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The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character - th

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The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education. By Martin Luther King, Jr.


Zero Conditional


First Conditional


Second Conditional


Third Conditional


Mixed Conditionals


Nouns: Countable and Uncountable




At, In and On for Places and Locations


Prepositions of Time and others

“STUDY AND WARM-UP Is it difficult to study and work at the same time? Go around the class and find a minimum of five classmates that study and work at the same time. How do they feel about? Is it stressing? Or is it easy for them?

READING AND SPEAKING Read the text and then choose the right answer from the choices given.


many, the idea of going back to college or university (or considering a certification) while working a full time job can be daunting. Handling a full time job and your studies at the same time requires a good level of planning and prioritisation. While some students would choose not to work while furthering their education, there is a massive group of students who are balancing a job while studying for a degree. There are various reasons for this but, generally speaking, money is key. Studying while working gives you the confidence you need as you have financial control as a student. At the same time, the professional qualifications that you can acquire over time will give you a good head start in developing your career. To help you juggle your two lives with a breeze, here are our top ten tips on how to study while working. 1. Create a Plan 2. Update Your Employer 3. Use Your Free Time Productively 4. Look After Yourself 5. Don’t Overdo It 6. Take Advantage of Technology 8. Make Sure You Get Enough Sleep 9. Turn off the TV 10. Eat Properly



1. How can some people feel when they decide to work and study at the same time? a) They can feel intimidated. b) They may feel stimulated. c) They can feel exhausted. d) They may feel tired. 2. In order to be successful when working and studying at the same time, what do we need? a) A good level of deciding what is more important and preparing beforehand. b) A good level of resilience and patience. c) A good level of education and handling of problems effectively. d) A good level of massive skills and balancing qualities. 3. What motivates workers to continue with their studies? a) For academic reasons b) For emotional reasons c) For economic reasons d) For a sensation of success 4. Why does studying while working give you the confidence you need? a) Because it makes you strong when facing problems. b) Because it gives you decision power over your expenses. c) Because it improves your professional qualifications. d) Because it helps you juggle both responsibilities.

1 Zero Conditional. When we express a general fact or truth, the following pattern is followed:  If one mixes blue and yellow, we get green.  Time passes slower if one travels at light speed.  If my brother gets hungry, he usually cooks for himself. IF + present simple, present simple.

2 Write an essay about the experience of working and studying at the same time. Take this under consideration: the pros and cons of working and studying at the same time. Would you work and study at the same time? Why yes? Why not? Write between 140 and 190 words. Include zero conditional sentences.

“LIFELONG WARM-UP When was the last time you learnt to do something in particular? What was it? What are the people in the picture learning about? Is there something you need to learn? What is it?

READING AND SPEAKING 1 Read this gapped-text article and then try to find the correct sentences to fill in the blanks. One sentence is not needed. Most people associate learning with formal education at school, college, university etc. We are all told, from an early age, that we should ‘get a good education’. Generally speaking, it is true that a formal education and the resulting qualifications are important. Education may maximise our potential to find better, more satisfying jobs, earn more and, perhaps, become more successful in our chosen career. However, ‘schooling’ is only one type of learning. (1) ________________________________. (2)_________________________________. However, lifelong learning is about creating and maintaining a positive attitude to learning both for personal and professional development. (3) __________________________. Lifelong learning can enhance our understanding of the world around us, provide us with more and better opportunities and improve our quality of life. There are two main reasons for learning throughout life: for personal development and for professional development. These reasons may not necessarily be distinct as personal development can improve your employment opportunities and professional development can enable personal growth. (4) __________________________. For example, learning in whatever context:     

Boosts our confidence and self-esteem Makes us less risk averse and more adaptable to change when it happens Helps us achieve a more satisfying personal life Challenges our ideas and beliefs Can be fun A Learning is not an important issue for the government and this is terrible. B Learning for its own sake brings its own advantages. C Lifelong learners are motivated to learn and develop because they want to: it is a deliberate and voluntary act. D Knowledge can be acquired and skill-sets developed anywhere – learning is unavoidable and happens all the time. E There are many other opportunities to further your knowledge and develop the skills you need throughout life.

2 Let’s Talk! What are you learning to do currently? Would you like to study anything special?


1 Check these sentences and figure out the rules for the First Conditional. 1. Tomorrow is my exam. If I don’t review now, I will have problems tomorrow. 2. Our car is very old. We’ll buy a new one if I get a raise in my salary. 3. You’re going to the shop. If you see the new chocolate bar, buy one for me, please. If + present simple, will/can

2 Fill in the blanks appropriately. a) If my teacher _______ to my party, I _______ very grateful. (attend / be) b) Our boss _______ us a raise if we ______ that diplomate! (not give / not study) c) My children _______ from university this year if they ________ hard this last semester. (graduate / study) d) If you ___ to the pharmacy, please ____ one pill for me. (go / buy) e) We ________ this year if our boss ____ us longer vacations. (travel / give) f) If the exam _____ easier this cycle, I ______ my teacher. (be / kiss)

3 ESSAYS Write an essay about the following topic: Older people shouldn’t waste their money in learning anything new. Include these details: age to stop learning, reasons to continue studying and your own ideas. Write between 140 and 190 words. Tips on writing an effective essay 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Pick a topic. Prepare an outline or diagram of your ideas. Write your thesis statement. Write the body first. Then, write the introduction. Next, write the conclusion. Add the finishing touches.

“IF I WON THE WARM-UP What would you do if you won a lot of money in the lottery? Share your ideas with the class. READING AND SPEAKING 1 Read the text and answer the questions below.

QUESTIONS 1) What would the person NOT buy if he won the lottery? 2) What would the person NOT do if he won the lottery? 3) Why would he open a restaurant? 4) Why would he not travel? 5) Do you think he will win the lottery?

