// A UI to interactively filter a Sentinel-1 collection and // create a multitemporal RGB mosaic // Work in progress!!!

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// A UI to interactively filter a Sentinel-1 collection and // create a multitemporal RGB mosaic // Work in progress!!! // by Juan Doblas (Instituto Socioambiental) // Any thoughts, write to: [email protected] // Based on Sentinel-1 explorer, by unknown. Lee filter programming by Guido Lemoine // CHANGE LOG // 11/apr/18 // - Now the Landsat reference image is a mosaic covering the whole canvas, instead of a single scene // 06/apr/18 // - Updated collection name (S1_GRD_FLOAT) // 23/jan/18 // - Added temporal adaptative filtering (Quegan&Yu,2001) // - Major change: now the images are collected around three reference dates // 07/jan/18 // - Added new visualization mode: change over the whole period // 15/nov/17 // - Corrected bug that set the visualization status of the base layers to false after redraw // - Added grid option to help manual mapping // 30/oct/17 // - Updated deforestation layers with last PRODES data // - Updated initial dates // - Updated Landsat 8 collection // - Updated p2-p3 change detection mode (still beta) // var app = {}; var stack=ee.Image(1) var l8melhorCena=ee.Image(1) var gridLines=ee.Image(1) // Estabelece as coordenadas e n�vel de zoom iniciais var LatInicial=-3.22 var LongInicial=-52.17 var ZoomInicial=10 /** Creates the UI panels. */ app.createPanels = function() { /* The introduction section. */ app.intro = { panel: ui.Panel([ ui.Label({ value: 'Script SIRAD', style: {fontWeight: 'bold', fontSize: '24px', margin: '10px 5px'} }), ui.Label('Sistema de Indica��o Radar de Desmatamento ' + 'utilizando imagens Sentinel-1.') ]) }; /* The collection filter controls. */ app.filters = { selectExtent: ui.Select({ items: Object.keys(app.EXTENTOPTIONS) }), t1: ui.Textbox('YYYY-MM-DD', '2018-01-15'), t2: ui.Textbox('YYYY-MM-DD', '2018-02-15'), t3: ui.Textbox('YYYY-MM-DD', '2018-03-15'),

tww: ui.Textbox('','27'), rotuloNumImg: ui.Label('nd'), applyButton: ui.Button('Criar Mosaico', app.applyFilters),


/* The panel for the filter control widgets. */ app.filters.panel = ui.Panel({ widgets: [ ui.Label('Datas de refer�ncia e janela temporal ', {fontWeight: 'bold'}), ui.Panel([ui.Label('t1:', app.HELP_TEXT_STYLE), app.filters.t1], ui.Panel.Layout.flow('horizontal')), ui.Panel([ui.Label('t2:', app.HELP_TEXT_STYLE), app.filters.t2], ui.Panel.Layout.flow('horizontal')), ui.Panel([ui.Label('t3:', app.HELP_TEXT_STYLE), app.filters.t3], ui.Panel.Layout.flow('horizontal')), ui.Panel([ui.Label('dias:', app.HELP_TEXT_STYLE), app.filters.tww], ui.Panel.Layout.flow('horizontal')), ui.Label('N�mero de imagens promediadas nos tr�s periodos definidos:'), app.filters.rotuloNumImg, ui.Label('Selecione a extens�o do mosaico', {fontWeight: 'bold'}), ui.Panel([app.filters.selectExtent,app.filters.applyButton],ui.Panel.Layout.flow('h orizontal')) ], style: app.SECTION_STYLE }); app.filters.selectExtent.setValue(app.filters.selectExtent.items().get(0)); /* The visualization section. */ app.vis = { label: ui.Label(), // Create a select with a function that reacts to the "change" event. select: ui.Select({ items: Object.keys(app.VIS_OPTIONS), onChange: function() { // Update the label's value with the select's description. var option = app.VIS_OPTIONS[]; app.vis.label.setValue(option.description); // Refresh the map layer. app.refreshMapLayer(); } }), LeeOption: ui.Checkbox({ label: 'Aplicar filtro Lee', value: false, onChange: function() { // Refresh the map layer. app.applyFilters(); } }), QueganOption: ui.Checkbox({ label: 'Aplicar filtro temporal', value: false, onChange: function() { // Refresh the map layer. app.applyFilters(); } }) };

