C&F Collection

Date Posted: 2003/10/04 04:59:00 PM EDT Author: feminator Subject: Some collected C&F lines from ASF (long) C&F Lines **

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Date Posted: 2003/10/04 04:59:00 PM EDT Author: feminator Subject: Some collected C&F lines from ASF (long) C&F Lines ********************************************************************* If you are in a conversation and it fits in to say this, I suggest you try it. "I find that most girls think they're A LOT cuter than they really are." I actually said this line many times before I realized I was repeating it. The fact is, it comes from an actual belief I hold. I usually make the comment when the girl has said something along the lines of "I'm cute and I know it." The effects are instantaneous, and usually include the girl qualifying herself to you, asking what your type is, what kind of girls you've dated, etc. ********************************************************************* Dr.J: (being sarcastic; something about thinking about her all day long) HB: Yeah, i thought about you too today...for about 5 seconds... Dr.J: You had an orgasm THAT FAST...WOW!! ********************************************************************* Dr.J: Yeah, i have to drink (alcohol) when im around you. (I like this because shes thinking that i have to have beer goggles on in order for me to talk to her. so its kind of a neg at first) HB: REALLY!? Dr.J: Yeah, you make me nervous. (By saying this she thinks that im in love with her) HB: Really?? You get nervous around me?? Dr.J: Yeah. HB: whys that? Dr.J: Because im constantly afraid of you trying to jump my bones. :D ********************************************************************* I don't know if this has been mentioned anywhere, or even if I got it from someone else. This is generally for casual daytime sarging, or if you need to transition into an SOI from an encounter that may not yet have sexual overtones. Early on (somewhere between five and 15 minutes of talking to someone I just met at a party or in the street or on a plane or whereever, I wait until they say something that can be perceived as a negative trait about them, and then I say, as I pretend like I'm writing on my hand, "Note to self: Do not date this girl." If there has not been any kind of SOI previously, you can see their whole expression change. First, they see that you WERE interested. Then they see that you are disqualifying them. Even though it's jokingly doing so. It changes the whole tone of conversation in a great way that gives you the power as the person doing the screening. Example (from recent airplane #close with icy HB9): HB: I think too much sometimes. I can't help it. Style: Note to self--"do not date this girl" HB: (laughs, blushes, and finally relaxes) You're right--I do start picking apart little things in a relationship for no reason. ********************************************************************* And this one is an even bigger mysteryl. But I find that if I'm able to slip in the phrase "I CAN'T HELP IT, MY MOTHER RAISED ME WELL" somewhere, in the right tone, it is gold. I have no idea why, especially when it is accompanied by a physical act that is somewhat gentleman-ly or well-mannered. Example:

At a meeting, a woman walked in the room late. I stood up as she walked in, to shake her hand and introduce myself. HB: You don't have to stand up. Style: I can't help it. My mother raised me well. ********************************************************************* Friend 1: "My lips are chap, do you have any chapstick?" Friend 2: "Sorry, not on me." HB Asian: "I got some in my purse." (looking for it and pulls it out and gives it to Friend 1). Nilatak: "Hey, don't use that chapstick! She has cutties." (funny neg) HB Asian: (looks back *shocked*) Friend 1: "How do you know?" Nilatak: (with matter of fact look on face) "I saw her in the clubs." (then with shocked look) "She kisses boys." (then index finger waving like someone is being bad) "She's a bad girl." (I saw her in a club with some guy once, she was kissing him) HB Asian: "That was my boyfriend." Nilatak: (disbelieving look) "Yeah, that's what they all say...naughty girl!" HB Asian: ...DDB look... ********************************************************************* HB is just standing Nilatak: "Hey, can you do me a favor?" HB: "Sure/Huh?/Maybe/No" (only one that won't work is no) Nilatak: "Come closer, closer, no too far, go back a little, to the right, perfect!" When she stops she will be diagonally to the right of me, providing my lazy ass with shade. I think this makes a great neg and gives great shade. She may laugh or think I'm an asshole, but if she moves I'm just gonna open up the can of cocky and funny. I'll test it if I get the opportunity. Maybe it's too cocky...he he ;) Comments ********************************************************************* "Why dont u have a g/f"...or "Why dont u date" A: Because all the girls who I thought really cared about me have just been perverted size queens and Im not gonna have any woman treating me like Im just a piece of meat. ********************************************************************* After or during a kiss: If she used tounge: "Not tounge...Not yet..." During kiss: Use fingers to push her chin back until seperation and say "Did I say you could kiss me???" ********************************************************************* If she repeatedly touches you: "Damn girl....You are really touchy feely" If she says "Sorry": U say: "For what? ("For being touchy feely"). *Laugh* "I never said it was a bad thing...Just keep your hands away from my crotch and my ass and we'll be okay..." *Smile* If she says anything like "I know, do u like it?" U say: I dunno, it depends on the girl.... Or You say: Ya know, it amazes me that even though you've been touching me alot, you've missed where I'm itching over and over again!" *Smile* *Point to where she should itch* (Makes it seem like she is trying to touch you (She is the pursuer) and a direct command is in there) ********************************************************************* During hand holding or hand touching: U say:[Feeling her hand] Wow. You have soft hands. I bet you don't even do the dishes, huh? ********************************************************************* If the conversation stalls, say "Say something interesting" or "Entertain me" (with smile)

