Birds of Chile - Alvaro Jaramillo

Princeton Field Guides Rooted in lichl C\P,:llcncc .mt! 'c1cnl1tic 'tudy. Princeton·~ guide to Jmmal' dntl plant' a

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Princeton Field Guides Rooted


lichl C\P,:llcncc .mt! 'c1cnl1tic 'tudy.


guide to Jmmal' dntl plant'

arc the au1h11rit) 1111 p11•k'll,11111JI M:tcnll~L\ and nmateur naturali~b ahJ..c Princeton Htld

G uidts pr....,.cnt 1111~ 1ntonn.11111n in a compact forma1 carefuJly designed for c '') tN: in the field 111.: ~1111ks 11111 tr.lie C\On

Momma/\ of "lnr1/1 lm1·rirn . by Roland Kays and Don E. Wilson \ fannc .\famma/\ t>f the ,\ort/1 ft/antic. by

Illustrated by Peter Burke and David Beadle

Carl Christian Kinzc

Rt>pllll'S and lmph11>1an\ of £11mpe. by E Nicholas Arnold and Denys W. Ch endcn

Bmis ofC/11/1:. by Al\iaro Jaramillo Bmls ofthe IJbt Indtr' by 1lerbcn Raffaele. James 'Vtley, Orlando Gamdo.

Allan Keith. Jnd Jani\ Raffaele Bmh of/\ortllcrn lm/111, by Richard Grimmen and Tcm lnskipp




1'1 I• r

Kalle and Jamei. for C\ erlasting Jove and patience

l'Rl>!1\hcd Ill !Ix llniltJ \utn,. ('....W,, , Md dw Phal1ppu1C l>lmds by~ LID\'USlty Pres... -41 \l:tfll'tlnc•t "'· "'"' krw• os~o

"'' "r;l '• '"""cr 20011()(1168

I llN ti h1ll litll 1111 I (1 ln1h) I ll "l 111o•11 I I /~ II I lt•h1ie1hnc~)

I Iii '""'' 1111~ h1"1' ll li111111o;c1l In l'l111c• New Roman and ChBrlouc Sans Medium

l tllll •I 1t1 111•• jl

!.111 J ~1··00

J 11 \ I 1 l 1





How to use this book


Habitats and eco-geography of Chile


Migration and vagrancy


Notes o n seabirds


Fie ld identification








Colour plates and species accounts



1111 I t Ital l.:tnpka and I•~• l • -. ,>.lltd by C'bnstopbor Rdm. ""impnnl of A&. C Biid Plihli>Jom lid. I Soho :>qu.u~.1.-s.., Wto Q?

I 11•1•1


10 "-31J3 for all the joy you have brought to my life

h• J."'nm.:. /(IC, and Evan with whom I look forward lO visibog thtl> wonderful country f),111•

Pt ('f,1cc

Appendix: Taxonmic notes




Scientific index


Spanish index


English index




111.1111 1.1.111 C. l:irl for hcrconlnbu11on 10 our projC{ 1111 mcmol') ol De" I.'} icrson, Patricia Tagle, Jorge lulcdl•. Juan Carlos Torres-Mura, and Roxana and Alcja11llru. A 'lpl>c ind S;ini 1 ( 1111111 I >tI,hore \\liters are included to a distance ul 200 nau11cal mile' from Ure ..1.1 1 ,>I l h1lc nd II 1 I 11111 In n.JJ111on. '\\c include the Antan:tic Pemlbula and ad1accn1 "l;imh. a, well lh the I :.all..111 I 11 I Suulh I 1.:c•11:ia. l_(t\ mg an addnional 13 species. Chile j, the ,tan mg roint tor 111 L.111 11 !ll'Cm logical to include these areas in the boo!. h\ \~been fi.•r thi' boo!. to be a field guide, the '\\ork 10 '\\htch you tum 10 put 3 nJlll\' 1" llll hlnl yt•u 1r c•h C:I\ mg. lfo,..efull). 11 u1/I perm11 you 10 put a name to it, and ma)!x' C\cn 111 1 • ot 1h~ h1rd 1f .1t all po~'ibk. or course. lhe more detail >ou put into a bt a re\\. Surely othtt ·accidenmr species 11111 become rc~ul;sr um;c "c I• 111" hc.-rc. 1•hc11 Jnd ho\\ to 'catch for them Then: 1s 3.lso lhe problem of man) hiqoncal rccorJ, publt·h~-d 111 th '''"''1' trca11:-e~. '0111e m1ol1 mg o,pcxrmcn.. 1ha1 ha1e long since disappeared. We ha1c included th~'l.C 1~10 hl.'ft' 1 here h:l\C al'o been more n:cent ..1ghtmgs of spttiesne11 to Chile. and 11c ha1.: bCC'C'. '' h1ch the n 1J occ "' occurn:n~c m the count!') 1., "'cal., 'uch a., Plain-coloured S~ter. \\ere mdutk-d b..'Ca11;;c \\ e I II 11t;i1 111• "crs "uuld then !'IC cquirpc:d 10 dctcnnine the identification of!>uch ~'etc,, 'hould th.:y 1)Cc11r •II t\11111;; I 01 111~·,.:, \\c h.t1c noted th:u occurrence needs 1·erificarion. SeYeral rcccntl> n:roncd ~pcctc.., " 11 11111 "" 11111 ti tor \armu' rca"'"' Some 11,cre only published recent!) and could nut !>..•included tor • 11 ''"" ul 11111111~· Other, ha\c b 111l11:t grouri 1rcntcd iii 11t 11111pl1· 1111111 th~ ,an11.· pl111e bCnt .in o\Crvrc~ t•I lh 1Ut1 I ~111111111111 \l>eali..aliC>n l Or 'l'l11C 'JlCCI~. \Ueh as seabird-.., \\her.: H>C,1hs.ill111l\ lltC '>eldom 11l 1111h, ln:hl .1111l .1n: m11 u:.cful for field 1Jcn11fic:ll1on away from the col,ln)'. fin, :.ce11un 1~ onllllcd l hr l"''I'" , "' 111 , "", 111111 1~ ru provide another characteri!.1ic that may ass1~1 field 1den11fica11on, .rod w1" •Ii 1111111 l "11 hi• t.1111111.1\ hi whether 10 include thrb sccuon or noL For many vagranti. which arc unhkely to Ih



1111 141111 1111 l11t. 1111)\ .1 ,·1111dc~cript1on1s given and ~omelimc:s nothing al all. Do bear 1n mind that the 111 1111111 111 111.111\ I l111i ..111 huth. ore imperfectly known or wholly unknown. Mnny 11mcs we dc~cdbo I 1.1 1 11111111\ 11hnndf'ul of licld experiences and a small number orrecorC 10 create a neat alignment. Thus, 1hc north arrow faces slightly to the right in the right·hand 111111'1 I"' ,out hem third of Chile stretches for to the cao,t of the rc\I or the country, enforcing this slight r1,1t.il11111111 1h• '>11t11bcm third. I )J1 l,.cr lines delineate the 12 gco1>0li1 rea l re"1ons nl'C'hi le. Note that these are numbered from I. 111 th• 11111lh. 10 XII , in the south, and arc written ns Romu11 1111mcrals. 'l'he Metropoli1an Region ofSantingn 1~ 11 ( lll11cgion, which is not numbered. T he no1thcrn 1)11111:1mnr s lhc uren between the Peruvian border ~ou1h Ill t lvullc, south of Coquimbo Bay, und includes Regions I lo part of IV. The central panel begins north 111 t 111111imbo and La Serena, and extends ROhth lo centra l Chilo(: Island: regions IV to part ofX are i11cludc1I 1111· Metropolitan Region lies cast of Region V. and Santiugo is shown as a red do1. The sou lhemmo~t panl.'I 111111" the area from northern Chiloc south 10 (';ape I lorn; pun of region X and all ofXl and XU are includc1I I It p.:nding on the distribution of the specie~ concerned sometimes only two and occasionally just one p:1111:I 1 11'.:d. 1n order lo conserve space. Finally, two other. l.1rgcr scale. map:. depict the ranges ofLhose specie~ 1 tmtcd to the extreme north or extreme south The nonhem map highlights the region from the Perm 1.111 h1•1 the re,c.m:her Vannu' conecpt' :1nil 11,..,, 11111 11 11111111 ... til 1 Ii 1111111 111111,., a :.p.:c1es C'(l'>I. 111 add111on tu rclincmi:ntrr>11Jf'/.\ fl111111rn~11 .111cl arc founcl 1111.11111 1111111 J.111111111 cl r 11 Y.111" 11111und water rs ava1l:1blc, uml JI lc.l\t \llllll' 1111• ({ .1111.111. h I• 11111ttthl • 1 111 11.1 '"' I w.1 ··ut h1,toncull> hut l.1~c 11.1,1 h.l\c h• .-n l\'h'nll) r pl.11111··1 1111 1 Ill 111 111111 I 1111.11111•1• l"onl'h1ll

ttl(Jtt ANOI AN \ 1(PP£ (ALTIPLANO, PUNA) 11 "' h.1h11111 .111 JI l111!h l'lc\alwn Many s1lCcies arc res1ric1cd 10 1hc puno 1onc, with charnc1eris1ic 1 111.J 1 111 1 1111 I• 1111• the gruund·tyranh. ~1crra-linchc) and ycllo~·finchc~ ,1mong other. Alt111l•1111 '"°tl.1011, ,


