
In this lesson you will listen to a recording about three different countries. The language focus is comparative and sup

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In this lesson you will listen to a recording about three different countries. The language focus is comparative and superlative adjectives. Before you listen, think about these questions: 

What is your favourite country?

What do you like most about that country?

Is the food and weather there very different from Britain? In what way? 

Task 1 – comprehension 1. Penny has worked in two countries. a. True b. False 2. She likes the weather in Japan and Mexico. a. True b. False 3. Food is very important to Penny. a. True b. False 4. She doesn't think that there are many types of food in Britain. a. True b. False 5. She ate lots of sushi in Japan. a. True b. False 6. She didn't learn any Japanese. a. True

a. True b. False 7. Mexico is her favourite country because of the food. a. True b. False

Task 2 - gap fill typing My favourite country - Gap Fill Typing Game Complete the sentences with the correct form of the adjective and the/than. Some sentences are comparative and some are superlative.

1. Kangaroos can jump higher than me. (high) 2. Mexican food is spicier than Japanese food. (spicy) 3. This is the most comfortable sofa in the shop. (comfortable) 4. Russia is the biggest country in the world. (big) 5. Indian food is the spiciest food I have tasted. (spicy) 6. Everest is the highest mountain in the world. (high) 7. Trains are more comfortable than buses. (comfortable) 8. Buckingham Palace is much bigger than my house. (big) 9. The more he practised English grammar, the better he got. (good) Task 3 - reordering Put the words in the right order as quickly as possible! My favourite country 1. Mexico is hotter than Britain 2. Japan was colder than Mexico 3. Japanese food was the healthiest 4. It’s the sunniest country 5. The more I learned the more difficult it got.

Complete the chart Complete with the food, organ that is similarand the action or benefitthat provokes.

FOOD  Carrot

ORGAN Human eye

EFFECT OR BENEFIT The carrots greatly, enhance blood flow to and function of the eyes


The heart

Tomatoes are loaded with lycopene than help our heart and blood




We now know walnuts help developed more than three dozen neuron-transmitters for brain function Grapes hang in a cluster that The grapes are also profound heart has the shape of the heart and blood vitalizing food

Celery, bok, choy, rhubarb  Bones

These foods specifically target bone strength



Sweet potatoes


Figs increase the mobily of male sperm and increase the number of sperm as well to overcome male sterilty Actually balance the glycemic index of diabetics



Assist the health and function of the ovaries


Body’s cells

Help clear waste materials from all od the body cells

Write a paragraph comparing life and people in Ecuador and USA.  Life in Ecuador is more different than the US. People in the US earn more money than people in Ecuador, but things in the US cost more than in Ecuador. In winter, the US is colder than Ecuador. The landscape in Ecuador is just as beautiful as the USA. Technology in the US is cheaper than in Ecuador. Ecuador is smaller than the US. Life in the US is more routine than Ecuador. Life in Ecuador is less stressful than in the US, because there is more traffic, the buildings are bigger and the cities are more extensive, the mobilization is more complicated and the transportation is longer, because in the peak hours trains, the subway and the buses are full of people.