********************************************************************* If they're not comfortable talking about sex, say "I thought I'm talking to grownups here." (notice the busting balls elements here?) ********************************************************************* If she snaps for whatever reason, laugh and say "oh that's so cute" ********************************************************************* If she's overwhelmed with you and says "You're not gonna get lucky" say "I am lucky" :) ********************************************************************* Shittest: if she asks ",do you like me?" answer "I know you like me. That's obvious." ********************************************************************* Shittest: "I don't have sex on the first date," answer "Why are you bringing up sex so soon? frustrated? And anyways...Whoever said you were gonna get a second date??? (see the busting balls and cockiness here?) [David D.] ********************************************************************* Boring questions: if she asks "what do you do" or "how is your family", say something like : a) "I'm an assmodel. Today is my day off so I decided to sit my ass down for a while" "I'm a homeless bum who just turned into porn star" "I come from a disbanded black/white/asian family, and now live by myself " ********************************************************************* In a bookstore (my favorite): Classics: "Who are you kidding? Nobody actually reads this stuff! We just put it on our walls to look smart. If this some ploy to meet guys its not going to... it's um... not... um... Hi. I'm Giles." ********************************************************************* Alone sitting in library(or anywhere else): U say:"How come you're here all alone and everyone else is way over there? Did you fart or something?" ********************************************************************* Alluding to the fact that you've got a big dick: Me:blablablbabla, Im hung...Shit, it was so big I decided to measure it... Her: hahaha..you did? What was the measurment? Me:*Bring mouth to her ear and whisper* That depends on how much you can take in...*Back off and wink* ********************************************************************* Her: What type of girls do you like? Me: I like the females who arn't afraid to go after what they want and who are real...Like females who are really in touch w/ their inner self and confident enough not to care what others think of them. [that's not C&F] ********************************************************************* Me: Do you all recognize me??? No? I am a celebrity. HB: No you are not? Where should we have seen you? Me: (With enthusiasm) I am the ass model stunt double for the Celvin Klein models...my ass is on tv for a full three seconds. HB: Show me! (never fails!) ********************************************************************* Her: How are you? Me: I'm seated, how are you? [put in anything you want] ********************************************************************* After she makes a stupid comment: [with serious look] "Hey you haven't been eating those retard sandwiches again have you?" ********************************************************************* After she compliments you or tells you you're mean or anything: "I'm just

giving the public what they want" ********************************************************************* If she gives even the slightest IOI: "Geez, I've only known you for five minutes and already you're hitting on me. That has to be a new record......[dramatic pause].....Most girls only need a few seconds to see my devastating charm." ********************************************************************* At gas station if there is a hot chick pumping gas next to you: "Hey sweetie fill her up.....and check the oil while you are at it." as if she works there. great opener but rare to find a good opportunity. ********************************************************************* Non-verbal C&F: Mirror her then EXAGGERATE some part of what she's doing that sticks out or seems even slightly unnatural. You dont even have to say a word. I've been doing this alot lately with great success.....make sure it's playful. ********************************************************************* Perceive everything as an IOI. This alone will open up unlimited possibilities of C&F. ********************************************************************* Opener: Are you Shy or something? Her: No, why, wtf? Me: Because I've been standing here for five minutes and you haven't introduced yourself to me. ********************************************************************* To hot bartender, after you've asked her name: You know if you pour me the perfect drink I'll never forget you Her: haha Ok what do you want Me: [tell her and she goes to get it] Now when she brings it back, of course it is not good enough Then start busting on her like "This drink is terrible" or other C&F shit. Later on when she tries to talk to you be like "Who the hell are you?" and bust her balls about the shitty drink. ********************************************************************* Me: "Finally! I get to meet someone as sexy as me." ********************************************************************* Me: "I think I'm in love...(pause)" HB: "Really?" or "I'm not." or "I don't feel the same way." Me: "Oh, you thought I meant with you?...ha ha..." (then look at another HB with love struck eyes) ********************************************************************* HB: "I like you, you make me laugh." Me: "I can also make you scream. ;)" (good for GM style) ********************************************************************* Me: "Touch me." HB: (she touches me, if it's anywhere but the crotch) Me: "Whoaaaow there! I didn't mean like that." If she touches the crotch then, "I like the way you think." ********************************************************************* Me: "I'm a sex god...touch me!" HB: (touches me) Me: "So, how was the orgasm?" HB: "I didn't have one." Me: "Let's work on that ;)" (good for GM style) ********************************************************************* If a hot babe is wearing a weird outfit Me: "Awwww that's so cute...(pause)...your mommy dressed you up today." ********************************************************************* Me: "I made my friend's horse laugh and then cry." HB: "How?" Me: "First I told him I had a bigger dick...(pause)...then I showed him." (good for GM style)