1rn111t,· , .1l111>lano 1s a high plom. lhc al11plano itself is a geographic fc:uurc r.uhcr than a hab1ta1 I p 1111 l1l'!i l,trl'•'I) m Boltvrn bu1 c-cten ~mall. citiendmg south from Peru. Between c.2500 and 3700 m :i more diverse. dcn~cr ""' 111 .1111111-, and c11c11 occur~. south appmx11nu1el} to Lhe latitude oflsluga. I he pre!>cncc of1,crcnnial and , 11 1111111d 11t1wc11ng shrubs such as So/01111111, cremes habirnt for species such :1s 13l ~ck-1hroa1cd Plowerpicrcor, 111111 .11111 ~·· ll ow'l'nuugcr and a husl of olhcrs which are found only in 1his small region of Chi le. Putrc is lhc 11111 1 "11h I\ \ ''11cd ~ 1tc within 1l11s habiUJI. l'••lylflpl' forests 1111 • 11 11 It 1hc1r 'ou1hcmmos1 limtt in the northcm Andes of Chile and. in compari'>on 10 :.uch fore:.t~ I ulll 1 tll'lth ire much less di\cM m their il\'tfauna and vegetation. Small pa1chc of Po~~kpt\ sun1vc m 1111 1lu ''"'""' < luh: \\-llh the largc--1of1hci.e probably around Belen, south of Putrc Gu1n1Conebill1\ an t•hlt '" ol l'ol1 lrp1' forests. and 1:.qu11e rare in Chile, but a hOSI or other species also occur tn .. uch \\oodland~. "'' l1111t11v 11 Orh1g11y\ Chat-Tyram. Alt•lr tl" """ ' 1 1° '''""I' Iii ~ 11111.: kni,t1h of the country, 1h1'> 1one 1s characterized by a short growing scasC. although 11 1tnh 11111rc northern areas. ANDEAN-PATAGONIAN FOREST In the north ofi1 range. this fore"t occur. on Andean !>lopes u.swilly abo\c 1000 m to the 1r1c1111 lh•· far outh it can be found IO . c.1 level. The key feature 1s thal \ ndean-Pa1agoTii:10 fore:.l l'\ 1>(11~ 11 11 " 111 '' 101cr. The dom111an1 tree 1s Leng:i Nl)f/iofagus p11milio. w11h N1rrc V cm1arc1ico al~u .111 11111•1111 1111 c11n,11tuen1. fn the coastal mountains of ahuelbutn :.1nd 1he AndcC of many 1slnnds and ijordlands of1hc Chilean soulh. II occurs in area ... 111 ht1!h rm:1p11ation wllh a climn1c moderated by the ocean. there is no sno,~fnll here. The} are do111m.11i;ll hy ,,;\era.I species of ~othofagm. mosl tmportllnlly \.fagallanes Cotgue N beh1lo1des. \\rule Guaih!Cih ( ) fll\'!iS l'tlJ.:t'roderon 11wfenim i~ al'>O :m 1mportan1 component. PATAGONIAN STEPPE \nd grassland in the rainshJOO\\ of the Andes, ~1th dry 'ltmmcr \\-tnds further accemuaung 11.. di) n.11111c M.iny lakes in 1he steppe arc bract.1sh or even extremely o;altnc due 10 the high degree or O:\JI"'' ''"'" \\ o:mge temperatures are cold and 1h1s habi tal has greater sea~onal temperature difference' 1h;111 e' •''H'• •11 t11ro:-.1 Most Pat:igonian 1cppe has been greatly altered by :.hcep fanning. and few grll$S) are.1• h.1\\ 11111 h..oen ...ubject Lo overgrazing. Some silt:.\\ 1thtn lhe steppe ha\e large 'hrub componenlS. wuh ('al.1IJ1c //, ''" 11 l111nmfolia being a well-known const11uen1 species of uch areas. Many bird species arc rc,lr•lll•' l•1 ll11 l111h11nt z:one in Chile. including: Ruddy-headed Goose. Mngclkmic Plover, Chocolulc·\c1111·J I 1 1111 1'11t.11wnian Yellow-finch and Ulack-1hronled Finch. In ~hrubby site'\. one may find Pacag(ln1ar11\11>1I111 h111I .11111the rcsrricted-mnge Ound-1a1led t:anhcrceper. MAGELLANIC TUNDRA OR MOORLAND 1~incl:hvep1 areas exposed 10 the full wrnth of oceanic wi nds, a wet gm~sy ltubi1u1 i~ \'1111111111 u ol \\ 1111 11 • 111 h1: 1t·m1cd Magellanic 1undm. II occurs on Cape I lorn, and mnny of1he C\JlOSCd islm11I I 111111 1 11 1111 11111 "' I 1>11c 10 tis extreme inacccssib11i1y very few observers have v1.,ttcd 'Itch urea' \1t1111•I1 111H1 !ltll 11111 11111~• ~It C'1nclode~ arc res1nc1cd 10 this hobi1:11 in Chile. while Fucvmn S111pc \:..111 h, '''""""" 111 '"Ii 11 1 1 lit



1111.t 111111111t111111, 1111~· ul the 11111,1 la.;c1naii11g topics in omilhology. In Nonh Amenca anJ l:111op1: 1t 1~ takc11 lu• .,1,1111cd 1hat 1111g111t11ry rnowmcnl~ and taming arc well understood for most species. Year~ ol obscrvat1lln 1lilt)(1."11t lll•tc-tak1ng. btrd-bnndmg, record-keeping and so forth have yielded a rather clear understand mg ul \\h1·11 ,;nJ where nugran~ can be c~pected to appear over much of the northern hemisphere. This 1s not th1· l .ln 1.. t "' tlit. ''' ·'"cs:. these features quickly. It may seem like an impossible task. but like any skill u tS gil.111 I \\ 11111•1 I ortunately. birding is fun and practice should not be a chore. On the other hand, on. I I 1.. t.1111 1111 ,h.1rpcning these skills while birding to really g;un practice wuh them. For cum.pie. expcncnu1l {•fl 1 of the secondary feathers. and always lie d1rt>ctl) 1111 top of the folded primaries; the secondaries the1melvel. arc mainly concealed by the longer tertials. In tlw illustration below, the longer primary projecllon of the Short-billed Miner clearly differs from th1.· shorh:r primary projection of Common Miner. If you compare the pnmary projections to bill sizes the diffcrcm:c become even more noticeable. with the primary projecuon of Common Miner being roughly the same kngth '" the bill. but is more than twice the bill length Ill Shon-billed Miner. This straightforward feature is , Jdinitive in separating these two dull brown sp.:c1cs, much more so than slight differences in strcal.111p 1111 th.: breast or face. 1 ole that migratory species tend to have longer primaries than non-migratory '11':'' '~'' t" th11sc migrating over shoner distances.

NOTES ON SEABIRDS \\ h1J "' h.l\t" nntcd how l111le 1~ knO\\ll of different aspects of the Chilean nv1fauna. 1t "prnbably trnc to I 11 1)1 11 1111 il1•l11hutmns of pelagic seabird~ arc among the least well kno\\ n ol an~ group nl hird' globally. !I I 11) 11111 ti 11 ..1111 ove1 half the world's oceans. returning to smafl rock.y 1sleti- to brct.:d .11 ccrt111n seasons. I Ii ' 1111~ l1o1\1 •ll!'lll 1c fomgmg ranges while breeding, proscribed migratory routes Hi the non·brcccling 1 '11111111 I" ' 1111 1 1~ 11•1· oltl 111011lting areas. and large and variable non-breedi ng grounds depcmkn t on ocean 1 '"1 1 11111. 1•11111111 1 1 1111lttwn~ ur1d global oceanographic events. Many differ in their distnhut1 ons as t• l11ll 11 111 1111 lt11t1lt1111 1111111oturcs. As such, the ranges of seabi.rds in Chile arc impcrli:etl y known. I11• 1 1 1111· 1111111111 1 11 111hM"1 \ll'lll ore venturi ng from pon s such as Valparaiso and Arica, as well us nn cru ises 111 111.11· 111 1 1111d 1111• ~11h11 11111rcl1c islnnds, providing more information than ever bd\irc. llul given the 1 111 1 111.i lh1 , .. 11111wl\' lcw nrc:is where seabirds are being regularly observed. it 1 ch!11r lilat lhcrc is till 111111 la 111 I 1111 111 ·11hl1111111, 1hi: l'nh.:t of the El Nino Southern Oscillation (J::NSO) on Chi le's mari ne 1 11111111 I' tttl 11! 11 I tli• ' 11 ..1t 1111 w1 1h 11 t l~ visiti ng from other pa,rts of the globe 1s nut well known. Although 11111 II 111111111 1111111•t\\ 11 II t , 11·.11 th111 ni.111y ore under extreme threat from fncll>" t•~ iii verse as longlinc 11 ltlfl 111 111 11111 111111d11lt.1I \1,,111111111• We encourage you to be conservative in your identifications I 1 111 11 11111111 1.1ill'll 1111k •. 11ncl help develop a clear knowlcc.lge 111 \'rh1ch species occur m



Short-billed Miner

Co mmon Mi ner

1111111111y spacing is a measure()(' how the stack of folded pri mary tips arc spnecd. I hi.' ~p.irt • ll' 1• loll• "' 1111 1"111Hll·d11css or pointedness of lhc wi ng. Species with longer primary spaci n~ tt1wu11I•. llw \I 1111.i11t 111111 111 l1.1t1 11111rc pointed wings. Generally. longer distance migrant~ or birds that ~11cnd 11110 h 111111 111 llit•ht Ii.I\ I 111111• l'Olllt.:d wings than those that ny shorter d1i.tancc~. As lt111gc1 1h~l.llll'l' llllj!l ·1111 11 ,, hu I hul[ l 1 '' 111~· 111.111)' 111 these have both a long pnmary pm1cct11111 ond l:'rl·;11c1 rin11H11 v "P·" 1111• 11t.111 h•1t 1 th 1"" 11111•• 1111. ll11h1· 11lusir.11ion overleaf. nmc that the l11Ml' t111y1;1t11r'r wh'I"" 11 '111 \\lull ,. Ii •I I I• 1111 111

I ''

1 h I 11 1 Ii 1 1f11111H 1 111111i.u \ f'"'Jc~ 1 11111 .md wider primary spncing than lhc rcsidcn1 n111dcsta rocc of '"" 111 11111111 11 l11h l11111hflll1111111d11lcrcnccs111 colour and pattern be1wcen these two forn1s, wing SlntclUrc \I uh c(1mrlt.:1c rehabtltty to subspecies.

