21 Days of Abundance

📣 KICK OFF - DAY 0 Hi Everyone, I have been participating in a process of abundance and thus far, it has been powerful

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Hi Everyone,

I have been participating in a process of abundance and thus far, it has been powerful and impactful. It is now my turn to share this with people in my circle. You are part of that circle.

I am honored to invite you to participate in a group challenge of practicing an abundance consciousness, changing your thinking to allow you to get more of what you really want in life, whether it’s love, money, health or opportunity, peace, freedom... for 21 days.

It has been grounding to have structured daily writing activities and meditation prompts, to look into myself and what I want to create. I honestly didn’t know I needed or wanted it until I started.

Your only activity in this specific group is limited to receiving prompts a… Day 0 done. [17:15, 19/4/2020] +54 9 297 492-3653: Day 0 done Julieta  Mancuso salió del grupo [17:21, 19/4/2020] +1 (829) 981-3484: Disculpen ya yo realice estos retos. +1 (829) 981-3484 salió del grupo Ok Day 0 done Dany 0 done I’m excited for those of you who have decided to join this journey. Day 1 starts with the task below...

Day 1

Here we go!

REMINDER: Please send any questions in a private message.

After you complete the task, please write:

"Day 1 Done."

No further response in the group is necessary.

You can leave the group at any point if you decide not to continue.

You have all day to complete the task. If possible, do it in the morning. Most important is that you do it in a way that works for you!


In your new notebook, make a list of 50 people that have influenced your life.

They can be both living and already departed people, your relatives, friends, and celebrities, writers and personalities whom you do not necessarily know personally.

Everyone who … Y el audio? Gracias! 🙌🏼🥰 Day 1 Done. Day 1 done Dany 1 done 🙏🏼 Day 1 done Congratulations to all of you for making this commitment to yourselves - great start!

Day 2: Complete by today end of your day.


It will seem simple to some people but not to others.

Remember that if it is difficult for you to perform any task, then it is clear that there is a block an obstacle in your mind on the path towards attaining abundance.

Be aware of this and STICK with it!

1. Write all of your debts in your notebook.

Debt on a bank account, credit cards, loans, debts to individuals, court debts - all of your debts, of any kind.

No need to record the amount, only to whom and for what.

For example: a mortgage, a car loan, a debt to VISA for a gift to Tanya, etc.

2. Make a list of all your monthly payments.

Again without numbers, … +1 (849) 653-9312 se unió a través de un enlace de invitación +1 (809) 437-0238 se unió a través de un enlace de invitación Day 2 done Day 2 done 🙏🏼 Day 2 done Day 2 done You all are awesome!!

Here is the info for Day 3, to be completed by end of day Wednesday


Draw notes, checks, stocks, bonds, coins, and any other means of payment in your notebook.

Draw so much to pay off all the debts and expenses you wrote down yesterday. 😉😉

Now you have complete freedom to create and draw a solution. Draw in order to make it possible to pay for everything you need in the universe!

Use your imagination, your creativity and felt-tip pens, pencils or paints etc.

Draw bills, coins, wads of money, bags of money, rain of money - whatever you want!

Remember, this is not about a drawing lesson, but about allowing yourself to create your reality and let it manifest into your life.

While you are busy designing and coloring, fee… [14:51, 22/4/2020] +1 (829) 939-5940: Day 3 Done. +1 (809) 437-0238 salió del grupo Day 3 done Day 3 done Day 3 done 🙏🏼 Fantastic work everyone! Here comes Day 4...


Make a list of people who you consider to be prosperous in your family or environment.

These are people you personally know and have access to. They have achieved their goals in life, all or in part, are happy, or are perceived by you as happy.

Important! We are not talking only about financial prosperity, the obligatory component is the joy, the happiness that this person is experiencing!

These can be people from the previous list. How many does not matter - even two - is enough.

Please remember, the more attention and reflection you give to these simple tasks, the greater the return.


From this moment forward, I invite unlimited abundance into my life.


Aham Bramasmi Aham Bramasmi … [10:36, 23/4/2020] +54 9 297 492-3653: Day 4 done +1 (849) 653-9312 salió del grupo Day 4 done. Day 4 done Day 4 done Here is Day 5!

Take a deep breath, trust you have the time and resources to explore this invitation to share more abundance consciousness with the world! We have time for what we make time for.

Day 5 ✨

Message of the Day

Today we will penetrate the field of all possibilities, appearing in the silence of meditation.

The unlimited power of the universe is always at your disposal.

By making intuitive decisions rooted in this unified field, you can express your deepest desires.