/* The panel for the visualization section with corresponding widgets. */ app.vis.panel = ui.Panel({ widgets: [ ui.Label('Selecione um tipo de visualiza��o', {fontWeight: 'bold'}),, app.vis.label, app.vis.LeeOption, app.vis.QueganOption ], style: app.SECTION_STYLE }); // Default the select to the first value.; // Base de referencia app.baseg = { chkProdes2016: ui.Checkbox({ label: 'Prodes at� 2016', value: false, onChange: function(checked) { Map.layers().get(1).setShown(checked) app.VIS_BASE.l1=checked; // Refresh the map layer. //app.refreshMapLayer(); } }), chkProdes2017: ui.Checkbox({ label: 'Prodes 2017 (definitivo)', value: false, onChange: function(checked) { Map.layers().get(2).setShown(checked) app.VIS_BASE.l2=checked; // Refresh the map layer. //app.refreshMapLayer(); } }), chkUCs: ui.Checkbox({ label: 'Unidades de Conserva��o Federais', value: false, onChange: function(checked) { Map.layers().get(3).setShown(checked) app.VIS_BASE.l3=checked; // Refresh the map layer. //app.refreshMapLayer(); } }), chkTIS: ui.Checkbox({ label: 'Terras Ind�genas', value: false, onChange: function(checked) { Map.layers().get(4).setShown(checked) app.VIS_BASE.l4=checked; // Refresh the map layer. //app.refreshMapLayer(); } }), chkMUN: ui.Checkbox({ label: 'Municipios PA/MT', value: false,

onChange: function(checked) { Map.layers().get(5).setShown(checked) app.VIS_BASE.l5=checked; // Refresh the map layer. //app.refreshMapLayer(); } }), chkASS: ui.Checkbox({ label: 'Assentamentos INCRA', value: false, onChange: function(checked) { Map.layers().get(6).setShown(checked) app.VIS_BASE.l6=checked; // Refresh the map layer. //app.refreshMapLayer(); } }), chkL8: ui.Checkbox({ label: 'Mosaico Landsat 8 do periodo', value: false, onChange: function(checked) { Map.layers().get(7).setShown(checked) app.VIS_BASE.l7=checked; // Refresh the map layer. //app.refreshMapLayer(); } }), chkGrid: ui.Checkbox({ label: 'Malha de referencia', value: false, onChange: function(checked) { Map.layers().get(8).setShown(checked) app.VIS_BASE.l8=checked; // Refresh the map layer. //app.refreshMapLayer(); } }), labelCreditos: ui.Label('Juan Doblas, Instituto Socioambiental, 2017', {fontSize:'small'})

} app.baseg.panel = ui.Panel({ widgets:[ ui.Label('Base de referencia', {fontWeight: 'bold'}), app.baseg.chkProdes2016, app.baseg.chkProdes2017, app.baseg.chkUCs, app.baseg.chkTIS, app.baseg.chkMUN, app.baseg.chkASS, app.baseg.chkL8, app.baseg.chkGrid, app.baseg.labelCreditos ], style: app.SECTION_STYLE });

