Backup and restore database

20.11.2001 1/4 Database Backup and restore database Backup database: We will create a backup file “backup.bak” of th

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Backup and restore database

Backup database: We will create a backup file “backup.bak” of the LESystem database in the following path: “d:\lantek”.

You should make a copy of the LESystem folder where all the Expert information is saved (mec files, sheets,...) to have a complete backup of the LESystem database.

20.11.2001 Database

The osql intruction will show the next message.





Restore database: We will restore in a LESystem database the backup from the “d:\lantek\backup.bak” file. If LESystem already exists it will overwrite the information and if it doesn’t exist it will create it. As I explained in the database instruction you should recover also the LESystem folder to get the complete information of the LESystem database.

This should be the result.

You should see now in the new LESystem database the information you had when you made the backup. Warning: when trying to create a backup from a database with blank spaces in its name, please follow the next steps:

20.11.2001 Database backup database [name database] to disk = ‘namedatabase.bak’ go

sp_add_jobschedule/sp_add_job Use this intructions to program a job (in this case a backup) and schedule it. You should add a job in the jobs collection. You can define when the job will carry out, with which frecuency...
