Webutil Example Code Fragments

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Webutil Example Code Fragments Most of these code fragments are from our own code. One or two are from publicly available web sites, a couple are from the webutil example forms provided by Oracle Corp.

Open file for writing filename := 'c:\temp\'||to_char(in_load_sequence)||'.CTL'; MYFILE := client_text_io.FOPEN(FILENAME, 'W');

Write to the file --disp_message('writing file '||filename); client_text_io.putf(myfile, 'load DATA append INTO TABLE SPOT_LOAD1'); client_text_io.putf(myfile, ' FIELDS TERMINATED BY '||''''||','||''''|| ' optionally enclosed by '||''''||'"'||''''||' TRAILING NULLCOLS'); client_text_io.putf(myfile, ' ( '); client_text_io.putf(myfile, 'COL1 CHAR NULLIF (COL1=BLANKS)'); client_text_io.putf(myfile, ',COL2 CHAR NULLIF (COL2=BLANKS)'); client_text_io.putf(myfile, ',COL3 CHAR NULLIF (COL3=BLANKS)'); client_text_io.putf(myfile, ',COL4 CHAR NULLIF (COL4=BLANKS)'); client_text_io.putf(myfile, ',COL5 CHAR NULLIF (COL5=BLANKS)'); client_text_io.putf(myfile, ',COL6 CHAR NULLIF (COL6=BLANKS)'); client_text_io.putf(myfile, ',COL7 CHAR NULLIF (COL7=BLANKS)'); client_text_io.putf(myfile, ',COL8 CHAR NULLIF (COL8=BLANKS)'); client_text_io.putf(myfile, ',COL9 CHAR NULLIF (COL9=BLANKS)'); client_text_io.putf(myfile, ',COL10 CHAR NULLIF (COL10=BLANKS)'); client_text_io.putf(myfile, ', COUNTRY CONSTANT '||''''||:b2.country||''''||' '); client_text_io.putf(myfile, ', LOAD_SEQUENCE CONSTANT '|| to_char(in_load_sequence)); client_text_io.putf(myfile, ', RAW_FILE_LINE sequence (max,1)'); client_text_io.putf(myfile, ', LOAD_USER CONSTANT '||''''||user||''''|| ' '); client_text_io.putf(myfile, ', LOAD_DATE CONSTANT '||''''|| to_char(sysdate,'DD-MON-YYYY')||''''||' '); client_text_io.putf(myfile, ', FMT6_FILE_NUMBER CONSTANT 1 )');

Close the file /* OK close the file and copy to the right place */ client_text_io.fclose(myfile); --disp_message('closing file '||filename); synchronize; --disp_message('Check status of c:\temp .ctl file'); --status := webutil_file_transfer.as_to_client('c:\temp\'||to_char(in_load_sequence),

'c:\temp\'||to_char(in_load_sequence)); client_host('cmd.exe /c copy '||'c:\temp\'||to_char(in_load_sequence)||'.CTL'||' '||'t:\dataload');

Client copy file declare file_done boolean; file_done := client_copy_file(:b2.FILE_NAME , OUT_FILE || '6_1.dat');

Client Host client_host('NOTEPAD.EXE '||'I:\INPUT\ADEX_INT\'|| TO_CHAR(:b2.LOAD_SEQUENCE)||'_'||V_RAW_TABLE||'.dis',0);

Client Sample 2

PROCEDURE convert_to_mp3(v_country varchar2, v_file_name varchar2) IS --- convert creative file from .WAV format to MP3 format -- Files are assumed to be in a directory structure on the R: drive -- R:\\ host_string varchar2(300); out_file client_Text_IO.File_Type; linebuf VARCHAR2(1800); filename VARCHAR2(30); BEGIN filename:= 'c:\temp\mp3conv'||to_char(:b1.file_countx)||'.cmd'; host_string := 'cmd.exe /c '||'c:\mp3enc\mp3enc.exe r:\'||v_country||'\'||v_file_name||' r:\'|| v_country||'\'|| ' >c:\temp\mp3.out' ; client_host(host_string); :b1.file_countx := :b1.file_countx + 1; END;

Checking file existance

declare f_exists boolean; begin temp_file := 'r:\'||c1rec.country||'\'||prefix||chr(96+i)||'.'||suffix; f_exists := webutil_file.file_exists(temp_file);

if f_exists then update ...... end if;

File Selection Dialogue default_value('l:\','global.dir'); :b2.file_name := webutil_file.file_selection_dialog( :global.dir, null ,null,'Find File'); if instr(:b2.file_name,' ') > 0 then err_message('File path or file name as a space character within it'); end if; :global.dir := :b2.file_name;

