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NUTRITION & HEALING Library of Food and Vitamin Cures

12 Pounds in 3 Weeks!? Dr. Wright’s Starvation-Free and Gym-Free Weight Loss Secret

By Jonathan V. Wright, M.D.



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©Copyright 2008 by Agora Health, L.L.C., 702 Cathedral St., Baltimore, MD 21201. All rights reserved. No part of this report may be reproduced by any means or for any reason without the consent of the publisher. The information contained herein is obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but its accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Additional orders and inquiries can be directed to Nutrition & Healing, Reader Services Department, 819 N. Charles St., Baltimore, MD 21201; tel. (915)849-4605, fax (410)558-6359. All material in this publication is provided for information only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. No action should be taken based solely on the contents of this publication; instead, readers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being. The information and opinions provided in this publication are believed to be accurate and sound, based on the best judgment available to the authors, but readers who fail to consult with appropriate health authorities assume the risk of any injuries. The publisher is not responsible for errors or omissions. The material in this report has not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. The products discussed are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. 640RN004C8



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12 Pounds in 3 Weeks!? Dr. Wright’s Starvation-Free and Gym-Free Weight Loss Secret



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Table of Contents Chapter 1: How I lost 12 pounds in 3 weeks—and how you could lose even more . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Chapter 2: The diet after the diet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Chapter 3: The healthiest way to join the low-carb revolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11



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12 Pounds in 3 Weeks!?

Chapter 1 How I lost 12 pounds in 3 weeks—and how you could lose even more I could hardly believe it: In 23 days, I lost 12 pounds. Holly (my wife and very best friend) lost nine. And the weight came off just where we wanted it to come off the most—the lower abdomen for both of us, and a bit from the hips for Holly. (And for you skeptics out there, our “impedance” measuring scale confirmed that the large majority of the weight we lost was indeed fat, not water, which is frequently the case with such quick results.) Granted, we had been on a program involving a severely calorie-restricted diet, but we hadn’t even been unusually hungry, thanks to daily injections of a natural substance that first made the news more than 30 years ago. So why hadn’t I done this before? I suppose I should have been more attentive in the 1970s and 80s when the first large wave of interest in this same program occurred, but, in my defense, I was busy with other things. In the 1970s, I was working on accumulating the scientific information base about natural medicine that would help establish Tahoma Clinic. In the 1980s, I continued to research and develop nutritional therapies, and started to teach what I had learned to interested physicians with my colleague Dr. Alan Gaby. During the 80s I was also starting to develop combined bio-identical hormone therapies—estrogens, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA, and thyroid. And throughout that time, all of our children were still at home, which, as most of you know first-hand, makes following a restricted diet much more difficult. So when some Tahoma Clinic clients asked about this “natural weight loss program,” I checked into it briefly and said I didn’t think it would hurt, but didn’t pursue it any further. After awhile, the enthusiasm died down, and I forgot all about it. But as you may know, recently there was a bestselling book enthusiastically discussing the same natural weight-loss program. The sort of media attention surrounding “diet trends” always invites skepticism and controversy, so, not surprisingly, questions came up at the Tahoma Clinic once again—many more

than in the 1980s. So this time, I thought I’d look into it in more depth.

Straight from the source In the 1970s and 80s, information was considerably harder to find. That’s definitely not a problem in the Internet-aided 21st century. While it’s certainly true that you can’t believe everything you read, that’s been the case as long as humans have been writing and reading, whether on stone, cave walls, parchment, paper, or news-print. “On-line” is no different. Judgment––hopefully educated and informed judgment––is always necessary with anything we read, anywhere. But from my experience, it’s best to start with the original source. So instead of reading the recent popular book, my first step was to look for publications by the originator of the program, Dr. A.T.W. Simeons. First, I tried the website of the National Library of Medicine (more commonly known in the medical field as “PubMed”). Four citations attributed to Dr. Simeons appeared, published in very respectable medical journals—Lancet (1954), Journal of the American Geriatrics Society (1956), and the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (1963 and 1964). All four titles mentioned the same natural hormone, human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG), and three of the titles specified the use of HCG for treatment of obesity, but, oddly, no abstract of any of the four articles was available. So from there, I looked for information about Dr. Simeons himself. Dr. Simeons was definitely no “diet huckster” or “quack,” but a brilliant physician with a solid list of accomplishments. Although he was born in England, like many Britons and Americans of his time, Dr. Simeons attended a German university, graduating summa cum laude in Medicine from the University of Heidelberg. (During the latter part of the 1800s and the early 1900s, German medical schools were widely considered to be the best in the world.) He then did post1



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not mental, disorder. In his book Pounds and Inches (which is widely available for free downloading online1), he refers to his observations while in India of a syndrome first described by a German doctor, Froelich, in 1901. These observations were the key to his development of HCG treatment for obesity.

doctoral work in Germany and Switzerland, followed by work at a hospital in Dresden, Germany. He developed an interest in tropical diseases, studying and working at the School of Tropical Medicine in Hamburg, Germany. From there, he went to Africa for two years, and then to India from 1931 until 1949. While in India, Dr. Simeons developed the use of the drug Atabrine, which became and remained for years a mainstay of conventional anti-malarial treatment. He also invented a new method of blood staining to better observe the malaria parasite. For all his work against malaria, Dr. Simeons was awarded an “Order of Merit” by the Red Cross. During his years in India, he also developed a model center for the treatment of leprosy (Hansen’s disease) and did extensive work concerning bubonic plague (the disease known in Europe in prior centuries as “the Black Death”). In 1949, he re-located to the Salvador Mundi International Hospital in Rome, where he changed the focus of his practice. Although much of his early work concerned infectious disease—malaria, leprosy, bubonic plague—psychosomatic disorders were another of Dr. Simeon’s interests. So when he moved to Rome, he began researching and working on them, as well as on endocrinology, obesity, and the links between the three. He insisted that while obesity had psychosomatic components, most of the time it was a physical,