********************************************************************* Me: touch her HB: resisits or pushes away Me: "Don't fight it, you can't resist me, I'm a sex symbol." (then rub your chest with both arms in exagerated fashion) ********************************************************************* Me: "Do you dress nice everyday...Or are you just trying to impress me?" ********************************************************************* If a girl give a compliment Me: Thanx, that's really sweet. Most girls just give me compliments to try to get in my pants...(pause and display a questioning facial expression)...Hey! I'm on to your little game missy!" ********************************************************************* When gettting eye contact for long time you have to be bold for these Me: "Stop looking at me, you are going to get too horny." (I got a make out with a stripper doing this.) or "Careful, don't fall in love." ********************************************************************* Borefriend Me: "Yeah, most girls will settle for less." or "...And another one's down...another one bites the dust." or "He's pussy whipped isn't he, come on you can tell me..." ********************************************************************* "So what's with The Osbournes being MTV's #1 show of all time? I guess people just can't get enough of dysfunctional family life... they have to watch it on TV too." ********************************************************************* "I'm so bummed that Justin broke up with Britney. They were so damn cute together. I was hoping that they'd have a daughter with fake blonde hair & breast implants at birth." ********************************************************************* "Have you tuned into this "Cheaters" TV show? Don't you love it when they come storming into someone's house & catch the wife in bed with another guy on national TV?" ********************************************************************* History. stories about history of places. tell her story of how area came to be named, or why city was built where it is. story can involve tale of love and/or scandal. ********************************************************************* Anything superficial, classy, and basically meaningless. fashion. make fun of it while acting like you know what you're talking about. "Didn't Madonna really screw up the fashion world with this whole over-the-top fake cowboy look thing?" ********************************************************************* Comedy Psychological Analysis. give wild perspective on others. "You know, I've been trying to figure out why so many people these days are going postal & shooting everyone. I think it might be all the NSYNC, Britney Spears & BSB on the radio." ********************************************************************* WOMEN tend to LOVE: Drama, Conflict, Romance & Famous people in their lives. Find an interesting-looking group of people & guess what's going on. Look around you & find couple sitting at table that looks like they're on date. start making fun of how guy acting, how he's dressed, his posture, etc. Talk about how girl thinks he dork & how he not getting any no matter how many compliments gives her. ********************************************************************* Make fun of someone famous. Talk about how super model too skinny, or how Ozzy killed all brain cells & that shame he on TV broadcasting to millions of viewers. Make fun Mariah Carey for gaining weight, being put in loony bin & making sucky movie. read gossip magazines to get stuff make fun of.

********************************************************************* Talk about other people's love lives. Talk about problems that others are going through when comes love & romance, then volunteer completely ridiculous theories about what going on. Mention friend you had who broke up with GF because she gained weight, then after you've told story, make up random theory about how women who gain weight are actually lesbians. But make sure it's funny, whatever you invent. bust on her if she asks boring questions/ fluff talk when necessary take break & GIVE UP sarging temporarily. ********************************************************************* Tell her that she walks slower than your mom ********************************************************************* Tell her that she too uptight & needs settle down because it's annoying, then rub her shoulders. ********************************************************************* Give her a hard time about her driving, then kiss her. ********************************************************************* -RERAMING: "OK, do you have a car? Good, because my lease just ended & I'm between cars... & a woman without a car just isn't an option for me." -reframe & make it funny & qualification that she has meet. - should get your # too in case your email is down. ********************************************************************* Talk about times you're busy before talking about times you're available. - making plans get together. instead of saying "How about tomorrow at 3?" smart guy says "Let's see, I'm busy tomorrow morning and the next day. And I'm going out of town this weekend... But I can do it tomorrow at 3." ********************************************************************* Leave her alone once in awhile when you're out together. -when shopping instead of sticking beside girl entire time walk away from her into different part of the store once in awhile & let her come find you. communicates that confident & independent, do what you want with your life & don't need stay by her side every second to get her approval." ********************************************************************* send mixed messages. keep tension up. back off then use c&f again. ANTICIPATION ********************************************************************* ask "Hey, are you single?" If she says "No, I have a boyfriend", then say "Are you tired of him yet?" or something else funny. If she pauses, just say "I'll take that as a yes... do you have email?" ********************************************************************* "where did you get these questions? from the how to bore guys manual???" ********************************************************************* "what do I do? I'm a human clonist.. I clone humans.. yep, in my shed out back my house" ********************************************************************* "how old am I? guess.. nope, I'm 95.. I'm serious. (look DEAD SERIOUS).. hey look at that (point at something stupid..) you're not looking! LOOK!" ********************************************************************* (to any old question) "you don't wanna know.. I'm a badboy.. its a good thing you're not living at home, cause your parents wouldn't let you talk to me.." ********************************************************************* or Mys' old "yeah, actually I'm 3.. I crawled out of my crib, stole my big brother's ID, and got in here.. can somebody find me some diapers?!?!?!?!? (look around frantically" ********************************************************************* So u act surprised she hasn't brought you flowers, u accuse her of moving too fast&staring at your butt,wanting you for her sexual pleasure, thinking of you as her giggolo

