Der Untermensch

DER UNTERMENSCH THE UNDERMAN Complete English Translation f f- Head Office-Training Division In conjunction with the gra

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DER UNTERMENSCH THE UNDERMAN Complete English Translation f f- Head Office-Training Division In conjunction with the graphic design service Jupp Daehler

Translated by Arthur Kemp B.A.

Ostara Publications

"As long as there have been men on the earth, the struggle between man and the underman will be the historic rule; As far back as we can look, the Jewish-led struggle against mankind is part of the natural course of life on our planet. One can be assured that with complete certainty that this struggle for life and death is just as much a law of nature as is the struggle of a pestilent bacillus struggles against a healthy body." Reichsfiihrer-ff Heinrich Himmler 1935

Light and Darkness are eternal enemies, in the same way that night opposes the day - and the greatest enemy of earth's dominant species is man himself. The underman is a biologically complete creation of nature, with hands, legs, the semblance of a brain, eyes, and a mouth. Although it has similar features, this terrible creature is only partly human, and is spiritually and psychologically lower than any animal. Inside this being lies a cruel chaos of wild, uninhibited passions, a desire for nameless destruction, the most primitive desires and naked vulgarity. An Underman- nothingelse! Because everything which has a human face, is not the same.Woe to him who forgets this! Man has conceived, created, completed, contemplated and invented great works, thoughts and art on this earth. For him, there was only one goal: to expand upwards towards a higher existence, to replace the inadequate with something better. And in this way, culture is grown. Thus the plow, the tool and the house were created.

He seeks self-preservation in the swamp, in hell; but never in the sun.And this underworld of U ndermen found their leader: the eternal Jew! Thy understand and know what they want. They press forward their lowest lusts and desires and unleash horror on humanity. It all began in historical times with the destruction of the Persians, with the Festival of Purim, the first glorification of organized mass murder. 75000 Aryan Persians fell victim to this Jewish hatred. To this day, Jewry celebrates this horror as their greatest "religious" festival. The Underman's hate against all bearers of light is eternal. The desert eternally threatens to bring about the downfall of the West. In the distant steppes, the forces of destruction are eternally clustered together: Attila and Genghis Khan gathered his Huns hordes and raced over Europe, leaving behind a living apocalypse, fire, death, rape, murder and terror, which sank back into the original precipice all light, thousandfold accumulated know ledge, and the powers of progress and human greatness.

"When a nation's leaders are bloodily slaughtered, then physical and mental slavery follows for the state, and in all economic, cultural and intellectual life. We have seen that a nation, robbed by blood mixing of their own values, degenerates and in at most a historically short period of centuries, passes away." Reichsfiihrer-H Heinrich Himmler 1935


On the endless stretches of the Russian steppes lays Eastern Europe. The cultural split between this giant expanse and Middle Europe is abrupt and sudden. On both sides of this border, we find the same land but not the same man! The man creates the landscape. Therefore on the one hand we see Germany: fertile. full of planned harmonious fields, and well-designed collections of towns; whereas on the other hand there is the impenetrable thicket, the steppe, and the endless wilds and forests, through which the rivers laboriously wind their way. It is an eternal indictment of the Underman that this fertile, full, black earth - which could be a paradise, a European California - is in reality a neglected and desolated. It is a cultural disgrace without precedent. It is a tearful fate of the black earth.It is endless. fertile, and neglected-but blessed with all the treasures of Eastern Europe- not thoughtlessly removed from the other side the continent. but brutally eparated from it by a eliberately created>rn

Europe did not get a certain level of iveness. It saw only because it lacked the the valuable carrier of lture, the genius, the temized imposition of and the meaningful ring of the endless and fertility which the contains. land knew only of the of uncontrolled -TYn oitation and the

bestiality of war. Certainly, many upstanding people of Central and Western Europe have held this land during their wanderings. Here once Goths and Varangians founded empires brought culture. Settlers from the Hanseatic League, Sweden. Flanders, Holland, Swabia and Lower Saxony all tried to bring light into the darkness. For centuries, a cry for help resounded from the other side of the border. Peter the Great, Catherine II, and many others, called on German peasants and German officers. on European scholars, doctors and engineers-but time and again, the powers of darkness were victorious, and in a wild animalistic frenzy, pointlessly butchered those who attempted to bring spiritual help.