/* The export section. */ app.export = { ebutton: ui.Button({ label: 'Exportar o mosaico como imagem', // React to the button's click event. onClick: function() { // Get the visualization options. var visOption = app.VIS_OPTIONS[]; // Export the image to GCS. Export.image.toDrive({ image: stack.visualize(visOption.visParams), description: 'sentinel1_mosaico_multitemporal_AREA_PERIODO', scale: 10, maxPixels:2512890090 }) } }), ebutton2: ui.Button({ label: 'Exportar o mosaico como tiles', // React to the button's click event. onClick: function() { // Get the visualization options. var visOption = app.VIS_OPTIONS[]; // Export map to GCS.{ image: stack.visualize(visOption.visParams), description: 'sentinel1_mosaico_multitemporal_AREA_PERIODO', bucket: 'rmtx', minZoom:4, maxZoom:15, fileFormat: 'png' }) } }), // ebutton3: ui.Button({ // label: 'Exportar poligonos como kml', // // React to the button's click event. // onClick: function() { // // Export polygons // Export.table.toDrive({ // collection: geometry, // description:'poligonos_mapeados_AREA_DATA', // fileFormat: 'KML' // }); // } // }), // ebutton4: ui.Button({ // label: 'Duplicar mosaico atual (avan�ado)', // // React to the button's click event. // onClick: function() { // var stackAux=stack // var visOption = app.VIS_OPTIONS[]; // Map.addLayer(stackAux, visOption.visParams, 'Camada auxiliar'); // } // }), }; /* The panel for the export section with corresponding widgets. */

app.export.panel = ui.Panel({ widgets: [ // ui.Label('4) Start an export', {fontWeight: 'bold'}), app.export.ebutton, app.export.ebutton2//, // app.export.ebutton3, //app.export.ebutton4 ], style: app.SECTION_STYLE }); }; /** Creates the app helper functions. */ app.createHelpers = function() { /** Applies the selection filters currently selected in the UI. */ app.applyFilters = function() { app.filters.rotuloNumImg.setValue('Calculando...') var filtered = ee.ImageCollection(app.COLLECTION_ID).map(toDB).map(maskEdge)//.select([app.POLARIZ ATION]); var extentOption = app.EXTENTOPTIONS[app.filters.selectExtent.getValue()]; if (extentOption===0) { filtered = filtered.filterBounds(Map.getBounds(true)); } if (extentOption===1) { filtered = filtered.filterBounds(Map.getCenter()); } var filtered0=QueganYuFilter(,5) var filtered1=QueganYuFilter(,5) if (app.vis.QueganOption.getValue()){filtered=filtered0.combine(filtered1)} // Set filter variables. var t1v = app.filters.t1.getValue(); if (t1v) t1v = ee.Date(t1v); var t2v = app.filters.t2.getValue(); if (t2v) t2v = ee.Date(t2v); var t3v = app.filters.t3.getValue(); if (t3v) t3v = ee.Date(t3v); var twwv = app.filters.tww.getValue(); // tww=temporal window width if (twwv) twwv = ee.Number.parse(twwv); // Calculo das colecoes por periodo var midWindow=twwv.add(1).divide(2) var t1v1=t1v.advance(midWindow.multiply(-1),'day') var t1v2=t1v.advance(midWindow,'day') var t2v1=t2v.advance(midWindow.multiply(-1),'day') var t2v2=t2v.advance(midWindow,'day') var t3v1=t3v.advance(midWindow.multiply(-1),'day') var t3v2=t3v.advance(midWindow,'day') print ('Datas p1:',t1v1.format('YYYY-MM-dd'),t1v2.format('YYYY-MM-dd')) print ('Datas p2:',t2v1.format('YYYY-MM-dd'),t2v2.format('YYYY-MM-dd')) print ('Datas p3:',t3v1.format('YYYY-MM-dd'),t3v2.format('YYYY-MM-dd')) var im1_col=filtered.filterDate(t1v1,t1v2) var im2_col=filtered.filterDate(t2v1,t2v2) var im3_col=filtered.filterDate(t3v1,t3v2) print('Datas das imagens do periodo p1:') print(extractDates(im1_col)) print('Datas das imagens do periodo p2:') print(extractDates(im2_col)) print('Datas das imagens do periodo p3:') print(extractDates(im3_col)) // Calculo asincrono do total de imagens