********************************************************************* When driving to fast: "If we go any faster we'll travel back in time" ********************************************************************* When observing or describing a freaky huge body builder: "This guy was fucken huge.. I mean, people are staring at him like he just stepped of the mother ship." ********************************************************************* When observing one of your guy friends doing some detailed work to his house or cooking: "Martha Stewart over here..." ********************************************************************* When observing a funny piece of shit car: "I'm just waiting for that car to burst into flames" ********************************************************************* In a non-bar environment, I can get a laugh saying something outrageous. I'll ask the new girls at the campus gym for vodka on the rocks or a Bud when they ask what they can give me (I'd say a blowjob, but I don't want to get kicked out of school). The smarter ones get it, the dumber ones...well, they're dumb, make Dawson's Creek joke or some shit. Or you'll say to a girl in a bookstore, "I don't know about you, but I think this bar sucks." Or a girl who's studying in a coffee shop, when she looks up and smiles at you..."You know, the bouncer here told me if you keep raising Cain like that, he's going to kick you on out." I've wanted to try this one, but I'm still chickenshit to approach girls in bars...find a place that's loud, crowded, and smoky..."I really wish all these people would shut up, I'm TRYING to study!" or "I love these quiet, romantic places, don't you?" ********************************************************************* To one of those guys that wears his pants lower than his underwear... 'I see London I see France I see someones underpants'! ( an oldie but she'll probably remember it from her school days and laugh)OR "If those pants were any lower they'd be socks"! OR "He must be a plumber in training" or (on his day off)! ********************************************************************* I like to sit in the park/zoo/cafe or wherever we are and I tell her I can read ppl's minds or tell what they are saying as they walk by.. it's a sure way to get most girls to laugh. Unless she has no sense of humor at all. I just observe the ppl and say something off the wall depending on how they walk or what they are doing or how they are dressed... Example: A guy on a cell phone: I'd say maybe "ok this guy is saying 'Mommy? Im lost can you come and get me'? Next lady with blue hair.. "she's thinking: 'I hope my blue cat stays asleep until I get home!'Pretty corny stuff but they get into it. Pretty soon she'll be looking for the next guy and asking you what he's saying. Then they try, then it's your turn to laugh. ********************************************************************* Sports: "Hey, what are you doing? This is guy turf, no chicks allowed! Is nothing sacred anymore?" ********************************************************************* Cuisine: "Oh, very clever. I see through your little scam-- standing here pretending you can cook and just waiting for guys to notice you, like we're so superficial that... (look away thoughtfully for a second, then right into her eyes with a FLAT expression)... how are you at Italian?" ********************************************************************* "Oh sorry, am I in your way? No? (stepping in front of her with exaggerated movements and a big grin) How about now?" ********************************************************************* if she taps you for being funny, say "i know you really have the hots for me but can you try calming hormones down please?" most chicks with good sense of humor/playfulness or with HSE will take this joke and laugh like crazy...the chicks with low self esteem will eject...i once did this kind of comment to a

