David Anderson - Ultimate Secret

1. Ultimate Secrets During my 60+ years on this planet I have made many discoveries both personal and non-personal some

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1. Ultimate Secrets During my 60+ years on this planet I have made many discoveries both personal and non-personal some o f which have surprised me and others which have dumbfounded me. It is my intention in this short publication to let those who are seeking truth, wisdom and the knowledge to lead a more productive and prosperous life, know that everything is possible if you know how to go about it\ In truth, very little can be held back from you if you have the ‘know how’, patience and a genuine desire for change. For many years I struggled with life and its many pitfalls and disappointments. The good times seemed to be outnumbered substantially by the bad times and I saw no future other than a life of drudgery and wage slavery. N o doubt many o f you reading this will recognise these feelings. Over many years, I studied loads of self help books and consulted various authors, doctors, psychologists, faith healers and crystal ball 2

gazers to see if I could make sense of what was happening to me and those around me! Well, after spending a fortune I came to the conclusion that nothing could possibly help me and I sank into a deep depression lasting quite a few years. I had lost my job, my house, my money and most o f all, my self respect. Fortunately, my beloved wife stayed with me through the bad times although my son was affected by what he saw happening to me. There simply had to be an explanation and a way out o f this mess. Unfortunately, I just could not see it at the time. During a particularly bad day I decided to take my own life and set about making plans for the end. It was only when I was at the lowest point o f my life that I had what can only be called a revelation which was to alter the course of my life forever. I am not a religious person and I do not write any o f this from the viewpoint of any particular religion.

2. The First Secret For many years, especially as a young man, I thought that life owed me a living. When things went wrong I would go into a huff or worse. Feeling sorry for m yself became a bad habit that I just could not shake off. As time progressed, I became even worse and everything was the fault o f other people. What I did not understand at that time was that nothing happens entirely by accident and that we are all the architects of our own lives. Each one o f us has the power to succeed or fail. Life is like a wave on the ocean. It is a succession o f crests and troughs, ups and downs. When something good happens we know that something bad will not be too far away and vice versa. However, feeling sorry for ourselves is not the answer here. What we should do is be very thankful for what we already have. If we allow greed and avarice to enter our lives then we are on a hiding to 3

nothing and we will never be happy or prosperous. These things destroy us as sure as night follows day What we must do is to consider what we already have and be very grateful. Gratitude is absolutely paramount if we are to progress as human beings. Sit down one day and count all o f the things that you have. You will be amazed. I’m not just talking about material possessions here. Most o f us have all o f our faculties. We can see, hear, talk, walk, sing, dance, understand, memorise etc. There are literally thousands o f things that we should be grateful for in this life. If you are in employment, be grateful. If you are in good health, be grateful. If you have a good spouse, be grateful. If you have children, be grateful. If you can afford to go on holiday, be grateful. If you are financially stable, be grateful. I f you are in love, be grateful. If you have somewhere to live, be grateful. If you have enough to eat and drink, be grateful. If you have your own transport, be grateful. The list is endless. Be grateful for everything in your life. If you do so then you w ill suddenly see that you are not so hard done by after all. Think about the victims o f floods, earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes and other natural disasters. Think about the billions o f starving people in the third world who have, literally, nothing to smile about yet they are grateful for every little thing given to them. Think about disabled people who may never again walk, see, hear or talk. Your problems are as nothing compared to them. I can tell you from personal experience that if you adopt an 4

attitude of gratitude your life will change almost overnight. Things will be given to you that seemed impossible previously. People will react differently to you and enemies will become friends. Go about your everyday life in an atmosphere o f gratitude and thankfulness and watch your life take off. You w ill gain a sense o f well being like never before experienced. Be polite and grateful to everyone that you meet, even people who annoy or irritate you. This may take time to get used to but you will never look back. I changed my mindset to one o f gratitude and suddenly, my life opened up to success and prosperity, just like that! You can do the same. You do not have to be creepy or smarmy to be grateful. Just think gratitude and you will find your situation changing faster than you ever imagined. Every day you will have dozens o f opportunities to be grateful and thankful. Your personality will change for the better and others w ill notice. You will feel better than you have ever done. It is not necessary to act as ‘holier than thou’ since this may have a reverse effect. Just be and feel grateful. It will be to your advantage and it will change your life.

