Encyclopedia of Chinese Pantheon

ENCYCLOPEDIA OF CHINESE PANTHEON Li GuoLin A Amitabha (Emi Tuofo) Many ages ago a monk named Dharmakara made a numbe

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Li GuoLin

A Amitabha (Emi Tuofo) Many ages ago a monk named Dharmakara made a number of vows, the 18th of which promised that, on his attaining Buddha hood, all who had faith in him and who called upon his name would be reborn in his paradise and would reside there in bliss until they had attained enlightenment. Having accomplished his vows, Dharmakara reigned as the Amitabha Buddha in the Western Paradise, called Sukhavati, the Pure Land. Amitabha is known as Great Savior Buddha. His vow that any being in any universe who called his name (Amitabha) even as few as ten times will be guaranteed rebirth in his own heavenly realm called the "Pure Land."

Ananda and Kasyapa (Anan and Jiaye) Amongst the Buddha's many disciples, Ananda had the most retentive memory and most of the Suttas in the Sutta Pitaka are attributed to his recollection of the Buddha's teaching during the First Buddhist Council. For that, he was known as the Guardian of the Dharma. Kasyapa was one of the principal disciples of Gautama Buddha and convened and directed the First Buddhist council. He came from the kingdom of Magadha. . Kasyapa often depicted in statuary together with Ananda, each standing to one side of the Buddha.

Anqi Sheng Anqi Sheng was immortal who had live 1000 year at his time of Qin Shihuang. According to the Liexian Zhuan, When Qin Shihuang spoke with Anqi Sheng for


three days and three nights. The Emperor bestowed on him vast quantities of gold as well as jewels, but on his departure Anqi Sheng left his gifts in the pavilion of Fuxiang together with a letter saying that the Emperor might find him on the Island of Penglai. Later the emperor sent an expedition under Xu Fu to find him and his highly sought elixir of life, but they never reached Penglai.

Ao Guang The Dragon King of East Sea (Donghai Longwang) He is the leader of Four Dragon Kings. Their duties are to bring rainfall to Mortal World. During a long drought, it is customary for the local gentry and government officials to lead the community in offering sacrifices and conducting other religious rites to appease the Dragon King. Ao Guang's brothers are Ao Run-the Dragon King of West Sea, Ao Qin-the Dragon King of South Sea and Ao Shun-the Dragon King of North Sea. The Dragon King od East Sea has many son, but several of them was slain by the other deities: His third son-Ao Bing was killed by Nezha, when his other two sons were decapitated by the Eight Immortals.

Ao Qin The Dragon King of South Sea (Behai Longwang)

Ao Run The Dragon King of Western Sea (Xihai Longwang); His 3rd son became Monk Xuanzang's dragon horse on his Journey to the West.

Ao Shun The Dragon King of North Sea (Nanhai Longwang)


Arhat (Luohan) In Theravada Buddhism, an Arhat is a perfected person who has attained nirvana. In other Buddhist traditions the term has also been used for people far advanced along the path of Enlightenment, but who may not have reached full Buddha hood.

Avalokitesvara See “Guanyin”.

Azure Dragon (Qinglong) One of four mythical beasts in China, It represents East and Wood Element. Azure Dragon and White Dragon are guardians of the Taoist Temple gates. In Chinese folktales, Azure Dragon reincanrated as many famous warriors such, as Shan Xiongxin and Yom Kaesomun, a mighty general from Korea.


B Ba (Nuba) Goddess of Drought Ba is daughter of Huangdi (The Yellow Emperor) whom she aided during his Battle at Zhuolu against Chiyou. Chiyou had fielded a wind god (Fengbo) and a rain god (Yushi) to create storm, Ba descended to battlefield and used her drought power to defeat their wind and rain powers. Although Ba aided Yellow Emperor against Ch You, but most people still hate her, because she brought drought wherever she go. A ritual to cast her away is exist in several place in China

Baihe Tongzi (White Crane Boy) Baihe Tongzi's duty is to transmit important reports and petitions from Sanqing or Nanji Xianweng to the other Realms. Legend has it that one day Baihe Tongzi flew on the cliff of Kunlun Mountain. Due to carelessness, he hurted his wings and down into deep cliff. He fainted for several hours later. But for his amazement, he found himself unscratched. In a sudden, the old deity Nanji Xianweng appeared before him. The Crane Boy immediately knelt onto the ground as he realized that Nanji Xianweng is his savior. Since that day, Baihe Tongzi became his disciple. After that accident, Baihe Tongzi had never used his wings anymore. Upon knowing his mental block, Nanji Xianweng want to make Baihe Tongzi picked up his courage. So he pushed his pupil down from the cloud. Baihe Tongzi was panicked, but his teacher shouted that he should throw away his fear and concentrate. Finally the Crane Boy managed to direct all his energy to his wings 4

and suddenly he could fly again. Another account credited Baihe Tongzi as Yuanshi Tianzun's disciple. That's why several temple put his statue at the Three Pure Ones altars.

Baihu (White Tiger) One of four mythical animal in China. It represents West and Metal Ellement. White Tiger and Azure Dragon are guardians of the Taoist Temple gates. In Chinese folktales, Wite Tiger reincanrated as many warriors such as Xue Rengui and Luo Cheng.

Baihua Xianzi (Hundred Flower Fairy) Leader of Flower Fairies Baihua Xianzi is in charge all flowers on earth, under her charge; each flower has a definite scheduled season to bloom. She is the main protagonist in Qing's novel Jinghuayuan, it is said that during Queen Mother of the West's birthday, Chang'e challenged Baihua Xianzi to order all flowers in Queen Mother's garden to bloom at the same time. Baihua Xianzi refused her challenge. She said even if the earthly ruler requested her to make it, she would never made that happen. Chang'e bore grudge against her for this refusal. When hier colleague, the Heart Moon Fox would be reincarnated as Wu Zetian (the female emperor in Chinese history), Chang'e asked her to give trouble for the Flower Fairies. Several years later, the drunken Empress Wu Zetian remembered Chang'e's word and ordered all flowers in her garden to bloom during winter. Unfortunately the Flower Fairies could not find Baihua Xianzi so they obeyed the empress to bloom out of season (without Baihua Xianzi's permission). The Jade Emperor thought that the Flower Fairies had failed to do their duties. As the consequence, Baihua Xianzi and her Flower Fairies were banished to earth to suffer the transmigration into human being. Once their penance is complete, they will be allowed to go back to heaven again. In some folklore, Baihua Xianzi is credited as Jade Emperor younger sister. Once upon a time, people on earth was suffering from a deadly plague, Baihua Xianzi and her Flower Fairies flew on the sky and scattered their herbal flower to relieve their suffer.


Baimei Shen God of Prostitution Baimei Shen has an appearances resembling Guangong, the god of war, but with white eyebrow and red eye. It is believed that he is originally Dao Zhi, a famous robber from spring and Autumn Period. He had 9,000 followers, who marched at their will through the kingdom, assailing and oppressing the different princes. They dug through walls and broke into houses; they drove away people's cattle and horses; they carried off people's wives and daughters.

Bai Mudan Goddess of Temptress Bai Mudan is legendary courtesan from Luoyang City. According to Journey to the East, one day Lu Dongbin saw Bai Mudan and struck by her beauty. Lu transformed himself into handsome scholar and slept with her several times. However he never ejaculated in order to preserve his Yang essence (in accordance with Taoist Alchemy). Later, Lu's misdeed was discovered by his immortal colleagues: Tieguai Li and He Xiangu. They disguised them self as beggar and taught Bai Mudan how to make Lu Dongbin ejaculate (by tickling his groin). Finally, Bai Mudan successfully made Lu Dongbin ejaculating and absorbed his Yang essence. Later she cultivated herself and became immortal too. There is an anecdote from Song Dynasty describes Bai Mudan as a very pretty but haughty courtesan. She once asked an evil merchant named Chen Hua to kiss her bottom, lick her anus and even farted in his face. This is an allusion's for Chen Hua's Duotun Pengpi (flatterer) manner. Some folktales credited her as the reincarnation of Peony Fairy (Mudan Xianzi)

Bai Wuchang and Hei Wuchang Bai Wuchang and Hei Wuchang duty are to lead deceased people's soul to Netherworld. Bai Wuchang or Qiye has pale skin, long tongue stick from his mouth and wearing white hat and robe. His job is to lead soul of good people. Hei Wuchang or Baye in contrary has dark skin and wearing black hat and robe. His job is to lead soul of evil people. 6

The most common background story of the Heibai Wuchang says that Xie Bi'an and Fan Wujiu used to work as constables in a Yamen. One day, a convict they were escorting to another location escaped during the journey. They decided to split up and search for the escaped convict and meet again later under a bridge at a certain time. However, Xie Bi'an was delayed due to heavy rain so he did not reach the bridge in time. Fan Wujiu, who was on time, waited under the bridge. The heavy rain caused flooding in the area under the bridge. Fan Wujiu refused to leave because he wanted to keep his promise to his colleague, and eventually drowned. When Xie Bi'an arrived, he was saddened to see that Fan Wujiu had drowned, so he committed suicide by hanging himself. The Jade Emperor was deeply impressed by their actions so he appointed them as guardians of the Underworld. There are other stories which say that the Heibai Wuchang have different, unrelated backgrounds. The Black Guard was a scoundrel who spent his time gambling. His father tried to discipline him and force him to change his ways but he refused to listen. One day, he lost all his money in gambling and had a violent argument with his father when he came home. His father lost control of himself and killed his son in anger. After his death, the Black Guard was sent to Hell, where he received due punishment. He repented and atoned for his sins by doing several good deeds. The gods were touched by his repentance and appointed him as the Black Guard of Impermanence. The White Guard, on the other hand, was born in a wealthy family and had a kind personality. His father once sent him on an errand with a large sum of money, but he forgot about his errand and used the money to help a poor family in need. When he realized his mistake, he felt ashamed to return home to face his parents so he committed suicide. After his death, the gods considered his good deeds and appointed him as the White Guard of Impermanence.

Bao Gong (Bao Zheng) See “Barefoot Immortal”, “Kuixing”, and “Yanluo Wang”.

Baosheng Dadi God of Medicine Wu Tao or Wu Ben was born in the village of Bailiao of Tongan County in Quanzhou, during Song Dynasty. It is said that when he was born, his mother saw a kid accompanied by a spirit coming to her gate. The spirit told her that this kid is the Star of Ziwei. Even as a boy, Wu Tao grew as a boy with extraordinary


intelligence. When he was seventeen years old, Wu Tao was invited by Queen Mother of the West at Kunlun. The Queen gave him Jishi Shenfang (The Divine Prescription for Benefiting Mankind) as well as the Arts of Exorcism. Wu Tao traveled to all corners of the world to save people by curing their sickness. His medical knowledge was far beyond his era but he never asks for any monetary payment for his services. Wu Tao was credited with performing medical miracles, including applying eye drops to a dragon’s eye and removing a foreign object from a tiger’s throat. Because of his good virtue, he was recommended to hold a position in government, and ultimately became Chief Royal Prosecutor. In 1036 AD, on the 2nd day of the 5th lunar month, Wu Tao ascended to heaven, riding on a white crane. Later people respected him as Baosheng Dadi or Dadao Gong.

Barefoot Immortal (Chijiao Daxian) A deity with big foot and never wear any shoes or sandals. Based on Dongyouji (Journey to the East) he was reincarnated as Lan Caihe, member of the Eight Immortals. Another legend cites that Emperor Renzong of Song Dynasty was his incarnation. It is said that the Jade Emperor forced Barefoot Immortal to reincarnate as Emperor Renzong. The Barefoot Immortal refused but the Jade Empror insisted. As the Immortal finally reborn in Song Palace, he wept uninterruptedly (as a protest because he didn’t want to be reincarnated). Not long afterward a mysterious Taoist came to the palace. After gaining permission from the emperor, he whispered to the baby that the Star Deity of Literature and the Star Deity of Martial had been reincarnated to help him. Suddenly the infant ceased crying. Note: The Star Deity of Literature (Wen Kuixing) was Bao Zheng (Judge Bao), the upright and incorruptible officer during Emperor Renzong’s reign. The Star Deity of Martial (Wuxing) was Diqing, an unbeatable general who saved his country for many times.

Bazha Shen Eight Guardian Deities of Farmland According to Book of Rites, their member is:


1. Xianshe Xianshe is Shennong who first taught man agriculture (See "Shennong"). 2. Sise Sise is Houji (See "Houji"). 3. Nong Nong is tutelary spirits of inspectors of the field. 4. Youbiaohuo Youbiaochuo is god of boundaries between fields and the huts. 5. Maohu Maohu is God of Cats and Tigers who protect farmland from rodents and wild boars. 6. Fang Fang is God of Dykes. 7. Shuiyong Shuiyong is God of Irrigation Channels. 8. Kunchong is God of Insects.

Beidou Xingjun Gods of Northern Dipper According to Chinese popular belief, Southern and Northern Dipper are responsible for people life span. They are in charge register of death, thus more associated to death. The Northern Dipper are consist of Seven Star Deities: 1. Tianshu Yangmig Tanlang Xingjun 2. Tianxuan Yinjing Jumen Xingjun 3. Tianji Zhenren Lucun Xingjun 4. Tianquan Xuangming Wenqu Xingjun 5. Tianheng Dannyuan Lianzhen Xingjun 6. Kaiyang Beiji Wuqu Xingjun


7. Yaoguang Tianching Pojun Xingjun The Seven Gods of Northern Dipper (Beidou Qi Xingjun) usually represented by a black faced deity called Beidou Xingjun.

Bi Gan Civil God of Wealth (Wen Caishen) He was uncle of King Zhou of Shang Dynasty. His nephew asked his heart to cure his concubine sickness. After his death Bi Gan was appointed as God of Wealth.

Bixia yuanjun The Goddess of Mt. Tai (Taihsan Niangnaing); Goddess of Pregnancy and Childbirth Bixia Yuanjun is the daughter (or younger sister) of Taishan Wang (King of Mt. Tai). Statues of Bixia Yuanjun often depict her holding a tablet with the Big Dipper as a symbol of her authority. Based on legend, Huang Feihu was competed with his sister, Huang Qi to become the sovereign god of Mt. Tai. Jiang Ziya proposed that they had to race to the summit of Mt. Tai and he would grant Mt. Tai to the winner. Huang Feihu managed to reach the top first; he exclaimed that he had win the competition. But Huang Qi insisted she was the winner. She then showed a pair of embroidered slippers from under the highest rock and proved that she was the one who reached the summit earlier. Therefore Jiang Ziya granted Mt. Tai to Huang Qi, who became Bixia Yuanjun or Taishan Niangniang. (Actually Huang Qi was cheating, since she used her magic to put her slippers under the rock). As for Huang Feihu, because he did many good things at the foot of Mt. Tai, so people also called him as Taishan Wang (King of Mt. Tai). Another folktale has it that, Bixia Yuanjun was not satisfied with her area on Mt. Tai, so she started annexing another area which belonged to other gods. The other gods turned to Jiang Ziya who was in charge of the assignment of any god and tried to press charge on her. Jiang Ziya then challenged Bixia Yuanjun in a game: She should throw her


embroidered slippers and wherever it hit, it would became the boundary of the area belonging to her. So the goddess threw her slipper down the mountain as far as she could Eventually the slipper fell at the place where Dai Zongfang is now located and it was only about 20 miles from the top of the mountain. Bixia Yuanjun did not realize she herself was trapped by Jiang Ziya until this moment. But she had no choice but to accept it. Later, people built a memorial gateway here named Dai Zongfang. Since then it became the starting point to climb Mt. Tai.

Black tortoise (Xuanwu) One of four mythical beasts from China. It represents South and Water Element.

Bodhidarma (Damo) Patron God of Martial Artist Bodhidharma was Indian Chan (Zen) master, who traveled to China and came to Liang Kingdom. He was granted an interview with the emperor-Liang Wudi, who was noted for his good works. Liang Wudi asked how much merit he had accrued by building Buddhist monasteries and temples. To the emperor’s dismay, Bodhidharma stated that good works performed with the intention of accumulating merit were without value, as they would result in favorable rebirths but would not bring about enlightenment. Bodhidarma realized that the emperor could not understand his teaching, so he then left Liang Kingdom. He used a piece of reed twig to cross the Yangzi River and went to the territory of the Northern Wei. He then went to Luoyang and cultivated at the Shaolin Temple on Mt. Songshan. He meditated continuously for nine years. Bodhidarma is believed as the inventor of Shaolin Kungfu. Accounts describe him as being disturbed by the poor physical shape of the Shaolin monks. Bodhidarma then instructed them in techniques to maintain their physical condition as well as teaching meditation. Bodhidarma is said to have taught a series of external exercises called the Eighteen Arhat Hands (Shiba Lohan Shou), and an internal practice called the Sinew Metamorphosis Classic.In addition, after his departure from the temple, two manuscripts by Bodhidharma are said to be discovered inside the temple: the Yijinjing (Muscle/Tendon Change Classic) and the Xisuijing. Copies and translations of the Yijinjing survive to the modern day. The Xisuijing has been lost.


Bodhisatva (Pusa) Bodhisattva is an enlightened (Bodhi) being (Sattva). Traditionally, a bodhisattva is anyone who, motivated by great compassion, has generated bodhicitta, which is a spontaneous wish to attain Buddha hood for the benefit of all sentient beings.

Bole Bole is a mythological figure who first tamed horses. As deity, his job is took care all the horses in Heaven.


C Cai Lun Patron God of Paper Maker Cai Lun was a eunuch from the Han Dynasty. He was regarded as the inventor of paper and the papermaking process from the bark of trees, hemp waste, old rags and fish nets. Before that writings and inscriptions were generally made on pieces of bamboo (which is heavy), or upon strips of silk (which is costly).

Cai Shen Chinese God of Wealth In China, God of Wealth was divided into Wen Caishen (Civil God of Wealth) and Wu Caishen (Military God of Wealth). Wu Caisen are Zhao Gongming and Guan Yu, when the Wen Caishen are Bi Gan and Fan Li. Wen Caishen also known as Caibo Xingjun.

Caibo Xingjun See "Cai Shen"


Can Cong Patron God of Silk-maker Can Cong was the First Leader of Shu Tribe in Sichuan. He was expert in sericulture and taught his people how to make silk. During Western Zhou Dynasty his tribe was defeated by other tribe.

Cangjie Chinese God of Writing, Literature, and Chinese Characters Cangjie was official historian of the Yellow Emperor and the inventor of Chinese characters. Legend claimed that he had four eyes and four pupils. Cangjie paid close attention to the characteristics of all things, including the sun, moon, stars, clouds, lakes, oceans, as well as all manner of bird and beast. He began to create characters according to the special characteristics he found, and before long, had compiled a long list of characters for writing. When he invented the characters, the deities and ghosts cried and the sky rained millet. To the delight of the Yellow Emperor, Cangjie presented him with the complete set of characters. The emperor then called the premiers of each of the nine provinces together in order for Cangjie to teach them this new writing system

Cannu Goddess of Silkworms When Cannu's father disappeared, her mother offered Cannu as a wife to any man who could find her husband. Their horse ran off and came back carrying the missing man. Unfortunately Cannu's father killed the horse upon realizing it want to claim her daughter as the promised reward. The horse's hide, hung out to dry, but someday it curled itself round Cannu's and they both disappeared. In some accounts, the girl turned into a silkworm.

Cao Guojiu Member of Eight Immortals; Patron Deity of Acting and Theatre Cao Guojiu was uncle of Emperor Yinzong of Song Dynasty. His real name is Cao Jingxiu (Guojiu means Emperor's Maternal Uncle). Cao's younger brother, 14

Cao Jingzhi, abused his relationship with the imperial family by bullying others and engaging in corrupt practices. Cao Jingxiu tried to persuade JIngzhi to change his ways, but he did not listen. One day, Cao Jingzhi was accused by other officials in the imperial court of corruption and abuse of power. Cao felt so ashamed and disappointed by his brother's misconduct that he gave up his official career and went to the countryside to lead a reclusive life. During this time, he met the immortals Han Zhongli and Lu Dongbin, who taught him Taoist magical arts. After many years of practice and cultivation, Cao himself also became an immortal. In another version, both Cao Jingxiu and Cao Jingzhi were evil. Cao Jingzhi was executed for his guilt, but Cao Jingxiu was saved by imperial amnesty. After that he became hermit to atone his sin and finally attained immortality. Cao is often depicted dressed in official robes and holding a jade tablet or castanets.

Celestial Dog (Tiangou) Tiangou is a fierce creature resembling dog. Tiangou's hoby is to devour stars and sun. When the Celestial Dog is devouring the sun, it causes the solar eclipse. Zhang Xian is considered as Tiangou arch enemy. When the dog appeared, he shot it with his bow. Thus he ends the solar eclipse and protects the star deity who want to reborn as human

Ceshen (Toilet Goddess) See "Qigu" and "Zhigu”

Chang'e Moon Goddess Chang'e was wife of Hou Yi, the mythical hero who slew nine suns with his arrow. As reward of his merit, Queen Mother of the West bestowed him with pill of immortality. However Chang'e found that pill and consume it. Suddenly she felt her body so light and flew to the moon. According to alternate version of this story, when Hou Yi went out hunting, his


pupil, Fengmeng came to his house and forced Chang'e to give him the pill of immortality. In the quarrel with Feng Meng, Chang'e she unintentionally drank the pill and flew to the moon. In the past Chang'e was originally called Heng's. Her name was changed to Chang'e due to a taboo character from a name of Emperor Liu Heng of Han Dynasty. Another version from Soushenji has it that once arrived on moon, Chang,e became Three Legged Frog (Chanchu) and banished her to the moon as punishment from Queen Mother of the West.

Changsheng Dadi See “Fu-Lu-Shou”.

Changxi Changxi is Dijun’s second wife, mother of Twelve Moon.

Chen Jinggu Goddess Protector of Mother and Child Chen Jinggu or Linshui Furen is famous female shaman from Fuzhou, her story mentioned in Linshui Pingyao is as follow: When the people of Quanzhou, Fujian could not raise enough money to build a bridge, Guanyin decided to help them. She changed herself into a beautiful maiden who stood on a marvelous boat, rowed by none other than the local Earth God. Anyone who could succeed in touching her by throwing a piece of money from the edge of water could marry her. Due to many people missing, she collected a large sum of money in her boat. A vegetable merchant managed to touch her on the hair with a silver powder, but the maiden disappeared. Horrified at this treason, the merchant threw himself in the water and drowned. Guanyin predicted that his hair that the merchant had hit would become a White Serpent Demon. So the Goddess of Mercy bit her finger and a drop of blood fell into the water. From this blood would bore a heroine to dominate the demon. Guanyin's blood was swallowed by a washer woman named Lad Ge, who gave


birth to Chen Jinggu, Chen Jinggu learned many Taoist skills in Mt. Lushan, Jiangxi. She battled her arch-nemesis: the Demon Serpent three times. The first time she cut the serpent in three pieces on the bed of the king, where it had taken the human appearance of the queen and eaten the consorts. The second time was to save Liu Qi (reincarnation of the merchant who touched Guanyin's hair with silver powder). The serpent transformed itself into beautiful woman to marry Liu Qi against his will. Their last battle was during a ritual to make rain. This time Chen Jinggu had married with Liu Qi and pregnant with his child. Since the ritual should not be performed by a pregnant woman. Chen temporarily aborted her child, which was killed by the white snake. Chen managed to kill the snake with a sword, but died either of a miscarriage or hemorrhage. Chen Jinggu was respected as Linshui Furen (Linshui Furen means lady who picked from water) because as baby he was picked from the water.

Chen Tuan Chen Tuan was a hermit from Mt. Hua (Huashan) known as “Sleeping Immortal”. He is credited with using and creating sleeping qigong methods of internal alchemical cultivation. Chen Tuan was also renowned as master of divination. One day he fell from his donkey after seeing two young men. He spontaneously shouted “I meet the emperor!” Actually one of those young men was Zhao Kuangyin, the future first emperor of Song Dynasty. When Zhao Kuangyin finally founded the Song Dynasty and became it first emperor, he wanted to establish a garrison on Mt. Hua due to its strategic location. However, the mountain was sacred to the Taoist, so the emperor decided to consult with Chen Tuan first (who also lived in Mt. Hua). As the emperor arrived in his retreat, Chen Tuan challenged him in a chess game. If the emperor won, he could do as he wished. But, if Chen Tuan won, then the emperor and his descendant should not station his troops at Mt. Hua. Zhao Kuangyin approved his idea and so they played the chess. Since Chen Tuan was master of divination, he could easily foresee the emperor’s every move and won the game. Zhao Kuangyin accepted his lose and honored


Chen Tuan with the title: ”Xiyi” (Xi means rare and Yi means mysterious). From that time on, Chen Tuan was known as Chen Xiyi. Aside of his divination and sleeping meditation technique, Chen Tuan was also credited as the inventor of several martial arts, including the infamous Liuhe Bafa.

Chen Xiyi See “Chen Tuan”.

Chijingzi Fire God Chijingzi was one of Supreme Elder (Wulao) representing the Five Elements. He was ancient Fire God from the beginning of the world. Everything connected with him are all of the color of fire, his skin, hair, beard, trousers, cloak of leaves, etc. According to some traditions, he brought fire to humans by discovering how it could be made from the wood of a mulberry tree (another source cites Sui Ren as the inventor of fire). According to Fengshen Yanyi, Chijingzi is one of Yuanshi Tianzun 12 disciples.

Chi Songzi (Master Red Pine) God of Rain During the reign of Shennong Chi Songzi ended a severe drought by sprinkling water from an earthen bowl. Chisongzi was able to ride cloud and created rain. The rain makers from later generations considered him as their ancestor. Some accounts state that Chisongzi was originally an immortal named Huang Chuping (see "Huang Daxian"). Another source referred Yushi as the God of Rain. Yushi generally appears in association with Fengbo, the God of Wind. They aided Chiyou in his struggle against the Yellow Emperor, but were defeated by the intervention of the Drought Goddess Ba. Later they also defeated by Huo Yi the Divine Archer, and finally repented from their wrong doing. There also a theory from Sanjiao Yuanliu Soushen Daquan that Rain God is


actually a one leg bird called Shangyang (see "Shangyang"). After the Tang and Song dynasties, the worship of the Dragon King gradually began to replace the God of Rain.

Chi You God of War Chi You was the Leader of Jiuli Tribe during pre-dynastic time. He fought the Yellow Emperor at Zhuolu but lost. It said that Chi You was the first man who made weapon from iron, thus people worship him as God of War.

Chongming The Chongming Bird is believed to exorcise evil spirits. It looked somewhat like a chicken and Fenghuang (phoenix), with two pupil in each of it eyes. In the past, people engraved Chongming’s image on metals or woods to drive away the evil spirits. Since Chongming looks similar with cock, later on people gradually changed it to the picture of a cock in their doors or windows every New Year.

Chuanggong Chuangmu’s husband; God of Bechamber

Chuangmu Chinese Goddess of the bedchamber. Chuangmu and her husband, Chuanggong, look after the bedroom in all aspects, including sleep, sex, childbirth, recovery from illness, and rest. The pair is also worshiped as protectors for newborn babies and children under 12 years old. According one version, the legend of this god is: There was once a scholar named Guo who was on his was to capital to take an exam. During his travels, he met a lady who sold fans for a living. They fell in love with each other, but fearing hesitation from the lady, the scholar kept an


illness he had secret. One night during their lovemaking, sadly, the scholar died. Terrified of people finding out about their affair, she buried the scholar's body under the bed. To grieve and comfort her lover's soul, she placed fresh flowers, food and wine by the bed. However, to her dismay, she became pregnant and gave birth to a boy. When questioned by the suspicious people in town, she replied that the baby was God sent because of her routine practice of the offerings she lay by her bedside. The people were amazed and those who wanted children began to follow suit. This belief gradually spread and became the story we know today as the Lady of the Bedchamber or Chuangmu.

Cihang Dashi In some Taoist records, Cihang Dashi (or Cihang Zhenren) is said to one of the twelve disciples of Yuanshi Tianzun. In some Taoist Temples, under the statute of Cihang Dashi, there usually is a golden lion with eight additional smaller heads, which is known as the Nine Headed Golden Lion. It is said that the Immortal Cihang Dashi can appear in the human realm in 32 different human forms some of which are male, others female. Some folk-belief stated that Cihang Dashi was subverted into Buddhism and became Guanyin.

City God (Chenghuang) Responsible for protecting the people and the affairs of the particular city or associated afterlife area for which each City God deity was held to be specifically concerned. Beginning over 2000 years ago, the cult of the City Gods (Chenghuang) originally involved worship of a protective deity of a town's walls and moats. Later, the term Chenghuang came to be applied to the presumed title of office held by spirits who were thusly deities of the Chinese Underworld, or afterlife, who served in authority over the souls of the deceased from a certain locality, as well as being capable of intervening in the affairs of the living, in conjunction with other officials of the hierarchy of divine and supernatural beings.


D Dali Guiwang (Demon King with Great Strength) Dali Guiwang is based on Mahabali, the benevolent Demon King from Hindu’s mythology. In Journey to the West he became one of Jade Emperor’s assistant.

Daode Tianzun See "Taishang Laojun".

Day Patrol Deity and Night Patrol Deity Day Patrol Deity (Riyou Shen) is Gan Ye and Night Patrol Deity (Ye you Shen) is Liu Ye. They take turns to supervise the good and bad behaviors of people during day and night time. They are often enshrined in the Dongyue Temple, Cheng Huang Temple and some other temples.

Dashizhi (Mahasthamaparapta) Dashizi is one of the most important Bodhisattva in Pure Land (Sukhavati) Sect; she represents the power of wisdom. She is depicted as Trinity with Amitabha (her teacher) and Guanyin. Just like Guanyin (Avalokitesvara), Dashizhi is referred as male in India, but generally portrayed as female in China (like Guanyin, Manjusri or Samantabhadra)


Deng Hua (Deng Yuanshuai) Chief of Five Thunder Commanders; Member of 36 Heavenly Marshals Deng Hua's mother was conceived him after she visited Sanqing's Temple. She noticed a Round & Bright Ray emitted out from the Lamp and entered into her tummy when he knelt in front of the altar. At the time of the giving-birth, a Green Ray emitted out from the House into the Sky, most of the neighbors were shocked by this scene and so, soon, the house was crowded with people. When he was eight years old, Deng Hua and his father met a priest in the forest. The priest explained that Deng Hua was reincarnation of a Thunder God. Deng then left his parents and followed the priest to do his cultivation. At the age of 36, one day while Deng Hua was out in the field, a loud road of thunder was heard and immediately, a golden light ray shined upon him and he was being summoned back to the Celestial Palace. Deng Hua is also known as Deng Zhong.

Diguan Member of Sanguan Dadi Diguan is the Earthly Official who absolves sins. His birthday is on the 15th of the seventh month

Dijiang Dijiang is a deity from Western Mountain whose resemble yellow sack with a red aura like cinnabar. It has four wings, six legs and it knows to sing or dance. Dijiang exists in a state of confusion with no face or eyes.

Dijun Dijun is an ancient supreme deity from China. According to Shan Haijing, Dijun had two consorts: Xihe (mother of Ten Sun) and Changxi (mother of Twelve Moon). When his son, Ten Sun Deities decided to illuminate the world together and caused tremendous heat (See "Teen Sun Deities"), Dijun sent Hou Yi to gve them lesson. Unfortunately Hou Yi killed 9 of the 10 Sun Deities. 22

Dijun is also associated with the agricultural arts, either directly or as the progenitor of other innovators of farming practice.

Dimu See “Houtu”.

Dizhang Wang See “Ksitigarbha”.

Dongdou Xingjun Gods of Eastern Dipper Dongdou Xinjun are venerated as the gods who save one's live. The Eastern Dipper are consisting of Five Stars Gods: 1. Cangling Yanshen Xingjun 2. Lingyan Huming Xingjun 3. Kaitian Jifu Xingjun 4. Minghe Yang Xingjun 5. Yiji Zongjian Xingjun In the popular folktales: Meng Lijun, Beidou Xingjun was represented as one handsome deity. He was reincarnated as Huangfu Shaohua, the male protagonist of the story.

Dongfang Shuo Dongfang Shuo was a Han Dynasty scholar, official, magician, author, and court jester to Emperor Han Wudi. During his lifetime, Dongfang Shuo was considered a zhexian (banished immortal). He was supposedly an embodiment of Sui 23

(Jupiter) or Taibai (Venus). According Han Wudi Gushi, Queen Mother of the West once presented the peaches of immortality to Han Wudi. She brought seven peaches, each only the size of a pill, five of which she presented to the Emperor, and ate the other two herself. The Queen Mother recognized Dongfang as a courtier of hers at Mt. Kunlun and told the Emperor he was an incarnation of the planet Jupiter who has been temporarily banished to earth for stealing her Peaches of Immortality. Another record from Soushenji tells a story about Emperor Wu encountering a monster blocking Hangu Pass. Thirty or forty feet in length, its body resembled in shape that of a buffalo or an elephant. It had black eyes that blazed with light, and its four legs were so firmly planted in the ground that every effort to dislodge it was unavailing. All the courtiers were terrified except for Dongfang Shuo, who sprinkled gallons of wine over the monster, which gradually melted away. He explained to the emperor that this creature must be a product of an atmosphere of sorrow and suffering, The site of either a Qin Dynasty dungeon or victims of criminals. Since wine has the power to banish grief then it was able to dispel this phantom.

Donghua Dijun Dongwanggong or Donghua Dijun is a senior deity from the East and the embodiment of wood element (that's why he also known as Mugong). He is considered as the representative of extreme positive energy (yang) of the whole universe. Based on some account, every male immortal would had to go through Donghua Dijun's endorsement before they could get a position in the Heavenly Realm. Some older myths even credited him as Queen Mother of the West's husband It is believed Han Dynasty Donghua Dijun reborn into mortal world as Wang Xuanfu during the Han Dynasty. He practiced Taoism from Baiyun Shangzhen on Mt. Kunlun. Later he accepted Han Zhongli as his disciple and imparted the Perfect Formula for Longevity, the Fire Phases for Refining Golden Elixir and the Black Dragon Swordplay to him. According to Dongyouji and Baxian Dedao, Donghua Dijun was reincarnated again as Lu Dongbin. It is said that when Han Zhongli had finished his training, Donghua Dijun told him: "Nowday you are my apprentice, but later i will become your student" (Lu Dongbin is Han Zhongli's disciple). Donghua Dijun anniversary is celebrated every 6th day of 2 Lunar month (actually that was Wang Xuanfu's birthday).


Dongwanggong See "Donghua Dijun".

Dongyue Dadi God of Mt. Tai (Taishan Wang) According folklore, Dongyue Dadi is Huang Feihu, a famous general near the end of Shang Dynasty. Huang was born in a family of officials who have served the Shang Dynasty. His younger sister, Consort Huang, The last ruler of Shang Dynasty was a womanizer. At one point, King Zhou wants to rape Haung Feihu's wife, Lady Jia who committed suicide to preserve her dignity. Consort Huang scolds King Zhou but the king kills her by throwing her off Zhaixing Tower in anger. Huang Feihu was furious when he learns the truth and he decided to rebel against his king. After his heroic death in battle, Huang Feihu was appointed as the God of Mt Taishan (Taishan Wang). Sine Taishan is located in East (Dong) then him also known as "Dongyue Dadi" Some early Chinese myths believe that people will go to Mt Tai after they death. That's why Taishan Wang is also credited as one of Ten Yama King.