Download from the App Server to the Client PROCEDURE DOWNLOAD_AS IS l_success boolean; l_bare_filename varchar2(50); BEGIN --l_bare_filename := substr(:upload.file_name,instr(:download.file_name,'\',-1)+1); l_success := webutil_file_transfer.AS_to_Client_with_progress (clientFile => :download.file_name ,serverFile => 'd:\temp\downloaded_from_as.txt' ,progressTitle => 'Download from Application Server in progress' ,progressSubTitle => 'Please wait' ); if l_success then message('File downloaded successfully from the Application Server'); else message('File download from Application Server failed'); end if; exception when others then message('File download failed: '||sqlerrm); END;

Download file from DB platform to the Client PROCEDURE DOWNLOAD_DB IS l_success boolean;

BEGIN l_success := webutil_file_transfer.DB_To_Client_with_progress (clientFile => :download.file_name ,tableName => 'WU_TEST_TABLE' ,columnName => 'BLOB' ,whereClause => 'ID = 1' ,progressTitle => 'Download from Database in progress' ,progressSubTitle=> 'Please wait' ); if l_success then message('File downloaded successfully from the Database'); else message('File download from Database failed'); end if; exception when others then message('File download failed: '||sqlerrm); END;

Get Client Information PROCEDURE GET_CLIENTINFO IS BEGIN :CLIENTINFO.USER_NAME := webutil_clientinfo.get_user_name; :CLIENTINFO.IP_ADDRESS := webutil_clientinfo.get_ip_address; :CLIENTINFO.HOST_NAME := webutil_clientinfo.get_host_name; :CLIENTINFO.OPERATING_SYSTEM := webutil_clientinfo.get_operating_system; :CLIENTINFO.JAVA_VERSION := webutil_clientinfo.get_java_version; :CLIENTINFO.PATH_SEPERATOR := webutil_clientinfo.get_path_separator; :CLIENTINFO.FILE_SEPERATOR := webutil_clientinfo.get_file_separator; :CLIENTINFO.LANGUAGE := webutil_clientinfo.get_language; :CLIENTINFO.TIME_ZONE := webutil_clientinfo.get_time_zone; :CLIENTINFO.DATE_TIME := webutil_clientinfo.get_date_time; END;


args CLIENT_OLE2.LIST_TYPE; BEGIN -- create a new document app := CLIENT_OLE2.CREATE_OBJ('Word.Application'); if :ole.silent = 'Y' then CLIENT_OLE2.SET_PROPERTY(app,'Visible',0); else CLIENT_OLE2.SET_PROPERTY(app,'Visible',1); end if; docs := CLIENT_OLE2.GET_OBJ_PROPERTY(app, 'Documents'); doc := CLIENT_OLE2.INVOKE_OBJ(docs, 'add'); selection := CLIENT_OLE2.GET_OBJ_PROPERTY(app, 'Selection'); -- insert data into new document from long item CLIENT_OLE2.SET_PROPERTY(selection, 'Text', :ole.oletext); -- save document as example.tmp args := CLIENT_OLE2.CREATE_ARGLIST; CLIENT_OLE2.ADD_ARG(args, :ole.filename); CLIENT_OLE2.INVOKE(doc, 'SaveAs', args); CLIENT_OLE2.DESTROY_ARGLIST(args); -- close example.tmp args := CLIENT_OLE2.CREATE_ARGLIST; CLIENT_OLE2.ADD_ARG(args, 0); CLIENT_OLE2.INVOKE(doc, 'Close', args); CLIENT_OLE2.DESTROY_ARGLIST(args); CLIENT_OLE2.RELEASE_OBJ(selection); CLIENT_OLE2.RELEASE_OBJ(doc); CLIENT_OLE2.RELEASE_OBJ(docs); -- exit MSWord CLIENT_OLE2.INVOKE(app,'Quit'); END;

Other Stuff PROCEDURE separate_frame_options IS BEGIN if WebUtil_SeparateFrame.IsSeparateFrame then WebUtil_SeparateFrame.SetTitle('WebUtil Demo Form');

end if; END;

Upload file from Client Platform to the Appserver Platform PROCEDURE UPLOAD_AS IS l_success boolean; l_bare_filename varchar2(50); BEGIN l_bare_filename := substr(:upload.file_name,instr(:upload.file_name,'\',-1)+1); l_success := webutil_file_transfer.Client_To_AS_with_progress (clientFile => :upload.file_name ,serverFile => 'd:\temp\'||l_bare_filename ,progressTitle => 'Upload to Application Server in progress' ,progressSubTitle => 'Please wait' ,asynchronous => false ,callbackTrigger => null ); if l_success then message('File uploaded successfully to the Application Server'); else message('File upload to Application Server failed'); end if; exception when others then message('File upload failed: '||sqlerrm); END;