3. The 2nd Secret - Self Respect A university degree in rocket science is not required to under­ stand that if you do not respect yourself then others will not respect you. Never allow feelings of inadequacy or fear to dominate your mindset no matter what your circumstances are. You are the master o f your own destiny and what you think will come to pass if you let it. If you think negatively then you will receive negativity back and you will never succeed. Eliminate all negative thoughts or, at least, ignore them. To assist in the elimination of negativity and to encourage 5

positive thoughts it is possible to enlist the help o f a very powerful method o f meditation. T his method is sim plicity itself and can work miracles for those who employ it. The method w ill only take a few minutes o f your time and will last you for a lifetime. It can be used for almost anything that you need or want in this life. Firstly, sit down or lie down in a comfortable place where you will not be disturbed for a few minutes. Close your eyes and be still for one minute. D o not fidget or move around just keep relatively still if you can. Say to yourself either internally or out loud that your body is relaxing in stages starting with your feet and working up to your head. T his only takes about one minute to achieve. You are now relaxed enough to go into a meditative state. Next, from behind your closed eyelids, look upwards at an angle of approximately 20 degrees. It really doesn’t matter if you look up at 10 degrees or 30 degrees, the result will be the same, just look up slightly behind your closed eyelids. Next, start slowly counting down from 20 to zero. When you get to zero your mind will automatically be in a meditative state. It isn’t difficult or painful and you w ill know when you have achieved this state o f meditation. The human brain has many states of consciousness and you will now be in what is known in the medical profession as Alpha. Our normal waking state is known as Beta so Alpha is a deeper state of consciousness and it is from there that we can start to change things for the better. W hilst in this very pleasant and relaxed state you may say out loud or say internally what you want to change in your life. Be very specific. D o not allow your m ind to wander. Get right down to what it is that you want from the session and just say it! Your mind will be highly receptive to suggestion and request at this time and you will be imprinting this suggestion or request into your subconscious mind and it will do the rest for you! 6

Let me tell you that I have seen near miracles come about as a result o f this altered mind state. W hilst in Alpha you may want to play tapes o f your pre­ recorded voice giving commandments or making suggestions for your benefit. This method is known to work and James Cullinan has written books about it which are available from Finbarr Publications. However, if you do not want to use tapes the system works just as well by speaking out loud or internally. To further enhance the Alpha state I would suggest using some visualisation techniques. Imagine the thing that you want is in front o f you right now and that it is yours. See yourself actually using the thing or communicating with the person who is the object o f your desires. It is vitally important that you see this as vividly as possible since what you wish for you will likely get, so be warned! Keep the image in your head for a short time and then gradually let it go. When it is time to come out o f Alpha back into Beta just count down from 5 to zero saying, ‘I will awake and be refreshed at the count of zero’, and open your eyes. You should feel really good after this session which will only have lasted about 5 minutes and is very simple to complete. You can use the Alpha state to get anything you want in life. Just imagine what you want and go for it! You can do just one session per day or up to three sessions per day if you like. Just do the session and get on with your everyday life immediately after. Try not to think about what you have done. Your subconscious mind will now take up the challenge and start to follow your instructions without any reminders. You may get what you want immediately or it may take a few days or weeks. We are all different so please be patient. Many years ago I successfully transformed my lightweight body into a muscular mass capable o f lifting weights unim agin­ able previously by using visualisation and this very method of 7

meditation. I know o f many others in sport who swear by this technique. Sprinters, footballers, cricketers, boxers etc., all of whom have had success using similar methods. The mind really is in charge of the body. This method has virtually unlimited boundaries. Tapping into our subconscious is the answer to many o f our problems and I cannot recommend it to you any more highly. I have seen business people use this method before important meetings or speeches. Students can use it before exams. Would be suitors can use it to overcome nerves and to get the man or woman o f their choice. Do not fall into the trap o f wasting hours o f your valuable time on this method. It only takes a few minutes o f your time to achieve what you desire. If you are not feeling well or are tired then wait until you feel a bit better before using the method. Your results w ill be better.