Door Gods (Menshen) The Door Gods is a Chinese decoration placed on each side of an entry to a temple, home, business, etc., which is believed to keep evil spirits from entering. The custom of pasting pictures of door gods on doors dates back to ancient China. In the Han dynasty, people believed that peach wood has spiritual properties and can ward off evil spirits so they started making auspicious carvings on peach wood and hanging them around their homes. Following the invention of paper, paper gradually replaced peach wood as people started drawing and writing on paper instead. In earlier times, Shenshu and Yulu were the most common choice for door gods. People drew portraits of them on paper and pasted them on doors. In later times, however, these Door Gods were supplanted in popular favour by two ministers of the Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, by name Qin Shubao and Yuchi Jingde. Taizong had fallen sick, and imagined that he heard 25

demons rampaging in his bedroom. The ministers of State, on inquiring as to the nature of the malady, were informedby the physician that his Majesty's pulse was feverish, that he seemed nervous and saw visions, and that his life was in danger. he ministers were in great fear. The Empress summoned other physicians to a consultation, and after the sick Emperor had informed them that, though all was quiet during the daytime, he was sure he saw and hearddemons during the night, Qin Shubao and Yuchi Jingde stated thatthey would sit up all night and watch outside his door. Accordingly they posted themselves, fully armed, outside the palacegate all night, and the Emperor slept in peace. Next day the Emperor thanked them heartily, and from that time his sickness diminished. The two ministers, however, continued their vigils until the Emperor informed them that he would no longer impose upon their readiness to sacrifice themselves. He ordered them to paint their portraits in full martial array and paste these on the palace doors to see if that would not have the same effect. For some nights all was peace. The resultwas that in a few days the Emperor's health was entirely restored.

Doubao (Prabhutaratna) In the 11th chapter of the Lotus Sutra, Prabhutaratna is depicted as seated next to Rulai Fo (Shakyamuni) within the stupa of Abundant Treasures Buddha, to whom all the Buddha’s from the "ten directions," and those in the great assembly, come to hear the Dharma, It is said that Prabhutaratna, who had long entered nirvana, returns on a jeweled stupa to hear Sakyamuni's preaching of the dharma. Then from within the stupa the Buddha Prabhutaratna offered half of his seat to the Rulai. The Buddha Shakyamuni immediately entered the stupa and sat cross-legged on half of the seat. Thereupon the great assembly saw the two Enlightenment Men sitting cross-legged on the lion-seat in the seven-jeweled stupa. According Fengshen Yanyi, Doubao was initially a Tongtian Jiaozhu's disciple. In the war between King Zhou of Shang against King Wu, many of Tongtian's apprentices were killed by the deities from the King Wu's side. Tongtian then entrusted his four flying swords to Doubao and instructed him building Zhuxianshen (Immortal Slaughtering Trap) to kill Yuanshi Tianzhun's disciples. However Doubao was subdued by Taishang Laojun.


Doumu (marici) Mother Goddess of Big Dipper Doumu Yuanjun (Ziguang Furen) represents the Big Dipper (or Great Chariot, or Plough), and is therefore considered the mother of Jiuhuangdadi or Nine Great Emperor Gods. His husband is Zhouyudi (Doufu Yuanjun). As told in the scriptures, Ziguang Furen went to the imperial garden for sight seeing. She was captivated by the hot spring water next to the lotus pool and took a bath there, miraculously nine lotus buds appeared and after a while the lotus blossomed and came out nine infants. After these nine children grown up, the eldest son Gou Chengxing became one of the heavenly gods, Ziwei Dadi, the second became Gouchen Tianhuang Dadi and the rest of the brothers were Tanglang, Jumen, Lucun, Wenqu, Lianzhen, Wuqu and Pojun are the group of stars known as the Big Dipper Seven Stars.The Big Dipper is in Chinese culture, as well as in other cultures of the world, a traditional symbol of the absolute principle originating the universe. According to Fengshen Yanyi, Doumu was formerly known as Mother Golden Spirit (Jinling Shengmu), an apprentice of Tongtian Jiaozhu. She followed her teacher to battle with Yuanshi Tianzun's disciple. After her death on Randeng hand, she was appointed as Mother Goddess of Big Dipper

Doushen Niangniang Goddess of Smallpox She is one of several deities of the “Ministry of Medicine”; the Chinese organized their deities in parallel with their own government structures. Doushen’s four sons were also part of the ministry: Panshen had rule over fatal smallpox, Chenshen over measles, Shashen over scarlet fever and chicken pox, and Mashen over pockmarks. Doushen herself is said to particularly enjoy causing smallpox in beautiful young children, and children wore paper masks to bed to trick her into ignoring them. There is also male God of Smallpox: Yu Hualong. He is one of King Zhou's general in Fengshen Yanyi.


Dragon Horse (Longma) A Dragon Horse is the vital spirit of Heaven and Earth. As a being its shape consists of a horse's body, yet it has dragon scales.. A true Dragon Horse has wings at its sides and walks upon the water without sinking. Seeing a Longma was an omen of a legendary sage-ruler, particularly one of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors

Dragon King (Longwang) The Dragon King is a deity in Chinese mythology commonly regarded as the divine ruler that rule in the water. There are dragon king in ocean, river, well or even in pond. The dragon king has the ability to shape shift into human form and lives in an underwater crystal palace. He has his own royal court and commands an army comprising various marine creatures. Apart from presiding over aquatic life, the Dragon King can also manipulate the weather and bring rainfall, that why they are also worshiped as the God of Rain.

Du Kang Patron God of Wine-maker It is said that Du Kang was also called Shaokang and lived in the Xia Dynasty about 3900 years ago. He lived on graze when he was young, and often forgot to have meals which he brought and hung on the tree. Later, he found that the taste of meal he left on the tree had changed, and the juices were especially luscious. This interested him and made him think and study again and again. Finally, he learned the principle of natural fermentation and tried to improve his method. At last, a complete method of wine production was invented.


E Earth God See "Fude Zhengshen"

Erlang Shen Erlang Shen is a mighty god with 3rd eye in his forehead. His real name is Yang Jian and he is nephew of the Jade Emperor. According to Erlang Baojuan, the sister of Jade Emperor once came down upon the earth and secretly married with a mortal named Yang Tianyou. The Jade Emperor was furious at this desecration of the Heavenly Rule. He imprisoned her under Mt Tao. Her son, Yang Jian was extraordinarily gifted by nature. By the time he was full grown he had learned the 73 transformations from Yuding Zhenren. He then went to Mt. Tao and cleaved it with his axe to rescue his mother. As Jade Emperor's sister freed from her incarceration, she felt so thirsty. So Yang Jian climbed down into the valley in order to fetch her water. Unfortunately for her, when he returned, Yang Jian found his mother had been burnt to death by Ten Sun Deities. They were following Jade Emperor's order to punish his sister. Yang Jian flew into rage. He took two mountains on his shoulders, pursued the Sun Gods and crushed them to death between the mountains. And whenever he had crushed another Sun God, he picked up a fresh mountain. In this way he had already slain nine of the ten Sun Gods, and there was but one left. Yang Jian was about to seize him, when the Third Dragon Princess of West Sea came and advised him to spare the last sun, since all the created beings on earth need sunshine. In the end Yang Jian was married with the Dragon Princess and canonized as deity.


Erlang Shen uses trident spear as his weapon. He always be accompanied by his faithful hound, Xiaotianquan and his six sworn brothers from Mesihan: Kang, Zhang, Yao, Li, Guo Shen and Zhi Jian. He resides at Guanjiangkou. Another figures associated with Erlang Shen are Li Erlang. the second son of Li Bing (See "Guankou Shen") and Zhao Yu, a hermit from Sui Dynasty. Emperor Yang of Sui appointed him as Governor of Jiazhou. Zhao Yu is said to have set forth with 700 boats and 1000 men to defeat a flood dragon that had been flooding the area. Upon reaching the river Zhao Yu flung himself into the waters with drawn double edged sword to fight the flood dragon. People saw the water grow red, then there came as it were an explosion that cast stones into the air and a rumble like thunder. Suddenly Zhao Yu emerged with the Flood Dragon's head in his hand. Following Zhao Yu's death, the region was once again plagued by flood. On day, the people of Guanzhou saw Zhao Yu amid the fog on a grey horse and crossing the waters attended by a Heavenly Hound. So a temple was erected for him at Guanjiangkou. People venerated him as Erlang Shen.

Eighteen Arhats (Shiba Luohan) They are depicted in Mahayana Buddhism as the original followers of the Buddha who have followed the eightfold path and attained the Four Stages of Enlightenment. They have reached the state of Nirvana and are free of worldly cravings. They are charged to protect the Buddhist faith and to wait on earth for the coming of Maitreya, a prophesied enlightened Buddha to arrive on earth many millennia after Gautama Buddha's death and nirvana. 1. Qilu Luohan-Deer Sitting Luohan. 2. Xiqing Luohan-Happy Luohan. 3. Jubo Luohan-Raised Bowl Luohan. 4. Tuoda Luohan-Raised Pagoda Luohan. 5. Jingzuo Luohan-Meditating Luohan. 6. Guojiang Luohan-Overseas Luohan. 7. Qixiang Luoohan-Elephan Riding Luohan. 8. Xiaoshi Luohan-Laughing Lion Luohan.


9. Kaixin Luohan-Open Heart Luohan. 10. Tanshou Luohan-Raised Hand Luohan. 11. Chensai Luohan-Thinking Luohan. 12. Wa'er Luohan- Scatch Ear Luohan. 13. Budai Luohan-Calioco Bag Luohan. 14. Bajiao Luohan-Plantain Luohan. 15. Changmei Luohan-Long Eyebrow Luohan. 16. Kanmen Luohan-Kanmen Luohan. 17. Xianglong Luohan-Taming Dragon Luohan. 18. Fuhu Luohan-Taming Tiger Luohan. Originally there just 16 Arhats in Indian Buddhism, but Chinese added 2 more into 18.

Eight Immortals A group of 8 Taoist Immortals from Penglai Island, they are: 1. Han Zhongli 2. Lu Dongbin 3. Tieguai Li (Iron Crutch Li) 4. Lan Caihe, 5. He Xiangu (Immortal Woman He) 6. Han Xiangzi 7. Zhang Guolao 8. Cao Guojiu.


Eight Immortlas of Huainan (Huainan Baxian) The Eight Immortals of Huainan (Huainan Baxian), also known as the Eight Gentlemen (Bagong), were the eight scholars under the patronage of Liu An, the Prince of Huainan during the Western Han Dynasty. The Bagong Mountain (Eight Gentlemen Mountain) in China is named after them. When they visited Liu An's abode, their beards and eyebrows were all hoary white. The door keeper told them that his Prince desired to seek the Tao that makes one live long without growing old. And since they was too old, then the gate keeper dare not announce them to the Prince. The Eight Worthies smiled and replied that if the prince disliked their antiquity, then they would become young. Scarcely had they spoken these words than they all turned into youths of fourteen or fifteen. The door-keeper, much amazed, went and told the Prince. Directly the Prince heard the news, he went, without putting on his shoes, barefooted to welcome them. After some time, Liu An succeeded in refining divinity pills. With the permission of his teachers, Liu An and all his friends and relations ate some of the pills and immediately became immortals and ascended to Heaven. His dogs and chicken ate the remaining pills left in the courtyard and also flew into the sky, clucking and barking, making quite a scene. From this legend comes the idiom: Yiren Dedao Jiquan Shengtian (After someone became a god, his/her dog and chicken will go to Heaven). Liu An is venerated as the Patron God of Tofu (bean-curd) Maker/Seller. It is said that he unintentionally invented tofu in one of his alchemical experiment. Liu An also known as Huainanzi, since he was once became the Prince of Huainan.

Emi Tuofo See “Amitabha”.


F Fangfeng As a mythological figure, Fangfeng is mostly known for arriving late for an assembly called by Yu the Great after the end of the Great Flood, and then being executed at the orders of Yu. Because Fangfeng was a giant, the executioner had to build a big dike in order to reach his head. Modern myths and legends regarding Fangfeng in China tend to emphasize that Fangfeng was wrongly executed: that the reason Fangfeng was late for the assembly was that on his way there he encountered a local flood and his delay was caused by his efforts to end the flood and save the people. As a god, worship of Fangfeng was most prominent in the Six Dynasties Regions of Wu and Yue. A common depiction of Fangfeng was as one-eyed and browed, dragon-headed, and ox-eared.

Fan Kuai Patron God of Butcher Fan Kuai was an ex butcher who became general under Liu Bang, the founder of Han Dynasty. Another Patron God of Butcher is Zhang Fei, the mighty hero from the Three Kingdom Era.


Fan Li Civil God of Wealth (Wen Caishen) He was a briliat minister from Yue Kingdom who resigned in his top of career. He changed his renamed himself Tao Zhugong and became sucesfull merchant. Tao Zhugong wrote a book known as Jingshang Baodian (Golden Rules of Business Success). It includes Twelve Business Principles and Twelve Business Pitfalls describing the art of successful business management. This book is considered as the foundation for Chinese Way of Business.

Fazhu Gong Fazhu Gong was born on during the Song Dynasty in the village of Yongtai County, His real name is Zhang Ciguan. On his birthday, the sky shines brilliantly in five colors, and air filled with flower scent. Zhang Ciguan's parent died when he just 5 years old. Zhang then lived with his auntie and worked in the village of Panjiaoyang. One day he met two Sages playing chess. Zhang observed the game with interest and suddenly the sage offered a peach to him. However he just ate half of the peach as it didn't taste good. When Zhang Ciguan returned to his village, he consulted his experience with local Taoist Priest. The priest explained that the two Sages were non other than Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun. And peach was the Peach of Immortality from Queen Mother of the West's garden. If only Zhang had completely eaten the whole peach, he would become immortal. But since he only eat half of it, then Zhang need to cultivate himself and do more good deeds. Zhangg Ciguan then brought his two sworn brothers: Xiao Min and Zhang Ming to Lushan to cultivate according to religious doctrine. They learned Taoism from Master Zhou Zuo at Baiyun Temple. Zhang Ciguan and his sworn brothers did many good deeds for people. They subdued evil spirit, treated sick person and help the construction of bridge at Xianyou. One day Zhang Ciguan fought Wutong Demon on Mt. Shiniu . The demons set fires and burnt Zhang for seven days and seven nights till his face turned black and his hair charred. Zhang Ciguan was imprisoned in a cave, fortunatelly his two sworn brothers arrived to save him. Zhang Ming tried to blow away the rocks blocking the cave entrance but one of the flying pieces hit Zhaang Ciguan’s head which became swollen. He felt so bad and embarrassed till his face turned red. Xiao Min became very angry till his face


turned green. The trio fought ferociously together and overcame the Demons. The Wutong Demon surrendered and became protection assistants for the three brothers. Later the three sworn brothers dwelt on top of the Mt. Shiniu. Their footprints are still visible at the very top of the mountain. In the end, they ascended to Heaven from Jiulongtan, a waterfall at the foot of Mt. Shiniu.

Fei Changfang Fei Changfang was a famous Taoist Priest during Eastern Han Dynasty. He learned his technique from a banished immortal named Hugong (See "Hugong") or Tieguai Li Fei Changfang had an apprentice named Huan Jing. One day he warned his apprentice that a great calamity would strike his village on the ninth day of the ninth moth. Huan Jing's family member must fill a bag with dogwood branches, tie that bag on their arms and ascended to the top of mountain. Upon arriving at the top, they should drink some chrysanthemum wine. Only by doing so Huan Jing's family might avoid the disaster. Huan Jing rushed home and instructed his family to do exactly as his teacher said. When they returned at dusk, they discovered that all of their flocks had been violently slaughtered Since that time, the customs of ascending high, drinking chrysanthemum wine, and carrying dogwood branches have all become part of the Double Ninth festivities.

Fengbo (Taoism Deity) God of Wind His original name is Fei Lien. Thousands years ago, Fei Lian and Yushi (God of Rain) supported Chi You rebellion, but was defeated by Nuba (daughter of Huangdi). Having been transformed into a spiritual monster, he stirred up tremendous winds in the southern regions. The Emperor Yao sent Hou Yi with three hundred soldiers to quiet the storms to subdue him and Yushi. As they were defeated once again, Fei Lian and Yushi repented and finally became god deities. Fengbo described as an old man brought a huge yellow and white sack (which


he stored his wind) In some accounts, Fengbo is substituted with his female counterpart: Feng Popo

Fengbo (Monk) During the Southern Song Dynasty of China there were two famous Buddhist monks: Ji Gong and Fengbo. It is said that these two crazy monks became Arhats. Both of them are worshipped and revered by many. Fengbo lived during the early years of the Southern Song. He was renowned in China for his courageous act of sweeping Prime Minister Qin Hui's face with a broom. The legend has it that Qin Hui went to the famous Ling Yin Temple to seek divination. There he met Fengbo who confronted Qin Hui and his entourage. He scorned Qin Hui as traitor, picked up an old broom and brushed it against the face of the Prime Minister. Then he swaggered off and disappeared completely in a flash. This is the famous story of "the mad monk sweeping Qin out of the temple."

Fengdu Dadi Fengdu Dadi is God of Netherworld according to Taoism Tradition. Later his popularity was surpassed by the Budhist Gods of Netherworld: Ten Yama Kings. Fengdu Dadi dwells on Mt. Luofeng in Fengdu County Sichuan, This place is considered as the residence of deceased spirits.

Fenghuang (Phoenix) Fenghuang is mithological birds from China that reign over all birds. Western people usually call it as Chinese Phoenix. The Fenghuang signified both male and female elements, a yin-yang harmony; its name is a combination of the words feng representing the male aspect and huang the female. According Journey to the West, Feng (male) and Huang (female) combined their essence and gave birth to the Peng (Roc) and Peafowl.

Fire Crows


Fire Crows are pets as well as weapon for various Fire Gods such as Luo Xuan and Huaguang. The Fire Gods put their Fire Crows in a gourd and release them when needed.

Fire God See “Huo Shen”, “Chijingzi”, “Sui Ren”, “Zhu Rong”, “Huobu”.

Five Commisoners of Plague (Wuwen Shizhe) Wuwen Sizhe (Five Commissioners of Plague) or Wufang Guizhu (Demon Masters of Five Direction) is five malevolent deities sent by the Heaven to punish the wicked and eradicate evil from the world of mortals. The Chinese use several rituals to send off the plagues gods. The most common is using a spiritual boat to send off the Plague Gods. There are many versions about Wuwen Shizhe members, Based on Shenxiao Duanwen Dafa, the Five Commissioners of Plague Gods are: 1. Zhang Yuanbo-The Spring God of Plague from East, wearing blue robe. 2. Liu Yuanda-The Summer God of Plague from South, wearing red robe. 3. Zhao Gongming-The Autumn God of Plague from West, wearing white robe. (Zhao Gongming is more popular as God of Wealth) 4. Zhong Shigui-The Winter God of Plague from North, wearing black robe. 5. Shi Wenye-The Central God of Plague, wearing yellow robe. Each Plague God has their own weapon: a spoon and earthenware vase; a leather bag and sword; a fan; a hammer; a jug of fire. The Ming Novel Fengshen Yanyi had different version of Plague Gods. According to this book the Five Commissioners of Plague Gods were Lu Yue and four of his disciple. Lu Yue was an evil wizard from Jiulong Island. During the war between King Zhou of Shang against King Wu, Lu Yue and his disciples organized a system of entrenchments and of infection against King Wu's army. However his scheme was foiled by Yang Ren and so Lu Yue met his doom.


Five Marshalls of the Thunder Agency There are 36 (or 24) Thunder Deities in Thunder Agency (Leibu). The Five Marshals of the Thunder Agency are the five ones frequently seen in Daoist scriptures and books,They are 1. Deng Yuanshai (Deng Hua/Deng Zhong) 2. Tian Hua/Bi Yuanshuai 3. Liu Yuanshuai (Liu Hou) 4. Xin Yuanshuai (Xin Xing) 5. Pang Yuanshuai (Pang Qiao)

Five Planets and Seven Luminaries (Wuxing Qiyao Xingjun) In ancient times, the Five Planets (Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, Venus, and Saturn), together with Sun and Moon, were deified as Seven Stellar Gods. According to Taishang Dongzhen Wuqing Mishou jing, the functions of Five Planets are mentioned as follow: 1. Jupiter (Taixing) in the East is in charge of the births of all thing 2. Mars (Huoxing) in the South is in charge of the growth of all things. 3. Venus (Jinxing) in the West is in charge of the control and restrain of all things. 4. Mercury (Shuixing) in the North is in charge of the benefiting of all things. 5. Saturn (Tuxing) in the Center is in charge of the breeding of all things.

Flower Fairies (Huxianzi) The Chinese beleive that all flowers has it own deities. The leader of all Flowers Fairies are Baihua Xianzi (Hundred Flower Fairy). The Flower Fairies are always on bad term with Feng Popo (The Goddess of Wind), because strong wind will scatters flowers. There also belief that each month have a representative flower that blooms in


that particular month and has an associated flower goddess: 1. Plum Fairy: Princess Shuoyang Princess Shouyang was the daughter of Emperor Wu from Song Kingdom (Sothern and Northen Era). One day when the princess slept beneath a plum tree, a plum blossom fell on her forehead, leaving a floral imprint which made her more beautiful. Later, other ladies followed her to paste plum blossom ornaments on their foreheads. 2. Apricot Fairy: Yang Guifei Yang Yuhuan or Yang Guifei was the concubine of Emperor Xuanzong of Tang Dynasty. She is considered as one of four beauties in Ancient China. Yang Guifei was forced to hang herself during An Lushan’s rebellion. Legend has it that the emperor could not locate her corpse; instead he just found an apricot. 3. Peach Fairy: Xi Furen Xi Furen was the consort of King Xi. The during the Spring and Autumn Period. When the king of Chu overthrew Xi State, he seized Xi Furen and took her home with him. She bore him two children but would never speak to him. Xi Furen suicide when she heard about the death of her first husband. She died in March, when all the peach trees are in blossom. 4. Lotus Fairy: Xi Shi See “Xi Shi”. 5. Hollyhock Fairy: Li Furen Li Furen was the favorite concubine of Emperor Han Wudi. She died several years after she was chosen as a concubine, her life was short but flowery, just like the hollyhock. 6. Laurel Fairy: Xu Hui Xu Hui was a concubine of Emperor Taizong of Tang. She wrote many poems about Laurel Blossom when she was alive. 7. Daffodil Fairy: E Huang and Nu Ying See “Xiang River Goddesses”.

Four Celestial Masters (Si Tianshi) Four Celestial Masters are four famous Taoist Masters, they are: 1. Zhang Daoling 2. Xu Xun (Xu Jingyang)


3. Ge Hong (Ge Xianweng) 4. Sa Shoujian In the Ming novel Journey to the West (Xiyouji), Sa Shoujian was replaced with Qiu Hongji.

Four Heavenly Ministers (Siyu) The Four Heavenly Ministers are assistant deities to the Sanqing (Three Pure Ones): 1. Yuhuang Dadi (Jade Emperor) 2. Zhongtian Ziwei Beiji Dadi (The Great Middle Heaven Emperor of the North Pole Star of Purple Subtlety) who is the Stellar Sovereign of the whole Purple Subtlety Constellation. 3. Gouchen Shanggong Tianhuang ("The Great Heavenly Emperor of the Highest Palace of Polaris) 4. Hou Tu (The Mother of Soil)

Four Inspectors of Year (Sishi Gongcao) These Four Inspectors will travel around the whole Three Realms to do inspections and records on things happened, Mortal Encounters and any other Abnormal Issues. Their name is: 1. Li Bing-The Year Inspector. 2. Huang Chengyi-The Month Inspector. 3. Zhou Deng-The Day Inspector. 4. Liu Hong-The Hour Inspector.


Four Kings of Heaven (Sida Tianwang) Four giant deities guarding the four gate of Heaven. Their names are; 1. Mo Liqing, the eldest, he holds a magic sword. When brandished, it causes a black wind, which produces tens of thousands of spears, which pierce the bodies of men and turn them to dust. The wind is followed by a fire, which fills the air with tens of thousands of golden fiery serpents. A thick smoke also rises out of the ground, which blinds and burns men, none being able to escape. 2. Mo Lihong, carries in his hand an umbrella, called the Umbrella of Chaos, formed of pearls possessed of spiritual properties. Opening this marvelous implement causes the heavens and earth to be covered with thick darkness, and turning it upside down produces violent storms of wind and thunder and universal earthquakes. 3. Mo Lihai, holds a four-stringed pipa, the twanging of which supernaturally affects the earth, water, fire, or wind. When it is played all the world listens, and the camps of the enemy take fire. 4. Mo Lishou has two whips and a panther-skin bag, the home of a creature known as Huahu Diao. When at large, this creature assumes the form of a white winged elephant, which devours men. According to Fengshen Yanyi, the four brothers were originally lived at Jiameng Pass. During the war between King Zhou of Shang vs King Wu, Grand Chancellor Wen Zhong of Shang asked them to come to their aid and They agreed. Many fierce battles ensued. At first these went in favor of the four brothers thanks to their magical weapons. Unfortunately the deities from King Wu's army managed to steal and destroyed their weapon. Finally a young general named Huang Tianhua slew them with his magical weapon, a spike 7 1/2 inches long, enclosed in a silk sheath, and called Heart-piercer. When King Wu's army finally proved victorious, Jiang Ziya canonized 365 deities from both sides and the four brothers were appointed as Sida Tianwang.

Fubao Fubao was the mother of Yellow Emperor. She impregnated after watching an unearthly light play across the sky.


Fucanglong The Dragons of Hidden Treasures are underworld dragons which guard buried treasures, both natural and man-made. Volcanoes are said to be created when they burst out of the ground to report to Heaven.

Fude Zhengshen Earth God Fude Zhengshen or more popular as Tudi Gong is portrayed as an elderly man with a long white beard, a black or gold hat and a red or yellow robe, which signifies his position as a bureaucrat. He carries a wooden staff in his right hand and a golden ingot on the left. In the countryside, he is sometimes given a wife, Tudi Po (Earth Grandmother), placed next to him on the altar. The worship of Earth God dated back to ancient times and originated in the fear and respect of nature. The Land God originally worshipped is not quite the same as today’s Earth God. The God people worship nowadays is a low ranking Underworld deity who is in charge of spirits of a certain piece of land. It is also the patron saint of a village, equivalent to a village chief in the mortal world. The Earth God is worshipped in temples all over the land and is one of the gods that most closely related to people's lives. There is belief that Earth God was originally a tax collector named Zhang Fude. He cared about the people a lot when he worked. When someone had trouble, he would try his best to help them. If someone couldn't pay taxes all of a sudden, he would try to postpone the deadline or even pay for them. He was always busy trying to solve other people's problems. In order to remember his kindness, later generations set up temples for him at scenic spots in the countryside. Her other title is Tudi Ye.

Fufei See "Goddess of Luo River".

Fuhu Luohan (Taming Tiger Luohan) Member of Eighteen Arhats 42

Pindola was an ex general who became monk. Everyday he could hear a tiger howl near his monastery. He thought that the tiger was probably hungry and should be fed some vegetarian food, otherwise it might become a man-eater. So Pindola left a bucket of vegetarian food outside the monastery and the tiger did come for the food every night. After a period of time, the tiger was tamed. Thus Pindola was referred to as the Taming Tiger Luohan.

Fu-Lu-Shou God of Fortune, Prosperity and Longevity Fu-Lu-Shou are consisted of three gods: 1. Fuxing (God of Good Fortune). Fuxing is generally depicted in scholar's dress, holding a scroll, on which is sometimes written the character "Fu". He may also be seen holding a child, or surrounded by children. This god is associated with two historical figures: Yang Cheng and Guo Ziyi: Yang Cheng was governor of Daozhou who risked his life by writing a memorial to the emperor to save the people from presenting dwarf slaves as the special tribute for palace. Guo Ziyi was great hero in the Tang Dynasty who stopped An Lushan's rebellion. 2. Luxing (God of Prosperity) Luxing is a god who bestows prosperity, rank, and influence. He is depicted in the dress of a mandarin. Luxing is generally associated with Wenchang Dijun or Zhangxian. 3. Shouxing (God of Longevity) The star of the South Pole in Chinese astronomy, and is believed to control the life spans of mortals. There is folk belief that he was carried in his mother's womb for ten years before being born, and was already an old man when delivered. He is recognized by his high, domed forehead and the peach which he carries as a symbol of immortality. Shouxing is also known as Nanji Xianweng, because he represented the Star of the South Pole in Chinese Astronomy. He also called Changsheng Dadi (the Great Emperor of Longevity). According to Fengshen Yanyi, Nanji Xianweng is disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun.


Fuxi Father of Humankind Fuxi was a legendary prehistoric leader in China. His mother was called Huaxu who conceived him after stepping on the footprints of Leigong, the God of Thunder. Fuxi created many important things such as Bagua (The Eight Diagrams) Guqin (a kind of zither) with thirty-five strings and calendar. He also renowned as "Father of Humankind", because he taught people how to trap animal, make the fish-net, catch the bird and cook their food. Some legends are referring Fuxi as brother or husband of Nuwa (the mother of humankind). Sometime he also depicted as half human and half snake (like Nuwa).

Fuxing (God of Good Fortune) See "Fu-Lu-Shou".

Fu Ying Member of 36 Heavenly Marshall Fu Ying is lived during Tang Dynasty. As a young man he shut himself up in his room and studied intensely. One night a Nine Tails Fox taking the shape of a man, opened the door and wished to start a conversation with him but Fu Ying would not take any notice of the intruder. Next day, the fox came again, and now knocked at the window but the student did not make any sign of attention. Now the fox became a monstrous giant and entered the room, sat upon a tea-table and began to fire its eyes and nose with a fire brand which it had in its hands. The recluse, without looking up from his books, told the monster that he knew quite well he was the same as yesterday's intruder but that it did not frighten him in the least. With that he flung his brush for red writing at the Demon-fox full in the face. The monster turn into woman and left him. Not long afterward, Fu Ying was appointed by the Jade Emperor as Heavenly Marshall.


G Gao Yuan Member of 36 Heavenly Marshals Emperor Yang of Sui dynasty married his daughter to General Gao Yuan, in hope they would have son to inherit his throne. (Since the emperor himself wasn’t have a son). Unfortunately after several years they still didn’t have son. The angry emperor threatened Gao Yuan: He would execute him, if they couldn't has a son until one year later. In a dream the princess met a deity who told her that his father couldn't have son because he is bad emperor, when his husband couldn’t have son because he once harassed the Jade Emperor in his previous live. Frustrating with this, Gao Yuan decided to suicide.

Ge Hong Patron God of Dyers Ge Hong was great-grandson of Ge Xuan (famous Taoist Master from Three Kingdom Era), thus he was called Ge Xianweng. He was credited for writing a systematically theories of immortality. Ge Hong lived during Jin Dynasty. He was rewarded with the title of "General of Appeasing the Waves" for vanquishing Zhang Chang and Shi Bing rebellion. However the political situation led him to the decision to give up worldly affair. Ge Hong studied the art of immortality from Zheng Ying then Bao Jing (who also became his father-in-law). Later he settled down on Mt. Luofu where he continued his studies in alchemy until his death.


Ge Hong was a highly experienced master in alchemy (Liandan) who experimented a lot with different drugs and minerals. It is believed that he invented a kind of dye during his alchemical experiment, thus he was worshiped as the Patron God of Dyer. His monumental work was Baopuzi-The Master Who Embraces Simplicity (Baopuzi was also Ge Hong’s that divided into two parts. The first part, “The 20 Inner Chapters (Neipian), discusses Ge’s alchemical studies. Ge gives a recipe for an elixir called gold cinnabar and recommends sexual hygiene, special diets, and breathing and meditation exercises. He even prescribes a method for walking on water and for raising the dead. The second part of the book, The 50 Outer Chapters (Waipian), shows Ge Hong as a Confucian who stresses the importance of ethical principles for the regulation of proper human relations and who severely criticizes the hedonism that characterized the Taoist individualists of his day.

Ge Xianweng See "Ge Hong".

Goddess of Luo River Emperor Fuxi had many daughters; Fufei was just one of them. However, he paid little attention to her because he had so many daughters. One days Fufei was walking along the banks of the Luo River when her beauty and melancholic expressions intrigued and captivated the Luo River. The Luo River began to woo her by creating countless enchanting scenes. The scenes so captivated her that Fufei gave her to the river and was gone. Soon Emperor Fuxi noticed that one of his daughters was missing. He went in search of her till he came upon the banks of the Luo River. As he looked into the waters he noticed a slight ripple and a woman of unparalleled beauty floated up and hovered just above the surface. Fuxi recognized her to be Fufei but it was only then that he realized how beautiful she was. Fuxi was deeply regretful for having neglected her but he could not separate the woman from the river. To make amends, Fuxi gave Fufei the title of Luoshen or Mifei. Some myth depicts Mifei as spouse of Hebo, the God of Yellow River, when


other legend affiliates her with Cao Zhi, son of famous prime minister from Han Dynasty.

God of Good Fortune See "Fu-Lu-Shou".

God of Longevity See "Fu-Lu-Shou".

God of poverty (Qionggui) It is said that Emperor Zhuanxu's had a son named Gong Zhong. His body was short and weak. Gong Zhong only want to wear rags and eat coarse grains. Even when offered new clothes, he would not wear it until he burnt a hole in it. After he died, people claimed that day as one to send away the Ghost of Poverty (Qionggui). During Chinese New Year, there is a tradition called "Sending Away the Ghost of Poverty". Usually it falls on the 5th or the 6th day of the Lunar Year. Every region in China have their own traditions. For instance, some people will people throw away their ragged clothes, rubbish or place a little paper puppet outside the door who is supposed to kick Poverty out the door.

God of Prosperity See "Fu-Lu-Shou".

God of Rain See “Dragon King”, “Chi Songzi”, ”Shangyang”, “Yushi”.


God of Wealth See "Caishen".

Gong Detian Goddess of Luck Gong Detian is based on Goddess Lakshmi Sri from Hindu Mythology. She holds a wish fulfilling pearl in her left hand and makes a gesture of boldness with her right hand.

Gong Gong God of Water Gong Gong is son of Zhu Rong (the God of Fire) and father of Houtu (The Mother Goddess of Earth). He was credited in various mythological contexts as being responsible for great floods, often in concert with his associate Xiangliu. Gong Gong once fought with Zhuanxu for the throne of the empie but lost. Later he also rebelled against Di Ku but subdued by his own father, Zhu Rong. Gong Gong was ashamed that he lost the fight with Zhu Rong, the Chinese God of Fire. In a fit of rage he smashed his head against Mt. Buzhou a pillar holding up the sky, greatly damaging it and causing the sky to tilt towards the Northwest and the earth to shift to the southeast, which caused great floods and suffering. Aside from

Gouchen Shanggong Tianhuang Dadi Member of Siyu (The Four Heavenly Ministers) Guochen Dadi is in charge of the Sancai (Three Powers) of Heaven, Earth and man, and of wars in the human world. His birthday is on the 2nd of the second month.


