Del Gesu Table of Measurements

Table of Measurements Del Gesù 1742 Violin Measurements Arching height -------------------------16.5 Body length--------

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Table of Measurements Del Gesù 1742 Violin Measurements Arching height -------------------------16.5 Body length---------------------------353.5 Body length needed to make wood resonances correspond on the Violin-349.6 Ratio of actual body volume to volume of a Violin------------------------------- 1 Ratio needed to make air resonance correspond with Violin-----------------1 Body width Upper bout--------------- 167.5 Body width Center bout--------------- 112.5 Body width Lower bout--------------- 207.5 Stop length------------------------------193.6 Side height ----------------------------- 32 Side thickness-------------------------- 1.1 Lining height Upper bouts --------- 2.5 Lining height center bouts---------- 3 Lining height lower bouts----------- 3.5 Lining thickness ---------------------- 2 Lining length -------------------------- 230 Arching height Top ------------------ 16.5 Arching height Back ---------------- 14.2 Distance, upper sound hole circle--- 43.5 Distance, lower sound hole circle--- 114 Distance, bridge line------------------72.6 Top, and Back thickness refer to plan Bar length above bridge line ----------138 Bar length below bridge line ----------129 Bar length overall -----------------------268 Bar height at bridge line ---------------15 Bar height at ends -----------------------6 Edge thickness back, neck button---- 5.1 Edge thickness back, upper bout base side corner block-------------------------------4.5 Edge thickness back, center bout-------3.9 Edge thickness back lower bout corner block----------------------------------------4.5 Edge thickness back, lower bout widest point----------------------------------------3.7 Edge thickness back, end block--------- 4 Edge overhangs --------------------3.7 average 5 at corner block miters Channel width -------------- 2.5

(Purfling to edge varies in center bouts) Purfling distance to edge -------------- 4.1 upper and lower bouts 4.3 center bouts Purfling groove depth ------------------ 3 estimated Neck length upper edge to nut ----130 Neck angle in degrees ----------------79.1 Neck height over top -----------------24 Neck thickness no fingerboard toe---- 11.75 Neck thickness no fingerboard heel – 11.75 at start of curve, 37 at dovetail Neck thickness, fingerboard toe ------ 20.5 Neck thickness, fingerboard heel------ 45 Back button width----------------------- 17 Back button length----------------------- 11 Sound hole upper lobe diameter--------6.5 Sound hole lower lobe diameter-------- 9 Scroll refer to plan Peg box width inside top “A” peg -----16 Peg box width inside btm. “A” peg ----14.2 Peg box width inside top “G” peg------16.5 Peg box width inside top “G” peg------ 22 Peg box side width top------------ 5.3L 4.6R Peg box side width btm. --------------- 27.2 String nut length -------------------------22-27 String nut height ------------------------- 9 Saddle nut height ------------------------7.5 Saddle nut width ------------------------ 35.5 Saddle nut shoulder to end------------- 11 Fingerboard length----------------------270 Fingerboard width at nut ----------------23.5 Fingerboard width at heel ------------- 32 Fingerboard edge thickness at nut----- 9.5 Fingerboard edge thickness at heel----10 Fingerboard surface radius ------------ 42 @ bridge end Fingerboard height, bridge end --11 – 26 Bridge width outside of feet ----------- 40 Bridge thickness at string --------------1.2 Bridge thickness at feet --------------- 4.5 Bridge foot height ------------------------ 1 Sound post diameter ------------------ 6