I can imagine what my life would be like if I won the lottery. Wow! I could do so many things, and my life would be so different. I would love the chance to change my life with the money. The first thing I would do is buy a big, new house. I live in a small apartment, and I have always dreamed of living in a big house in the country. With all that money, I could buy anything I wanted. I don’t have a car right now, so I would buy a new car. Or, I might even buy a new motorcycle. I like motorcycles, and I can imagine myself driving down the highway with the wind in my hair. Of course, I if I won the lottery, I should give some of the money to charity. I would probably give my money to a charity that helps sick children. Also, if any of my friends needed anything, I could help them pay for it. I know many people that have student loans, and I could help them pay the loans back. That would make them very happy. Plus, if I won a lot of money, I would certainly save some of it in the bank. Also, I think that if I won a huge amount of money, I would open a business. I love to cook, and I have always wanted to open a restaurant. With all that money I could open a fancy restaurant. However, I know one thing I would not do is travel. I have a friend who won $100, 000 in the lottery three years ago. She took the money and travelled for three months. I think she is crazy. Travelling is nice, but then she had nothing left after her vacation. I think, however, that the only problem with dreaming about the money I could win is that I have never even played the lottery before. As they say: “You can’t win if you don’t play.”



2 Check the Grammar Box and then complete the exercise below. Hypothetical Situations in the Present We can use the Second Conditional to talk about something in the present that is impossible or very unlikely to happen because it is not true or because it is unreal:    

If I won the lottery, I would buy a big house. (I probably won't win the lottery) If I met the Queen of England, I would say hello. (I don’t live in England) She would travel all over the world if she were rich. (She is poor) She would pass the exam if she ever studied. (She never studies, so this won't happen)

As noticed, we use the Past Simple form in the IF-clause to show that the condition is unreal. And we use WOULD plus the verb in base form to show a hypothetical result. Let’s practice! Complete the blanks appropriately with these words: WOULDN’T GO





1) If I ______ his number, I _______ ______ him. (I don't have his number now, so it's impossible for me to call him). 2) If I _______ you, I ___________ _____ out with that man. (I’ll never be you!)

Write an essay about what you would do if you found a wallet on the street with money in it. Would you keep the money and give back the wallet? Or would you give back the wallet with all in it to its owner? Do not write less than 140 words and no more than 160. Follow this example: “I have never found a wallet on the street; but if I found one, I would…”


Use the word and the end of each line to find the word that fits the blank.

1. The Sultan spent over fifty million dollars making the capital city's main hotel the most ________________ in the country. (LUXURY) 2. Police working on solving the bank robbery have by chance ______________ a plan to murder a leading politician. (COVER) 3. We should go and eat at "Franco's" which is ____________ a great restaurant.


4. I left the house at 8am and stared at the empty garage in ______________. My car was nowhere to be seen. Someone had stolen it! (BELIEVE) 5. If you have any problems finding things, just ask Roger. He is very ____________ and will tell you where to find what you want. (HELP) 6. You paid $25 for a simple breakfast? They have certainly _____________ you! You should go back and complain. (CHARGE) 7. The gang robbed three banks in the same city and all at about the same time. Not ____________________, they were caught by the police during the fourth attempt. (SURPRISE) 8. Sarina is only my half sister because we have ___________________ mothers.


2 KEY WORD TRANSFORMATION In these exercises, you need to take the information in the first sentence and re-write it, using the word in bold so that the second sentence has exactly the same meaning. You cannot change the word in bold in ANY way. You must use a minimum of TWO and a maximum of FIVE words for each space. Contractions, which count as two words, should only be used for negatives: e.g. don't / hadn't / wouldn't, etc.

1. Marcus started learning French two years ago. LEARNING Marcus has _______________________________________ two years. 2. Harry isn't here. He went to lunch twenty minutes ago. GONE Harry isn't here. He __________________________________ lunch. 3. Do you own that stereo? YOURS Is __________________________________________?

4. Look at how black the sky is! There is rain arriving. GOING Look at how black the sky is! It _____________________________. 5. What a shame. There is no food left! WISH I _________________________________________________ left! 6. What a shame. They ate all the food. WISH I ________________________________________________________ all the food. 7. The teenagers were stealing my car when I arrived. BEING My car ____________________________________________________ teenagers when I arrived. 8. You use that little hammer to crack the stones. FOR This little hammer ______________________________________________________.

3 GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY 3.1. Use the Zero Conditional (If + Simple Present - Simple Present) to fill in the blanks. a) b) c) d)

If we _____________ (to heat) water to 100º C, it ______________________.(to boil) If I _______________(not - to water) the plants, they ____________________. (to die) If Ana ______________(to play), the team ____________________________. (to win) Jessica ______________________ (to cry) if she ___________________ (to see) a cat.

3.2. Use the First Conditional (If + Simple Present - Future) to fill in the blanks. a) b) c) d)

If my mother _____________(to give) me money, I ____________ a new jacket.(to buy) Grace ______________(to be) very happy if her team _________ the championship. (to win) If I __________________(to eat) a lot of chocolate, I ___________ a lot of acne. (to have) Susie and Greg __________(not - to buy) the car if Greg ___________the promotion. (not - to get)

3.3. Use the Second Conditional (If + Simple Past - Would) to fill in the blanks. a) I _____________ (to travel) to the beach if I ____________the money. (to have) b) If Amanda _________(to be) here, she _________ the kids eat so much candy. (not - to let) c) My mother _____________(to make) a cake for you if you _____________ her. (to ask) d) If I ___________________(can) travel now, I ____________ to Europe. (to go)


WARM-UP Have you ever experienced a really bad day? Do you have any regrets about that day? Which are they?