Goumang God of Wood Goumang is Fuxi's assistant. His job is to pull out the sprouts of all plants in spring. He resides at the Eastern Heaven.

Guandi See "Guan Yu".

Guangchengzi From the idea of Taoism, Guangchengzi was the avatar of Taishang Laojun (also named Daode Tianzun) during the period of Yellow Emperor in ancient Chinese history But in Fengshen Yanyi Guangchengzi is the student of Yuanshi Tianzun, who is the co-founder of Branch Chan Taoism. Guangchengzi ranked the first of the Twelve Golden Xian

Guangong See "Guan Yu".

Guankou Shen Guankou Shen is Li Bing, a governor who served King Zhao of Qin during Warring States Period. He led the construction of Dujiangyan, an irrigation system that prevented the Min River from flooding and irrigated the Chengdu Plain. It also believed that Li Bing abolished the barbarism of human sacrifice to the River. According to folklore, the Min River frequently flooded Guankou Area (near Chengdu). The river god insisted on marrying two little girls each year. The girls were elaborately dressed in bridal garments, and seated upon a bridal couch in richly decorated backs;, then they were taken out to the deep and drowned.


Li Bing decided to marry his own daughter to the river god. On the wedding day, Li Bing scolds the river god for his mischievous deeds. With that, he drew his sword and disappeared. After quite a while, two green bulls were seen in deadly combat. That afternoon Li Bing returned to his followers. He told them that Li Bi that the ox in the Sou with his flanks girt in the white was him. His followers then stabbed the ox to the North to death, thus the River God met his doom. Another legend cites that it was not Li Bing who fought the River God, but his son, Li Erlang. (See "Erlang Shen").

Guan Ping Guan Yu's adopted child. He accompanied his father when Guan Yu was captured and executed by Sun Quan in 219 AD. Guan Ping's statue usually placed together with Guan Yu and Zhou Chang on Guan Yu's Altar.

Guanyin (Avalokitesvara) Goddess of Mercy In India, Guanyin is represented as a male; but in China we find her represented as a female (he/she has 33 manifestations after all). She was called The Goddess of Mercy, because at any cry of misery she 'hears the voice and removes the sorrow. The Chinese believe that Guanyin was actually Princess Miao Shan. Her story according to Nanhai Guanyin Quanzhuan is mentioned as follow: King Miao Zhuang from Xinling had three daughters: Miao Qing, Miao Yin and Miao Shan. He asked his third daughter Miao Shan to marry a wealthy man, but she refused, because she want to continue her spiritual practice and use it to help all sentient beings. The king was furious, and he tried to punish her by making her perform menial tasks. Finally, he threw up his hands and sent Miao Shan to live in a monastery. He ordered the nuns there to make his daughter perform only the toughest chores in order to discourage her. The monks forced Miao Shan to work all day and all night, while others slept, in order to finish her work. However, she was such a good person that the animals living around the temple began to help her with her chores. Her father, seeing this, became so frustrated that he attempted to burn down the temple. Miao Shan put out the fire with her bare hands and suffered no burns. Now struck with fear, her father ordered her to be put to death.


King Miao Zhuang became more and more furious. He ordered his executioner to kill Miao Shan, but a supernatural tiger took her then bounded away with a single giant leap. It was in this way that Miao Shan reached the intermediate words and met King Yama, the ruler of the Hell realms. When Miao Shan arived at Hell, the place was filled with light, music, and flowers blossomed around. Ten Yama Kings had to send Miao Shan away, or she might turn Hell into Paradise. The resurrected Miao Shan was transported by Amitabha Buddha to the island, of Putuoshan, where she spent nine years perfecting her self. Meanwhile, Heaven cursed KIng Miao Zhuang with incurable limes. Falling One day a monk appeared saying that his illness could be cured by making a medicine out of the arm and eye of one without anger. The monk further suggested that such a person could be found on Fragrant Mountain. When asked, Miao Shan willingly offered up her eyes and arms. Miao Zhuang was cured of his illness and went to the Fragrant Mountain to give thanks to the person. When he discovered that his own daughter had made the sacrifice, he begged for forgiveness. Full of remorse he left his kingdom to his chief minister and become a convert to Buddhism (followed with Miao Shan's mother and both of her sisters). Because of her merciful heart, Buddha bestowed Guanyin with thousand eyes and thousand arm to watch over human suffer and help them. Guanyin depicted as beautiful white robed woman. In her left hand she holds the vase that contains holy water, and in her right hand she holds a willow branch. She usually accompanied by her faithful acolytes: Shancai and Longnu.

Guanyin with the Fish Basket (Yulian Guanyin) Once upon a time, Guanyin found a village that full of infidels. No one in that village who praid to god nor recited Buddha's Sutra. So Guanyin manifested herself as a beautiful fishmonger and challenged her admirers to memorize Sutras. As the reward, she would marry the man who excelled in reciting Sutras. Finally, a winner emerged, but just right after the wedding, she dies suddenly, her body decaying almost immediately. A monk prays and announces that the woman is Guanyin Bodhisattva herself. Since that day the villagers became Budhist devout.


Guan Yu God of War; God of Wealth; God of Literature” Patron Deity for Bean-curd Maker; Patron Deity for Police; Patron Deity for Triad Guan Yu was native of Shanxi. In his youth he slew an evil magistrate and escaped to the mountain. Having with difficulty avoided capture by the barrier officials, he knelt down at the side of a brook to wash his face. Suddenly his appearance was completely transformed. His complexion had become reddishgrey, and he was absolutely unrecognizable. One day Guan Yu arrived at Zhuzhou. There Zhang Fei, a butcher, who had been selling his meat all the morning, at noon lowered what remained into a well, placed over the mouth of the well a stone weighing twenty-five pounds, and said that If anyone could lift that stone, he/she might take my meat as reward. Guan Yu going up to the edge of the well, lifted the stone with the same ease as he would a tile, took the meat, and made off. Zhang Fei pursued him, and eventually the two came to blows, but no one dared to separate them. Just then Liu Bei, a hawker of straw shoes, arrived, interposed, and put a stop to the fight. The community of ideas which they found they possessed soon gave rise to a firm friendship between the three men. They took the oath of brotherhood in a peach orchard, and sworn as brothers. Liu Bei was saluted as elder brother, Guan Yu as the second, and Zhang Fei as the youngest. Together the three sworn brothers set out and became involved in military pursuits. Later Liu Bei successfully became the first emperor of Shu Kingdom. As for Guan Yu, he is recorded as one of Chinese mightiest general ever lived. He is known for his nobility, integrity, bravery and loyalty. Guan Yu is depicted as a man with 2 feet long beard with a reddish face. He wears green robe and holds a Blue Dragon Saber in his hand. Chinese people love him so much as credited Guan Yu as many deity, from: God of War, God of Wealth, God of Literature, Patron of Bean-curds seller (since he once made his living as a young man by selling bean-curds), Patron of Police and even Patron of Triad (organized criminal in Hongkong). In his altar, Guan Yu's statue is usually accompanied by two of his loyal retainer: Guan Ping and Zhou Chang. There also a story about Guan Yu's weapon, the Blue Dragon Saber, According to Beiyouji, after Guan's ascension to Heaven, his weapon became a powerful demon in earth. The Sword Demon slew Xuantian Shangdi who tried to stop it. After resurrected by his teacher, Xuantian Shangdi asked Guan Yu's help to tame his blade. Later Guan Yu also join 36 Heavenly Marshall's The people respected Guan Yu as Guangong or Guandi


Guan zhong Patron God of Prostitution and Brothel Guan Zhong, was prime minister from Qi State during Spring Autumn Period who initiate the first government sponsored hotel. Since Ming Dynasty his popularity was surpassed by another Patron God of Prostitution: Baimei Shen.

Guiguzi Patron of Fortune Teller Guiguzi is legendary hermit and fortume teller during Warring Sates and Qin.Dinasty period. It is said that his mother conceived him after dreaming of her deceased husband. He was called Guiguzi (Master of Ghost Valley) since he dwelled in Guigu Valley. Guiguzi masetred art of war as well as the secret of Heaven and Earth. He had so many disciple who became famous strategis or general in their time such as Sun Bin, Pang Juan, Su Qin, Zhang Yi and general Di Qing from the Song Dinasty. Gugiguzi is also known as Wangchan Laozu. He has a cousin named Wangao Laozu who becomes immortal too.

Guo Pu Guo Pu is usually called as the father of Fengshui. He authored Zangshu (The Book of Burial), the first-ever and the most authoritative source of Fengshui doctrine and the first book to address the concept of Fengshui in Chinese history. In 323, Guo Pu entered the service of Wang Dun, one of the most powerful general during Eastern Jin Dynasty. Wang Dun planned usurpation of the Eastern Jin throne and asked Guo Pu to predict the outcome of his rebellion. When Guo Pu answered that he would fail, Wang Dun suspected that he was loyal to the emperor. Wang Dun then inquired Guo Pu to predict how long he was going to live. The diviner replied that if Wang Dun embarked on the rebellion, disaster will overtake him. But if he remain quietly at Wuzhang, his length of years will be beyond computation. This omen made Wang Dun very angry; He asked how long Guo Pu's live would


be last and the diviner replied that he will be killed this day. In his rage Wang Dun executed him at South hill. Two months later his rebellion was vanquished and Wang Dun meet his doom.


H Haichanzi See "Liu Haichan".

Han Xin God of Gambler Han Xin was one of most prominent general in Chinese history. He served Liu Bang, the founder of Han Dynasty. Legend is said that Han Xin invented gambling games to entertain his troops.

Han Xiangzi Member of Eight Immortals Han Xiangzi is nephew of Han Yu, the famous statesman and poet from the Tang Dynasty. His uncle had great expectations of Han Xiangzi, since he was the only male offspring of the Han Family. Unfortunately the nephew had no intention of entering government service. Instead, he simply desired to explore the surrounding mountains, and practiced the inner alchemy of Taoism. One day Han Xiangzi ran away from his uncle's home. He followed Lu Dongbin and Han Zhongli. Coming to a peach-tree, Han Xiangzi climbed up to pluck the fruit of immortality, but was thrown to the ground by the snapping of a branch and was killed. At the very same moment he was transfigured and became an immortal.


In one occasion, Han Xiangzi attended to his uncle's banquet. He tried to persuade Han Yu to give up his political career and pursue Tao. The later however, suggested his nephew to give up his pursuit for Tao and engage himself in a political career. Han Xiangzi then planted two flowers in a basin filled with soil, on which was an antithetical couplet on it leaves. It said: "The clouds hide Mt. Qing, Where is your abode? The snow is deep on Lan Pass, Your horse refuses to advance." Several years later, Han Yu was stripped from his previous rank, and reassigned as the postmaster on Caozhou (because he had recently spoken against the emperor's pro-Buddhist policies). When he reached the Blue Pass in his flight, a deep snowfall had made the road impassable. His horse had floundered in a snow drift, and he himself was well-nigh frozen. Then Han Xiangzi suddenly appeared, helped him and his horse out of the drift, and brought them safely to the nearest inn along the Blue Pass. Later Han Xiangzi successfully delivered his uncle to attain immortality. According to Han Xiangzi Quanzhuan, Han Yu married his nephew with a beautiful girl named Lin Luiying, in hope that Han Xiangzi would start thinking about the worldly affair. Later Han Xiangzi also aided his wife to achieve immortality. Han Xiangzi's attribute is a flute. He is Patron Deity for Musicians.

Han Shan See “Hehe Ershen”.

Han Yuan & Fu Qu Han Yuan and Fu Qu are Zhong Kui's sworn brothers. Together they vanquished ghosts and evil beings in Mortal World. Han Yuan was a poor scholar for most of his life. When he finally got a good position, his patron was framed by Yang Guozhong and so he lost his job. In anger and despair Han Yuan committed suicide. Fu Qu was a minor military officer who met a tragic death during An Lushan's rebellion.


Han Zhongli Member of Eight Immortals; Emblem of Military Man Zhongli Quan was a famous general from the Han Dynasty. In one fierce battle, all of his troops were massacred by Xiongnu. He couldn't return to his kingdom and decided to live as ascetic. Zhongli Quan met with Donghua Dijun in Mt. Zhongnan who instructed him in the doctrine of immortality. During a great famine he transmuted copper and pewter into silver by amalgamating them with some mysterious drug. This treasure he distributed among the poor, and thousands of lives were thus saved. Zhongli Quan has big belly and brought a fan in his hand. Since he was born during the Han Dynasty, then people called him Han Zhongli (Zhongli of Han).

Heaven Deaf and Earth Dumb (Tianlong and Diya) Tianlong and Diya are Wenchang Dijun's attendant. They are the servant and groom who always accompany Wencang on his journeys (on which he rides a white horse). Their names are respectively Xuan Dongzi and Di Mu, more commonly they are called Tianlong (Deaf as Heaven) and Diya (Mute as Earth). Thus they cannot divulge the secrets of their master's administration as he distributes intellectual gifts, literary skill, etc.

Hebo The God of the Yellow River Legend said that Hebo or Fengyi was a person that drowned when fording the Yellow River. The Jade Emperor had pity with him and made him a water god in the shape of a white dragon or a fish, but with a human face. The famous archer Hou Yi once shot out his left eye as a punishment for the many devastating floods he had caused. However in Shizi, Hebo is depicted as benevolent deity who bestowed the River Diagram to Yu the Great. At least since the Shang period offerings to the Lord of the Yellow River and his wife were regularly brought to appease the floods, or to the souls of people that had drowned in the floods. The name of Hebo wife is Luofei or Mifei


Hehe Ershen Gods of Harmony Wedding couples worship them to pray for matrimonial harmony and businessmen worship them to pray for wealth. According to legend, the gods are two brothers. They are two subordinates of the God of Wealth. One usually holds a lotus and the other a treasure box, as a homophone (Hehe) of the Chinese characters for “harmony and good union.” Another story has it that the Qing Emperor Yongzheng canonized Han Shan and Shi De, two eminent monks in the Zhenguan Period of Tang Dynasty, as the God of Harmony and the God of Good Union. The two monks were good friends. They loved to compose poems and behaved crazily. When the high officer of Taizhou Shou went to visit them, they fled arm in arm and were never seen again.

Helan Qizhen He was popular Taoist Master during late Five Dynasties and early Song Dynasty. His earlier record only stated Helan as eccentric Taoist. But in the Yuan Dynasty folk belief he was indeed an immortal. He achieved his immortality by devouring a three-legged toad.

Heng’e See “Chang’e”.

Hengha Erjiang Hengha Erjiang are two wrath-filled and muscular guardians of the Buddha, standing at the entrance of many Buddhist temples. According Fengshen Yanyi, their name is Zheng Lun and Chen Qi.


Heshen River God; each river has it own god.

He Xiangu The only female member of Eight Immortals;. She was the daughter of He Tai, a man from Zengcheng District, Guangzhou, Guangdong. At birth, she had six long hairs on the crown of her head. When she was about 14 or 15, a divine personage appeared to her in a dream and instructed her to eat powdered Mother of Pearl Stone so that her body might become etherealized and immune from death. She did as instructed and also vowed to remain a virgin. She also gradually decreased her food intake. Wu Zetian once sent a messenger to summon He Xiangu to the imperial court, but she disappeared on the way there. Other story told that her real name was He Xiugu. Her father forced Xiugu to marry. Unfortunately she rebelled and jumped into the well. Xiugu did it hurriedly that she left one of her slipper. Several years, a priest came to Xiugu's parent’s house. The priest said that he met an immortal maiden who asked him to fetch her slipper that she left near the well many years ago. Xiugu's father astonished as he realized her daughter had become immortal. Later people built He Xiangu temple in that site. It is said the water from that well might cure every disease. He Xiangu symbol is lotus flower.

Hongjun Laozu Hongjun Laozu is the patriarch of Three Pure Ones. According to Fengshen Yanyi, he is the teacher of Taishang Laojun, Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian Jiaozhu Hongjun Laozu is also conflated with Xuanxuan Shangren (Mystery of Mysteries Saint). Based on Tiantang Youji, Xuanxuan Shangren is the first personified being from creation. He manifested into Three Pure Ones (Sanqing) and then created Five Supreme Elders (Wulao). This happened before the first man and woman are being incubated. In the myth of Chinese New Year, Hongjun Laozu was depicted as an old deity who defeated Nian, a giant monster who terrorized the village every New Year. Every Chinese New Year was a time of suffering and fear because of Nian.


One Chinese New Year's Eve, the deity Hongjun Laozu decides to help them. When Hongjun came to face Nian, he took his clothes off to reveal his undergarments, which were red. Actually Nian was afraid with red color, so it cried and ran away. Hongjun returned to the village and instructed every household to paste red on each of their doors to prevent Nian creating havoc. After that, the people started to paste red paper on their front doors before New Year's Day.

Horse head and ox head (Mamian and Niutou) Guardian of the Netherworld. They were real horse and ox in their previous life which dead because of over exhausted during their work for human. Formerly King Yama give them human body and face, but because they received bribe, then their face was reverted back to it’s original form.

Houji Lord of Millet. Patron God of Abundant Harvests Houji was believed as the first person who taught people to grow millet and wheat in China. He was also claimed as the ancestor of the Ji Clan that became the ruling family of the Zhou Dynasty. It is said that his mother, Jiang Yuan (Emperor Diku’s consort) conceived him after stepped on a footprint left by god. Jiang Yuan repeatedly tried to abandon this unwanted son, but each time he was saved by animals in the street, woodcutters in the forest, and by a great bird on the ice. Jiang Yuan was finally realized that her son was a divine being, so she decided to raise him, she named his baby: Qi (abandoned one), because she once tried to abandon him. Later King Tang of Shang gave him posthumous name: Houji (Lord of Millet).

Houtu Mothers Goddess of Earth She is the deity of the earth and soil. Initially he was a male god, but became female during the reign of Empress Wu Zetian and remained so thereafter.


Based on some stories featured in the mythology of the Great Flood of China, Yu the Great did not do such a great job of channeling the Yellow River into the sea, dredging the wrong way. Sacred Mother Houtu then made the Yellow River Map, and sent one of her divine messenger birds to tell Yu what to do; specifically, that he should open a channel to the east, to allow the right drainage. Houtu’s birthday is on 18th day of the third lunar month. Her other name is Dimu (Earth Mother).

Hou Yi God of Archer, God of Sun (Taiyang Xingjun/Ri Shen) Hou Yi or Shen Yi was a Divine Archer who killed nine evil sun and other monstrous creatures that threaten human world. Queen Mother of Heaven bestowed him with Pill of Immortality, unfortunately for him, his wife-:Chang'e found the pill and out of her curiosity she drank it. In a sudden Chang'e ascended to the Moon and leaved her husband. Eventually the god pitied Hou Yi and finally appointed him as the God of Sun. When Hou Yi from Sun Palace meets Chang'e from Moon Palace is what we called as full moon. It is celebrated as Moon Festival in China. There is version whether The Queen Mother of the West gave Hou Yi one or two pills. In the one pill version, Hou Yi did not consume it, because he didn't want to leave his beloved wife Chang'e.[

Huaguang Dadi Member of 36 Heavenly Marshals. Fire God. Based on Nanyouji (Journey to the South): Huaguang Dadi was originally a fire spirit who transormed into a deity after hearing Tataghata Buddha's preach for hundred of years. Unfortunately this deity offended Tataghata by killing Duhuo Gui during Buddha preaching session. As his punishment, he was reincarnated as Ma Lingguan, the son of Goddess of Mt. Ma'er. His mother also called him Sanyen Lingguan, because he was born with three eyes. However Ma Lingyao was killed by Ziwei Dadi because he tried to steal his golden lance. Luckily a senior deity, Miaole Tianzun helped him to be born again, this time as a son of the deity Douniugong Tianwang. As he grew up, Miaole Tianzun trained


Huagguang with many abilities and gave him a Three-Cornered Golden Brick which he could at will change into anything he liked The Jade Emperor appointed him as Great Marshal of the Troops and Horses of the Ministry of Fire. However, at an official banquet held in the Heavenly Palace, he hit the Crown Prince of Heaven, broke the Heavenly Mirror (Which is a prison for malevolent spirit) and burn the Southern Heavenly Gate. Huaguang wreaked havoc in Heaven but subjugated by Xuantian Shangdi. Once again Hua guang was reincarnated, this time into Madam Xiao's womb. Unfortunately for him, his mother was possessed by a demon (who escaped from the Heavenly Mirror that he broke earlier) and became a cannibal. When Huaguang was trained with his teacher, the Dragon King arrested Madam Xiao and thrown her to Hell. Huaguang searched her mother restlessly and beat many deities in the process. However in a battle against Nezha he lost his Precious Three-Cornered Golden Brick. Now Huaguang need a new weapon, he then a goddess named Yuhuan Shengmu out of her treasured Golden Pagoda. This entails a skirmish with her daughter, Princess Iron Fan. Huaguang managed to defeat the princess and took her as his wife. Soon afterwards, Huaguang went to hell and saved her mother. He then stole Queen Mother's Peaches of Immortality to redeem his mother from cannibalism. In the end, the Jade Emperor pardoned his sin and appointed him as Heavenly marshal. He is known as Ma Yuanshai (Marsall Ma) or Ma Lingguan, since his surname is "Ma".

Huainanzi See “Eight Immortals of Huainan”.

Huang An Huang An was an eccentric old man. He was in the habit of eating cinnabar and in winter he wore no clothes. Huang An used to sit on a tortoise three feet long. He said that he got his tortoise from Emperor Fuxi, when Fuxi first invented the fishing net. The tortoise feared the radiance of the sun and moon, so it only sticks


its head out of its shell once in two thousand years. Huang An stated that he had seen it head five times (which mean he was 1000 years old!). When Huang An wandered about, he always carried his tortoise on his back no wonder people called him "Tortoise Immortal" (Gui Xianren).

Huang Daopo Patron Goddess of Textile Industry Born in a poor family, Huang Daopo was sold into marriage by her family. Unable to bear the constant ill-treatment she received, Huang ran to Yazhou. In Yazhou she learnt spinning and weaving from the local people. Around 1295, Huang returned to Songjiang and began to teach the local women about cotton spinning and weaving technology whilst at the same time manufacturing suits, fine silk fabrics and weaving. From the weaving aspect, Huang produced mixed cotton fabrics, colored fabrics and fabrics with mixed warp and weft fibers. Her weaving technology made her hometown famous and began its textile manufacturing industry.

Huang Daxian At the age of fifteen, Huang Chuping met a mysterious Taoist Priest and left his job as shepred. He studied Taoism and cultivated himself at a stone cave in Mt. Jinhua. Chuping's elder brother Huang Chuqi searched him for forty years but never found him. One day an old Taoist told him where he could meet his brother. As the two brothers met, Huang Chuqi asked Chuping where the sheep were that he had been shepherding. His brothers answered that the shepherd were on East side of the mountain, but Chunqi saw only white rocks there. Suddenly Chuping shouted: "Sheep wake up!” Then all the white rocks stood up and turned into teen thousand of sheep’s. Seeing his brother vast magic powers, Huang Chuqi decided to stay with Chuping, following him in studying and cultivating Taoist techniques Later Huang Chuping changed his style name to Chi Songzi (see "Chi songzi"), and Chuqi changed his style to Lu Ban. Dozens of his follower wo took Huang Chuping's elixirs later became Immortals too. Huang Chuping venerated title is Huang Daxian (Great Immortal Huang).


Huangdi Huangdi was a legendary pre-dynastic ruler in China. In the prehistoric times, there lived many tribes around the Yellow River and the Yangzi River. Huangdi and his brother-Yandi was the most renowned tribal leader at that time. Huangdi defeated Yandi at the battle of Banquan and merged his tribe with Yandi's tribes. The Huaxia tribes, as the merged tribes were known, spread along the Yellow River towards the East China Sea. The Jiuli tribes, led by Chi You, had developed near the present-day borders of Shandong, Hebei, and Henan, and expanded towards the west. The Huaxia and Jiuli tribes were in conflict over the fertile land in the Yellow River valley, and thus they fought in the plains of Zhuolu. Chi You's tribes were fierce in war and skilled at making weapons; allying themselves with the Kua Fu Tribe and the Sanmiao Tribe, but Huangdi managed to defeat them. Huanggdi is said to have lived for over a hundred years. He ruled as prominent leader whose reign was a golden age. It is believed that Huangdi ascended to Heaven from Mt. Huangshan. Modern-day Chinese people sometimes refer to themselves as the descendants of Yandi and Huangdi. Huangdi’s other name is Xuanyuan and Dihong. It is believed that his surname is Gongsun.

Huang Feihu See "Dongyue Dadi".

Huangshi Gong (Master Yellow Stone) Huang Shi Gong is believed to be the 'teacher' of Zhang Liang, the advisor and right-hand man of Liu Bang the emperor, that defeated Xiang Yu, and establish the Han Dynasty. One day, Zhang Liang took a stroll at Yishui Bridge and met an old man there. The man walked towards Zhang Liang and chucked his shoe down the bridge on purpose, after which he asked Zhang to fetch his shoe. As Zhang Liang obeyed him, the old man lifted his foot and ordered Zhang Liang to put on the shoe for him. Zhang Liang was furious but he controlled his temper and meekly obliged. The man did not show any sign of gratitude and walked away laughing. The old man came back after walking a distance and praised Zhang Liang and asked him


to meet him at the bridge again at dawn five days later. Five days later, Zhang Liang rushed to the bridge at the stroke of dawn but the old man was already waiting for him there. The old man chided him and ordered Zhang to come back five days later. Zhang Liang tried his best to be punctual the second time but the old man still arrived earlier than him, and he was scorned by the old man once more and told to return again five days later. The third time, Zhang Liang went to the bridge at midnight and waited until the old man appeared. This time, the old man was impressed with Zhang and presented him with a book. The old man was Huang Shigong, the book was believed to be the Six Secret Teachings by Jiang Ziya, while some called it Three Strategies of Huang Shigong. According to Xianzhuan Shiyi and Taiping Guangji , When Zhang Liang passed away, he was buried on the Dragon's Head Plains. A Century later, during the revolt of the Red Eyebrows, his tomb was broken open, but only a yellow stone pillow was found inside. The pillow by a sudden transformation flew away like a shooting star. Neither corpse nor clothing was to be seen and this it is believed that Zhang Liang had become immortal like his teacher.

Hua Tuo God for Surgery Hua Tuo is a famous doctor from late Eastern Han Dynasty. He is the first person in China to use anesthesia during surgery. Hua Tuo also created traditional gymnastic for health: The five Animal Exercises (Wuqinxi), based on the movement of monkey deer, tiger, crane and bear.

Hufa Sida Yuanshuai Four Guardian Marshals of Taoism They are consisting of Guan Yu, Zhao Gongming, Wen Qiong and Huaguang. Sometimes Wang Shan is included as their member.


Hugong (Gourd Master) Hugong is an immortal who made certain mistake and banished to Mortal Realm (this happened around Eastern Han Dynasty). Everyday Hugong sold drugs in the market of Runan. He had a gourd hanging over his stall, and as soon as business was over for the day, he used to leap into the gourd. Inside his gourd was very spacious. There was a magnificent hall, where fine wines and toothsome delicacies were spread out in lavish profusion. In the market there was an instructor named Fei Changfang who recognized him as a divine being. Hugong accepted Fei Changfang as his disciple and gave him several tests. Fei Changfang failed in final test, so he couldn't accompanied his master to Heaven. At least he still became a famous magician in his era. According to Dongyouji and Baxian Dedao, Hugong is conflated with Tieguai Li.

Hui'an His real name was Li Muzha, the second son of Li Jing the pagoda bearer. Unlike his father who became Taoist Deity, Muzha choose to follow Guanyin (or Samantabhadra in other version) as her disciple. His Buddhist name is Hui'an.

Huli Jing (Fox Spirit) According to mythologist Guo Pu, at the age of fifty, a fox can change into a woman. At the age of a hundred, it can change into a beautiful girl or a wizard or a man who seduces women; it can know about happenings a thousand li distant; it can bewitch people, leading them astray and causing them to lose their wits. At the age of a thousand, it can communicate with Heaven and become a Celestial Fox. Not only master at shape shifting, Huli jing are also said to transport persons in the air as well as giving those who worship him the ability to enter a house passing through walls. The life of the fox, through its craftiness, was believed to extend to 800 or 1,000 years, and he could even achieve immortality. The fox's accumulation of Yin is due to his nocturnal habits and this enabled the fox to easily assume the guise of woman. Further, as the fox naturally wishes to have a well-balanced constitution, it looks to gather Yang, the male element, wherever it can. A fox disguised as a woman is usually beautiful and seductive, as a man he is usually handsome, scholarly, charming, and ready for a good time. Sometimes, the transformation is not so good, in that a tail may occasionally 66

protrude. When discovered and killed, the fox will sometimes be seen to have a human skull propped on its head, and so through that was able to use its magic to appear human.

Hundred Flower Fairy See "Baihua Xianzi".

Hundun In later Chinese thought, Hundun is considered as primordial chaos before the birth of Yin and Yang. However some early myths signed it as Central Deity. According to Zhuangzi: Emperor Shu from South Sea and Emperor Hu from North Sea together paid a visit to Hundun, the Lord of Central Land. Hundun treated them kindly and so Shu and Hu decided to repay his generosity. They thought that all person had seven hole in their face to see hear, eat and breathe, bit Hundun didn't. So they decided to drill seven holes in Hundun's face. Unfortunately Hundun died after seven days. Another myth depicted Hundun as one of four evil sons (Sixiong) of Dihong (Yellow Emperor). He is called Hundun (confusion) because his lack of moral consciousness. Later Hundun and his brothers were banished by Emperor Shun.

Hungry Ghost (Egui) Hungry Ghosts have tiny pin sized heads (or necks) and huge stomachs so they always in perpetual hunger. Some sources also cite that their food will be burnt into ash, so they can’t eat. According to Avatamsaka Sutra, the deceased souls will reborn in one of six realms: Gods, Asura, Human, Animal, Hungry Ghost and Hell Being. The sins that lead to becoming a hungry ghost are compulsive, deceitful, jealous or greedy. In other version however, the Hungry Ghost may emerge from people whose deaths have been violent or neglect of ancestors. The Chinese celebrate Hungry Ghost Festival (Yulanpen) in 15th day of 7th


month to appease the Hungry Ghost by providing foods and clothes for them.

Huobu (Fire Agency) A Ministry consists of several Fire Gods. According to Fengshen Yanyi, Huobu’s chief is Luo Xuan, a Taoist Priest from Huolong Island who sided with the tyrant King Zhou of Shang. During King Wu's rebellion Luo Xuan tried to burn King Wu's camp using his ten thousands fire crows. Unfortunately his fire was extinguished by Princess Long Ji using the water from four oceans. Luo Quan tried to escape, but he was slew by Li Jing the Pagoda Bearer.

Huo Shen The God of Fire. It can be referred to Zhu Rong or Sui Ren.

Huxian Fox God/Goddess It is fox spirit which successfully cultivated him/her according religious doctrine and finally attained the level of God/Goddess.

Huye (Lord Tiger) Huye is a guardian spirit usually found under deities altars in many temples. Many deities in Chinese are depicted riding a tiger for his mount, such as Zhao Gongming and Baosheng Dadi.


J Jade Emperor (Yuhuang Dadi/Yudi) In Chinese folk culture, he is the ruler of Heaven and all realms of existence below. In actual Taoism, the Jade Emperor governs the Heaven and all of the mortals' realm below, but ranks below the Three Pure Ones. It is said that the Jade Emperor was the son of Emperor Jing De and Empress Bao Yue Guang of Guangyan Miaole, kingdom of Pure Felicity and Majestic Heavenly Lights and Ornaments. At birth he emitted a wondrous light that filled the entire kingdom. When he was young, he was kind, intelligent and wise. He devoted his entire childhood to helping the needy (the poor and suffering, the deserted and single, the hungry and disabled). Furthermore, he showed respect and benevolence to both men and creatures. After his father died, he ascended the throne. He made sure that everyone in his kingdom found peace and contentment. After that, he told his ministers that he wished to cultivate Tao on the Bright and Fragrant Cliff. After 1,550 kalpas, each kalpa lasting for 129,600 years, he attained Golden Immortality. After another one hundred million years of cultivation, he finally became the Jade Emperor, residing on the summit of the 33-Heaven in a palace called Lingxiao Baodian.. There is also funnier legend. It is said that when Jiang Ziya canonized 365 deity, he left the Emperor of Heaven position for himself. So in the end of inaguartion ceremony he proclaimed “Then the postion of Jade Emperor should be bestowed to....deng lai...” Actually this “deng lai” mean “wait a sec”. Unfortunatelly there was one god named Zhang Denglai. Upon hearing his name mentioned, he stepped forward, prostrated himself, and thanked Jiang for choosing him as the Jade Emperor. Jiang, stupefied, was unable to retract his words; he was, however, quietly able to curse Zhang Denglai that her daughters would become prostitutes.” (actually this curse is partially realized because several of Jade Emperor daughters would be suffered because of love)


Jade Emperor's wife is the Queen Mother of the West (Xi Wangmu) and they have seven sisters known as Seven Fairies. Jade Emperor Birthday is on 9th day of the first lunar month. He is also known as Yuhuang Dadi, Yudi or Yuhuang Shangdi.

Jade Rabbit (Yutu) An early mention that there is a rabbit on the Moon appears in the Chu Ci, a Western Han anthology of Chinese poems from the Warring States period, which notes that along with a toad, there is a rabbit on the Moon who constantly pounds herbs for the immortals. Another version states that when Chang'e arrived on the moon, he vomited the covering of the Pill of Immortality, which was changed into rabbit as white as the purest jade.

Jiandi Jiandi was Shang Dynasty ancestral mother. She accidentally swallowed a multicolored swallow's egg and gave birth Qi, the ancestors of the Shang Dynasty.

Jiang Taigong See “Jiang Ziya”.

