Autumn Romance

Autumn Romance Dear (name) I'm here within the walls of my room, thinking about how to be happier this fall. I do not wa

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Autumn Romance Dear (name) I'm here within the walls of my room, thinking about how to be happier this fall. I do not want to feel pain because I miss you so, I am going to drop everything and run into your arms. I want to kiss your hands and feel complete to enjoy the amenity of this season. My commitment will be only to you, I am in need of care and affection. As I believe these are things that only you can give me to my satisfaction. So I'm on the road to happiness and I will not stop for anything. I long to be near you soon. I am going to forget my commitments and devote all my time to our love. I hope this decision finds all receptivity on your part. I know you love me very much and all you want is to be by my side. So, it seems, we will satisfy our hunger for each other. We will finally enjoy our love full time. Who said that so much love just hazes, didn’t know what they were talking about. Love is the greatest source of joy and happiness and what we need is more time to enjoy it. I'll forget everything and just love you so much. Many kisses from this dedicated fool. (Signature)

My thoughts are with you My dear and beloved (name) I know you are distant for now and meanwhile I can’t help but feeling low and sad, but soon I realize, this time we are apart, occurs for a number of reasons, most against our will, and I sometimes think this can actually be a helpful experience, contributing for a life filled with

harmony, love, peace and joy in the future. I trust you completely. I keep you in my heart, in the coziest corner, warmer, most docile and loving at his disposal. This little heart stays radiant when I remember your multitude of qualities, your virtues, and so, he beats softer and more cheerful. When thinking of your few “mishaps”, my soul fills with compassion in a way that I accept you the way you are, but at the same time I make myself always willing in lending you a hand, intended to help you overcome any difficulty, because I truly love you. When my thoughts are upon you and with you I have no fear whatsoever, not even about the future. I know we already went through some tough times, but I know we learned from then. I know that “the rest of our lives” is not what’s to come, but what has already been. I’m sure that our path, from now on, will be lit by sunlight’s joy and the moon’s most romantic night sky she can provide. Kisses, From your’s truly (signature)

Since the first instant My beloved (name) I love and adore you. Ever since I first laid eyes on you I was certain they would never again picture sweeter image. Your beauty and finesse seduced me right away. Your voice reached my ears like the sweetest melody, beating the lustful pulse of my aching heart. Ever since that first glance my life shifted as a whole, because in an instant I understood what love really is, because I understood that when love and joy are shared, move intense they become, and that grief and hardship are a lesser

burden when faced with clarity and trust. Loving you makes me feel safer and more alive. Bring me the courage to search, in purest spring, the water that will quench our trust, the strength to reach for the ripest fruit that insisted in growing in the highest branch, energy to overcome each and every obstacle and to have a forever open chest and a willing heart to keep you warm, body and soul, always. I will always be aware of this love and a constant readiness to review this feeling is a promise, of a truthful worship I have towards you. Have absolute certainty that my biggest fulfillment is knowing that I can make you the happiest woman and the most beloved in this earth, because I dedicate my seconds to this goal. Receive this with all my love! With care, (signature)

Love’s true path My sweet and Darling (name) Today a feel very happy because I notice at each and every instant the importance you represent to me and the strength you transmit, so that I can face whichever obstacle without fear or insecurity, moved only by an infinite will to make you as happy as I feel this minute. You are gorgeous and adorable, capable of making me realize how good it is to feel alive, how good it is that your presence makes me grow and transform into a better person, capable of turning dreams into reality and make the result of those dreams, now shared by us both, and eternalizing then into an ambience of harmony, care and love. My life without you would lack meaning, lack sense. Without you I would be nothing but a wandering errant, searching for my path that could lead me to happiness’s door. But with you

around, by my side, close to me, I’m certain of having made the right, safer and yet romantic choice. I feel that all this love and care, that I share here with you, goes both ways and it fills my heart with peace and joy. Gazing endlessly into your deep yet sweet eyes, I realize the tender and pure light that pours from your heart and soul. I shall never let this feeling that joins us perish. Never, by any chance, let us dript away from love’s true path, built on complicity and affection. I love you and forever will! Love, (signature)

You introduced me to love My darling (name) Starring at the past, in comparison with who I am today, that person I was, before meeting you, clearly shows how much I love you and how important you are to me. In times like these I see how much I involved and how much you taught me. With no great effort, without any resource or maybe without even knowing, you transformed me into a better and happier man. Yes, my darling, you did this, by filling my soul, until then futile and empty, with solid concepts of humanity, generosity and clarity. Somehow, you filled that empty soul with the most fertile of seeds and made then grow here in my chest. That’s why I spare no expense in keeping you, always by my side, because the person that showed me what love is, is precisely the one that deserves all the love in the world, because she carries only light and sweetness in her noble heart. You bring me peace and serenity, because you are able to transmit, every day and every hour, the certainly that it’s thrilling to

be alive. When I look at you I breathe and the certainty that to me, having your company, I will feel realized until the fullness of my soul. With all my love and my sincerest gratitude, Kiss (signature)

You are beautiful! My love, my darling! As much as I make myself beautiful, when I approach you I feel like an "ugly duckling" next to a fascinating, natty, elegant swan. Your voice is sensual, your gestures are elegant, and your good taste for with your clothes also impresses me, although you have a casual way about you. I love your way of being discrete (for example your shy, but sincere, smiles). Your softspoken and paused talk, and your intelligent and relevant remarks. I'll do anything to always keep you close to me because I love to feel the touch of your strong but affectionate hands, I love to feel the brush of your beard on my face, and I especially love to feel your lips joining mine. But your apparent beauty and elegance are just a reflection of your soul, which is good and very bright, and this is what makes me like you even more. This is what makes you so beautiful. Get the most affectionate kiss in the world from your (Signature)