The little-known syndrome that could be related to your stubborn weight gain Having learned about Dr. Simeons and his solid credentials, my next step was to look up Froelich’s syndrome. The best description I found came from a 1924 textbook titled Organotherapy in General Practice.2 (Anyone who’s heard me speak at bio-identical hormone seminars is likely aware of my enthusiasm for organotherapy, which is a discipline based on copying Nature by using naturally balanced complexes of naturally derived hormones. Unfortunately, organotherapy was literally pushed off the stage in the 1940s—with a great deal of help by patent medicine companies, aided by los Federales—and replaced by “endocrinology.” While endocrinology is a very useful science, it uses single molecules—sometimes patented, sometimes bio-identical—instead of the complexes that occur naturally in the body.) According to the 1924 textbook, people suffering from full-scale Froelich’s syndrome are usually extremely obese and have underdeveloped gonads (ovaries and testicles) and, consequently, underdeveloped genital organs. The excess fat accumulates in the lower abdomen, and around the hips, buttocks, and breasts. In some cases, it’s also accompanied by a growth in the pituitary gland. But with or without a pituitary growth, Organotherapy in General Practice tells us that variations of Froelich’s syndrome can develop at any time of life, so the degree of underdeveloped gonads varies from severe to mild to none at all. And thanks to the varying degrees of severity, the textbook hypothesizes that the milder forms of Froelich’s syndrome are “undoubtably much commoner than supposed.” In Pounds and Inches, Dr. Simeons describes his experience with one of the common variations of Froelich’s syndrome. While he was in India, he observed many “fat boys” with “long, slender hands, breasts any flat-chested maiden would be proud to possess, large hips, buttocks and thighs with striation [stretch marks], knock-knees, and underdeveloped

HCG is not HGH Just so there’s no confusion: HCG (human chorionic gonadotrophin) is not the same as HGH (human growth hormone). HCG is ordinarily made by the placenta, and occasionally by “trophoblastic” tumors; HGH is made by the pituitary gland. Both are entirely natural molecules and not intrinsically dangerous, but since large quantities of HGH have given both professional and amateur athletes a competitive advantage seen as unfair, HGH has become very controversial and is treated as a “controlled substance.” There’s no athletic advantage associated with HCG (other than weight loss when used with calorie restriction) and although it requires a prescription and should only be used when working with a physician, it’s not difficult to obtain. It’s also remarkably less expensive than HGH.




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genitals, often with undescended testicles.” Dr. Simeons found that when the so-called “fat boys” were given small daily injections of HCG—a substance extracted and purified from the urine of pregnant women—their testicles not only descended into the scrotum, but they also “seemed to lose their ravenous appetites.” And while the boys weren’t on restricted diets and didn’t actually lose any weight, Dr. Simeons observed that their shapes changed, and there was a “distinct decrease in the circumference of the hips.” Dr. Simeons was intrigued. He theorized that the HCG injections had moved (“mobilized”) the fat from the hips and deposited it in more normal distribution for a male body without any actual change in overall weight. Nearly all conventional MDs believe that “fat mobilization” and consequent body re-shaping by HCG, with or without weight loss, is a myth. But the Organotherapy in General Practice textbook actually highlighted another example of this sort of fat mobilization and redistribution.3 This case occurred in a woman with a more typical case of Froelich’s syndrome, which included considerable excess fat on the hips and abdomen. Instead of HCG (which wasn’t available in purified form until years later), her treatment included a common “organotherapy” preparation of the time: tablets containing glandular substance from animal pituitary, thyroid, and adrenal glands, along with another two grains of thyroid substance. Within three months, the woman’s waistline had shrunk 5 inches (30 inches to 25 inches), and her hip circumference had gone down 7 1/2 inches (43 to 35 1/2). But despite the dramatic change in her measurements, she lost only one pound of body weight the entire time. The fact that an HCG-free program containing pituitary and related glandular extracts can do the same thing that Dr. Simeons observed in the Indian boys who did undergo HCG therapy helps strengthen the case for this “fat-mobilization” theory that critics tend to brush off. Taking this theory one step further, Dr. Simeons guessed that combining HCG injections with relatively severe calorie restriction would lead to significant weight loss without significant hunger, since the body would use the “mobilized” fat as fuel, rather than just moving it from one place to another. So he tried this approach—daily HCG injections combined with a 500-calorie-per-day diet—in a few

hundred cases of “regular” overweight individuals and observed that his guess was correct. Despite the calorie restriction, his patients didn’t get unusually hungry, and every single patient experienced very significant weight loss.

What you can gain even from less-than-average loss After all of this careful research, there was just one more thing to do before recommending Dr. Simeons’ weight loss program to my patients: Try it myself. (My policy has always been to try anything new on me first before trying it for clients, “just in case.” I’ve tried nearly everything except for bio-identical estrogens, which Holly won’t let me do, but volunteered to do herself.) And, as you read above, both Holly and I can personally vouch for Dr. Simeons’ technique. In a matter of 23 days Holly lost 9 pounds, and I lost 12. We were quite pleased, but according to Dr. Simeons, our results were actually below average. In his experience, average weight loss is approximately .6 to .9 pounds per day, for an average of 15 to 20 pounds over 23 days. It’s possible that Holly and I didn’t lose as much weight as many others because we continued our supplement programs during the entire series of HCG injections. We’ve put our supplement regimens together very carefully over the years and know we do much better with them than without. However, Dr. Simeons makes a repeated point in his writings to explain that fats and oils must be very strictly controlled during HCG use—even oils in skin crèmes—or the body may burn those before it burns the “mobilized” fat. He recommends against nearly all other supplements, too, as possibly interfering with weight loss. We did stop taking our fish oil while we were on the program, but, knowing that our health is much better while we’re taking essential fatty acid supplements, we made sure to “load” our bodies with fish oil and GLA before starting the HCG-restricted calorie diet. The extra quantities would be stored in every cell membrane and our bodies would be able to use those supplies while we followed the HCG program. So it’s possible that our bodies burned some of those stores of essential fatty acids before burning the body fat that had been mobilized by the HCG, which may have resulted in our slightly-less-than-average results. But just because Holly and I continued our supplements doesn’t necessarily mean you must continue 3



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yours—although at a very minimum I’d suggest continuing at least 2 grams of vitamin C and a general multiple vitamin-mineral daily. But please make sure to discuss the issue of your personal use of diet supplements during HCG treatment with a physician skilled and knowledgeable in nutritional and natural medicine.

Less pain, lower blood sugar, and 3 other HCG benefits besides a smaller waistline In his decades of HCG use, Dr. Simeons observed that the benefits of HCG go beyond physical appearance. The weight loss the injection and diet program brings on also helps to improve other obesity-related health problems.