\11ennon 10 wing ...truc:.ture :ud' in are usuall.> found 111 1he •0\.1.'T of a bush. ~bile olhen> arc more terres1rial and run on the ground or perch prommcntl} on rod. llcl11w. Cordillemn Canastero ;, ::t terrc'1r1al 'pcc1cs, wl11lc Sharp-billed is invariably in a bush. I he c 111• 1111t foolproofdiffcrencei.. as Sharp-billed doe,, forogc at the ba\e of bushes, but the difference,., ,u111, 1crttl> 1.:1111..1\tCnl that beha\·iour alone w.ually ,umcc' 10 ...:para1e the t\\O pecies

\1.11 1c 111pwpnate, we haH~ JXlinled 11111 wch lhflcr;;n~es m h1:haH11111 "' hal•1111 I 11, 111111 1tcl1l 11kn1tlication Do rcmemll.tcnl and liming depending on 1he bpcc1es 111 1•1111111111 birds (sec 11cx1 sec1ion). l'l11nmgc: ••car causes tli\llnct chongcs in Lhc way 11 h11il Jf1pc:ir~. A:. 1101cd above, 1n1lcr notches or , .Ip,·~ 1l1.1n frc,h bird'; 1h1~ 1 ob' 1ou.. 'i11mlarly. if two srccies di ITcr m moult llmmg or I\\ o ag~ of a o 1•.1111cularlyone that presents problem.,. Tho1 o b1rd ,., worn and faded may explain ''hy lhat Common \1111 •r '''"'"'"·1 lool lik:e a Common hncr1We 113, c aucmptcd 10 \hO\\ 3\ crage plumage t)'J)CS in the illu,tr.11io11' 111ll one must be mmdful that e\trcmel} frc~h. e\trcmcl) worn or rnd1' iduals in hea'~ moult ma~ l1v 1J.. ... me'' hat drfferenl from those dcp1c1cd here.

Moult and plumage terminology \\c 113,.e discussed how realbel'!> \\Car out O\cr lime. A' fl.'athers dQ not grow conunuousl} like na1h c•r hair 11 111.:ans they must be enurely n.:ne'' ed pcnod1cnlly. Thi.. process of dropping an old feather anJ gm,1111g • hl·'h one 1s called moult (molt 111 1he USJ\l Moult not only funcuons to rcne\\ feather.. but mn\ 11 " 'lt.111gc a bird's appearance. fTom 3 duller non-breeding Ill It brti!hlcr breeding plumnge. for C'l.ampf.: I H • 1111r..c. moult is like any other charoc1en~11c of bird' 11 ''di\ erse 1n 1h many different form, cnh.:1 ~ro~., at ihe rate of 5-lO mm per day. thU) a 30 cm (12"1 ti!atbcr IU Ml d.i • tu vu11 \, th.:-e birds ttU need to fly during moult. they can onl> replace a 'mall , 1•1 f11 111 1.~1lic1 111111h.111\'0u,ly. making moult a lengthy process. Outer pnmane,, ~~r more qu1d,ly. ,, 1h11111 """' 111 1he '"orl.; on the wing, thus some larger birds ha1·e evolved complex Mmh.:g1c:. 111111 r 1111111 111\'' arc replaced more trequently than mner ones. and the entire replacement of pnrn•Jne,, 11 1111 ''" 111t1) 1>\:..:upy ":'eraI year.. The oppo 11e extreme is thnt some waterbird:. do not need to 1 11111 111 11h1li1 '" lly in order to feed and 'uccessfully e and 1 \\, II 1 1111111v pclre", moult quickly, dropping a large number of night fcnthers s1mul1uncllt1~ly. 1 111 11111!. 1 111\'lll t11ghtlcss or nearly :.o for a period, but they can undergo moult foster by such means. 1 lilt'\ 1lu 1\·111mc 11c:h foraging i;rounds to fuel such a quick moult. Of course, there are many other 1 111 111111111 It tll'Jrn:\. 1111d many nmrc pages could be lilted with descriptions of ~pcc1es thut rnonh in 1 I.I\\ 1 N 111 11111111r1.1111 hl'le to 11ndcnao111t the common patterns of moult, and this knowledge wilt hopefully 1; It• 1111 '" 1tl111t11f > 11~c 11d fy, mo11lti11g lmd or pcrmil you to successfully age n ceru11n species. 1111 h1ll1111111•1 111 1· Mll lll' 1,1cnura l pallcrn~ which arc helpful. to know. After the oin1s for lhose interested 111 lcu11111111 about. contributing 10 or assisting Ilic co11serva1ion of Chi le's birds and naturu l areas. UNORCll- Union de Ornit6togos de C hile thl~ organisation is 1he Birdlifc ln1emational partner in C'h1l~ and ha:. both active working group~ and educn11on.1I programmes working on Chile's birds. W\\'\\.unon:h d CODEFF-Cornite Nacional Pro defen se de 1:11un11 y Florio Tiu~ organisation works to educalc and l11hh} for lhc conservation of Chile's lloro and faunu C:onsenalion Land Trust (Fundaci6n Pumatin) A pnv;ue. non-prolic organisation that purchase' .111J ..:1,n..enes land in Chile and Argcn11na. Parquc Pumahn fC)Crve pro\tdcs a '"onderfuJ exampleofho~ pm .lie money can be used in the con.\erva11on of w11l1 area ... The Ctm..crva11on Land Trust, 1062 Fort Cront...l11t\' 'Sausal110, CaJifomia 94965 USA. lei I 4 I 5-22C)-9339. Fa\' 415-229-9340 fhe Conservation Land 1 ru't 1Ch1lel. Buin 356 Puerto Monu. '( Reg16n Chile Tel 56 65-250079 Fax: .. 56 65-2551 l 'i 1\" I he Patagonia Land Trus t Another orgaml'og' of,hon grJ'-.c~ and cushion plants. The tenn 1s rei.1nctctl 10 bogs found m lhc h11•l 111t• I • • 11111 h;ir \ or hgh1c:r p:itch on the uppcrwmg that extends from the bend of the wmg 1oward, the I• 1 . 111 th.: \\ m£ 1 he bend or 1he w mg 1s actually the wrist of the bird, where 1he carpal bones arc found I 111111111 'ure 1 he hnc along which the mandibles of the bill come 1oge1her. ( ul111cn rhe upper edge of the upper m.md1ble al> l>Cen in profile. ( unlng cd~c (ofb1ll) Properly referred to as 1he 1om111m (plural tomia). The sharp edge m rclatton to the plane of the body. Hloplu111e 'lender, ha1r-hkc fcathc~ thal arc d1fficul t 10 see other than on b1rJ~ m 1he hand. They may\'e a 'cnsory func11on ah hough 111 some bird,, mamly cormorants, they are used 10 create pallcms. Fingc~ l his refers m::unly to vulture and hawk wmg-tips. l f longer primaries arc notched and cmarginaled on the spread w111g these feathers extend out of 1hc wing-tip like fingers, breaking up the contour of 1hc wing-1ip. Frontal Nhlcld /\11 extension ol'lh1i bill 0 1110 the forehead, most common in coots one.I gnllin11 lcs. Thc$c arc oflen brightl y coloured. G ular pouch A d1stcnsible pouch al the base of the bill, mosr strongly deve loped in the Pclccaniformcs (pchcans, .:ormorants, boobies etc.) Cnnys The undc:r;1de of the lower mandible bc}ond the pan where 1hc l\\O 'ltk' fr.11111) or the bill meet. On gulls there ''a d1l>llnet angle at the l>Hln of the !,!Onr\\ n as the gonydeal angle. Corj!Ct 1 he f"llCh of tndcscent feather\ u'ually found on the throab of male hummtngb1r~. IJallu" The hmd toe llandkerchicr A hght or coloured p:uch at tbc oo-.c of the prim:mes thal forms a ~uamh or rcctangulnr shape on the folded wmg The term su~eMs J l>1m1lam} to the white handkerchief poling out from a man·, 1ux1..'Clo Patagi um fhc fold of skm that extend\ from the bend of the wing inwards towards the ba..e of the wmg. h .11-..1 rcfi:r.. to a patch of different coloured fe.1thcf\ found ia this region; Rufou,·ta1led 11.t\~t..s have dark r.11.1t1,1I pa1chc!> on the undcrMng l't•ctoral line ome pccics ha\.e s1real..1ng or spot1tng on the breast that stop abruptly on the lower brea.\I '""'""•' ,1 hnc, 1h1'> pattern 1' de:.cnbcd as a pectoral line. Hn trh Cplural r\.'Ctnccs) A tall feather ' ••111l1111l111u1lnn\ Pnnial webs between the t~ Full webs between 1he toe:. arc l..011\1 n ·" p.1lma11ons ' 1111'" \ l.ttl1.1l ••m1.1vc on 1he upper mandible near the culling edge (tom1um). It'" ltlli-11 wtth u coloured 1111 111h111t1•' 1111lw 1wn 'pcc1c~ of soo1y alba1rosscs. 1'11p1ulua111 I hi 111 ~·11 immediately above the lores: refers to Lhe part of the s1111c1~· 1 I 111111111111•1 inr to the eyes. ' •1111 11111111111 I Ill' 1111•11 11111111:t b:llTCd, •llhUJlly hu "'"""" '" 11r11n,. 1rflo11 l>01e. In llwh1. hrn"'n"h w11h rl.trLcr rnrnnr•c• W1ng-co1cn' 1 u111J1ll'\ly h.irrcd bul u'uully hidden b} ~I riped ,cupulars on . 10 ...·d wrn11 IJ11dcnn1I nn111orlcc.1hly barred, VO i ~: A&lr1dcnl wl11•l lc, 1c1y ~1m1lr.r 111 1onc IO l hllcan 'l 11111mou bu1 ri•ing •lc1•ply 111111 •111glc·•yllnblcd, '"'"'"'''"· Whou llu~hcd, niters 1 St 1l~flj 01 11111 1111 whisllt.:S1 W/H't'O