4. The 3rd Secret - Sound Sound is an often overlooked ally in the self-help field. We are all vibrating at a certain frequency and every atom o f our being is involved in the life process. If we can tap into the right frequency then we can help ourselves to achieve many more things in life than we ever thought possible. Let me elaborate. By intoning a certain note we can effectively become one with the Universe, Cosmos or God whichever description o f the higher power you subscribe to. There is actually no religious content here so people from all religions or none at all can safely benefit from this information. There is no discrimination here! I made the discovery accidentally many years ago when I was rehearsing a song for a local concert event. I had to warm up my voice before singing ‘The Impossible Dream’. The song was in the

key o f ‘A’ so I needed to stretch my vocal chords a bit before attempting to sing it. It’s a difficult song to grasp and has many chord changes and requires sustaining certain notes at high pitch. I sang the usual warming up scales to ease my voice into the main song. Quite out o f the blue, I started to sing the note ‘A’ as an elongated note. It started out as A A A H H H ’ and lasted a few seconds only. It felt unusually good and I sang it again for a bit longer. I found that by intoning this A A A H H H ’ a vibration was set up in my body which was almost heavenly! It felt even better when I vibrated the note from the bottom of my lungs. Wow, what a feeling! I used this procedure frequently and I started to discover that things were going better for me in life. It seems that I had hit on something very positive using the sound o f the note ‘A’ and vibrating it from the bottom o f my lungs for as long as I could without taking a breath. I was soon able to do it for a prolonged length o f time and the more I did it the more I felt connected to the Universe. Very strange, but nonetheless true! Who would have thought it. I asked my wife and other relations to give it a try and they were amazed at the results. Initially they thought that I was probably crazy but they soon realised that I had stumbled across something major. This is what you do to get the same feeling as I found and to get the benefits that go with it. Sit down comfortably (just like Play School!). Take a few deep breaths. Maybe 4 or 5. Open your mouth and start to sing the note ‘AAAH HH’ from the lungs or diaphragm. Hold the note for a few seconds and then gradually breathe out. At first, you will only manage one or two seconds. This time will get longer as you get more practice and experience. The longer that you can hold the note the better. The vibration 9

set up will put you in direct communication with the Universe and you w ill feel at one with life. Used daily it could turn failure into success and it will definitely make you feel better about yourself and others. You w ill begin to attract good fortune and people will look at you differently. Things you previously thought to be impossible will start to look like definite possibilities and your confidence w ill grow accordingly. Do the sound of ‘A A A H H H ’ in the bedroom, bathroom, car or wherever you will not be disturbed or ridiculed as a mad person! Take it from me, this is som ething that really does work and you will see results after a comparatively short time. For some others it may take a bit longer but work it most definitely will if you give it real concentration and effort. D o not be shy, lazy or haphazard in your efforts. Be true to yourself by giving it a few weeks o f trial. This secret will last a lifetime so be diligent and go for it without any negativity. Sound can be a wonderful healer. The intoning of certain words can produce certain beneficial conditions within the body and many illnesses can be helped this way. Similarly, sound therapy is used in hospitals and private practices to heal physical conditions like arthritis, stiff joints, back pain, sore throats, headaches and the healing of wounds. It has a high success rate and should get more publicity than it does at present. The therapy has been known about since the 1930s. However, these things are not the subject o f this publication. Finbarr has books available which relate to chants and intonations specifically.

5. Healing Hands - The 4th Secret D id you know that each one o f us has the power to assist with the healing of others and ourselves? 10

It really is true! Healing can be done by people o f all religions or no religion at all. We are born with this power but it has been forgotten about in the race for materialism which is currently destroying our world. It matters not if you are male, female, black, brown, white or a little green man from Mars! You have the power. This power has been with us since the dawn o f time, if only we realise it. It has become eroded over the centuries but can still be used by those who seek it. It was a power known to our ancient ancestors who used it and benefited from it. Let me explain how to summon up the power. Firstly, you should know that the energy used to heal physical and psychological problems is all around us and is completely free. For centuries this knowledge has been kept by a few masters and adepts and it was only in the 20th century that it began to filter outwards to the rest o f us. More and more people are discovering the secret o f healing hands and consequently many more who suffer are being helped. Some people actually charge a fee for this assistance but I believe, in conjunction with many others, that it should be free. To summon the power you need only rub your hands together for a few seconds. Close your eyes and say a small prayer asking your deity for help and guidance. You must then state out loud, with conviction, your intention. Unless you do this the session will be meaningless and you will have wasted your time and effort for nothing. You must have an aim otherwise don’t bother! You must now focus intently on your aim. Ignore all around you and summon up the Alpha State as previously explained. It only takes a minute and will pay massive dividends in your healing efforts. You may then put your hands, palms down, on to the part of the body requiring to be healed but only if you have the per­ mission of the person concerned otherwise you may be in trouble! 11