chick who was holding my hand the whole time we were shaking and wouldn't let it go...so i commented something "can u try to stop touching my hand so much?" but she immediately ejected after that...so be cautious...there's a fine line between being RUDE and COCKY/FUNNY...also depends on teh chick you are doing on...most fun and playful chicks will love it...and the boring chicks will take it seriously and leave...but that's a great way to SCREEN the boring serious girls out of your way... ********************************************************************* To deliver most of the C&F lines you have to be *reacting* to what she has said, like for example, she says, "I like your shirt" and you go "Do you want to take it off me then" or "wow you want to marry me already... I don't even know you yet". ********************************************************************* ME: What's your name? HB: Buy me a drink and I'll tell you. ME: [Laughing at her] I only buy drinks for girls who have already kissed me passionately. HB: [Kisses me lightly on the neck] It's OK, you don't have to buy me a drink. My name's HB. [Exchange introductions] ********************************************************************* like "did you hear about that new club? i´d take you there with me... though i don´t know if you´d get in. i mean when the guy at the door sees *ME* (push your nose in the air, make a snobbish facial expression) he´ll forward me right in, but i´m not so sure if *you* would get in ;~D. i mean, EVERYONE that sees me likes me... it must be my vibe... aaaahhh who am i kidding, it´s just cause i look so daaaamn HOT :D. i mean when i just look down on me i can barely restrict myself ;~D (take two fingers of each hand (it should look like as if you´d form a gun with your hand) and massage your nipples, laugh)... do you think they i´d get some ice here for my nipples ;~D ? hahahaha etc. etc." ********************************************************************* bragging is ONE thing you can do, for example i would use this with listeners. i have no problems about bragging about myself for HOURS cause i really believe in what i say. i find myself very hot, i AM the best choice any women could possibly EVER make etc. :)! i have "i´m the prize" completely internalized. another thing to do (with talkers for example) is to take informations she gives you and spin a theoretical future paced story around it that involves SEX somehow, but in a funny way. me: "so, you want to be a politician when you grow up?" her: "that would be cool, i heard they don´t have to pay for drinks and stuff in bars when they go out :)" me: "yeah, but then you couldn´t go in places like this any more :( ... well probably with some bodyguards ;~D! and then you´ll run around with like 3 guys sourrounding you with black suits and mics in their ears that get drinks for you and stuff. and of course you would chose your bodyguards PURELY on looks ;~D her: *laughing* "of COURSE!!" me: "you know, that works just like in those marriage magazines where people can chose men and women for marriage, you get pictures and desriptions, of course only only the important ones like body fat percentage, dick size, duration, etc. and then you can make your choice ;~D! and when you´ll be interviewed and you´ll be asked why you did become a politician you´ll tell em "because of that damn yummy bodyguards that come with the job" hahaha ;~D" ********************************************************************* One bad side effect I currently get from C&F is that the chick stops taking me seriously after a while. It gets to a point where when I ask a valid question etc she'll just give some stupid or disrespectful answer... in line with the frame I have set of course. It's almost like your playfulness also gives her the right to act

disrespectful towards you. you have to make distinction between her being PLAYFUL/TEASING you (=stepping in your frame) and her being DISRESPECTFUL. think about that! *********************************************************************How do you guys balance the C&F thing with being taken seriously and maintaining respect in the target? you have to state break her at some point. to achieve this, i usually change *my* state, but not from one second to the other, but slooow, in a more "fluid" way. like you reduce the cocky/funny slowly over time and get into more serious topics step by step and also throw in less and less of that cocky/funny attitude and be more serious step by step. it is hard to explain, you have to find your own timing with this. Just remember, step by step. this is a crucial step, cause as rio pointed out once, "chicks don´t fuck clowns"! ********************************************************************* Shittest: "You suck", answer with sly smile "glad you like it." ********************************************************************* "what are you looking at?" (If they caught you looking at their tits), say "shsst, I'm not done yet" and keep looking at her tits with curious look (for a while). ********************************************************************* (my favorite one): If she says something like "I'm gonna go to bed", say "hello, I just met you" (the key is tuning her comments as sexual, and ACCUSING her for it) ********************************************************************* Potential flake: She says "Sorry, I got plans tomorrow", say "Cancel it! I'm more fun than whatever you're doing." If she keeps resisting, just say "alright, I'll call you later, bye" (don't persist too much) But if she does agree to come, make sure you got your props prepared, such as tarot cards, palm reading etc. ********************************************************************* Shittest: She gets mad, "You never tell me anything!", smile and say "Glad you like it." ********************************************************************* Visualization (scene by scene, as if you expect the worst outcome and be comfortable with it). ********************************************************************* yaritai said: I was just thinking about this and I don't know if David D has actually pointed it out or not, but I will. The common thinking, which I'm sure is right on the money, is that being cocky and funny shows her that you're not scared or intimidated into playing the supplication role with her. That you feel comfortable enough to bust her balls, so you're not scared of losing her enough to change your behavior to what most guys guess is 'acceptable' and 'desireable' for chicks. That, plus the simple fact that being cocky and funny is a hell of a lot more fun for the chick (and you)!!! But in addition to all of this, on a deeper level, and perhaps just as importantly, I think there's another reason why it works. Think about it. WHO are you usually cocky and funny with? Who do you tease? Who do you insult (jokingly)? Who do you give a hard time to? The answer is: people you are quite close to and have a good solid relationship with. There must be some deep psychological shit going on in her that says, "if he's acting like this (a way that people only act with their closest of friends, family, gfs, etc.) then we must be quite close!" Click, whirrrr... swinggcat said: Well your almost right The cocky/funny frame that David implements mostly works

because he is reversing the frame on them. In other words, he becomes the hot chick and they become the horny pervert. David D. got this from Rick H. and Rick is very good at this trust me, I have seen him in action. Let me give you an example of some of the things that have worked well for me. Find the most crowded place in the bar/club; that is, position yourself in an area where people are forced to bump into you. Next, stick out your elbow when a hot girl walks by. Then, after she has bumped into you say, Ow!! You hurt me . You will have her attention by this point. She will probably be both laughing and apologizing for what she perceives to be her clumsiness. Now say, you were the one who grabbed my ass earlier, weren t you?! Now half the time they will grab your ass. If they do (or even if they don t), follow up by saying something along the lines of this: You are trying to get fresh with me and you don t even introduce yourself, what s up with that? At this point the two of you are now friends. Now all of this stuff works best when you have the girls laughing their little butts off. I have many more examples but my fingers are getting tired. If you want more examples of how to do this, do a search for some old GM posts.