Different programs for different goals Over the course of several decades treating thousands of patients, Dr. Simeons worked out two different programs. For those who need to lose 15 pounds or less he advises a 23-day series of HCG injections along with the 500-calorie-per-day diet. For people with more than 15 pounds to lose, he suggests a full 40-day course of injections along with the diet. However, Dr. Simeons did set a limit on total weight loss for any one series of injections: If the patient loses 34 pounds before completing the series of 40 injections, he advises stopping the injection series at that point. For seriously overweight individuals who want or need to lose more than 34 pounds, he recommends additional series of 40 injections, but waiting approximately six weeks between each series. There is also a three-day high-protein, high-calorie “lead-in” to each course of HCG injections, and when the series is complete, Dr. Simeons recommends continuing the 500-calorie diet for another three days. Dr. Simeons explains that the three-day “protein loading” lead-in provides the body with extra protein to “get through” the first few days of diet restrictions. After that, the fuel your body needs comes from the 500 calories you eat each day along with the fat that the HCG mobilizes. Continuing the 500-calorie-perday diet for three days after the HCG injection series is over ensures that every trace of HCG is eliminated from the body. As Dr. Simeons explained, without this three-day follow-up, some patients may “put on weight alarmingly.” He also warns that once patients have “lost all their abnormal superfluous fat, they at once begin to feel ravenously hungry in spite of continued injections.” So if you reach this point during your series of injections, you should work with your doctor to increase your daily calorie intake to 1,000 until you’ve completed the full HCG program.

Type 2 diabetes is the condition most often associated with obesity. Dr. Simeons found that type 2 diabetics sometimes have a drop in elevated fasting blood sugar to normal values within two to three weeks of starting HCG treatment. While this is a great added benefit, extreme blood sugar swings can be dangerous— even when they’re in the right direction. So Dr. Simeons advises careful monitoring of blood sugar in all type 2 diabetics who undergo HCG treatment. Like elevated blood sugar, high blood pressure often drops during HCG treatment. It does rise again once HCG is stopped, but following the significant weight loss that almost always occurs with the HCG and diet program, the blood pressure doesn’t usually rise to it’s former heights. Dr. Simeons also found that “all rheumatic pains” improve within just a few days of starting HCG treatment. After the HCG treatment is over, arthritis pain usually returns, but most patients report that it’s less than before and more manageable with less pain relieving medication. Two of the more surprising benefits of HCG treatment are improvements in conditions not typically associated with weight—psoriasis and varicose ulcers (although Dr. Simeons found that psoriasis patients may relapse afterwards). Of course, all of these problems also have successful natural treatments other than HCG and diet. And since they all tend to recur (although in lesser form) once HCG is stopped, it’s a good idea to talk with your doctor about what other approaches you can take either during HCG treatment (to take advantage of the maximum combined effect) or afterwards (if you prefer to follow Dr. Simeons’ advice of keeping supplement use to a minimum during treatment).

Weight loss that’s worth a shot You might be wondering if it’s possible to take 4



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HCG orally rather than by injection. But as you’ve read from me many times before, when you’re using natural, bio-identical hormone treatments, it’s best to copy Nature. And like any other internally produced hormone, HCG enters the bloodstream first, circulates around the body affecting its “target cells.” And only after that is it disposed of by the liver and kidneys. HGC doesn’t enter the body through the gut, where at least half of any “oral” hormone preparation goes. So until someone (and someone likely will) invents a 100-percent-proven form of HCG that doesn’t get absorbed by GI tract and sent to the liver first—where at least some of it will be metabolized and lost—or totally “trapped” in the skin before it can reach the bloodstream, your best bet is to copy Nature and stick with the injections that go directly to the bloodstream.

Skyrocketing cholesterol levels: A benefit in disguise? The next complication of HCG treatment may actually be a benefit in disguise. In the 1950s and 60s before the advent of “HDL,” “LDL,” and today’s even more detailed cholesterol tests, serum cholesterol was typically measured in two fractions: “free” and “esterified.” Esterified cholesterol was thought to be the fraction related to arterial damage, and, according to Dr. Simeons, made up approximately 75 percent of a person’s total cholesterol, while “free” cholesterol made up the remaining 25 percent. Dr. Simeons found that, other than during pregnancy, HCG treatment is the only time that these proportions change, and free cholesterol becomes a larger proportion of a person’s total cholesterol. He also found that if a person’s total cholesterol is normal before HCG treatment, then their levels won’t increase or decrease. But if a patient’s total cholesterol is already high, HCG treatment may cause their “total blood cholesterol [to] soar to heights never before reached.” He writes: “At first, this greatly alarmed us. But then we saw that the patients came to no harm even if treatment was continued, and we found that in follow-up examinations that the cholesterol was much better than it had been before treatment.” Dr. Simeons found that the increase was mostly free cholesterol, and he hypothesized that “the rise [in total cholesterol during HCG treatment] is entirely due to the liberation of cholesterol deposits that have not yet undergone calcification in the arterial wall, and is therefore highly beneficial.” In other words, Dr. Simeons believed (although he didn’t actually prove) that HCG treatment could at least partially clear the arteries of recently deposited but not-yet-calcified cholesterol. And some subsequent research suggests that he may have been on the right track in suggesting that the HCG-stimulated rise in cholesterol is actually a health benefit, not a risk. In 1981, a research group working with animals demonstrated that HCG is one of two substances that breaks down esterified cholesterol (the “bad” fraction) and increases the production of pregnenolone.4 Pregnenolone is the “parent” of all steroids and is made from cholesterol. This research suggests that HCG stimulates that process, directly or indirectly. So it appears that Dr. Simeons may very well be

What every gout patient needs to know before trying HCG There are a few potential complications of HCG use that Dr. Simeons discovered during his years of research. Fortunately, none of them are serious or lifethreatening. The first is gout. Dr. Simeons found that serum levels of uric acid rise after initiating HCG treatment. This rapid increase causes some people to experience “acute and often severe attacks” after the first few days of HCG treatment. However, even though uric acid levels may persist for several months after completing the program, he also found that after the initial “attack” there’s no more pain at all—even if the patient undergoes a full 40-day course of injections. Even better, Dr. Simeons discovered that “those who have regained their normal weight remain free of symptoms regardless of what they eat.” As I’ve had gout (fortunately only once, in my University undergraduate days) this was another reason to try HCG treatment on myself first. I didn’t have a gout attack during my course of HCG injections, despite deliberately avoiding “premedication,” as Dr. Simeons recommended. But since my personal experience with gout attacks isn’t as frequent as many people’s, I’d certainly follow his lead and recommend that anyone with gout work with a physician skilled and knowledgeable in natural and nutritional treatments, to treat their condition prior to following the HCG and diet program. 5



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study yielded evidence that HCG had a statistically significant benefit over placebo; this was reflected by a significantly greater mean weight loss, mean weight loss as a percentage of initial weight, mean weight loss per injection, and decrease in hunger.” So according to the authors of this “negative” study, the “score” by the time of their publication was: “Well-designed, prospective, randomized, double-blind” studies: 1 positive, 1 negative. “Not-sowell-designed” studies: 6 positive, 5 negative. Hardly the resounding disproof the critics would like us to believe! And based on my own experience as well as Holly’s and the handful of Tahoma Clinic patients who have tried the HCG program so far, I would certainly say that seeing and experiencing—not just reading—is believing.

correct in hypothesizing that the increase in alreadyelevated cholesterol levels caused by HCG is actually a good thing. Still, if you are overweight and have elevated cholesterol, it’s a good idea to work closely with a physician skilled and knowledgeable in nutritional and natural therapies to monitor your cholesterol by more modern means, before, during, and after intervals of HCG treatment.

