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YOUR GUIDE Here is a guide with recipes and tips to help your energetic body benefit from essential oils. My name is Lisa and I am happy to explore essential oils with you. Historically we have been using plants for medicinal purposes. It’s the most ancient form of health care. Plants have a very powerful resonance - one that extends far beyond their physical footprint. Pure essential oils capture that resonance. Our understanding of how essential oils work within the physical aspects of our body is developing but there is a lot to learn about how oils impact our energetic body. As I mentioned in our class, I have used oils for most of my life but I did not appreciate the potential they had to impact our energy. I do believe that one reason I did not experience the shifts that I do now is because of the quality of oils I was using.

I am here to help you find natural solutions for you and your loved ones. If you have any questions, please let me know.


USING THE BEST QUALITY OILS dōTERRA launched 10 years ago with a passion for a

Co-Impact Sourcing means that dōTERRA harvests

higher standard in the essential oil industry - a

plants in their natural habitat for maximum

standard that did not exist prior. You have probably

therapeutic benefit. An example is that we get our

seen essential oils on the shelves of stores or at spas

citrus oils from Italy and Sicily, where they have grown

before, but these “100% Pure Essential Oils” often are

since the earth was created and the groves have

synthetic, diluted with chemicals, not well-tested or

been handed down from generation to generation.

tested at all… This has created a myth that essential oils are ineffective, but trust me - doTERRA oils are

We also source mainly from impoverished nations

powerful. dōTERRA’s standard is called CPTG -

and therefore are able to provide desperately needed

Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade. This stands for oils

jobs, education and practical needs, such as clean

that are verified pure and safe with no additives. Click

water and housing. To see more, search go to

here to learn more.

dōTERRA is also committed to stringent 3rd party

96% of doTERRA oils are exclusively sourced so it is

testing and co-impact sourcing - which is something I

highly unlikely to find our oils from other companies.  

am so proud of.


Using Oils There are three ways to use essential oils. They are: 1. Topically When you apply your oils to areas of the body that need support, they reach the bloodstream within 20 seconds and are then distributed throughout the body within 20 minutes. It's best to dilute the oils in fractionated coconut oil to avoid skin sensitivity. For our chakra work, 1 drop of essential oil is enough and you want to dilute it in 1 tbsp of carrier oil like Fractionated Coconut oil. For general topical use, the bottoms of the feet are a great place to apply the oils as the skin does not have sebum glands, allowing for better absorption. You can also apply on the back of the neck or along the spine. 2. Aromatically Put a drop in the palm of your hands, cup your hands to your nose and inhale - powerful and simple. Diffusing is also a great way to get benefits from the oils. 3. Internally dōTERRA is the ONLY brand of oil I would trust to use internally. Please do not assume it is okay to use any brand of oil internally as purity varies greatly. If safe for consumption, the bottle will clearly be labelled if it is approved for internal use. Once you are assured of quality, you can add one drop to your water or tea or diluted in an oil. I like any of the citrus oils for this as it helps me drink my daily recommendation of water. Please note that if you have a health condition or are taking medication, are pregnant or nursing, you need to do further research to ensure internal use of the oil is safe for your situation. As I mentioned, for our chakra work - aromatic or topical use are wonderful. Essential Oils are not new or novel. They have been in existence for thousands of years and have been health supporting agents for our ancestor’s ancestors! Essential oils contain constituents that will be recognized by our body systems and handled appropriately. Click here for recommended amounts. Click here to learn more about safety.


Your Chakras The quality of your life is dependent upon the quality of your energy. Our energy is connected to our emotions and beliefs we hold. An emotion is energy in motion. A way that a chakra can become imbalanced is because the energy flow to that chakra is impacted. Our energy runs along channels that align with our spine. Each chakra is situated along that channel. When one chakra is imbalanced, it is like blocking a stream of water. Everything that sits upstream to that blockage is affected by the lack of flow. This is why a block in one chakra can impact other chakras. It is thought that we draw in energy from the earth up through our feet and then our lower chakras. We also draw in energy from above through the crown chakra at the top of our head. The energies meet at the center where we draw in energy from our surroundings in our solar plexus. Our bodies have a natural resonance. This is like a specific tone that sings from your body. As we hold on to thoughts, beliefs, memories and emotions that do not align with our resonance, conflict within can occur. We store this conflict in the cells of our body and over time, this collection can grow and manifest as behaviors that do not serve us. The feelings and reactions that we can’t always explain are a good place to start with understanding the Chakras. They are somewhat subconscious responses. They can be behaviors we have worked to understand and change but have difficulty doing so. QUESTIONS 1)Do you have a behavior you have tried to shift but have been unable to? 2) When you tune in, is there a place in your body that you feel connects to this behavior?