In your everyday life, if possible, continue to cultivate silence. Spend more time in nature, soaking up her beauty and watching how abundance manifests itself everywhere. Immerse yourself in the energy of beautiful music; uplifting and inspiring stories; optimistic like-minded … Group created Group created Group created Way to go everyone!!!

Here is Day 6. Read this through as early as you can in the day... it will require more allocation of time than previous days. I ended up doing this over several parts of the day to get it done, and I found it very impactful.

Congratulations to all of you who have created your own abundant groups! Woohoo!!

Now we enter what's called Operating Mode.

Stay organized with your groups and remaining timely. Observe the order and terms of assignments and use the original texts, updating the dates as appropriate.

Remember that we only transmit what we received ourselves!

Tomorrow will be the kick off of our groups and today we continue to work with the 6th day.



"I, (full name, last name), am starting a new relations… Day 6 done Day 6 done Day 6 done

[13:11, 26/4/2020] +1 (829) 540-7643: Hi everyone, If you haven’t sent the kick off of your group, remember to send them today the instructions for Day 0 🚀

Remember that this is for you — your participation in this is for your benefit. This is your choice; make it work the way it works for you. It is not about doing it perfectly! It is about doing it, and reaping the rewards. 💗💗💗

Here comes Day 7

Now that you're wired for success, here is another powerful meditation and task! 🙏


Create a list of people that make you feel uncomfortable.

This may include people from the list of the first day, i.e. those who have pushed you to growth and have brought something meaningful to your life.

Here we are talking about the energy of discomfort.

It can be your relatives or people who … [13:19, 26/4/2020] +1 (829) 540-7643: (El audio se está enviando ✨🥰) Day 7 done Day 7 done Day 7 done Day 7 done DAY 8 Congratulations everyone, we’ve completed week one!! So grateful to be on this journey together.

Today’s task:

Find at least 5 receipts of recent purchases.

Write on each of them:

“All that is invested is good and will return to itself seven times"

Receipts can be of any type: supermarket, restaurant, personal items, car, health, hairdresser, entertainment, etc. If your purchase receipts are electronic, you may create a paper receipt by writing the amount, date and to whom you paid on a piece of paper.

And from now on, on each purchase receipt that you receive, write this statement.

Remember, it’s important not only what you write, but also how you write it.

Words have power. They help our mind build new programming and therefore create a … Day 8 done Day 8 done Day 8 done Day 8 done Welcome to Day 9!


Write 5 of your shortcomings / flaws that limit you in your notebook.

The traits that do not allow you to receive what you want materially or any aspects of abundance.

Do not write only from the mind but rather feel with your heart what these flaws are.


* "Today and always, I give what I want to receive" *

And, of course, there is a pleasant and useful meditation for you today.


Om Vardanam Nama Om Vardanam Nama

Have a wonderful day ☀😊 Day 9 done Day 9 done Day 9 done Día 9 hecho Here comes Day 10!


From yesterday, choose 2 things that limit you.

Establish a program for yourself by writing down at least 2 specific daily actions that “fix” the defect, reduce a deficiency, or realize that there is a plus side to this defect and start using it in to your advantage.

After that, immediately begin to fulfill the intent of your program.

For example: If one is your flaws is being "ungrateful," you can establish a daily journaling of writing down all of what you're grateful.


“Today I make great choices because they are made with full awareness“

Write the phrase of the day in a notebook and keep it in your head, remembering and saying it as often as possible during the day.

Start as early as possible so that there… Day 10 done Day 10 done Day 10 done Day 10 done Day 11!

Abundance and the Law of Least Effort


In today's meditation, we will look at the Law of Least Effort and how it can support you in being unattached to the outcome of your deepest desires and intentions.

When your actions are motivated by love, your energy is multiplied and accumulated.

The release of this energy allows you to redirect it and use it to create everything that you want to create.

When your spirit is your inner point of reference, all the power of love is at your disposal. And you can use this energy creatively, moving toward abundance and evolution.

QUESTION N ° 1: According to your conviction, how hard should you work to enjoy true abundance?

QUESTION N ° 2: In what areas of your life would you like to get more abund… Day 11 done Day 11 done Day 11 done

Día 11 hecho .You all are doing it!!! Way to go!!! Here’s Day 12...

Abundance and the Law of Intent and Desire


Attention energizes; intention transforms.

In today's meditation, we will look at the Law of Intent and Desire.

Whatever you want or need in life can be programmed in the space “computer." It has unlimited organizing power to work for you, clearly articulating the intention and throwing its seeds in the field of all possibilities.

Thus, you will attract the right people, as well as favorable situations and circumstances; which will help you in the manifestation and implementation of your desires and goals.