I´m hopelessly yours My love

To be hopelessly yours: this is my fate; and more than conform myself with it, I rejoice with it! The possibility of not having you someday would frighten me, if not terrify me. How could I live without your love and without the providential support of your shoulder, always a pillow for my little head always so tired? How could I be happy without the comfort of your words, always gentle and optimistic? How could I feel like a woman without the vigorous touch of your hands on my shoulders, in the glorious moments when we make love? You complete me as a human being, you complete me as a woman and (without wanting to feed your vanity!) you complete me as a female, because under your body and the effect of your kisses no reasoning can resist. On the other hand, you are an extension of me and I know you would not stand too long in my absence. As I put myself in your hands, I know that you are in my hands, but I want you to understand this not as a threat but as confirmation of a great love, because I do not mind that I am in your hands and it does not weigh anything to have you in my hands, because I know that we will always use our hands to distribute affection to one another. I'm hopelessly yours, I need you. And I'm so yours that I take that as a confession of surrender, because I trust you so fully that I would never shy away from doing anything that would relieve your suffering or cause you any pleasure, whatever it was. A kiss from your wife, (Signature)

Come back soon I can imagine your joy on this holiday enjoyed in such a bucolic city along with your parents. And here am I thinking of my beloved woman, realizing again and again that my feelings for you keep getting bigger and bigger... That´s what I feel now being apart from you. I tell you this: you´re the love of mine!

The girl who left my head spinning and put a crush on me is you. It´s hard to describe the love I feel for you, but I realize that you are the woman of my life, you were created to enchant me, to be my queen. Now that you are not near at hand, time seems to take much longer to pass, the days are longer, the nights sadder, nearly unbearable, living without you is like a bad dream for me, literally speaking. If you know how much I love you, you will understand the affliction I stand these days. Love is what it is: a pleasure that astonishes and then leave us ungrounded. I know this is a brief separation, an ordinary holiday at your parents´ house. The only thing that cheers me up is to know that we´re gonna be together again quite soon, so have lots of fun with your family and be back soon. Love is waiting for you here as well. Kisses (signature)

Father, I´d like to see you Dad, I´m writing to you to say that I miss you too much, your absence is overwhelming. Since the day you left home, I´ve never seen you again and talking to you feels like an impossible dream lately. Your leaving was a definite separation, but I want you to know that I miss you around. I know quite well that you took with you a great remorse and maybe that´s why you never got in touch with us, but it happens your daughter still loves you and hopes to see you again someday. I´ve got plans and dreams and I´m striving for them to become reality, and

I´d like to hear from you about them and feel your support or reproval. The truth is that your opinion is indispensable, since as my father you are the most important person in the world. I wish immensely to meet you again and hear your voice, your moderate statements pointing out the best ways for me to achieve the things I want. It´s also true that all of this reflects how much I feel your absence, and this absence reflects in every aspect of my life. I hope you take seriously my feelings for you and I hope you find out a way to meet me soon. I´m looking for it, meeting you again will be very touching and remarkable for me. I love you. Kisses on your heart, (signature)

Missing the simple things... My dear (name), No matter what happens and how long we will still have to be apart, you will always be in my heart. But I had to write to you today and, in a way, try to sooth this feeling that took over me so strongly! To miss someone is something you can´t explain; and being a painful consequence of love, it may even be harder to describe than love itself... To miss someone is the desire to be close, to see and touch the other person. It´s a wish to repeat certain moments, to relive situations that uplifted our souls. And you know how much your presence has always calmed and, at the same time, cheered my body and soul. I needed to tell how much I am missing you today and how good it would make

me feel to have your skin close to mine, to hold hands, to feel you breath and to look into your eyes. I miss the simple things... Yet, simple as they may be, they can only come true when you are near. I hope it won´t be long before I can experience those pleasant feelings again! With a tender kiss from (signature)

Apart, never again! Dear (name) If I could ask for a wish right now, I would ask to never be far from you because missing you is a terrible feeling and the noble and wonderful feeling of love is just translated into absence and sadness. Having you near, feeling the soft tone of your voice in my ear, looking into your eyes, your skin and your lips touching mine - those are the things that make me feel truly happy. And what makes me the saddest is not having your near, not feeling the warmth of your arms and the comfort of your shoulder, not feeling the joyful sound of the door opening to let you in, not feeling the thrilling touch of your hands in my hair and the glow of your presence wherever you are. If I could ask for a wish right now, I would ask for us never to be apart because when you are near, all my other wishes immediately come true! Having you close by is all I need to be happy! So, my love, come back soon and promise me you will never make me go through such suffering again, because missing someone who is absent is the saddest feeling of all...

Love. Longing to see you soon, (signature)

Long time no see Dear friend, It´s a fact we haven´t seen each other in a long time, but I see no reason why we should keep up this situation, do you? I have been thinking a lot about you and remembering - with a great deal of nostalgia – the days we used to talk all the time, when the words exchanged were like a balsam for the both of us. That´s how true friendship really works: it brings this peace of mind to all of those who have the pleasure and privilege of enjoying it. It´s true that some of the people we care about often follow different paths and, for no particular reason, end up going in opposite directions sometimes. But now that I finally got hold of you, I would like to enjoy your company again and make the most of your loyal friendship. During the time we somehow lost contact, there were moments when I missed you a lot; because there are things we can´t discuss with our parents, children or even our partners... there are things that we can only tell friends. Having said that, how about getting together again? Let´s make up for the lost time even if it takes lots of hours and gatherings to put our agendas up to date. Call me and we will think of something together. You know that I´ve always been available for you and I always be! Yours