Jiang Xiguan Deity in-charging of Spiritual Document Jiang Xiguan original name is Jiang Feijie. Before he was born, her mother was stricken by a flash that dashed into the stomach. She lost her consciousness and became pregnant. Since that day, Madam Jiang would feel a few people walking around outside her room every-night. But whenever she walked out to check, she couldn’t find any sight of them and just smell something nice. When Jiang Feijie 5 years old, he invited a Taoist named Wu Tao to his home. He asked him to stay in his house and teach him. Wu Tao agreed and teach the boy for three years and then leaved him. Later Jiang Feijie passed the Imperial Examination when he was 20 years old and appointed as officer in Fujian. 70

Several years later Jiang made a travel to Longhai City. To his amazement, found his Teacher sitting by the road side, providing medication services for the people. Jiang stood by the road side waiting for his Teacher for more than 8 hours and finally, after the last patient, Feijie went forward to his Teacher and kneeled down in front of Wu Tao. He decided to give up his official post and followed Wu Tao to provide endless supports to the needy. One day Wu Tao and Jiang Feijie were summoned to Heaven. Wu Tao was canonized as Baosheng Dadi and Jiang Feijie was canonized as Jiang Xianguan. Jiang Xianguan's job is to record all goods & bad of beings and also, to release the Punishment for those who have ill-treated their Masters/Teachers. He also in charge of the delivery of documents for the Three Realms

Jiang Ziya Jiang Ziya or Jiang Shang is Yuanshi Tianzun favorite disciple. One day his teacher instructed Jiang Ziya to help good ruler to overthrow the tyrannical King Zhou of Shang Dynasty. Jiang Ziya waited till he was 80 years old, continuing placidly with his fishing in a tributary of the Weihe River using a barb less hook or even no hook at all, on the theory that the fish would come to him of their own volition when they were ready. One day, Ji Chang, the King Wen of the Zhou State, found Jiang Ziya fishing. When King Wen saw Jiang Ziya, at first sight he felt that he was an unusual old man, and began to converse with him. He discovered that this white haired fisherman was actually an astute political thinker He took Jiang Ziya in his coach to the court and appointed him prime minister and gave him the title Jiang Taigong or Taigong Wang. Unfortunately, King Wen died before he fulfilled his dream. His son Ji Fa, historically known as King Wu, succeeded to the throne. With the assistance of Jiang Taigong, he sent troops to overthrow King Zhou of Shang, and finally established the Zhou Dynasty. As the war ended, Yuanshi Tianzun ordered Jiang Ziya to canonize 365 deities. These deities were consisting of heroes who died during the Shang-Zhou War. When Chinese people build a new house, they usually paste up a banner reading “Jiang Taigong Zaici" (jiang Taigong is here). They believe it will prevent evil spirits from occupying the building, because Jiang Taigong is the man who canonized deities, then no demon dare to disturb him. Jiang Ziya also believed


as the dity who is in charge of the assignment of any god.

Jiang Ziya's Wife Goddess of Poverty When Jiang Ziya was canonized 365 gods, his ex wife demanded to be canonized too. Jiang Ziya remembered how this woman divorced him when he was poor. So, Jiang Ziya appointed her as the Goddess of Poverty.” When the residents got word of Jiang´s instruction, they wrote the character fu (good luck) on paper and pasted it on the doors and windows of their houses to keep the Goddess of Poverty away. Thus pasting fu during the Spring Festival became a Chinese tradition.

Jiantan Jiantan is the son of Zhangxian (the God who bestows Children to mankind). Jiantan brings male children.

Jiaolong (Flood Dragon) Jiaolong is a mythical creature capable of invoking storms and floods. The Taoist Immortal Xu Jingyang is credited as Jiaolong's arch nemesis. He eradicated countless Jiao and saved people from recurring flood. He also imprisoned the Jiao's leader, Jiaomo Wang under a bottomless well in Jiangxi.

Jigong Jigong was an eccentric monk who eats meat and drinks wine from Southern Song Dynasty. He always wears tattered robe and hold a broken fan in his hand. Although often referred as crazy monk, but actually Jigong was a reincarnation of Xianglong Luohan. No wonder he can do miracle such as curing illness or subduing evil spirit. Jigong real name was Li Xiuyuan. He was son of retired minister named Li Maochun. After the death of his parents, he left his house and became monk in Lingyin Monetary in Hangzhou. His monk name was Daoji.


Jingang (Vajrapani) The giant guardians of Tataghata Buddha’s dwelling at Leiyin Temple on Vulture Peak.

Jingwei Jingwei had been Yandi's daughter, named Nuwa (different from the goddess Nuwa who created mankind and repaired the Heaven). When playing in the Eastern Sea, Nuwa had drowned and never returned. Afterwards, she metamorphosed into a bird called Jingwei. was determined to fill up the sea, so she continuously carried a pebble or twig in its mouth and dropped it into the Eastern Sea

Jinjia Shen Deity in-charging of Spiritual Document (Together with Jiang Xianguan and Zhu Wengong) Jinjia Shen was a Manifestation of the gold element while the Heaven & earth was being opened up in by Pangu. According to the folklore, Queen Mother of the West once evicted Jianjia from Heaven (he was reincarnated as beetle). That's why it's not recommended to place Jinjia Shen statue besides Queen Mother of the West altar. Jinjia Shen holds a flag in his hand. If he waves it in front of a house, it is assured that someone from that house will win literary honors and be promoted to high offices under the State. Jinjia Shen also one of the few important deities that needed to be invited before a ritual/ceremony started. He is being invited in-order to collect & submit all spiritual petitions & reports to the Heaven.

Jinling Shengmu See "Doumu"


Jinnalaluo The jinnalaluo are divine creatures with human bodies and animal's heads that were featured in Buddhist mythology.

Jingshen God of Well; It is believed that every well has it own Jingshen

Jintong (Golden Boy) Young deities (male) who become servants for senior deities in Heaven.

Jinzha Jinzha is the first son of Li Jing the Pagoda Bearer and disciple of Manjusri. Jinzha is the elder of Muzha and Nezha.

Jiu Huangye Jiu Huangye (Nine Star Lords), are nine sons of Doumu who preside over the movement of planets and coordinate mortal Life and Death issues. 1. Tanlang Tai Xingjun 2. Jumen Yuan Xingjun 3. Lucun Zhen Xingjun 4. Wenqu Niu Xingjun 5. Lianzhen Gang Xingjun 6. Wuqu Ji Xingjun


7. Pojun Guan Xingjun (No 1-7 is the 7 Stars of Nothern Dipper/Beidou Qi Xingjun) 8. Zuofu Dadao Xingjun (Invinsible Star) 9. Youbi Dadao Xingjun (Invinsible Star) According to other sources, the number 8 & 9 are Ziwei Dadi and Guochen Dadi (both members of Siyu)

Jiutian Xuannu (Mysterious Lady from Ninth Heaven) Goddess of War Jiutian Xuannu is the goddess who taught military strategy to Huangdi, as well as many warriors such as Xue Rengui and Song Jiang (Leader of 108 Liangshan Heroes). It is said that Chi You created a thick fog that darkened sky and blinded Huangdi's troops. When The Yellow Emperor was about to lose, suddenly Jiutian Xuannu appeared and bestowed him with a compass, sword, seal and a military register. She also made a drum that was made out of cow skin with eighty sides, which the Yellow Emperor used to defeat Chi You. During The Spring and Autumn Period, Jiutian Xuannu transformed herself into a mysterious sword maiden that helped the Yue State sending a punitive expedition against the Wu State. She taught the army to be equipped with six thousand highly qualified soldiers. Afterwards, she departed without bidding farewell, Jiutian Xuannu is usually depicted her as rosy faced woman with a sword in her right hand and a gourd in his left hand. Her garment was made of nine colors of bird feather. His birthday is on 15th day of second month.

Juling Shen Bodyguard of Jade Emperor Juling Shen's real name is Qin Honghai, he is a giant deity with a big axe (or giant mace) as his weapon. When the Mortal World was suffered from a big flood, Juling Shen assisted Yu the Great to cease the flood. With his giant body,


Juling Shen shifted the soil from the surrounding mountains & high land in order to block the source of the flood. At the Top of Mt Hua, we may see a palm shape carving on the rock; this is believed to be the mark that Juling Shen left while he performed the shifting of soils from other mountains. Based on this myth, one of Juling Shen's primary tasks is to assist Heaven to create mountains and planning of sea & river routes for the mortals.

Ju Liusun (Krakucchanda Buddha) Krakucchanda Buddha (sometimes called Kakusandha Buddha) was born in Khema Park in India. His father was Aggidata, a Brahmin Priest, and his mother was Visakha. He led a family life for four thousand years and had a wife Virochamana and son Uttara. Finally he renounced family life and practiced to reach enlightenment and after eight months attained it under Sirisa tree. He passed at the age of forty thousand years. According to Fengshen Yanyi, Krakucchanda or Ju Liusun (his Chinese name) was one of Yuanshi Tianzun's disciple of Chan Taoism, but later he was subverted into Buddhism. He has a pupil named Tu Xingsun, a black face dwarf who could tunnel his way through the earth.


H Hell King See “Fengdu Dadi”, “Ten Yama Kings”, “Qingguan Wang”, and “Yanluo Wang”


K Kaishanhou During the Spring and Autumn period, Prince Chong'er of the state of Jin endured many hardships while he was exiled from his home state. While heading towards the Beidi, only 15 men accompanied him, one being his friend and subject Jie Zitui. Once, when Chong'er and Jie Zitui passed through the State of Wei, all their provisions were stolen. In order to help the prince who was tormented by hunger, Jie Zitui cut off the flesh from his thigh and offered it to the prince for sustenance. Later, when Chong'er became Duke Wen of Jin, he ordered a search for Jie Zitui who had gone into hiding in the remote mountains with his mother. Jie Zhitui had no political ambitions and felt ashamed to work with his hypocritical fellows, hence refused invitation of the Duke. Duke Wen ordered the mountains to be burned down in order to force Jie out of hiding. However, the fire ended up killing Jie and his mother. Filled with remorse, Duke Wen ordered that each year during these three days the setting of fire is forbidden. People venerated Jie Zitui as Kaishanhou, the God who opens the Mountain.

Kang Xi Member of 36 Heavenly Marshals Kang Xi was born from a religious family devoted their self to Taoism. One day, while he was on his journey to other Cities to provide the necessary assistances to the needy, a Bird (which is the manifestation of Dongyue Dadi's Assistant) approached Kang Xi and threw a stick of Golden Leaves at him. The bird told him that, this was a stick of Immortal Leaves, any cultivators would to consume this, the person would be entitled to get Immortal hood immediately, if a normal mortal 78

would to consume it, any form of illnesses would be cure within moments. Looking at the Leaves and listening to the conversation that the Bird had, Kang Xi was delighted and said to the Bird that he would make used of this Immortal Leaves to release the sufferings of the Mortals. The Bird nodded it's head and flew off. One day Kang Xi arrived at a semi ghost town. Almost all lives in this town had been taken by plague. After investigating a while, Kang Xi found that the plague's source was from a well. Without hesitate, he took out the Immortal Leaves and threw them into the well. A moment later he smelled a great fragrance releasing from the well. Due to curiosity, Kang Xi stepped forward to peek down into the well, but suddenly a gust of extreme high heat rushed out from the Well attacked him (this made his face became red and with golden mark on his forehead). Kang Xi was died, but his soul ascended to the paradise.

King Zhou God of Sodomy The worst tyrant in China history, he burn loyal officer and even kill his own uncle Bi Gan. He spent his days carousing with his favorite Daji and wasting his empire's fortune. King Wu of Zhou State rebelled against him and managed to end his tyranny. Upon his death, King Zhou demanded the god to canonize him as deities. Finally he was deified as most unworthy god: the God of Sodomy.

Kitchen God (Zaojun) Zaojun is the most highly worshiped god of those who protect the household and family. Offerings of food and incense are made to Zaojun on his birthday (the 3rd day of the 8th lunar month) and also on the 23rd day (or 24th day) of the 12th Lunar month. According the Chinese Custom, the 23rd/24th of the 12th Lunar month, Zaojun will report the activities of every household over the past year to the Jade Emperor. The Jade Emperor either rewards or punishes a family based on Zaojun's yearly report. In that day, people will offer the Zaotang (a kind of candy) to Kitchen God to sweeten his words to the Jade Emperor or to stick his teeth together to prevent him saying bad words. It is largely believed that Kitchen God original name is Su Jili. He immediately walked into the stove after his birth.


Another popular version stated that Zaojun real name is Zhang Lang. The story is mentioned as follows: Once upon a time there was a wealthy man named Zhang Lang. Zhang's first wife was a virtuous wife. However he ended up marrying another woman and divorced his first wife (to please his concubine). Several years later Zhang Lang lost all of his fortune and his concubine abandoned him. Zhang now lived as beggar to support himself. Once, while begging for alms, he happened across the house of his former wife. Zhang Lang became very ashamed that he threw himself into the kitchen hearth. His former wife attempted to save him, but all she managed to salvage was one of his legs. The devoted woman then created a shrine to her former husband above the fireplace. To this day, a fire poker is sometimes referred to as "Zhang Lang's Leg". It is said that the Jade Emperor respected Zhang Lang's remorse before his death, thus he was appointed as Kitchen God.

Kitchen Goddess (Zaoshen) The book of Rites (Liji) describes ritual vessels and explains that women cooked the offering meals and presented them on dishes and in bottles to Kitchen Goddess . In Han period this deity was called Xianchui, or Laofu (In later records this goddess is also known as Tuanjia or Bojia). In Sima Biao's commentary to the Daoist book Zhuangzi, he stated that Zaoshen used to wear red robes, and had the appearance of a pretty girl.

Kong Xuan Peacock spirit who sided with King Zhou of Shang against King Wu's rebellion. He was subdued by a Buddhist patriarch named Zhunti (Cundi) and became his mount.

Kongxue Mingwang (Mahamayuri) The Mother of Buddha One of Buddha's protector. She rides the peacock, an enemy of snakes, to 80

symbolize her power against snakebite. She also granted protection against drought and many other evils. His honorary title is 'The Mother of Buddha" (in the respect of his metaphysical body, not his physical body. Because the real mother of Shakyamuni is Maya, Queen of Khapilavastu). This is a story about Kongxue Mingwang: There was a golden King Peacock in the Himalayan Mountain who used to recite Kongxue Mingwang Mantra with great devotion. It so happened one day that this king went along with his family to travel in the mountain forgetting to recite the mantra that day. He was caught by hunters. Thinking of his forgetfulness of the mantra he immediately began to recite and was able to free himself. The Buddha told Ananda that the peacock king called Suvarnavabhasa (Golden Colored One) was none other than Shakyamuni himself in his previous life. Thus this mantra is believed to be efficacious in all cases of dangers as well as for relieving poisonous harms. There is an alternate version of Kongxue Mingwang according to Xiyouji (Journey to the West). It stated that Kongxue Mingwang was originally a man-eater Peafowl. When Shakyamuni was cultivating his sixteen foot golden body, Kongxue Mingwang swallowed him as well. Shakyamuni went down into her belly, but managed to escape by cut his way through her backbone. Shakyamuni neraly killed that creature, but finally forgave her. Since Tataghata once lived in her belly (like a fetus in his/her mother womb), then he called her as "The Mother of Buddha".

Ksitigarbha (Dizhang Wang) Ksitigarbha is merciful Bodhisattva who helps souls in Hell. His legendary vow is: "If I do not go to the Hell to help the suffering beings there, who else will go? If the Hells are not empty I will not become a Buddha. Only when all living beings have been saved, will I attain Bodhi" Some peoples believe that Ksitigabha is actually Mulian, a filial son who went to Hell to save his mother. Many people also considered him as one of Ten Yama King. Ksitigharba has a pet named Diting who can detect true and false. He always holds a six ring staff that may open teh Hell's gate.

Kuafu Once upon a time there was a giant named Kuafu. One year the weather was extraordinarily hot, the plants were scorched, the rivers were dried and people 81

were suffering from the intense heat of the sun. Kua Fu swore to catch the sun and tame it to serve for all. He chased it from the East to the West, draining all rivers and lakes crossing his path to quench his burning thirst. However, he could not finish his quest and died because of the extreme heat and exhaustion. The wooden club he was carrying turn into forest and Kuafu himself turns into a mountain range. Kuafu is descendant of Houtu and member of Kuafu Tribe (His real name was unclear). Kuafu chased the sun became positive metaphor of human courage, toughness, and persistence. Another record cites that Kuafu was murdered by Yinglong in punishment for drinking rivers and creating droughts while chasing the sun.

Kuixing Star Deity of Litterature. Assistant of Wechang Dijun. Kuixing or Kuidou Xingjun is a fierce green/dark skinned deity who become assistant of Wenchang Dijun (God of Litterature). Since the word kui, or the champion in the imperial examination, is formed with gui (ghost) and dou (the Bid Dipper), ancient painters depicted the God of Literature and Writing as a ghost kicking at the Big Dipper (Kuixing). Some Yuan Drama as well as the novel Qixia Wuyi cites Bao Zheng, the upright judge from Song Dynasty as Kuixing's incarnation.


L Lan Caihe Member of eight immortals; Patron Deity for Florist Lan Caihe is a strolling singer who lived during Tang Dynasty. He wandered abroad clad in a tattered blue garment held by a black wooden belt three inches wide, with one foot shoeless and the other shod, wearing in summer an undergarment of wadded material, and in winter sleeping on the snow, his breath rising in a brilliant cloud like the steam from a boiling cauldron. In this guise. He earned his livelihood by singing in the streets, keeping time with a wand three feet long. Though taken for a lunatic, the doggerel verse he sang disproved the popular slanders. It denounced this fleeting life and its delusive pleasures. When given money, he either strung it on a cord and waved it to the time of his song or scattered it on the ground for the poor to pick up. One day he was found to have become intoxicated in an inn at Fengyang in Anhui, and while in that state disappeared on a cloud, having thrown down to earth his shoe, robe, belt, and castanets.

Laolang Shen God of Opera Laolang Shen is Emperor Xuanzong (Li Longji) of Tang Dynasty. This emperor was addicted to opera. Even he was fond of acting as a clown to share a stage with other actors. As the Patron God of Opera, Laolang Shen is also known as Xiqin Wangye. Another Patron God of Opera Player is Tiandu Yuanshaui (See "Tiandu Yuanshuai")


Laozi See "Taishang Laojun".

Leibu (Thunder Agency) Since the ancient times, the Chinese had already worshiped Lei Gong (Lei Shen), the God of Thunder. But since Northern Song Dynasty, the concept of Thunder God was evolved into Leibu (Thunder Agency). Based on this concept, the Thunder God was not single deity, but an agency consists of several Thunder Gods led by Leisheng Puhua Tianzun (The Thunder Patriach). The Thunder Gods live in Thunder City (Leicheng). There are totally 36 (or 24) Thunder Deities in Thunder Agency, each in charge a Thunder Drum. When it is time for thunders, the Thunder Patriarch beats the drum once, and then Leigong (Duke of Thunder) and Leishi (Master of Thunder) throw out thunderbolts.

Leigong Duke of Thunder The worship of thunder and lightening originated in ancient times and Leigong is among the first Thunder Deity (Leishen) mentioned in Chinese mythology. Leigong is depicted as a fearsome creature with claws, wings, and a green face with a bird's beak who wears only a loincloth. He carries a drum, a mallet and chisel to produce thunder. His duty is to punish evil-doer, unfilial people as well evil spirit with his thunder.

Leishen Thuder God See "Leigong", "Leibu", and "Leisheng Puhua Tianzun".


Leisheng Puhua Tianzun The chief of Thunder Gods in Chinese Pantheon He lives in the Jade Mansion of Divine Heaven (Shenxiao Yufu ), in the midst of the Pure Vital Breath of the Azure Heaven ( Bixiao Fanqi ), 2300 miles from the Thunder City (Leicheng). Based on Fengshen Yanyi, Leisheng Puhua Tianzun was actually Wen Zhong, a loyal old minister of Shang Dynasty. Wen Zhong led Shang's army to suppress King Wu's rebellion. In the battlefield, he fought Jiang Ziya (leader of King Wu's troops) many times and finally killed by Yunzhongzi.

Leishenzi The Son of Thunder Leishenzi was born as egg after a clap of thunder. He was found by the soldiers of King Wen in some brushwood near an old tomb. The infant's chief characteristic was its brilliant eyes. King Wen, who already had ninety-nine children, adopted it as his hundredth. Later he gave him to a hermit named Yunzhongzi to be his disciple. Several years later Leishenzi found two apricots, and ate them both. He then noticed that wings had grown on his shoulders. Yunzhongzi told him that the mysterious fruit had not only caused Leishenzi to grow wings, known as Wings of the Wind and Thunder, but his face had become green; his nose long and pointed and two tusks protruded horizontally from each side of his mouth, while his eyes shone like mirrors. Yunzhongzi then instructed Leishenzi to help his father, King Wen who is in a great trouble caused by the tyrant King Zhou of Shang.

Leizu Goddess of Silk Leizu was Yellow Emperor's consort. She found a method to create silk from a silkworm, since then Chinese people wearing clothes made from silk


Li Bai God of Water and Sea; Patron God for Wine Seller Li Bai was famous poet and heavy drinker from the Tang Dynasty. One night he saw the reflection of moon in the pond. Because Li Bai was heavily intoxicated by alcohol that time, he thought that the moon had drowned in the pond. In order to save the moon, Li jumped into the pond and drowned himself.

Liezi Liezi (Master Lie) or Lie Yukou is one of greatest Taoist Philosopher. It is believed that Lie Yukou was living in Zheng State. He studied from various master such as Guanyinzi, Huqiuzi, Laoshanshi and so on. Lie Yukou’s lived in poverty, but he refused a chart of food from Prime Minister Ziyang since he considered Ziyang as unvirtuous man. One year later Ziyang and his companion were killed in turmoil. Lie Yukou and his family were saved because of his refusal. Zhuangzi depicted Liezi as an immortal figure who rode on the wind and pursued his own way with admirable indifference. Emperor Xuanzong of Tang venerated him as Chongxu Zhenren.

Li Jing Li Jing is a deity known as Tuoda Tianwang (Heavenly King who Brought Pagoda) because he carries a pagoda that can capture any spirit, demon or god within its walls. Li Jing has three sons from his wife, Yinsi: Li Jinzha, Li Muzha and Li Nezha (They all become deities too). For details about Li Jing, see "Nezha"

Lin Lingsu Lin Lingsu was Emperor Huizong of Song favorite spiritual teacher. Before Lin Lingsu was summoned to court, Huizong had a dream. In the dream, the emperor visited Shenxiaogong (Palace of Divine Mist), where the Jade Emperor granted him an audience. On leaving the palace, Huizong came across a man in black riding a buffalo. Certainly, the Taoist Priest did not know the emperor had that dream. But when they met in court for the first time, the priest who actually Lin Lingsu said he went 86

up to Heaven on the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival a year before to be received in audience by the Jade Emperor, and met Huizong, who was leaving the Palace of Divine Mist. That, of course, convinced Huizong that the priest was the man he came across in dream. According to the Taoist Priest, Heaven had nine skies, Shenxiao, divine mist, being the highest. The Palace of Divine Mist was in that highest sky. Many divine kings lived there and Huizong was one of them,

Lin Moniang See “Mazu”

Li Sahojun Li Shaojin is a Taoist who was responsible for much of the mystical content of popular Daoist thought. Gaining the confidence of the great Han Emperor Wudi, Li persuaded him that immortality could be achieved by eating from a cinnabar vessel that had been transmuted into gold. When that occurred, Li said, one would suddenly see the famous sages on Penglai, the legendary isles of immortality. If one performed the proper rituals while gazing on this Xian, one would never die. According to Li, the first step in the transmutation of cinnabar involved prayers to Zaojun, the Kitchen God. These prayers became an established part of Taoist ritual. Even after Li’s death the emperor’s faith in Li was unshaken; he declared that Li had merely transformed himself into another state. When Wudi had Li’s coffin opened, only clothes and a cap remained.

Lingbao Tianzun Second member of Three Pure Ones Lingbao Tianzun is in the middle position of the second rank, second only to Yuanshi Tianzun he resides in Shangqing Heaven. According to Dongzhen Dadong Jing, the essence of vital breath of the jade morning and purple clouds of best auspices, which were brilliant like jade and glorious like gold, combined with the original spirit and dwelt in the mother's womb, and were transformed into a man, this was Lingbao Tianzun.


Lingbao Tianzun resides in Shangqing, the second highest position among the 36 heavens. In Taoist Temples, he is always appears to the left of Yuanshi Tianzun, with a ruyi in his hand.

Lin Jiuniang LIn Jiuniang and Li Sanniang are Chen Jinggu's apprentice (See "Chen Jinggu").. Chen Jinggu, Lin Jiuniang and Li Sanniang are know as Sannai (the Three Matrom), the matriarchs of Lushan Sect of Taoism. Sometimes Lin Jiuniang is referred as Lin Moniang (See "Mazu").

Ling Lun God of Music Ling Lun was an inventor of musical instrument from Huangdi's era. Ling Lun was believed to have created bamboo flutes which made the sounds of many birds, including the mythical phoenix. In this way, he invented the five notes of the ancient Chinese five-tone scale (gong, shang, jiao, ahi', and yu) which is equivalent to 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6 in numbered musical notation (do, re, mi, so, and la in Western) and the eight sounds made by eight musical instruments. Later the Yellow Emperor ordered him to build a set of 60 bells

Linshui Furen See "Chen Jinggu".

Li Sanniang Li Sanniang and Li Jiunniang are Chen Jinggu's apprentice (See "Chen Jinggu"). Chen Jinggu, Lin Jiuniang and Li Sanniang are know as Sannai (the Three Matron), the matriarchs of Lushan Sect of Taoism.


Lishan Laomu Lishan Laomu (The old lady from Mt. Lishan) is a female immortal venerated by Taoist Adherents. She was from Bozhou (city in Anhui) of the Northern Song period. She retired into seclusion in the Mt. Lishan and sustained only on water. In folktales, Lishan Laomu taught many female heroes, such as: Fan Lihua, Babo Gongzhu and Mu Guiying. Many accounts conflated her with Nuwa, the Mother of Humankind.

Lishou Goddess of Cat In the past Li Shou was worshiped as a goddess who protects farmers against pest by eliminating them. She was also believed to ward off malevolent spirits at night.

Li Tian The God of Fire cracker According to myth Li Tian was the inventor of firecracker. He used it to scare away the demons.

Liu An Patron God of Tofu Seller/Maker, (See "Eight Immortals from Huainan").

Liu Bei Patron God of Sandal's Maker Once a sandal’s seller, Liu Bei raised his career into first emperor of Shu Dynasty during the Three Kingdom Era. He is sworn brother with Guan Yu and Zhang Fei


Liuding Liujia General Liuding Liujia aka Liuding Liujia Deities, a group of 12 generals or protectors that Taoist Priests or spiritual masters will invite or evoke the Energies while performing Rituals or certain associated Ceremonies. According to Taoist Records & Scriptures, Liuding Liujia are made up of 6 male generals or generals that representing the Yang Element & 6 female deities or generals that representing the Yin Element. Sometimes Liuding Liaujia depicted with animal face. The animals are taken from the 12 Chinese Zodiacs: rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog, pig.

Liu Haichan Liu was a minister during the tumultuous Five Dynasties era . One day a Taoist visited him. He requested ten eggs and ten coins which he adroitly stacked into a teetering pagoda on the grand councilor’s desk. The Taoist stated that Liu's life was more precarious than this egg. He snatched the ten coins from the pagoda and vanished, leaving a ruin of smashed eggs on the polished wood. Suddenly Li Haichan realized about the hollowness of worldly dignities. Several days later he renounced his titles and studied the art of immortality form Lu Dongbin and Han Zhongli. By Ming times Liu was venerated as an immortal and was always depicted unkempt, unshod, and carrying a three-legged toad. One folktale told that the toad was the reincarnated spirit of Liu Haichan’s father, a greedy petty official whose human life was spent squeezing peasants for money. One day Liu Haichan peered into a ruined well and saw the toad’s red eyes glowing in the filthy darkness. Recognizing something familiar about the creature, Liu Haichan dangled a string of money down the well. The greed of his previous life could not be left behind and the toad grabbed the coins with his mouth. Liu Haichan drew Chan Chu up from the slime and thereafter the two became inseparable. Liu Haichan is also known as Haichanzi.

Liu Hou (Liu Yuanshaui) One of Five Thunder marshals; Members of 36 Heavenly Marshals When Liu Hou was a child, he once followed his father to fish. Suddenly a storm


started and Liu Hou was being sweep by the strong wave into the deep river. Liu Hou's father had to return home in grief. But how surprised (and delighted) he was to see Liu Hou at home like nothing had happened to him. After growing up, Liu Hou successfully became an officer. One year, the Imperial Capital met with drought disaster. By seeing the folks suffered from the disasters, Liu Hou volunteered to request for rain from the Heaven and within moments, rain-pour. From then, the folks respected him more than ever.

Liu Meng Liu Meng is one of gods of agriculture who prevents hordes of locusts from flying into the village and eating the crops.

Liuren Xianshi As a child, Li Chunfeng had learning disabilities. When his father summoned a Taoist, he stated that his son learning disabilities are just temporarily and he had a great potential. Later the Taoist prediction was proven, at the age of six he can master all the Chinese Classics, literatures and even memorize every single word after reading once. At the age of nineteen Li Chunfeng met again with the Taoist and followed him as his disciple. Li Chunfeng is the founder of Taoist Sect Chunfeng Dao and his title is Liuren Xianshi.

Liu Shengzhe Member of 36 Heavenly Marshals; Patron God for Non-Chinese Sect Liu Shengzhe real name was Liu Zhida, a Taoist Master from Mt. Qitai. He sacrificed himself during a battle with demons.. When Yuja Jiao (Yoga Sect) from India entered China; they imported Liu Shengzhe as one of its founder. This is why the statue of Liu Shengzhe is usually portrayed in the Yoga’s gesture.


Liushujing A Willow Spirit who became Lu Dongbin's apprentice. He is depicted as a half naked demon like man with a willow tree growing from his head.

Li Yuanshuai Member of 36 heavenly Marshals Li Feng was a formidable pirate during Sui Dynasty. He ran from his house because he had killed the murderer of a neighbor’s parents. One day he took refuge in a temple of a marine divinity and there five deities who saw him coming cried out that a god was coming. When Li Feng questioned them, they introduced themselves as officers of the Dragon King. They gave him a sword and then disappeared. This vision kept puzzling him thereafter. In one occasion, Li Feng perceived in the bed of Jiang River a monstrous devil, and all about were huge waves stirred up by a terrifying wind. Li Feng jumped out of the boat and began to walk over the waves. A black wind raged frantically hollowing out the waters and the devil appeared face to face with Li. He was large as a mountain with a tail more than 90 feet long and attended by seven /other demons. However Li Feng killed them all and the storm grew calm. The next night a spirit came to thank him for his exceptional services and to assure him that he would beg the Jade Emperor, to recompense him for them. The Heaven did reward him by canonization with the title of Li Yuanshuai (Marshall Li.)He has two marshals as assistants.

Long Ji, Princess According to Fengshen Yanyi, she was the first daughter of Jade Emperor and Queen Mother of The West. She aided King Wu rebellion against King Zhou of Shang and married with a handsome general named Hong Jin. However she and her husband were killed by Tongtian Jiaozhu's disciple, Jinling Shengmu.

Longmu (Dragon Mother) Longmu's original name was Wen Shi. She frequently went to the Xi River to fish and wash clothes for her family. On one such errand, she found a large smooth white stone along the banks of the river. She took the beautiful stone home, but 92

later discovered that the stone was actually an egg, from which hatched five baby snakes (an alternate version says one). Wen Shi's family was poor, but Wen Shi saved the best food she had for her baby snakes and fed them by hand. As the snakes grew, they helped Wen Shi catch fish at the Xi River. The snakes were natural swimmers and became very good at catching fish. The snakes eventually matured into five powerful dragons. In Chinese culture, dragons are considered spirits of water, and have the power to control the weather; during a drought, therefore, Wen Shi asked her dragon children to summon the rain for her village. When rain came and ended the drought, the grateful villagers gave Wen Shi the name "Mother of Dragons".

Longnu (Dragon Lady) Longnu is the daughter of Dragon King and Guanyin’s acolyte. According Nanhai Guanyin Quanzhuan, The Third Dragon Prince was caught in a fisherman's net when he was carrying out his father's orders in the form of a carp. Princess Miao Shan (Guanyin) at once sent her faithful disciple, Shancai, in the guise of a servant, to buy him, giving him a thousand cash to purchase the fish, which he was to take to the foot of the rocks at Putuo and set free in the sea. As a token of gratitude, the Dragon King presented Guanyin with a luminous pearl, so that she may recite her prayers by its light at night-time. Longnu volunteered herself to send the gift. After offering the pearl to Guanyin, she decides to stay with her and become her disciple. Alternate tale depicted Long Nu as Han Xiangzi's lover. It is said that Han Xiangzi came to the shores of the Eastern Sea. At the close of the day, he played his flute and was heard by Longnu. She was instantly captivated by the sweet music, she transformed herself into an eel and swam close to Han Xiangzi, twisting and turning as if dancing to the music he played. Then, to Han Xiangzi'z amazement, the eel changed into the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Next day Han played again at the same spot and the eel returned. All the events of the previous day repeated themselves. However on the fourth day, the girl failed to return. Han played and played, but not even his sweetest songs could bring her back. As Han fell to his knees, and wept, an old woman suddenly appeared and told him that the Dragon Princess could not meet him, because her father (the Dragon King) forbade her. As a memento, the Dragon Princess gave him a bamboo flute. The old lady said that his princess made this flute from the bamboo from Guanyin's dwelling in Putuoshan. Han Xiangzi was so disappointed that he devoted himself into spirit cultivation.


Many years later he achieved his immortal hood. As for Longnu, it is believed that she learned Buddhism from Guanyin to heal her broken heart.

Long Wang See “Dragon King”.

Lu Ban Patron God of Carpenter Lu Ban was master of carpenter from the Spring and Autumn Period. According to folklore, he could make a wooden bird fly to the sky and wooden turtle walked. There is popular Chinese Proverb: Banmen Nongfu (playing axe in front of Lu Ban's door). This proverb mocks people who show off their amateur skill in front of expert.

Lu Chunyang See "Lu Dongbin".

Lu Dongbin Member of Eight immortals; Patron Deity for Barber and Scholar

Lu Dongbin is probably the most popular member of Eight Immortals. His given/birth name is Lu Yan and his honorary title is Lu Chunyang. When he was born, a fragrance allegedly filled the room. His birthday is said to be on the fourteenth day of the fourth month of the Chinese calendar. He had been very intelligent since childhood and had many academic achievements. However, he failed two times in top level civil service exam to become a government officer. One night when Lu Dongbin was in Chang'an, he dozed off as his yellow millet was cooking in a hotel. He dreamed that he took the imperial exam and excelled, and thus was awarded a prestigious office and soon promoted to the position of vice minister. He then married the daughter of a prosperous household and had a son and a daughter. He was promoted again and again, and finally became the 94

prime minister. However, his success and luck attracted jealousy of others, so he was accused of crimes that caused him to lose his office. His wife then betrayed him, his children were killed by bandits, and he lost all his wealth. As he was dying on the street in the dream, he woke up. Although in the dream, eighteen years had passed, the whole dream actually happened in the time it took his millet to cook. The characters from his dream were actually played by Han Zhongli in order to make him realize that one should not put too much importance on transient glory and success. This is the incident referred to in Chinese literature in the phrase "Yellow Millet Dream". Convinced of the hollowness of worldly dignities, he begged Han to teach him the secret of Immortality. Lu Dongbin's weapon is a flying sword that can be used to slay demon (sometimes it referred as single or double swords). He obtained it from Dalong Zhenren who also taught him the Swordsmanship of Tiandun. There is an idiom said: "Like the dog bites Lu Dongbin", meaning a man with good intention but suspected and then tormented.

Luduan Lu Duan is a beast which could detect truth from the Chinese Mythology. In the Qing Dynasty, rulers such as the Qianlong Emperor surrounded his throne with the image of luduan in order to properly subdue his subjects.

