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START TeamRichey 1298 Cycle 2 is here! Do your best to attack each of these test week pieces with honest effort to estab

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START TeamRichey 1298 Cycle 2 is here! Do your best to attack each of these test week pieces with honest effort to establish an accurate baseline for the next 6 weeks of training. Make sure you check out the podcast to get an idea of where we are heading this cycle. Giddyup!! 2018 Cycle 2 –Test Week Day 1 1. Warm-up 3 Steady Rounds: :30 Dead Hang from pull up bar 15 Dumbbell Front Squats 50/35s Row 500m 2. OLY “OLY Total” Three attempts at a 1RM Snatch Then Three attempts at a 1RM Clean and Jerk *Treat this like an OLY competition. Warm up all you want beforehand in the background and in between but have a judge watch three reps and three reps only. Whatever you hit in practice is irrelevant. Your heaviest weight during the three attempts of each is what counts. Score is Snatch+C&J 3. Met-Con 5 Rounds: 8 Deadlift 185/135lbs 25 Double Unders 8 Power Cleans 185/135lbs 25 Double Unders 8 Push Jerk 185/135lbs 25 Double Unders 4. Bitch Work 100yd Sprint Rest 5:00 200yd Shuttle Sprint (100yd down and back) Rest 5:00 300yd Shuttle Sprint (100yd down, back, down) 5. Accessory In a 10 minute window Complete 3 sets of Strict Handstand Push-Ups for max total reps.

TeamRichey 1299

Cycle 2 is here! We saw some awesome lifting from you all on Day 1 of test week. Keep crushing it. If you are just jumping on board, make sure you check out the podcast to get an idea of where we are heading this cycle. Giddyup!! 2018 Cycle 2 –Test Week Day 2 1. Warm-up 4 Steady Rounds: 10 Jump Squats 10/7 Calorie Bike 10 Hip Extensions 2. Strength Find a 3RM Back Squat 3. Met-Con AMRAP 9 Minutes Climb the Ladder 2 D-Ball/Sandbag Over Shoulder 150/100lbs 10/7 Calorie Ski 4 D-Ball 10/7 Calorie Ski 6 D-Ball 10/7 Calorie Ski Etc. 4. Bitch Work For Time: 30/18 Calories on Bike 15/12 Muscle Ups 20/12 Calories on Bike 12/9 Muscle Ups 10/6 Calories on Bike 9/6 Muscle Ups

TeamRichey 1300

Sled work is back!!! We know that there is quite a bit of variation in the sleds and surfaces people have. Take a look at the explanation video for the Sled Test to see what we are looking for. 2018 Cycle 2 –Test Week Day 3 1. Warm-up Steady Through 2:00 Banded Glute Activation 3:00 Row 30 Push Press 95lbs 2. Strength In 10 Minutes Find 1RM Push Press Then In 10 Minutes Find 1RM Split Jerk (Use Rack or Blocks.) 3. Interval Every 3 Minutes until failure Row 20/15 Calories 12 Thrusters 115/85lbs 3 Pull Ups Rest remainder. Increase Pull Up reps by 3 each interval. 4. Accessory For Time: 100′ Sled Push Heavy AF Make sure weight and conditions can be replicated for re-test week.

TeamRichey 1301

2018 Cycle 2 –Test Week Day 4 1. Warm-up 3 Steady Rounds: 12 Kettlebell Taters 70/53lbs Run 100m :30 Goblet Squat Hold Run 100m 2. Strength Find a 1RM Front Squat 3. Met-Con 3 Rounds: 50m Farmer’s Carry 140/90lbs per hand Run 400m 4. Interval 4 Rounds: AMRAP 3 Minutes 20 Wallballs 30/20lbs 15 Toes to Bar Max Rep Dumbbell Snatch in remaining time 70/50lbs Rest :60 Score is total DB Snatch.

TeamRichey 1302

2018 Cycle 2 –Test Week Day 5 1. Warm-up 2 Steady Rounds: 20 Banded Good Mornings 15 Pull Ups 1k Bike 2. Strength Power Olympic Lifting Total Find 1RM Power Snatch Find 1RM Power Clean + Push Jerk 3. Met-Con For Time 50 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20″ 40 Overhead Squats 155/105lbs 30 Bar Muscle Ups 4. Bitch Work 60 Minute Run Run out 30 minutes, Run back 30 minutes Two part test: Total distance covered and How close you get to the start point at the end. 5. Accessory TeamRichey Athletics Handstand Walk Test Complete 2 Laps of the handstand walk course: 25′ Handstand Walk Forward 15′ Handstand Walk Sideways (leading with right side) 25′ Handstand Walk Backwards 15′ Handstand Walk Sideways (leading with left side) Keep track of total time, and the number of times you come down.

