Evidence modelling excellence I chose these people because they are a good example of life for me, because eachone of th

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Evidence modelling excellence I chose these people because they are a good example of life for me, because eachone of them have a particular aspect, which could be productive for me as person.And I want to have a bit of them for having strong confront in the life. -Serena Williams, professional tennis player. - Johanny Vargas cano, Industrial electromechanical technologist - Alexander Guevara, systems engineering professional. Serena williams, he is 32 years old, he is profesional tennis player who recently has a difficult situation, a lesión which stopped her successful career. For being again the same Good player, she was a true challenge him, but actuality, is a excellent player, she her has the same physical and she continues with a Good technique with the tennis alexander guevara. He is 30 years old. He is a systems engineer. He is an affected person from a low-income home with little chance of studying. He had to get a double job, save and pay for his first semester at university, and then it was his turn to stay up early to be able to do his jobs and study. He had difficult times but was very strong and managed to graduate as a systems engineer and with it he got a good life with a nice family. Jaime Garzón, he is 55 years old. He is a successful mechanical who comes from a poor familyand studied in SENA where he got knowledge ho help himself. He was able to study and get a career, where he could get a Good job. Actuality, he is a successful mechanical and he is finishing the engineering profesional career.