Luo Gongyuan Luo Gongyuan is famous Taoist from the Tang Dynasty. He was one of Emperor Xuanzong's favorite Taoist, along with Zhang Guolao and Ye Fashan. One story from Ninth story told that he took Emperor Xuanzong on a voyage to the moon. At the moon palace the emperor memorized the music for Nishang Yuyi Qu, the most renowned music composed in his reign (according to alternate version, it was Ye Fashan who took the emperor to the moon). Based on a cult that flourished in North and Northwest of Chengdu during the late North Century, the natives considered him as perfected figure. They believed that Luo Gongyuan cultivated himself on Mt. Qingcheng. During one drought, an old woman appeared and told the villagers to pray their pleas to Luo Gongyuan. The villagers followed her instruction and rain began falling immediately. Thus Luo became the god of a local rain cult.


Luo Xuan See “Huobu”.

Luozu Patron God of Barber In old times most Chinese people were rarely cut their hair, since they believed that their hair was given by his parents. One day the crown prince of Ming Dynasty got an abscess on his head and his hair should be cut to accelerate the medication effect. The emperor then called a senior monk named Luozu to cut his son's hair; this monk is later respected as Patron God for Barber. In alternate version of this story, Luozu was a disguise of the Taoist Immortal Lu Dongbin. That’s why Lu Dongbin also worshiped as the Patron God of Barber.

Luwu Luwu is the protector deity of Kunlun Mountain. He is depicted as a half man, half-beast with a human head, tiger body and nine tails

Luxing (God of Prosperity) See "Fu-Lu-Shou".

Lu Xiujing Daoist scholar and liturgical master active during the Liu Song dynasty. Regarded as the seventh patriarch of the Celestial Master sect (Tianshi Dao ), founded by Zhang Daoling in Sichuan Province. Master Lu was a key figure in the development of the Taoist Temple during the Six Dynasties Period. It is believed that Lu Xiujung has four eyes, thus people called him Four Eyed God. He is the teacher of Zhang Yuanxiao (Zhang Xian).


Lu Yu Patron of Tea Seller Born as poor child, Lu Yu grew as an acrobatic player and finally a tea expert. He wrote a book about tea known as Chajing.

Lu Yue See "Wuwen Shizhe (Five Commissioners of Plague)".


M Maitreya The Future Buddha Maitreya is foretold as a Future Buddha in Buddhist eschatology. In India, his appearance was tall and slender. However in China, Maitreya is traditionally depicted as a fat bald man wearing a robe and wearing or otherwise carrying prayer beads. This image is based on Monk Budai (Budai Heshang), a historical figure who lived in Five Dynasty Period. He was believed as Maitreya's reincarnation. His identification with the Maitreya is attributed to a Buddhist hymn he uttered before his death: "Maitreya, the true Maitreya Has billions of incarnations. Often he is shown to people at the time; Other times they do not recognize him." Budai Heshang carries his few possessions in a cloth sack, being poor but content. He is often depicted entertaining or being followed by adoring children. His other name is Laughing Buddha, since he always laugh and show happiness in his face.

Ma Gu Goddess of Longevity for Woman Ma Gu is described as a beautiful young woman with long birdlike fingernails. Ma Gu personally tells of having lived to see three metamorphoses in which the East Sea transformed from an ocean to a gigantic field of mulberry trees, and then back again to the sea. From this we can gather that Ma Gu is both very old and also that great changes will happen in the world, even if it takes a long time to 98

achieve. This one version of Ma Gu's origin: Ma Gu is Ma Qiu's daughter. She worked as sewer for rich people. One day, she saw an old woman collapsing at the street. Ma Gu offered her a peach, but the old woman asked a little porridge. Ma Gu hurriedly cooked some porridge in her house and returned to the old lady. However she could not found the old lady, instead she found a stone peach on her place. hat night the old lady appeared in Ma Gu's dream and instructed her to plant the stone peach. Ma Gu did as she told and within a year it had grown into a large peach tree. The tree flowered after a few months and not long afterward produced big red peaches. Ma Gu shared the peach with the poor e them to poor, old people. The people wbo ate it would be filled for days and cured form his/ her illness. Since that day people called Ma Gu as Xiangu (Female Immortal) and her peaches was named Magu Xianshou (Ma Gu offers longevity)

Ma Lingguan See “Huaguang Dadi”.

Mang Shen Mang Shen is a deity who beats the Spring Ox with a willow branch every year to end the winter and starts the spring. Several places in ancient Chinese held a yearly spring ceremony with clay statues of Mang Shen and the Spring Ox.

Manjusri (Wenshu Sheli) Bodhisatva of Wisdom In India Manjusri is known as man, but in several places in China he/she is refereed as woman. He/she rides an Azure Lion. According to the story of Princess Miao Shan, the princess has two sisters: Miao Qing and Miao Yin. After Miao Shan became Bodhisattva (Guanyin), her parents and sisters who formerly tainted with earthly pleasures were followed her example for the pursuit of the perfect life. Gradually they progressed until reached the true perfection. Miao Qing appointed as Manjusri, and Miao Yin appointed as Samantabadra).


About her Azure Lion, based on Fengshen Yanyi, the Azure Lion Spirit was originally Tongtian Jiaozhu's disciple who was subdued by Manjusri and became her mount. However in the story of Princess Miao Shan, Azure Lion and White Elephant were evil gods who caught Miao Shan parents and sisters who would go on a pilgrimage to Xiangshan (the place of Miao Shan). Both of the animals were conquered by the Heavenly Deity and later became Miao Qing and Miao Yin,s mount.

Ma Yuanshai See"Huaguang Dadi".

Mazu Goddess of Sea; Patron Goddess of Fisherman and Sailor Mazu’s original name is Lin Moniang, a daughter of fisherman from Fujian. She was a prodigy and blessed with supernatural power since her childhood. As a teenager she defeated Shunfeng'er (spirit with mighty hearing) and Qianliyan (spirit with mighty eyes). Once upon a time, a terrible typhoon arose while her father and brothers were out at sea. In her house, Moniang dreamed that she saved her father and brothers while she was sleeping. Unfortunately Moniang's mother discovered her sleeping and tried to wake her. This diverted Moniang's attention and caused her to drop her brother who drowned as a result. Consequently, Moniang's father returned alive and told the other villagers that a miracle had happened. At the age of 28, Lin Moniang climbed a mountain alone and flew to Heaven and became a goddess. People venerated her with the title Mazu, or Tianfei, or "Tianshang Shengmu".

Mengmo (Dream Demon) Mengmo is male or female demons that seek sexual intercourse with women/men in their sleep. The Dream Demon will steal the vital essence of their victim.


Mengpo Mengpo is old woman who gives a tea to souls in Hell. after drinking his tea, that souls will forget about their past. A legend told us that Mengpo was originally a fragment of Five Colored Stones left over from when Nuwa was repairing the skies. The spirit eventually the fragment became a grass stalk that attaches itself and grew under the bridge in hell. It eventually became a spirit that assumed human form named Lady Meng. Lady Meng fell deeply in love and married a handsome scholar who went on to take the imperial exams. She made him promised that he would not be unfaithful during his departure, but afraid that he would fall for another woman, the spirit cast a spell on her husband. Should he break his promise to be faithful, he will die. Unfortunately her husband really married a new wife and never came back. The spell worked, and so he lost his live. Realizing what she had done, the spirit begged to Yama King for a chance to see her husband once more. Seeing how broken she was, the king allowed her to serve soup to her husband. Not wanting to let her husband remember her evil doings, Lady Meng caste a spell into the soup so her husband soon loses all his memories and passes on to the bridge that led towards reincarnation. The Yama King was furious at what she had done, but also realized that it was a good thing for re incarnating souls to forget everything to start anew. As a punishment, the spirit was made to stand under the bridge to serve soup to every soul that will be passing the bridge for reincarnation. As years went by, Lady Meng became Granny Meng.

Meng Shan Member of 36 Heavenly Marshals Meng Shan was a warm-hearted jailer who released his entire prisoner during New Year Eve, in promise that they would return to the jail tomorrow. But since no prisoner returned, then he was executed by his commander.

Mengshen See “Door Gods”


Meng Tian Patron of Writing Brush Maker Meng Tian was a famous general under Qin Shihuang. He was credited in the construction of the Great Wall of China, but his greatest accomplishment was the invention of writing brush (although some say that he just improved or modified the existing writing brush). Legend has it that Meng Tian had to report to emperor by carving on a bamboo slips that took long time to write anything. One day Meng Tian got an idea. He took his sword tassel, dipped it into ink and used it to write. Actually it was so much faster. Later he used animal's fur that tied to bamboo stick as his writing brush.

Miao Shan See "Guanyin".

Mifei See "Goddess of Luo river".

Miaole Tianzhun Senior deity, divine teacher of Xuantian Shangdi and Huaguang

Mo Lihai See "Four Kings of Heaven"

Mo Lihong See "Four Kings of Heaven"


Mo Lishou See "Four Kings of Heaven"

Mo Liqing See "Four Kings of Heaven"

Monk Xuanzang Xuanzang was a monk from Tang Dynasty who traveled to India to fetch Buddhist scripture. According to the legend, he was accompanied by four students. they are; Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, Sha Wujing and the Dragon Horse. Upon returning to China he was bestowed the title: Tang Sanzang, meaning: Monk Triptiaka from Tang Dynasty. He was believed as the reincarnation of Tataghata Buddha's apprentice: Jin Canzi (Golden Cicada)

Moon Goddess See “Chang’e”

Mother Lightning (Dianmu) Goddess of Lightning Once upon a time Leigong mistakenly shoot an innocent girl to death. This girl then deified as Leigong's assistant. Her duty is to give signal using her lightning and Leigong will shoot his thunder to that direction. Fengshen Yanyi contain alternate story for this goddess. It is said that Mother Lightning was formerly a female priest from Jian'ao Island named JInguang Shengmu (Mother Golden Lightning). She helped Grand Chancellor Wen Zhong who fought against Jiang Ziya. They were both died in the battle, but later she was canonized as Mother Lightning and Wen Zhong was canonized as Leisheng Puhua Tianzun.


Mowang (Mara) The Demon King Mowang (sanskrit: Mara) is the tempter and the evil one in Buddhist Mythology. He distracts human from practicing the spiritual life by making mundane things or the negative seem positive. When Shakyamuni meditated under the Bodhi Tree, Mara was alarmed to his impending enlightenment. The evil one considered his success as the end of his reign, so Mara decided to prevent him from attaining his Buddha hood. The Demon King seduced Shakyamuni both with promises of glory and pleasure, but Shakyamuni easily rejects these. Knowing they are meaningless. Mara then tried to scare him. He launched his demon army to hurt him, but as their arrow approached, they are transformed into flowers and fall harmlessly to the ground. The three daughters of Mara appeared and tried to seduce Shakyamuni, but he was not swayed from his goal. Finally Mara mocked Shakyamuni, the evil one stated that his work is meaningless, since was no one there to recognize his achievement. Shakyamuni responded that the earth would be his witness. He touched the ground the earth trembles in agreement. Thus Mara admitted his defeat, but he was determined to carry on harassing the Buddha and his followers.

Mulian Before Mulian became monk, he often gave his mother (Madame Liu) money for feeding monks and beggars. But the stingy Madame Liu always hide it away. Several years after her mother death, Mulian became a Buddhist Monk, One day he used his divine eyes and saw his mother was tortured in Hell for her bad behavior in earth. Mulian seek Buddha's help and got a divine a rod to smash Hell's gate and release the prisoners of hell to a higher reincarnation. However his mother was not released, instead she was reborn as a Hungry Ghost. . Mulian tried to send her food by placing it on the ancestral altar, but the food bursts into flame just as it reached her mouth. To rescue her from this torture, the Buddha instructs Mulian to provide a Grand Feast of Yulan on the fifteenth day of the seventh month. Later Madame Liu was reincarnated as a black dog, Mulian recited Sutras for seven days and seven nights, and finally his mother became a human again and could attain the joys of Heaven.


Muzha See Hui'an.

Mysterious Lady from Ninth Heaven See "Jiutian Xuannu".


N Nandou Xingjun Gods of Southern Dipper Nandou Xingjun resides in South Pole. Together with Beidou Xingjun, they are respected for prolonging of one's age, ceasing of the death disasters and changing of someone fortune & luck. Nandou Xingjun are in charge register of life, thus, they are more associated with life. Nandou Liusi Xingjun (The Six Longevity Gods of the South Pole) are consisting of Six Stars Deities: 1. Tianfu Siming Xingjun 2. Tianxiang Silu Xingjun 3. Tianliang Yanshou Xingjun 4. Tiantong Yisuan Xingjun 5. Tianshu Du'e Xingjun 6. Tianji Shangsheng Xingjun

Nanji Xianweng See "Fu Lu Shou"


Nezha Nezha is the third son of Li Jing, a general under King Zhou and commander of Chengtang Pass. His mother, Yinsi was conceived him for three years and six months. When he finally born, Yinsi gave birth to a ball of flesh instead of baby. Li Jing thought that his wife had given birth to a demon and attacked the ball with his sword. The ball split open and a baby (Li Nezha) emerged, surrounded by a halo of red light. Its face was very white, About his right arm he wore a golden armlet and around his thighs was wound a length of crimson silk, whose glittering shine dazzled the eyes.. An immortal suddenly appeared before Li JIng and his wife. He introduced himself as Taiyi Zhenren and said that the baby was an avatar of Ling Chuzi. Taiyi Zhenren then asked their permission to take Nezha as my pupil. Li Jing was delighted and bowed his thanks to the immortal. When Nezha was seven years old he whisked his crimson silk trouser about in the water to wash it. No sooner were the magic trousers immersed in the stream than the water began to boil, and the Castle of the Dragon King of the East Sea to was trembled to its very foundations. The Dragon Prince of East Sea, Ao BIng confronted him, but Nezha slew the prince and drew out his dragon sinew. Ao Guang, the Dragon King, full of fury confronted Nezha and his family. He threatened to flood Chentang Pass and report Nezha to the Jade Emperor. To save his family and the people, Nezha committed suicide himself them carving up his own flesh and dismembering his bones "returning" these to his parents in repayment for the debt of his birth. Later Nezha appeared in his mother's dream and asked her to build a temple for him, so he could be revived by eating incense from his worshipper. Unfortunately Li Jing soon found out about this temple and destroyed it because he was still angry at Nezha and felt that he had already caused too much trouble for their family. Li Nezha was later brought back to life by his teacher, Taiyi Zhenren, who used lotus roots to construct a human body for his soul and gave him two new weapons: the Wind Fire Wheels and the Fire-tipped Spear. The resurrected Nezha vowed to punish Li Jing for destroying his temple. He rode his Wind Fire Wheels to find his father. Li Jing was unable to withstand his son and fled. He was so exhausted when a hermit named Randeng came to help him. Randeng raised his arm, and a pagoda shaped itself out of red, whirling clouds and closed around Nezha. Then Radiance of Light placed both his hands on the pagoda and a fire arose within it which burned Nezha so that he cried loudly for mercy. Then he had to promise to beg his father forgiveness and always to obey him in the future. Randeng then gave the pagoda


to Li Jing and taught him a magic saying which would give him the mastery over his bratty son. After Nezha reconciling with his father, they joined King Wu's rebellion against the tyrant King Zhou of Shang (Together with Nezha's elder brother, Li Jinzha and Li Muzha) Nezha's title is San Taizhi or Zhongtan Yuanshuai. His other ability is to transform into a creature with three heads and six arms.

Nian Long long ago, there was a monster called Nian who ate men and animals every Chinese New Years. In despair the people asked Lion God for help. The Lion God successfully wounded Nian and chase it away. But Nian announced to return for taking revenge. Te next year the villagers did not have a lion to protect themselves. So, they solved the problem by creating a costume likeness of a lion and two villagers used it to scare Nian away. This is the reason the lion dance is performed every Chinese New Year. Actually the Chinese word for "year" is "Nian" which sounds like this monster name. See "Hongjun Laozu" for the alternate version of Nian legend.

Nine-Headed Bird The Nine-headed Bird was worshiped by ancient natives in Hubei Province, (part of the Chu Kingdom during Warring States Period). Due to the hostile relationship between the Kingdom of Chu and its former lord, the Zhou Dynasty, the Nine-Headed Bird, (which is the totem creature of the Chu people) was demonised as a result. Later it often used Fengshen Yanyi mentioned a creature resemble Nine-Headed Bird, it called Nine-Headed Pheasant (Jiutou Zhiji Jing). Together with her sisters: Nine-Tailed Fox and Pipa Spirit, they disguised as beautiful women who seduced King Zhou of Shang into his doom.


Nine Luminaries (Jiuyaoxing) Jiuyaoxing consist of nine stars (planets) deities: Jupiter (Taixing), Mars (Huoxing), Mercury (Shuixing). Venus (Jinxing). Saturn (Muxing), Luoxing (Rahu), Ziqi, Jidu (Ketu) and Yuebo.

Nine Immortal from the Nine Carp Lake (Jiulihu Xian) Once upon a time there was a couple from Fujian who had nine sons. Unfortunately, their eldest son only had one eye and all the others blind. The father in despair determined to kill them all. But the mother found a man to take them of to the mountains. There on the mountain of the Nine Immortals they devoted themselves to the hermit's life. Nearby is a lake and on its shores they concocted the elixir. Succeeding in their essay, they mounted each a red carp and disappeared, hence the lake is called Jiulihu (The Nine Carp Lake). By the lake is a temple where great crowds gather every year to burn incense in honor of the nine brothers.

Nine sons of the Dragon's Son Legend said that Dragon has nine sons in Ming Dynasty. The Dragon sent its nine sons to help the Zhu Yuanzhang to establish Ming Dynasty. After completing the mission, nine dragons were preparing their journey to return to Heaven. But the emperor played a trick on the most powerful dragon, the 6th son, to carry a magic stele with a carved inscription, which could suppress any ghost, spirit or evil creature. The 6th dragon couldn't move under the magic stele, and all of his other brothers wouldn't leave without him. However, they wouldn't work for the emperor anymore. They decided to no longer show their dragon identities and turned themselves into evil creatures. 1. The Pulao, dragons which like to cry, are represented on the tops of bells, serving as handles. 2. The Qiuniu, which like music, are used to adorn musical instruments. 3. The Chiwen, which like swallowing, are placed on both ends of the ridgepoles of roofs (to swallow all evil influences).


4. The Chaofeng, lion-like beasts which like precipices, are placed on the four corners of roofs. 5. The Yazi, which like to kill, serve as ornaments of sword-grips. 6. The Bixi, which have the shape of the (Chilong]), and are fond of literature, are represented on the sides of grave-monuments. 7. The Bi'an, which like litigation, is placed over prison gates (in order to keep guard). 8. The Suanni, which like to sit down, are represented upon the bases of Buddhist idols (under the Buddha’s' or Bodhisattva’s feet). 9. The Baxia, finally, big tortoises which like to carry heavy objects, are placed under grave-monuments.

Nine-Tailed Fox Spirit (Jiuweihu) Nine-Tailed Fox is considered as the queen among the foxes, since Yu the Great’s consort was a Nine-Tailed Fox. The Jiuweuhu who married Yu the Great was surely a virtuous creature, but there was another Nine-Tailed Fox who was very lascivious and evil. She is considered as the queen of all foxes. During Xia Dynasty she became Meiqi, King Jie favorite concubine. She seduced the king to build wine pool, meat forest and neglected his people. This initiated rebellion that finished Xia Dynasty. After that nine tail fox go to India and become concubine of king Magada, only to make him met same fate as King Jie. Finally she turned herself into beautiful lady named Su Daji and became concubine of King Zhou, the last ruler Shang Dynasty. As always she seduced the king into glamorous live that led to the end of his dynasty, unfortunately this time she couldn't escape and executed by Jiang Ziya.

Ningfengzi Patron God of Potter Ningfengzi was a man who lived in the time of Huangdi. According to tradition, he was Huangdi's master potter. He built a kiln to bake his pot but on a bad day Ningfengzi fell into his kiln and die. People then worshiped him as Patron God of 110

Potter. In the alternate version for this story, Ningfengsi intentionally entered his kiln after getting an instruction from certain immortal.

Niulang See “Zhinu”.

Niuwang The god of Oxen Niu Wang is believed to protect cattle against epidemics and sickness

Nong Yu Long time ago there was an adept flute player named Xiao Shi. When he played his flute, Xiao Shi was able to imitate the sound of phoenixes. Nong Yu, the daughter of Duke Mu of Qin fell in love with him and eventually they married. He taught her to play the way a phoenix calls out. After several decades of this, male and female phoenixes would come down in response to the sounds. The duke then built a Phoenix Terrace, where the couple would spend their time. Several more years later Nong Yu got on a phoenix, Xiao Shi mounted a dragon, and the two of them ascended into immortality.

Nugua See “Nuwa”.

Nuwa Mother of Human-kind Nuwa or Nugua is a goddess with half woman and half snake body. It is believed that Nuwa was the first creature in the beginning of the world. She felt very lonely 111

and began to create animals: On the first day she created chickens. On the second day she created dogs. On the third day she created sheep. On the fourth day she created pigs. On the fifth day she created cows. On the sixth day she created horses. On the seventh day, she took up a handful of yellow clay, mixed it with water and molded a figure in her likeness. As she worked, the figure came alive and became the first human being. Nuwa was pleased with her creation and went on making more figures of both men and women. As she grew tired, Nuwa dipped a rope in the clay mud, and swung it to create the figurines. The handmade figurines became the wealthy and the noble; those that created with her rope became the poor and the common. Another version stated that the figurines melted in the rain, and that in this way sickness and physical defect came into existence. A long time later, Gong Gong, the God of Water was fought with Zhu Rong, the God of Fire, When Gong Gong saw that he could not win; he smashed his head against Mount Buzhou, a mythical peak which is said to be the pillar holding up the sky. The pillar collapsed caused disaster everywhere. Nuwa decided to mend the sky and end this catastrophe. She melted together the five colored stones and with the molten mixture patched up the sky. Then she killed a giant turtle and used its four legs as four pillars to support the fallen part of the sky.


P Pangu Creator of the World In the beginning there was nothing in the universe except a formless chaos (Hundun). This chaos coalesced into a cosmic egg for about 18,000 years. Within it, the perfectly opposed principles of Yin and Yang became balanced, and Pangu emerged from the egg. Pangu is usually depicted as a primitive, hairy giant who has horns on his head and wears furs. Pangu began creating the world: he separated Yin from Yang with a swing of his giant axe, creating the Earth (murky Yin) and the Sky (clear Yang). To keep them separated; Pangu stood between them and pushed up the Sky. With each day the sky grew ten feet higher, the Earth ten feet thicker, and Pangu ten feet taller. In some versions of the story, Pangu is aided in this task by the four most prominent beasts, namely the Turtle, the Qilin, the Fenghuang, and the Dragon. After the 18,000 years had elapsed, Pangu died. His breath became the wind, mist and clouds; his voice, thunder; his left eye, the sun; his right eye, the moon; his head, the mountains and extremes of the world; his blood, rivers; his muscles, fertile land; his facial hair, the stars and Milky Way; his fur, bushes and forests; his bones, valuable minerals; his bone marrow, sacred diamonds; his sweat, rain; and the fleas on his fur carried by the wind became animals.

Panguan Judge of Hell Panguan has a hideous face with a matted beard. He holds a giant calligraphy brush in his hand, using it to note down the names of evil human beings. Pan 113

Guan has two lackeys Niutou (Ox Head) and Mamian (Horse Face). There are several Panguans in Netherworld, their chief is Cui Jue, an ex officer from Tang Dynasty. When Cui Jue was still alive, people considered him as an officer in human world during daylight and a Panguan in the midnight.

Pan Jinlian (Golden Lotus Pan) Goddess of Fornication Pan Jinlian is legendary wanton woman from Water Margin and Golden Lotus novel. According to Golden Lotus, Pan killed her own husband, so she could marry with Ximen Qing. Upon becoming Ximen wife, Pan secretly had an affair with Ximen's servant and even with Ximen's son in law (from other wives). So big her passion until she could drink man's urine

Pang Yuanshai (Marshall Pang) When he was still mortal, Pang Qiao was a poor but kindhearted ferryman. He was never impartial to those who traveled by ferry and helped people in emergency and difficulty. One evening, a young woman came to cross the river. It was snowing and nobody dared to go across. Pang Qiao and his father gave her shelter and got her clothes dried. Next day, they took the girl on board to bring her to her home. Unfortunately it was a stormy day, the River was rough and the boat capsized. Pang Qiao and his father were swept by the wave; meanwhile the young woman was disappeared mysteriously. As father and son finally awakened in the beach, they found Water Ghosts weeping around them. The Ghosts was disappointed since they could not drown Pang Qiao and his father (the Water Ghosts would take over their bodies if they succeed). Actually the father and son were saved by Guanyin Bodhisattva who disguised herself as the young woman. Later Pang Qiao was appointed as deity; the Jade Emperor bestowed him with a Golden Sword.


Peng According Zhuangzi, Peng is a giant bird that can fly with tremendous speed. It wings are like clouds filling the sky. He beats the whirlwind, leaps into the air, and rises up ninety thousand li, cutting through the clouds and mist, shouldering the blue sky. When the Buddhism came to China, the Chinese began associating Peng with Garuda. Many legends such as Journey to the West and Shouyue Quanzhuan describe Peng as Tataghata Buddha's disciple. Legend said that Yue Fei, a famous general from the Song Dynasty was an incarnation of Peng.

Peng Zu Peng Zu or Peng Jian is legendary long lived figure in China. He supposedly lived over 800 years in the Shang Dynasty. Peng Zu was regarded as a saint in Taoism. The pursuit of eternity drugs by supporters of Taoism was highly influenced by Peng Zu. He is well known in Chinese Culture as a symbol for long life, nutrition treatments, and sex therapy treatments. Legend maintains he married more than 100 wives and fathered hundreds of children, as late as in his 800s.

Pixiu Pixiu is a Chinese mythical hybrid creature considered to be a very powerful protector to practitioners of Fengshui. It resembles a winged lion. Pixiu is an earth and sea variation, particularly an influential and auspicious creature for wealth. It is said to have a voracious appetite towards only gold and silver. There are two different types of Pixiu. The difference is with their horns. 1. Pixiu with two horns is known as Piya, it wards off evil. It is also believed that Piya has the ability of assisting anyone who is suffering from bad Feng-Shui that is due to having offended Taisui (see “Taisui”) 2. Pixiu with one horn is called Tianlu. It is in charge of wealth. Displaying Tianlu at home or in the office is said to prevent wealth from flowing away. The myth of Pixiu tells that the creature violated a law of Heaven, so the Jade Emperor punished it by restricting the Pixiu's diet to gold. Thus, Pixiu can only absorb gold, but cannot expel it. This is the origin of Pixiu's status as a symbol of the acquisition and preservation of wealth.


Plague God (Wenshen) In former times, people believed that plagues were caused by evil spirits. In order to ward off these epidemic goblins, protection deities were venerated that were thought to dispel the spirits of contagion. The oldest gods of pestilence are believed as Emperor Zhuanxu's sons. Zhuanxu had three sons that died immediately after their birth and became evil spirits spreading plagues: One lived in the Yangzi River and was called Nuegui (Ghost of Malaria). The second lived in the River Ruo and was called Wang Liang (Demon Ghost), and the third used to dwell in the corners of human abodes. He appeared in the shape of a young boy scaring the inhabitants, and was therefore called Xiao Gui (Small Ghost). In later tradition, the Plague God are associated with Wuwen Shizhe (Five Commissioners of Plague).

Princess Iron Fan Princess Iron Fan (Tieshan Gongzhu) Princess Iron Fan is a goddess with a magical plantain fan as her weapon. When she uses her fan, it will make a strong wind in first wave and rain in second wave. According Journey to the West P rincess Iron Fan is a Luoshanu (Rakhsasi). She is mother of Red Boy (Hong Hai'er) and wife of Bull Demon King (Niumowang) However in Journey to the South, the princess is depicted as a goddess. She was daughter of Yuhuan Shengmu and wife of Huaguang Dadi (the protagonist of Journey to the South).

Pusa See “Boddhisatva”.

Puxian (Samantabhadra) Puxian is Bodhisattva of Virtue who rides a white elephant. Like Manjusri and


Guanyin, sometimes he/she also known as man in India but as woman in several place in China. According to the story of Princess Miao Shan, the princess has two sisters: Miao Qing and Miao Yin. After Miao Shan became Bodhisattva (Guanyin), her parents and sisters who formerly tainted with earthly pleasures were followed her example for the pursuit of the perfect life. Gradually they progressed untill reached the true perfection. Miao Qing appointed as Manjusri, and Miao Yin appointed as Samantabhadra) About her White Elephant, Based on Fengshen Yanyi, the White Elephant Spirit was originally Tongtian Jiaozhu's disciple who was subdued by Manjusri and became her mount. However in the story of Princess Miao Shan, Azure Lion and White Elephant were evil gods who caught Miao Shan parents and sisters who would go on a pilgrimage to Xiang Shan (the place of Miao Shan). Both of the animals were conquered by the Heavenly Deity and later became Miao Qing and Miao Yin,s mount.


Q Qianliyan Qianliyan is a deity with mighty sight that can see from 1000 li distance. His real name was Gao Ming. Together with his colleague: Gao Jue (Shunfeng'er), they were initially a malevolent spirit. Depend on the version they were subdued and then converted by Ma Huagauang or Mazu or Jiang Ziya. Jade emperror ussually used Qian Liyan and Shunfeng'er's talent to monitor condition in another realms.

Qigu Goddess of Toilet Qigu was the concubine of Liu Bang, first Emperor of the Han Dynasty. Empress Lu, the first consort of Liu Bang envied her so much. As the Emperor died, she tortured Qigu and mutilated several of her body parts. She then threw suffered Qigu into the dirtiest latrine in the whole of China. It wasn’t long before QIgu’s torment became infamous, and soon she was elevated to the rank of Goddess. Another Goddess of lavatory is Zigu, a concubine who was murdered by his husband's first wife and thrown her corpse into toilet.

Qilin Chinese unicorn Qilin is believed as symbol of good luck and prosperity. It is said that a qilin appeared to the pregnant mother of Confucius. The qilin thereupon coughed up


an inscribed jade tablet that foretold the future greatness of the unborn child. The death of Confucius was foreshadowed when a qilin was injured by a charioteer. A qilin has a double horn on its forehead, dragon head, oxen hoves, and fish skin hide.

Qilu Luohan (Deer Sitting Luohan) Member of 18 Luohan Pindola the Bharadvaja, was formerly a powerful government official who became a Buddhist Monk. One day, Bharadvaja appeared in front of the palace riding a deer. The king welcomed him and told Bharadvaja that he could have his position back if he wanted. Bharadvaja declined his offer and replied that he wished the king to join him. After a long conversation the king was finally convinced. He left his throne to his son and followed Bharadvaja to become a monk.

Qin Gao Qin Gao was a man from Zhao States (Warring States Period). He studied Taoist Magic and mastered the secrets of immortality. After traveling in Jizhou and Zhoujun for more than 200 years, he disappeared into Zhoujun Lake to catch a dragon. One day his disciples saw Qing Gao emerged from the lake riding on a huge red carp. It was believed that Qin Gao ascended to Heaven with his red carp.

Qinguang Wang (King Qinguang) One of Ten Yama King In the First Court of Hell, King Qinguang conducts preliminary trials and each prisoner is judged according to his deeds in his past life. The ‘good’ are distinguished from the ‘evil’ and the King recommends appropriate reward or punishment. Punishment is then carried out in the various Courts" 1. Those with virtuous conduct in their past life will be lead over the ‘Golden Bridge’ to reach paradise. 2. Those whose past good deeds outweigh crimes committed will be sent to the ‘Silver Bridge’ to reach paradise.


3. Those who were evil doers in their past life will be sent to repent before the ‘Mirror of Retribution’ and then taken to a subsequent Court of Hell to be punished. It is believed that Qinguang Wang was actually Jiang Ziwen, a man who lived in Eastern Han Dynasty. In a course of putting down an insurrection, he was killed by a blow on his forehead. During the Three Kingdoms Era, people repeatedly reported encountering his spirit, so that Sun Quan called him the God of Bell Mountain (Zhogsha Shashe). Following the introduction of Buddhism to China and the popularization of its king of the dead Yama, Jiang was placed in charge of the first of ten Hells as the Qinguang Wang.

Qinglong See "Azure Dragon".

Qingniao (Azure Bird) Qingniao is three Mythical Birds which regarded as the Queen Mother of the West's attendant. In the older myths, the Queen Mother is depicted as a tiger-lke beast residing in Kunlun Mountain. Qingniao's duty was to fetch Queen mother's food and carried her messages.

Qitian Dasheng See “Sun Wukong”.

Qi Xiannu Qi Xiannu is the seventh daughter of Jade Emperor and Queen Mother of the West. One day she descended to earth and met a poor scholar named Dong Yong. Dong Yong was a filial son, he sold himself to Mr. Fu (as salve), so he could give a proper burial for his deceased father. Qi Xiannu fell in love with Dong Yong and asked him to marry her. However, 120

Dong Yong afraid his poverty would make her suffer. The Seventh Fairy insisted to marry him. She asked a Huaiyin Tree whether Dong Yong should marry her or not. Miraculously the Huaiyin Tree swayed it branches and leaves as the approval (actually it was Earth God who helped the Seven Fairy). Dong Yong finally agree to marry her. The two of them asked the Heaven and Earth as the witnesses of their marriage. As they arrived in Mr. Fu house, the Young master Fu treated Dong Yong like a slave. The Seventh Fairy challenged Young Master Fu to give her an impossible job, so she might repay Dong Yong's debt. The young master said that she could buy her husband's freedom by weaving 10 batches of brocade in one night (There are several alternate versions for this, 100 batches of brocade for 10 days or 300 batches for a month) But if she failed, they should be forever the slaves for him. Qi Xiannu agreed. At the night she called her sisters from Heaven to help her and so they successfully weaved 10 batches of brocade in a night. The young master had no other choice but to let Dong Yong and his wife go. Dong Yong and his wife were very happy. But suddenly the Heavenly soldiers caught up with the Qi Xiannu. Actually the Jade Emperor had discovered her daughter's absence. The Heavenly soldiers told the Qi Xiannu fairy that they would kill Dong Yong if she did not come with them. Before leaving, Qi Xiannu told Dong Yong about her true identity and told him that she was pregnant. She told him to come back one year later to get his son under the Huaiyin Tree (that became their matchmaker earlier). Qi Xiannu is venerated as Qi Niangma, the goddess who protects child.

Qiye and Baye See “Bai Wuchang and Hei Wuchang”.