Example from Saturday night at a very crowded night club. I was trying to make my way to the bar to order a drink and was just about there, when a girl tapped me on the shoulder. She was hot, hot, hot and she was with two hot, hot, hot friends. HER: (smiling sweetly) Hey, I think you should let me and my friends go ahead of you because today is my birthday! ME: (smiling even more sweetly) Wow! Really? That's weird because today is my birthday too! HER: Really? No, I don't believe you. What's you sign? ME: Um, let's see. Gemini? Scorpio? Leo? Capricorn? HER: (smiling and wagging her finger at me) I knew it! It's not your birthday! ME: (acting like I just got caught) Awright, you caught me. I am lying. It's not my birthday. HER: Hee hee, well guess what. It's not my birthday today either. It's really tomorrow. But we're celebrating today. So, now you HAVE to let us go ahead of you to the bar. ME: Fuck that! You lied to me about your birthday! HER: But so did you! ME: (big smile) Yeah, but you lied first. Then I turned around and ordered my drink. As I was walking away, I said, "Seeya later, birthday girl". Heh, they followed me around all night. ********************************************************************* I was just thinking about this and I don't know if David D has actually pointed it out or not, but I will. The common thinking, which I'm sure is right on the

money, is that being cocky and funny shows her that you're not scared or intimidated into playing the supplication role with her. That you feel comfortable enough to bust her balls, so you're not scared of losing her enough to change your behavior to what most guys guess is 'acceptable' and 'desireable' for chicks. That, plus the simple fact that being cocky and funny is a hell of a lot more fun for the chick (and you)!!! But in addition to all of this, on a deeper level, and perhaps just as importantly, I think there's another reason why it works. Think about it. WHO are you usually cocky and funny with? Who do you tease? Who do you insult (jokingly)? Who do you give a hard time to? The answer is: people you are quite close to and have a good solid relationship with. There must be some deep psychological shit going on in her that says, "if he's acting like this (a way that people only act with their closest of friends, family, gfs, etc.) then we must be quite close!" Click, whirrrr... ********************************************************************* As she passes by.."Did you fart....that's disgusting..." "You seem to be "intimidated" when you are around me...I just need to ask this...haven't you ever seen a good looking guy before like me...?" ********************************************************************* Cocky-funny library. Date #1 (blind): I show up at the cafe just as she has received her coffee drink. Me: "So where's MY double decaf latte? What kind of date are you!" She laughs and we're off to a good start. I keep it up, and next day I get an email expressing strong interest to get together again. Another date #1, walking back to the car. Me: "So have you had a boyfriend recently?" She: "I don't know..." Me: "You don't know!? If you have had a boyfriend!? Just how old are you?" She chuckles and walks closer to me, bumping into me several times. I kiss close. ********************************************************************* At the company coffee machine, I bump into a cute sales girl I barely know. Me: "So how's your day?" She: Oh, okay. Me: "That sounds like about 4 on a scale from 1 to 10!" She chuckles and we are suddenly chatting. ********************************************************************* "[Nonverbal communication] fits within the three-part breakdown Albert Mehrabian [Nonverbal Communication (Chicago: Aldine-Atherton, 1972)] found in his research. Mehrabian found that only about 7 percent of the emotional meaning of a message is communicated through explicit verbal channels. About 38 percent is communicated by paralanguage, which is basically the use of the voice. About 55 percent comes through nonverbal, which includes such things as gesture, posture, facial expression, etc. It is behavior other than spoken or written communication that creates or represents meaning." The short of it is this: words make up 7% of the emotional meaning of *any* communication. The other 93% is attitude, pure and simple. If you don't have the attitude, you don't have nothing. Attitude (nonverbals and paralanguage combined) are over THIRTEEN times as significant as words are. ********************************************************************* ME: LETS GO TO THAT PLACE OR WHATEVER.... SHE: OK LET'S DO IT ME: LET'S DO IT??? YOU MEAN RIGHT HERE??? JA JA NO THANKS I'D RATHER GO TO THAT PLACE ( I LOVE THIS LOVE IT LOVE IT) *********************************************************************