READING AND SPEAKING 1 Read the text and answer TRUE (T) or FALSE (F) or DOESN’T SAY (DS) to the sentences on the opposite page. I’d been looking for a new job for a while, as I really hated my present one. I didn’t get on very well with my boss and I found the job really boring, so it was definitely time for a change. I had seen an advert in the local paper for a job that sounded absolutely perfect for me. I had to have it! I spent a long time on my CV and wrote a really convincing covering letter. You can guess what happened… On the day of the interview, I overslept! I must have forgotten to set my alarm the night before. I jumped out of bed, quickly put some clothes on and rushed out the door but I was never going to make it in time. If only I’d set my alarm, I would’ve been on time! I would normally take the bus but, as I was running late, I decided the tube might be quicker. I ran down the escalators and jumped onto the train, just as the doors were closing. I breathed a sigh of relief – I might just make it after all. After a couple of minutes, I noticed that other people on the train were looking at me strangely. Suddenly, I had a dreadful feeling. I looked down at my feet. I still had my slippers on! I must have been in such a rush to leave the house that I forgot to put my smart black shoes on. This was a disaster! What would the interviewer think of me? I still really wanted the job so I decided to carry on. I got off the train and rushed outside. It had started to rain and I had forgotten my umbrella. It was only a short walk to my destination but I decided to take a taxi so I wouldn’t get too wet. I stood at the edge of the road waiting for a taxi when a huge truck drove past. I had been standing right next to a big puddle and I was now completely covered in dirty water! I couldn’t go to the interview looking like this. I decided to turn back and go home. Feeling very upset, I crossed the road to the tube station. I obviously wasn’t looking because the next thing I knew, I was waking up in a hospital bed with lots of cuts and bruises and a broken leg! I wish I’d never got out of bed that morning!


A) The man liked his present job. B) On the day of the interview, he overslept because he was exhausted. C) He was just in time to catch the train. D) He took the tube because the bus was late. E) The slippers were red colour. F) He was worried what the interviewer would think of him. G) A taxi drove through a paddle and covered him in water. H) He can’t remember anything after crossing the road to go back to the tube station.

3 Study the Grammar Box and make sentences in the Third Conditional about everything that went wrong on the man’s day. Example: 1 If he’d set his alarm, he would’ve been on time. 2 If he’d been on time, he would’ve arrived at his interview on time. 3…

4 Let’s Talk! Tell the class a story about something strange or scary that you have experienced once.

THE THIRD CONDITIONAL With the third conditional, we talk about the past. We talk about a condition in the past that did not happen. That is why there is no possibility for this condition. The third conditional is also like a dream, but with no possibility of the dream coming true. Example: Last week you bought a lottery ticket. But you did not win. :-(



Condition clause

Result clause

Past Perfect

would have + past participle

I had won the lottery,

I would have bought a car.

“MYSTERIES” WARM-UP Haven’t you ever experienced anything mysterious? What was it? Share with the class.

READING AND SPEAKING 1 Decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F) or not mentioned (NM) according to the text.

Mystery of the Red Truck By Sally Nicholls, a local reporter.

It has been confirmed that late on the night of the sixth of July, a large red truck ran into the bakery on Maryland Street. After an initial investigation by police, it is now clear that the truck had no driver at all. The locals are asking a simple question: “Where was the driver?” If the police want to solve this mystery, they will need the CCTV footage from the street. One of the locals said: “We’re all quite worried about a truck with no driver. This truck has never been seen in the neighbourhood before. If we’d seen that truck before, we’d solve this mystery now.” Many locals share the same concerns. They want to know what’s happening in their town. A witness at the incident scene told the police: “There was a loud noise coming from the truck while it was going towards the building and its speed.... it was unbelievable. If it had been going slower, I would’ve had a chance to see the driver. But all I saw was the truck speeding into the bakery as fast as it could. ’’ The police have already spoken with eleven other residents but no one knows any further details about the incident. Superintendent Amanda Slippers remarked: “This is a tough case. The truck licence plate belongs to this town, but nobody has seen it here. According to the town records, the owner of the truck moved away from here years ago. No one knows where to. If we located the owner, we'd probably solve this mystery.’’ If a truck moves, then it has a driver. Well, maybe we should change this basic assumption on account of this mysterious red truck.


1. The locals saw that the red truck before this incident. _____ 2. The police have investigated more than eleven people in the town. _____ 3. The CCTV footage of the street will help the police._____ 4. Amanda Slippers is connected as a suspect of this incident. _____ 5. When the truck ran into the building, fortunately there were no people in there. _____

2 Let’s Talk! Read this sentence and identify the type of conditionals used. What is it peculiar?

If we’d seen that truck before, we’d solve this mystery now CONDITIONAL TYPE _______


1 MIXED CONDITIONALS We often hear that there are three types of conditional sentences in English: first, second and third (or TYPE 1, TYPE 2 and TYPE 3). However, it is possible to mix the structures to express other ideas. 1. Past hypothetical situation with a present hypothetical result  If I had taken programming at school, I'd have a job at Google now.  If I hadn't eaten so much cake, I wouldn't feel so sick. 2. Present hypothetical situation with past hypothetical result  If I were smarter, I'd have gone to Oxford University.  If I were taller, I'd have become a basketball player. 3. Future hypothetical situation with past hypothetical result  If I weren't going on holiday next week, I could have attended the job interview.  If I weren't going to the wedding, I'd have agreed to visit you.

2 Practise! Match the sentences halves with their corresponding pair. 1

If I were you,

A he would be working here now.


If they weren't traveling to France on Thursday,

B they would have planned to attend your birthday party.


If Nick had turned in his application,

C I would have bought the red dress.

“HEALTHY DIETS” WARM-UP What is the girl eating? Is eating chips healthy? What is the boy playing? Are sedentary activities healthy?

READING AND SPEAKING 1 Read the description of two children in a common day. What do they have in common? What is different? Lindsay gets up at 7:00 am, feeds the dog, and has cereal and a glass of juice for breakfast. She walks to school with her friend, Julia. She has a package of chips for a morning snack, drinks water from the water fountain, and has a chicken and lettuce sandwich with a banana for lunch. She likes to play soccer with her friends at lunch and morning break time. She walks home with Julia, has some crackers with cheese and fruit juice for afternoon snack and plays with the dog for a while. She plays computer games for an hour or two before dinner, then has a shower and does her homework. She watches her favourite television show for an hour, and then usually goes to bed at about 9:30 pm.