I dream about loving you Dear (name), I need to confess to you that for me there is only one truth: I´m mad about dating you. I wanna be happy and able to proclaim to all the world that I´ve got the most gorgeous and polite girl in the world, that she´s my beloved one, my girlfriend. Giving me this chance will make you happier also, I want to give you back everything you ever dreamed of. My life will be devoted to you and I´ll never do anything that might hurt you in the slighest way. I wish to make you happy and complete. Today my satisfaction would be hearing you asking me out for having a simple icecream or something better than that, like a dinner after a movie and maybe something else when the evening gets closer to the end. Little things will provide us with great joy and a lot of magic as well. Having you so near will make possible for me to love you each and every single day of my life. I´d never employ such bold words on this letter if you didn´t attract me equally. But I´m still waiting for a first step on your part that suggests all of this can become reality someday. You just have to want it, and we will have so many untroubled and exciting days as two lovers can live. There´ll be only passion and love around us. With love, Kisses (signature)

We are closer than ever

My darling (name), I know that some decisions are hard to make, but when affection and love prevail over any other interests, than all the roads to happiness become wide open and danger free. First of all, I would like to make sure you know that I love you very much and that you are the most wanted and the most desired person than anyone could possibly be. I also need you to know that there`s nothing more beautiful in the world than what is happening between us right now; I feel we are growing closer and getting along really well. I feel we are becoming more intimate, in every sense, and that this union is growing bigger; and that`s the most gratifying thing two human beings could wish for. That is why I need to remind you (even if that takes a simple letter or e-mail), that you don`t have to be afraid on anything, at least not while we are together, as close and united partners. I miss you so much, I can`t wait to see you and kiss every inch of your face, every little bit of your lips, every little corner of you... These last few days I have been thinking with affection of the moment we will see each other again, and satiate all this desire that has taken over us in such an intense but wonderful way. I leave you with the first of the many kisses I intend to give you... With love (signature)

For a nice girl "spicy" version (Name)

I thought it was really nice of you to have given me your e-mail so that I could send you a little message. Besides, you are nothing but nice... And although I know you so little (after all, we only chatted that day), I`m not afraid to say that you are something else. I`m curious: you are nice, intelligent, educated and elegant, why did you also have to be this beautiful and tasty? I mean it: you are really amazing, and the way you move when you walk really drives me crazy. What I`m about to say is not blasphemy. I respect all Godly things but I believe that He had to sketch an entire human race before He drew you. And when He found the formula, in His loud and celestial voice He said: "Speak!" And you did. And the most impressive bit of this story is that, since then, you`ve only spoken intelligent, charming things. The simple thought of you whispering sweet affectionate things or even little dirty things in my ear is enough to drive me mad. Listen, I`m sorry if I sound too forward, but I would like to see you again. And again. Soon. Call me or send me a reply. A kiss (signature)

Dear friend, Happy Birthday! Dear friend Today is your birthday, reason of happiness for me, because today I remember someone I can trust and to whom I can devote my love and my affection to. For some people, the passage of time seems cruel, but when a friend's

birthday comes along, we only think to thank God for the privilege of sharing such precious company in the previous year. Moreover, we cannot forget to ask that this date is repeated indefinitely, for many years to come. Isn’t the completion of another birthday cause for celebration on merit, because in this case it is the merit of nature, is it not? However, people like you deserve to be honored by completing another year of life, simply because you are able to bring happiness to your fellow men. That's why I say, with all sincerity and with love: Happy Birthday! May your life be always full of joy! Big hug, (Signature)

Wishes of happiness! My love On this special day, I want you to feel the happiest person in the world. I want you to get all the good sky lights, whether they come from the Moon, the Sun or other stars. I want to feel your body and your soul lit, without any sign of resentment or sadness. I want to feel lightness in you. I want to feel that you are breathing in peace and tranquility, absorbing all the good smells of nature, for example, the smells of eucalyptus, blackberries, peaches and pineapples. On this happy day - not only for you but for the world (because you make it more beautiful and brilliant) - I wish that all your dreams come true. Even if things take some time to happen, have patience, because not everything always happens at the speed we would like them to.

So, know that I wish you a happy year. I will always be beside you, thinking about you, caring for you and helping you in all that you need. Get my kisses, hugs and my desire for eternal happiness. With all my affection, (signature)

Congratulations for your birthday (Name), my darling, Since I cannot be at hand I wrote this letter to wish you a happy birthday. I want you to be happy, you are the kind of person who deserves nothing but the best there is in this world. I know our date is unpopular and that´s the reason why I am not going to be able to be at your party on this special date. However the discrepancy around our relationship, I believe that it´s all nonsense and it´ll fade away sooner or later, but let´s avoid the hearsay for now... I won´t be there physically but in my mind I´ll be just beside you. On this meeting, I hope only good things may happen to you: cake cutting, Happy Birthday song, champagne toast, and many kisses and warm hugs, and lots of laughter as well... I know when the party ends, you´ll be by my side sooner than I expect, we are together because we love each other and we´re not going to waste the chance of celebrating our love tomorrow. We´ll celebrate it our own and particular way, with kisses and embraces and lots of love all night long. Tomorrow night will be unforgettable as we are going to celebrate your birthday and one more month together. That´s certainly a special moment for both of

us. Cleverly, we´ll dribble down the whole field to finally score and have the most awaited toast of the night. Kisses, (signature)