TeamRichey 1303

2018 Cycle 2 – Week 1 Day 1 1. Warm-up 4 Steady Rounds: :30 Dead Hang from Pull Up Bar 10 Single Arm Dumbbell Sotts Press (switch arms each round) 20 Calorie Bike 2. OLY Snatch 6×3 @ 70-75% 3. Met-Con For Time: 15 Back Squats 225/155lbs 10/7 Calories on Bike 12 Back Squats 10/7 Calories on Bike 9 Back Squats 10/7 Calories on Bike 6 Back Squats 10/7 Calories on Bike 3 Back Squats 10/7 Calories on Bike (Take bar from the rack.) 4. Bitch Work 10 Rounds: Every 2:00 Row 150m Rest remainder. After completing pieces 1-4, Please choose ONE of the following based on perceived weaknesses. 5. Strength Pause Overhead Squat 3-3-3-3-3 70%+ 1RM 6. Accessory Strict Chest To Bar Pull Ups 20×3 Rest as needed.

TeamRichey 1304

2018 Cycle 2 – Week 1 Day 2 1. Warm-up 2 Rounds: :60 Banded Glute Activation 50 Calorie Row 20 Hip Extensions 2. Strength 12 Rounds: 50′ Unbroken Yoke Walk Approx. 400/300lbs Rest as little as needed 3. Met-Con AMRAP 20 Minutes Row 250/200m 15 Power Snatch 75/55lbs 2 Legless Rope Climbs 4. Bitch Work 4 Rounds: 40/24 Calories on Bike 21 Kipping Handstand Push-Ups Rest 2:00 After completing pieces 1-4, Please choose ONE of the following based on perceived weaknesses. 5. Interval 5 Rounds: 8 Deadlifts 315/225lbs 80′ Handstand Walk 8 Bar Muscle Ups Rest :90 6. Accessory Wall Sit 10 Rounds :40 on :20 off Back flat against the wall, both angle at the knee and hip should be 90 degrees.

TeamRichey 1305

We have been doing most of our lifting from the hang lately so we thought you all could use some reminders of what to focus on during your clean pull from the ground. 2018 Cycle 2 – Week 1 Day 3 1. Warm-up 5 Steady Rounds: 10 Jumping Squats 10 Calorie Row 1 Rope Climb 2. Strength Back Squat Work up to a heavy single around 90% Then 5×3 @ 80% 3. Oly Squat Clean Warm Up 4×2 @ 60-70% w/ pause at knee drop and reset Then 7×1 @ 80-90% 4. Interval 3 Rounds: AMRAP 4 Minutes 7 Overhead Squats 115/85lbs 21 Double Unders Rest 2:00 After completing pieces 1-4, Please choose ONE of the following based on perceived weaknesses. 5. Bitch Work 4 Rounds: Ski 750m Rest 2:00 6. Accessory Sled Push Heavy AF 100′ x 4 Rest as needed.

TeamRichey 1306

2018 Cycle 2 – Week 1 Day 4 1. Warm-up 3 Steady Rounds: Row 250m 15 Banded Good Mornings 10 Dumbbell Push Press 5 Strict Ring Dips 2. Oly Push Press 4×4 @ 80% 3. Met-Con AMRAP 15 Minutes Bike 1/.8k 30 Dumbbell Snatch 50/35lbs 15 Toes to Bar 4. Interval 2 Rounds: AMRAP 7 Minutes 50′ Handstand Walk 20 Sumo DLHP 95/65lbs 20 Alternating Pistols Rest 3:00 *Start over on round 2 After completing pieces 1-4, Please choose ONE of the following based on perceived weaknesses. 5. Strength Sumo Deadlift 3-3-3 Heavy, but perfect controlled reps. 6. Bitch Work 5 Rounds Row 600/500m 10/8 Muscle Ups Rest 2:00

TeamRichey 1307

2018 Cycle 2 – Week 1 Day 5 1. Warm-up 2 Steady Rounds: 15 Light Snatch Balance 15 Chest to Bar Pull Ups 30 Calorie Row 2. Strength Back Squat Speed Work 8×3 @ 60% 3. Oly Power Snatch 4×1 Snatch Pull 4×1 Snatch Deadlift 4×1 4. Bitch Work 30 Minute Run Run 15 Minutes out and back. Try to log distance and pace. 5. Accessory With a partner (or rest at least 1:1) Accumulate Max Peg Board Climbs in 15 Minutes.

