but Yolanda isn’t. They have a guide to help them if there are any problems.

On Friday, the last day, the women are thinking about doing a sport called octopush, which is new to them. Octopush is like playing ice hockey underwater. The British Club in San Jose has a team and offers a cheap class for people who are interested. Kate and Yolanda think it’s cool and are going to in the morning. Later, they would like to do some shopping for presents for family and friends. Kate and Yolanda leave on Saturday to go back to Canada. Why an adventure holiday? Well, they say they need some danger and fun in their lives! __b__

22. Kate and Yolanda are planning on doing octopush on Tuesday morning. a. True b. False


23. Cano Island is a good place to go diving. a. True b. False


24. Octopush is like ice hockey underwater. a. True b. False


25. Yolanda is a good swimmer. a. True b. False

Para completar Complete cada oración o enunciado. Instructions: Complete each sentence with the correct form of be. Use the simple present tense. 1.

He _________is___________ a teacher.

Instructions: Complete each sentence. Use the word in parentheses and a contraction of the verb be. 2.

(I) _________i am___________ Irish.


(He) ________He is____________ a photographer.


(We) ______we are______________ Australian.


(You) ____________you are________ French.

Instructions: Complete each sentence with one correct word. Use the information in the chart. Name Regina Natt Zachary Samira

Country Mexico Thailand Ireland Jordan


Samira is an ________engineer____________.


Regina is ________mexican____________.


Zachary is _________irish___________.


Zachary is a _________travel agent___________.

Occupation photographer pilot travel agent engineer

Instructions: Complete each sentence with the simple present form of the verb in parentheses. 10.

I usually ______go______________ (go) to bed around 11:00 p.m.


Cindy ________cathes____________ (catch) the bus near her house.


My parents often ________visit____________ (visit) friends in Houston.


Mateo _________takes___________ (take) a shower every morning.


My sister _______starts_____________ (start) work at 7:00 a.m.

Instructions: Complete each sentence with a possessive pronoun: mine, yours, his, hers, ours, or theirs. 15.

This is my sister’s ticket. It’s _____hers__________.


These are our passports. They’re ____ours___________.

Instructions: Complete each question with much or many. 17.

How ________many____________ oranges do you need?


How _________much___________ coffee do you want?

Instructions: Complete each sentence with the correct quantifier in parentheses. 19.

There are _______lots of_____________ (a little / lots of) bagels.


We need ____a little_______________ (a little / lots of) sausages.

Instructions: Listen to the conversation. Then complete each sentence with the correct word. 21.

They have some fruit. They have two ____________________ and a banana.


The boy has some ____________________ to drink.

Instructions: Complete each conversation with the correct word in parentheses. 23. A: What do you like to eat? B: I need protein, so I eat a lot of _______fish_____________ (lettuce / fish). 24. A: Lunch is ready. B: Great! But I only want ___________a little_________ (a few / a little) broccoli. Please don’t give me too much. Instructions: Write the correct food group next to each food item: drinks, dairy products, vegetables, fruit, protein, or meat. 25.

peppers __________vegetables_______________


cheese ______dairy products___________________


butter _______dairy products__________________


juice ___________drinks______________


chicken ________protein_________________

Instructions: Complete each sentence with the present continuous form of the verb in parentheses. 30.

Patricia ________is not jog____________ (not jog) right now.

Emparejamiento Instructions: Choose the best word or words to complete each conversation. a take . b always . c 7:00 . d morning . e is . f. catch the bus g to bed . h weekend . ___f_

1. A: How do you get to work in the morning? B: I usually _____.


2. A: What do you do for your mother’s birthday? B: I _____ give her a present.


3. A: Does Tyler usually _____ a nap in the afternoon? B: Yes, he does.


4. A: Do you start work in the _____? B: No, I don’t.


5. A: What time to you go _____? B: Usually around 11:00. Instructions: Match the actions to the definitions below. a catch the bus . b get up . c read the newspaper . d take a shower . e eat breakfast . f. watch TV g visit friends . h eat out . i. go to bed j. start work



You do this when you want to get clean. (You need soap and water.) _____



You do this when you’re hungry. (You’re not at home.) _____



You do this to see the news, comedies, sporting events, or just to relax. _____



You do this to learn what is happening in the world. _____



You do this when you want to see people you know. _____



You do this because you have a job and you need money. _____

Instructions: Listen to the conversation. Then match the possessions to the people below. a . b . c . d .

a small black bag a passport a large blue bag a camera



Tyler _____



Sam _____

Instructions: Choose the best phrase to complete each conversation. a take a taxi . b pack your bags . c go through customs . d go through security . e buy your ticket . f. board the airplane g claim your baggage . h go through immigration . i. check in j. buy duty free goods __f__

14. A: Am I going to see the pilot of the plane? B: Maybe. When you _____, you’re going to see flight attendants, and sometimes you see the pilot.


15. A: How do you usually get to the airport? B: I usually _____.


16. A: Where do I _____? B: After you enter the airport, go to the airline’s service counter. The agent will help you.


17. A: What should I take with me on my trip? Do you have any advice? B: After you _____, remove at least 1/3 of the things you put in them. You should travel light.


18. A: Do you need to _____? B: Yes, I do. I have my credit card right here.


19. A: Why do we have to _____? B: So that they can check your passport. They tell you if you can enter the country.


20. A: Why do we have to _____? B: So that people don’t bring food or other illegal things into the country.

Respuesta breve Instructions: Put the words in the correct order to make statements. 1.

unhappy / John / is / man / an Jhon is an unhappy man.


it's / book / interesting / an It is an interesting book .

Instructions: Write yes/no questions with Do or Does. Use the words in parentheses and the simple present tense. 3.

(you / eat breakfast / every morning) Do you eat breakfast every morning?

Instructions: Listen to the conversation. Then write a complete sentence to answer each question. 4.

When do the speakers plan to go to a movie—in the afternoon or in the evening? ?

Instructions: Read each situation and then give advice. Write complete sentences with should or shouldn’t. 5.

A man wants to travel with his expensive laptop. Give him some advice.


A man is going to travel to four different countries. Give him some advice about his passport.

Instructions: Write yes/no questions in the present continuous tense. Use the words in parentheses. 7.

(Jim / play soccer) Does Jim play soccer?


(Andrew / hike) Does Andrew hike?


(we / take a break) Do we take a break?

Instructions: Answer each question with a complete sentence. Use the underlined stative verbs and your own ideas. 10.

What do you usually want to do in your free time? I want visit my friends in my free time.

Composición Instructions: Follow the instructions. 1. Eric and Cheryl have a class together. It’s the first day of class. Write a conversation between these two people. 2. Write several sentences about a day in your life. What do you usually do? When do you do those things? 3. An airport website is going to post information for new travelers. Write about what happens when you go to an airport. How do you get to the airport? What happens after you enter the airport? Provide any additional information you think may be important. 4. Imagine you are outdoors at a large park. What is happening there? Write several sentences about what people are doing. 5. What do you like and not like about sports? What sport do you want to try some day? Do you prefer to play sports or to spend your free time in some other way? Write several sentences to answer the questions.