Each chakra is thought to be connected with specific organs and endocrine glands in the body. QUESTION - Do you have a physical organ/endocrine that is imbalanced? If so, what chakra is it connected to?

Root Chakra

SO… WHAT DOES A BALANCED ROOT CHAKRA LOOK LIKE? -Groundedness -Physical Health -Being Comfortable In Your Body -A sense of safety and security-Stability -Right Livelihood -Prosperity -Ability to be still -Present in the moment 1) Do you feel un-grounded? 2) Do you avoid the feeling of being in your own body? Are you comfortable with your body? 3) Do you avoid (or are you weak in) dealing with work, home, or finances? 4) Are you preoccupied with your body with work, material comfort, eating, or security?

Oils that can assist include: Balance blend (grounding with earth) Vetiver (centered and present) Patchouli (connecting with your body) Myrrh (connecting with Earth) These oils are powerful and balancing can be very simple. The oils recommended are a starting point. If you find your intuition guiding you to other oils, please listen to that. It could be that you are being guided to work with other areas that need balancing first. You will select your oil and then diffuse it in your space or dilute and apply to your sacrum. 1 drop of essential oil to 1 tablespoon of fractionated coconut oil should be sufficient. Click here to download a meditation you can use as you balance this chakra.

Sacral Chakra

SO… WHAT DOES A BALANCED SACRAL CHAKRA LOOK LIKE? -Graceful Movements -Ability to embrace change -Emotional intelligence -Nurturing of self and others -Healthy boundaries -Ability to enjoy pleasure -Sexual satisfaction -Passion QUESTIONS: 1) Do you make room for pleasure in your life? 2) Do you honor your needs?

These are some oils that you can use to support your Sacral Chakra. Melaleuca or Tea Tree oil (releasing limitations) Wild Orange (abundance and manifesting) Juniper Berry (courage and self-awareness) Cardamom (release emotional distortions) This oil can be diffused or diluted and applied to your abdomen just below your navel. Click here to download a meditation you can use with the oil you choose to help balance your sacral chakra.

SO… WHAT DOES A BALANCED SOLAR PLEXUS LOOK LIKE? -Responsible, reliable -Good self discipline -A positive sense of self -Confident -Warm -Energetic -Spontaneous, playful, humorous -Able to take risks

Oils you can use to support your Solar Plexus chakra include: Melaleuca (energetic boundaries) DigestZen (digest life) Cypress (letting things flow) Ginger (Empowering self) You can diffuse one of these oils or apply to your abdomen at the center of the rib cage. Click here for a meditation you can download to use with your oil to balance your solar plexus chakra:

SO… WHAT DOES A BALANCED HEART CHAKRA LOOK LIKE? Caring Compassionate Empathetic Accepting Self-loving Peaceful Centered Content

Oils you can use: On Guard (protection) Lavender (communicating) Ylang Ylang (connecting) Lime (cleanses the heart) .

SO… WHAT DOES A BALANCED THROAT CHAKRA LOOK LIKE? -Resonant, full voice -Clear communication with others -Good communication with self -Good listener -Good sense of timing and rhythm -Lives life creatively Ask Yourself: 1) Do I speak my truth? 2) Am I a good listener? 3) Am I conscious of what I am saying to myself and to others? 4) Do I have trouble keeping secrets? 5) Do I know when not to say something?

The following oils can be used to help balance your throat chakra. Spearmint (clarity of thought and confident speech) Frankincense (reveals the truth) Lavender (communication from your heart) Ginger (empowering you) You can diffuse one or more of these oils or dilute 1 drop in 1 tbsp of fractionated coconut oil and apply to the back of your neck. As mentioned, Ginger is a hot oil so dilute with an additional tsp of oil to avoid skin sensitivity. Click here for a meditation you can download to use with your oil to balance your throat chakra.

SO… WHAT DOES A BALANCED THIRD EYE LOOK LIKE? -Strong intuition -Penetrating insight -Creative imagination -Good memory -Good dream recall -Ability to visualize -Has a guiding vision for life

OILS TO SUPPORT YOUR THIRD EYE Lemon (Focus) Clary Sage (Clarity & Vision) Peppermint (Inspiration) Cedarwood (Connection) You can diffuse one or more of these oils or dilute and apply topically in the center of your forehead, ensuring you are avoiding the eyes. Note: dilute Peppermint with an additonal tsp of oil to reduce skin sensitivity. For the third eye chakra - I like to place a drop of oil in my hands, rub them together and cup them over my nose and inhale for a minute or two. Click here to download a meditation you can use with your oil to balance your third eye chakra.