TeamRichey 1308

2018 Cycle 2 – Week 2 Day 1 1. Warm-up 3 Steady Rounds: 20 Weighted Box Step Ups 15 Double Kettlebell Front Squats 2. OLY Clean and Jerk 6×3 @ 70-75% 3. Met-Con For Time: 9 Calorie Ski 9 Thrusters 115/85lbs 15/12 Calorie Ski 15 Thrusters 21/15 Calorie Ski 21 Thrusters 27/21 Calorie Ski 27 Thrusters 4. Bitch Work 6 Rounds: Sprint 200m Rest :90-2:00 After completing pieces 1-4, Please choose ONE of the following based on perceived weaknesses. 5. Strength Pause Front Squats 3-3-3-3-3 70%+ 1RM 6. Accessory Strict Deficit (2″) Handstand Push-ups In 3 Minutes Max sets of 3 Rest 3:00 In 3 Minutes Max sets of 2 Rest 3:00 In 2 Minutes Max singles

TeamRichey 1309

2018 Cycle 2 – Week 2 Day 2 1. Warm-up 3 Steady Rounds: 1/.8k Bike 15 Double Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift 15 Push Ups 2. Strength 8 Rounds: 50m Sandbag Carry 200/150lbs Rest as needed 3. Met-Con 3 Rounds: 7 Squat Snatch 185/135lbs 100 Double Unders 4. Bitch Work 3 Rounds: 20/12 Calories on Bike 20 Pull Ups 15/9 Calories on Bike 15 Pull Ups 10/6 Calories on Bike 10 Pull Ups Rest 3:00 After completing pieces 1-4, Please choose ONE of the following based on perceived weaknesses. 5. Interval EMOM for 21 Minutes 15 Kettlebell Swings 70/53lbs 15 Box Jump Overs 24/20″ 15 GHD Sit Ups Alternate Movements. 6. Accessory Freestanding Handstand Hold 10 Rounds: :20 on :40 off

TeamRichey 1310

2018 Cycle 2 – Week 2 Day 3 1. Warm-up 4 Steady Rounds: 12 Jumping Lunges 10 Light Snatch Balance 8 Strict Pull Ups 2. Strength Back Squat Work up to a heavy single around 90% then 5×3 @ 82.5% of your 1RM 3. Oly Snatch Warm Up 4×2 @ 60-70% With pause at knee. Drop and reset Then 7×1 @ 80-90% of your 1RM. 4. Interval 5 Rounds: 5 Squat Cleans 2 Pegboard Ascents Rest 2:00 Clean weights: R1 225/155lbs R2 245/165lbs R3 265/175lbs R4 285/185lbs R5 305/195lbs After completing pieces 1-4, Please choose ONE of the following based on perceived weaknesses. 5. Bitch Work 6 Rounds: Run 400m Rest :60 6. Accessory Forward Facing Sled Drag Sprint – Empty/Light 100m x 6 Rest as needed.

TeamRichey 1311

2018 Cycle 2 – Week 2 Day 4 1. Warm-up 3 Steady Rounds: Ski 250m 15 Banded Good Mornings 10 Dumbbell Push Jerk 5 Strict Handstand Push-Ups 2. Oly Split Jerk 6×3 70-80% 3. Met-Con 3 Rounds For Time: 10 Power Cleans 205/145lbs Run 400m 4. Interval 3 Rounds: AMRAP 4 Minutes 30 Wallballs 30/20lbs 15 Toes to Bar 20 Wallballs 10 Toes to Bar 10 Wallballs 5 Toes to Bar Rest 2:00 (If you finish start back at the top.) Reset each AMRAP. After completing pieces 1-4, Please choose ONE of the following based on perceived weaknesses. 5. Strength Sumo Deadlift 6-6-6 Heavy, but perfect controlled reps. 6. Bitch Work 6 Rounds: Row 250m 10 Ring Dips Rest :60

TeamRichey 1312

2018 Cycle 2 – Week 2 Day 5 1. Warm-up 2 Steady Rounds: 15 Light Pause Front Squats 15 Handstand Push-Ups 20 Calorie Bike 2. Strength Back Squat Speed Work 8×3 @ 62.5% 3. Oly Power Clean 4×1 Clean Pull 4×1 Clean Deadlift 4×1 4. Bitch Work Ski 40 Minutes Keep 500m split times within 3 seconds from beginning to end. 5. Accessory 5 Rounds: 200m Jog 30′ Backwards Handstand Walk