Martin gets up at 8:30 am and has two slices of toast with jam with a glass of milk for breakfast. His mother drives him to school on her way to work. He eats cookies, a packaged fruit drink for morning snack and a potpie ordered from the school cafeteria with a fruit drink for lunch. He likes to play card games with his friends at lunchtime and climb the fixed equipment at morning break time. He catches the bus home, has a cereal bar and a can of soda for afternoon snack. Then, he watches some television. He has a shower before dinner, and then plays the computer for an hour or two. He goes to bed at about 10:30 pm.

2 Read the following statements, and then decide if they are true ( T ) or false ( F ). Then, tell the class what diet you have. a) Both of them have a healthy lifestyle. _______ b) Lindsay has a glass of milk as a snack. _______ c) Lindsay doesn’t take the bus to get school. _______ d) Martin plays soccer with his friends. _______ e) Martin get the bus to come back home. _______


1 Let’s Talk! Think of five important steps to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Share your ideas with the class. 2 Now, a wife and a husband are talking about healthy lifestyles. Listen to the recording and choose the correct option. 1 The man wants to ______.

4 Her husband should ____.

A try out for the company basketball team B run a mountain marathon C join a soccer club

A eat more protein B consume less salt C eat less fatty foods

2 The woman is worried that ______.

5 Why does the man's wife recommend cycling?

A the man works too much B her husband's health isn't good C her husband is becoming a fitness freak

A It is good for improving muscle tone. B It helps strengthen the heart. C It helps develop mental toughness.

3 First, the woman suggests that her husband _____. A see a doctor B start with light workouts C visit with a fitness trainer

Nouns They can be countable or uncountable. Countable nouns can be counted, e.g. an apple, two apples, three apples, etc. Uncountable nouns cannot be counted, e.g. air, rice, water, etc. When you learn a new noun, you should check if it is countable or uncountable and note how it is used in a sentence. Here are some things to consider when using countable and uncountable nouns: a) Some words are almost always uncountable. education / happiness / traffic b) Some words can be both countable and uncountable, depending on their meaning. i) I’ve always been interested in business and think I might set up my own company one day. (The idea of business in general – uncountable) ii) There are a few businesses in our town that have gone bust. (Specific businesses – countable) iii) I love eating cheese after a meal. (Cheese in general – uncountable) iv) There’s a shop in my town that sells lots of different cheeses. (Specific cheeses – countable)

c) The noun may be countable in your language but that does not mean it is in English. advice / equipment / homework / information / music / rice / work d) Uncountable nouns can be used in what is called a ‘partitive expression’ in a plural form. i) My teacher gave me several good pieces of advice that I’ll never forget. ii) We always serve dinner with bowls of rice. iii) I drink several cups of tea a day.



Use the word in CAPITALS in parenthesis to form a new word that fits into the blank. One thing that people get from their _________________(OCCUPY) is, of course, money. Most people wouldn’t do the job they do if it wasn’t for the pay at the end of each day, week or month. However, the ______________(MAJOR) of people want more than just a good salary. There are many other things which add up to job ______________(SATISFY) , the feeling of ________________(ENJOY) you get from doing a job that makes you happy. What people in ____________(EMPLOY) want from a job varies ____________(GREAT) from person to person. For some, the chances of __________________(PROMOTE) make a big difference. For others, working in a _____________(CREATE) environment with other people makes them happier than they would be working alone. When planning your career, you should consider all the _______________(ACTIVE) involved in a job and decide how each one suits your __________________(PERSON) . If you’re considering becoming a ________________________(JOURNAL) , for example, do you like meeting members of the public? If you're thinking of becoming an ______________________(ACCOUNT) do you enjoy detailed work with numbers? Just because one job is better paid than another, it doesn’t mean it's the job for you.

2 KEY WORD TRANSFORMATION For questions 1-4, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given (in capitals). Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. 1) I only told you because I thought you would be interested. TOLD I ………………... you if I thought you weren't interested. 2) I won't organise the party unless you arrange the food. LONG I'll organise the party ..……………….... arrange the food. 3) I think it would be a good idea to speak to the manager first. WERE If ……………………………..speak to the manager first. 4) If you do the washing up, I'll make the coffee. PROVIDED I'll make the coffee ……………………….. the washing up.

5) You're tired because you keep staying up late. WERE If ………………….. to bed earlier, you wouldn't be so tired. 6) You never enter competitions so you'll never win anything. MIGHT If you entered competitions ………………….. something. 7) The reason I haven't got much money is because they didn't give me a promotion. POOR If they had given me promotion I ……………….. now. 8) I've been so happy since I met you. MIGHT I ………………………….. so happy if I hadn't met you.


Listen to this song “Love Profusion” by Madonna and fill in the blanks appropriately. Which words are uncountable nouns and which are countable? How do you know they are this or that?

There are too many _____________

You make me feel

There is not one _____________

You make me shine

There is no __________________

You make me feel

There is so much ______________

You make me shine

And the love profusion

You make me feel

You make me feel

I got you under my skin

You make me know

I got you under my skin

And the love vibration

I got you under my skin

You make me feel

I got you under my skin

You make it shine

There is no ___________________

There are too many ______________

There is real _________________

There is no consolation

There is so much ______________

I have lost my ________________

What I want is a ________________

What I want is an _______________

And I know I can feel bad

And the love profusion

When I get in a bad mood

You make me feel

And the world can look so sad

You make me know

Only you make me feel good.

And the love direction

“IDOLS OF WARM-UP What kind of music do you like listening? Do you think music is powerful? Why yes? Why not? READING AND SPEAKING 1 Read the text and match the key words with their definitions.