Being happy again Dear (name) I am one more time addressing to you a new and straight love declaration. This overwhelming feeling I have towards you needs to be manifested again. When I´m alone like now I recall those incredible and amazing days we spent together during that wonderful holiday. We were amazingly happy on those few days far from everything we have here. There we were immune to envy, jealousy and other petty and insignificant feelings that seem to be a part of almost everyone around us sometimes... Those were happy days for sure, and we lived our love in a state of total freedom. When I get lonely as I am right now, I begin missing really badly those wonderful days amongst Nature itself where we could feel the presence of God and enjoy the peace of that refuge with nothing bothering us. I think we should repeat it all again as soon as possible as well. There we can connect in the deepest way, and when we are that close we realize much better how miraculous and fortunate our love is. We feel totally free and we prove to ourselves that we will always have similar moments in our lives together. So, here it is: I´d like to invite you to be as happy as you can be once again. Kisses,


Your love is everything Honey, After I moved I realized I can´t live without your caresses. I want to hug you so much right now, to feel your body next to mine and kiss you, I have you under my skin. I will not manage to live without you. This change doesn´t seem to be an address change only, it separated us. Your daily caresses enfold me, your advices make me stronger and smarter, your perfume brings me joy, your eyes.... I don´t want to be bound to my memory of you, like when I see glimpses of you in other people, that would be too much pain for me to take, even thinking about it is intolerable. I´m feeling desolate and homeless, like someone drawing away from the little that is left after losing almost everything... I need you so much. I shouldn´t have moved with my family, I know that there wasn´t an other way but I can´t stop trying to figure out ways to get around it.... I couldn´t imagine the loss would be so immense as it feels now. Without you around me my life seems to be turning into something so meaningless and empty that I think it is impossible for me to live here: Either I return or you come, that´s pretty much the only way it seems. Life is charmless when I cannot feel the warmth of your presence. I´ll never be the same apart from you, and I fear that distance is about to do some irreparaple harm separating us for good. I´m really afraid for our romance and I just can´t be happy without your love. I love you from the bottom of my heart.

Kisses, (signature) Reconciliation is what I´m looking for These words come to attest the remorse I´m feeling and to show you how much I am sorry for all the embarrassing situations that I´ve been subjecting us to for the past two years. All of it was brought about by my unreasonable attitudes and I regret that. I know that I´ve pushed everything too far with my juvenile whims and caprices, and today I ask for forgiveness for the suffering my inconsequent adventures caused to you. I was far from God and my family, and ending up losing you was pretty obvious by then. Childishly, I thought my feats and deeds were to be praised or worthy of applause, when they were actually thoroughly shameful instead. You were absolutely right to doubt my promises of change, I didn´t deserve anything else. How many times we pretended to not know each other…. Given the circumstances, that was the best to do though, I committed too many mistakes, sure thing, but I was always thinking of you: even distant, I learnt a lot from my blunders and gross errors, and today I spend hours and hours rejoicing thinking about us. Anyway, you should know that I want you too much to let you go easily, and I hope to hear you saying you forgive me quite soon. I don´t know how to explain, but what I feel today is a worderful thing, maybe that´s the true love people talk about, I don´t have any other clue… Kisses, (signature)

I´m sorry for the words I said Dear (name) I´m writing to apologize for the comments I made on our wonderful date. Those were thoughtless words about facts of your private life, and I´m full of regret for all of that, I realized that your total discretion with your private issues not only must be totally respected, but that your private life is also none of my business anyway. I respect your position and I really shouldn´t have uttered those inconsiderate words, but since everything has its goods and its bads, that date also showed me why I felt so attracted by you when I first met you. On the other hand, I don´t think it was fair for you to give me such a cold shoulder by not answering my phone calls or acting like you didn´t know me. You are a great professional and I´d like to keep being your client. From now one, I´m perfectly able to lay aside personal feelings and focus only on the relationship between customer and supplier, so I gently ask you to answer my phone calls since they will relate to business only and money is at stake here. I sincerely trust in your professional capabilities. I hope you keep delivering according to what has been agreed between parties and forget this unfortunate incident which I´m totally guilty of. Again, I am really sorry for having spoiled our relationship, but I want to say that knowing you means a lot to me and if a next date occurs, I´m going to behave totally different from that night. I admire you as a professional and as a person, and I hope that we can go along well not only as professionals but also as

friends who can forgive each other. (signature) It was inappropriate, and I`m sorry My dear, I`m hoping that, with this letter you will accept my most sincere apologies. I made a mistake, and was unfortunate in what I said, but I didn`t mean to offend you. More importantly, deep down, I never believed you would go ahead and do something I`d suggested in such a foolish and irresponsible joke. I was unusually inappropriate, and my biggest mistake is that I acted like towards the person that least deserved it, because you are the one that brought me back the joy of life. So, I beg for you forgiveness and I hope you`ll find in your heart the ability to grant me that request. You have a noble soul, with no place for anger, despite all the sorrow and pain I`ve inflicted upon you, for which I remorse and punish myself. A few hours have since gone by (sad ones, to tell you the truth), and I realize how stupid I was. I know you well enough to have guessed the things I said would offend you. I`m not about to sing you a ballad or talk about love in bunches; you know how much I love you, and I know and believe that you love me, even though you`re feeling hurt at the moment, and rightly so. I`m sad and, at the same time, mad at myself for having been so stupid. Please forgive me. (signature)

You are impatient (and I`m shameless!) (name),

Man, you are impatient! I know we agreed to meet at 9pm, but what happened is that I was late because I had to drop my mum off at my aunt`s and they just wouldn`t let me leave. And then, you know how it goes, man, I had to take my old mum back home and I got to the bar too late. Gee, I arrived at 00h30 and the barmaid told me you`d just left. Next time, just wait a bit longer, man! You know you`re cool with me and I we can both drink from the same glass. If I promised I`d showed up it`s because I really would. I even went around to your apartment, but by then you should have been in a different pub because the genitor called you and you didn`t answer. Any way, I`m sorry. I know I stood you up for 3 hours. Call me and we can do something, but don`t ring me too early because I`ve had a few too much yesterday. I love you, a kiss from yours (signature)