TeamRichey 1313

2018 Cycle 2 – Week 3 Day 1 1. Warm-up 4 Steady Rounds: :30 Dead Hang from Pull Up Bar 10 Single Arm Dumbbell Sotts Press (Switch arms each round.) 20 Calorie Row 2. OLY Snatch 6×3 @ 72.5-77.5% 3. Met-Con AMRAP 12 Minutes 5 Deadlifts 275/185lbs 10 Bar Facing Burpees 15 GHD Sit Ups 4. Bitch Work 10 Rounds: Every :90 Sprint 15/9 Calories on Bike After completing pieces 1-4, Please choose ONE of the following based on perceived weaknesses. 5. Strength Pause Overhead Squat 2-2-2-2-2-2 80%+ 1RM 6. Accessory Strict Ring Dips 10×5 Rest as needed.

TeamRichey 1314

Seth and Drew are back with another Round Table Discussion of today’s Met-Con. Check it out if you want to survive the 25-minute AMRAP. 2018 Cycle 2 – Week 3 Day 2 1. Warm-up 3 Steady Rounds: 12 Deadlifts 155/105lbs Run 400m 2. Strength 8 Rounds: 100′ Farmer’s Carry 160/110lbs each hand Rest as needed. 3. Met-Con AMRAP 25 Minutes 50 Air Squats 30 Hang Power Cleans 95/65lbs 10 Strict Deficit Handstand Push-Ups 4/3″ 4. Bitch Work AMRAP 12 Minutes: Run 200m 18 Chest To Bar Pull Ups (Must be done in sets of 6.) Rest :30 After completing pieces 1-4, Please choose ONE of the following based on perceived weaknesses. 5. Interval 5 Rounds: 10 Sandbag/D-Ball Cleans 150/100lbs 25 Push Ups Rest :60 Take a moment to review the sandbag clean tips from Drew and Sherb so you can fly through the Interval. 6. Accessory Overhead Squat Bottom Position Hold 4 Rounds for Max Effort 95/65lb Barbell Rest as needed.

TeamRichey 1315

Everyone wants the program that is the best for them. For years we have had countless discussions on whether that is a completely individualized program or not. Seth, Sherb, and Drew got together to have another one of those discussions. We hope it gives you some insight as to why we do things the way we do. 2018 Cycle 2 – Week 3 Day 3 1. Warm-up 4 Steady Rounds: 12 Jumping Squats 12 Calorie Bike 1 Rope Climb 2. Strength Back Squat Work up to a heavy single around 90% Then 5×3 @ 85% 3. Oly Squat Clean Warm Up: 4×2 @ 60-70% With pause at knee. Drop and reset. THEN 7×1 @ 82.5-92.5%of your 1RM 4. Interval EMOM for 15 Minutes 20 Dumbbell Snatch 70/50lbs 20 Alternating Pistols 40 Double Unders Alternate Movements On the Minute. **Only do one movement each minute.

5. Bitch Work 5 Rounds: Bike 2k Rest :90

6. Accessory Sled Facing Backward Drag Unbroken March/Medium Weight 100' x 5 Rest as needed


2018 Cycle 2 – Week 3 Day 4 1. Warm-up 3 Steady Rounds Bike .5k 15 Banded Good Mornings 10 Dumbbell Push Press 5 Strict Ring Dips 2. Oly Push Press 4×3 @ 85% 3. Met-Con 4 Rounds: 50′ Back Rack Walking Lunge 185/135lbs 15 Box Jump Overs 24/20″ 21 Pull Ups 4. Interval 3 Rounds: 21 Bar Facing Burpees 21 Dumbbell Thrusters 50/35lbs Rest :60 After completing pieces 1-4, Please choose ONE of the following based on perceived weaknesses. 5. Strength Sumo Deadlift 9-9-9 Heavy, but perfect controlled reps. 6. Bitch Work 5 Rounds: AMRAP 3 Minutes Row 500/400m Max Rep Strict Handstand Push-Ups in remaining time. Rest :60