"'"''tftJ '''"cl''"·

Ornate Tina mo u Perdiz cordlllerana Noll1oprocto ornaltJ


I 1\ '"' i I J H") Tcrrc.rrinl lnh.1b11s dry punu C'ircrnc north, ijl 3000 -4000 m, l"'''mn1111rc.1- oi 1ullcr bunch grass. Not 1 w,.,111c-.l11o11h.ii:rirnhunrl¥rc.1\. IOl "TI FI( \ 110' I h.- I 11 '< I \111lw('mc111 m Crute 1th '""'l'•••ltHfy )IUd1cr body 1b1n ~r;i,,f,1nd\ ul

sympatricandcxuand) ~Aniklin Tui:am"" Rcbll•CI• king bill with noliccably dccuncd trp. IJ'C)1$h.,.. hc>nt ,. ,th bl~lr'am:/ IOl!Xlllt:rnt:J ul~11. until ltrnl\1t1 h unJ •lrrpcd Chilean Tmamou U:ht1t •1111•.-.I• 1·1 I .1hl11m1~ Qud1f

af"a)'S safely separate 11 lr••ln r lnl• 111 I 1111111011 I 'en lr1pc ~ httc )Upcr~1hum 11nJ neckstnrc:. Jark loru, e)chnc and nc.btnpc. .. 1111~ >upr~m.ilar stnpc. •nd d:uk malar •lrtpc aho conunu1ng \\-CJU} tu 11ccl ba;c. Uppcrp;irh ol o\frl11c1I, hut o•·crnll nppcnring nttin: co:ir.cly •lnpcd on b3Ck. cloM·~t 10 nccl.. Underparts lludy b,1rrcd blacl.. and while. w11h some >1rcalong towanb uJlPCr bn:a,c, but pancm hm and appclll'll l1rcy1sh at a di•toncc. C'/ lt'.1111111 "'"' tflnr,;110.H1(', Symr ntnc only wuh Ommc Tcnnmou. ll1e• /111~1· s/:('lllld bold •l 111w~ on hcod n11d 11cck scpnriitc Puna linnmou lh1111 Omntc. Al'o nocc lock ol' u Jar!.. cup und bushy nest 1lf Om.11c In Ocghc. l'un.i 1~ Ja'llc 11nd broad-woni¢d with n oouccahly por-bclhcd 11ruccurc. In Oti:ht from Omate by larger I• mun:' comrlc\, ho..c•cr the mufficJ ,nunding ,.h,~tl.,_ ire a charac1.-n,11c $\•und which lllract ancntton in lhc aluplano.

m.ill 1rchc 141lh a •l111f1 h1J ll 1iireR«*a11dj1J11/.:s conrru.11 """ th. l'. more: UICll~I\ Cl) d3rl< scapular up•. f•cn SlalJC I Sc1u1hcm Royal ha' a !"lcr patch on the mncr w rn11.1ha1 1" a~111n Non hem Royal l·11Jen..ingpa11emJJag11Mtlc, both >h, whll'lr hrmult·n.\ 110/iceobly 11ear the wing hc!lltl (Ill N11r1hrm Rn)'lli, ~cpnr11li111:1 it from Southern Royul untl Wnnd~rin1;. In Olldlllon, thc e11tl1,•ly dark upperwing, combined with whituld .1.11 1 "rh .1 11\J. mvrc ranicularl}. on !he rdiabk ..nd Clall d1tr~ on boll roucm


Albatron Alb.Jlros de Galapagos

l'l1ocb.istri,. lfrOr.Jtd 1 X#4 ~ •H '"' 0 l ~ l" l \\. '10 2-10 cm t'lll 'M•1 Recencly '" ........... Ill '-I ( h1k I ·\n,~. Anlofag.hlJ), nu~ .. Ann·,. 31CT 11..,.111~• '' unhkcl) Jo bc: .~«I 111 Chile athcr rhan an 1:1 N111" '""""•"'atcrl )""" Sl'C'Cd> ooly on I 'f"trlOU 1 111 lhc t 1111 cu.i.k>r, 1n \br JJ11 '>rend~ non-brccJ1ni period in ,.arcn. 11ff Peru and I CWk~ir \'ulnenhlc 10~ '1 ln C \TIO' Ad• .C1nctMly .....g n..-..LcJ ~nd lonJ:·l11llcd alhJtr~ 0oJ) ftnd~ -cnn1C\JIJlcd, hut Dl'f"'lll'S liar!. £TCY ~t d1'1Jnn1rao;11ng "'"h 1hc "htU..h hc~J. "ht< h h.- o nape UJ1/it£ \orthftnt Hat u '4/llft> lt'a.lmg l'd,...- 111 tit(hrr1 \J m•I hLcl) '" b.. confuaru//, / 1., th•• noc the br1>adcr .,,., '" ' n l ..1,.,.. tr.I ·cofGIC)·h~~dcd Grey hcaJofBultt-r\ I lo 1•nl """ .t mot• contnl'Jm11,pul.· /on·/1,·uc/ uncl ' "'""· I 11 \lt'\H, th1 h1ll 11r Buller'' hh l>n>d The .crnnJ-n,.nt .ibun· d1n1 m oll)'m•... l 1mni Buller')., but bill of Sil· In• ""'dt1l q lt11l l1pl11!~ d>rlo.crin colour. unJ ur>dc:f\\tn& •I •I 1p1•I) '""rote younp Sahm'• havona wmc .1., ~ • "'""""' ""It .;,ft11!1 «llj;c


< lrnl h 11111 Alh.1lro~s (Shy Albatross) l\lli11I tor, 111• 111~ INlil\ Chalham I /1,t/,10,111 111• 1.1111,, Ncmita TX#6 I 1111 111 I I\\ "llu11f~1"l l11•ln111c lln:c11Nannunlly, Sep 1•1 "11 I l111h 1111 I1 Nlh 1>thcr \Ubanum:hc

island$. More clo~cl> a>,oc1111cd "llh 1111ld wa1cr thon other C'h1lc1111 mollymnwh. Vulneroblc. ll>ENl'l f'lCATION A >mull chunky nwllymnwk. Ad. shows c1>mbm· at ion /Jrr1atl 11111/ /1n·g11/r11· h//111k edge 111 11111/1'1'11'/ng und 11rcy head, Sec Buller·s /\lbatms~ for scparoltun rrum 1h111 irccrcs Grey· hcaJcd has a bll1ck bill wuh n11rro11 1·

ched parch. not dusl..> collar or Bb11C.1r' hkc a hu11c Kelp Gull. Blackish 'broil'' noit ·~•uhl1• when chose, uml contru-i~ 1Vith white head. U11durwl11g /1111 /111111tl 11111/ /r11•1:1d111 II/ark lcadl11g edge, like Grcy-hc11cl1' ct•\crcd here nc,11n th~ Ant~rcllc I 1 m1 dtll' I h•> "'"'"north m winter and \001C non-brecdc" nia)' •ummcr v.cll north nl the I urc "'""" ll•'d t(l pact ice. All are stitr-v.1nged n~c" ltl..e hcaN.alcr., but 1.-nd '" n~p I 11 t i. I h 11l:tncc. 1111. I' 11d1 m.ty tctllll the "lute patch or ('a1..: t>circl .inti the '"" c.,ulJ II 1• 011hlr hy '" "h1tc und lac~ nr w blac~ 1.111



C.ipe (Pinl.ldo) Petrel Pt·lrel moleado (Damero) /)Jpt1on capense ANT, FLK. SC I 3 .1t "''de· $f'1tt" The f.IA I 1 lo" 111 •Hh•"' .1 l11~c white flJICh on the mncr primaries