QUESTION N ° 1: What is your highest intention in life?

QUESTION N ° 2: What can you do to make this happen?

QUESTION N ° 3: How will this… Day 12 done Day 12 done Dia 12 hecho Day 13

Abundance and the Law of Detachment


Today we will learn how to abandon a desire to get a certain result.

We will learn the Law of Detachment.

Abundance comes in many forms. As long as you create through desires that benefit the whole world, you can get whatever you want.

Symbols of abundance: a big house, a new car or elaborate jewelry will bring waves of excitement into your life. And yet, these symbols may mean sacrificing the ocean for the sake of several transient waves.

"Live, overflowing with an abundance of love, passion, creativity and significance, and then these symbols themselves will “chase” you."

--Dr. David Simon, Co-Founder of the Chopra Center

QUESTION N ° 1: What symbols of abundance do you dream of?

QUESTION N ° … Day 12 and 13 done. Day 13 done Día 13 hecho Day 13 done Today marks two weeks-way to go! If you’re behind, no worries, just keep going and remember you are doing this for YOU!!

Day 14


Abundance and the Law of Dharma

Today we are completing the second week of the 21 day meditation program of the Chopra Center - KEY TO ABUNDANCE.

Over the past week, we have examined abundance in terms of the principles described in my book, The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, from the Law of Pure Potentiality to the Dharma Law today.

When your life is full of true purpose, your dharma, or abundance, rushes toward you easily and effortlessly.

As the saying goes: “Do what you love, the money will be.”

It is not only about material wealth, but also about satisfaction, confidence, optimism, joy and abundance! And all… Day 14 done Día 14 hecho Day 14 done Day 14 done Day 15


Write a letter of gratitude and recognition to a person who you think hurt you at some point in life.

Meditate so that the image of this person comes to you.

More than one person may appear. But today we write a letter to only one.

Before you sit down to write, cleanse yourself of negative emotions towards this person. If you still have resentment or anger, you can separately write down all these feelings for them on paper and then burn or tear the sheet to shreds.

It is important not to feel hostility towards a person when you write a letter of thanks to them.

Write this letter on a piece of paper. Writing by hand for this exercise is important!


* “As I live in present moment awareness I live the magic of synchrodestiny” *

M… Day 15 done Día 15 hecho Day 15 done Day 15 done Day 16 💗


Make a list of things that you wanted to do, but postponed. This could be because of other priorities or because of fear of hurting someone, or failing. Regardless of the reason, these are things that you still plan on doing.

The idea of writing this list is to forgive yourself for everything that you have not done in your life.

For each line on your list, write a text of forgiveness based on examples below:

* I, full name, forgive myself absolutely and lovingly for not graduating from university

* I, full name, forgive myself absolutely and lovingly that I did not show my vulnerability.

Write down everything you want, without limitation.


* "Today I remember to be grateful" *


Om Vardhanam Nama Om Vardhanam Nama Day 16 done Day 16 done Day 16 done Día 16 hecho Welcome to Day 17! ☀


Create a list of all the important things you have. Material, spiritual, emotional, etc.

For example:

I have a smartphone to be in touch with the world I have a credit card to pay bills I have a real friendship I have internet I have an affection for husband, wife or partner I have memories I have an education I have a favorite city ...

There are no high or low limits in the things you can write down. Recognize everything you have that matters to you.


I lead my feelings and choose to feel whole, healthy, abundant and blessed.


* ‫ ״‬I move through my days lighthearted and care-free knowing all is well ”*


Sat Chit Ananda Sat Chit Ananda


Today we look at how we can live carefree - fre… Day 17 done Day 17 done Día 17 hecho Day 17 done Everyone is hanging in there... great job!! 💥

I love today’s meditation ⭐✨🌟

Day 18


Write a letter to your country of origin. In this letter, express all your feelings about it.

Remember that all of your feelings are valid and appropriate. Write everything that arises.

I remind you, write down the meditation in your notebook and keep your attention on it throughout the day.


* I celebrate my unity with all life knowing we are all one *


Tat Tham Aci Tat Tuam Asi

Message of the Day

Live in unity

In today's meditation, we will talk about unity, as the basic truth of all that exists.

As individuals, we are not alike. We have different lifestyles, beliefs and perceptions.

However, these differences exist only in the ph… Día 18 hecho, namaste Day 18 done Day 18 done Hola la meditación del día de hoy? Day 19 ❤

Read the parable below at least twice and then write down your thoughts and feelings in your notebook.

Moreover, today SHARE in the group - What does the parable mean to you?


“This too shall pass”.