Why do popstars fade away? Why is it that so many of your favourite singers and bands start out with songs that really strike a chord with you but end up recording stuff that is unbelievably bland? The really powerful songs are often those that express the life of an individual for whom social reality is a problem. The individual reacts either by wanting to give something a good kicking or by withdrawing. From these different sources, we get, on the one hand, aggressive rock music with lots of angry guitar playing and drum thrashing, while, on the other hand, we also have quieter songs that express the frailty of the individual lost, alone and perplexed in the urban labyrinth. The singers and bands that can give such a perfect musical form to feelings like these generally lose their magical touch for one or more of the following reasons: 1. Drugs. Contrary to popular belief, drugs aren't a great source of inspiration to the artist. Users are more likely to slip into a routine of spending all their time watching daytime television in rooms with the curtains drawn. Those who don't just dabble in drugs but develop a full-blown addiction lose their creativity as they become more and more obsessed with trying to keep the artificial high going. In the moments of lucidity between popping pills, snorting coke or shooting up they feel so crap there is no possibility of a creative burst of songwriting. Since the members of a band need to be working together on the same finely tuned wavelength, if any of them are getting lost in their private hallucinatory worlds the music is bound to suffer. 2. Losing touch with your roots. The best pop music is rooted in the hopes and fears and frustrations of ordinary guys on the street. Before the band makes it really big their songs still speak of things the rest of us can identify with. Once they make it, the original drive to be sincere can lead to them writing songs about expensive hotels, limousines, groupies, and all the trappings of stardom - songs that only other popstars can identify with, and that consequently mean absolutely nothing to the rest of us. 3. Finding God. In the most powerful pop songs the individual is out on a limb, relationships are fragile and the only thing that really matters is the here and now. It's essentially an insecure world and, as such, it is godless. Popstars who soothe their private angst by finding God or Allah or Buddha or whatever no longer see the world in the way it has to be seen to write powerful pop. The edge, the friction, the tension is lost and so the music becomes bland. 4. Falling in love and settling down. A careful look at the history of pop reveals that this is the most common cause of popstars losing their touch. Pop music is based on dissatisfaction, whether it be with love, life or the state of the world - pop is an expression of need, want and desire - so it follows logically that as soon as a popstar gets what s/he wants, inspiration flies out of the window. A popstar loaded with money in a villa with a pool and the love of their life by their side have nothing worth singing about. Their musical repertoire narrows down to lullabies for their new-born babies.

1. fade

a. fragile, weak, easily hurt

2. frail

b. confused

3. perplexed

c. maze

4. labyrinth

d. losing their power or brightness

5. draw (curtains)

e. clear (thinking)

6. (feel) crap

f. dull, uninteresting

7. snort (cocaine)

g. seeing things that don't exist

8. lucid

h. sniff up the nose

9. hallucinate

i. bad

10. bland

j. close



2 Let’s Talk! Discuss these questions with the class.

 Can music really influence people’s lives? How so?  Can you name some musicians who you really like? Are they still famous?  How important is music in your life?

1 Listen to the following interview and tick the sentences that are TRUE and put an X to the ones that are FALSE. The Premises is a live music venue. It's in London. The interviewer talks to a musician there.

2 Let’s Talk! Listen again and answer

It has been open for twenty-six years.

these questions to the class. What is the most famous musical venue in your country? Who are the best musicians? Do you prefer international stars or local artists? Why yes? Why not?

It has a range of facilities. They deal with a variety of music and musicians. Bestival has only rock music. Bestival is a four-day music festival.

ARTICLES. Do not use articles when generalizing about uncountable nouns and plural countable nouns. Examples:  Curiosity is a great trait. Uncountable  Water is an important resource. Uncountable  Vegetables are good for you. Plural countable  He is elderly. Adjective  The organization helps the elderly. Elderly people  I like French. Language  I like the French. The French people  Americans watch a lot of TV.  Germans drink a lot of beer. Find examples of using articles in the previous text and share them with the class.

“ALIENS” WARM-UP Do you believe in extra-terrestrial life? Have you ever experienced anything related to aliens from outer space? Share your comments with the class.

READING AND SPEAKING 1 Put this story in the correct order (A to J) from 1 to 10. 1) ____

2) ____

3) ____

4) ____

5) ____

6) ____

7) ____ 8) ____ 9) ____ 10) ____

Other people who prefer to believe in a scientific explanation have suggested that electrical forces in the atmosphere caused this and other incidents. Suddenly, a strange light seemed to be on top of the car, sucking it up off the road before dropping it down again. Meanwhile, a local lorry driver following the same route as Mrs. Knowles confirmed that he has also seen the strange light in the distance. In a state of shock, they drove to the nearest town and reported the incident to the police. At the station, thinking that the woman must have been so tired that she was dreaming, the police gave her a cup of tea hoping to calm her down. Finally, the police agreed to inspect the car and when they did, they saw the dust, smelt the smell and also noticed some small dents in the roof of the car. Feeling terrified and out of control, the family noticed a black powder seeping inside their car and smelt a horrible stench. This story was quickly taken up by some people as proof of the presence of aliens on earth. When she saw a light flashing on the road ahead, she slowed down thinking that it was a traffic signal. Mrs. Knowles and her three sons were driving from Perth to Adelaide in the early hours one morning in 1988.

2 Let’s Talk! Do you think this story was real? What do you think of this comment from a well-known newspaper? “UFOs Are Real, But Don't Assume They're Alien Spaceships. Aliens shouldn't be the default explanation for weird stuff in the sky. UFOs are very real, as we have recently seen — but that doesn't mean E.T. has been violating our airspace.” "UFO" refers to any flying object an observer cannot readily identify. And pilots with the U.S. Navy saw fast-moving UFOs repeatedly off the East Coast throughout 2014 and 2015, in one case apparently nearly colliding with one of the mysterious objects, The New York Times reported earlier this week.


1 Listen to this reporter explaining his opinion about UFO’s. What does UFO stand for?

2 Listen again and fill in the blanks from listening 1. The whole world ________________ UFOs. Do they exist or don’t they? I bet you know someone who says they have seen a UFO. Probably someone ________________. If you think about it, UFOs are real. There are many things ________________ space and scientists don’t know ________________. That means they are unidentified ________________, UFOs. Now, it’s a different matter about UFOs being space ships full of little green men. I’m not sure that’s true. I’m sure if ________________ ships traveled all the way to Earth, they would pop in and say hello. I’m ________________ if there were UFOs flying around our galaxy, NASA telescopes _________________. One day, our space ships will be UFOs and we’ll be the aliens.