var rotulo1=im1_col.size().format('p1: %s ') var rotulo2=im2_col.size().format('p2: %s ') var rotulo3=im3_col.size().format('p3: %s') var rotulo.evaluate(function(resultado){ app.filters.rotuloNumImg.setValue(resultado) }) var im1vv = ee.Image(toDB(; var im2vv = ee.Image(toDB(; var im3vv = ee.Image(toDB(; var im1vh = ee.Image(toDB(; var im2vh = ee.Image(toDB(; var im3vh = ee.Image(toDB(; // Generate a dB version of the RL filtered image stack var im1vv_lee= ee.Image(toDB(RefinedLee(toNatural(im1vv)))) var im2vv_lee= ee.Image(toDB(RefinedLee(toNatural(im2vv)))) var im3vv_lee= ee.Image(toDB(RefinedLee(toNatural(im3vv)))) var im1vh_lee= ee.Image(toDB(RefinedLee(toNatural(im1vh)))) var im2vh_lee= ee.Image(toDB(RefinedLee(toNatural(im2vh)))) var im3vh_lee= ee.Image(toDB(RefinedLee(toNatural(im3vh)))) // Generate Lee version var stack_lee=im1vv_lee.addBands(im2vv_lee).addBands(im3vv_lee).addBands(im1vh_lee).add Bands(im2vh_lee).addBands(im3vh_lee) stack=im1vv.addBands(im2vv).addBands(im3vv).addBands(im1vh).addBands(im2vh).addBand s(im3vh) if (app.vis.LeeOption.getValue()){stack=stack_lee}[0,1,2,3,4,5],['p1vv','p2vv','p3vv','p1vh','p2vh','p3vh']) // Get Landsat-8 for comparation purposes var l8col=ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LC08/C01/T1_RT_TOA').filterBounds(Map.getBounds(t rue)).filterDate(t1v1,t3v2).sort('CLOUD_COVER',false); l8melhorCena=ee.Image(l8col.mosaic()) //var datal8 = ee.Date(l8melhorCena.get('system:time_start')); //print('Data melhor imagem Landsat: ', datal8); // ee.Date var vizParams = { bands: ['B6', 'B5', 'B4'], min: 0.01, max: 0.5, gamma: [0.95, 1.1, 1]} var vizParamsB8 = { bands: ['B8'], min: 0.01, max: 0.25, gamma: [1.3]} // Computes mapping aid grid gridLines=createGrid(app.gridScale,ee.Feature(Map.getBounds(true)).buffer(app.gridS cale).geometry()) // Redisplay everything app.refreshMapLayer(); }; /** Refreshes the current map layer based on the UI widget states. */ app.refreshMapLayer = function() { Map.clear(); var visOption = app.VIS_OPTIONS[];

