Work Life Balance Questionnaire

WORK LIFE BALANCE QUESTIONNAIRE     Age Gender Experience(years) Department 1. How many hours a day you norma

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Age Gender Experience(years) Department


How many hours a day you normally work?  7-8 hours  8-9 hours  9-10 hours  10-12 hours  More than 12 hours


Do you generally feel you are able to balance your work life?  Yes  No


How often do you think or worry about work (when you are not actually at work or traveling to work)?  Never think about work  Rarely  Sometimes  Often  Always


How many hours a day do you spend time with your child/children?  Less than 2 hours  2-3 hours  3-4 hours  4-5 hours  More than 5 hours

5. How do you feel about the amount of time you spend at the work?  Very unhappy  Unhappy  Indifferent  Happy  Very happy 6. Do you ever miss out any quality time with your family or your friends because of pressure of work?  Never  Rarely  Sometimes  Often  Always 7. Do you ever feel tired or depressed because of work?  Never  Rarely

  

Sometimes Often Always

8. How do you manage stress arising from your work?  Yoga  Entertainment  Dance  Music  Others, specify_____________________________________________________ 9. Do you personally feel any of the following will help you to balance work life?  Flexible starting hours  Flexible finishing time  Flexible hours, in general  Holidays/paid time offs  Job sharing  Career break/sabbaticals  Time off for family engagement/events  Others,specify________________________________________________ 10. Does your organization provide you with the following additional work provision?  Telephone for personal use  Counseling services to the employees  Health programs  Parenting or family support programs  Exercise facilities  Relocation facilities and choices  Transportation  Others,specify____________________________________________ 11. Does your organization encourage the involvement of your family members in the work achievement reward functions?  Yes, specify the name of such program annual day______________________  No 12. Does your organization have social functions at times suitable for families?  Yes, specify the name of such programs____________  No

13. Do any of he following hinder you in balancing your work and family commitments?  Long working hours  Compulsory overtime  Shift work  Meetings/ training after office hours  Others specify____________________________________________________ 14. Do any of the following help you balance your work and family commitments?

   

Technology like cell phones/lap tops Support from colleagues to work Support from family members Others, specify___________________________________________________

15. Do any of the following hinder you in balancing your work and family commitments?  Technology such as laptops/cell phones  Frequently traveling away from home  Negative attitude of peers and colleagues at work place  Negative attitude of supervisors  Negative attitude of family members  Others specify_____________________________________________________ 16. Do you suffer from any stress related disease?  Hypertension  Obesity  Diabetes  Frequent head aches  None  Others specify______________________________________________________ 17. Do you get enough time for working out?  Yes  No If yes, how many hours?  Less than half an hour  Half an hour  Half an hour to one hour  More than one hour

18. What was the last time you lost your temper at work?  Can’t remember  Yesterday/today  More than a week  Always angry  More than a month 19. Flexibility to attend events during the workday or shift, such as a child’s school pay, a medical appointment of an elderly relative or a key sports event is important to many people to help them with work life balance?  Strongly agree  Agree  Indifferent  Disagree  Strongly disagree 20. Do you think that if employees have good work life balance the organization will be more effective and successful?

 

Yes no