1 Check the rules and try to find examples in the previous text (some are underlined)




Inside an area or space:

In contact with a surface:

Close to:

Arrive at a place:

in the city, in the sky, in bed

on the wall, on the table, on the floor

at the table, at the bus stop

arrive at the station,

Forms of transport:

Forms of transport:

Before certain nouns:

at the meeting,

in a car, in a taxi,

on a bike, on a bus, on a train,

at the top, at the bottom,

at the office

in a helicopter

on the metro, on a plane, on a ship

at the front, at the back,

To express 'towards':

Arrive in a city, country:

at the beginning, at the end,

look at something,

arrive in London,

BUT in the middle

point at something,

arrive in France

smile at someone

2 Write down more examples and show them to the class and compare.

“MY HOMETOWN” WARM-UP Where were you born? Where did you grow up? Where are you living now? READING AND SPEAKING 1 Read the text and complete the blanks with the correct choice. I have returned to my hometown of Wilson Creek (1)________ an absence of 10 years. So many things have changed (2) __________here. When I left Wilson Creek, there was a small pond (3)____ the right as you get out of town. They have filled in this pond and they have built a large shopping mall there. A new post office has also been built just (4)__________from my old school. There is a baseball stadium (5)____ the outskirts of Wilson Creek which has been changed completely. They have now added a new stand where probably a few thousand people could sit. It looks really great. The biggest changes have taken place (6)______ the downtown area. They have pedestrianised the centre and you can't drive there anymore. A European-style fountain has been built and some benches have also been added (7)________with a grassy area and a new street cafe. My street looks just the same as it always has but a public library has been built in the next street along. There used to be a great park there but they have cut down all the trees which is a pity. The library now has a large green area (8)____ front of it but it's not the same as when the park was there. Another improvement is the number of new restaurants that have opened in Wilson Creek. A Chinese and an Italian restaurant have opened (9)_____ the town centre and a Mexican restaurant has opened (10)______ my home, which is where I am going tonight!

A 1) after 2) across 3) on 4) near 5) on 6) on 7) along 8) on 9) in 10) far

B before around in around in in on in at near

C across on after before at along for from on close

D along in next across for next at along to next

2 Let’s Talk! Discuss the pictures below. Both are from the same place with 40 years of difference.


1 Listen to three people describing their hometowns. Then, answer TRUE or FALSE to the sentences below. Finally, match the pictures to the speakers.


1. There is a cold wind from the mountains. (_______) 2. There are many different types of restaurant in San Diego. (_______) 3. All of San Diego is very modern. (_______)


4. Chester is an old Roman city. (_______) 5. You can see the Roman walls in Chester today. (_______) 6. The speaker thinks Chester is too small. He prefers London. (_______)


7. There is a river in Paris. (_______) 8. The speaker says she likes the food in Paris. (_______) 9. Not many people use the Paris Metro. (_______)

2 Let’s Talk! Listen again and find examples of prepositions. How do we use them correctly? Discuss with the class.

1 Complete each of the following sentences using at, in or on. Use “x” if no preposition is needed. 1 Don't call me ____ lunch time, please. I won't be able to hear you in the restaurant. 2 You should come ____ time. It's impolite to be late. 3 Could you come ____ Monday morning? 4 I'm going to do the presentation at their company ____ next week. 5 They're getting married ____ two months.

6 This beautiful building was built ____ the 16th century. 7 The situation ____ present is very difficult. 8 John's away on holiday ____ the moment. 9 I've got two days off ____ Easter. 10 We told him about it ____ the following day. 11 You can wait for him. He'll be back ____ ten minutes. 12 The company is closed ____ public holidays.

2 Write down an essay of around 160 words about your hometown, now and then. Include prepositions.


WORD FORMATION Complete the sentences with a word derived from the word in capital letters.

1 Artists must be ______________, otherwise they just repeat what they see or hear


2 Why are you so _______________ of his work? He's just doing his best.


3 Have you made up your mind? We need to know your _________ as soon as possible. DECIDE 4 He's too shy to look people _______________ when he talks to them


5 Have they put the Christmas _________________ yet?


6 They put too many unnecessary _____________ in food


7 I ______________ think that there's no point in arguing with him. Just ignore him.


8 Extraterrestrial life has not been ________________ proved yet.


2 KEY WORD TRANSFORMATION For questions 1-6, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. 1) It wasn't Mark that you met in the shop. HAVE It _____________________________________ Mark that you met in the shop. 2) She was just going to have her breakfast when the phone rang. ABOUT She was just ___________________ breakfast when the phone rang. 3) Steve didn't manage to complete his work. FAILED Steve ___________________________________ his work. 4) How long has she been studying English? BEGIN When _____________________________________ studying English? 5) George wrote his last novel five years ago. WAS It _______________________ George wrote his last novel. 6) Nobody took any notice of his bad behaviour. ATTENTION Nobody _________________________________ his bad behaviour.


SONG 1 Listen to this song from The Beatles called Lucy in the Skies with Diamonds. Fill in the blanks appropriately with prepositions.