Queen Mother of the West (Xi Wangmu) Queen Mother of the West is the mistress of female immortals. She was born out of the most sublime pre-existent vital breath of the Western essence and a personification of the feminine element (Yin) The Queen Mother palace is on Kunlun Mountain. Her dwelling can't be reached by normal person because it is surrounded by Ruoshui River. The water of


Ruoshui River is so weak that even feather will sink to its bottom. Outside the Ruoshui River is a circle burning mountain ranges called Yanhuo Mountain. According to Shanhaijing, Queen Mother of the West is described as a tiger like creature with human body, tiger teeth and animal tail. But tte later tradition changed her appearance into beautiful goddess. Every thousands years, Queen Mother of the West celebrates Pantao Hui (Feast of Peaches) at the borders of the Jasper Pond (Yaochi). In this banquet she will entertain her guest with the Peaches of Immortality. The peaches is endowed with the mystic virtue of conferring longevity on all who have the good luck to taste them. The peach tree put forth leaves once every thousand years and it required another three thousand years for the fruit to ripen. Queen Mother of the West birthday is on the 3rd day of the 3rd lunar month or the 18th of the 7th month. People also called her Wangmu Niangniang or Yaochi Jinmu (since she resides near Yaochi pond). Some records cite her real surname as Hou or Yang and her given name is Hui. Sometimes she is referred as Dongwanggong's wife or Jade Emperor's Queen (depend on the version).


R Randeng Gufo (Dypankara Buddha) In Mahayana Buddhism, Randeng Gufo or Dipankara Buddha is worshipped as the Buddha from the ancient, long before Shakyamunui attained his Buddha hood. However in Fengshen Yanyi he was depict4ed as Taoism deity who subverted into Buddhism after the fierce battle with Tongtian Jiaozhu's Jie Clan.

Red Boy (Hong Hai’er) See “Shancai”.

Rong Cenggong Rong Chengong presented himself as the teacher of Huangdi He knew perfectly the technique repairing and leading. He used to draw up the essence in the mysterious female. His principle was that the living spirits that reside in valley do not die, for this is how life and breath are sustained. His hair once white became black again, his teeth which had fallen out grew again.

Rulai Fo Rulai Fo (Tataghata) was Sidharta Gautama, the founder of Buddhism. Sidharta was son of King Sudidhana from Kapilavastu. People also called him Shakyamuni, because he came from Shakya Clan.


Since he was born in the Lumbini grove (during the 6th century BC), Sidharta was kept free from knowledge of daily suffering in the palace. During a ride he first became aware of human suffering in shape of an sick person, an old man and a funeral. Very upset by these visions of true life, Siddharta left his family and for seven years lived as an ascetic, only to find out that the extreme ascetic life was not able to solve from suffering. He further relied upon meditation to arrive at the conclusions that made him a Buddha (Enlightened Man). In Chinese Myth, Rulai Fo is considered as the leader of all Buddha, Bodhisattvas and Arhats. He resided in Leiyin Temple on Vulture's Peak Mountain.

Rushou God of Metal; God of Punishment Rushou is Shaohao's assistant. He has human face, tiger's claw, white tail, a snake in his left ears. He Dwells on Mt. You in the West. As the God of Punishment, Rushou always holds a You Axe in his hand.


S Samantabhadra See "Puxian".

Sanguan Dadi The Three Great Officials of Daoism also known as Sanyuan Dadi or Sanjiegong, they are: 1. Tianguan 2. Diguan 3. Shuiguan.

Sanjiegong See "Sanguan Dadi"'

Sanmao Zhenjun (Three Gods from Maoshan) Mao Ying left his family to study Taoism in Mt. Heng. After six years of refinement of both External and Inner Alchemy, he was summoned by the Queen Mother of the West and given the Dao of Jade Ornament and Gold Adornment (Yupei Jindang Zhidao ) as well as the Book of Mysterious Perfection of the Supreme Ultimat (Taiji Xuanzhen Zhijing ). At the age of 49, he successfully finished cultivating Dao and returned home. 125

His father now abused him for vagrancy and lack of filial piety, the old man took a stick to beat him but it flew in pieces of itself. Later, both of Mao Ying's younger brothers, Mao Gu and Maozhong gave up their positions on government. and followed Mao Ying to Mt. Juqu. Together they cultivated themself in Mt. Juqu and finally ascended to Heaven. Later Mt. Juqu was also known as Mt. Mao (Maoshan). Their teaching became the foundation of Maoshan Sect.

Sannai Sannai are three Shamans from Fuzhou who use the ritual techniques of Lushan. They are Chen Jinggu (Linshui Furen) Lin Jiuniang and Li Sanniang.

Sanqing Three highest deity in Taoism cosmogony: 1. Yuanshi Tianzun 2. Lingbao Tianzun 3. Daode Tianzun (Taishang Laojun).

San Shengmu San Shengmu is the younger sister of Erlang Shen and the Goddess of Mt Hua. She violated the Heavenly rule by marrying a scholar named Liu Yanchang, As punishment his brother imprisoned her under Mt. Hua. In her imprisonment, San Shegmu gave birth a son named Chen Xiang and sent him out to her husband. When Chen Xiang grew up, he learned magic under Pilu Daxian's tenure. Finally Chen Xiang managed to defeat Erlang Shen and cleaved Mt. Hua using his axe to save his mother.


Sanshi Three worms’ spirits which dwelled within human body, their existence was first recorded in Baopuzi by Ge Hong. Sanshi keep track of the good deeds and particularly the bad deeds of the person they inhabit. Every Gengshen day (one of the sixty days of the Chinese calendrical cycle) Sanshi will report the person’s evil deeds to the Heaven, when their host is sleeping. The gods then will instruct them to punish the sinners with sickness, bad fortune or even early death. To prevent Sanshi for leaving their body, people on the eve of Gengshen day take ritual precautions and try to stay awake. It is believed that Sanshi will be perished if they failed from leaving seven times.

San Taizi See "Nezha".

Saoqing Niangniang Goddess of Good Weather Saoging Niangniang literally means Goddess of Broom. Saoqing Niangniang was depicted as a female deity holds a broom in her hand. She will sweep the cloud in when rain is needed and sweeps it out when people don’t need rain. According to Gaiyu Congkao, if it is rainy for a long time, people makes paper cutting girl who bring broom in her hand and put it under the eaves. This paper girl is called Saoqing Niang.

Sa Shoujian When he was young, Sa Shoujian trained under three masters: Xujing Zhenren, Lin Lingsu and Wang Shichen. From Lin Lingsu and Wang Shicen he learned thunder magic; he also got Palm Leave Shape Fan from Lin Lingsu. One night Sa Shoujian was resting in City God Temple. Suddenly a Yamen Runner woke him up and asked Sa to follow him to magistrate court. As They arrived in magistrate court, the Officer was there outside waiting to usher him in. The officer explained that the City God came into his dream and told that a future high ranking deity was having a rest in the humble temple, The City God hope that the Officer could entertain the deity on behalf of him. And this was why the officer was shocked and dashed out of his bedroom in the middle of the night. After that incident, forever where Sa Shou Jian went, there would sure be someone waiting to entertain him. Later Sa Shoujian had an apprentice named 127

Wang Shan (See "Wang Lingguan").

Seven Fairies Seven Fairies are seven daughters of Jade Emperor and Queen Mother of the West. Sometimes they are referred with Zhang surname: Zhang Yijie, Zhang Erjie, Zhang Sanjie, Zhang Sijie, Zhang Wujie, Zhang Liujie, and Zhang Qijie. The reason is because many records believe that Jade Emperor's surname is "Zhang". Other account also called them as: Yi Xiannu, Er Xiannu, San Xiannu, Si Xiannu, Wu Xiannu, Liu Xiannu, and Qi Xiannu.

Seven Immortals from Quanzhen See “Wang Chongyang”.

Seventy Two Earthly Fiends (Qishi’er Disha) Seventy Two Earthly Fiends are star generals inhabiting the Big Dipper. The Taoist Priest invokes them to exorcise malevolent demon. Unfortunately the Seventy Two Earthly Fiends are also believed to have evil influence on earth causing bad fortune and plagues. According to the classical novel Shuihuzhuan, the Seventy Two Earthly Fiends and Thirty Six Heavenly Marshals (Sanshiliu Tianjiang) were reincarnated into 108 Outlaws from Liangshan.

Shakyamuni See "Rulai Fo".


Shancai One of Guanyin's acolytes According to the Tales of Princess Miao Shan, Shancai was an orphan made a long journey to learn Buddhism from Guanyin in Putuoshan. Guanyin want to test his fidelity and affection. So she ordered the Earth God and other immortals to disguise themselves as pirates and to besiege the mountain, waving torches, and threatening with swords and spears to kill her. Guanyin ran to the edge of a abyss and jumped off Shancai, seeing her fall into the abyss, without hesitation flung himself after her. Suddenly Guanyin reappeared and lifted Shancai back to the cliff. Guanyin then asked Shancai to look down. and he saw his mortal remains at the foot of the cliff. Since that day, Guanyin received Shancai as her disciple. There is a very different Shancai's origin according to Journey to the West. The novel told us that Shancai was formerly an evil spirit called Red Boy (Hong Hai'er). He is son of Bull Demon King (Niumo Wang) and Princess Iron Fan who kidnapped Monk Xuanzang and even want to eat him. In the end he was subdued by Guanyin Bodhisattva and finally became her disciple.

Shangdi Shangdi is is a Supreme God in China's Traditional Religions. In the later Shang and Zhou Dynasties, Shangdi was gradually replaced by or conflated with Heaven (Tian).The Duke of Zhou justified his clan's usurpation through the concept of the Mandate of Heaven, In later eras, he was more commonly conflated with the Jade Emperor.

Shangyang (Rain Bird) Once upon a time there was a strange one legged bird that performed a dance in front of Qi Palace. An embassy was sent to Confucius to inquire the meaning of this event. Confucius said that the bird name was Shangyang and it served as omen of imminent heavy rain. The sage advised the digging of drainage and the raising of dikes. As a result of following his advice, Qi was spared calamity due to the ensuing inundation, whereas the other states who did not heed the advice were heavily damaged.


Shanshen Mountain God. Each mountain has it own god.

Sha Wujing Sha Wujing is the third disciple of Monk Xuanzaang who accompanied him during his Journey to the West. Sha Wujing was originally General Juanlian from Heaven. He was unintentionally destroyed a valuable vase and thus exiled from Heaven. Sha Wujing then resided in Liusha (Flowing Sand) River as cannibal. Every day, seven flying swords sent from Heaven would stab him in the chest before flying off as a punishment to him. As a result, he had to live in the river to avoid the punishment. He has grisly appearance. His beard is red and his head partially bald. who had him struck 800 times with a rod and exiled to earth, where he was to be reincarnated as a terrible man-eating sand demon. Later, Guanyin, the Bodhisattva of compassion, and her disciple Hui'an came searching for powerful bodyguards in preparation of Xuanzang's journey to the West. She recruited Wujing in exchange for some relief from his suffering. In the end of their journey to the West, Tataghata transformed him into Jinshen Luohan (Arhat with Golden Body)

Shaohao Shaohao was a legendary emperor from prehistoric time. According to some traditions, he is a member of the Five Emperors. Legend says that his mother was a beautiful fairy named Huang'e who fell in love with Taibai Jinxing while drifting along the Milky Way. The two enjoyed many intimate nights together on her raft and they created a son. She soon gave birth to Shaohao, who grew up to be a handsome young man with a lot of potential. His great uncle, the Yellow Emperor, was so impressed with him that he named him God of the Western Heavens, some people also called him "White Emperor". He was responsible for the daily setting of the sun. In addition, Shaohao was thought to have introduced China to the twenty five string lute.


Shen Chinese term for god, deity or spirit.

Shen Gongbao Shen Gongbao is disiple of Yuanshi Tianzun and a junior of Jiang Ziya. He became jealous of his senior and opposed Jiang Ziya in every way possible. When Jiang Ziya decided to assist King Wen in overthrowing the ruthless and cruel King Zhou of the Shang Dynasty, Shen Gongbao becomes an advisor to King Zhou and he instigates various supernatural beings to join Shang's side in the war. Shen Gongbao is ultimately defeated and cast into the Northern Sea by Yuanshi Tianzun. He became Water Dividing Deity.

Shengmu Literally means "Holly Mother”. A honorary title for Taoist Goddess.

Shennong Great Emperor of Medicine (Yaowang Dadi); God of Agriculture Shennong is a king from prehistoric time. He tried all kind of plant so he might decide which one was good for his people and which one was poisonous. If Shennong got himself poisoned, he will drink a tea and recuperated immediately. Unfortunately or him, one day Shennong eat incurable poison from Duancahngcao grass and died immediately. Shennong was also credited with having invented basic agriculture, including the plow.

Shenshu and Yulu They are two deities mentioned in the Shanhaijing. The Jade Emperor ordered them to guard peach trees which were being gnawed by demons. The people respected them for their ability to ward off demons and worshipped them as door gods.


Shen Wansan God of Gold Shen Wansan was one of richest men at the beginning of Ming Dynasty. When the emperor chose Nanjing as capital, he helped to build one third of the wall of the capital. According to the legend, young Shen Wansan was a farmer on Qinhuai River. One day, he saw a person caught a bag of frogs and was preparing to cook it. Shen Wansan pitied the frog, so he bought and released them into a pond. In the evening, Shen Wansan found that the frogs released by him were surrounding a pot; hence, he took the pot into his house. When a gold was to drop into the pot, the pot would magically filled with full of gold. When a silver ingot was to drop into the pot, the pot would magically filled with full of silver ingots. It was thus known as the Treasure Pot. Later, people worshiped him as God of Gold.

Shi De See “Hehe Ershen”.

Shi Gandang Shi Gandang is a spirit sent down from Mt. Tai by Bixia Yuanjun to protect ordinary people from evil spirits. That's the reason Chinese People built a tablet of stone in front of the house and carve a name "Shigandang" on it. Based on legend, Shigangdang was once a governor of Mt. Tai Area and his favorable governance brought him the title of Chief General of King Wen of Zhou.

Shouxing (God of Longevity) See "Fu-Lu-Shou".


Shuibu (Water Agency) A Ministry for Water God, the chief for this agency is the Dragon Kings.

Shuiguan Member of Sanguan Dadi Shuiguan is the Water Official who eliminates misfortunes. His birthday is one the15th of the tenth month

Shuijingzi Water God Shuijingzi is a member of Five Supreme Elders representing the Water Element. He was an ancient Water God from the beginning of the world. He was born as very handsome person in the North. His garments made from the bark of ebony.

Shuimu Niangniang Water Goddess Several regions in China worship her as good deity, when the other regions fear her as a malevolent goddess. This is her story based on Shanxi's folktale: Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Liu Chunying who lived the village near of Jinci. Liu's mother-in-law treated her so bad and asked her carry water from a place where far away their home. After her carried water back, her wicked mother-in-law just used a little bit and said the water too dirty. One day, Liu meet an old man on her way home. The old man asked her for water and as reward he gave her a whip. The old man told her that the water will be full when she placed the whip in her bucket. Since that day, Liu Chunying did not have to carry water everyday. This resented her mother-in-law, because she liked to see her daughter in law suffered. One day her mother in law found her secret and want to try it. She picked this whip 133

up, suddenly; water unstoppable spouted out from the bucket and almost flooded the village. When Liu heard this news, she quickly sat on the bucket for stopping the water. People in village were survived, but she never left.

Shuixian Zunwang God of Water and Sea There are 5 historical figures associated with Shuixian Zunwang. They are: 1. Yu the Great (Da Yu) See “Yu the Great”. 2. Qu Yuan A loyal officer from Chu Kingdom. After giving some strict comments to his king, he was expelled from his kingdom. Upon knowing Chu Kingdom would be destroyed at any moment, he was so upset and killed himself by jumping into river. 3.Wu Zixu, A well known general from Wu Kingdom. He was executed by his king and his body was being thrown into the sea. 4. Li Bai See “Li Bai”. 5. Wang Bo Another famous poet from the Tang Dynasty. One day he took a boat across the sea. However, the boat met with big storm and overturned. All the people on that boat were drowned.

Shujun God of Faming and Cultivation According to the various sources, Shujun was the son of Dijun or else Houji's son or nephew. Shujun is one of the individuals named in Chinese mythology as helping to found the practice of agriculture in China, along with Houji, Dijun, Shennong, and others. Shujun is specially credited with inventing the use of a draft animal of the bovine family to pull a plow to turn the soil prior to planting.


Shunfeng'er Shunfeng’er is a deity with ability to hear something from 1000 li (1 li is 0,5 km) . His real name was Gao Jue. Together with his colleague: Gao Ming (Qian Liyan), they were initially a malevolent spirit. Depend on the version they were subdued and then converted by Ma Huagauang or Mazu or Jiang Ziya. The Jade Emperor usually used their talents to monitor other realms.

Sida Tianwang See “Four Kings of Heaven”.

Sisheng (Four Saints) Exorcist Deities Four Saints are four assistants of Ziwei Dadi who preside over the department of exorcism: 1. Yousheng (Xuantian Shangdi) 2. Yisheng (Heisha) 3. Tianpeng Yuanshuai 4. Tianyou Yuanshuai

Six Deities of Six Vital Organs of the Bodies 1. Danyuan: God of Heart 2. Changzai: God of Spleen 3. Huahao: God of Lungs 4. Longyan: God of Liver 5. Longyao: God of Gall-bladder 135

6. Xuanming: God of Kidneys

Si Xiannu Si Xiannu is the fourth daughter of Jade Emperor and Queen Mother. She married with a honest scholar named Cui Wenrui. Her parents disapproved their marriage, they ordered Heavenly Marshal to separate Si Xiannu and Cui Wenrui. However the clever Si Xiannu seeks protection under Sun Wukong, the Monkey King. Since no Heavenly Marshals could beat Sun Wukong, then no one could separate the couple.

Snake and Turtle General Assistants of Xuantian Shangdi; Member of 36 Heavernly Marshalls Before attaining his immortality, Xuantian Shangdi was often suffered from an extreme hunger during his meditation. In his annoyance, he split his belly and took out both organs, then threw them out to the grass behind him. After he becomes an immortal, his stomach and intestines after absorbing the world essences it was transformed into a demonic Turtle and Snake harming people. Eventually Xuantian Shangdi subdued the Turtle and Snake and made them as his assistants. There also another story about the origin of Snake and Turtle General: During the reign of the Emperor Zhou of Shang, The demon kings were ravaging the universe. Yuenshi Tianzun assigned Xuantian Shangdi and his Heavenly Marshals to conquer the demon. The Heavenly Marshals fought the Demon king at the Grotto of Gloom. The Demon King made out of air a grey tortoise and a huge serpent which fought on his side. Yet Xuantian Shangdi stepped upon the Turtle-Snake and subdued them. The Heavenly army won the victory, overran the Demon's troops and flung them in chains into the abyss Fengdu in Sichuan. That chasm is reputed the mouth of hell.

Song Jiang Patron God of Robber Song Jiang was leader of 108 Outlaws from Liangshan, a Chinese version of Robin Hood and his bandits. 136

Songzi Niangniang Songzi Niangniang is the Goddess who bestowed female child. It is said that she is Zhangxian’s daughter.

Subhuti He was one of the Ten Great disciples of Shakyamuni, and foremost in the understanding of emptiness. In Journey to the West novel, Subhuti became Sun Wukong's mentor. Most of Sun Wukong's magic was aught by him, including his 72 transformations.

Sui Ren Fire God In the prehistoric time, it is said that Sui Ren discovered the way of producing fire by boring one piece of wood with another. He shared his knowledge with other people and taught people to cook their food.

Sun Bin Patron God of Shoemakers Descendant of Sun Wu (Sun Zi), famous strategist from Wu Kingdom who wrote the Art of War .Like his ancestor, Sun Bin also become great strategist and write his own Art of War Book. Sun Bin was Guiguzi's apprentice. After finishing his study, Sun Bin went to serve the Wei State. Unfortunately he was betrayed by his envious sworn brother Pang Juan. Pang Juan framed Sun Bin and removed his kneecaps, thus crippling him for life. Luckily Sun Bin managed to escape to Qi State. The King of Qi acknowledged his talents and appointed Sun Bin as chief military advisor. When Wei State attacked the Zhao State with Pang Juan leading their army, Sun Bin considered it as his chance for revenge. However his crippled feet prevented him from riding horseback, and would have a negative effect on the morale of soldiers. So Sun Bin designed a new model of shoes to support his feet. Later Sun Bin successfully defeated Wei's army and killed Pang Juan in Maling. After finishing his job for his kingdom, Sun Bin led a reclusive life as a hermit. Many peoples believed that he finally attained the Tao and became immortal. 137

It is said that the late shoemakers copied Sun Bin's design, thus he is worshiped as the Patron god of Shoemakers.

Sun Bu'er Patron of Taoist Nun Sun Bu'er was disciple of Wang Chongyang, the founder of Quanzhen Sect. According to tradition, Wang Chongyang told Sun Bu’er that if she traveled 1,000 miles to Luoyang, she would meet an immortal who would instruct her in the ultimate secrets of the universe. Sun Bu’er resolved to go, even though it meant giving up her comfortable life. However, Wang foresaw that Sun Bu’er’s beauty would make her a target of lust-craving men if she made the journey. He explained the situation and forbade her to make the journey. Determined to overcome the fact that her physical attractiveness would inhibit her study of the Tao, Sun Bu’er went home and burned her face with a splash of hot oil, destroying her beauty. Wang was astonished by Sun’s action. He immediately began to train her in earnest in the secrets of internal alchemy. Eventually, it is said, she did achieve immortality, ascending into Heaven in broad daylight in her physical body.

Sun Rooster Sun Rooster is a cock that lives near the sun dwelling in Fusang Island. He will awaken the Sun everyday so he can illuminate the world.

Sun Simiao Heavenly Doctor, God of Medicine Sun Shimiao is a famous physician from Sui-Tang Dynasty. He also practiced preserving health through qigong (inner energy). It is said that Sun Simiao decided to become doctor, because he was frequently getting sick as a child. There is legend that Sun Simiao once saved the Dragon of Kunming Lake and rewarded with 3000 medical recipes from the Dragon Palace. He compiled that recipe into Qianjinfang (One thousand golden methods).


Sun Simiao is renowned for his medical ethic to treat all patients the same. He was venerated as deity soon after his death. His title is Tianyi Zhenren and Yaowang.

Sun Wukong Sun Wukong is a Monkey King who born from a stone. He became very strong after learning 72 transformations from Subhuti.He could fly through the air, and with one leap he could cover 108,000 li. Sun Wukong took the golden rod (Ruyi Jingu Bang) from Eastern Sea and made it as his weapon. This magic weapon could accommodate itself to all his wishes; being able to assume the most incredible proportions or to reduce itself to the form of the finest of needles, which he kept hidden in his ear. Later Sun Wukong became very haughty. He appointed himself as Qitian Dasheng (Great Sage Equaling of Heaven) and made great havoc in both Hell and Heaven After defeated by Tataghata Buddha he was imprisoned under Mt. Wuxing. 500 years later, Sun Wukong was freed from his imprisonment by Monk Xuanzang. As atonement for his sin, the Monkey King followed Monk Xuanzang as his disciple. He protected his master on his Journey to the West to fetch Buddhist scriptures from India. According to Journey to the South, Sun Wukong had a daughter named Yue Boxing, but it was unclear about her mother. Some people venerated him as the God who Protects Children. In Taiwan, he is also worshiped as the God of Gambler and Risky Investment.


T Taibai Jinxing (White Venus) The Legate of Jade Emperor Taibai Jinxing real name is Li Changgeng. He is depicted as wise kind-hearted old deity. Taibai Jinxing's duty is to transmit Jade Emperor's order some accounts also consider him as Jade Emperor' secretary. It said that Li Bai, the famous poet from the Tang Dynasty was his reincarnation.

Taigong Wang See “Jiang Ziya”

Taishang Laojun Taishang Laojun (or Daode Tianzun) is the third member of Three Pure Ones. He resides in Shangqing Heaven. According to Yunji Qiqian, he is the Ancestor of Original Vital Breath (Yuanqi) and the Root of Heaven and Earth. Coming out of Spontaneity, the subtle origin of the great Dao is born from non-birth, precedes the unprecedented, is formed from the Empty Grotto (Kongdong), and creates and nourishes Heaven and Earth Taishang Laojun has repeatedly incarnated himself in the world: As Yuhuazi in the time of Fuxi


As Guangshouzi in the time of Zhu Rong As Guangchengzi in the time of the Yellow Emperor Aas Lutuzi in the time of Emperor Ku As Wuchengzi in the time of Yao, and Yinshouzi in the time of Shun As Zhenxingzi in the time of Yu of the Xia Dynasty As Xizezi in the time of Tang of the Yin Dynasty As Master Wenyi in the time of King Wen It is also believed that Taishang Laojun manifested himself in the form of Laozi, the author of Daodejing (the holy book for Taoist). It is said that Laozi was conceived when his mother gazed upon a falling star. He supposedly remained in her womb for 70-80 years before being born while his mother was leaning against a plum tree. That why her mother gave him name 'Li'er", because the Chinese surname Li shares its character with plum. Laozi is said to have emerged as a grown man with a full grey beard and long earlobes, both symbols of wisdom and long life. Later he became Keeper of the Archives for the royal court for more than eighty years. Later on, when the virtue of Zhou had fallen into decay, he mounted his green ox and departed from his country. When he passed through Hangu Pass. The Warden of the Pass is an astrologer named Yin Xi (Wenshi) received him with honor. Knowing that Laozi was a saintly man, he persuaded him to write a treatise, which was no other than the Daodejing (the holly book for Taoist) in two parts, one roll to each. In Taoist Temples, Taishang Laojun always appears to the right of Yuanshi Tianzhun. He depicted as a white-haired and white-bearded elder man with a feather fan in his hand. His birthday is on the 15th of the 2nd lunar month.

Taishan Niangnaing See “Bixia Yuanjun”.

Taishan Wang See "Dongyue Dadi".


Taisui God of Times; God of Jupiter In whole for cycle of the Lunar Year there is Sixty Taisui. They are composed by the sequentially-matched ten Heavenly Stems and twelve Earthly Branches, from the first element Jiazi to the last Guihai. Since the Sixty Taisui represent sixty years in one cycle, it is believed that each Taisui is responsible for protecting the respective people who were born in the year that specific Taisui related to. So people would worship the related Tai Sui in order to be blessed. Usually the Sixty Taisuis are represented by one deity called Yin Yuanshuai (Marshall Yin). Yin Yuanshuai was actually Yin Jiao, the crown prince of Shang Dynasty and son of evil King Zhou. Even tough his father once tried to kill him and his brother (under agitation of his concubine Su Daji), however, as a filial son, Yin Jiao still protected King Zhou when King Wu wanted to dethrone him. Finally Yin Jiao lost his live in battle, but as filial son he still got promising reward in his afterlife as Taisui Ye. In several aspects, Taisui can be considered as dangerous deity. Those whose Chinese Zodiac is offended, or by their sign conflict or clash with the Taisui of the year, are advised to conduct a prayer session with a Taoist Priest to ask for blessings in obtaining peace and good fortune throughout the year. Talismans thought to protect against Taisui are sold in many areas.

Taixuannu Taixuannu (Maiden of the Great Mystery) original name is Zhuan He. Soon after she gave birth to a son, her husband died. One day a diviner told her that she and her son would not live long. Taixuannu didn't panic to hear that. She retreated to the mountain and learned the art of immortality from Yuzi (see "Yuzi") Taixuannu could dive into the water without drowning or bearing the greatest coldness in winter. She also had a magic finger. When she pointed her finger toward the snowdrifts, the snow would melt immediately; When she pointed her finger toward a big tree, it leaves would begin to fall. She lived to be over two hundred years old and her complexion was always that of young woman.


Taiyang Xingjun Taiyang Xingjun or Taiyang Dijun or Rigong is the God of the Sun. Usually he is associated with Hou Yi, the Divine Archer. (See “Hou Yi”).

Taiyi Huangren Taiyi Huangren studied the Art of Immortality on Mt. Emei(Sichuan). He was elder brother of Zhenyuan Daxian (See "Zhenyuan, The Great Immortal"). When Huangdi visited Mt. Emei, Taiyi Huangren instructed him the secret of immortality. Taiyi Huangren also taught his magic to Hou Yi (the Divinine Archer).

Taiyi Jiuku Tianzun Taiyi Jiuku Tianzun is of the highest ranking Taoist deities who rode on a Nineheaded Lion. According to the Taishang Sandong Biaowen, there are nine Heavenly Lords and Taiyi Jiuku Tianzun is their chief: 1. Taiyi Jiuku Tianzun 2. Shifang Jiuku Tianzun 3. Jiuyou Duzui Tianzun 4. Zhuling Duming Tianzun 5. Huolian Danjie Tianzun 6. Faqiao Dadu Tianzun 7. Jinque Huashen Tianzun 8. Xiaoyao Kuaile Tianzun 9. Baohua Yuanman Tianzun Taiyi Jiuku Tianzun may appear everywhere in response to the kinds who need too be saved (similar to Guanyin, the Buddhist Goddess of Mercy).No matter in Heaven, in Human World, In Water Realm, or even in Hell. In the Hell, he became the Taoist equivalent to the Buddhist Dizang Wang Pusa who committed himself to delivering the dead from the punishments inflicted by


Yanluo Wang and the 10 Courts of Hell. According to Ming Novel Fengshen Yanyi, Taiyi Jiuku Tianzun was originally Taiyi Zhenren, a disciple of Yuanzhi Tianzun and mentor of Nezha. He resides in Jinguang Cave on Mt. Qianyuan.

Taiyi Zhenren See “Taiyi Jiuku Tianzun”.

Tang Sanzang See “Monk Xuanznag”.

Tataghata Buddha See "Rulai Fo".

Ten Sun Deities (Shijinwu) Ten Sun Deities are Dijun and Xihe’s sons; they live in a mulberry tree in Fusang Island and will do their job to illuminate the world in turn, one sun for one day. Once upon a time all suns want to go together, as result they caused tremendous heat that threaten human world. In one legend they were killed by Hou Yi the Divine Archer, as in other legend they were killed by Erlang Shen. In older time, the Chinese believed that the sun was actually a One-Legged crow. That’s why they called it “Jinwu” (Golden Crow). Shijinwu mean Ten Sun, because in the past Chinese had 10 days a week, so one sun for every day.

Ten Yama Kings (Shi Yanwang) Ten Yama Kings are ten sovereign kings of Netherworld who judge deceased people's soul. Each of Yama Kings had his own court in the Underworld. They are:


1. Qinguang wang 2. Chujiang Wang 3. Songdi Wang. 4. Wuguan Wang. 5. Yanluo Wang 6. Biancheng Wang 7. Taishan Wang 8. Dushi Wang 9. Pingdeng Wang 10. Zhuanlun Wang King Qinguang in first court decides who gets to be reincarnated, and who gets to be tortured. King Chujiang, Songdi, Wuguan, Yanluo, Biancheng, Taishan, Dushi and Pingdeng from the court 2-9 will determine the exact punishment for each sinner. There are totally 18 level of Chinese Underworld. Each level has it own torture methods; from climbed a mountain of knives, boiled by oil, disemboweled, etc. King Zhuanlun in tenth court is in charge of the Wheel of Reincarnation. The souls will be reincarnated depending on their past life; they would be reborn either as a human or an animal. Some would be reborn into a life of ease and comfort while others into sorrow and suffering. Before the souls go through the wheel of Reincarnation, they must go to the Pavilion of Forgetfulness where the old Granny Mengpo gives them a cup of tea which makes them forget their past lives.

The 108 Stars of Destiny The 108 Stars of Destiny are 108 Star deities on Heaven. They are consisting of the Thrity Six Heavenly Marshals (Sanshiliu Tianjiang) and the Seventy Two Earthly Fiends (Qishi’er Desha). In the folk novel Shuihuzhuan, the 108 Star of Destiny were 108 demon kings who were imprisoned by the Taoist Dong Xuan in Mt. Longhu. Later the 108 stars


are released by accident, and were reborn in the world as 108 Heroes from Liangshan. Since the 108 Heroes did many kindness in their live, then people venerated them as 108 Stars Deities.

Thirty Six Heavenly Marshals (Sanshiliu Tianjiang) Sanshiliu Tianjiang (Tiangang) are 36 Heavenly Marshals under Xuantian Shangdi. Their job is to subdue evil spirits and demons. There are various different versions of their members. According to the classical novel Shuihuzhuan, the Thirty Six Heavenly Marshals and Seventy Two Earthly Fiends (Qishi’er Disha) were reincarnated into 108 Outlaws from Liangshan.

Three Legged Crow (Sanzuwu) Ten sun crows (Jinwu) which settled in 10 separate suns. They have three legs in their body. See Teen Sun Deities “Shijinwu”.

Three Pure Ones See "Sanqing"

Thunder God See ”Leigong”, “Leishen”, “Leisheng Puhua Tianzun”, and “Leibu”.

Tian Tian means "Heaven". The Chinese believed that Tian (Heaven) overruled human efforts


Tianbi Tianjiang Chinese term for Heavenly Army and Marshals

Tiandu Yuanshuai God of Opera Tiandu Yuanshuai real name is Lei Haiqing, famous musician and opera actor in emperor Xuanzong's palace during Tang Dynasty. According record, Lei Haiqing was abandoned in field after birth because his body was completely in black color that represents portentousness. Crabs secreted liquids to feed him and help keep his moisture (That's why an opera player in China is prohibited to eat crab) Fortunately, Lei Haiqing was then adopted by an old couple and raised in rural area. He was good at music since childhood. At the age of 18, he participated in the imperial examination, and Emperor Xuanzong of Tang made an exception to select him as the Number One Scholar. During An Lushan Rebellion, Lei Haiqing was killed by turncoats. After his death, he made a divine manifestation to save the Emperor. The Emperor mistook his last name as Tian, and revered him as “Taindu Yuanshuai. Since Tiandu Yuanshuai is good at music, he became the patron saint of Chinese opera. Tiandu Yuanshuai described has crab symbol in his forehead.

Tianguan Member of Sanguan Dadi Tianguan is the Heavenly Official who confers blessings. His birthday is on the 15th of the first month

Tianhua Yuanshaui (Bi YuanshauI) One of Five Thunder Marshalls Tian Hua is a manifestation of thunder He took to himself a human body in a field. His birth took place amid terrifying thunder storm and gales. When the newborn babe striding a huge serpent appeared, all the bees fled to feed him with 147

their honey. On growing up, he took the family name of Tian (Field) with the personal name of Bi (Complete) because his birthplace was a field set off with flowers of which he presumably was the latest, the finishing touch. Then he retired to a hermitage on Lulu Cliff. When Nuwa failed to patch the holes in the sky, Tian Bi came to her help with a mixture of the essences of fire, water and primal rock matter; the fusion was forwarded by the South wind and then a dreadful crash shook earth and sky. The gap was filled. Later, he helped Huangdi vanquishing Chi You's rebellion. He showered the rebel with five-colored fire amid a whirl of wind and thunder. After that Tian Bi secluded himself in Huaxu. Henceforth he added Hua to his name. At the end of the Han Dynasty the Jade Emperor canonized Tan Hua as Thunder God. He aided Xuantian Shangdi in overcoming the demons and putting to death criminals.

Tianji Xing Tianji is a Star Deity who represents wisdom, knowledge and intelligence. It is believed that Tinji has reincarnated as many military genius such as: Sun Wu (Sunzi), Sun Bin, Zhuge Liang, Wu Yong and Liu Bowen.