It,,,, tlw tnm•r win/(. Tt"1d uhlte ''"ha /o/,,, A I•'"""''' '""'"· .11111 the lnrscty while lqil-covcns are

1l111I lt1mflh 1 ,,/,,,,~ l'"fi

1• 1 I h 1111.1• ~ I h11111Mh wc111 lhc 1clnt ivc pri1ponio11; ufwhi1e 111.I M111 I 1f1,111v1 111111thll •f!Wl e~ llJlpCnrs clnrkcr when worn, lh lo•" h11 11111111µ 11111•1 111 11111h·rwlng. while, conmmlnf\ with 1i1,,tf h• 111 11111111·1 ~ 11111, ~ h••111l 1111d d111k 1111 l l1n11d immediately 11111 '" 11 1111111 ~111t1hl'111 I 111111111, which n1 a di. rnnce mny ·•111• 11tulo111 11 11111111"11111 111111c111 An111rc11c Pe1rcl 1; larger 1111l lo11l ~l[I 111d I ••1... """"~ fl.ll l'" J\1~ cold >.nian:tic: and ~1.: A '°'takd ,.1111 t•'C Oo1h 1b northern~ m •mler '' hm11CJ b, the ('ten! ol the r.a•l iec. l;sually south of Chilean \\llt.:t" b-111n r~" Int~"' mo\C• nonh and 1113)' be: 'v.tttlcJ '"' b..-a.11ll chili 1n Antarntica. lDE,llflC \110' A, IJlq;c, •turd) and l>ull~


pettel ";tb a deep bell) and •h-lll' I\\. 109 Cln (41"1 1•1, "'•ln1m;1 pcutl ol cold !iOUthem brctJ1ng in.inly 10 ulanJ~ 1n th.- cv. Zcabnd regionaod s lnd10U1 O.:Cilll Ot.inbutK.. In ( h1le roorl~ Wlderslood. regubt m the rolJ ·\\111.:r rr:g uia lrom the Golfo dt Paaa, soash to C. llom, b..a 111rt> d.>1a 1&1c D on bu"'cd "'ings. nsmg m lugh ~ t)P•••I ...r the pin llrt111g Oott, h:lndling lligh •md> '"the~ TlllS l!K• ""loured petrel~ ~~ dart "PPtm· tl•r 10 Cool·,. Petrel. bu1 " I•• J.u·r. large1-. fy,.,.J,r n1ngrJ, nullccabl) /1 cm \ 10") W M c111 121•"1 Pdui:1c Summer breeder in Ne"' /caland rcgllln, 0,1 Apr. non· br.:cdanc >h111tr '" Chile. ~hiulh Mar \ug fnd~n~crcJ IOI ' I IMC" \rtO' MC>'' 111 th, ~ •l~lnnd,. \foulc, Mo11 """ 1111 N 11 ~'I CA fl O\' I ~11.-1111•1~ •lllt h> Allldrctic: 1'11011 (\\Ith h 'fc). 1101 alwoy• •1111ltl11,11h to obloenc clos.:ly at sea. Usual!} bas le>-• d.ulo."" 1111 11r

Antarctic Prion

• Thin-billt'd l'r ton


f'I AIf 1 l't ,., "''' ""''' fWI 1e.•ls II I NlllJ#t" I ftte :al•uJ' lh•I lllh•l>ll ckq>.:r \\"1en fut from the Co:ll>I 1 ~ \ &!')' In J')umagc pallnn, bul a 1l.1J l M JUll1'fn of •'II•) ini; •If• ngth on the uppeiwln~ f'tt'todrvma fly ma •hani.:lc:n>ltc manner. "hcelma 1 1 • "" 1111 "•ll!:!J l\cr)!uIrons M r:mcrn on UJ'PCT"'lR!I>- a 1w11ru11mx J.1rl. 1"P· ond ,/,1rJ. tml "'""" ramt'llmll Pct:rcl. A dim. long1>J1-uil~ o;..iJCh uf v.ann "•r.:110 M°'t u,u.aJfy confused v.nh •Cf) Jurul.or "l'cnnnJC\: Pctrd (-.hoch ~cc). Hc~ld Petrel u/..-.,i> /,u At """'" pr11rtary •lro(t.t nr Kcnmdtt and 1> iltmmcr. ITk•rc hi;hrly l>wh, 'it1111111~ billed and looi;cr tailed. Plllc·marl'h I l•'l'llld tcr•h lo h~•c tl.lrlcr fa.:c than Kermsdtt. Undcrn ong r•rtcrn Jilk" wmcwhst. wnh Herald ha-.11g larger \>hlle J'"ICh on r.11•11111m. and "hire of primaJ} ba.'CS cittc:n.h a. p.&lc ~·~·•h ~l·h lo -.ccuncbric> \\hoch an: dul.crm Kmnadec. U.irk nu"J'h clknd.:l'>.11< I '"' unol,r 11lc ~·f pnmanes See Phoen1J< PClrel fe>< iCf\31111111 '""" tlUll rc-:icn•ld> ''"t!•' 1111h,.1-.:trcl Confu>oon lllO•I l1Lely wirh Sooty .111·• 01 c1 en \\ h11.:...,hmncd Pc1tcl Tht' sbcaNater 1\ '"''"~.-r \lh1I \lhn~-.hinned Pclrel r• ulLrn ..11.. ~h 1111)' h~•e palc under pnmary flashes 1n ccn 1111 hj1hl\ hon neuhcr h•' a s11\cry p.nch on the patat:1um kn ··~url n...- fo,t_ lllld rc:rf'omh '>lttJI high loops •"-'• c the lier


111111 11()t• ll)Hlll "'' 1111 \\ ng-. and grviogqaicl: flaps mtcrspcncd by Ihde• Cihdin11 anJ d)'nam1c 11 I 1rln • \\ ""' I h41 "11.•ar,utn, mc:luJc some of !he commoocg and mo•I \\ 1tk.prcaJ 1ubcnsc• 1n Chile To lool hit.I 011!Ktr anJ f'"""'1:11 ~•IUC1llte.. "1icthcr Ibey ba'c pak undap.arh, /lftd the apc.:11ic undcrv.1n1


lt1llt' 1 ' •

\ ht'Jrw.ater r.trdela de dorso gris

h1ffl1110 lwllrtt I .CClk Cl4.0110 60,000 IOdt-

\WWll•I IOf' ' rlHC" \TIO' A l.ii:tc t>r"'od "1a cd ponioocd. flici.,. lib quick "ingbc.&t• l.IOcJ ah\lc, much le>• than latgtt whitc·bcl11a.I •hcaN-a•crs In iaJJn,.,n, tend h.> 0) clostt IO d>c ~tcr, pcrfomung lot'f 1111J fc,.cr atU aho\c surface. Much smallcrlhan P1nl·f-cd "llcarn-atcr. ,.itli N11c4 bill Ollll ckar """~ tlrmm. ivN•I atJJ ..,.nl 4/w h/a. l nt1 lvt A ~litr ~llfttJ ear-cm-rns. 'ear ma)

higbO\-er-r.noe:s. Wbtmq. quid lbf".shalk>,.cr 1n ampliluck tbao dttper snff' ~ ( """''

White-chinned Petrel Fardela negni grande Proce/laria aequinoctialis ANT, FLK. SC l

I I I to C"\ lltme J.ul. form of rinl.· h11al "hc:an.•l11/A\'f'CI/·

Westland Petrel Fardela de Nueva Ze landa Procelfaria westlandica I 51 cm t20"l W 117 "'" (~4") S1.11u '"l'h1lc uni) rtmrnun and ahuy1 1•utnumhcrcd h> \\ ltlk-dmmcJ f'cue! llr J on island• off Nc / .. land 1n ~ VulncrJb IUl '111 IC \I JO' I r 10 WJ11tc·ch111ncd I circa, aln1011

""') b.: ~01 '""" ''''""' In ll«ls ol •c•tral 1h,1uund liain1og c.'.\('C'naKc.'i'1th1hh,~ateri,

rri"""' ""'' '"tJ"'


idcm:ical m nze and !oll\M;lllfC '""'"'"· II lend. IO ha\1.'. deepC>" bascd upper awMi1ble 81/I to£~hl t' J //OM l/uui Uf H~ a.I up Nod. lll"l \\ 11-1--10-l an (17 41 "I fhc common o.Llrt.. >h.:~r,.arcr 1n Chile Aburnbni.

uxlUJ and scoo :a.• a n:fttenc:c j>\JUll for uln111h1~ ol"cr llWI· llOn•, the '""II ' trailing edge appellrHllllShl tlrnd of,.ing i>




ht-I•, D«cnluJllng l~~t. 11f ~ harJI bend


the wing

I h11h1 '·"'on.I ,,.,11.,,..hkc. oflcn ,...u.,.,, 10 'parcer' '"' "' 1111 ''' 11111 "I"''"''" •lii:lrt/1· nmrlt~J 11nJ Jut protrude I ~"' ./ 1.111 m /111:/11 (due lo l1m11 '-II•) Yellow webs and dart. '"' • u 11.111\ hie lo 'cc 111 lh").Astorm­ pcltcl ul cnol "•lcu of ahc llumbolda Current Wing m•>uh '"mplctcd 10 May. CMhctlMn\\of un-.\lorm·Pc1rcl ~~ ncsb lt•u,.n btt.-J• r.. C 1 rk '\Cl Pena l>..ur Delia.. IOt '\ Jll IC 1111ti111" "'lute nmip '"' l"lc tlJll'Cf'"•Dal p.uicl 111111 \llrie1> 11)1 W