Map.addLayer(stack, visOption.visParams, 'Composite RGB'); Map.addLayer(ee.Image("users/juandb/SIRAD_DATA/PRODES_desmatAcumulado_2016"), {},'Prodes 2016',app.VIS_BASE.l1) Map.addLayer(ee.FeatureCollection("users/juandb/SIRAD_DATA/PRODES_definitivo_2017") ,{},'Prodes 2017',app.VIS_BASE.l2) Map.addLayer(ee.Image().toByte().paint(ee.FeatureCollection(app.FT_UCS), 1, 3), {"palette":["009b2f"]},'Unidades de Conserva��o',app.VIS_BASE.l3) Map.addLayer(ee.Image().toByte().paint(ee.FeatureCollection(app.FT_TIS), 1, 3), {"palette":["e59f12"]},'Terras Ind�genas',app.VIS_BASE.l4) Map.addLayer(ee.Image().toByte().paint(ee.FeatureCollection(app.FT_MUN), 1, 1), {"palette":["9212a5"]},'Munic�pios',app.VIS_BASE.l5) Map.addLayer(ee.Image().toByte().paint(ee.FeatureCollection(app.FT_ASS), 1, 2), {"palette":["1153a3"]},'Assentamentos',app.VIS_BASE.l6) Map.addLayer(ee.Image(l8melhorCena),app.VIS_OPTIONS_L8,'Mosaico L8', app.VIS_BASE.l7) Map.addLayer(gridLines ,{'palette': '000000', 'opacity': 0.5},"Malha de referencia",app.VIS_BASE.l8); //Map.addLayer(ee.Image(l8melhorCena),app.VIS_OPTIONS_L8B8,'Cena L8B8', false }; } /** Creates the app constants. */ app.createConstants = function() { app.FT_UCS='ft:1DnN6jij1KKPF04OsEdBCqhUUWlrlad_6nN0Nma3I' app.FT_TIS='users/juandb/SIRAD_DATA/TIs_mai2018' app.FT_MUN='ft:1tHPugMfiZXFfwoNCdZqdOcz1fRpBNQtOT7gGkam5' app.FT_ASS='ft:173TRgqGmvCjGxww242guBEFmLwKqKbk1TqXmbEGV' app.COLLECTION_ID = 'COPERNICUS/S1_GRD_FLOAT'; app.gridScale= 18000 app.POLARIZATION='VH' app.SECTION_STYLE = {margin: '20px 0 0 0'}; app.EXTENTOPTIONS={'Tela completa':0,'Centro':1} app.NDVIpalette= ['FFFFFF', 'CE7E45', 'DF923D', 'F1B555', 'FCD163', '99B718', '74A901', '66A000', '529400', '3E8601', '207401', '056201', '004C00', '023B01', '012E01', '011D01', '011301']; app.VIS_OPTIONS = { 'composi��o multitemporal VV': { description: 'Cada banda representa a m�dia das observa��es entre duas datas. ' + 'Tons coloridos indicam altera��o da cobertura do solo.', visParams: {gamma: 1, min: -14, max: -4, bands: ['p1vv','p2vv','p3vv']} }, 'Imagem periodo 1 vv': { description: 'Imagem de retroespalhamento relativa a ' + 'm�dia das observa��es no periodo t1-t2.', visParams: {gamma: 1, min: -14, max: -4, bands: ['p1vv']} }, 'Imagem periodo 2 vv': { description: 'Imagem de retroespalhamento relativa a ' + 'm�dia das observa��es no periodo t2-t3.', visParams: {gamma: 1, min: -14, max: -4, bands: ['p2vv']} }, 'Imagem periodo 3 vv': { description: 'Imagem de retroespalhamento relativa a ' + 'm�dia das observa��es no periodo t3-t4.', visParams: {gamma: 1, min: -14, max: -4, bands: ['p3vv']} },

' +

'composi��o multitemporal VH': { description: 'Cada banda representa a m�dia das observa��es entre duas datas. 'Tons coloridos indicam altera��o da cobertura do solo.', visParams: {gamma: 1, min: -20, max: -8, bands: ['p1vh','p2vh','p3vh']}

}, 'Imagem periodo 1 vh': { description: 'Imagem de retroespalhamento relativa a ' + 'm�dia das observa��es no periodo t1-t2.', visParams: {gamma: 1, min: -20, max: -8, bands: ['p1vh']} }, 'Imagem periodo 2 vh': { description: 'Imagem de retroespalhamento relativa a ' + 'm�dia das observa��es no periodo t2-t3.', visParams: {gamma: 1, min: -20, max: -8, bands: ['p2vh']} }, 'Imagem periodo 3 vh': { description: 'Imagem de retroespalhamento relativa a ' + 'm�dia das observa��es no periodo t3-t4.', visParams: {gamma: 1, min: -20, max: -8, bands: ['p3vh']} }, 'Diferen�a total vh': { description: 'Composite RGB (mudan�a, m�nimo, gradiente)' + ' entre a primera e a �ltima data', visParams: {min:[0.01,-20,0],max:[0.3,-8,10], bands: ['variation','min','diff_max']} } }; app.VIS_OPTIONS_L8 = { bands: ['B6', 'B5', 'B4'], min: 0.01, max: 0.5, gamma: [0.95, 1.1, 1] } app.VIS_OPTIONS_L8B8 = { bands: ['B8'], min: 0.01, max: 0.25, gamma: [1.3] } app.HELPER_TEXT_STYLE = { margin: '8px 0 -3px 8px', fontSize: '12px', color: 'gray' } app.VIS_BASE= { l1: false, l2: false, l3: false, l4: false, l5: false, l6: false, l7: false, l8: false, } }; /** Creates the application interface. */ app.boot = function() {