You are very annoying (name), I´m writing you to say you are a lucky woman, because by the time you receive this letter you will be free to do what you want, whenever you want, without giving satisfactions to anyone, and especially to me. Isn´t that what you wanted? Didn´t everything have to be exactly the way you wanted, always? And now it will be, because I´m out, because I can´t stand your typical spoiled brat attitudes. Sincerely, I couldn´t stand your “I want...”, “I want now...”, “It has to be

like this...”, “It has to be this way...”, “I like it like this...”. I told you that one day I wouldn´t reclaim any of your attitudes. Well, this day is now. You´ll never hear anything from me that goes against your point of view. Do you know why, because the last word you´re hearing from me follows: Goodbye! (name)

Sick Jealousy (Name), I´ve told you many times that, to me, the worst venom to a relationship is jealousy. When it´s sick. Then it´s fatal. Everytime I told you that you pretended to agree, shook your head timidly and promised to change. And that wasn´t what happened, and never did happen. Each day, each hour, each minute, you suffocate me more, trying to take away my liberty; control my attitudes, my agenda; my friends, you are trying to isolate me as a person But yesterday was the end of it: make that huge fight just because I called my sister sweety, was the worst. So, for the good of us all, it´s best if we put an end to this story: I´ll be free to follow my path. FREE, understand? And you will be free to be jealous of me because from this moment on we will have nothing special that brings us together, I´m not your boyfriend anymore. Goodbye (signature)

Breaking up a society

Dear (name), You don´t know how painful it is for me to write this letter. I´m saying painful so that I don´t have to say revolting, because you have total conscience-i know that- of how much I was and am working hard so that the project will work out. What I mean is that I´m doing my part, but, you treat “our” (is it?) project as if it was a game. You´ve limited yourself to chipping in with a little change, always late, and you´re not interested in understanding correctly the business you’re in. I´m not here begging for your investment, because in every serious business, there must be a serious investment. I´m not begging because I recognize the value of my work and in the product we have to offer; and I can say out loud we aren´t selling any product or trafficking any drug. We have a good product, that soon, will be well known all over the world. Anyway, knowing you´re not interested, I believe, that beyond this point, I should treat you like Mr. or Dr. “Opportunist” that viewed the project as a chance to make a quick fortune and in the moment you realized the fortune would take a little longer, you regretted you got into the business and started to treat the issue with irresponsibility. Lastly, even though I´m very upset with the situation, I want to tell you the project will continue, with or without you, and will be great, because it´s a good project and counts on the participation of talented and dedicated people who want to work. So, if perhaps you want to continue a part of this group change positivly your attitude or you will or you will have regrets again in a short period of time!

Sincerely, (signature)

Breaking up with the cheap guy (name), You know, ever since the first time I saw you I felt something wasn´t going to work out between us? Not that it was necessary for you to pay the first bill all by yourself, but you didn´t have to say in front of the waiter: "– it´s this amount of dollars and cents for you to pay, since you ordered one portion of french fries more than me!" Okay, I gave you a discount. You could have been a little nervous for going out with me for the first time; but, little by little, going out more times, meeting and talking to a few of your friends, I realized you continue thinking everyone wants to take advantage of you. To tell you the truth, you are the kind of person who barks in the backyard to save up on buying a dog, keep coiled milk to see if your grandmother can make you some cheese, and are capable of asking for souvenirs on a funeral to save your matches. But, that´s is beautiful, and leaving aside your cheapness, I started to realize a few qualities in you. What happens is that, in front of what I discovered yesterday, it becomes impossible to have any possibility of love between us. You decide to do black magic for me to stay with me, and when it´s time to pay for the chicken you want to buy a Nissin Lamen chicken flavor? Where on earth...? Stay with my never more. You don´t have to write or call me. Save your time, stamps and impulses. I don´t even know why I spent my time writing you all of this...

Goodbye, (signature)

Unfortunately, we’re through Dear (name), I never thought I could one day be writing you these words. My heart was so filled with love for you. This morning when I feeling so lonely, it was still my heart that pushed me into saying "I love you" and, unfortunately, it’s also my heart that’s making me say we are through. Yes, my darling, this is the end for us, maybe because we weren’t patient enough to overcome a few small problems… maybe we weren’t able to deal with each others sensibilities and we didn’t believe that poems that says "between intention and gesture lies a distance..." Yes… yes, it’s true! There is a distance between intention and gesture because I know I’ve always wanted to make you happy, just as I know you also wanted to make me happy. Yet, by pure incompetence on both parties, we weren’t able to realize this…unfortunately! So, it’s best we put an end to this love affair. I know we will always be close to each other. We will bump into each other in the same bars and other usual places, and, inevitably, our eyes will meet. Still, the tears I shed with you have dried out, and the source of those tears has been extinguished. Still today, you’ll find your name engraved on my heart, but I’m trying hard to make it beat to a different pace, now that it will no longer have the sound of your voice to move it. Dear (name) all I want is for you to be very happy, and that you continue to have a life of projects and never ending successes. But (name), never forget that

LOVE is the most beautiful and rare thing there is and, sometimes, you have to be a little bit patient and endure a little bit of pain to reach it. A kiss from (signature)

To the mother who adopted me (name), my dear mother When it's Mother's Day, along with the nostalgia I'm feeling now, comes the memory of the first day that I lived with you. My heart is full of happiness, to have been chosen by you. On that cloudy and rainy afternoon, when I first saw you, I noticed all the tenderness in your eyes. At that moment I realized I had found my mother. I now recall the devotion with which I was raised by you. What a wonderful mother God has reserved for me. Now, on this day I am honoring an amazing woman, the mother who raised me and prepared me for this life. You have protected me with care; you have shown me which way to go, giving me all your love, dedication and sacrifice to become the person I am now proud to be. In the certainty of being the son you have always hoped to have, I am now reiterating all the love and affection I have for you, in this letter. In fact, I am giving back a little, for all the feeling that was dedicated to me during the life of success that you have given me. I love you so much Mom. Soon we will be together again. A tender kiss. (signature)