U ttlll tlhHlh tillllfllC

W1•il14c> llllllf)t'd (Galapagos) Storm-Petrel 1'< S1onn.f'c1rcl•. with "bite lmings and c\tcn"\cl)' ,. hrlc'

Wedge-rumped Storm-Petrel foraging postu res of Wilson's and Elliot's Storm-Pet rels

White-bellied Storm-Petrel

Black-berlied Storm-Petrel Golondrina de mar de vientre negro Fregetta tropic.a


L20cmtx•1\\ c46c ti~ I \r>« .:1icbrttJ. er. cold •-att I D• 'TIH (. \110 ' S114' Md stru.."tm'C •lmo'I ,. I t Wh1 ·bellied Storm-Pct~I. c\1hcr blacl.Wi 'lonn·rctrd "Uh cl.rl nam1• "'"Uf~ 1n C htlt. \iarl ·

ham'•~ a ttraL"C'lul lhtJ11 ,.11h '""


Elliot's Storm-Petrel

•l«r lut•, bu1tcrll)"hl.r

f!JAt I I \ uall)

r.• , 1n colJ •ul>.int.t••h< "'litcclornl line. U11dc1win11s huvc while 11111111\', hlnl'k lc11cli1111 cd11~ rind rc111i11c5, whi te cKlUnds 10 1u1 h11l1• """' ·


Peruvian Diving-Petrel Yunco Pelecanoides garnoti



Clute. Head blackl'h, rcu,01111bly writ

demarcated white lhron1 and gicy hnlf-oollur on neck Him~"" neck-sides extend as brood 1/11skj' 1111nt11/ /111•1n/./11111d. lJt1dc1

wings greyish-while. Greyish flnnk~.

l. 20-23 cm (H 9") W 32 cm ( t ' S''I. lnshon: marinc spccac\, one11 1n c.rnal•ond fjords rather limn open coa ·l•l ('omplct~ r. ..ih •D '"" l>•t" Otfiucnt O• \ TIFIC \olOd.)I and

01"•"'1 iar1glc 11,,.11•c fl'C). black and ""' f•lum:tie ''"' ulot.1.- 11111t N.uJ.« "'"g• 1111/ onJ cop. " ' ""' I 1\ .. b•c h.>lfTt~No rn•m 11ll 1>1h.:rd1vm~ pctl"(I• UI us "/Ille /kJ/f-.:111/ar>ptng ""'""'' darJ. Nr-cm erh ~nJ ac•cntualcJ by the d11r. darl. ,,,,,, Ull '"" MiJ•HtJn r 4tlern makes it 3flPC3T anon: capped in the r.cld h• J~• plturtagt', ,.-Jriu rips"" cmens olld !lppc,.,,.,,-U 1/tai;1"ntlt' Urrcr b< pure one. noa 'J>kLkd or "uhcJ ~) Bnrhl ""hllc st2pUhv patdi. WluJt' uconJ"n lip• bn.odrr lllWn" ;11"b11g

Peruvian Diving-Petrel

l/taa C-Dnvtg-PctrrJ. C/MO!' l'c1rcl, but pcrlwl"' n1111h111111•l111ol rn111•c'l llrccth1111 grounds o( ('111h•1111 1111111 ln1ppl11>11'rt) unknown IDI~ 1111( \I IC )N S1111lt11 r In si7..c lo Mo11cll111m /•1111• 1'11,A 1111w/1/1, ///('~ f11golwi1111.i111tl1•1'11//111 /11•/1liJ1it'111'·1'fll'('l1.1. Grey waslt 10 bredst, 1m1 wlr/11·. 1/1111/111h•1/11,111/ I.> t111/ 1th1•lm11/11 white. Lack.~ strong capped 111111co111111n 111 d~111ur.:111i1111 of white throat from dar~ luc~ '''"" M1111dl1111f< k111111/11r1111tt'l1 greyish. no1 ...h1w. but wltlu11111h\11111 /•,,/, ltf'V /111rc11111/11m·• rcslricted. often '°'"'hie 111 llll' lld1I t u9"h und~rwin~' un1I c~tcnsively grey flani~ Nc•c• •Ill•\\~" h11~ l1p• t11 ~1,.cn• •nil uppctpart fcathen. llf Ire h ~l•jl('ll.1111t

Magellanic Diving-Petrel


Common Diving-Petrel

t I Al I

lft l\l\111l1•d .11111


,..,tc-cJ p£n..,, g_ ui_n_s_____________

oou 1111•1 t bc ong l.u~.:. ,1unl). flightless mannc bml> .. uh strong boll\ anJ clwl'llmtcally; lhetr black-and-..-buc plumage be~' comp;ui""' h> h1tlc men bill~ Typ1calJ).juv. \131clbnic 11&., cbrlcr I"> r""c. v.h11;h becomes d:ukcr oo lores. Okkr tmm sta11' to ""'""t 1~p1.-al broad supescilium of ail. cuaua,11ng •nh bbo:k1.Ja fa.:c

Rodchopper Penguin Pingi.iino de penacho amarillo Eudyptes chrysocome TX#12, FLK, SC


1~ _, =~:~:!~~~l;:~:~~r~~::

Fcb-.,lar Imm• nuy J"f'C"" m•nh ind should be !>Cllrchc:c.I for m (' Ch1 h: I he: mo.1 common cn,.lcd pcn11u1n 1n t·ht1c Vulnerable. IOf:N l'IFICA 1101' A 'n111ll· ihll cn:sacd pcn~11111 1~ilh blil•k u11pc1part• and while undctpnn'< /lill 1wl. l11rk1111: pinA fleshy area at base. Obvious Nparse 1'!'//f111' c1'l'.1l • ll1111 c·f111//1111l' f6nvurd as a 11c11·1'Qw yellow .Wfl('ld/111111 1c•1lfltill!J //w /111·(•.1. Length of cres1 varies, som\l have loni;cr. llrouplc1' crest.. rtu.o only penguin tha1 erects crown (r111hvr.• /ti"''·~"'''"'< rt'VI •l111pe Eye and bill rod. Juv. similar to ~d. bul 1111~ 111cy1~h 1hrou1, and narrow yellowsupen:ilmm with no ere"" Scp.u111cd lr11m l11111cr Macaroni Penguin by lack of nc,h·pmk 11arc. narro, bill. spJrser and more lemon ~cllow cr"l3. "' 11cll a~ 1h111 )clln"' 'upemlia that do not meet on forchc:ul \1anJ M1J E}C and bill rcJ Ju\ ~111111.11 h• h•I hut h4• Mn orange-yellow forehead band 1hat \'\ltnolo hchtnJ I




Ko1i; Pe nguin PingUino rey A11tModytes patagonica FLK, SC L II< 'I~ cm (H P' 1 \bnnc, pelagic Prt>b•hl) mrc regular on •ou1hct11mo,1 (hole " L!kl\lon lnJl\1d11;1" rq1uLtrl) tome •'horc to moull on lhc m•1nt.nd 1'1n11111 \IJ~clLan areal lnd1Hdwtl• brttd "'••-Ctn thrtt )'an. ii.• ll•o.hnf qdc IXCU· pl('< ihno•I a )CAllr. \11JUlb ~ f ch. 1mm, nol U1110.:.c:nf11I ~re ·Jc" c;arhcr 1n thi, l"'nuJ '01 improbable 1lu1IIhrttJ,111 (hale Of\ 111' 1(' \ TIO' \huge penguin '"llh o l•'f1t harrl> f't>1n1cJ h1/l 1fcwra1. tf /. u lvitht "''"'le"

""ill tr1p.• 1,1cyah.t1caud\rohllcbc1Q" . Blad~wnlr."1\

It ulOl'UW1t1blc ~I st•mc di~tance and ghcs 'JlCllC' a 4u1u1c.1I h'flk , ln1111. ~1mll.11 111 ad. but has" hilo 1hro:i1.