app.createConstants(); app.createHelpers(); app.createPanels(); var main = ui.Panel({ widgets: [ app.intro.panel, app.filters.panel, app.vis.panel, app.export.panel, app.baseg.panel ], style: {width: '320px', padding: '8px'} }); Map.setCenter(LongInicial, LatInicial, ZoomInicial); ui.root.insert(0, main); app.applyFilters(); }; app.boot(); function toDB(img) { return ee.Image(img).log10().multiply(10.0).copyProperties(img, ['system:time_start','sliceNumber']); } function toNatural(img) { return ee.Image(10.0).pow(, ['system:time_start','sliceNumber']); } function toGamma0(img) { return (10.0)); } // Fun��o para calcular ENL em uma imagem S1, sobre uma area de referencia AOI function computeENLS1(S1img,AOI){ // This function computes ENL index on Sentinel-1 bands. // It will take in account only the first band S1img=ee.Image(S1img)[0],['band']) var mean=ee.Number(S1img.reduceRegion(ee.Reducer.mean(),AOI,20).get('band')) var std=ee.Number(S1img.reduceRegion(ee.Reducer.stdDev(),AOI,20).get('band')) return (mean.divide(std)).pow(2) } // Fun��o para filtrar uma cole�a� seguindo a metodologia de Quagan&Yu, 2001 // Importante: a cole��o deve estar em numeros naturais. N=tamanho do filtro espacial function QueganYuFilter(imgCol,N){ // This function will return a filtered collection // the filter is the proposed by Quegan&Yu (2011), // Warning: will only work on single scene time series on natural. No mosaics (for now), no DB var boxcar = ee.Kernel.square({radius: N, units: 'pixels', normalize: false}); var imgColMedian ={return img.convolve(boxcar)}) var{return img.divide(img.convolve(boxcar))}) var{return img.divide(img)}).sum() var correctionFactor=correctionFactorCol.sum().divide(numberofsamples) return{return img.multiply(correctionFactor).copyProperties(img,

['system:time_start','sliceNumber'])}) } function extractDates(col){ var datesList=ee.List(col.aggregate_array('system:time_start')); var return datesListFmt } function formatDate(date){ return ee.Date(date).format('YYYY-MM-dd') } function maskEdge(img) { var mask =, 5).multiply(255).toByte().connectedComponents(ee.Kernel.rectangle(1,1), 100); return img.updateMask(; } // Function to create grid layer function createGrid(gridScale, gridBounds) { var proj =[0]).projection(); // Solicit native projection - can change if desired var im = ee.Image.pixelLonLat().clip(gridBounds); // create an image defined by each pixel's location var im2 =[0]).add([1])).multiply(-1000000).int(); // creates an image where each pixel has a unique value --> diagonals aren't unique, but works if eightConnected is set to false below im2 = im2.reproject(proj, null, gridScale); // reproject image at the desired scale (gridScale) var grd = im2.reduceToVectors({ vectorize pixels - Polygons geometry: gridBounds, scale: gridScale, geometryType: 'polygon', eightConnected: false, bestEffort: true, geometryInNativeProjection: true });


var blank = ee.Image(0).mask(0).toByte(); create a blank image, var grd_otln = blank.paint(grd, 3, 1); outline using color 3, width 1. return grd_otln }


