At the Restaurant Lc Practice

"At the Restaurant" LC: practice MENU Instructions: Select the foods that the people order. Appetizers Desserts  sh

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"At the Restaurant" LC: practice

MENU Instructions: Select the foods that the people order.



 shrimp cocktail  nachos

 cake  ice cream  pie

Entrees      

steak fish chicken spaghetti pizza hamburger

Beverages  tea  coffee  soda  orange juice

Side Orders    

broccoli french fries salad soup

LC: Heavenly Pies Restaurant A) Listen and tick: 1. What does the man order? A. T-bone steak

B. chicken fried steak

C. broiled chicken

2. What does he eat with his meal? A. fries

B. bread

C. rice

3. What does he have to drink? A. small juice

B. medium juice

C. large juice

4. What kind of dressing does he ask for? A. French

B. Italian

5. Why is the restaurant not serving pies today? A. The baker was hurt at work and can't prepare them. B. The oven is broken and hasn't been repaired. C. The restaurant has decided to only sell ice cream.

C. ranch

Key Vocabulary     

meal (noun): a portion of food served and eaten at one time - This restaurant serves delicious meals at a reasonable price. care for (verb): informal, to want or wish for something - Would you care for another drink? dine (verb): to eat dinner - How about dining at my house tonight? injure (verb): to cause physical damage to someone - He injured his back when he tried to lift those heavy boxes. ranch dressing: is a type of salad dressing made of some combination of buttermilk, salt, garlic, onion, herbs (commonly chives, parsley, and dill), and spices ... sundae: Eisbecher

Ordering food at the restaurant: Complete the sentences with one word only. 1. My name is Helen and I am your ___________________________ today. 2. Would you like to see the

___________________________ ?

3. Yes, we are _______________________ to order. 4. Can I _________________________ your order, Sir / Madam? 5. What would you like to start _________________ ? 6. I’ll __________________________ a chicken curry. 7. Before the _______________________ course, would you like a salad as an entree? 8. Would you _________________________ for anything to drink? 9. Can I _____________________ you a drink? – Sure, I __________________ like a coke. 10.

What can you ___________________ ?

Well, our chicken in a wine

sauce is very nice. It ______________________ with potatoes and fresh vegetables. 11.

That sounds good. _______________ take that.


Can we get mashed potatoes on the _________________________ ?


What kind of dressing would you like ________________________ your

salad? 14.

I’ll __________ back with your drinks in a minute. / That won’t be

___________________ 15.

Is there


else I can get you?


Would you _______________________________

something to follow?


That will be ________________________ for now, thank you.


Did you ________________________ your meal? – Yes, it was

__________________ 19.

What would you like _______________________ dessert?


Would you like coffee or tea ___________________________ your dessert?