We have some legless rope climbs on tap for today. Check out the video if you are looking for a 2018 Cycle 2 – Week 3 Day 5 1. Warm-up 2 Steady Rounds: 15 Light Snatch Balance 15 Strict Pull Ups 30 Calorie Ski 2. Strength Back Squat Speed Work 8×3 @ 65% 3. Oly Power Snatch 4×1 Snatch Pull 4×1 Snatch Deadlift 4×1 Heavier than last time. 4. Bitch Work 40 Minute Run Run 20 Minutes out and back. Try to log distance and pace. 5. Accessory Every :90 for 15 Minutes OR Every 2:00 for 20 Minutes 2 Legless Rope Climbs


2018 Cycle 2 – Week 4 Day 1 1. Warm-up 3 Steady Rounds 20 Weighted Lunge Steps 15 Double Kettlbell Front Squats 2. OLY Clean and Jerk 6×3 @ 72.5-77.5% 3. Met-Con AMRAP 10 Minutes Climb the Ladder 2 Overhead Squats 115/85lbs 2 Handstand Push Ups 4/4, 6/6, 8/8, etc. 4. Bitch Work 7 Rounds: Sprint 100m Rest 2:00-4:00 After completing pieces 1-4, Please choose ONE of the following based on perceived weaknesses. 5. Strength Pause Front Squats 2-2-2-2-2-2 80%+ 1RM 6. Accessory Strict Chest to Bar Pull Ups 12×5 Rest as needed.


Seth and Gabe are here with another Roundtable Discussion to help you get the most out of the Bitch Work today. 2018 Cycle 2 – Week 4 Day 2 1. Warm-up 2 Rounds: :60 Banded Glute Activation 50 Calorie Row 20 Hip Extensions 2. Strength 8 Rounds 100′ Unbroken Yoke Walk Approx. 400/300lbs Rest as little as needed. 3. Met-Con For Time: Run 800m 100 Wallballs 20/14lbs Run 800m 4. Bitch Work 3 Rounds: AMRAP 3 Minutes Bike 30/18 Calories Max Rep Ring Dips in remaining time. Rest 2:00 After completing pieces 1-4, Please choose ONE of the following based on perceived weaknesses. 5. Interval 3 Rounds: 30 Air Squats 10 Hang Power Snatch 135/95lbs 30 Air Squats 10 Hang Power Snatch 30 Air Squats Rest 3:00 6. Accessory Lunge Hold 12 Rounds (6 each side.) :30 on :30 off Alternate sides


Seth, Sherb, and Drew discuss some of the announced changes to the CrossFit Games season. 2018 Cycle 2 – Week 4 Day 3 1. Warm-up 3 Steady Rounds: 15 Jumping Lunges 10 Light Snatch Balance 5 Strict Chest To Bar Pull Ups 2. Strength Back Squat Work up to a heavy single around 90% Then 5×3 @ 87.5% 3. Oly Snatch Warm Up 4×2 @ 60-70% With pause at knee. Drop and reset. Then 7×1 @ 82.5-92.5% 4. Interval 10 Rounds: 4 Bar Muscle Ups 8 Burpees to 6″ Target 12 Dumbbell Overhead Squats 70/50lbs (Alternate Arms Each Round.) Rest :30 After completing pieces 1-4, Please choose ONE of the following based on perceived weaknesses. 5. Bitch Work 4 Rounds: Row 50/40 Calories Rest 3:00 6. Accessory 8 Rounds: Sled Push Sprint – Light Weight 50ft Rest as needed.


2018 Cycle 2 – Week 4 Day 4 1. Warm-up 3 Steady Rounds: Row 250m 15 Banded Good Mornings 10 Dumbbell Push Press 5 Strict Handstand Push-Ups 2. Oly Split Jerk 7×2 75-85% 3. Met-Con 7 Rounds: Run 100m 10 Shoulder to Overhead 135/95lbs 4. Interval 3 Rounds: 100m Farmers Carry 70/53lbs each hand 120 Double Unders 20 Double Kettlebell Front Squats Rest :90 After completing pieces 1-4, Please choose ONE of the following based on perceived weaknesses. 5. Strength Sumo Deadlift 3-3-3 Heavier than last time, but perfect controlled reps. 6. Bitch Work AMRAP 15 Minutes: Ski 250/200m 60′ Handstand Walk (30′ out, pirouette, 30′ back) Rest :30


2018 Cycle 2 – Week 4 Day 5 1. Warm-up 2 Steady Rounds: 15 Light Pause Front Squats 15 Ring Dips 30 Calorie Row 2. Strength Back Squat Speed Work 8×3 @ 67.5% 3. Oly Power Clean 4×1 Clean Pull 4×1 Clean Deadlift 4×1 Heavier than last time. 4. Bitch Work 4 Rounds: Bike 5/4.5k Rest 3:00 5. Accessory 15/10 Strict Muscle Ups “For Time” but avoid failed reps at all costs Then 7×3 Pull Overs on Bar