// helper to apply Lee filter to db images function RefinedLeeDb(img){ return toDB(RefinedLee(toNatural(img))) } // The RL speckle filter function RefinedLee(img) { // img must be in natural units, i.e. not in dB! img=ee.Image(img) // Set up 3x3 kernels var weights3 = ee.List.repeat(ee.List.repeat(1,3),3); var kernel3 = ee.Kernel.fixed(3,3, weights3, 1, 1, false);


var mean3 = img.reduceNeighborhood(ee.Reducer.mean(), kernel3); var variance3 = img.reduceNeighborhood(ee.Reducer.variance(), kernel3); // Use a sample of the 3x3 windows inside a 7x7 windows to determine gradients and directions var sample_weights = ee.List([[0,0,0,0,0,0,0], [0,1,0,1,0,1,0],[0,0,0,0,0,0,0], [0,1,0,1,0,1,0], [0,0,0,0,0,0,0], [0,1,0,1,0,1,0],[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]]); var sample_kernel = ee.Kernel.fixed(7,7, sample_weights, 3,3, false); // Calculate mean and variance for the sampled windows and store as 9 bands var sample_mean = mean3.neighborhoodToBands(sample_kernel); var sample_var = variance3.neighborhoodToBands(sample_kernel); // Determine the 4 gradients for the sampled windows var gradients =; gradients = gradients.addBands(; gradients = gradients.addBands(; gradients = gradients.addBands(; // And find the maximum gradient amongst gradient bands var max_gradient = gradients.reduce(ee.Reducer.max()); // Create a mask for band pixels that are the maximum gradient var gradmask = gradients.eq(max_gradient); // duplicate gradmask bands: each gradient represents 2 directions gradmask = gradmask.addBands(gradmask); // Determine the 8 directions var directions = ract(; directions = directions.addBands(; directions = directions.addBands(; directions = directions.addBands(; // The next 4 are the not() of the previous 4 directions = directions.addBands(; directions = directions.addBands(; directions = directions.addBands(; directions = directions.addBands(; // Mask all values that are not 1-8 directions = directions.updateMask(gradmask); // "collapse" the stack into a singe band image (due to masking, each pixel has just one value (1-8) in it's directional band, and is otherwise masked) directions = directions.reduce(ee.Reducer.sum());

//var pal = ['ffffff','ff0000','ffff00', '00ff00', '00ffff', '0000ff', 'ff00ff', '000000']; //Map.addLayer(directions.reduce(ee.Reducer.sum()), {min:1, max:8, palette: pal}, 'Directions', false); var sample_stats = sample_var.divide(sample_mean.multiply(sample_mean)); // Calculate localNoiseVariance var sigmaV = sample_stats.toArray().arraySort().arraySlice(0,0,5).arrayReduce(ee.Reducer.mean(), [0]); // Set up the 7*7 kernels for directional statistics var rect_weights = ee.List.repeat(ee.List.repeat(0,7),3).cat(ee.List.repeat(ee.List.repeat(1,7),4)); var diag_weights = ee.List([[1,0,0,0,0,0,0], [1,1,0,0,0,0,0], [1,1,1,0,0,0,0], [1,1,1,1,0,0,0], [1,1,1,1,1,0,0], [1,1,1,1,1,1,0], [1,1,1,1,1,1,1]]); var rect_kernel = ee.Kernel.fixed(7,7, rect_weights, 3, 3, false); var diag_kernel = ee.Kernel.fixed(7,7, diag_weights, 3, 3, false); // Create stacks for mean and variance using the original kernels. Mask with relevant direction. var dir_mean = img.reduceNeighborhood(ee.Reducer.mean(), rect_kernel).updateMask(directions.eq(1)); var dir_var = img.reduceNeighborhood(ee.Reducer.variance(), rect_kernel).updateMask(directions.eq(1)); dir_mean = dir_mean.addBands(img.reduceNeighborhood(ee.Reducer.mean(), diag_kernel).updateMask(directions.eq(2))); dir_var = dir_var.addBands(img.reduceNeighborhood(ee.Reducer.variance(), diag_kernel).updateMask(directions.eq(2))); // and add the bands for rotated kernels for (var i=1; i