Picture yourself _____ a boat _____ a river With tangerine trees and marmalade skies Somebody calls you, you answer quite slowly A girl with kaleidoscope eyes Cellophane flowers of yellow and green Towering ________ your head Look for the girl with the sun ____ her eyes And she's gone Lucy in the sky with diamonds Lucy in the sky with diamonds Lucy in the sky with diamonds Aaaaahhhhh... Follow her down _____ a bridge _____ a fountain Where rocking horse people eat marshmallow pies Everyone smiles as you drift _______ the flowers That grow so incredibly high Newspaper taxis appear ____ the shore Waiting to take you away Climb in the back with your head in the clouds And you're gone

Lucy in the sky with diamonds Lucy in the sky with diamonds Lucy in the sky with diamonds Aaaaahhhhh... Picture yourself _____ a train ____ a station With plasticine porters with looking glass ties Suddenly someone is there ______ the turnstile The girl with the kaleidoscope eyes Lucy in the sky with diamonds Lucy in the sky with diamonds Lucy in the sky with diamonds Aaaaahhhhh... Lucy in the sky with diamonds Lucy in the sky with diamonds Lucy in the sky with diamonds Aaaaahhhhh... Lucy in the sky with diamonds Lucy in the sky with diamonds Lucy in the sky with diamonds [fade out]

2 What do you think the meaning of this song is? Discuss with the class.





from, down, away, reverse, opposite

decode, decrease


not, opposite, reverse, away

disagree, disappear


out of, away from, lacking, former

exhale, explosion



illegal, illogical


not, without

impossible, improper


not, without

inaction, invisible


bad, wrong

mislead, misplace



nonfiction, nonsense



prefix, prehistory


for, forward, before

proactive, profess, program


again, back

react, reappear


against, not, opposite

undo, unequal, unusual





able to, having the quality of

comfortable, portable


relating to

annual comical



bigger, stronger



strongest, tiniest


full of

beautiful, grateful


forming an adjective

reversible, terrible


forming an adverb

eerily, happily, lazily


denoting an action, a material, or a gerund

acting, showing


without, not affected by

friendless, tireless


forming an adjective

clearly, hourly


denoting a state or condition

kindness, wilderness


full of, denoting a condition, or a diminutive

glory, messy, victory

GRAMMAR FUN 1 Complete the blanks with the Zero Conditional. 1) If I __________________________ (wake up) late, I _________ (be) late for work. 2) If my husband ______________ (cook), he ____________ (burn) the food. 3) If Julie __________________ (not/wear) a hat, she ___________ (get) sunstroke. 4) If children _______________ (not/eat) well, they ______________ (not/be) healthy. 5) If someone ________________ (mix) water and electricity, he or she _____________ (get) a shock. 6) If people _______________ (eat) too many sweets, they ________________ (get) fat. 7) If you _____________________ (smoke), you _______________ (get) yellow fingers. 8) If children __________________ (play) outside, they _____________ (not/get) overweight. 9) If you _________________ (heat) ice, it ____________________ (melt). 10) If I __________________ (speak) to John, he ____________________ (get) annoyed. 11) I __________________ (feel) good the next day if I ________________ (go) to bed early. 12) Lots of people _______________ (come) if Jenny ___________________ (have) a party. 13) She _________________ (buy) expensive clothes if she _______________ (go) shopping. 14) My daughter ___________________ (pass) her exams if she _______________ (work) hard. 15) David _________________ (be) sick if he ________________ (drink) milk. 16) The river ____________________ (freeze) if it _______________ (be) very cold. 17) I __________________________ (like) to visit the museums if I ______________ (be) in a new city. 18) I ____________________________(cycle) to work if the weather _______________ (be) fine. 19) My flatmate ____________________ (clean) really well if she ______________ (be) alone in the house. 20) Everybody ________________________ (be) grumpy if it _______________ (rain) a lot.

2 Find the mistakes in each sentences and re-write the sentences correctly. 1 If people will eat too much, they get fat. __________________________________ 2 If you touch a fire, you got burned. __________________________________ 3 People die if they didn’t eat. __________________________________

4 You get water, if you mix hydrogen and oxygen. __________________________________________ 5 Snakes bite if they were scared. __________________________________________ 6 If babies are not hungry, they won’t cry. __________________________________________

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GRAMMAR FUN Zero and first conditionals. Read the questions below and decide which option best fits each space..

Question 1 Unless the weather ... better, I ... a) gets ... will arrive b) gets ... won't arrive c) doesn't get ... won't arrive

Question 6 If you take an aspirin, you ... better. a) can feel b) should feel c) have to feel

Question 2 If this is a good article, I ... Formula One driver! a) will be b) am c) would be

Question 7 If it's true, we ... fired. a) are b) aren't c) will be

Question 3 If you're in love with someone, everything ... different. a) is b) are c) will be Question 4 If we have to work together, we ... cooperate. a) will should b) have to c) should Question 5 If you heat water to 100 C, it ... a) boils b) boil c) will boil

Question 8 If world is a stage, then life ... a game. a) is b) will be c) would be Question 9 I ... grateful if you ... what I said to yourself. a) will be ... will keep b) am ... keep c) will be ... keep Question 10 Unless she ... her results, she ... to the concert. a) improves ... won't go b) improves ... will go c) doesn't improve ... will go

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GRAMMAR FUN 1 Second conditionals exercises. Complete the following sentences with the words in brackets. 1. What would you do if you suddenly _____ (win) half a million pounds? 2. If he ____ (get) up earlier, he'd get to work on time. 3. If we ____(have) more time, I could tell you more about it. 4. If you ____ (sell) more products, you'd earn more money. 5. I could help you if you _____ (trust) me more. 6. His car would be a lot safer if he ________ (buy) some new tires. 7. The children could be better swimmers if they _____ (go) swimming more frequently. 8. I wouldn't mind having children if we ______ (live) in the country. 9. If I ______ (be) you, I wouldn't worry about going to university. 10. If I _______ (have) any money, I'd give you some. 11. Your parents __________ (be) a lot happier if you phoned them more often.

c) If William _____________ (not/spend) so much time playing video games, he ___________ (get) better grades at school. d) If William ________ (eat) healthier food, he _________ (not/be) ill so often. e) If he ___________ (not/be) ill so often, he __________ (not/miss) so many classes. f) If his parents ______________ (not/allow) him to drink so much coke, he ____________ (sleep) much better. g) If William ____________ (sleep) better at night, he ____________ (start) his day with more energy. h) If he ________ (start) his day with more energy, he __________ (do) many more things. i) If William __________ (practise) a sport, he __________ (keep) fit and healthy.

2 Complete the sentences with the correct verb form in parenthesis. a) If William _____________ (not/watch) so many horror films, he _____________ (not/be) scared of the dark. b) If William ______ (be) braver, he ________________ (not/feel) frightened of thunder and lightning.

