CFP - Middle English Literature

CFP | JUNE 2017 CALL FOR PAPERS – MIDDLE ENGLISH LITERARY WORKS The Literary Encyclopedia at is lookin

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CFP | JUNE 2017

CALL FOR PAPERS – MIDDLE ENGLISH LITERARY WORKS The Literary Encyclopedia at is looking for qualified writers to enhance its coverage of Middle English Literature. We are currently adding to the Encyclopedia’s range of major literary works themselves and a list of required entries is given below. The list below is not comprehensive or final, and new proposals of writers/works/context essays that are not currently listed in our database are also welcome. However, we will prioritize articles on writers and works frequently studied in university courses, and those that are highly topical and well-known. Given the variety of works that are needed, some being more ‘major’ or ‘canonical’ than others, the advisory word length for each entry will vary and guidance will be given when an offer of potential contribution is received.
 All offers of contribution should come accompanied by an up-to-date CV and, in the case of doctoral students who wish to offer a contribution, a short writing sample. Please also indicate in your offer for which work(s) you would be interested in writing an article. The overwhelming majority (about 90%) of our contributors are academic scholars, while the remaining percentage is made up of highly endorsed doctoral students and independent researchers. All contributions will be peer-reviewed. More detailed information on the Encyclopedia – including its publishing model, editorial policies, specific information for authors etc. – can be found on its homepage at, under the ABOUT tab. In order to explore the kinds of content we publish please log in using the casesensitive username 'SpringGuest2017' and the password 'derekwalcott'. We hope that you will wish to join us in this enterprise. If you wish to contribute, please contact one of the volume editors for Medieval and Early Modern England, Dr Jamie McKinstry ([email protected]); or the managing editor, Dr Cristina Sandru ([email protected]).

MIDDLE ENGLISH ROMANCES Havelok the Dane Sir Orfeo Chevelere Assigne Sir Cleges Guy of Warwick William of Palerne Ipomadon Ywain and Gawain Sir Launfal The Awyntyrs off Arthure The Weddyng of Sir Gawain and Dame Ragnell Gamelyn King Horn Lai le Fresne Floris and Blancheflour The Squire of Low Degree The Tournament of Tottenham Sir Gawain and the Carl of Carlyle The Sege of Melayne Emaré Octavian

CFP | JUNE 2017

Amis and Amiloun Bevis of Hamtoun Sir Degrevant Sir Degaré The Seige of Jerusalem


CHAUCERIAN WORKS The Knight’s Tale The Miller’s Tale The Reeve’s Tale The Man of Law’s Tale The Summoner’s Tale The Clerk’s Tale The Merchant’s Tale The Shipman’s Tale The Prioress’s Tale The Tale of Sir Thopas The Tale of Melibee The Monk’s Tale The Canon Yeoman’s Tale The Parson’s Tale The House of Fame Anelida and Arcite The Parliament of Fowls Boece The Short Poems A Treatise on the Astrolabe The Romaunt of the Rose

THOMAS HOCCLEVE The Series Minor Verse

THOMAS MALORY The Book of Sir Tristram de Lyones 

JOHN GOWER Vox Clamantis

JOHN LYDGATE The Floure of Curtsey Reason and Sensuality

CFP | JUNE 2017

A Complaynt of a Loveres Lyfe The Temple of Glas The Siege of Thebes Troy Book

OTHER SIGNIFICANT MIDDLE ENGLISH WORKS The Kingis Quair The Floure and the Leafe John Skelton’s Poetry Sixteen Revelations of Divine Love (Julian of Norwich) The Alliterative Morte Arthure The Stanzaic Morte Arthure The Owl and the Nightingale Mystery Plays Morality Plays Everyman Dame Sirith The Land of Cokaygne The Bestiary The Cloud of Unknowing Prik of Conscience Winner and Wastour Prose Merlin Layamon’s Brut Chronicon ex Chronicis MS Harley 2253 Middle English Lyrics The Mabinogion The Simonie The Cuckoo and the Nightingale The Two Ways The Testament of Love St Erkenwald Compound of Alchemy