The Underman's challenge started with the terrible ride of Attila and Genghis Khan this cry resounded down through the centuries. Russia became the stamping ground, the place where the Underman's teachings nihilism and Bolshevism - were born. Again and again an Eastern uprising against the "bourgeois West" was inflamed, enthusiastically endorsed by the Bolshevik rabble. The red poet Peter Oreshchin screamed in one of his writings: "The Holy Mother earth trembles under tramping of millions of the feet. The Crescent has left the mosque, the Cross has left the Church. The end of Paris is near. From the steppes rises the smoke of the new god's consecrated victims. London will sink under the waves. Berlin will lie in ruins. Sweet will be the pain of the noblest that fall in battle. The hordes will strip God's golden valleys from Mont Blanc on down. The Kirgiz of the steppe are praying for the new era!" On ugly little steppe horses, almost at one with the fur of their animals, the Hunnish hordes roared against Europe, their slit-eyes glowing with murderous lust, and behind them remained only desert, murder, fire and destruction. The Chroniclers report: The Huns are coming! How many times has this

This Finnish Officer, ...

this north German farmer, all these European peoples and races the Underman wishes to destroy from this earth, to eject from the human race! There is the destiny of those of related higher blood!

This time the Jew wanted to be absolutely sure. He himself became the officer, the Commissar, the pivotal leader of the Undermen.

Against him stands those who struggle for all that is noble and good. to prevent Europe decaying into madness:

A leader of the Waffen-SS, ...

the U-boat commander.

remains Underman and remains Jew. No matter if they known as ChurchilLRoosevelt or llr1G1ltardicl. They all are scum to us. stand behind Stalin, the One Underman. They are I!NiriEmcLs and his allied brothers!

. .!ie1rmcrn

And in the front lines as radical feminist. as partisan. and as harlot all in one person, stands the Jewess. Along with her like-minded beasts, she forms up and leads the attack to make all the women of Europe like her.

healthy craftsmanship of Bulgarian farmers. the grace of the Spaniards. nobility and grace of women, the faith and of German girls-all they to

This is the image of the Soviet "state youth"! This is the consequence of the systematic Jewish destruction of the family! This sea of watery children's tears will take hundreds of years to dry.

this small miserable creature is the collective of all that which the Jews have propagated.

This appalling, filthy miserable creature with its deathlike eyes is a Soviet child, ...

This ten year old in the horror of a Soviet hell is the most terrible indictment against this curse on mankind.

We however know what we have in the mothers of our nations. We houor tt..a as the eternally fertile source of ongoing life. We know that motherhood is the greatest joy in this wcxld. and acknowledge with infinite reassurance that the young women of the Aryan- European family ol nations is conscious of their mission once again.

From this misery we seek

preserve our sunny youth

This is the lot of the youth, and the end of the family in the Soviet paradise

In Germany...

in Wallonia

The most precious possession of all European nations are their children. and the family is their stronghold.

Life in the Soviet paradise is ghastly for the elderly

We however want to see our mothers live a well-protected and carefree retirement after a long and labor-rich lifetime

Although we knew much of the terror which existed in the Soviet Union, even so our know ledge was sparse of the reality which lurked behind the red curtain. Millions of European soldiers have not been given a view of what was hidden behind this curtain, and now fight fanatically for their homes, their families and their beautiful homelands.

From trash, waste cmd dirt in the street, Soviet citizens search for their daily bread. They live from day to day cmd hcmd to mouth. They never know what the next day might r bring ...

They live in gas, filth and vermin. Instead of development, their bare walls are pictures of Soviet propaganda.

The European residence is a place of culture and cleanliness.

" of the Soviet unmeasurable.

The Soviet cities are an unimaginable hell. Chased from the countryside, millions of people congregated, and were left to vegetate in musty. sinister cellar-like holes.

A man does not look long for a place to spend the night. His bed might be a plank or a sack of s traw, but as he lays on the street, no-one cares about him.

So the Soviet youth begs.

These are Russian workers.

and with this work break in a breezy and sunny common room.

Even that which the farmer has still tediously labored at. is immediately taken away from by the Soviet authorities.


with the peace and fruits of the land, by these capable •c::ra1rianfarmers.

The Jews have succeeded well in uprooting the people in the Soviet state. The farmer was declared the deadly enemy of the Soviet system. They were treated like cattle. All his property was taken. They were made slaves and had to work only for their Jewish masters.

He is trampled by the system and the brutality of the Proletariat.

Wh ether he wanted to or not. he was driven from Kolkhoz to Kolkhoz, nothing was ever his own, not house or hearth.

His reward was just the thinnest spoon broth from the Soviet kitchen.

Was it any wonder that as their houses and villages were destroyed, that according to order, more and more men dug homes out of the earth and lived an a lmost completely underground existence. Just don't be conspicuous!