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GRAMMAR FUN Look at the events that changed history below. Write three of your own. Then write what would or wouldn’t have happened if these events had never happened.

1. Bell invented the telephone. 2. Columbus discovered America. 3. Hitler became leader of Germany. 4. The World Trade Centre was destroyed. 5. The 2004 earthquake in the Indian Ocean. 6. Leonardo Da Vinci was born. 7. John Logie Baird invented the TV. 8. Nicola Tesla invented modern science and technology. 9. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. If Bell hadn’t invented the telephone, I wouldn’t have been able to talk to my friend last night. 2. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10. _________________________________________________________________________________________________

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GRAMMAR FUN Complete the sentences. Be careful, some of these sentences are mixed conditionals.

1) We ____________ enough time if we wanted to see the castle. (HAVE) 2) In case you ______________ a car, will you teach me to drive? (BUY) 3) She ______________ angry if you had told her. (GET) 4) If they ______________ our product when we asked them, they would get a discount now. (SUPPORT) 5) Even if I _______________ him, he won't come. (ASK) 6) It will be a disaster unless Joyce ___________ us. (HELP) 7) If you _____________ something to eat in the morning, you wouldn't feel sick now. (HAVE) 8) I wouldn't risk it if I _______ you. (BE) 9) The chicken isn't very good. It _______ better if you had put some spices on it. (TASTE) 10) I won't go to the dance unless you _______ me. (JOIN) 11) If the hotel in Paris had been full, we ________ somewhere else. (STAY) 12) If I got the job, I ___________ grateful to you. (BE) 13) Unless she ___________ the test she will get her driving licence next week. (FAIL)

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GRAMMAR FUN 1 Complete the blanks with the words in the box (in some cases, more than one option will work). a | an | some | any | how much | many | a lot of | not much | not many

1) We’ve got _________________ cauliflowers but _____________ fruit 2) How _______ people have given you a birthday present? 3) There is _______________ coffee left, shall I make some more? 4) Do you want me to buy __________ shampoo at the supermarket? 5) I’m looking for _____ idea for ______ party 6) Do you know ___________ the holiday will cost? 2 All these sentences are wrong. Correct the mistakes. Re-write the sentences.

A.- We need employee to work in the new project ___________________________________________________________________ B.- Would you like a cash? ___________________________________________________________________ C.- I have a news about the exchange rate. ___________________________________________________________________ D.- How many time have we got before we board? ___________________________________________________________________ E.- Can I have window seat, please? ___________________________________________________________________ F.- There are much foreign people in New York. ___________________________________________________________________ G.- How many hand luggage have you got? ___________________________________________________________________

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GRAMMAR FUN 1 Complete the blanks with A, AN, THE, STRESS, THE STRESS or nothing (put a dash or an X).

I have ____ uncle who lives in ____ home for ____ elderly. He is ____ honest man. He used to be ____ FBI agent. He once saved ____ one-year-old boy from ____ fire. He has many interesting stories. He told me that he once met ____ alien from space. This alien didn’t need ____ oxygen to live; it didn’t have ____ nose. That’s ____ hard story to believe. I’m not sure he was telling me ____ truth. Maybe he isn’t so honest, after all. ______________ can make ____ life unpleasant. In ____ day, I work at ____ office. ____ people I work with are busy, and ____ work we do isn’t easy. 2 Complete with THE or nothing (put a dash or an X).

____Prague is ____ capital of ____ Czech Republic. When I was in ____ England, I visited ____ Tower of London. ____ Rhine is a river that goes through ____ Netherlands. On my trip to ____ Asia, I had a chance to visit ____ Mount Aso and ____ Yangtze River in ____ China.

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GRAMMAR FUN 1 Complete the blanks with AT, IN or ON. 1 They are sitting ____ the table. 2 I want to spend a year ____ Barcelona. 3 The milk isn't ____ the fridge. Where is it? 4 Is Peter's office ____ the first or the second floor? 5 Why are all these clothes ____ the bed? 6 Please, put the clothes ____ the wardrobe. 7 Are you ____ home? 8 I don't want to see her ____ the party tonight. 9 I like the sea, but I prefer swimming ____ a swimming pool.

5) He lives ___ apartment 501. 6) It's ___ San Francisco. 7) I live ___ the top floor. 8) It's the fifth door ___ your left. 9) That apartment was ___ the basement. 10) I used to live ___ 12 Harrison Street. 11) He left his keys ___ the door. 12) I met him ___ the corner. 13) The remote control is ___ the television. 14) There is a good movie ___ television tonight. 15) I need to study ___ home.

10 Please, call me when you are ____ the bus.

16) His mother is very ill and is ___ bed.

2 Choose AT, ON or IN to complete the blanks.

17) I'm cold so I am going to put ___ a sweater.

1) I live ___ an apartment building.

18) David is ___ the dentist's.

2) My apartment building is ___ the corner.

19) These oranges are cheap because they are ___ sale.

3) My apartment is ___ the fifth floor. 4) My friend lives ___ 27 Strong Street.

20) ___ Christmas time people spend more money than during other holidays.

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GRAMMAR FUN Fill in at, on, in, for, or since.

1. The course begins _____ 7 January and ends _____ 10 March. 2. I went to bed _____ midnight. 3. We arrived _____ 5 o'clock _____ the morning. 4. Mozart was born in Salzburg _____ 1756. 5. Are you doing anything special _____ the weekend? 6. Hurry up! We have to go _____ five minutes. 7. I met Ann _____ Tuesday. 8. He has lived in India _____ two years. 9. I'll phone you _____ Tuesday morning _____ about 10. 10. Tom's grandmother died in 1987 _____ the age of 81. 11. Jack's brother is out of work _____ the moment. 12. The price of electricity is going up _____ October. 13. I haven't seen him _____ Christmas. 14. _____ Sunday afternoons, I usually get up late. 15. There are usually a lot of parties _____ New Year's Eve.

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