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The Workout Routine Now for the Moment You’ve Been Waiting For! Hopefully you’ve read everything up until this point (an

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The Workout Routine Now for the Moment You’ve Been Waiting For! Hopefully you’ve read everything up until this point (and not just scrolled down to this section). You see, there’s a lot of super important concepts at work! I always love explaining the strategies and the ‘WHY’ behind everything we are doing! That’s what gets me super motivated and excited.

So the first 4 weeks of the program is our low volume minimalistic phase. The goal is simple - to increase strength - specially on our Incline Press, Standing Press, Weighted Chin up and Bulgarian Split Squat. Week by week, as you hit personal records, you are going to look better than ever. Combine that with leaning down from the nutrition plan and your physique is going to become dense, defined and hardened. On this routine we will be lifting three days per week on Monday, Wednesday and Friday! This is as optimal as it gets for maximizing performance and recovery. Remember, our muscles DO NOT build when we are training. Rather, they build when we are resting. Lifting just three days per week allows for amazing recovery and maximum intensity.

On Monday, we will be hitting our shoulders, lats and triceps! On this day we will be hitting overhead presses, weighted chin ups, triceps extensions and lateral raises. Now it’s important to note that we will also be hitting our chest indirectly from overhead press and our biceps from weighted chin ups. On Wednesday, we will be hitting our legs and traps! I’ve been incorporating more trap work into my routines and I’ve seen awesome results. I believe the traps can really make your physique look more dominant and powerful. For this workout we will be hitting bulgarian split squats, romanian deadlifts, hip thrusts and shrugs. Getting stronger on these exercises will develop a powerful and perfectly proportioned lower body. Note, I’ve left calf training out. Training calves is a very, very low ROI (return on investment) activity. The calf muscle is highly genetic. Some people have amazing calves naturally and barely train them. Others have super average calves and train them 3x per week. On Friday, we will be hitting Incline Presses, Pinned Hammer Curls, Bent Over Flyes and Hanging Knee Raises. We will be training our chest, biceps, rear delts and abs. As well, we will be hitting our triceps and shoulders indirectly from the Incline Press. Now, it may seem crazy that we are just doing one chest exercise the Incline Press. But trust me, this works crazy well! The Incline Press does a killer job at developing the upper chest. In fact, it does an amazing job at turning your

chest into something that resembles a greek gods plate of armour. I’ve actually found I make more consistent strength gains just focusing on one chest exercise. (Don’t worry we will be doing a lot more chest volume in the shrink wrap phase.. For this phase, we are going to focus on getting, really, really strong!!! Now many people focus way too much on flat benching and chest flyes. They end up developing these oversized, droopy, puffy - bodybuilder pics! Not a good look. If you want to have the movie star chest! Similar to Chris Hemsworth, Brad Pitt and Henry Cavill - you want to focus on getting really strong on the Incline Press. The Workout Routine for a Hardened Physique:

Monday Standing Barbell Press: 3 sets RPT (4-6, 4-6, 6-8) Weighted Chin-ups: 3 sets RPT (5, 6, 8) One Arm Overhead Triceps Extensions: 3 sets RPT (8-10, 8-10, 10-12) Leaning Lateral Raises: Rest Pause (12-15 reps + 4-5, 45, 4-5) Bulgarian Split Squats: 3 sets RPT (6-8, 6-8, 8-10) Romanian Deadlifts: 4 sets x 10-12 reps (Kino Rep

Training) Single Leg Hip Thrusts: 3 sets x 10-12 reps (Kino Rep Training) DB Leaning Shrugs: 4 sets x 10-15 reps (Kino Rep Training) Friday Incline Bench Press: 4 sets RPT (4-5, 5-6, 6-8, 8-10) Pinned Hammer Biceps Curls: 4 sets (4-6, 4-6, 6-8, 6-8) Bent Over Flyes: Rest Pause (12-15 reps + 4-5, 4-5, 4-5) Hanging Knee Raises: 4 sets of 8-12 reps (Kino Rep Training)

Training Notes THE WORKOUT ROUTINE: Phase One Some notes for the routine... RPT reverse to reverse pyramid training. After 2-3 warm up sets (only for first two exercises of the workout), you will perform your heaviest set first. Rest a full 3 minutes between sets. For your second set reduce the weight by 10% (use weight added plus bodyweight for weighted chins). Rest 3 minutes. For your third and final set reduce the weight by 10%.. For biceps curls simply reduce the weight by 5 lbs per set. Now for most exercises there is a rep range to work towards. The goal is to hit the top end of the rep range on all three sets. Once you hit the top end of the rep range, the next workout you will increase the weight by 5 lbs. For weighted chin ups, I recommend increasing the weight by 2.5 lbs per workout (add 2.5 lbs to your chin up belt). For rest pause training pick a weight you can perform for 12-15 reps. This is your activation set. Just rest 10-15 seconds and using the same weight perform 5-6 reps. Rest 10-15 seconds and perform another set of 5-6 reps. Rest 10-15 seconds and perform 5-6 reps. Finished. Aim to build up to 15 reps on your first set and 3 sets of 5 on

the mini sets, before increasing the weight. For Kino Rep Training, start with a light weight. Increase the weight each set. For example, for Romanian Deadlifts you may perform 135 lbs for 12 reps, 165 lbs for 12 reps, 185 lbs for 12 reps and 205 lbs for 10 reps. Kino rep training is a good way to train when you don’t want to go too heavy. I like doing this style of training for romanian deadlifts and shrugs. For single leg hip thrusts perform bodyweight for 10-12 reps. For your second weight you can add a light dumbbell and perform 10-12 reps. For your third set you can increase the weight again. Same with hanging leg raises (start with bodyweight, then add 5-10 lbs and increase the weight on your third and fourth set if possible). Make sure for Kino Rep Training that you don’t go too light in the beginning. Your last two sets should be very challenging. Your second set shouldn’t exhaust you but you should definitely feel it.

What’s to Come in the Future THE WORKOUT ROUTINE: Phase One Now this first routine is our bread and butter!!! This will set the foundation for an incredible physique! We will be developing a perfect and proportionate lower body. We will be adding incredible muscle density throughout your upper body with flawless proportion. Now for the second month, I will be sharing the version two of this program! If you hit any plateau’s on by week 4 or 5 or 6. I will adjust you onto the new training program! This will utilize exercise rotation to allow you to keep building strength and muscle. It works crazy well and we’ll be throwing in some really awesome exercises! Then, for month three, I’ll be teaching you the Shrink Wrap Program. This is where you will experience the fastest pure muscle growth of your life. This stage works so damn well after 8 weeks of intense low volume lifting! It’s crazy powerful….