A Week in My Country

TEACH-THIS.COM A Week in my Country Imagine you have invited some English-speaking friends to spend a week in your count

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TEACH-THIS.COM A Week in my Country Imagine you have invited some English-speaking friends to spend a week in your country during the summer. This is the first time they will have visited your country, so you want to give them a good time and show them as much as possible. Work in small groups, discuss and decide on a holiday itinerary for you and your Englishspeaking friends. What will you do? Where will you go? What will you see? What food will you eat? Where will you stay? What souvenirs will you buy, etc.


Day 1



Pick up friends from the airport at 9 a.m.

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Drop off friends at the airport at 9 p.m.

Day 7

When you have finished, present your holiday plans to the class. Written by Karen Gallenero for Teach-This.com ©20I4