Dialogo Con El Mecanico

__Luis__ good morning sr Are you the mechanic in this workshop? __José__ Yes, lord I am; And my name is Jose __Luis__ Pe

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__Luis__ good morning sr Are you the mechanic in this workshop? __José__ Yes, lord I am; And my name is Jose __Luis__ Perfect sir José, my name is Luis; I was going to the airport, but my car started to sound like a very sharp and unbearable whistle. Could you check my car? __José__ Of course Mr. Luis, please park the car in the yellow zone, and we will review it ****** 15 minutes later****** __José__ Mr. Luis the diagnosis of your car is the pulley damper is in poor condition, this pulley must be changed by a new pulley __Luis__ Mr. Jose, how much is a pulley? __José__ Mr Luis; This pulley has a cost of 150 dollars, and 30 dollars for the labor force, for a total of 180 dollars. Do you want us to fix the car? __Luis__ Yes, sir, we fixed the car. ****** 20 minutes later****** __José__ Mr. Luis, your car is repaired and is in perfect condition __Luis__ Thank you, Mr. Jose, here is your money; 180 dollars __José__

That it will suit you, Mr. Luis; Remember to keep the invoice from selling the pulley. Bye __Luis__ Thank you, sr Jose