Tianlong Tianlong is Celestial Dragon. It job is to pull the chariots of the gods and guard their palaces.

Tianpeng Yuanshuai (Marshall of Heavenly Canopy) Member of Sisheng (Four Saints) His real name was Bian Zhuang, a manifestation of Beidou Xingjun. He born during the Zhou Dynasty, as a fierce figure with 3 heads and 6 arms (while in provoke situation, he will show 4 heads and 8 arms), each hand holding on to a spiritual weapons to fight against negative entities and demons. Incantations to Tianpeng exhort him to exorcize malevolent demons.


It is said that Tianpeng Yuanshuai was very lazy in his youth. His teacher threatened him that if he didn't change his manner, then he would be reborn as pig. Since that day Tianpeng was reformed his behavior. In Journey to the West novel, Tianpeng Yuanshuai was degraded as lusty pig spirit-Zhu Bajie. Some Taoist considers it as serious insult.

Tianshang Shengmu See "Mazu".

Tianyou Yuanshuai Member of Sisheng Tianyou is one of Ziwei Dadi’s assistants, he is vice marshals to Tianpeng Yuanshuai (See “Tianpeng Yuanshuai”). Like Tianpeng, Tianyou is also described as fierce figure with multiple heads and hands. Some accounts depict him to have 3 heads and 4 arms, each hand holding magical weapons with fire as his element.

Tieguai Li (Iron Crutch Li) Member of Eight Immortals His name means Li with the Iron Staff. He is depicted as a lame and repulsive looking beggar, though originally he was a handsome, well built man. This is how the transformation came about: When he was setting off to meet Taishang Laojun on one of the sacred mountains, he told a disciple that only the spiritual part of him was making the journey, while his body would remain behind. If the spirit should not return within seven days, the body might be burnt. Unfortunately the disciple was anxious to visit his sick mother, so he left on the sixth day, after burning the body. Consequently, when the Masters spirit returned on the following day, it had nowhere to go, until at last it entered and re-animated the corpse of a beggar who had died of starvation. Thereafter Tieguai Li walked the earth in the guise of a cripple, clad in rags and tattered. Later Taishang Laojun Laozi gave him two gifts: An unbreakable staff (which the beggar needed to walk around) and a gourd filled with a magical elixir that could


cure all illnesses. Tieguai Li is the emblem of the sick.

Tie Tou Member of 36 Heavenly Marshals It was believed that Tie Tou (Tie Yuanshuai) was actually the Manifestation of the General Liuding Energies. He was born from a woman named Madam Yan. In age 20, Tie Tou visited various place to find a teacher. Finally, he settled himself on Mt. Yin. Upon completing his training, Tie Tou subdued Fiery Horse and joined King Wu's rebellion against Shang. During the final Battle with the Shang Army, Tie Yuanshuai was being surrounded by the demon fire. He was being burnt to death (this is the reason of why his appearance appeared to be Black). After the physical body of Tie Yuanshuai was being burnt, his Soul ascended into the Air and just at the moment of realizing that he had passed-on, a Heavenly General was there to guide him into Heaven.

Tongtian Jiaozhu Yuanshi Tianzun and Taishang Laojun and Tongtian Jiaozhu are Hongjun Laozu's dicciple. Tongtian is Hongjun's third disciple. He lived in Biyou palace on Jinsha Island. Yuanshi Tianzun and Taishang Laojun found the Chan Taoism Sect and became it patriarchs. Meanwhile Tongtian made his own sect known as Jie Taoism Sect. Near the end of Shang dynasty, the wicked last ruler of Shang, King Zhou was rebelled by his ex-subordinate King Wu. At this war, most of Jie’s apprentices sided with the King Zhou and fought against King Wu (who was aided by good deities from Chan Sect). As result many of Tongtian's disciples were slain in the hand of Chan’s disciples. Tongtian swore to take revenge. He led his disciples: Jinling Shengmu, Doubao Daoren, Guling Shengmu, Wudang Shegmu, Pilu Xian and others to make a deadly trap to kill Chan’s apprentice. However this trap could be destroyed by Yuanshi Tianzun and Taishang Laojun, assisted by two of Budhist Patriarchs: Jieyin Daoren and Zhunti. Tongtian made an even more deadly trap called Ten Thousand Immortal


Slaughtering Trap, but once again his scheme was foiled by Chan and Buddhist followers. Finally he was arrested by his master, Hongjun Laozu. Tongtian Jiaozhu is appeared in many legends, mostly as antagonist.

Tudi Gong See "Fude Zhengshen".

Tudi Po Earth Goddess; Tudi Gong wife A story says that Tudi Po is supposed to be a young lady. After Tudi Gong received a Heavenly rank, he gave everything that the people asked for. When one of the gods went down to earth to do inspections, he saw that Tudi Gong was distributing blessings unnecessarily. Soon after that, the god went to the Celestial Palace and reported to the Jade Emperor. After the Jade Emperor knew this, he found out that there was a lady that was going to be killed, but she was not guilty. Thus, the Jade Emperor told a god to go down to Earth and bring the lady to Heaven. When the lady was brought to the Celestial Palace, the Jade Emperor bestowed her to Tudi Gong as his wife. She was ordered to look after how many blessings Tudi Gong distributes and that they not be unnecessarily distributed. This is why many people do not want to pay respect to Tudi Po, because they are afraid that she will not let Tudi Gong give lots of wealth to them.

Tu'er Shen God of Homossex Once upon a time there was a man from Fujian named Hu Tianbao. He was a gay and smitten with the imperial censor who came to his village. Unfortunately for him, Hu Tianbao was caught when he was peeping the censor in the toilet. The censor flew into rage. He ordered his subordinates to torture Hu and executed him under a dead tree. Fortunately the god pitied Hua Tianbao's and deified him as patron of his "kind", his title is Tu'er Shen.


Tuoda Tianwang (The Pagoda Bearer Heavenly King) See "Li Jing".

Twenty Eight Constellations (Ershiba Xiu) Ancient Chinese worshiped stars. The 28 Constellation divided into four group. Each group consists of seven stars. 1. Qinglong (Azure Dragon) in East: Jiao, Kang, Di, Fang, Xin, Wei, Ji 2. Baihu (White Tiger) in West: Kui, Lou, Wei, Mao, Bi, Zi, Shen 3. Zhuque (Vermilion Bird) in South: Jing, Gui, Liu, Xing, Zhang, Zi, Zhen. 4. Xuanwu (Black Tortoise) in North: Dou, Niu, Nu, Xu, Wei, Shi, Bi.


V Vermilion Bird (Zhuxue) One of four mythical beasts in China. It represents South and Fire Element.


W Wang and Gao, Er Yuanshuai Members of 36 Heavenly Marshals Wang and Gao were born the same year, during King Li's reign of Zhou Dynasty. The two had become sworn brothers. They held various offices in different provinces of the empire but they resigned when the king took no account on their advice. One day Gao informed his friend that he was going away on a voyage to Nanling. Wang reminded him that Nanling was infested with tigers. But Gao stated that death or life is of small account. So Gao went off, and of course shortly his friend must follow him. It was only Wang who met a tiger and he killed it. Gao went to meet his friend, anxious lest he be the prey of tigers and they made the return journey together. In consideration of their bravery, the Jade Emperor conferred them the title of Superintendents of the Tiger Hill.

Wangao Laozu Wangao Laozu is Wangchan Laozu's (See "Guiguzi") cousin (sharing paternal grandfather). According to popular folktale, Wangao Laozu was the teacher of Xue Dingshan, the son of famous Tang's General, Xue Rengui. There is a stone chessboard on one of Mt. Langya's peak, people called it Qipan Tuo. It is believed that no man could make that stone chessboard. Legend has it that the stone chessboard was made by the immortal Wangao Laozu and Sun Bin.


Wang Chan Wang Chang was one of Zhang Daoling's favorite disciples. It is said that he was ascended to Heaven together with his teacher. Peasants worshiped him and beg protection against epidemics and public calamities. Especially from the white ants which destroy the wooden framework of house.

Wangchan Laozu See "Guiguzi".

Wang Chongyang Wang Chongyang is the founder of Quanzhen Sect, one of most influencing Taoist Sect in China. Wang was born from wealthy family. He received good education and also adept at martial arts. When he was about forty years old, Wang met two Taoist immortals, Han Zhongli and Lu Dongbin. They taught him the secret of Tao and gave him a written instruction called Ganshui Xianyuan Lu. Wang Chongyang then built a tomb for himself near Mt. Zhongnan and called it "Tomb of the Living Dead". He lived in it for three years, after that he traveled to Shandong to find disciples. In Shandong he met local tycoon named Ma Yu who agreed to allow him to set up a hut in his garden. Wang Chongyang named his hut “Hut of Complete Realization" (Quanzhen An). Totally Wang Chongyang had seven disciples who later became known as the “Seven Immortals of Quanzhen”, they are: 1. Ma Yu (Ma Danyang) Ma Danyang was a tycoon from Shandong who built a retreat for Wang Chongyang in his garden. Wang Chongyang started his sect at Ma's garden and received 7 disciples. Later Ma Yu succeeded Wang as head of the school. He was also renowned for his acupuncture skill. 2. Tan Chuduan Tan Chuduan suffered a chronic arthritis from lying down drunk in snow. He followed Wang Chongyang after he miraculously cured his illness. Tan Chuduan founded the Nanwu's branch of Quanzhen. 3. Li Chuxuan According to legend, Li Chuxuan was cultivated himself at brothel to purify his heart from all kind of seduction. He founded the Suishan lineage of Quanzhen.


4. Qiu Chuji (Qiu Changchun) Qiu Chuji was summoned by Genghis Khan in 1220. When they finally met, Qiu advised the Khan to be less brutal in his conquest. He also taught him the basic of Taoist cultivation. Genghis Khan decreed that all Taoist in his domain were to operate under Qiu Chuji's authority. Qiu recorded his journey in his infamous book: Qiu Changchun Xiyouji (Qiu Changchun's Journey to the West). He founded the Longmen lineage of Quanzhen Sect. 5. Wang Chuyi It is said that Wang Chuyi once resurrected a dead person by shouting "The Netherworld should not receive him!". Wang Chuyi founded the Mt. Yu lineage of Quanzhen. 6. Hao Datong Hao Datong trained himself at Mt. Hua and founded the Quanzhen's branch at Mt. Hua (Huashan Pai) 7. Sun Bu'er See "Sun Bu'er".

Wang Xuanfu See "Donghua Dijun".

Wang Lingguan Member of 36 Heavenly Marshals; Fire God Wang Shan's real name was Wang'e, an evil fire god who claimed the sacrifice of children from the people. When the Priest Sa Shoujian (See "Sa Shoujian") heard this, he became very angry and burned Wang's temple (another version cites that Wang Shan was not evil god and Sa Shoujian burned his temple by accident). Wang'e complained to the Heaven and the Jade Emperor gave him diamond eyes, a whip, and the right to follow Sa Shoujian for a number of years. He would be allowed to whip Sa Shoujian if Wang found that he did any wrong. At the end of the period Wang had not found that he did any wrong and asked to be accepted as his follower. It was then that his name was changed from Wang'e (meaning bad) to Wang Shan (meaning good). His title is Wang Lingguan Wang Lingguan has a red face, three eyes, and wears a suit of armor. He holds


a whip in his hand as a symbol of maintaining order.

Wangmu Niangniang See "Queen Mother of the West".

Wang Shan See "Wang Lingguan".

Wangzi Qiao Wangzi Qiao was King Ling of Zhou Dynasty eldest son. He was good at playing the sheng and could imitate the call of a phoenix. As he roamed in the area between the Yi and Luo rivers the Taoist Master Fuqiu (Fuqiu Gong) drew him up to a high mountain in the Song mountain range. 30 years later he ascended to Heaven by riding a crane.

Water Ghost (Shuigui) Water Ghost is the spirit of people who drowned. They lurk in the place where they died. The Water Ghost will drag unsuspecting victims underwater, and drown them to take possession of their bodies. The victim's spirit takes the Water Ghost’s place and the process will repeat itself. Some legends suggested that a kind hearted Water Ghost may become Water God.

Water God See “Shuijingzi”, “Gong Gong”, “Shuimu Niangniang”, and “Shuixian Zhenjun”.

Wei Boyang Wei Boyang, a native of Wu, had no wish for an official career, but felt an


instinctive love for Tao and its mysteries; so he retired into the hills and occupied himself with concocting the divine elixir. Two of the three disciples whom he had at that time he knew to be lacking in faith and singleness of heart; so, when Boyang had some of the elixir prepared, he tested it on a dog, immediately the dog fell and dead. However Wei Boyang insisted to test the elixir himself. On the instant that it entered his mouth he fell down lifeless. Seeing which, one of the disciples followed him swallowing the elixir, In an instant he fell lifeless too. The other two disciples thought that it would be better to refrain from taking a drug and set off from their mountain. As soon as they were gone, Boyang rose up and set to work refining the drug until he got it perfect. Then he poured some into the mouths of his dead disciple and dog, and in a very short time they too came to life again. This done, he and the disciple went off, together with the dog, all having become immortal. all. their way over the hills they met a wood-cuter and handed him a letter to be delivered to the other two disciples, thanking them for the trouble they had taken in arranging the funeral.

Weituo Pusa (Skanda) Skanda, also known as Wei Tuo, is a Mahayana Bodhisattva regarded as a devoted guardian of Buddhist Monasteries who guards the Buddhist Teachings. In Chinese Temples, Wei Tuo faces the statue of the Buddha in the main shrine. In others, he is on the far right of the main shrine, whereas on the left is his counterpart, Sangharama (personified as the historical General Guan Yu). In Chinese Sutras, his image is found at the end of the sutra, a reminder of his vow to protect and preserve the teachings. This is one of folktale about Wei Tuo: Once upon a time, the people of Quanzhou need a bridge, so they could cross the river safely. Guanyin Bodhisatva decided to help the Quanzhou citizen. She turned herself into a beautiful young maiden and stood on the row of a boat. This maiden vowed to marry anyone who could succeed in touching her by throwing a piece of money from the edge of water. Due to many people missing, she collected a large sum of money in her boat. There was straw she vendor in that town named Wei Tuo. Wei Tuo was honest man. He had been worked night and day to make extra money to give as a donation for the bridge construction. Too bad the government always misused the funding. Deep inside his heart Wei Tuo was enamored with the girl on boat, but he hesitated to throw his coin. Suddenly an old man encouraged him to participate. He instructed Wei Tuo about how to throw his coin, and eventually he successfully hit her body.


Guanyin ordered the Earth God to row the boat closer to the riverbank and revealed herself as Bodhisattva. She gave all money in her boat to Wei Tuo. He instructed him to built the bridge with that money, after that she could meet her in in Putuoshan. Wei Tuo did as Guanyin said. As he finished the bridge construction, he followed Guanyin to Putuoshan and became her disciple.

Wenchang Dijun God of Tutelary and Literatures In ancient China, scholars who planned to take the imperial civil service examinations always prayed to Wenchang Dijun. Originally Wenchang is the collective name for a group of stars located in the Great Bear (Ursa Major) constellation. Later many account depict him as a man named Zhang Yazi or as an incarnation of Zitong Shen (See "Zitong Shen") One version states that Zhang Yazi was a President of the Ceremony at Zitong (Sichuan) during Tang Dynasty. He was not only noble and upright but also talented which made him greatly respected Another version cites that Zhang Yazi was an incarnation of Zitong Spirit who became a minister during Jin Dynasty. He was rising up against the invasion of King Fu Jian and died as hero in 374. Wenchang Dijun was usually accompanied by his assistants: Kuixing, Zhuyi Fuyi, Tianlong and Diya. His birthday is on February 3 of the lunar calendar

Wen Qiong God of Plague; Member of 36 Heavenly Marshals One year, when a village did something wrong and after Heaven notice it, Heaven sent an officer down to spread the disease into the whole village. Upon knowing that, Wen Qiong stopped the officer by swallowing the whole bottle of disease down his throat. Immediately he was being poisoned and his soul was being summoned to the Celestial Palace, due to his compassionate action, Jade Emperor bestowed him with as God of Plague.


Wenshen See"Plague God".

Wenshi Zhenren Yin Xi is the warden of Hangu Pass who obtained the Daodejing from Laozi (See "Taishang Laojun"). Before his departure from Hangu pass, Laozi told Yin Xi to meet him in Sichuan thousand days later, Yin Xi might finding him by following his green ox. After the appointed time came, Yin Xi went to Sichuan and saw a little herd boy leading a green ox. The herd boy said that this ox is his young master's ox and he had not stopped crying after this ox running away two days ago. Yin Xi delighted to hear that (as he recognized this green ox as Laozi's ox). He asked the herdboy to tell his young master that Yin Xi was arriving. As soon as the young master saw Yin Xi, he transformed himself into Laozi. He announced that Yin Xi's immortal name was already listed in the Heaven. Then the old sage took Yin Xi on a journey throughout the universe, Yin Xi' title is Wenshi Zhenren, he is credited as the ideal Taoist student

Wenshu Sheli See "Manjusri".

White Dragon Horse (Bailongma) Originally he is the third son of the Dragon King of the West Sea. He once accidentally caused a fire that destroyed a pearl given to his father by the Jade Emperor, and was about to be executed for committing this offence when Guanyin appeared and pleaded for his life. The dragon prince was spared from death and banished to Yingchou Stream. To redeem his sin, Guanyin instructed the Dragon Prince to aid Monk Xuanznag in his Pilgrimage to the West. The prince then transformed himself into White Dragon Horse and serves as Tang Sanzang's steed. In the end of their pilgrimage, Tataghata transformed Bailongma into Tianlong (Heavenly Dragon) as reward for his merit. 160

White Tiger (Baihu) See "Baihu".

Wubai Luohan (500 Arhats) According to scriptures, there was a group of 500 Arhats who assembled to recite the general teachings of the Buddha at the First Council. The names of the 500 Arhats have not been preserved, except for the closest disciples, who were historical persons, and the number “500” indicates a great number rather than an actual head-count.

Wudang Shengmu Wudang Shengmu is the Goddess of Mt. Wudang. She appeared in many classic folktales such as Fengshen Yanyi (as Tongtian Jiaozhu’s disciple), Beiyouji and Fan Lihua.

Wu Daozi Patron God of Artists Wu Daozi is a famous artist during Tang Dynasty. It is said that Wu Daozi never died; he just entered one of his mural and disappeared forever.

Wudou Xingjun Gods of Five Dippers: 1. Nandou Xingju, the Gods of Southern Dipper 2. Beidou Xingjun, the Gods of Northern Dipper 3. Dongdou Xingjun, the Gods of Eastern Dipper 4. Xidou Xingjun, the Gods of Western Dipper


5. Zhongdou Xingjun, the Gods of Center Dipper

Wufang Guizhu (Demon Masters of Five Directions) Plague Gods-See “Five Commissioners of Plague (Wuwen Shizhe)”

Wufang Shen (God of Five Direction) 1. East-Gou Mang,the God of Wood, in charge of spring. 2. West-Rushou, the God of Metal., in charge of autumn. 3. North-Xuanming, the God of water, winter. 4. South-Zhu Rong, the God of Fire, in charge of summer. 5. Center-Houtu, Mother Goddess of Earth, in charge of all four seasons and all the directions

Wufang Wudi (Five Emperors of Five Directions) After the world was being formed and settled down, the Five Supreme Elders (See "Wulao") manifested another group called Wudi (Five Emperor). They were being appointed to station at one corner in the Universe to look into issues that were associated with the Directional Element that they were being allocated to. Their member is: 1. East-Changdi (Green Emperor). He is responsible for the balance of Yin and Yang. Sometimes the Green Emperor is identified with the mythical emperor Fuxi. He rides a Green Dragon (Canglong) and represents the wood (Mu). 2. South-Chidi (Red Emperor) He is responsible for the regeneration and flourishing of the beings on earth. The Red Emperor (also called Yandi) is identified with Shendong, or with Zhu Rong. He rides a Red Dragon (Danlong) and represents the fire (Huo). 3. Central-Huangdi (Yellow Emperor) He is responsible for the overall completeness and harmony of things. He rides Yellow Dragon and represents earth (tu) 162

4. West-Baidi (White Emperor) He is responsible for the ways of the spirits and souls. The White Emperor is identified with Shaohao He rides White Dragon and represents metal (jin) 5. North-Heidi (Black Emperor) He is responsible for the fluency of qi energy down to earth and the balanced harmony on earth. The Black Emperor is identified with Zhuanxu. He represents water (Shui) and rides Black Dragon).

Wu Gang A god who is punished to cut an osmanthus tree on the moon. The osmanthus tree is self healing, so basically he does an endless job. One version states that Wu witnessed a liaison between his wife and Yandi's grandson In a rage, Wu murdered his wife's lover but Yandi ordered Wu banished to the Moon, where he would cut down a tree. After each blow, the tree healed itself and Wu was therefore forced to cut at it forever. In the alternate version of Wu Gang's origin, Wu found a teacher in the mountains in his quest for immortality. When his teacher taught him to heal, he gave up after three days. When he was taught to play Chinese chess, he gave up after two days. When he was taught the method of eternal life, he gave up after a day. His teacher then sent him to the Moon to chop down the tree.

Wulao (Five Supereme Elders) Wulao or Wufang Wulao are personifications of the Five Elements (Wuxing). It is said that at the beginning of universe Xuanxuan Shangren manifested into Three Pure Ones and then made up Five Supreme Elders (Wulao): 1. East-Qingling Shi Laojun 2. South-Danling Zhen Laojun 3. Central-Yuanling Yuan Laojun 4. West-Haoling Huang Laojun.Baidi 5. North-Wuling Xuan Laojun


In some contexts, the Five Supreme Elders (Wulao) are: 1. East-Mugong (Dongwanggong) 2. South-Chijingzi (Huojingzi) 3. Central-Huanglao (Some accounts consider him as Laozi/Taishang Laojun) 4. West-Jinmu (Xi Wangmu-Queen Mother of the West) 5. North-Shuijingzi When the Five Supreme Elders set their primal spirit into motion, the sky floated upward, and the earth grew firm in the depths. As the Heaven and Earth divided, they created sun, moon and the stars, river and mountain. Then there came forth grasses and trees, birds and beasts. Dijun and Jinmu combined Ying and Yang, thus created the first human being, men and women. After the world was being formed and settled down, the Five Supreme Elders manifested another group called Five Emperors (See Wufang Wudi). They were being appointed to station at one corner in the Universe to look into issues that were associated with the Directional Element that they were being allocated to. Note: This version of creation is indeed very different from the Pangu and Nuwa version

Wulang Shen See “Wutong Shen”.

Wulu Caishen (God of Wealth of Five Directions) They are Zhao Gongming and his four assistants (Caishen Shizi): 1. Invite Treasure Lord of Heaven (Zhaobao Tianzun ): Xiao Sheng 2. Collect Treasures Lord of Heaven (Nazhen Tianzun ): Cao Bao 3. TheHerald of Inviting Wealth (Zhaochai Shizhe ): Chen Jiugong 4. Lucky Money Immortal Officer (Lishi Xianweng ): Yao Shaosi


There is also a theory that Wulu Caishen are derived in greatley altered form from the cult of Wutong Shen, a five evil deities who promise an instant wealth from their worshiper.

Wu Meng Wu Meng served as an official in the Kingdom of Wu (Three Kingdom Era). By disposition he was an extraordinarily filial son and ranked among the twenty four paragons of filial piety. Wu Meng learned Taoist magic from a priest named Ding Yi. Once when a storm was raging, he wrote out a charm and threw it on the roof, where a black crow seized it in its beak and flew away. The wind instantly dropped. Asked why he had done this, he replied that a boat on the Southern Lake had been caught in the storm, and that on board was a Taoist Priest who had prayed to be saved from the peril. On investigation this turned out to be true. In other occasion, a magistrate had lain dead for three days, Wu Meng declared that his allotted span was not yet exhausted. So he lay down to sleep beside the corpse and not long afterward the magistrate was revived from his death. Wu Meng is teacher of Xu Xun (Xu Jinyang), his honorary title is Shenlie Zhenren

Wusheng Laomu Wusheng Laomu (Wujiumu) is central deity for Yiguandao or Xiantiandao Sect. She is depicted as the primordial force of the universe and the source of all things.

Wuwen Shizhe See "Five Commissioners of Plague".

Wuxing Qiyao Xingjun See "Five Planets and Seven Luminaries".


Wuying Shenjiang (Five Directioanl Mashalls) Wuying Shenjiang or Wufang Shenjiang is the group of marshals that only appeared in folk’s culture contexts or folk’s deities system. There are so many variations of Wuying Shenjiang members.

Wushan Shennu (Goddess of Mt. Wushan) She was a daughter of the Queen Mother of the West and was called Lady Yunhua of the Cloudy Flower or Yaoji. She supported Yu the Great in taming the waters of the Yangzi River, by chased away the evil spirits and broke the large rocks obstructing navigation.. Unfortunately, Yaoji was too exhausted to go back to the Heaven. She had to stay there forever. Every day, she stood on the cliff, watching hundreds of boats plying along the Three Gorges. Eventually, she herself became a mountain peak, the Goddess Peak of Wushan Mountain and her maids were also transformed into peaks of various heights. Together, they are known today as the Twelve Peaks of Wushan Mountain. In warring states period, this goddess appeared in King Huai from Chu dream’s and having sex with him. When she want to left she told the king that she appeared as cloud in the morning and as rain in afternoon. Since then people say “Cloud and rain from Wushan” as idiom of sexual intercourse. According to Shanhaijing, Yaoji was Yandi’s daughters (See “Yaoji”), not Queen Mother of the West daughter.

Wu Tao See “Baosheng Dadi”

Wutong Shen God of Instant Wealth Wutong Shen or Wulang Shen are group of five sinister deities from Southern region of China. Their cult began on Tang Dynasty, and usually depicted as one legged demons or five young deities. By nature wanton and lascivious, the Wutong often disguised themselves as handsome gentlemen to seduce unsuspecting and vulnerable women. Women who were ravished or possessed 166

by these creatures lost consciousness and endured painful fits and convulsions lasting for days, even weeks, which often brought them to the brink of death. Generally he is worshiped by people who want instant wealth. In 1685, Tang Bin, the governor of the province of Jiangsu, undertook the destruction of the Wutong temples at Suzhou, the provincial capital, and then throughout the entire province, with an aim to reform local customs and practices.

Wuyue Dadi The Sovereign Kings of Five Mountain: 1. Dongyue Dadi in Taishan 2. Zhongyue Dadi in Songshan 3. Xiyue Dadi in Huashan 4. Nanyue Dadi in Hengshan (Hunan) 5. Beiyue Dadi in Hengshan (Shanxi)


X Xian Xian or Xianren is a Chinese term for Immortal. Generally a Taoist Hermit who has cultivated himself and attained enlightenment. According to Zhonglu Chuandao Ji, there are five class of Xian: 1. Guixian (Ghost Immortal) Guixian is a person who cultivates too much yin energy. Like an evil spirits, this kind of immortal will drain the life essence of the living. 2. Renxian (Human Immortal) Renxian have an equal balance of Yin and Yang energies, so they can become either a ghost or immortal. Renxian suffer from hunger and thirst, they also require clothing and shelter like a normal human. However they do not suffer from aging or sickness. Renxian do not leave the realm of humans. 3. Dixian (Earth Immortal) Dixian has successfully transformed Yin into the Pure Yang. They do not need food, drink, clothing or shelter and is not affected by hot or cold temperatures. Dixian are forced to stay on earth until they shed their human form. 4. Shenxian (Spirit Immortal) Shenxian is the perfected version of Dixian. They have supernatural powers and can take on the shape of any object. When Shenxian accumulate enough merit in Human World , they will become Tianxian. 5. Tianxian (Heavenly Immortal) Tianxian are live in the Heaven. They have the power to travel back and forth between the Mortal and Celestial Realms.


Xianglong Luohan (Taming Dragon Luohan) Member of 18 Luohan Nantimitolo was a warrior monk who subdued the ferocious dragon who stole the Sutras and restored the Sutras back to earth. That's why he is called the Taming Dragon Luohan.

Xiangu (Xianu) Chinese term for female immortal.

Xiangliu Xiangliu is a nine headed snake. He is a minister Gong Gong, the God of Water. Xiangliu causes flood and devastate the ecology wherever he goes. So poisonously virulent was the blood of Xiangliu that the soil which it soaked could no longer grows grains. Xiangliu was eventually killed by Yu the Great ( or Nuwadepend on the version)

Xiang River Goddesses (Xiangshui Shen) E Huang and Nu ying are the daughters of Emperor Yao. Their fathers married them to his successor: Emperor Sun. They got along with each other very well. When they heard their husband was dead, E Huang and Nu Ying threw themselves into Xiang River.

Xiang Tuo God of Bright Kid Xiang Tuo became famous in Chinese history because Confucius recognized him as his teacher. Throughout Chinese history, young children were inspired by the example of Xiang Tuo. One day Confucius was riding in a chariot with his disciples. A group of boys were building a sand castle in the middle of the road. Confucius asked the boys to move aside and let the chariot passed. Xiang Tuo


replied, "When does a castle give way to a chariot? All the while, chariots have to go round a castle to get to the other side". Confucius was astonished at the reply. Being a famous teacher, Confucius refused to admit defeat to a young boy. Confucius fired off a stream of questions to test Xiang Tuo. But the boy answered all perfectly. Confucius was astounded by the intelligence of 7 years old Xiang Tuo. He invited Xiang Tuo to play a game with him. That game was a form of gambling. Xiang Tuo refused. He said A king who gambles led to the downfall of his country; A farmer who gambles will not have a good harvest; A student who gambled ignore his studies. Confucius was deeply embarrassed. He admitted that he learnt a lot from this young boy. Too bad Xiang Tuo did not live till ripe, old age. He died at the age of 10.

Xianzi Chinese term for fairy.

Xiao Min (Lang Rui) Xiao Min is the sworn brother of Zhang Ciguan (Fazhu Gong) and Zhang Ming. His Taoist name is Lang Rui and his weapon is a magical stone hoe. Together the three sworn brothers did many good deeds and removals of demons that cause people troubles and hardship. On one occasion Xiao Min became very angry until his face turned green. That’s why people always depict Xiao Min's face green. (see "Fazhu Gong" for the detail of the story)

Xiao Shengzhe (Xiao Yuanshuai) Member of 36 Heavenly Marshals As young man Xiao Shengzhe learned magic from Fazhu Gong. As he attained enlightenment, millions of spiritual armies from the Northern Heaven Realm were there to usher him to the Celestial Palace.

Xiao Shi See "Nong Yu".


Xiaotianquan (Howling Celestial Hound) Erlang Shen's hound.

Xidou Xingjun The Gods of Western Dipper Xidou Xingjun are venerated for protection people's body. The Western Dippers are consisting of Four Star deities: 1. Gong Baibaio Xingjun 2. Fu Gaoyuan Xingjun 3. Dian Huangling Xingjun 4. Jiang Juwei Xingjun

Xiezhi Xiezhi is a mythological animal credited with the ability to distinguish between true and false. Xiezhi is the emblem of justice. When it sees a quarrel, Xiezhi will touch the wrong side. Xiezhi's pattern was embroidered on the attire of Imperial scribes, surveillance commissioners and law superintendents during Qing Dynasty.

Xihe Xihe is first wife of Dijun and mother of Ten Sun Deities. Each day one of Sun Deity (in the shape of Crow) would illuminate the world on a carriage driven by Xihe. After that she would bathe his sons in the Ganyuan Water. This caused water in Ganyuan seethed and that’s why the river valley was referred to as Hot Water Valley.


Xishen (Goddss of Hapiness) Xishen is usually depicted with female face but with long beard. Her image is generally found in ancient wedding ceremony. According to folk belief, Xishen original name was Sun Jixiang, she was born during Eastern Jin Dynasty. When she was 16 years old, Sun Jixiang prayed at Beidou Xingjun’s altar on the 7th day of 1st month (it is believed that Beidou Xingjun will descend to earth on this day). However she dressed herself as man since she thought it was not suitable for young female to meet with males (even if they were deities) Upon seeing Sun Jixiang paying respect to them, Beidou Xingjun asked her on what request that she wanted. Her first wish, she requested for prolonging of her parent’s life and the gods granted her wish. Her second wish, Sun Jixiang requested happiness to the whole country and the gods granted it too. Unfortunately, before she said her last wish, Sun Jixiang pointed her own mouth. The deities thought that she wanted a bunch of beard, and so they granted her "request" When Sun Jixiang realized that she got a bushes beard on her face the Deities had been gone. Sun Jixiang cried and tried to cut her beard, but it always grew back again. Later Sun Jixiang met a Taoist named Sun Tai. The priest told her that she was actually a deity who in charge to lead four seasons and everything what happen to her was fated. So Sun Jixiang accepted her fate and then she followed Sun Tai as her disciple. Finally she attained her immortal hood after 5 years of cultivation.

Xing Tian Xing Tian is on of Yandi's retainer. When his master was defeated by Huangdi in Banquan, Xing Tian challenged Huangdi for one to one combat. Huangdi cut off his head, and the head was buried in the Changyang Mountains. But Xingtian, with his breasts as eyes, and his navel as mouth, continued to fight with his axe and shield.


Xin Xing (Xin Yuanshuai) One of Thunder Gods; Member of 36 Heavenly Marshals Xin Xing was born near a Mountain named as Thunder Mountain. One year, her old mother was being fright to death of the strong Thunder Roar. Xin Xing was very upset as he continuously blamed the Heaven for causing his mother’s death. Upon hearing his complaints, the Thunder God turned himself into a priest and descended to the human world to express his apologize to Xin Xing. After that, he reported this incident to Jade Emperor. Knowing that Xin Xing was a filial and upright person, Jade Emperor summoned him into the Celestial Palace and made him one of the Thunder Gods that in charge of Thunder Roar.

Xiqin Wangye See "Laolang Shen".

Xi Shi Goddess for Cosmetics and Perfume Xi Shi is one of four renowned beauty women from Ancient China (some considered her as the prettiest one). Xi Shi’s loveliness was praised by an old idiom: Chenyu Luoyan, meaning that her beauty can make fish sink to the river bottom and wild geese fall out of the sky. Xi Shi was born in Yue State during Spring and Autumn Period. King of Yue sent her as a tribute to King Fu Chai of Wu as a strategy to weaken Wu State from inside. Fu Chai bewitched by her beauty and forgot about his state affairs; even he executed his loyal minister to please her. The power of Wu State weakened gradually, and eventually vanquished by Yue's army. Legend has it that after the fall of Wu State, Xi Shi married with Fan Li, a retired minister of Yue State. Nobody saw them again.

Xi Wangmu "See Queen Mother of the West".


Xuanming God of Water from North; God of Plague Xuanming is Huangdi's grandson and assistant of Zhuanxu. He is in charge of winter. It said that Xuanming has human face, bird body, two green snakes in his ears.