Drink more, spasm less Since we started the HCG and restricted-calorie weight loss program at the Tahoma Clinic (admittedly not very long), we’ve noted one other possible adverse effect not mentioned by Dr. Simeons—muscle spasm. In the two cases that have occurred, we suspect the spasms were related to dehydration, since there’s extra water loss (in addition to fat loss) during the first few days of the program. Dr. Simeons emphasizes that the use of water, tea, and coffee (unsweetened or sweetened with stevia only) is unlimited throughout the HCG program, and I also encourage everyone to make sure to drink plenty of these fluids. For those of you especially susceptible to spasms, you may want to consider a period of “loading” with calcium, magnesium, and potassium prior to undergoing the HCG program.

2 hints that will help you keep the weight off for good If you’re significantly overweight and have type 2 diabetes in your family, it’s very likely that you have insulin resistance. Before you even start an HCG and restricted-diet program, please check with a physician skilled and knowledgeable in natural and nutritional medicine to have yourself tested. If your test is positive, then keeping weight off after the HCG program will be considerably easier if you stick with one of the diets outlined in the following chapters. You should also have yourself checked for food allergies before undertaking the HCG/restricted-calorie diet program. Dr. Theron Randolph, the founder of the American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM), was one of the first to write about the connection between food allergy and weight gain, and I’ve observed this relationship to be true for many allergic individuals. If you intend to keep weight off after your HCG program is over, avoiding food allergens (or avoiding, rotating, and desensitizing them, if there are too many to avoid altogether) will be a help. For help with insulin resistance and allergy testing, as well as help with the HCG program itself, it’s best to consult with a physician skilled and knowledgeable in nutritional and natural medicine. You can find one in your area by contacting one of the following: the American College for Advancement in Medicine— (800)532-2688, www.acam.org; the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians—(866)5382267, www.naturopathic.org; or the Academy of Environmental Medicine—(316)684-5500, www.aaem.com.

The truth behind the criticism “Mainstream” criticism of HCG claims that studies have shown that it’s ineffective as a weight loss aid. So I looked up the article in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition,5 frequently cited as the “definitive” study, and found that that claim was true—as far as it went. This single study concluded: “HCG does not appear to enhance the effectiveness of a rigidly imposed regimen for weight reduction.” But claiming that HCG is “ineffective” based on this conclusion is more than a little deceptive, because (as is often the case) it leaves out some key information included in the rest of the study. Here’s the missing information, as actually written in that supposedly “negative” article: “Numerous reports have been published attempting to support [6 articles cited] or to disprove [5 articles cited] the Simeons’ theory on the usefulness of HCG in weight reduction. However, until Asher and Harper’s report,6 there had not been a well-designed, prospective, randomized, double-blind study comparing HCG and placebo in the setting designed to test the true Simeons technique. [Harper and Asher’s] 6



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Chapter 2 The diet after the diet of cow’s milk or dairy, and virtually no cereal grains or legumes. Right about now you might be thinking: “But aren’t people today living longer than ever before? Wasn’t the average life expectancy only 40 years (or less) 100 or so years ago? And weren’t life spans shorter when our remote ancestors were spearing large game animals for dinner?” Those things are all true, but before you blame it on the food, consider some of the following factors: In Paleolithic times, there were no antibiotics, so more people died very young of infectious disease. Life was physically much more strenuous and, in many cases, more dangerous, and there were no hospitals and no surgeons. Infection and accidents killed many at a young age. But if you exclude infection and trauma, those who survived were “genetically programmed” to live just as long as any of us today. Of course, there are no exact statistics available for 2 million years ago. But even as recently as 150 years ago, it wasn’t uncommon for women, mostly between the ages of 18-25, to die during childbirth. That’ll certainly bring down the life-span averages! And many children living in the crowded, unhygienic cities of the 1800s died of infectious diseases, really lowering average longevity. But for those surviving childhood and childbirth, longevity was very close to what it is today. Researchers have also carefully observed the health of “modern hunter-gatherers,” people today who still follow the original human diet pattern. Among these people, there’s virtually no cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes, cancer, diverticular disease, osteoporosis, or obesity.

Just like any other weight loss program, you can’t just go back to your old eating habits once you’ve reached your goal with the HCG program and expect to keep the weight off. You’ve read this in various issues of Nutrition & Healing many times before, but it bears repeating that the best diet for all of us to follow as closely as possible is the kind our ancestors ate for hundreds of thousands of years prior to the introduction of agriculture. We’ve come a long way since the hunter-gatherer days, and I’m not saying that all of the changes are bad—or that we should all start running around in loin-cloths, stalking and killing our dinners. Nevertheless, that is how our bodies are designed to be nourished. So in the following chapter, I’ll show you how to get “back to basics” with a modern adaptation of this health-promoting, historic diet.

Make a healthier history repeat itself I’ve mentioned before that I studied anthropology as an undergrad student. But before you start thinking I’m just “prejudiced” in my belief that the huntergatherer diet is optimal for human health, let me just say that there’s plenty of research to back up this opinion. Researchers have found skeletons of people from 2 million years ago and determined that their genetic makeup is virtually identical to ours. And the move from hunting and gathering to farming only happened about 10,000 years ago. (Keep in mind that even though 10,000 years is a very long time for you or me, it’s actually only 1/2 percent of the time span humans have been on this planet.) This change turned out to be essential to the progress of civilization, science, and technology but not so good, in many ways, for human health. Since our bodies are very similar to those of our remote ancestors from millions of years ago, it makes sense that they still require the same sort of nourishment to stay well. For 99.5 percent of human existence, our bodies have stayed healthy on what I call the original human diet—a diet that included not a single ounce

Just a few careful supermarket selections could lead to a long, healthy life Our ancestors ate what they could hunt or gather. Obviously, very few of us could live that sort of life today—even if we wanted to. But with the modern conveniences of supermarkets and natural food stores, 7