God preserves Europe's farmers, who proudly go about their fields, harvesting her corn and living in neat farmhouses.

This is how the "comfortable residences" of the Soviet worker looks. Behind the blatant facades of the red party houses and the huge factories, are the higgledy-piggledy houses, incredibly filthy and life-threatening in nature.

The Soviet worker lives worse than a Bushman. He drifts hopelessly every morning and evening between his miserable housing and the ostentatious facades of his party bosses' institutions.

To us, these wretched places do not even seem fit to house our domestic animals.

the bright cottage of a Portuguese worker and a suburban German city. ..

We live safe and cle ar w ith our children in the old and new hous es of our ete rna lly cultured Europe.

Aryan man's art is as noble as himself. He turns the world's dreams into reality

"God-that is folly and cowardice; God means tyranny and misery; God is evil. To me it means: Lucifer. Satan! And whoever you are, you are the spirit that turned against the faith of my father's God and the Church," says the Jew.

Because the Jew and the Underman hates all divine things, they have plundered the churches and turned them into factories. It was his greatest satisfaction when these buildings which offended him the most. were blown up.

But Aryan Europe is distinguished by the fact that it allows belief in God and everyone has freedom of religion.

The Undermen use terror and horror as the last terrible resistance-breaking methods. These torture methods which were discovered are the appalling evidence of the origin of their mass murder

... or made to stand upright in torture cells for weeks or months-there are no limits for the executioners of the underworld in devising new tortures.

The tongue cut out, slaughtered with an ax

Terrible is the nameless misery of fathers. mothers. women. brides. children and siblings. whose dearest were so harrowingly and excruciatingly taken away.

They want the women of Europe to weep just like these Russian women!

Just like this innocent boy, they would murder the children of Europe.

"Der Untermensch: The Underman" is possibly the Third Reich's most famous, misquoted, and misrepresented publication ever. First issued in 1942 by the SS head office under the direct orders of Heinrich Himmler, "The Underman" has ever since been portrayed as "anti-Slavic," "antiRussian," and "anti-Jewish." In fact only the third allegation has any truth to it. The "anti-Slavic" and "anti-Russian" claims are merely the product of postwar propaganda, reliant on the fact that almost no one would have the chance to actually read the publication for themselves. The reason for this was that after the war, the Allied occupying powers in Germany ordered all copies of the publication seized and burned. As a result, only a tiny handful were saved, and it is from one of these very few surviving copies, that this edition has been prepared. In addition to its rarity, the text has also never been correctly and fully translated into English (until now), a fact which has greatly eased the task of those seeking to distort what it actually says. Ideologically hostile Jewish propagandists have, for example, engaged in outright forgery and misrepresentation of its contents, while a single translation made by an ideologically sympathetic postwar publisher suffered from serious grammatical and translation distortion errors. This edition is therefore the very first complete and accurate translation into English of this 52 page oversize booklet. Far from being anti-Slavic, the reader will see that the SS Head Office publication portrayed Russians as victims of Communism--and then specifically blamed Jews as being behind Communism, and, ideologically speaking, inheritors of a far older, far eastern attack on Europe which had started with Genghis Khan and the Mongols. Nowhere in the SS book are the Slavic people denigrated, and in fact many of the traditional Slavic nations are mentioned in text and photograph as being part of the greater European family. European nations specifically mentioned in this book include PortugaL Spain, Italy, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Italy, Switzerland, Slovakia, Croatia, Greece, Bulgaria, Hungary, and Romania. The suffering of ordinary Russian people under the Soviet system forms a large focus in this work, and at all times great sympathy is evoked for these victims of Communism: men, women and children alike. Special mention is made of their awful living conditions, inflicted by the Soviet economic collectivization system, and always condemned only as the result of Communism. In addition, the economics, social structure, art, and even freedom of religion under the Soviet state is dramatically and graphically compared with Germany-and elsewhere in Europe. Finally, after reviewing numerous Soviet atrocities and Communist secret police torture chambers discovered during the German advance into the Baltic states and the Ukraine, this SS book ends with a dramatic series of photographs showing the murderous intentions of the Soviet state-and a warning that if the European people did not unite and together fight off the attack by the "Jewish-led Underman," then Europe itself would be destroyed. This high-quality reproduction is not a "photostat" but a fully digitally restored copy taken directly from a rare 1942 original. This edition contains English inserted in exactly the same position as the original German text, in order to best represent the original meaning. Ostara Publications http;/I