Chinstrap Penguin PingUino a ntdrtico Pygoscelis antarctica ANT, SC L 68- 76 cm (27- 30"). Mnrrn~. pclu111c, •ubuntarcltc hut nl~11 occurs on Antarctic Pc:nin•ul,1 'iummer br1mkr INo>~ \11,orJ. moulis Feb-Mu. One n:curd rt1>rn i.t~ Nuc\u ('1(11 Region) IOE:\'TITICATIO' \hJ-\INll p.ngmn, ,h:ipc '' \tkloc IM noticeably looger bill ,itJpcJ Irk.: r••nng lno re and cn11rcl) blade. Bfaclabo•cand "hate bclo11 ff1t111 /okc11..Jd1u1111•Hl1• hluct drinstrap /111c jrt>nt trm• ~ 111 tltmat Bl.kl ur b.J.: k cMI'


' ' 11111< h lilt' nJ , b111 111:..v 1i;a, c

I II 111 • h;ll c.olcour ~a.lph.>PCl" 1 3n tcJ • "1Tnip1,buJ.bulbq:c1..,.Jb\...l..1er llw> \\ 'hitc-U1Jc:d IrgpicotrJ Ad ba• rrd bill mu/Jinrli-borrwl "PP"f'ilrl' The onl) tror1cbird 1ha1 rt1.a1ni hamn; on 111'•"1',,"• 1n lkl.. plUlll.1~ s''"' Jul nv l.. f urward;. 10 n.:1rc. l.uFJ: -111•) One rc.:01/ls lritlr purki>lt fll«J. onJ retl / Jui. Red-fOOled Illa} -i.o,. •du\; ~~and "~O.lcd

paler bro•••n abln•IN 111 olTi.borc 1 l•nJ.• Abun.J.tn1 us cold llumb.•kh ( um:nt '"1lh:rs.oftcn 1n hu11c lora11n noel« Breed~ tOl••n1o1lly (SU.100 •ptCIC.) PopulJhlln •hill> •ou1h 1n 11 Ninos. IOf;:0-11 Fl C \TIO~ I\ mcd1um-•11cJ hooby sh11wmg 1yp1cal po111tcd 01 bo1h end•> .iru~1urc It/ 11/t111··hr111ll'll 11nll .,,Jri1e hdm• !lack an1I w11111• duri. , 1h" /111d 11111/ n11"1:rt11/ppc1/ "-/1i1e t·1w11111g 11 l't11/1•d flh leg'

booli;cd at tip. Sexuall)< dimorpluc. oJ _,., .-11111rl1 hi.,, A.. 11Jr brok71er pmid 01t -..1ng-co1utJ L~· t can be \Cf>Jr.ilcd "uh cJrc. nm~

pale bar oD of Greater which" lackm» on Mn11111 ficcnt. Mos• male Greater J>CM• 110111c p~ lc 11~111101111111on1hc axillnries. Ad. female M113n1ficcn1 hu• u hind., thr11111, hlw orbital ring and 1i nurrowcr, mOl'c 1101111 od hluok be lly 1111tch. Juv. Magnificent differs from Cir(•ulcr 111 lho bluo l'ccl 1111111(' •hllc 11pp1ng. ero.. n llJ'I n1 111 ••Utlor1cl"il'tin "'"''""'"'f'/' 1n la~ col•>1111 m C h1lc al'ld Peru (J.'Wn lyp1.:al •p1•11111l lute II 1~ 1nud1 ~mallc.-. d:ltLcr lwd1«l 11,, 1 , .,1,11 h I'"'" h .inti ~d" latL contnbftngdarl p.i1d1 '"' tllll(• \\111 ~

Peruvian Pe lican

Juvenile diving

l'I Al I IH: (

ui m m .mt ~

Med-legged Cormorant

Gu.may Coe"'"' 111

•11111 1l'l11l11 1"' ,.ru,·11l.1c1 u11· dt•llnc111c. lal'{lc, long-nccltcd and long-bod1cd s.:ub1rd•. with IMti. Ihm. blun1-1111pcd bill, 1'I toloe.1 1, 1 ..111. P"~•C• ar.- ~n11wn as •lt•i~· Bn:cd colonially. 11

Mt-cl legged Cormorant Lile l'h11l.1crocor11X gaimilrdl

bea>ming buffy or c•co "hllllh on nc.L and 1hr;11, 8111 ma) be ycUo,.isb or doll oran11e ""h dan. cul men and 11p

l 1to en\ 00• 1 \lannri11h11-r//1>11 1 K"ld.>m \&•Ible tn the field. When ~,m­ mtng. lool.. bl3d ""h ml~.,.,..,,, J, anJ ,m.tJI am.xint oflt/uu rlJ1b/C' un tJuo lot1~r lfir4 DffJ 4tJ l/t~ MOfffll~ t/t;: />rr.zs/_ Y.-h>IC ~lb aod ml ~e !"Ith .q..uau: lrom ~~mpamc kaS kggC\I arid ~cocroric cormnrant• ~o o•C1Up•11h Roct Sb.1s. IMJl lhb $UWW Jf'CCICli I> wn.tlkr. bu In ftll1ROI) blade hrr ii reJ orra..~ e•1nid1113 k> forchrad. anJ a •l11rc fatt pmcb In the linTdln£ ~'Cl Ju\ anJ 1mm tiu.aNt~ Cormonmb lil:c •ii bul llrl••1111h-l>l.i.:I; rJlhct than, anJ ha\e a pale




N 1111h •lJllt

Cormorant Yeco br,uilianus

l'/1 1/,11 t • 11 m '"

I ~M 71 cm (2.1 21>").1\qualic but

11111 •II 1clly munne. common tn1111111 u11tl 1111 fresh wn1cr. Breeds rnl1111111l ly In lurgc trees usually 111 ;l1lr w1111•1ho1l1ci. F'ound In ll1to ~ • 111 11lo111~ IJ11 llkc 01hcr Chil111 • 111111111.1111•. t•fkn Illes high du,,~

wuh.'' u111I u\IL'tlnntl Ti1':

Rock Cormorant (Magellan Co,.morant) de las Rocas Pharacrocorax mage/lanicus FU< l 66 a"I (2b I \I 1t1r.. Ctlf'mOfaJll of cold. J>&tJbo111•n I ..i 1n mull n.,. i... oral.- br«J,cnl•w !lyjor~MrA ltttd throat •.\d b.u)cllu,.1sllnn"1deun lroot of C)t' and .,,;J blwormtoJf rmg. I unhcf. more. brttJ1ng ad "-• crn1 •h nl3~ 81\C Wft pecr1111 note~. Dunn& hr •1111~• """"•n. m~lc~ m.iy 111vc a scldom-ht:ird booming call



P1111.1 RheiJ Suri l't1•1rn('m1i1 (p.)

tarapacensis TX#18

I 01\ r111 (37") Uncommon 10 rare, declining.

H(•t11.i,•1I 111 oh1plano llm~•lnnds nnd shrubby \p1w11r. 10 prefer nu1 nr.:n.s with some wet· 1011111 .. ~ » hn1,•dotc~ nr ct111c~ Q~c• tn dncr area• adJa,cnl tc largcman.hcs.somcumcsm >aratc>i from Wood StarL \ OICE U.u.tlh ,,fcnt, II""" 1 t\1-0·nolc whistle.

Wood Stork CigUena de cabeza pelada Myderia americana l 107 cm (42"). V~nn1 rcc.,,.J.. I lr.1m S..nti.1110 ond Anca

Associated with wooded pond.,, .111d 111hcr ,1111-wulcr uqut111c habita1s. IDENTIFICATIO' A \\hltc •lllrk. ~h11wmg hut. black on lhe p1>;1e1101 nrc11s or th.- holly wl11lc ul rcs1. /I/// l>/ackish, tltidrnntl dtrHJpN.l 111 lhl' If/•, •t1111lu11111h111ofun1b1> bu1 broader based. lll'/11/ 1111tf tit'• ( 1111/1u11/11•1•1·1/ hlttt·k wi//1 u bare area 011 the fol"l'ltcad I c~• hf,1ck, lJ'IC, ind on lower~. In high brccd1ns rhc lores anJ f«I nut) d1.. n1e 10 1n oran1e-red. J111c111k• hJ\C gr.-.:n"h ·~· "'"h •black ''"P«>n Illar front. nnd)cllo• feet The)tltu... l1>1n, •ndn>br1 11d11lt•, "hit'h lwve bufly pntcltt'> 011 the ""· ba•r t>/fort·111·rA. \t'U/m/u,.. mt1J lowu back. Some rctnm ~ome bull" nil ycnr. l11r le11s ond bill tum reddish-11run11r In high lm:ed1n11. '11011 -hrcedina ndull• hnveyello11'h1/l,v11111/)1'//1111 leg.v Juvenile~ luck h11fly puiche•. anti sho" blncki•h or grccm~h·lll'I') lc11• T/11•1r m •t>cache>, 1bo inland (r,·~h·..,ller habitat\ • 1JnJcigo1ni; •range c~1cn\lon. r.~1 rcponcd m (1ulc 1n ICl71 '""' a "' t/tt\ itl'ITlll 11 I .hll'I l•la111J 11)1';1' 11111· CAT IOS A stoc~y. 1h1dc hllkJ 111"!ouin· 1-.-J h«mn "'"h

I ~~ M Clll IH 2~ S"l \lai:nly rurag.:\ at DIJ!hl, but DOI 1nrrcc and bill "'"'" "~·1111 1J, 1111lic~ 1111, b1ncm, bur back """ "'"'' ~, ..,,.,, ,,,,.,,,,,, ,,,..,, .. ~tunJ1n"n~ll011d tn aJ11pl1no. bu1 rc11ularly c.ko,centl> 10 co.1'tdl wetland~ (Anca) f'!•mac~ m open wcllund 0-SOOO m. IDt:N'rl!• l ('A I ION 'ohn1lC 111u~h like Whitc-foccd Ibo~ b111 '""'''~' /1•gi(r1/ Breeding otrca~. duller 11111 11nJ lilcc ~oloun1, nnJ gre.:msll gloss toco>el'b. Cicncrnlly 11llopa1r1c "llh Wh1lc·focc,1 Ibis. but lallcr could occur \\n coab 1n --brco.ln Ju\ and mun. do II()(~ dUl1ncu• c fa..-gl Ct'l°"n of aJ , but note blacl:er belly of Puna. SINCU&nll d•llCT\.-iKn, llllJ more '1okl (as opposed 10 grcco1~1 mdc~clk'.c "n hacl. and "'"I' \ "O ICE Call ;,. a 8""a!-g,,J>al.