There was a king and he once said to the court sages - I have a ring with one of the finest diamonds in the world and I want to hide a message under the stone that can be useful in a situation of extreme despair.  I will give this ring to my heirs and I want it to serve faithfully. Think of what kind of message will be there.  It must be very short to fit in the ring.

The sages knew how to write treatises, but did not express themselves in one short sentence. They Thought and thought, but did not come up with anything.

The king complaine… Holaa, se quedó cargando. Aquí va 🙏🏼🌻 Gracias 🙏❤️ [13:57, 8/5/2020] +54 9 297 492-3653: Task 2: There is no point in getting stuck in the past when in the present we must invest our attention. The best way to prevent is to do our best in the present. And when things don't go the best way, think “this too shall pass” [13:57, 8/5/2020] +54 9 297 492-3653: Day 19 done [17:46, 8/5/2020] +54 9 297 492-3653: Day 18 done Day 19 done [20:59, 8/5/2020] +54 9 341 698-2714: Día 19 hecho [21:54, 8/5/2020] +54 9 341 698-2714: el dolor, la salud, la alegría, los triunfos, las derrotas son temporarios, lo eterno en esta vida no existe, por eso no hay que aferrarse a nada. W O W !!! Almost there!!!

Day 20

Scroll through your journal, read the tasks you've performed.

See if there is something that you missed. Would you like to supplement anything in the light of your new awareness?

After that, think about someone in your life and/or environment who seems to be unhappy or going through a challenging time. This person may complain often and have a generally negative view of life.

It could be someone from the 7th day list or someone else.

Share the parable from Day 19 with this person and write down what happens in your journal.

How did you feel sharing the parable with him / her? What thoughts, associations, sensations arose in the process?

Did they answer? Did you talk about it, what did you discuss?   You never know… [1:42, 9/5/2020] +1 (829) 939-5940: Día 19. Task 2: Entiendo la sorpresa al enterarme de que "this too shall pass" no solo aplica para tiempos de turbulencia, sino en momentos de bienestar. La vida es vida al aventurarnos, tomar riesgos (medidos🤭), salir de la zona de confort. Entiendo que la frase hace mucho sentido no solo para quitarle la "necesidad" de vivir en el pasado o vivir atascado en un problema, sino también no permitirnos mantenernos en "emergencia" mirando y esperando que sería el futuro para vivir concientes en el presente y qué sí puedo controlar, aquí y ahora.

This too shall pass // elijo vivir en aventura y riesgos (medidos, que me den algo a cambio como placer) con el fin de disfrutar el momento de hoy.

1.Y si lo hago y me muero? 2.Y si me muero como sea y no lo llego a hacer?

❤️Gracias gracias gracias 🙏 [1:54, 9/5/2020] +1 (829) 939-5940: Day 19 done Day 20 done Day 20 done

Here comes... DAY 21!

Congratulations to all of you for having kept your commitment!! If you’re not quite here, keep on going from wherever you are!! It’s not about doing it perfectly, it’s about doing it, and it’s for YOU ! Thank you for taking this journey with me. 🙏 💗 Wishing you all abundance in whatever areas of your life you wish! ✨

Day 21

Message Day for Day 21:

Are you familiar with the seven “switches” of happiness?

🌟 give to your neighbor 🌟 transmit (love & light) 🌟 let go (of things that do not serve you) 🌟 indulge (live life to the fullest) 🌟 give thanks 🌟 give yourself (be of service) 🌟 forgive

When these seven become part of your life, happiness will flow into it simply and easily.

Everything is energy and its flow must… Day 20 done Helloooooo!🙋🏻‍♀️

My name is Denise, im from Dominican Republic.🇩🇴

This experience of abundance teached me to:

✅be pacient with myself ✅ find focus in meditations again ✅Write down and be aware of my financial debs ✅Really really celebrate little achievements and let myself feel that happiness ✅Develop the way of writing what i have been thinking and feeling ✅Develop my grammar 😂 ✅Not feel under preasure of "money is everything" ✅Feel and hear myself in the silence ✅Reduce the anxciety till just feel peace an entire day ✅Visualize abundance in its many ways to come to my life ✅Let the little things flow ✅Letting go, so new awesome things arrive in my life ✅Take the time to organize myself and pay with no struggles all my debs

I loved this journey, i will do it again (next moth maybe) to work every task more open to the reality of abundance if i let things move as they need to.

So!!! Im a Graphic Designer, i do banners, logos, flyers, labels but! i enjoy way more ilustrating (digital draw) of portraits, food and objects. At service!!

Have no proyects on the making, just finding myself in art, transformational coachings and selfhealing experiences like this.



DAY 21 DONE🔥 💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