2018 Cycle 2 – Week 5 Day 1 1. Warm-up 4 Steady Rounds: :30 Dead Hang from Pull Up Bar 10 Single Arm DB Sotts Press (Switch arms each round.) 200m Run 2. OLY Snatch 6×3 @ 75-80% 3. Met-Con 4 Rounds: 15/10 Body Weight Bench Press Run 200m 15/10 Strict Pull Ups Run 200m 4. Bitch Work 10 Rounds: Ski 200/150m Rest :60 After completing pieces 1-4, Please choose ONE of the following based on perceived weaknesses. 5. Strength Pause Overhead Squat 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 90%+ 1RM 6. Accessory Strict Ring Dips 10×7 Rest as needed.


2018 Cycle 2 – Week 5 Day 2 1. Warm-up 3 Steady Rounds: 1/.8k Bike 15 Double Dumbbell Sumo Deadlift 15 Pull Ups 2. Strength 5 Rounds: 100m Sandbag Carry 200/150lbs Rest as needed 3. Met-Con 10 Rounds: 3 Power Cleans 225/155lbs 15 Wallballs 30/20lbs 4. Bitch Work 6 Rounds: .5/.4k on Bike 8 Pull Ups 6 Chest to Bar 4 Bar Muscle Ups Rest :60 (Gymnastics completed as a complex.) After completing pieces 1-4, Please choose ONE of the following based on perceived weaknesses. 5. Interval Dumbbell “DT” DBs 70/50lbs 5 Rounds: 12 Deadlift 9 Hang Clean 6 Push Press Rest :30 6. Accessory 5 Rounds: 20 Shoulder Taps Freestanding Handstand or Nose and Toes position Rest as needed.


2018 Cycle 2 – Week 5 Day 3 1. Warm-up 5 Steady Rounds: 10 Jumping Squats 10 Calorie Row 1 Rope Climb 2. Strength Back Squat Work up to a heavy single over 90% Then 5×3 @ 90% 3. Oly Squat Clean Warm Up 4×2 @ 60-70% With pause at knee Drop and reset Then 7×1 @ 90%+ 4. Interval 3 Rounds: AMRAP 5 Minutes 30′ Handstand Walk 5 Squat Snatch 155/105lbs 2 Rope Climbs Rest 2:00 Continue where you leave off each AMRAP. After completing pieces 1-4, Please choose ONE of the following based on perceived weaknesses. 5. Bitch Work 4 Rounds: Row 1k Rest :90 6. Accessory Forward Facing Sled Drag Heavy AF 50′ x 6 Rest as needed.


You all asked a bunch of great questions for the first edition of Ask the TeamRicheys. Check out the answers. If we didn’t answer your question or you thought of others you will have another chance next week. 2018 Cycle 2 – Week 5 Day 4 1. Warm-up 3 Steady Rounds: Run 200m 15 Banded Good Mornings 10 Dumbbell Push Press 5 Strict Ring Dips 2. Oly Push Press 4×2 @ 90% 3. Met-Con For Time: 100/80 Calorie Row 30 Sandbag Cleans 150/100lbs 4. Interval 4 Rounds: 30 Thrusters 75/55lbs 10/8 Muscle Ups Rest 2:00 After completing pieces 1-4, Please choose ONE of the following based on perceived weaknesses. 5. Strength Sumo Deadlift 6-6-6 Heavier than last time, but perfect controlled reps. 6. Bitch Work 10 Rounds: 10/7 Calories on Ski-erg 4 Deficit (8/6″) Handstand Push-Ups Rest :30

1327 Seth and Sherb are here with another Cycle Focus Roundtable Discussion of today’s 50-minute run. There is a specific way to approach this piece to get the desired stimulus so check it out. Miss the Cycle 2 Podcast? 2018 Cycle 2 – Week 5 Day 5 1. Warm-up 2 Steady Rounds 15 Light Snatch Balance 15 Chest to Bar 30 Calorie Bike 2. Strength Back Squat Speed Work 8×3 @ 70% 3. Oly Power Snatch 4×1 Snatch Pull 4×1 Snatch Deadlift 4×1 Heavier than last time. 4. Bitch Work 50 Minute Run Run 25 Minutes out and back. Try to log distance and pace. 5. Accessory Speed Rope Climbs 4 Rounds: 4 Rope Climbs Rest 3:00