"Will you *please* stop following me around?" ********************************************************************* A month ago I wrote about how I intended to improve my vibe by calling chicks sluts etc. to myself whenever I saw a woman for the entire month of March. Well, it worked. My self assurance went way up. After that, I revisited the cocky/funny attitude and life is a hell of a lot more fun. Now, when I spot a chick I look for something I can give her shit about and go from there. You can't be mean, of course, but tease them. Two out of three will giggle and love it. I've noticed the chicks who don't like it are either bitches or just dumb. Therefore, it screens them instantly. Example: Two young devotchkuz at the jukebox. I get behind them and say they better haved picked something good! They ask me what's good and I say I don't know but I'll tell 'em if it's crap. They start gushing because they have two afc borefriends ten feet away at their table and they finally are talking to someone who is fun. I fucked up in not following up with them, as the guys were right there and the girls' reaction was even more positive than I'd figured. Example 2: Today at my NLP class I @closed a hb10 fitness trainer. Earlier, when she said she had stopped taking clients because of fatigue I added "and now you've totally fallen apart." She ate it up. I also made sure I mirror and matched her all day from across the room. In THE ART of WAR, it says you should attack the enemy's strategy. And a good General makes the indirect route direct. And that is what David Shade, Juggler, Rio and the other PUA'S have hit upon time and again. The chicks have well-built routines and defenses against afc behaviors. But against a strategy they aren't used to, they are vunerable to attack because they didn't get their castle stormed where, when and how they are repeatedly accustomed. This creates confusion and an awareness of their own vunerabilty, which in turn, creates a sense of excitement and adventure. THE ART of WAR then states that once defenses are weary, spread, and thin, the apt General can concentrate all his forces one one weak area and the castle(figuratively) will fall. You see, while she is confused and excited she will expose her weakness and the PUA who has been a keen observer of her reactions to his various tests and diversions and has conserved his energies can the exploit his advantage to the fullest and attack her weakness. ********************************************************************* a girl walking towards you TRESWWW: i don't know how you resist so long to come to me!!! by the face of the people overthere, you've farted really bad!! ********************************************************************* a girl sitting down ------TRESWWW: I know you expect me to come here and rest... but i'm not that easy!! :-) Are you sure you want to sit here? last person who did is now crazy about me!! :-) ********************************************************************* a girl studying or reading TRESWWW: You cannot hide your pleisures... so stop acting like you dont' see me :-) Don't know how you can keep your eyes in your book... when i'm just here behind you!! ********************************************************************* Me : Aw, c'mon, you're not going to look at that book all *day*? HBStudious: Sorry? Me : I've seen your eyes sidling up to look at me (crease face into smile,

slightly accusing tone) HBStudious: What? (confused) Me : (Playfully) I've seen those furtive sidelong glances. (jokey) HBStudious: I haven't been looking at you! Me : Aw, c'mon. I know you've sneaked a look. (even more jokey) HBStudious: I haven't! (beginning to laugh) ********************************************************************* i developed an exteme love for all my targets. then when i talk hyper-arrogant, it's so funny because i have this loving aura surrounding me. examples me: how many times have you been fucked in the ass yet? her: hahahahaha, not at all yet me: DAMN this bitch makes me horny... makes me wanna... [drool] ...and... [scratch balls] her: hahahahaha ********************************************************************* I was working today driving a petty cab bike in downtown San Diego. Now this is a great way to interact with chicks. But today, I think I had a great sarge in terms of pure cocky funny. I was next to the street and saw this cute HB8 standing around waiting for her friend. So I said u ready for a ride? She said no because it was right down the street so I said alright it will be a one dollar ride we ll go all the way around 4th street and come around 5th to go to TGIF. I then said one dollar per person and she was became hesitant as she said I bet you there s a trick see one dollar PER person haha Then I keep telling her how great it would be and then she discusses with her friend and they decide to get on my petty cab bike. So once they get in the cab, I tell them you guys are cool cuz you guys are adventurous other people are like no! I don t want to waste a dollar! and this got the interaction being light and playful. I give them a fun ride swirling left and right on the street and when I was peddling, I said okay now STOP staring at my ass I ain t no ass model! The HB8 was laughing really hard and she even said things like I m so glad you asked us to give us a ride! Then as we turned towards to TGIF (where they wanted to go eat), HB8 said to me don t you want to go around again? I m having so much fun trying to suggest that we spend more time having fun and I was like what u ready to get out of here ready to go to my place? and she laughed even more! So I said for a dollar!? Hell no! This is the hardest dollar ride I ever had in my life! So I agreed to go another round around the streets doing crazy swerves around the street while yelling like I was in a party. She then even said to her friend I like this guy! And then she even touched me when I joked about something and I said hands off the merchandise! They didn t respond so I kept going saying That shit ain t for free that s gonna cost you 5 bucks! and the chicks especially HB8 started laughing saying that she liked me. Then since I was going really fast driving the bike, she asked me if some of my customers fell and I told her that I actually one girl actually fell and she was really angry at me. They continued to laugh at my stories from riding the bikes. Then we got to TGIF. HB8 wanted to see me again asking me questions like So are you going be here later tonight? Can you give us a ride again? I suggested that I give her my cell phone number so that she can call me after she had dinner with her HB7 friend. I didn t get to do phase shifting because of the time limit. She did ask for my name and we introduced each other. Her name was Jen. They ended up giving me like 10 bucks tip so that was great and I was like wow I really appreciate this I feel like a stripper! and the chicks laughed even more.

