April in Moscow Summary

April in moscow The story is about April, a dancer from the British dance company in Leed. One day her boss told her som

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April in moscow The story is about April, a dancer from the British dance company in Leed. One day her boss told her some good news. The Russians wanted them to dance there. Then, they traveled to Moscow. During the trip April and her friend laura talked about the different places they wanted to visit (The Kremling- Red Square and The Bolshoi) Once they arrived, the dancers worked very hard for their festival Green Oceans. The following day, April and Laura decided to go to drink some tea to a Russian coffe, after that they went to the Pushkin museum, there they met Sasha and Nicolai who worked there at the weekend. After a few minutes of talking, the boys invited April and her friend for a week in holiday in the country, especially to a lake. Next day, april went with Nicolai to that lake, where she they fell in loved with him. At the beginning there was a problem because April had to practice but she wanted to see Nicolai, it was hard for her.finally the Company’s big night arrived an after they performance they saw the public liked the show. After 20 hours later, the company was at the airport and april thought she would never see Nicolai again. Fortunately for her, Nicolai was also in loved with (of) her. He appeared in the airport and gave her a music box and a letter. At the end of the story, Nicolai asked her if he could go to England and she accepted. MODEL MILLIONAIRE this story is about Hughie, he was a charming man but he was poor. He tried a lots of works but in the end he did nothing. He was in loved with Laura, the daughter of a Colonel. He didn’t want his daughter to marry with a poor man. He often said that they would talked about wedding when he had 10 thousands pounds in the banck. This situation made Hugie felt sad. 0ne morning on his way to laura’s house, Hughie went to see his friend, alan trevor, he was a painter. When Hughie arrived Alan was painting a beggar. The beggar was sitting in the corner of the room. The old beggar had a sad and used an old coat whit holes in it. Hughie felt sad because the beggar looked sad and tired. Then, hughi asked treveor how much money the beggar received for the job. Trevor told him that would receive 12 pence an hour. Hughie thought that trevor should give the beggar more money. He felt sorry and gave him the inly pound he had. The beggar was thankful. After that, Hughie went to Laura’s house, there she was totally disappointed because Hughie gave money to that beggar. That evening Hughie found his friend Trevor at the club. Trevor told Hughie that the beggar was very interested in him. He wanted to know everthing about Hughiel. He also told him that the beggar was actually the richest man Europe, he was Baron Hausberg. He had bought a lots of his pictures and a month ago he wanted to be painted as a beggar. He didn’t know why. As he was a millionaire he didn’t ask anything. Hughuie was surprised and felt unhappy because he thought he had been a fool but his friend told him that he was a generous man. The next morning somebody knocked the door. It was one of Baron’s Hausber servant. He brought an envelope. The baron had sent him a cheque for 10000 pounds. Finally, huguie could marry laura, even baron hausberg attended his wedding. Hughie was really happy lucky because he had found a model millionaire.