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Fish and seafood • Fish: sardines, salmon, flounder, catfish, perch, herring, whitefish, haddock, mahi mahi, cod, pollock, halibut, anchovies (These fish have relatively low mercury content.) • Seafood: Scallops, crab (king, tanner, dungeness), spiny lobster Vegetables At the basic level, you’ll still be buying vegetables and fruits from the supermarket. Most of the produce there is commercially grown, so it’s probably been exposed to various amounts of pesticides or other chemicals. I’ve listed the groups of produce below in order from “least likely to be contaminated” to “most likely.” • Broccoli, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, green onions, onions • Potato, pumpkin, squash, sweet potato/yam (Please note that even though these root vegetables are less likely to be contaminated with pesticides and chemicals, they should only be eaten occasionally, since they were found in very limited areas of the world in “hunter-gatherer” times.) • Artichoke, asparagus, beets and beet greens, cabbage, carrots, collard greens, dandelion greens, eggplant, endive, kale, kohlrabi, lettuce, mushrooms, mustard greens, parsley, parsnips, peppers, purslane, radish, rutabaga, seaweed, squash, swiss chard, tomato, turnips and turnip greens, watercress • Bell peppers, celery, cucumbers, spinach (These are the vegetables most likely to be contaminated, so you might want to consider buying organically grown, at least for these.) Fruits • Avocados, bananas, grapes (U.S. grown), plums, watermelon (These are the least likely to be contaminated.) • Blackberries, blueberries, boysenberries, cassava, cranberries, figs, gooseberries, grapefruit, guava, honeydew, kiwi, lemon, lime, lychee fruit, mangoes, nectarines, oranges, papayas, passion fruit, pears, persimmons, pineapple, pomegranites, raspberries, rhubarb, star fruit, tangerines

its actually easier to find the “right” kinds of foods than ever before. Just a little extra attention to detail when you’re doing your weekly grocery shopping will make it fairly simple for you to follow a diet plan very similar to the original human diet—and to get all the added health benefits that come with it. Put simply, the original human diet consists of lean meats, fish, nuts and seeds, non-starchy vegetables and fruits, and the occasional all-natural sweetener. But there is no one-size-fits-all original human diet. Among modern hunter-gatherers, the percentages of total protein and fat have been found to vary from 36 percent to 97 percent, with total carbohydrates varying from 3 percent to 64 percent—and the people at both “extremes” are equally disease free. That leaves a lot of room for you to determine the best ratio for your individual needs. The original human diet can be done at what I’ll call basic and advanced levels. While both levels will probably require you to make some major dietary changes, the basic level includes things that can be found almost entirely at your local supermarket. The advanced level will probably require more effort and trips to health food or specialty food stores. Obviously, the advanced level will have the most health benefit, but the basic level might be a good starting point for you and will still boost your health considerably.

Taking your diet—and your health— back to basics Here’s an outline of foods included in the basic original human diet: Meat • Beef: extra-lean hamburger, sirloin steak, flank steak, lean veal, chuck steak, London broil, any other lean cuts • Pork: Loin, chops, other lean cuts • Poultry: chicken, turkey, game hen (should be eaten as all white meat with no skin) • Eggs: chicken, duck, goose • Goat • Organ meats: beef, pork, lamb: tongue, “sweetbreads” • Wild game: buffalo, elk, goose, pheasant, quail, deer, rabbit, nearly any other wild game you can find




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though organic is more expensive, you’re getting greater quantities of nutrients (per pound and ounce) for your money. There are just a few particulars to keep in mind when following the all-organic, advanced version of the original human diet. First, our hunting and gathering ancestors ate primarily wild game meat, so those are your best bet (refer back to the outline on the preceding pages for details). Any other meat— beef, poultry, pork, etc.—should be free-range (beef, specifically, should be grass-fed, free-range). If you can’t find free-range, it’s important that it at least be organically raised. On the all-organic version of this diet, you can— and should—eat plenty of liver from organically raised, free-range animals. In our chemical-laden era, a diet high in commercially raised liver could cause more problems that it solves. But uncontaminated liver is one of the most nutritious foods available, and was eaten by all meat-eating hunter-gatherers. You can also eat wild or organically farmed salmon on this version of the diet. Most salmon you find in the supermarket is commercially farmed and fed antibiotics. The oils are the same as the ones listed in the basic version of the diet, but look for ones from organically grown sources. Beverages are also the same, but tea and coffee should definitely be organic, since commercial coffee and tea crops are heavily treated with chemicals before they’re harvested.

• Apples, apricots, canteloupe, cherries, grapes (Chilean), peaches, strawberries (These are the fruits most likely to be contaminated, so, like bell peppers, celery, cucumbers, and spinach, you might want to consider buying organically grown versions.) Nuts and seeds • Flaxseed and walnuts (They have the best omega-3/ omega-6 fatty acid ratio.) • Almonds, brazil nuts, cashews, chestnuts, hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, pecans, pine nuts, pistachios, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds Oils • For cooking: olive oil, macadamia nut oil • Salads, other uses: walnut, flaxseed, olive, avocado Beverages • Water (filtered) • Tea: green, black, all other herbal teas • Coffee • Wine, beer (small quantities) Sweeteners • Minimal calories: stevia, lo han • Higher calorie level: honey, maple syrup

Making the move to advanced health with an organic arsenal on your side If you decide to do the advanced version of the original human diet one major difference is that all foods should be organic. You’ve probably heard and read about some of the most popular and well-known reasons for switching to organic foods: to avoid consumption of artificial colors, flavors, preservatives, herbicides, pesticides, other agricultural chemicals, bovine growth hormone (BGH) and other hormones, genetically modified organisms, and any other nonnatural substances. And it’s certainly true that absolutely none of these items was ever part of the original human diet. But there’s an even better reason to go all-organic. These foods are literally more nutritious—ounce for ounce—than their commercially grown counterparts. In fact, research has shown some mineral levels of organic foods to be double or triple those found in the same amount of the “regular” version. So even

