Bardo Prayer composed by Gyalwang Rinchen Phuntsok.

!, ,2J?-=-,A3-KA-.2$?-(., , LUNG K'AM NAM SHE LA T'IM CH'I UG CHE When the air element dissolves into the element of con

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!, ,2J?-=-,A3-KA-.2$?-(., , LUNG K'AM NAM SHE LA T'IM CH'I UG CHE When the air element dissolves into the element of consciousness, the outer breath stops,

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NAM SHE NAM KA'I K'AM T'IM TS'OG DRUG 'GAG As consciousness dissolves into the element of space the six modes of consciousness come to an end.

,A-2R:C-.!R$ , NANG CHE T'OB PA'I 'Ö DU NGO SHE SHOG May I recognise these as the radiance of ‘appearance’, ‘increase’ and ‘attainment’.

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SHI WA NGO SHE LA MA NYING NE DRÄN Recognising the face of death, let me earnestly bring to mind my spiritual teacher

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DE SUNG DAM PA'I NE LA NGES PA NYE and acquire true confidence as to the essential meaning of his instruction.

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KE CHIG TSAM YANG MA YENG LO TÖ SHOG let me place my entire trust in him without wavering even for an instant.