1328 2018 Cycle 2 – Week 6 Day 1 1. Warm-up 3 Steady Rounds: 20 Weighted Box Step Ups 15 Double Kettlbell Front Squats 2. OLY Clean and Jerk 6×3 @ 75-80% 3. Met-Con For Time: 80 Alternating Pistols 60 Single Arm Push Press 70/50lbs 40 Ring Dips 4. Bitch Work 10 Rounds: Sprint 50m Rest as needed. After completing pieces 1-4, Please choose ONE of the following based on perceived weaknesses. 5. Strength Pause Front Squats 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 90%+ 1RM 6. Accessory Strict Deficit (4″) Handstand Push-Ups In 4 Minutes Max sets of 3 Rest 3:00 In 3 Minutes Max sets of 2 Rest 3:00 In 2 Minutes Max singles

1329 2018 Cycle 2 – Week 6 Day 2 1. Warm-up 3 Steady Rounds: 10 Deadlifts 185/125lbs Run 400m 2. Strength 5 Rounds: 200′ Farmer’s Carry 160/110lbs each hand Rest as needed 3. Met-Con AMRAP 10:00 12/8 Calorie Ski 9 Sumo DLHP 135/95lbs 6 Muscle Ups 4. Bitch Work 5 Rounds: Row 200m 30′ Backward Handstand Walk Row 200m 30′ Forward Handstand Walk Rest :60 After completing pieces 1-4, Please choose ONE of the following based on perceived weaknesses. 5. Interval 3 Rounds: 75′ Dumbbell Overhead Walking Lunge Steps 70/50lbs 15 Box Jumps 30/24″ 21 Deadlifts 225/155lbs Rest :90 6. Accessory Single Arm Dumbbell Overhead Squat Bottom Position Hold Press and hold a single DB Overhead for 5 seconds, then switch sides. Accumulate 2:00 of DB Overhead Hold while in the bottom of a Squat.

1330 2018 Cycle 2 – Week 6 Day 3 1. Warm-up 4 Steady Rounds: 12 Jumping Lunges 8 Light Snatch Balance 4 Bar Muscle Ups 2. Strength Back Squat 2-2-2-2-2 As heavy as possible. 3. Oly Snatch Warm Up 4×2 @ 60-70% With pause at knee. Drop and reset. Then 7×1 @ 90%+ 4. Interval 5 Rounds: 12 Front Squats 205/145lbs 15 Toes to Bar 18 Kettlebell Snatch 70/53lbs (9 each arm.) Rest :90 After completing pieces 1-4, Please choose ONE of the following based on perceived weaknesses. 5. Bitch Work 5 Rounds: Bike 30/18 Calories Rest 3:00 6. Accessory Sled Facing Backward Drag Heavy AF 50′ x 5 Rest as needed.

1331 2018 Cycle 2 – Week 6 Day 4 1. Warm-up 3 Steady Rounds: Row 250m 15 Banded Good Mornings 10 Dumbbell Push Press 5 Strict Handstand Push-Ups 2. Oly Split Jerk 8×1 80-90% 3. Met-Con 6 Rounds: 50′ Overhead Walking Lunge 95/65lbs 15 Chest to Bar 4. Interval 5 Rounds: AMRAP 2 Minutes 10 Clean and Jerk Max Bar Facing Burpees in remaining time Rest 2:00 C&J Weights: R1 135/95lbs R2 165/115lbs R3 185/125lbs R4 205/135lbs R5 225/155lbs After completing pieces 1-4, Please choose ONE of the following based on perceived weaknesses. 5. Strength Sumo Deadlift 9-9-9 Heavier than last time, but perfect controlled reps. 6. Bitch Work AMRAP 12 Minutes Run 100m 4/3 Muscle Ups No Rest.

1332 Seth and Drew are back with another Round Table Discussion of today’s accessory. This one is interesting. Sideways handstand walks can be challenging and frustrating. Check out the video to make sure you get the most out of it. 2018 Cycle 2 – Week 6 Day 5 1. Warm-up 2 Steady Rounds: 15 Light Pause Front Squats :30 Freestanding Handstand Hold 30 Calorie Ski 2. Strength Back Squat 5×5 @ 80% 3. Oly Power Clean 4×1 Clean Pull 4×1 Clean Deadlift 4×1 Heavier than last time. See Clean Deadlift video HERE 4. Bitch Work 6 Rounds: 5-minute Row for Distance in meters Rest 2:00 5. Accessory Accumulate 200’+ of Sideways Handstand Walks Try to split work evenly on both sides Break into any distances you want.