Mothers and their way of loving Dear Mom I'm feeling in my heart a wonderful feeling for you. I love you very much, you know it and I’m sure you feel my affection. I happen to be very bad at expressing my feelings, and living together passes over certain niceties that express affection. I know I am very wrong and since today is Mother's Day I cannot be unkind. In my examination of conscience I felt that we need to be more affectionate to one another, because we know we have a lot of sweet love in our hearts. The education I received was never so severe as to leave a residue of resentment. You have always been a friendly and understanding mother, without being mellow and full of affection, and you always knew how to forgive the weaknesses typical of youth. On second thought, I feel like all I have to do is want you, love you and always be supportive of your systematic way of being, sometimes even a little cranky, which I perceive as being typical of our own age difference. I have to understand that you only think about my own good, hoping that I can achieve a great future full of happiness. A mother’s thought is an assurance of achievement so I'm happy. Happy Mother's Day with all my love. (signature)

With you the world is more beautiful My mommy! Know that you are the sweetest

creature I've ever met in my life. Besides having put me in the world, you have taught me to walk and enjoy jellies. You have always been wonderful, beautiful and terrific. It took me a while to understand some of your attitudes, but today I understand that I would be no one without your support and love. You have the gift to educate, to teach, to turn any "thing" into PEOPLE. You have the elegance of wise men and the intelligence of Gods. I'm very proud to have been generated in your womb and by your love. Whenever I remember you the world seems more beautiful. I beg you to never leave it. It would be much sadder and poorer, because you have a rich soul, a sound character, and a rare generosity. My dear mother on this special day, get a special kiss from your child. (signature)

To the professional of love Dear (name), I´d really like you to (I dream of it actually) act towards me with some distinction, a little more that´s dedicated to your most noble clients. After all, even though I´m not exactly a ´vip´ guy, I´m a constant client who loves to live the happy moments provided by you. Think well about it and tell me what I have to do to be treated as a special someone on these nights scheduled by me, do you realize how I behave when we are together, how happy I get when I´m with you? You won´t need to

endeavor that much to treat me more considerably and distinctively. Notwithstanding your professionalism, I´d like you to push a little further and apply yourself a bit more by devoting a little extra attention to my person. I know that you feel alone inside and I hope to bring you some joy and laughter on these moments, that´s what someone who likes someone else would want to do after all. I want you to open your heart and say what is required for a guy like me to get that special care, I know that there´s something reserved only for me in your heart...You are amazing at what you do and I´m all eyes for your smart moves, I just miss a little pinch of emotional devotion on your part. Do not think I´m getting it all mixed up, I understand that you are a professional and thus you can´t get yourself emotionally involved with every needy client that shows up in front of you, but my case is different: when I look for you I want you and no one else. A big kiss, (signature)

Thanks teacher! Dear teacher (name) Being this one the last year my little daughter (name) is educated and taught by your precious wisdom in this exemplary little school, I´d like to pay you a homage with this little letter. (name of the daughter) likes you a lot, and I´m sure she´ll never forget you. The relationship between a child and her first teacher is a very important thing regarding the formation of her character. I know you are a sterling teacher and knew how to conquer her friendship and esteem, when she refers

to you, she demonstrates all the enthusiasm that your relationship is made of. Truthfully, she loves you and is adamant about showing her love towards you, it is easy to realize how beautiful these years have been for her and how you are important on her life. These years will be undoubtedly unforgettable for her and I will also preserve this feeling of recognition and frienship that I have towards you, you are now part of our lives forever and ever. I´d like also to wish you a happy Christmas in company of all the people who are dear to you and a great New Year´s Day. May all the blessings from Heaven fall upon you in this coming year and for the rest of your life. (signature)

To the bank employee II My love, No interest rate gets so high as the love rate my heart feels for you despite the risks of investment and inflationary expectations attached to it. And with one advantage: this love is so basic, so pure and free that you´ll never have to pay anything back, no costs of transactions and stuff, however it is not allowed for you to go on strike and you cannot leave me standing on the door of your agency, are we agreed? Also don´t put me in a row please... Even though I´m not entitled to thirdage privileges, I believe I´m deserving of some high-ranking assistance from you. I need you to provide me with particular attention and consultancy, as for you I´d sign a blank check without second thought.

Maybe you haven´t realized yet, but I like you so much that I always avoid the internet and bank machines, as even though they are much faster, they are impersonal and besides, nothing could atone for not seeing your beautiful smile and bright eyes in front of me. Darling, behave towards me like I was the greatest opportunity of a short-term application, as I know that way I´m gonna convince you to invest in a safer and free-risk application later, of the longest run by the way... A big kiss, (signature)

To the Doctor Dear Doctor, Permit me to tell you a conficence: now and then I want to ask you: “What´s the need for this natty suit and tie, why this big and shiny ring on your finger, doctor?” I dream of having the chance to ask these things to you (privately, of course) and hear in return that pragmatic and manly voice saying to me “To defend you!” Doctor, your sober and solemn posture, your sound logic, your irrefutable arguments and exate words, your conviction when you thrust yourself against the biggest obstacles in favor of the most noble causes, your magnificent wisdon and undeniable sense of justice left me completely fascinated about you. You are certainly an illustrious and distinguished man, and I´ve got only one request for you: forget for a few moments this formal verbosity which is surely needed in court and so little exciting out in the streets, and hug me as strong as you can. Make me your most delicious and pleasant case!

