
Events Prologue 1. 1945-The end of World War 2 2. September 2, 1945 - Declaration of independence from France France vs

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Events Prologue 1. 1945-The end of World War 2 2. September 2, 1945 - Declaration of independence from France France vs Viet Minh (1946) 3. 1946-Start of Cold War 4. 1949-Creation of State of Vietnam Elysee Agreement

1950 Democratic Republic of Vietnam is recognised by China and USSR. 5. 1954 - Viet Minh forces attack an isolated French military outpost in the town of Dien Bien Phu. 1956 - South Vietnamese President Ngo Dinh Diem begins campaign against political dissidents. 6. 1957 - Beginning of Communist insurgency in the South. 1959 - Weapons and men from North Vietnam began infiltrating the South. 1960 - American aid to Diem increased. 1962 - Number of US military advisors in South Vietnam rises to 12,000. 7. 1963 - Viet Cong, the communist guerrillas operating in South Vietnam, defeat units of the ARVN, the South Vietnamese Army.

US enters the war 8. 1964 - Gulf of Tonkin incident: the US says North Vietnamese patrol boats fire on two US Navy destroyers. US Congress approves Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, authorising military action in region. 1965 - 200,000 American combat troops arrive in South Vietnam. 1966 - US troop numbers in Vietnam rise to 400,000, then to 500,000 the following year. 9. 1968 - Tet Offensive - a combined assault by Viet Cong and the North Vietnamese army on US positions begins. More than 500 civilians die in the US massacre at My Lai. Thousands are killed by communist forces during their occupation of the city of Hue. 10. 1969 - Ho Chi Minh dies. President Nixon begins to reduce US ground troops in Vietnam as domestic public opposition to the war grows 1970 - Nixon's national security advisor, Henry Kissinger, and Le Duc Tho, for the Hanoi government, start talks in Paris.. 11. 1973 - Ceasefire agreement in Paris, US troop pullout completed by March.

12. 1975 - North Vietnamese troops invade South Vietnam and take control of the whole country after South Vietnamese President Duong Van Minh surrenders.

Reconstruction 13. 1976 - Socialist Republic of Vietnam proclaimed. 14. 1979 - Vietnam invades Cambodia and ousts the Khmer Rouge regime of Pol Pot. a. In response, Chinese troops cross Vietnam's northern border. They are pushed back by Vietnamese forces. b. 1986 - Nguyen Van Linh becomes party leader. He introduces a more liberal economic policy. c. 1989 - Vietnamese troops withdraw from Cambodia. 15. 1992 - New constitution adopted allowing certain economic freedoms. The Communist Party remains the leading force in Vietnamese society. 16. 1995 - Vietnam and US restore full diplomatic relations. Vietnam becomes full member of Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean). Elysee agreement

Tien dien phu

Vietnam war

Tet offensive

Ceasefire agreement

People 1. Ho Chi Minh https://static.independent.co.uk/s3fs-public/thumbnails/image/2015/04/05/23/22-HO-CHI-MINHAFP-Getty.jpg 2. Vo Nguyen Giap https://marquettehistorians.files.wordpress.com/2013/10/vo-nguyen-giap.jpg 3. Bao Dai https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/8b/Baodai2.jpg 4. President Ngo Dinh Diem https://media1.britannica.com/eb-media/17/134117-004-FE9B955B.jpg 5. President Nixon http://www.historyplace.com/unitedstates/impeachments/nix-port.jpg Flag The Vietnam flag was officially adopted on November 30, 1955. The gold five-pointed star symbolizes the five groups of workers in the building of socialism (intellectuals, peasants, soldiers, workers and youths), while the red symbolizes bloodshed, and the revolutionary struggle.

Vietnam National Symbols Animal: Water Buffalo

https://www.mypets.gallery/wpcontent/uploads/2015/12/Walking_the_water_buffalo_to_the_water.jpg http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_6g0mLqa1Lk/Sa3gPhAYFpI/AAAAAAAAADk/SXO_FjSHp8I/s320/kelimutu-water-buffalo.jpg

Coat of Arms: The national emblem of Vietnam was adopted on November 30, 1955, and features a circular red background and yellow star representing the Communist Party of Vietnam. A cog wheel makes up the border, and crops (representing agriculture and industrial labor) make up the base.

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c3/Coat_of_arms_of_Vietnam.svg/101 0px-Coat_of_arms_of_Vietnam.svg.png Flower: Red Lotus http://asiaoppo.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/lotus.jpg

Motto: "Independence – Freedom – Happiness" Patron Saint: Ho Chi Minh Tree: Bamboo http://www.123countries.com/wpcontent/uploads/2015/09/National-Tree-Of-VietnamBamboo.jpg Fun fact 1. Vietnam is the world’s largest exporter of cashew nuts, producing 37% of the global number 2. Vietnam is the world’s second largest coffee-producing nation after Brazil, producing 16% of the world’s total coffee (Brazil’s is 40%) 3. The currency of Vietnam is called the dong 4. The final Battle scene in Star Wars Episode 6 The return of Jedi between The Empire and Ewoks have been inspired by Vietnam War Independence day 1. September 2 BE (commemorating the Vietnam Declaration of Independence from France on September 2, 1945)

Important Holidays 1. Jan. 26 - Feb. 1, Tet Holiday (Vietnamese New Year) 2. April 30, Liberation Day/Reunification Day (Marks the end of Vietnam war and begin the process of unification of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam in the North and the Republic of Vietnam in the South)







18 Apr 17

Research on important event


18 Apr 17

Research on important person


19 Apr 17

Write project proposal


24 Apr 17

Makes Action Plan


25 Apr 17

Continue researching


25 Apr 17

Research on Vietnam general facts (flag, symbol, etc.)


26 Apr 17

Finish the action plan and continue researching


26 Apr 17

Research on independence and important Day


1 May 17

Continue on important event


1 May 17

Research on Vietnam fun fact


3 May 17

Design timeline


3 May 17


8 May 17

Organize information about event into PowerPoint


8 May 17

Find picture


9 May 17

Organize the rest of information into PowerPoint


11 May 17

Making Timeline


11 May 17


18 May 17

Decorate timeline


19 May 17

Finished timeline


19 May 17


24 May 17

Fixed timeline (add more


24 May 17



25 May 17


25 May 17

Finish both timeline and model


26 May 17


26 May 17 Work

Finish Project/Topic Proposal - Description - Purpose - Research questions - Mind map #1 - Action Plan - Submit via E-Portfolio Finish the research - 15 Important Event & 5 People

Finish on writing the reflection

Date 24 - 28 Apr 17

1 - 3 May 17

Finish the research - National or Independent Day - 2 Important Holiday - 3 Fun Facts

4 May 17

Finish the research - 5 Print Out Image - Learning record form - Mind map

5 May 17

Final Product - Timeline

8 - 11 May 17

Final Product - Picture

12 May 17

Final Product - Model

15 - 18 May 17

Final Product - Descriptions

19 - 22 May 17


23 - 24 May 17 -

Mind map

This Action Plan represents the approximate date to finished each work steps.