You can’t accentuate the positives without (gradually) eliminating the negatives Of course, there are also some things you’ll have to give up. The list isn’t outrageous (there are far more foods you can eat). But, unfortunately, they’re items that can be very difficult to eliminate. Most of us were raised on diets made up of large quantities of these foods. I understand that it won’t be a change you can make overnight. And that’s OK. Gradually reducing your intake and eliminating these things over time will still go a long way in helping you reap all of the benefits the original human diet has to offer. That said, here are the foods you should do your best to stay away from: • All dairy products; all products containing dairy ingredients. (Wild animals don’t hold




still to be milked!) • All cereal grains, as well as amaranth, buckwheat, quinoa. (Our non-farming ancestors simply didn’t eat them.) • All legumes (beans, peas, etc) • All high salt foods. Salt was a relatively rare commodity during all prehistoric times and even during most of “recorded history.” This list includes bacon, deli meats, ham, hot dogs, ketchup, olives (canned), most pickled foods, pork rinds, processed meats, salami, salted nuts, sausages, canned and/or salted fish and meat, and nearly all commercial salad dressings. • All soft drinks. • All fruit juices not containing whole fruit. • All sugar and sugar-containing candies. No one is perfect, so don’t worry if you try to follow the original human diet plan but occasionally “fall off the wagon.” If it takes time to gradually work into, that’s fine. And remember, there’s lots of room for individual variation within the original human diet pattern. Just do the best you can, and

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when you ultimately get there, your improved health will make it all worthwhile.

Modern-day healthy living: Taking advantage of technology and history For further information about the original human diet, and much more detailed discussion of its health benefits, check your local library for The Paleo Diet by Loren Cordain, Ph.D. (2002) and The Paleolithic Prescription by S. Boyd Eaton, M.D., Marjorie Shostak, and Melvin Konner, Ph.D. (1988). Although I don’t agree with every point they make, I’m a firm believer that the original human diet is the healthiest human diet. And it actually overlaps quite a bit with one of the most heavily promoted diets in recent years—the lowcarb “trend.” In the next chapter, I’ll give you all the important details on this diet plan—including who should do it, who shouldn’t, and why; the best, most healthful way to go about it; how to keep it safe; what lab tests to keep an eye on; and what supplements are especially important if you choose to follow a low-carb diet.




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Chapter 3 The healthiest way to join the low-carb revolution excess weight. Obviously, a diet that is suitable for a metabolic problem you don’t have is less likely to work. But it won’t hurt to try: Sometimes it works anyway. And if you want to know for certain whether or not you have insulin resistance, the glucose tolerance-insulin resistance test can help. (See the July 2001 issue of Nutrition & Healing for more details on this test.)

Over the years, I’ve found that all of the media coverage about low-carb diets contains some useful information, but, overall, it’s been more nonsense than not. So it certainly seems like this topic could use a little clarification. Since there’s no diet plan that’s “best” for everyone, how do you know if low-carb is a good choice for you? Aside from the old “just try it and see” method, there are some guidelines, which we’ll go over in detail in the following pages.

Being “sensitive” can make you fat There’s a phrase I hear over and over from individuals who visit the Tahoma Clinic: “I’ve been on a strict low-fat diet for months, and I’m still gaining weight!” Every time I hear this complaint, I know to start looking for a family history of diabetes, skin tags, and other clues. While this common problem does not always indicate a tendency toward type 2 diabetes, a combination of diet trends has made it a more distinct possibility than ever before. These diet trends are, namely, the “politically correct,” low-fat, high- complex carbohydrate diet recommended (for nearly everyone) by mainstream physicians over the last 15 to 20 years and the several centuries old trend toward ever-increasing consumption of refined sugar. This combination makes it difficult for diabetes-prone people to lose weight. Decades ago, Professor John Yudkin performed a simple experiment that illustrates this point. He recruited university students in their 20s to live in a dormitory for one month, eating only the food provided there. One group of students had absolutely no family history of diabetes, while the other group had positive family histories. At the beginning and end of the month, the students were weighed and had their insulin, cholesterol, and triglyceride levels measured. All of the students were given exactly the same food to eat for the entire month. The daily diet contained 14 ounces of refined sugar, an amount easily consumed in two to three “soft drinks.” At the end of the month, the students with no family history of diabetes had gained an average of 3 pounds each. The students with a positive family

Do you fit the low-carb mold? If you have Type 2 diabetes or symptoms of low blood sugar, or if these problems are in your family, then a low-carb diet probably is your best choice. Symptoms of low blood sugar include extreme hunger, nervousness, headaches, 3 to 5 a.m. awakenings, or any other symptoms that appear when you don’t eat for several hours, then improve or disappear with food. If you or your family members don’t have any of these problems, but you’re carrying more pounds than you want, a low-carb diet may work for you too, but it may not work as well. What’s the difference? People with Type 2 diabetes, low blood sugar, or a family history of either are most likely to have some degree of insulin resistance, along with excess insulin excretion, also known as hyperinsulinism. Low-carb diets can help control your blood sugar swings and, in turn, your insulin levels. In addition to contributing to obesity, insulin resistance/hyperinsulinism has been proven to lead to high cholesterol and triglycerides, high blood pressure, and atherosclerosis. And researchers are continuing to discover many other problems, including increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease, associated with this type of inherited body chemistry. So, if you fall into this group, a low-carb diet may do a lot more for you than take a few inches off your waist. If you haven’t inherited this family tendency, then insulin resistance probably isn’t responsible for your 11



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First and foremost, whatever diet plan you follow, but especially with low-carb plans, total elimination of refined sugar and refined carbohydrates is essential. They’re the worst offenders when it comes to causing wide swings in blood sugar and insulin levels. And they’re also the items your body is most likely to store as fat. Refined sugars include high-fructose corn syrup, maltodextrin, sucrose, fructose, dextrose, and everything else ending in “-ose” It gets a bit trickier when it comes to non-refined carbs: Some are OK, some should be eliminated with the refined versions. Fruits, and especially fruit juices, are a real problem for a low-carb diet. Unless the fruit juice is made from the whole fruit, it’s actually a refined carbohydrate, since the pulp and fiber are missing, and the juice is often filtered for clarity. Even tiny quantities aren’t good for anyone. A few commercially available orange juices are made from the whole fruit; small quantities (get out that carb counter) are OK. In general, though, a low-carb diet should be a low- or no-fruit diet. That’s why supplementing with some of the nutrients you can only get from fruit, which we’ll discuss later, is very important. Grains and beans do contain protein but are more than 50 percent carbohydrate. Soybeans are one exception, containing more than 50 percent protein and oil, which is why soy appears in so many processed low-carb foods. But generally, low-carb programs should include very little grains or beans. On the other hand, a large number of vegetables are naturally low-carb. Try use as much fresh produce as you can, eliminating or at least minimizing processed (especially canned) vegetables. Ideally, they should all be organically grown, but just do the best you can, adding as many organic items to your diet as your budget and location will allow. Commercially grown vegetables have varying degrees of pesticides, herbicides, and other undesirable content; organic foods have little or none of these, plus significantly greater amounts of vitamins and minerals in the same weight of food. Refer back to page Chapter 2 for a listing of vegetables “least” to “most” likely to be contaminated.