1333 The Guys are back answering your questions in “Ask The TeamRicheys Volume 2.” Check it out to see if any of your questions were answered! 2018 Cycle 2 –Retest Week Day 1 1. Warm-up 3 Steady Rounds: :30 Dead Hang from pull up bar 15 Dumbbell Front Squats 50/35s Row 500m 2. OLY “OLY Total” Three attempts at a 1RM Snatch Then Three attempts at a 1RM Clean and Jerk *Treat this like an OLY competition. Warm up all you want beforehand in the background and in between but have a judge watch three reps and three reps only. Whatever you hit in practice is irrelevant. Your heaviest weight during the three attempts of each is what counts. Score is Snatch+C&J 3. Met-Con 5 Rounds: 8 Deadlift 185/135lbs 25 Double Unders 8 Power Cleans 185/135lbs 25 Double Unders 8 Push Jerk 185/135lbs 25 Double Unders 4. Bitch Work 100yd Sprint Rest 5:00 200yd Shuttle Sprint (100yd down and back) Rest 5:00 300yd Shuttle Sprint (100yd down, back, down) 5. Accessory In a 10 minute window Complete 3 sets of Strict Handstand Push-Ups for max total reps.

1334 2018 Cycle 2 –Retest Week Day 2 Refer to TEAMRICHEY #1299 1. Warm-up 4 Steady Rounds: 10 Jump Squats 10/7 Calorie Bike 10 Hip Extensions 2. Strength Find a 3RM Back Squat 3. Met-Con AMRAP 9 Minutes Climb the Ladder 2 D-Ball/Sandbag Over Shoulder 150/100lbs 10/7 Calorie Ski 4 D-Ball 10/7 Calorie Ski 6 D-Ball 10/7 Calorie Ski Etc. 4. Bitch Work For Time: 30/18 Calories on Bike 15/12 Muscle Ups 20/12 Calories on Bike 12/9 Muscle Ups 10/6 Calories on Bike 9/6 Muscle Ups

1335 2018 Cycle 2 –Retest Week Day 3 To compare your results from Test Week please refer to TEAMRICHEY #1300 1. Warm-up Steady Through 2:00 Banded Glute Activation 3:00 Row 30 Push Press 95lbs 2. Strength In 10 Minutes Find 1RM Push Press Then In 10 Minutes Find 1RM Split Jerk (Use Rack or Blocks.) 3. Interval Every 3 Minutes until failure Row 20/15 Calories 12 Thrusters 115/85lbs 3 Pull Ups Rest remainder. Increase Pull Up reps by 3 each interval. 4. Accessory For Time: 100′ Sled Push Heavy AF Make sure weight and conditions are exactly the same as they were during test week.

1336 2018 Cycle 2 –Retest Week Day 4 To compare your results from Test Week please refer to TEAMRICHEY #1301 1. Warm-up 3 Steady Rounds: 12 Kettlebell Taters 70/53lbs Run 100m :30 Goblet Squat Hold Run 100m 2. Strength Find a 1RM Front Squat 3. Met-Con 3 Rounds: 50m Farmer’s Carry 140/90lbs per hand Run 400m 4. Interval 4 Rounds: AMRAP 3 Minutes 20 Wallballs 30/20lbs 15 Toes to Bar Max Rep Dumbbell Snatch in remaining time 70/50lbs Rest :60 Score is total DB Snatch.

1337 2018 Cycle 2 –Retest Week Day 5 To compare your results from Test Week please refer to TEAMRICHEY #1302 1. Warm-up 2 Steady Rounds: 20 Banded Good Mornings 15 Pull Ups 1k Bike 2. Strength Power Olympic Lifting Total Find 1RM Power Snatch Find 1RM Power Clean + Push Jerk 3. Met-Con For Time 50 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20″ 40 Overhead Squats 155/105lbs 30 Bar Muscle Ups 4. Bitch Work 60 Minute Run Run out 30 minutes, Run back 30 minutes Two part test: Total distance covered and How close you get to the start point at the end. 5. Accessory TeamRichey Athletics Handstand Walk Test Complete 2 Laps of the handstand walk course: 25′ Handstand Walk Forward 15′ Handstand Walk Sideways (leading with right side) 25′ Handstand Walk Backwards 15′ Handstand Walk Sideways (leading with left side) Keep track of total time, and the number of times you come down.

1338 cycle 3