Surprisingly, she didn t call me later that night to get a ride. She still has my number cuz I was there when she was punching my number on her cell phone. It was just a good feeling having a girl totally crack up and give big time IOIs like I like this guy! and I m so glad you came up and asked us for a ride! The attraction was definitely there even though it was only for like 10 minutes. Hope she calls me and we can set up a time to meet but who knows. I also heard that pure cocky funny causes a lot of flakes too despite there being attraction. But I think this sarge was my best pure cocky funny sarge because the frame was me being the center of attention. Whenever I drive bikes, I am in the frame of a fun guy entertaining these girls, tourists, and everyone but it was also nice to put in cocky funny comments in the interaction. I will keep you guys posted! That was a great feeling seeing the power of Cocky/Funny I only wish my results were always consistent like this to the point where you know the chick is TOTALLY attracted to you those will be the great days ********************************************************************* ME: how old are you? HER: X ME: oh, you're too old. I don't think this relationships going to work out. HER: (if she's not already laughing at this point) how old are you? ME: 435 ********************************************************************* "I think this cowgirl wants to ride" -MISINTERPRETATION of something she said (high-five your wingman, maybe after kiss-game) "That's the most romantic thing that anyone has ever said to me" (after something lame, like "you can have a 50% discount") ********************************************************************* "I'm the bell of the ball" (after any compliment on your clothes) ********************************************************************* "oh man, my neck is killing me.. feel's like someone stuck a knife in it... would you mind?" ********************************************************************* http://www.fastseduction.com/cgi-bin/search.cgi?action=retrieve&grp=5&mn=1065603 242105567 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------David DeAngelo: Nice shoes What's the deal with those?... Are you like about 4 feet or something. [shit eating grin] ********************************************************************* David DeAngelo: What s the problem are you having getting men tonight? Because (change tone to ghetto chick tonality) look at this fine thing (sp) look at the ass on this one. ********************************************************************* David DeAngelo: This shit aint free (when being touched by HB). ********************************************************************* David DeAngelo: If music in background and talking to HB say: "That was 2 songs that ll be $20 please." *********************************************************************

David DeAngelo: I didn t know Rolex made plastic watches. ********************************************************************* David DeAngelo: That s a nice shirt .Did you buy that new? ********************************************************************* David DeAngelo: [if someone bumps you] Excuse me, did you just grab me ass? [she: NO] Damn. ********************************************************************* David DeAngelo: I could marry like you .I would divorce you in half a week and take half your money. [if she is classy] ********************************************************************* David DeAngelo: [after woman compliments you] Can t you come up with something more original to say. ********************************************************************* David DeAngelo: What ? Aren t you going to open the door for me? ********************************************************************* David DeAngelo: (if you tell joke and HB doesn t laugh) Say: What s your problem? Then .laugh at her. ********************************************************************* David DeAngelo: If HB lifts up shirt: I thought you were really attractive, but now that I see that part of you, I realize you really got a lot of work to do. ********************************************************************* David DeAngelo: [she talks about sex] Ahhh. That is so embarrassing. ********************************************************************* David DeAngelo: [on her expensive things] Oh. It s amazing what you can find in a cracker jack box now a days. ********************************************************************* David DeAngelo: [do you think men understand women: she says no] respond with lesbian comment : You know, if I could only understand my inner lesbian it would really help me bridge the gap but I d spend so much money on batteries, it probably really isn t worth it. ********************************************************************* David DeAngelo: [When being C&F, use playfulness and words you d say to buddies... on HBs] ********************************************************************* David DeAngelo: [if girls give opinion and are smart girls] Oh. Is this the part where you give your opinion? Isnt that cute! ********************************************************************* David DeAngelo: [if girl is like "as if"] you respond: Isn t that cute! ********************************************************************* David DeAngelo: [crowd in nightclub looks like the time warp from the 80s, in club] Where did the plane crash? It looks like a time warp from the 80s. [or 60s] ********************************************************************* David DeAngelo: [when girls start bustin your balls challenge and bust her balls] I know you are trying really hard to resist me ********************************************************************* David DeAngelo: If you're talking to a super model and you say "You know, just because you're beautiful and are used to being treated like a sex object doesn't mean that you can treat ME like one"... it's magic. (Not quite a religion, but it is magic.) ********************************************************************* David DeAngelo: If a woman says "Give me your number" and you say "Look, I'm not that easy... don't think that just because I give you my number that I'm going to go out with you or sleep with you"...

********************************************************************* David DeAngelo: Or if you're talking to a woman at a bar, and the conversation is going well, you say "OK, let's just cut to the chase... are you going to offer to buy me a drink or what?"... ********************************************************************* David DeAngelo: I was out at a very crowded bar where it was ladies night and I was standing at the bar trying to order drinks when a girl bumps in to me very slightly. I turn to her and as seriously as I could said, "If you wanted to meet me you could've just said hi, you didn't have to be violent about it... http://www.fastseduction.com/cgi-bin/search.cgi?action=retrieve&grp=5&mn=1065603 255105987