history of diabetes had gained an average of 9 pounds each. After the month, these students had also developed significantly higher insulin, triglyceride, and cholesterol levels than the students with no family history of diabetes. Why the variance of 9 pounds versus 3 pounds in one month, with exactly the same diet? Carbohydrates are broken down and metabolized into sugars in the body. Once sugars are absorbed into your bloodstream, many of them “call out” insulin to help move them into your body cells, where they’re burned for energy or stored as glycogen or fat. If you’ve inherited any of the “sugar sensitivities” I mentioned above-low blood sugar, insulin resistance/hyperinsulinism, Type 2 diabetes-research has shown that the same amount of sugar will put up to three times as much weight on you as it will on someone without this genetic heritage. Approximately 1/3 of us have “sugar sensitive” body chemistry, which means low-carb diets are best for at least 90 million Americans. Why have so many of us inherited this body chemistry, when it’s obviously bad for us? Actually, “sugar sensitivity” has only been “bad” for a century or two and only in certain areas of the world. Years ago, and in some areas of the world even now, there simply wasn’t/isn’t enough food to eat. People went hungry— a lot. So the ability to quickly “pack on” fat from smaller amounts of carbohydrate allowed people to survive “starvation times” by burning stored fat. Of course, our ancestors passed their sugar-sensitivity survival mechanism down to us. But the vast majority of us don’t need it anymore, since there’s always an abundance of food around. So low-carb diets re-create those “low-carb seasons” (late fall, winter, spring, and early summer) when our ancestors’ bodies didn’t overproduce insulin and store excess fat for the coming winters. By restricting the sugar and carbs going into your body, you force it to burn stored fat for energy instead, causing you to lose weight in the process.

Low-carb do’s and don’ts Obviously, the point of a low-carb diet is to get the majority of your daily nutrition from protein and eat as little sugar and carbohydrate as possible. It sounds easy enough, and it can be. But there are a few important points to keep in mind to ensure that your lowcarb diet is still a healthy one.

It’s OK to be picky about your protein While we’re on the topic of organic foods, once again, it’s also a good idea to get as much of your animal protein as possible from organic, free-range, 12



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against them in this case. Researchers have found that even though milk and fermented milk products don’t drastically raise blood sugar levels, they do cause significant insulin secretion. In fact, milk and fermented milk products stimulate as much insulin secretion as whole wheat does. And some cheeses stimulate more insulin secretion than pasta, porridge, or “all-bran” cereal and almost as much as brown rice and popcorn. Since the weight-reducing effect of a low-carb diet is directly connected to it minimizing insulin secretion, drinking milk and fermented milk products and eating cheese is actually counterproductive.

grass-fed sources. Wild game-elk, goose, pheasant, quail, deer, and rabbit-is another good option if you can get it. Free-range, grass-fed, organic, or wildgame meat is much healthier for you, since the animals it comes from eat a diet natural to them and aren’t pumped full of hormones or antibiotics. Compared with meat from commercially raised, grain-fed cattle, beef from free-range cattle is considerably higher in anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids, lower in pro-inflammatory omega-6 fatty acids, and much higher in cancer-preventing conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). “Farmed” fish also have less beneficial fatty acid patterns and, unfortunately, are contaminated with antibiotics and other chemicals. And because of mercury and other contaminants, some non-farmed fish are also best avoided. Sardines, anchovies, and wild salmon are relatively low in mercury and are particularly high in nucleotides (DNA, RNA). Research suggests that diets high in nucleotides may slow aging and promote longevity. Other “lower-mercury” fish include flounder, catfish, perch, herring, whitefish, haddock, mahi, cod, pollock, and halibut. (For more information about the mercury content of various fish, see www.cfsan.fda.gov). Scallops, crabs (king, tanner, Dungeness), and spiny lobsters are OK, but many oysters and clams are contaminated with toxic metals. Nuts and seeds are good non-animal sources of protein. Flaxseed and walnuts are particularly good, since they contain a significant amount of omega-3 fatty acids. Almonds, brazil nuts, cashews, chestnuts, hazelnuts (filberts), macadamia nuts, pecans, pine nuts, pistachios, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, and sunflower seeds all go well in a low-carb program. But go easy on them, since they contain mostly omega-6 fatty acids. Like meats and vegetables, nuts and seeds should be organic whenever possible.

Quench your thirst without the carbs So if milk and fruit juice are out, what can you drink? 100 percent pure water is always an excellent option. Unfortunately, the water that comes out of your tap is anything but pure. Tap water almost always contains chlorine, fluoride, and many other chemicals. But a good filtration system can remove most or all of the chemicals from your drinking water. They can be on the expensive side, but they’re well worth the investment. Green and black tea are at the top of the list, since they actually enhance insulin’s natural activity. Herbal teas are good, and coffee can be included. But, again, organically grown tea and coffee are far preferable to commercially grown, since these two crops are the most heavily sprayed with pesticides in the entire world. Even though “diet” soft drinks have no carbs, the various chemicals they contain are not good for anyone. But if you enjoy soda, there is a healthy option. Zevia is an all-natural, no-sugar, no-carb, no-calorie soft drink (although, since it contains stevia, los Federales won’t let it be called a “soft drink,” so technically it’s a “carbonated stevia supplement”). Zevia comes in four flavors, and is 100 percent OK for locarb diets. For more details visit www.zevia.com. Some liquor companies have been advertising their products as “zero carb.” While that’s technically true—an alcohol isn’t a carbohydrate—the similarity of alcohol and carbohydrate metabolism makes alcohol a “no-no” for regular use in a low-carb program. Small quantities, occasionally, are OK.

The dairy exception to the low-carb “rules” Since milk is more than 50 percent protein and fat and most cheeses are very low in carbohydrates, they’re usually included in low-carb diet plans. This is one aspect I just don’t agree with. Aside from the numerous health problems—from allergies to osteoporosis to prostate cancer-associated with milk and dairy, there’s an even more specific reason I advise




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time. But no matter what the percentage of protein and fat/oil in your diet, you can easily check for bone loss using one of several presently available urine tests. I use the NTx; your doctor may prefer another one. If your degree of bone loss is too high, you can adjust your diet and/or your supplement program accordingly and re-check your results within just a few weeks. Despite considerable evidence to the contrary, some “experts” are still warning that high-protein, low-carbohydrate diets will elevate your cholesterol levels. If you’re from a sugar sensitive family or are sugar sensitive yourself, this is extremely unlikely. In fact, if these conditions apply to you, a low-carb diet will likely lower your cholesterol. If you aren’t sugar sensitive, this is a greater possibility, but, either way, it’s easy enough to check your cholesterol levels to make sure you’re OK. And while you’re doing that, it’s not much more expensive to have liver and kidney function tests done, just to be certain.