SO… WHAT DOES A BALANCED CROWN LOOK LIKE? -Spiritual connection -Wisdom and mastery -Intelligence, presence -Open mindedness, ability to question -Ability to assimilate and analyze information

OILS TO SUPPORT THE CROWN CHAKRA Frankincense (spiritual awakening) Melissa (receiving spiritual guidance) Sandalwood (commune with Source) DDR Prime (transformation) One or more of these powerful oils can be diffused or diluted with fractitionated coconut oil and applied to the top of your head. Note: dilute DDR Prime with an additional tsp of oil if using topically. Click here to download a meditation you can use with your oil to balance your crown chakra

Root Chakra Diffuser Blends

Sacral Chakra Diffuser Blends

Solar Plexus Chakra Diffuser Blends

Heart Chakra Diffuser Blends

Throat Chakra Diffuser Blends

Third Eye Chakra Diffuser Blends

Crown Chakra Diffuser Blends

Get Started

If you are wanting to learn more, keep in mind that setting up your doTERRA wholesale account with our community gives you access to these amazing benefits: • My Essential Oils for Wellness online course (over 30 lessons and a 161 page manual for your reference): real world value of $179 • Personalized support to ensure you are getting the best oils for your needs and getting the most from them: real world value $199 • Monthly contests and incentives where you can win FREE oils and prizes: real world value $40 x 12 = $480.00 • Ongoing education to empower you so you can confidently and effectively use essential oils (priceless) All that in addition to: • 25% off all products • Loyalty Rewards program where you can earn up to an additional 30% plus shipping back in free products. • Free oil of the month when you place a 125PV order Click here to get started.

Wholesale Membership A wholesale membership is like SAM'S or COSTCO: you pay a flat fee of $35 for the year and get to shop at a discount of 25% off. In addition to the annual fee, there is only one requirement for your wholesale membership. You must purchase one item during the year (no matter how big or small) to remain active. As a gift, at the end of your first year of membership, when you renew for $25, you will receive a free bottle of Peppermint Essential Oil (a $27 value).

REWARDS PROGRAM This is one of my favorite things! Each month, I decide what my family needs – whether it is some specific oils to help with concerns, things for our home like hand soap or laundry detergent – or self-care products like skin care or something from the Spa line ;). I place my order and my monthly wellness box is delivered straight to my door. In addition to how easy it is to have these amazing products delivered, you also get free product credits for monthly purchases ordered on the program. As a participant in the Rewards Program, you will immediately begin to earn product credits that can be used as cash to purchase essential oil products. The longer you participate, the more credits you can earn–up to 30% of your total monthly Rewards purchases (in addition to your 25% wholesale discount) plus all your shipping back in points. ADDITIONAL BENEFIT: Product of the Month One monthly Rewards order totaling 125 PV or more, that is scheduled to ship on or before the 15th of each month, will include a free product! Rewards Highlights • No-hassle, automatic shipment of the products you select in a monthly wellness box. • Receive up to 30% of the PV value of your monthly order • Use your product credits as cash to purchase products • Freedom to change your order up to your monthly ship date So, for example, I choose my oils and products at 25% wholesale, I also receive 30% plus all of my shipping back in reward points and because my order was 125PV I also get a free oil/product. Can you see how much savings there is here?

Sharing Naturally

Earning an income with essential oils can be EXTREMELY simple. When you set up your Wellness Advocate account, you receive a FREE website. This means that whenever your friends ask about essential oils that you can tell them they can order easily by going to your then make money when they purchase products. How simple is that? If you post on Facebook a picture of your oils and someone says they want some – you can send them to your website. You talk to a friend about the difference oils are making in your family’s health, they want some oils – you send them to your website. You give someone a sample of Peppermint for their head tension, they want more – you send them to your website. Easy! If you would like to take it to the next level, then you might consider becoming more active in earning income by holding IN-HOME or FACEBOOK CLASSES. Click here to see more information about this exciting opportunity.

Special Offer For details on kit options, please email or message me, and I’ll be glad to provide more information. This month only in the US and Canada, dōTERRA is offering 20% off the following kits. Note: In other countries there are other specials, please ask if you would like to learn more. This was the kit I began with and is one of the most popular kits. It includes the top 10 oils with an oil for each chakra as well as the beautiful petal diffuser. It includes: (15 mL unless otherwise noted) Frankincense Lavender Lemon Melaleuca Oregano Peppermint dōTERRA Breathe® Deep Blue® (5mL) DigestZen® dōTERRA OnGuard® OTHER PRODUCTS: Petal Diffuser dōTERRA Essentials Booklet And as a special thank-you for joining our doTERRA community, with this kit you will also receive a set of my Essential Oil Oracle Cards. This 78 card deck can be used to help you intuitively connect with the oils and the areas of concern you are working with. Please note: today (Friday Sept. 28) is the final day to receive these cards if you are considering getting started. Click here to get your kit and cards.