Energy University Certification Exam FAQ Page

Energy University Certification Exam FAQ Page 1. Are there any eligibility requirements to take the PEM exam? There are

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Energy University Certification Exam FAQ Page 1. Are there any eligibility requirements to take the PEM exam? There are no eligibility requirements to take the PEM exam. 2. How do I prepare for the exam? In order to prepare for the exam, you must complete all of the courses listed in the learning path titled "PEM Exam Development Path". To locate the learning path please follow this navigation: Home > About the PEM Exam> PEM Exam Development Path

3. How long does it take to prepare for the PEM exam? We estimate that it takes approximately 40 hours of learning time to complete all of the courses in the Energy University Certification Exam learning path. This does not include the time to take the actual exam. 4. Do I need to take both SI and US versions of the courses in the learning path? You do not need to take both SI and US versions of the courses in the learning path. Please take the course with the units of measurement that directly pertains to you. Please also make sure that you download the correct version of the PEM exam (SI or US version available). 5. How long do I have to complete the exam once I purchase and download the exam? Once you download the exam, you have 30 days to complete the exam and submit your answers in the online assessment. If you delay beyond 30 days, your use of this exam will expire. You MUST download, print, and complete all of the answers and calculations for the exam prior to recording your exam answers through the online assessment tool. You SHOULD NOT take the test directly online so please do not attempt to do this without adequate preparation first. You could compromise your final results. 6. How do I purchase the PEM Exam?

To purchase the exam please follow this navigation: Home> About the PEM Exam> Register for the PEM Exam From there, select the correct version of the exam (US, or SI) and click the shopping cart icon next to the correct exam title. Once selected click the green "Pay now with PayPal" icon. Note: Once you purchase the exam you have 30 days to submit your exam. Make certain you have completed the necessary courses to prepare for the exam before purchase. 7. How much does the PEM exam cost? The PEM exam costs $400 USD. 8. Which forms of payment are accepted? We accept Mastercard, Visa, American Express 9. Can I use notes to take the exam? The PEM exam is open book format, you may use any of the following when completing the exam: elearning courses, course transcripts, course outlines, consult notes, printed materials etc. A complete course transcript study guide is available to you in your certification exam learning path. 10. What score do I need to obtain to pass the exam? You must receive a 70% or higher to successfully pass the PEM exam. 11. When will I be notified of my exam results? Once you submit your exam through the online assessment tool, you will immediately be notified of your score. 12. I passed the PEM exam, when will I receive my certificate of completion? At the end of every month, exam results will be sent to IEP for certificate fulfillment. Certificates will be sent to the mailing address that was provided upon registering for Energy University. If you wish to update your mailing address please follow these steps:

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1. Navigate to your profile using this path: Home > Account Information > Personal Information 2. Under “Personal Information” update your Country and other address information 3. Click Update to save your changes Please accommodate for the time needed after submitting your exam for your certificate to be fulfilled. We do not process them more than once a month and it occurs at the start of the following month. If you have not received your certificate after one month, please contact us at [email protected]

13. What is the difference between the PEM and CEM®? If I hold a CEM®, does this qualify against the PEM? The CEM® exam is offered by another organization called the Association of Energy Engineers® (AEE®), based here in the US. They are a long-standing organization that offers training and certification in areas of energy efficiency and sustainability. The PEM is an exam we offer in partnership with the Institute of Energy Professionals which has been in the area of energy education for 33 years. Previously delivered through a classroom setting, the partnership with us allows users to take their courses online, along with the exam, and pay a fee for the exam and credential once completed. The CEM® and PEM are not exactly the same, and they are not interchangeable for courses or testing.

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