Carb-less sweet tooth solutions Sweets are some of the hardest things for most people to give up when they begin a low-carb plan. If you have a sweet tooth, liquid and powdered preparations of the herbal sweeteners stevia and lo han are your best alternatives, since they don’t contain any carbohydrates. They’re available in natural food stores. Other natural sweeteners—honey, maple syrup, and molasses—are relatively healthful but contain considerable carbs. Xylitol, mannitol, and other “sugar alcohols,” which are appearing in all sorts of packaged “low-carb” foods these days, all metabolize like carbohydrates. So keep quantities small if you use them at all. On a related note, I’ve observed that supplemental chromium in quantities of 3,000 to 4,000 micrograms daily can significantly reduce sugar and carb craving in just a few weeks, while also reducing insulin resistance. (According to a leading chromium expert, the “toxic upper level” for chromium is 70,000 micrograms daily, but please don’t go anywhere close to that amount.) For further details, refer back to the June 2007 issue of Nutrition & Healing (subscribers can download and view it for free by visiting www.wrightnewsletter.com and logging on to the Archives with the username and password listed on page 8 of your most recent newsletter). Aspartame, sucralose, saccharine, and other chemical sweeteners are zero-carb as advertised but should be eliminated anyway. All of them are bad for your health, whether you’re sugar sensitive or not, since they’ve been so chemically manipulated.

The little-known risk you haven’t read about The low-carb diet hazard that concerns me most is one that’s generally overlooked by the majority of the articles and books out there: intestinal “putrefaction.” Protein digestion in the stomach is accomplished by the enzyme pepsin, but only in a very acidic environment. The more protein you eat, the more acid is needed to completely digest it. But once you hit 40, you have an increased risk of not having enough stomach acid present to do the job effectively. If protein isn’t well-digested in the stomach by acid, pancreatic enzymes can’t handle it all and some partially digested protein is passed along down the intestine. Farther down the intestine, dozens of bacterial species “lie in wait” for those incompletely digested proteins. When these bacteria come into contact with the proteins (a process called bacterial digestion, or putrefaction), it produces toxins. Many of these toxins are absorbed into the bloodstream, where the liver and kidneys must try to detoxify the overload. That’s why it’s so important to monitor your liver and kidney function closely if you decide to follow a lowcarb diet. If they aren’t operating up to par, the toxins can cause all sorts of problems-possibly even cancer. If you aren’t sure whether you have low stomach acid, check with a physician skilled and knowledgeable in natural or nutritional medicine before you

The potential risks of high protein and how to avoid them Low-carb means high-protein. And in some specific cases, high-protein can pose risks. I’m sure you’ve read that high-protein diets can lead to the loss of excess calcium and possibly osteoporosis. But anthropological studies have shown that this isn’t necessarily the case: Among groups following whole food, no-sugar, low-starch diets with percentages of total protein and fat varying from 36 percent to 97 percent, older people in populations at both “extremes” were equally disease free. The only exception was increased osteoporosis among those at the 97 percent protein “extreme” for an entire life14



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start and/or continue a low-carb, high-protein diet. Symptoms of low stomach acid production can include one or more of the following: heart-burn, bloating, gas, a “food just sitting in the stomach” feeling, indigestion, constipation, and intermittent diarrhea.

fats and oils, and only small amounts in vegetables. The best food sources-fruits and berries-should only be eaten in very limited quantities (if at all) on a lowcarb plan. But flavonids are crucial to your health. They strengthen arteries, veins, capillaries, and nearly all connective tissue, and some reduce the risk of heart attack and certain cancers. So you’ll also need to supplement with these as well. Bilberry, hawthorn, grape-seed extract, Ginkgo, Echinacea, and many other commonly used herbs contain flavonoids. If you’re using two or more of these, you may not need a specific flavonoid supplement. If you’re not taking herbs, my present recommendation for a flavonoid supplement is Kyanthenol, a mixture of fruit- and berry-derived flavonoids. Take two capsules daily. Kyanthenol is available from natural food stores and compounding pharmacies. If you’d prefer to take individual flavonoids, some of the more well-known are quercetin, anthocyanidins, rutin, hesperidin, and catechins. If all of this seems a little overwhelming, don’t get discouraged. Just like the original human diet, following a low-carb diet is a major lifestyle change, and there are bound to be a few bumps in the road. But hopefully these guidelines will help you enjoy the benefits this eating plan can provide without compromising your health—or your taste buds.

A special diet calls for special supplements In addition to a general vitamin-mineral supplementation program—which is essential for all of us in the 21st century—there are a few supplements very specific for low-carb diets. Fruits and vegetables are the primary dietary sources of potassium. If you’re following a low-carb diet and aren’t eating at least five to six servings of vegetables every day, make sure to take at least 400500 milligrams of potassium daily. Also, since there’s so much phosphorus in protein, be sure to offset it by taking a phosphorus-free calcium supplement daily. A good general dose is 1,000 milligrams a day or perhaps a bit more if you’re a woman at or past menopause. And this amount of calcium should always be accompanied by 300 to 400 milligrams of magnesium. Unless you’re a tea drinker, there are virtually no flavonoids in low-carb diets. There’s very little flavonoid contained in animal protein, almost none in

References 1 2

3 4



http://www.hcgdietinfo.com/HCG_Diet-Dr-Simeons-Manuscript.htm “The Pituitary Body,” in Organotherapy in General Practice. G W Carnrick Co: New York City, 1924, pages 124-127 Beck HG. American Journal of Medical Sciences 1918; November: 714 Leaver HA, Boyd GS. “Action of gonadotrophic hormones on cholesterol side-chain cleavage and cholesterol ester hydrolase in the ovary of the immature rat.” J Reprod Fertil 1981; 63(1): 101-108 Stein MR, et al. “Ineffectiveness of human chorionic gonadotrophin in weight reduction: a double-blind study.” Am J Clin Nutr 1976; 29: 940-948 Asher WL and Harper HW. “Effect of human chorionic gonadotrophin on weight loss, hunger, and feeling of well being.” Am J Clin Nutr 1973; 26: 211-218 15



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