Xuantian Shangdi Xuantian Shangdi is the Great Emperor of the North and leader of 36 Heavenly Marshals (Some accounts said 12 Marshals). He is also known as Zhenwu Dadi or Xuanwu Shen. Xuantian Shangdi is embodiment of Water Element. Until the Tang Dynasty he was still believed to have the shape of a turtle-snake or Black Turtle (based on the mythical beast Xuanwu). Later his figure was changed into a mighty warrior with long loose hair, and a beard, barefoot, and holding a sword. It is also common to see the turtle and snake near his feet or being stepped upon. People in the past usually called him Xuanwu (Mysterious Warrior), but during the Northern Song Dynasty, his name was changed to Zhenwu (Perfect Warrior), to avoid using the character "Xuan" that appeared in the name Zhao Xuanlang (royal ancestor of Son Dynasty) According to Taishang Shuo Xuantian Dasheng Zhenwu, Xuantian Shangdi was originally a prince of Jingle Kingdom. One night her mother dreamed that she swallowed the sun, and she immediately became pregnant. When the prince grew up, he felt the sorrow and pain of the life of ordinary people. He secluded to Mt. Wudang and attained immortality 42 years later. The dramatized version of this story can be found in Journey to the North (Beiyouji), the story is mentioned as follow: One day the Jade Emperor was tempted by a golden tree in Mr. Liu house. But since Mr. Liu rejected giving his tree, then the Jade Emperor decided to reincarnated 1/3 of his soul as Mr Liu's son, so he could inheriting his tree. Unfortunately it's so difficult for this 1/3 soul to become god again that he failed in three reincarnation. In His fourth incarnation, he had born as Xuanwu, the crown prince of Jingle Guo. As he grew up, he shocked to see the sorrow and pain of the life of ordinary people. The prince then abandoned his kingdom and followed the Goddess Doumu to Mt. Wudang, where he cultivated himself according religious doctrine. During his meditation, Xuanwu suffered from an extreme hunger. In his


annoyance, he split his belly and took out both organs, then threw them out to the grass behind him. Later Xuanwu was appointed as Xuantian Shangdi. He led 36 Heavenly Marshals to quell the demon and evil spirit that ravaging Human World. Xuantian Shangdi's right hand assistants are Turtle General and Snake General. Both were born from his stomach and intestine that he threw away earlier. It was during the Ming Dynasty, that Xuantian Shangdi’s worship enjoyed its greatest influence, especially during the reign of Yongle Emperor, as he believed Xuantian Shangdi aiding him in his campaign against his nephew, Emperor Jianwen. The Yongle Emperor built a large temple of Xuantian Shangdi at Mt. Wudang as well as in the Forbidden City.

Xuanwu See "Black Tortoise".

Xuanxuan Shangren See “Hongjun Laozu”

Xu Jingyang Xu Xun was a famous Taoist from the Jin Dynasty. As a young man, Xu Xun was skillful at archery. One day he shot a deer and his arrow hit a baby deer. The mother deer was so sad to see her infant collapsed. She licked it baby's wound again and again. After a while, the mother deer collapsed and died. Xu Xun was curious and cut the mother deer’s abdomen. Suddenly he cried to see it intestines are broken into 1-inch pieces. Actually the mother deer was so sad over her baby's death and caused her intestines to break into pieces. Xu Xun was enlightened by this experience. That day he broke his bow and discarded his arrows. Xu Xun then left his home and learned Taoism from Wu Meng. He also befriended the famous Taoist Guo Pu. Later, Xu Xun was renowned due to his merit eradicating the Jiaolong (Flood Dragon) that caused recurring flood. After his victory over the Jiaomo Wang (King of the Jiaolongs) he assembled the members of his family, to the number of forty two, on Xishan, outside the city of Nanchang and all ascended to Heaven in full daylight, taking with them even the dogs and chickens.


Xu Shenweng Xu Shenweng who original name was Xu Shouxin was one of most famous late Northern Song Dynasty's prophet. In the age of nineteen he became temple sweeper at local Taoist Temple at Hailing, Taizhou. When he was about forty he began fortunetelling, but he declined to be ordained as a Taoist Priest and continued to sweep the floor for the temple (actually this is symbolically a true spiritual purification). Emperor Zhezong once consulted him about his imperial heir and Xu Shenweng predicted Zhao Ji (which later proven to be true). During Song and Yuan Dynasty, Xu Shenweng was included as member of Eight Immortals. But since Ming Dynasty his place was replaced by He Xiangu.

Xu Xun See "Xu Jinyang".


Y Yandi (Flame Emperor) One of legendary Chinese ruler from pre-dynastic time and brother of Huangdi (other sources say he is Huangdi's cousin or close relative). Yandi once fought his Huangdi in Banquan Plain but lost. Some account considered Yandi as the same person with Shennong.

Yanluo Wang (King Yanluo) Yanluo Wang is the leader and representation of Ten Yama King. He is in charge of the Fifth Court of Hell. Many people believe that Yanluo Wang is actually Bao Zheng (Bao Gong), a righteous and incorruptible judge from the Song Dynasty.

Yang Jian See "Erlang Shen".

Yanguang Nainai Yanguang Nainai is the Goddess of Eyesight and often portrayed as an attendant to Bixia Yuanjun.


Yang Ren Based on Fengshen Yanyi, Yang Ren is a high-ranking official within the Shang Dynasty. One day King Zhou grew exceedingly angry over him and immediately demanded for his eyes to be gouged out as punishment. The hermit Qingxu Daode Zhenjun came to rescue him with his Yellow Handkerchief. While Yang Ren was being held within his arms, he would blow on Yang Ren's eye sockets and effectively awaken him with a pair of hands that had eyes within the palm, rather than a pair of eyes itself. Qingxu Daode Zhenjun then instructed Yang Ren to help King Wu's rebellion against Shang Empire. Later Yang Ren was appointed as the deity of Jiazi Taisui Shen

Yang Yuanshuai Member of 36 Heavenly Marshalls Yang Yuanshuai real name is Yang Biao (Little Tiger) because immediately before his birth a tiger was seen running up. Becoming a magistrate during Han Dynasty, he pardoned a robber whom the emperor was about to put to death, and once when local magistrate tried to corrupt him with a gift of a thousand silver pieces, he went on with his resolution. Whilst he exercised his functions at Yangzhou, he distinguished himself for courage and perfect integrity. Jade Emperor granted him the post of terrestrial spirit. He has authority both over this world and the world beyond: *In the other world, over the demons of the five directions and over the ten rulers in Hades *In our world, he is charged with the rewarding of good and evil actions and further has a power of restraint over the demons of the sea and of mountains.

Yaochi Jinmu See "Queen Mother of the West"


Yaoguai The word “Yaoguai” is used for evil spirits, monster, demons, and foxes.

Yaoji Yaoji is one of Yandi’s daughters. She died in Mt. Wushan before getting married and transformed into a plant called Yaocao. Another version states that the Jade Emperor pitied her and made Yaoji as the Goddess of Mt. Wushan (See “Wushan Shennu”)

Yaoshi Fo Yaoshi Fo is holly Buddha from the East. He is known as Buddha of Medicine who cured humankind from Illness.

Yaowang (King of Pharmaceutical) This title can be associated with several figures, such as: 1. Pian Que, a physician who lived during the Warring States Period. Pian Que was an expert in pulse diagnostics. It is believed that he once drank a potion which made him immune against any disease. This allowed him to perceive sickness in the organs of his patients. 2. Sun Simiao, see "Tianyi Zhenren". 3. Wei Cizang, a famous doctor Tang Dynasty 4. Shennong, see "Shennong".

Yecha (Yakhsa) Monstrous looking creatures in Chinese Myth it based on Yakhsa from Hindu Mythology. There are evil Yecha and benevolent Yecha.


Ye Fashan Ye Fashan is a famous Taoist during the Tang Dynasty. He is one of Emperor Xuanzong's favorite priests. One night the emperor summoned Ye Fashan to behold the Lantern Festival with him. The old priest claimed tht he just came from Liangzhou. Emperor Xuanzong marveled and asked ifYe could bring him. Ye Fashan bade the emperor to closse his eyes, recommending him not to take a peep, as otherwise he might be terrified by what he saw. Emperor Xuanzong followed his instruction, and with one bound they found themselves flying through the air. When their feet touched earth again, Ye Fashan said that the emperor could open his eyes. They saw row upon row of lanterns extending for miles in continuous array amid tightly packed horses and chariots and vast crowds of sight seers. The Emperor expressed his wonder at the scene. At noon on the 3rd day of the 6th moon, a cloud chariot drove up to Ye Fashan's door, strains of Heavenly melody filled the room, a rainbow cloud enveloped him and brought him to the Heaven.

Yellow Dragon (Huanglong Zhenren) Holly Monk Huiji built his monastery in Yellow Dragon Mountain. Later people called him Huanglong Zhenren. Many old stories credited Huanglong as Lu Dongbin's rival. In Lu Dongbin Feijian Zhan Huanglong, Lu Dongbin unleashed his magical sword and threw it at Huanglong, just because he was defeated in religious debate. However Huanglong merely pointed his finger at the sword and it dropped to the ground. In the end Lu Dongbin admitted Huanglong's superiority. Meanwhile, according to Lu Chunyang Dianhua Du Huanglong, It is Lu Dongbin who overmatched Huanglong in a spirit travel contest (Sprit travel is a technique to send someone's spirit anywhere he/she wants by leaving his/her physical body)

Yellow Emperor See "Huangdi".


Yeren (Wild Man) Yeren was an apprentice of Ge Hong. When his master ascended to Heaven as immortal, he left some of his elixir hidden in a stone pillar on Mt. Luofu. Yeren found it and swallowed one. Yeren enjoyed his immortality by singing joyous songs over the mountain. Travelers who crossed Mt. Luofu by night might see him naked with his long hair covered all over his body.

Yidi Goddess of wine Yidi was Yu the Great’s wife (some sources cite her as his daughter). According some records, she brewed the first wine to please her husband.

Yinglong Yinglong is a winged dragon. It assisted Huangdi during his war against Xiangyu. It also believed that Huangdi ascended to Heaven by riding on a Yinglong.

Yin Yuanshuai See “Taisui”.

Yisheng Member of Sisheng (Four Saints) Yisheng is one of Ziwei Dadi’s assistants. During the Kaibao reign of the Song Dynasty he descended on Mt. Zhongnan and introduced himself as Heisha Jiangjun. Later Emperor Taizong of Song bestowed him the title Yisheng Jiangjun. Like the other member of Sisheng, Yisheng is also known as an exorcist figure.


Youchao Protector of House In the primitive society, human beings lived together with birds and animals and therefore frequently attacked by wild beasts, beaten by snakes and stung by insects. Then, a legendary smart architect appeared. Taking a cue from treeroosting birds, he made tree houses for human beings with branches and mud. As living in the tree was very comfortable, the practice quickly caught on among the people. They no longer worried about being attacked by wild animals at night. Then, out of gratitude, people chose the architect as their chief and named him Youchao (literally meaning having houses).

Yuan Gong Yuan Gong was a White monkey who mastered many martial arts. He challenged Goddess Jiutian Xuannu for duel but lost. In the end, he became her apprentice. People worshiped him as Tongbei Yuanhou (Long Armed Gibbon).

Yuanshi Tianzun The first of Three Pure Ones.. It is believed that he came into being in the begining of the universe (altough some accounts cite that his existence was is preceded by Hongjun Laozu or Xuanxuan Zhenren). Yuanshi Tianzun resides in Yuqing Heaven. According to Lishi Zhenxian Tidao Tongji, Yuanshi Tianzun was the entity who created the world (as Pangu), and then transformed into the patriarch who rules Heaven, Yuanshi Tianzun. A difterent theory can be found in Zhenzhongshu by Ge Hong.It stated taht Pangu had completed his work in the primitive Chaos, his spirit left its mortal and reached Fuyutai. There he saw a saintly lady named Tai Yuan. Captivated by her virgin purity, Pangu's spirit took advantage of a moment when she was breathing to enter her mouth in the form of a ray of light. She was enceinte for twelve years, at the end of which period the fruit of her womb came out through her spinal column. From its first moment the child could walk and speak,and its body was surrounded by a five-coloured cloud. The newly-born took the name of Yuanshi Tianwang, and his mother was generally known as Taiyuan Shengmu (the Holy Mother of the First Cause).


Yuanshi Tianwang See "Yuanshi Tianzun".

Yuchi Jingde Patron Feity of Blacksmith Yuchi Jingde or Yuchi Gong was a former blacksmith who became trustworthy general for Emperor Taizong of Tang Dynasty. He is worshiped as Door God and as Patron God of Blacksmith.

Yudi See "Jade Emperor"

Yuding Zhenren Yuding Zhenren is disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun, mentor of Erlang Shen. He resides in Jinyuan Cave in Mt. Yuquan.

Yuelao (Yuexia Laoren) The God of Matchmaker Yuelao is an old deity from the moon. He brings a red thread, a couple which bonds with this thread would be bound into marriage affinity.

Yue Fei Yue Fei is greatest hero from the Song Dynasty. He is best known for leading Southern Song forces in the wars in the war between Southern Song and the Jurchen ruled Jin dynasty in northern China. However Yue Fei was framed by


treacherous Prime Minister of Song Dynasty: Qin Hui. He was arrested and then executed without a clear reason. Chinese people venerated Yue Fei as Yuedi or Yuewumu Wang. In several places in China, his altars can be found in military barracks.

Yu Hualong See "Doushen Niangniang".

Yuhuang Dadi See "Jade Emperor"

Yunu (Jade maiden) Young fairies who become servants of senior deities in Heaven.

Yunzhongzi Yunzhongzi is a renowned immortal of the Jade Column Cave atop Mount South End. After the Nine-Tailed Fox Spirit Daji had taken her grasp over King Zhou of Shang, Yunzhongzi was the first immortal who admonished the king.

Yushi See "Chi Songzi".

Yu the Great Yu the Great (Da Yu) is the founder of Xia Dynasty. According to Chinese folklore, King Yao assigned Yu's father Gun, who was supposedly a descendent of the Yellow Emperor, to control massive flooding, but he failed. Yao's successor King Shun had Gun executed and his body exposed, but when Gun's


corpse did not decompose, it was cut open and Yu was born by parthenogenesis. Shun appointed Yu to control the floods, and after succeeding through diligently constructing canals, Yu divided ancient China into the Jiuzhou or Nine Provinces.

Yuzi According to Shenxianzhuan, Yuzi was a telented man during Zhou Dynasty his real name was Wei Zhen. King You offered him an official post, but Yuzi refused it. He exclaimed that wealth and honor were meaningless when our allotted span was exhausted. Accordingly, he learned the secret of immortality from Chang Sangzi. Yuzi mastered the essence of Five Elements. Whenever he was traveling with his apprentices, for each of them he would give them a clay doll. Then, he ordered them all to close their eyes. Miraculously, the clay horse was transformed into real horse. This horse could travel 1,000 li in a day. In the end, Yuzi climbed to the summit of Mt. Kongtong and ascended to Heaven in broad daylight


Z Zaojun See "Kitchen God".

Zhang Boduan Zhang Boduan is a Taoist Master (and latter immortal) who renowned as master of spirit travel. When he entered meditative stillness, he can send his spirit anywhere he wants.

Zhang Ciguan See "Fazhu Gong".

Zhang Daoling Zhang Daoling, was a Taoist Taoist master who lived during the Eastern Han dynasty. Zhang had a certain organizational genius, which was manifested in his founding of the theocratic and millennial Tianshi Dao (Way of the Celestial Masters) Sect or the Wudoumi Dao (Five Pecks of Rice Movement), the earliest and most influential schools of institutional Daoism. Zhang Daoling claimed to have received revelation from Taishang Laojun and established his sect in Sichuan. He created a hierarchy of twenty-four libationers which were led by an official. Each libationers had a civil register which recorded people's names and ranks. Zhang Daoling governed his people by appealing to their sense of shame, for he


disliked inflicting punishment. He made a rule that sick persons should write down all the sins they had committed since they were born and cast these written confessions into a stream of water, vowing to the gods that they would sin no more. The Sinners were given public work to do as a sentence. He required the financially able members to pay five pecks of rice for their participation, and then used these revenues to pay for the administration of the community and the care of its less fortunate members, that's why this movement was called "Five Pecks of Rice Movement". After successfully making his elixir of immortality, Zhang did not ingest it (according another account he just ingest half of it). He vowed to accomplish something for the world before his departure from earth. At the time, thousands of demons terrorized people of Sichuan. Zhang Daoling bravely fought and conquered all the demons of the Six Heavens. He swore that people owns the day and demon the night, thus distinguishing Yin and Yang. Whoever offends this is to be killed by the Law of Orthodox Oneness On the 9th day of the 9th Lunar month of the second year of the Yongshou Era, Zhang Daoling, together with his wife, Yong and the disciples Wang Chang and Zhao Sheng, ascended to Heaven in daylight. Zhang Daoling is portrayed as a fierce old man wearing a Taoist crown; usually rides a tiger brandishing his sword. He and his descendants bear the tittle Zhang Tianshi (Heavenly Teacher Zhang) Zhang Tianshi is considered as one of the most potent exorcists in Chinese tradition. His picture or even the imprint of his seal, hung in the home, will protect it from all evil spirits. His charms will drive away, and keep away the demons of illness. He is prayed to in times of trouble.

Zhang Fei Patron God of Butcher-For his story see "Guan Yu".

Zhanggong Fashu See "Fazhu Gong".


Zhang Guolao Member of Eight Immortals He was a famous hermit during the Tang Dynasty. It was his custom to ride a white donkey, on which he could cover immense distances in a single day. When he stopped to rest, he would fold the animal up like paper, and put it away in his cap-box. Then, when he was ready to start again, he sprayed water over it from his mouth, and changed it back into a donkey. According to Ye Fashan, Zhang Guolao was originally a white spiritual bat which came out of primeval chaos He is said to have been invited to Court by more than one of the early Tang emperors, but did not respond until the reign of Minghuang, who treated him with great respect. On receiving another summons, however, he immediately lay down and died. He was buried in the usual way by his disciples, but subsequently, when the coffin was opened, it was found to be quite empty. Pictures of Zhang Guolao show him seated on his donkey and holding a musical instrument called a fish-drum, which looks like a golf-bag with two clubs (really castanets) protruding from it. According to one tale, Zhang Guolao was unintentionally attained his immortality. It is said that one day Zhang Guolao took a long journey and stopped at an abandoned monastery. As he entered the monastery, he was welcomed by a delicious aroma from a corner of the temple grounds. Assuming it was a gift from Heaven, Zhang Guolao pick a pair of twigs as his chopsticks and began to devour the food. Even he fed a bit of the soup to his donkey. Unbeknownst to Zhang, this unexpected lunch was actually a thousand years ginseng that prepared by local Taoist for himself. As the unfortunate Taoist returned, Zhang Guolao and his donkey had already ascended to the Heaven

Zhang Liang See “Huangshi Gong”.

Zhang Ming (Lang Ming) Zhang Ming is the sworn brother of Zhang Ciguan (Fazhu Gong) and Xiao Min (Lang Rui). His Taoist name is Lang Ming and his weapon is a magical hammer. Together the three sworn brothers did many good deeds and removals demons who causes people troubles and hardship. On one occasion Zhang Ming want to help Zhang Ciguan who was imprisoned in a cave He used his hammer and broke the rock that was blocking the cave entrance. Unfortunately one of the


broken rocks flew and hit Zhang Ciguan on his forehead, causing a huge swell. Zhang Ming was so embarrassed that his face turned red. This is why people always depict Zhang Ming's face green. (See "Fazhu Gong" for the detail of the story)

Zhang Sanfeng As boy Zhang Junbao (Zhang Sanfeng's real name) was learning martial arts in Shaolin, but later he converted into Taoism. His Taoist teacher was an immortal named Huolong Zhenren (Fire Dragon). Zhang Junbao built his hermitage on Mt. Wudang. One day he saw a rock formation resemblied three peaks pointing up the sky. Taken by the view, he then changed his named as Zhang Sanfeng (Sanfeng means three peaks). Sometimes later, Zhang Sanfeng witnessed a fight between a crane and snake. The crane attacked the snake fiercely, but the snake was able to avoid every attacks and launch it on strikes. In the turn, the crane circled around and used his wings to beat the snake aside when he struck. Zhang Sanfeng contemplated this experience. That night a god visited him in his dreams and taught Zhang Sanfeng the secret of the Tao from the snake and crane fighting. Based on this enlightenment, Zhang Sanfeng created a new martial art that relied upon at Qi as its root. This martial art is later known as Taiji Quan. It is believed that Zhang Sanfeng was lived more than hundred years old and finally ascended to Heaven as immortal.

Zhang Shengzhe Member of 36 Heavenly Marshals and Assistant of Baosheng Dadi Zhang Shengzhe was a Secretary of Tongan City during Song Dynasty. He was sworn borther of Jiang Feijie (Jiang Xianguan). Upon hearing his sworn brother had resigned from his post and followed Wu Tao (Baosheng Dadi), Zhang was also resigned from bis position and learnt medical knowledge under Wu Tao. Wu Tao, Jiang Xianguan and Zhang Shengzhe were ascended to heaven at the same day.


Zhang Silang Zhang Silang is popular deity from Mt. Baiyun, Sichuan who protects people from plagues and evil spirits. He was included as Eight Immortals members in several Yuan Dramas (replacing He Xiangu). Zhang Silang is usually conflated with Zhang Yuanxiao (see “Zhang Xian”).

Zhang Taishi See "Zhang Daoling".

Zhangxian God of Childbirth In the Chinese Deity System, there are a few Zhangxian being recorded, but the most popular is Zhang Yuanxiao, a native from Meishan during Five Dynasty Ten Kingdom Period. As a young man Zhang Yuanxiao often traveled around his hometown to provide assistances to the needy. One day, four eyes god Lu Xiujing gave him a bow and a golden pearl. Before the old man left, he told Zhang that these 2 items were able to help him in assisting the folks to overcome any forms of disasters. One year Zhang's hometown was plagued by a serious disease emitted by Tiangou (Celestial Dog). Without any further consideration, he took out his bow and shoot Tiangou with his golden pearl. From the moment on, his hometown regained its peacefulness. Later Zhang Yuanxiao reunited with Lu Xiujing on Mt. Baihe (another source cites Mt. Qingcheng). The old deity then taught the secret immortality to him. The other figure associated with Zhangxian is Meng Chang, the last ruler of Shu Kingdom. When Shu Kingdom was destroyed by Song Dynasty, Mengchang’s concubine, Huarui Furen was brought to the harem of Song Emperor. Huarui Furen secretly preserved the portrait of her former husband. When the Song Emperor questioned her about it, Huarui declared that it was a portrait of Zhangxian, the God of Childbirth.


Zhang Yuanxiao See "Zhang Xian"

Zhao Sanniang Patron Goddess for Wig Maker/Seller Zhao Sanniang was wife of poor scholar. When her husband was away for Imperial Examination, she gave the best food for her parents-in-law and only ate husks for himself. When her parents-in-law died, Zhao Sanniang sold her own hair, so she could arrange proper burial for them.

Zhao Gongming God of Wealth; God of Pestilence; Member of 36 Heavenly Marshals and Hufa Sida Yuanshuai According to Fengshen yanyi, when Jiang Ziya led King Wu's rebellion against King Zhou of Shang, Grand Chancellor Wen Zhong of Shang Empire sought assistance from Zhao Gongming, the hermit from Mt. Emei. Zhao Gongming approved and joined Shang's army. He performed many wonderful feats. He rode his black tiger and outmatched King Wu;s troop using his Ocean Tamer Pearls. Jiang Ziya (leader of King Wu's troops) only managed to overcome him by relying on black art. He made a straw image of Zhao Gongming, wrote his name on it, burned incense and worshipped before it for twenty days, and on the twenty-first shotarrows made of peach-wood into its eyes and heart. At that same moment Gongming, then in the enemy's camp, felt ill and fainted, and uttering a cry gave up the ghost. Later when the war had been ended and Jiang Ziya inaugurated 365 Deities, Zhao Gongming was appointed as God of Wealth. Zhao Gongming's skin was totally black, that's why called "Zhao Xuantan". His mount is a black tiger known as Xuantan's Tiger. In older myth Zhao Gongming also referred as one of God of Pestilence/Plague (See “Five Commissioners of Plague”)

Zhao Xuantan See "Zhao Gongming".


Zheng Yuanhe Patron God of Strolling Singers Zheng Yuanhe was rich scholar from Tang Dynasty who spent all his money on a courtesan named Li Yaxian. As he lost all of his fortune, he had to make living by singing in the street. The courtesan Li Yaxian pitied her ex client, so she used all of her savings to support Zheng study. Later Zheng succeeded in Imperial Examination and the couple lived happily ever after.

Zhenwu Dadi See "Xuantian Shangdi".

Zhenyuan, the Great Immortal Zhenyuan Daxian was a younger of brother of Taiyi Huangren (See "Taiyi Huangren"). He lived as hermit on Mt. Wanshou. When he had finished his cultivation, he went to met his brothers at a temple in Mt. Emei, Sichuan. Both of them were among the guests at the Great Banquet of Peach (Pantaohui) given by Queen Mother of the West. So Zhenyuan and Taiyi Huangren were achieved their immortality. According to Journey to the West, Zhenyuan Daxian is referred as the Patriarch of all Earth Deities. In his temple (Wuzhang Temple), there is a special ginsengfruit tree that produces only 30 fruits every 9,000 years. The fruit is shaped like an infant less than three days old. A person who smells the fruit can extend his lifespan by 360 years while a person who eats the fruit can live for another 47,000 years. Later he kidnapped Monk Xuanzang, since Xuanzang's disciples had stolen his ginseng-fruit and destroyed the tree. The conflict was eventually resolved when Guanyin Bodhisattva restored his ginseng-fruit tree back to life

Zhenren Zhenren is Taoist term for perfected person, it first mentioned in the Book of Zhuangsi. Zhenren’s rank is above Xianren (Immortal).


Zhou Chang Zhou Chang is a repented mountain robber who became Guan Yu's right hand man. He accompanied his master when Guan Yu was captured and executed by Sun Quan in 219 AD. Zhou Chang's statue usually placed together with Guan Yu and Guan Ping on Guan Yu's Altar.

Zigu See "Qigu".

Ziguang Furen See “Doumu”.

Zhinu Goddess of Weaver Zhinu is daughter of Jade emperor and Queen Mother of the West, her duty is to weave the clouds. One day when Zhinnu descended to earth and took a bath in a lake. A herd-boy named Niulang stole her fairy cloth so she couldn’t fly back to Heaven. Finally Zhinu married Niulang and had two children. Many years later, her mother, Queen Mother of the West came and took Zhinu back to the Heaven (since a goddess is prohibited marrying human). Niulang was very upset that his wife had disappeared. Suddenly, his ox began to talk, telling him that if he killed it and put on its hide, he would be able to go up to Heaven to find his wife. Crying bitterly, he killed the ox, put on the skin, and carried his two beloved children off to Heaven to find Zhinu. The Queen Mother discovered this and was very angry. Taking out her hairpin, the Goddess scratched a wide river in the sky to separate the two lovers forever, thus forming the Milky Way between Altair and Vega. Zhinu must sit forever on one side of the river, sadly weaving on her loom, while Niulang watches her from afar while taking care of their two children. But once a year all the magpies in the world would take pity on them and fly up into heaven to form a bridge "the Bridge of Magpies", Queqiao) over the star in the Cygnus constellation so the lovers may be together for a single night, which is the seventh night of the seventh moon. This date is celebrated as Chinese Valentine 193


Zhong Kui The Heavenly Ghost Catcher; Exorcist Deity; God of Literature According to folklore, Zhong Kui traveled with his friend Du Ping to take part in the imperial examinations at the capital. Though Zhong Kui achieved top graduate in the exams, but his title was stripped by the emperor because of his fierce appearance. In anger, Zhong Kui committed suicide upon the palace steps by hurling himself against the palace gate until his head was broken. Du Ping buried him. In Netherworld, King Yama appointed him as a vanquisher of ghosts and evil beings. He was accompanied by his sworn brothers: Han Yuan and Fu Qu. Later Zhong Kui returned to his hometown on the Chinese New Year's Eve. He repaid Du Ping's kindness by marrying his sister to him. During Kaiyuan Period of Tang Dynasty, Emperor Minghuang was attacked by fever. In his nightmare the emperor saw a small demon fantastically dressed in red trousers, sporting and gamboling in his palace. He introduced himself as Xu Hao (Emptiness and Devastation). The Emperor was frightened, but suddenly another big demon appeared, wearing a tattered head-covering and a blue robe, a horn clasp on his belt, and official boots on his feet. He caught Xu Hao and ate him. The big demon then introduced himself as Zhong Kui and told his sad story to the emperor. As Zhong Kui finished his story, the emperor awoke and found that the fever had left him. Emperor Minghuang then called for Wu Daozi to paint the portrait of Zhong Kui. The work was so well done that the emperor recognized it as the actual figure he had seen in his sleep, Note: Older myth also referred Zhong Kui as God of Literature; he is associated with the God of Literature: Kuixing.

Zhongli Quan See "Han Zhongli".


Ziwei Dadi Member of Siyu (The Four Heavenly Ministers) Zhongtian Ziwei Beiji Dadi is the Stellar Sovereign of the whole Purple Subtlety Constellation. He assisted the Jade Emperor in administering the longitudes and latitudes of Heaven, the Earth, the sun, the moon and stars, and the climate of the four seasons. He is the "Master of all Stars. His birthday is on 27th day of the tenth lunar month

Zhuangzi Zhuang Zhou (fourth and third centuries B.C.) or generally known as Zhuangzi, is one of the greatest famous Taoist Philosopher. He dwells on the relativity of knowledge: One day Zhuangzi dreamed that he was a butterfly. When he finally woke up, Zhuangzi uncertain whether he was a man dreaming that he was a butterfly, or he was a butterfly dreaming that he was a a man. It is said that Zhuangzi asked Laozi about the reason of his dream. The old sage told that Zhuangzi was formerly a white butterfly. This butterfly nourished with the Quintessence of flowers and of Yin and Yang should have been immortalized. One day it stole some peaches in Queen Mother of the West's garden. The guardian of the garden slew the butterfly and so it was reincarnated as Zhuangzi.

Zhuanxu Zhuanxu is Huangdi' descendant and Shaohao's nephew, He is called the Emperor of the North and in charge of Pole Star. He introduced the method of mapping the sky. During his reign, Zhuanxu once fought Gong Gong, the God of Water for the throne of empire and won.

Zhu Bajie Patron God of Brothel, Casion and Nightclub Pig spirit who became second disciple of monk Xuanzang who protected him during his journey to the West. Bajie was so foolish, wanton, egoistic and often quarreled with his big brother; Sun Wukong. 195

Zhu Bajie originally held the title of Tianpeng Yuanshuai, commander in chief of 80,000 Heavenly Navy Soldiers. He was later banished, however, for misbehavior. At a party organized for all the significant figures in Heaven, Bajie saw Chang'e and was captivated by her beauty. Following a drunken attempt to sexually harass her, she reported this to the Jade Emperor and thus he was banished to Earth. Unfortunately, when he was exiled from Heaven and sent to be reincarnated on earth, his body was fell into a pig well and was reborn as a pig monster. As atonement for his past sins, Guanyin Bodhisattva recruited him to protect Monk Xuanzang in his Pilgrimage to the West. In the end of their journey to the West, Tataghata Buddha rewarded him with a job as "Cleanser of the Altars" and all the leftovers he can eat. Zhu Bajie used a nine tooth iron muck rake from Heaven that weighs roughly 5,048 kilos as his weapon. In Taiwan and some other places, Zhu Bajie is venerated as Patron Deity for Prostitution Business.

Zhuge Liang Patron God of Meat-bun Maker Zhuge Liang is brilliant prime minister of Shu Dynasty during the Three Kingdom Era. When his troop is attacking Nanman, their journey was halted by a sacred river which asked human sacrifice for whoever wanted to cross it. Zhuge Liang made a steamed cake resembling human's head and threw it into the lake as substitute for real human's head. Finally they crossed the river safely. Now this kind of cake is known as meat-bun

Zhulong Zhulong is a giant red draconic solar deity in Chinese mythology. It supposedly had a human's face and snake's body, created day and night by opening and closing its eyes, and created seasonal winds by breathing.

Zhunti (Cundi) Zhunti is a Buddha or bodhisattva venerated in Mahayana Buddhism, with emphasis of her practice in Vajrayana Buddhism. Her cult spread with the Pala 196

Empire, eventually becoming important in Tibetan Buddhism and Tangmi. Zhunti appears with eighteen arms on a lotus and is referred to as Goddess of the Seventy Million Buddhas. Normally Zhunti is referred as female, except in Fengshen Yanyi where he is depicted as male.

Zhu Rong God of Fire Zhu Rong real name is Zhongli; he is Yandi's descendant and father of Gong Gong, the God of Water. He taught people the art of purifying, forging, and welding metals by the action of fire. He also instructed peasants to burn brushwood to drive away the venomous and savage animals. Zhongli occupied the post of Minister of Fire for Di Ku (Yellow Emperor's descendand). He achieved great merit and was able to illuminate and heat the whole world. Di Ku gave him the title "Zhu Rong". At the time, Gong Gong (Zhu Rong's son) the God of Water rebelled and Di Ku send Zhu Rong to execute Gong Gong. In other mythological account, Gun (Yu the Great's father) stole the Xirang from the god and executed by Zhu Rong on Feather Mountain (Mt. Yushan)

Zhusheng Niangniang Goddess of Birth and Childcare She is in charge of pregnancy, delivery of infant, protection of mother and child. She holds a book and a brush reflecting the Chinese practice of recording new born child in the family lineage records. Many people believes that Zhusheng Niangniang is actually Bixia Yuanjun from Mt. Taishan

Zhuxue See "Vermilion Bird".


Zhu Yanfu Member of 36 Marshals Zhu Yanfu is in charge of Dongyue Dadi’s army. One of his task is to maintain order of the wanderings. According to Journey to the North, Zhu Yanfu was once quarelled with Xuantian Shangdi before he joined Xuantian Shangdi as his marshall.

Zhuyi Fuyi (Mr. Redcoat) Zhuyi Fuyi and Kuixing represented as the two inseparable companions of the God of Literature, Wenchang. Zhuyi is the purveyor of official posts. However, in practice, he is more generally regarded as the protector of weak candidates, as the God of Good Luck for those who present themselves at the examinations with a somewhat light equipment of literary knowledge.

Zitong Shen Zitong Shen is a Serpent Spirit lived atop a Mt. Qiqu located near the town of Zitong, in Sichuan. It controlled thunder and rain that affected the local area. It is said that the Snake Spirit went through many successive human and divine incarnations. In every incarnation it always performed good deeds to bring benefit to people. During the suppression of a rebellion in Chengdu, Sichuan, in 1000 A.D, the rebel army was besieged by General Lei Yuzhong but they refused to surrender. Suddenly a man mounted a ladder, and pointing to the rebels cried in a loud voice that Zitong Shen told him the rebel would be vanquished on the twentieth day of the ninth moon. The town was captured on the day indicated. The general, as a reward, caused the temple of Zitong Shen to be repaired, and sacrifices offered to it. Later Zitong Shen was conflated with Wechang Dijun, the God of Literature.