Kisses! (signature)

To the female teacher I´m in love with Dear (name) I believe you are not going to reprove me for the audacity. Even though I have met you for the first time not long ago, maybe you have been smart enough to realize that I like you. Maybe the reason for it is the same reason boys fall in love with their teachers, though there are not many as gorgeous as you are. I feel completely naïve when the subject is love. But if you are patient and teach me the equations of the heart, I assure you I can learn in a snap. With the exact formula I´ll be able to approach you in an extracurricular way, so to speak. My dear, maybe it comes down to the Teacher´s Day getting closer, I´m feeling an incredible love for the classroom. Such as a behaved kid, I wish to be on the first row, or maybe to invade your space, with a rose in hand, confessing my love in order to receive a little kiss and a caress. I also believe I´m not one of the dumbest, I can easily recover the lost time. With your dedication and competence I can exceed all my colleagues in a short while, especially if you focus the major part of your attention on me. Dear teacher, I wish to be your best student, making it your way to the top of the class. Please recognize my efforts in the end! (signature)

For the Aries girlfriend

My dear, I was missing you and decided to write you this letter. I don’t mean to flatter you or tell you empty words because they’ll be gone with the wind and, besides, I know you hate flattery. But still, you don’t mind me saying how much I admire you, do you? Of course you don’t, mainly because I’m about to tell you the reasons why I admire and love you. First of all, I love your independence, your fascination for challenges and your persistence in overcoming them. At times, it even looks as if you can manage on your own, without my male company, but I know that, deep down, you’re not exactly like that and you also nurture romantic dreams. I would like to keep on being part of that dreamy side of yours, I also believe that love, true love, the one that feeds on mutual trust and freedom, is the only and real sharing we should devote our bodies and souls to. I love you very much, your impulsive ways and even your jealousy moments, which, when interpreted, only indicate that with you, this is a game to be won. My dear Aries girlfriend, maybe your only fault (in my view) is that you’re a bit bossy, and just between the two of us, I was not put on this world just to obey but to share the right decisions and to take joy from them. Your optimism and your faith in the future also make me happy, and, again I must say I would like to be a part of that future, because, despite your impulsive independence, for me, you still are the most beautiful, sincere, loving and exciting woman there is. A kiss from (Signature)

For the Cancer boyfriend My love, First of all, I want to tell you how happy I am to be your friend, partner and lover. There’s a simple reason for this happiness: I know how selective you are about your women, and that’s why I feel privileged. Privileged that I share your tender and affectionate heart. Privileged that such a sweet and gentleman guy like you chose me, who stands out among all other Cancers in the art of seduction. My darling and shy love. Whenever you’re with me, put all your mistrusts behind you and face the moon changes just as an astronomic phenomenon, because my feelings towards you are as solid as they can be, the deepest feelings I ever had. They’re not like thighs. I love you! With all confidence I can state: I truly love you! Besides, how could I not love someone as special and elegant as you? How could I not care for someone so devoted to all the beautiful things? (Actually, knowing that this is the way you are and that you chose me for your partner makes me feel very proud!). I want you to know that I’m crazy about you. A passionate kiss from (Signature)

For the Libra boyfriend Dear (name), I’ve always heard that Libra’s are born hunters, but until I fell prey of one of them (you!), I had no idea how charming they really were. Honestly, you know all the tricks and crafts to win a heart and you use all your talent and art in doing it.

But there are plenty of reasons why I love you. I love you because I admire your sense of justice, because I know how long it can take you before you make a decision and that’s just because you want to do what’s right, although you can rapidly change your mind when you realize you’re in the wrong track. I love you because you’re absolutely trustworthy and you can keep all my secrets, our secrets. I love you because your crystal clear in your arguments and you show such firmness and logic in your thoughts that I even get a bit envious of your privileged mind. The most fantastic thing is that when standing before more serious and complex matters, your face always lights up with an aura of purity that always turns into a charming smile. I love your calmness, away from confusions. I love the fact that you like to have a tidy house, each thing in its place. I don’t know, there are so many things I love about you I could spend hours writing about them. And I want you to know, I love you so, but so much, that if it takes you too long to make up your mind, I’ll be the one taking the initiative and proposing to you! A big kiss from yours (Signature)

For the Cancer girlfriend My darling My sensitive and sweet creature. I think you may have noticed it by now but I have to tell you again that I’m absolutely crazy about you and your shy way of being, sometimes even too melancholic and sand. I’m very proud to be your boyfriend, you know? Yes, I’m proud to have your

affection, because I know you’re not at all shallow when it comes to feelings and I’ve realized by now that you’d be capable of any sacrifices just to help those you love. Modesty aside, I feel I belong to that group of people, my darling, and I feel very happy about it, because I know you keep your best emotions for those who are closer to you; although you’re not given to confessions, you can keep a secret well locked up. Speaking of being modest, (mind you, this is advise, not criticism), I think you’re very modest about yourself, because you’re pretty, intelligent and sensitive but sometimes you hide, afraid to show yourself and your qualities as if you were the world’s ugliest duckling. Why, my love? Just think, had I not have had the initiative, maybe we wouldn’t be together now, although I was interested in you and your qualities for a long time. I’m also fascinated and thrilled by your unpredictability. I’m positively glad whenever you turn up all cheerful and happy. Maybe it’s that lunar influence on your star, right? It’s that mood change that turns you into a very mysterious and attractive person. Anyway, you’re always a very pleasant company. I hope you’ll always stay this way and that you don’t feel the least hurt with the little remarks I made about you in this letter, because I love you just the way you are. With a kiss from (Signature) (name) I’ve resisted the urge to tell you a few things for a long time, but I needed to tell you those tiny little eyes of yours are noble as pearls and your dark long hair reminds me of the dawn, the