Always seek prior permission to place hands on the body o f the person to be healed. If they say no to this situation it does not really matter since the technique is just as effective with the hands placed an inch or two above the part o f the body to be healed. Concentrate intently on the part to be healed and you will begin to feel a vibration or a great heat in your hands. It could also be a cold feeling or even nothing at all. It all depends on the indi­ vidual. Normally, you w ill feel a sensation o f heat or a tingling/ vibration. T his situation tells you that healing energy is flowing through via the palms of your hands directly into the body o f the person requiring the healing. T his is not New Age propaganda, it is absolutely true! The other person w ill feel the heat or vibration from you thus validating the procedure. Keep your hands in the same or nearly the same position for 10 minutes. You may feel uncomfortable but you will get used to this in time. You may alter the position o f the hands if the area to be covered is fairly big. You may move your position after a minute or two in order to cover say a whole chest or back. T his procedure is not ‘pie in the sky’ nonsense. It is a proven fact that hands laid on or near a body can offer healing and relief to those who suffer. My life has been transformed by the know­ ledge that I can offer help to others by using a simple hands on technique. You may use the technique on yourself! You will be amazed at how it can help overcome all sorts o f conditions like headaches, sore eyes, sore ears, stomach pain, leg pain or stiffness, back pain and stress. I use the term ‘heal’ rather than ‘cure’ since I am not a doctor and therefore cannot claim to cure an illness. Curing lies in the hands of the medical profession. However, healing is well within the capacity for all humans. Relief from pain and stress is something that can be done with hands on methods. I was recently hospitalised and I had no option but to use my own

healing hands technique to alleviate pain in my stomach as I lay there. It worked perfectly much to the amazement and curiosity of the doctors! Advanced techniques are available and the power to heal can be multiplied but only after a time o f practice and implementation with this technique. Advanced techniques are not the subject o f this book. They require much study and learning. It is unlikely that you will ever need anything other than the simple method I have just given you. Prepare to be amazed and prepare to astound others with your new found capabilities. Go to it now.

I do believe in a higher power and that the Universe is not here by sheer chancy but I must stress that organised religion does leave me somewhat cold and I have never been much o f a church goer. My relationship with ‘God’ is very personal and I have found this to be a source o f great inspiration. However, a religious treatise or lecture is not the purpose o f this book. Far from it! I have discovered that you need not be a devoutly religious person to feel good or to be successful in life. Frequently, you will see non­ religious people have much success in life and even people who are anti-religious, or just plain evil, succeed where the rest o f us fail. This is where I started my quest to find out what I must do to rid m yself o f depression and apparent failure in life. M y revelation came from nowhere and took the breath away from me! It was something that I had never experienced before and was so totally unexpected. In the midst o f a bout o f severe depression I had an intense feel­ ing o f calmness which took over my entire being. This was an alien feeling since I had spent years being tense, anxious, depressed, lacking in vitality and self respect. The tablets from my GP had done nothing to ease my pain and this sudden calmness was very welcome. During this calmness I saw dozens o f colours flash before my eyes 13

and I saw visions o f m yself in happier times. I heard soft voices reassuring me that everything was going to be all right in the near future. I actually thought that I was going mad and that I would be locked away in some mental institution as a paranoid schizophrenic or som ething like that! I was reassured by my GP and a psychiatrist that I was not mad, crazy or insane! I know now that I had been the subject o f some sort o f angelic intervention and that I had better keep it to m yself or suffer the ridicule that would follow. I kept things to m yself for many years but I feel now is the tim e to let everyone know what I have discovered. What will be revealed to you in this book could change your life forever. You will realise that we are definitely not alone and that we all have the power to alter our lives for the better, permanently. I have used the principles revealed to me for many years and I can safely say that my life has been turned around because o f them. Life is a serious business and must not be taken for granted or fretted over. With just a little bit o f work and application you can find the answer to many o f your issues right here in this book Happiness and prosperity could be yours for the taking if only you make the effort to implement what I say. You may never look back.

6. And Finally You have now been given three o f the best kept secrets known to mankind for centuries but kept away from you by those who seek to hold on to the power for themselves or for financial advantage. Your new found knowledge will help you and others gain a much better perspective on life and its meaning. Now you can walk tall in the knowledge that you need fear nothing in this world. 14

You have been given the golden key to techniques which will transform your life into something more meaningful. You may use your new found knowledge anywhere at any time at no financial cost to yourself. You have been given gold, so use it well for the benefit o f others and yourself.