Bla ck-faced Ibis Bandurria Theristicus melanopis


L 74 ?S ~111 ti•1•1 D"11n~11•c 1h" or1111l.111J,, l111111;ini; ma111ly'" pa• """' 1111cl hcld•, 11"111lly 1n fluck• t •I 111 •lt111cully rcJlOrlcd fr\1111 Lauca. may no loogcnx:cur l>olkr lrd> 1•lu11"~~ ;anJ adult 'l;vcc that plunuge . •·~c1all) brack1~b MIC• 0-IXOO m The 'suandard' fuim1n; 1n (.l11lc. the lllrtnal /12 or~" h / 1 1•t• ,.,,,, rf"il Jl•lnH und/"n"h, ~1s1blep1nl.. lc:p CJ than Chilean from Ju• Puna b~ Larger ..u. looftf nccl. and legs. .ind mrc e'1enm • bl.1'1.. on hall

Puna Oa mes's) Flamingo Parina chica

Phoenicoparrus jamesi


L 90 cm (35" I R.:,1r1.tcd "' n11r1hcm run.a for ging in shallow ..1hnc lake pond,, .J()C)()-4WOO rn earThrc.11en(d IOH• rll 'l(' \ 'T 10 ' The•mu/1 tm Ch1leu11.f111111111~11. "1th rcln11vcly ~hon lea nee~ 11nd bill Uod) pole p1nl. . cu11t1'11st1ng w11h redtli.h·pinl.. ncol... breast 1111d hcod. Al•(l hn~ d~rl pink in po;lcrior -1Cup11lnr-t/1111 lu• hro"m'hand l d 11 m 1>11 1 lln11un~·" fhll tr hU< ma' be onl)


11111hill 11 10·


Ande.m Flamingo

Ro$catc Spoonbill

cn~ 10 Ouk b} Bbd-nctlcd S"an Thi~ STUUJ>" m3onl) J"1ribu1cd 10 the 111 rtlN.- " Iii ""'" 1r.-luo~l: •id l>.·lu\l, "1th n1(h> cd11c> '\prc:u·• 10 require 1li.111 •Oll~cncnc>. prc(crrmii 'mall pond;, with 11 ' II '"•" h~· dnJ JJri mt:.'\TH' l1 \ 111 ' ' \ i'"'ll"''u• whMllntc·Jucl.. w11h a bn¥hlol'r111gt-·l'l"d 111 I I "'' ttn.f lll'f•.-1 1u·.-A 11"~' 1< Ith "hilt' t1'h11r 1.itll u m1ru>11ni; rnld111t hill and 1.-x, In R1,h1. ' "'P 1'l.1t~ 11p1 '" l'nni.me11/1111111 "'" ( ·ould be con · fused wi1h domes11c gcC11al~h' tc arid can be ob>cr\cd 1n hundn:Jo lhahh mobile. noct~ lll3) be elKVUnlcrcd far fm"'I regular l'llt• ~. h.. b1n !hit ;pec1~ hat 111 cnt1NI)' boch· o ct>ntrmtin>: l>larA ,,.., .l 11t1d h,•.,,, II cad ;iJomcJ by I \'3Nbly >llCd \\ hrtl' Cl I' p.Jlt Jr u..J l't:•/ 1tJr1111 fu IJ( /Ja1t' of/.111- unter more cxicnmc on m~I.- thJn lcn1Jlc U1ll 11rc> and legs red to orange-red S11c a.nd bla•k·•nd·,.hllc plumaac diagnosuc In Right. cn11rely "'h11c "mg•. 1n Chile a li:aiutc shared only by male Kelp (,00\C lwhi, ~\Olds ~nhn Rcqurrn ncatb) drO• l..v ncsung In \\inter ~cnJ• 10 lrflmtl} t:n"Jllt'$. rarely ll..x1.• ID•\ TlflC \TIO\ \ ihcl~ ,.,th. •hon nc.;1 r.Jlhkd •lO \bund.tnt E•)()SC of P111nlrs. dtocN 11ot lend lo !lock, 0 -1600 111. 11)£N'l'I FICA1'10N A Iorgo lo1111·bt1dic11 due~ w11h d 1·111111rl•h 1i..11d ('~,, 'hort, 11101, or 11ruunJtd1111l c1n the n.ipc. bu1 se?VeS 10 give it a dil.tincu•c head ,h.1~. lJ..,,·1· hill '"'');•''' {Nrle bro...71 wi1h pok marblinl( pcllh111di1111 100 -1200 111 I DENTIFLCAT(ON Ah1·t1)'S 011 r11vhl1111 v/11•11111v, Abhhn11 duck$ tend to 1 111 ft•11 "I' ,.11111• "11111111111• inJ IP""l?"'8 on ~ubmerged aqwuic vegeiatton Nc>tt u~uall) on the 11rnWtd, ~nd they Oud 1 1 '" lucc,l111!l "'""'" ll111•lll·colou~ males moult imo a more subdued pluma~c. the cChpj.ull} dull...- bill. In 01iht. 11ttn •pc,ulum (brrghrcr 'ctto... billed)" ith a runo.. bufl leading cJj\: anJ" l>rud hufT1raJ11n • edge. VO ICE -'131c 8"•' u 11•• \l>h1,1lc. "hrlc lcm1lc quad, softly.

Puna Teal Pato puna Ana.s puna TX #21


L 4~ -49 crn ( 17,S Ill") . RcMrictcd 11111hlrlunu, I II Reg ion (3000 4~00 111, vn11rnn1 n: ''.~" BulT brea I J~!.CI) J'l b.irrcd rcu1;1lc Alnlll~r Ill '"llC bul bro" ncr. le~' jlfC')'i•h, nnJ h~~ ~ rnorc restricted amounr of ycllo" u1 baw nf bill In lll11h1, look. brownish. wi1h pale cheek•. and hn~ n 11rcen ,p;:cu l11111 burdcred on the leading and 1rniling edge~ by pule buff. Widely ~y1npulr1c with White-cheeked Pinrnll wuh which l1111uy he c1111f1iscd duo lo pale check. Scpnrn1cd rrorn lhc 1>11111111 hy lt~ Mllllllcr .•tic, stockier s1ructure, greyer ovcm tl plwnn~t\ yl•llnw hill bnsc. comrasting grey dO(Snl pon,, nnd conrsc h111llnl(1111 ll1111k•. Sec l'ul)a TeaJ for diffcrcn11n11on frM1 1h111 11llo1•n1ri~ 'llCc1c,. YOJCF; Mal~ gives a 'Wenk whi•llc, k11i.11t 11 ..rlc• ol four or so quacks.

(~YP"") - ~


I .1hhl111g ducks - wigeon, shoveler and teals 11


11 ,, r 11111 ""• •cJ lnl a;1uuparcdabbli~dud::sormarshcsand frtsh11n1cr bodtt\ \\111con~ ''""' ~r1kio1 111 1 11 ,, , 1o, i., Fl""} i;rnn arj'IC\:ulum the unly Clulcnn dud wuh ·•\\hire rump I "'"' bd1111, commc ~clllJlc similar l•11t •l1tllcr "•th •m.tllcr "'"I Jlollch, lc" 11h1tc and m~t l•~c Sf'C' "..tnd..r •urcl)' lllh\loatcr lake• and J'. USWlll) COOb F11//N On.:c the youn, It ti Jrup ml\• the" u•'f ind 1c11J tor 1hcm'ICl'.:s. not competin~ "ith rhc h-1youn1ti10 ITl'li 0111.!r ~n>oJ p.ara'11c)

""'Y billed Pochard

Pato negro

N ''" pcpouc~

I 53 57 cm 121

s1ripd. fcmoak ,,_oly ~ from female I.Ake Dud. b>



la pairs Jurina brccd111g sea>e>n, •mJlll

Oach cir ""&I~ •• Otha umc, I rcsbwatt'f \\ctlends, pn:fcmng atca• e>I Jttpt'f \\8lcr. ~fore likely to Y1'11 tar:cr bkcs ind "ctl3nds 1n nc11t-bn:cdingseason O 600 m I Ol 'I flfil C ATIO:'\ A lu11c bulk» dul duck w11h a /~1/d 1/," 4 ""h II"" .iJn '1ntlKhU.'1Wtt. The red 111"' "" •·nla1-i:1-.I 4noh 01 ' " b"'" Imm male s1m1ler bo1 !11 v. oLI illcd 11l lfiJ/c- chnunn •1th l>ia..#. """ ortJ lt1n1llcr I II Ii 1 1 111alc: hL< lc111.1I~ Inn h.u m1>rc c:-.tcn.'"" "hue at I 111 A n•llC!>"' '"' "" C"ar Hl~Crl•

A1ult .rn (Ruddy) Duck I' 111 1 111 •de p1cu Jncho

t~f.nul nJnt1 nearl) alway• coc~' llil, "l11lc ~l.c Duel. uni) d.·ltt"'1 on •tJr/111 t'o cocli.' Wl largel)' in dt>play. \lalc chc>tnul, "11h d.trlt liul and bli,~ head and neck 8111 bngh1 blue. 1-·,.,,1 'malkr, has proporttona1cly lonccr 1011 , a Oancr hcaJ profile and ll3tTO\\CTb1ll. II u.'SU311) ~noc cock lhc 1~! \l.'lulc thC I lll(lnll anJ panalld sided. rttWtgubr. ,.lib 'f lu17g 'fiARr''° "" • llfZ 11p fall to of modenic length. but 1> broad anJ latsc ,\nJc.n