perfect curtains to protect my dreams from light. Your so delicate and small, too beautiful to be true, and so quiet and calm that I feel afraid to talk to you or touch you, even if it’s just with the tip of my fingers, for fear of breaking you like a little crystal doll. My little eastern fairy, I think I’m in love with you. My heart aches, just because you won’t look at me. Sometimes, that Zen way of yours makes you look so distant, that I almost lose all hope that you’ll eventually notice my strong interest in you. My princess, my little rising sun. Look at me, see that I exist, talk to me, or else I’ll be so sad, but so sad I’ll buy me a bottle of sake and get completely pissed. I’ll be uglier than a samurai expelled from court, and my heart will be broken into pieces. You’re not going to let that happen to me are you? Please accept a kiss from yours (signature) (name) I’ve resisted the urge to tell you a few things for a long time, but I needed to tell you those tiny little eyes of yours are noble as pearls and your dark long hair reminds me of the dawn, the perfect curtains to protect my dreams from light. Your so delicate and small, too beautiful to be true, and so quiet and calm that I feel afraid to talk to you or touch you, even if it’s just with the tip of my fingers, for fear of breaking you like a little crystal doll. My little eastern fairy, I think I’m in love with you. My heart aches, just because you won’t look at me. Sometimes, that Zen way of yours makes you look so distant, that I almost lose all hope that

you’ll eventually notice my strong interest in you. My princess, my little rising sun. Look at me, see that I exist, talk to me, or else I’ll be so sad, but so sad I’ll buy me a bottle of sake and get completely pissed. I’ll be uglier than a samurai expelled from court, and my heart will be broken into pieces. You’re not going to let that happen to me are you? Please accept a kiss from yours (signature) (name) I’ve resisted the urge to tell you a few things for a long time, but I needed to tell you those tiny little eyes of yours are noble as pearls and your dark long hair reminds me of the dawn, the perfect curtains to protect my dreams from light. Your so delicate and small, too beautiful to be true, and so quiet and calm that I feel afraid to talk to you or touch you, even if it’s just with the tip of my fingers, for fear of breaking you like a little crystal doll. My little eastern fairy, I think I’m in love with you. My heart aches, just because you won’t look at me. Sometimes, that Zen way of yours makes you look so distant, that I almost lose all hope that you’ll eventually notice my strong interest in you. My princess, my little rising sun. Look at me, see that I exist, talk to me, or else I’ll be so sad, but so sad I’ll buy me a bottle of sake and get completely pissed. I’ll be uglier than a samurai expelled from court, and my heart will be broken into pieces. You’re not going to let that happen to me are you? Please accept a kiss from yours

(signature) (name) I’ve resisted the urge to tell you a few things for a long time, but I needed to tell you those tiny little eyes of yours are noble as pearls and your dark long hair reminds me of the dawn, the perfect curtains to protect my dreams from light. Your so delicate and small, too beautiful to be true, and so quiet and calm that I feel afraid to talk to you or touch you, even if it’s just with the tip of my fingers, for fear of breaking you like a little crystal doll. My little eastern fairy, I think I’m in love with you. My heart aches, just because you won’t look at me. Sometimes, that Zen way of yours makes you look so distant, that I almost lose all hope that you’ll eventually notice my strong interest in you. My princess, my little rising sun. Look at me, see that I exist, talk to me, or else I’ll be so sad, but so sad I’ll buy me a bottle of sake and get completely pissed. I’ll be uglier than a samurai expelled from court, and my heart will be broken into pieces. You’re not going to let that happen to me are you? Please accept a kiss from yours (signature) (name) I’ve resisted the urge to tell you a few things for a long time, but I needed to tell you those tiny little eyes of yours are noble as pearls and your dark long hair reminds me of the dawn, the perfect curtains to protect my dreams from light. Your so delicate and small, too beautiful to be true, and so quiet and calm that I feel afraid to talk to you or touch you, even if it’s just with the tip of my

fingers, for fear of breaking you like a little crystal doll. My little eastern fairy, I think I’m in love with you. My heart aches, just because you won’t look at me. Sometimes, that Zen way of yours makes you look so distant, that I almost lose all hope that you’ll eventually notice my strong interest in you. My princess, my little rising sun. Look at me, see that I exist, talk to me, or else I’ll be so sad, but so sad I’ll buy me a bottle of sake and get completely pissed. I’ll be uglier than a samurai expelled from court, and my heart will be broken into pieces. You’re not going to let that happen to me are you? Please accept a kiss from yours (signature)

For the Leo girlfriend My beautiful and loved creature There’s nothing like starting the day by remembering your always-warm smile. There’s nothing more brightening and stimulating than to remember I love someone so lively, graceful and beautiful like you, who’s always pampering herself for me, because you’re also a bit vain, like a good, genuine Leo woman. I love to love someone like you, someone who has a soul so kind that you can even get upset or irritated in petty environments. I like the way you dress up, your good taste in clothes, jewelry and huge collection of cosmetics. Speaking of collection, the only time I get a bit jealous is when I remember your collection of ex-boyfriends’ photos… Please get rid of them, will

you? It’s OK… you don’t have to… after all let bygones be bygones; I’m very happy now, because I can feel how much you love me and give yourself to me, my touch, my caresses and cuddles. You love to cuddle and kiss, don’t you? My darling, I’m going to say it again: I love you very much, I love your free spirit, the way you show others that you belong to me, in the sense that you know I’m yours and only yours. I can’t get tired of complimenting your distinct manners, but I’m very careful at that because I know how much you hate clichés. Yet, I’m not letting you go without a last one, but don’t you worry, it’s not a long one: I love you! With a passionate kiss from (Signature)