
Volunteering Members: -Matias Carrasco (3) -Alex Magna (16) -Matthias Montecinos (19) -Angelo Pacheco (24) -Martín Pino

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Volunteering Members: -Matias Carrasco (3) -Alex Magna (16) -Matthias Montecinos (19) -Angelo Pacheco (24) -Martín Pino (28) Grade: 3ºB Teacher: José Canales

Introduction Volunteering helps increase our self confidence and it helps us keep track of our goals. It also helps us be more satisfied in ourselves as it gives a sense of personal satisfaction, as well as keeping us in touch with others regularly and it helps build a solid support group, which also protects us from stress and depression when someone is going through rough times. Socializing is a good way to forget about the problems, specially when it’s for a good cause, moreover, It could possibly forge bonds with people that could last a lifetime. Teamwork means that the work in an activity is equally distributed among teammates. During the development of this paper we’ll go through a variety of topics regarding activities one could do as a volunteer, what we’d get from it, what it means to be a volunteer and the benefits we’d get from it, in order to do so, we’ll need to answer a few questions, which are as follows: (Beforehand, we’ll present the activities we’ve picked up as our preferred activities) This being said, the activities we thought of are: 1. Rebuilding homes for those affected by a theoretical earthquake in the most damned areas. 2. Cleaning of our beaches to help the environment. 3. Gifting clothes to those in need (clothes that don’t necessarily fit us anymore, but would make other people very happy) With this in mind, the activity we chose, due to its complexity and the fact that it’s an activity the whole country could help in, is “rebuilding homes for those affected by an earthquake”. Following this, we’ll proceed to respond to a number of questions regarding our chosen activity. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

What do we seek to resolve? Therefore, what’s our objective? Who is it directed towards? Who will get benefited from this? Who’s participating? How do we obtain resources in order to develop the activities we want to? In what way are said activities developed? What’s our participation in these activities? At last, we’ll come to a conclusion.

Thus, we’ll answer the questions given to us. 1. What is our objective and goals? Earthquakes are an unpredictable phenomenon that cause lots and lots of destruction, sadly, there are no ways to foresee an earthquake nor the damage it will cause, but one thing is for sure, there will be people affected by it, some to a major degree, some to a minor degree, with this activity we seek to help those who have been affected in the worst ways by a possible earthquake, that means, those who have lost their houses (or wherever they live) and are now homeless and helpless. Our goal is to help those people by building new homes for them, with all the commodities they had before the incident (we can’t guarantee that we’ll build giant houses with commodities way out of our range of capabilities regarding building and funding, however, we’ll try our very best to build comfortable places that help the damned to feel in comfort and safety). 2. Who’ll get benefited from this? As we previously stated, the people benefited from this will be those damned by a theoretical earthquake which could leave them homeless Worth to mention that this is not necessarily limited to earthquakes, but also tornadoes or any other natural disasters which are unpredictable and cause massive damage. 3. Who’s participating? Us, those who’ll help the homeless, this could be everyone in the country, as this is something that affects all of us (anyone could get affected by an earthquake or another natural disaster, the person who’s reading this or anyone else, Chile is a country that’s very prone to natural disasters and therefore it’s hard to be completely safe). However, we can’t do much by just wishing, we’ll need some funding, and this is where our co-operators, who will help us with money issues, come into place, they’re just as important in the development of this activity due to the costly nature of our activity (building just one house is already expensive, it’s important to keep in mind there could be a lot of people affected by one earthquake). At last, there’s the people in need, every part of the activity is just as important as the other, and the homeless are those we’re seeking to help with our activity. 4. How do we obtain resources?

Being Humanitarian activities, the best option to obtain the necessary resources, is through donation, that is to obtain the direct collaboration of the government, as well as obtain the help of private companies, the necessary elements for access to fulfill our objective, which is to build houses for people affected by catastrophes in our country like earthquakes 5.In What way its developed? As we obtain the resources for our goal, the way we will carry it out, is through a mass media campaign around the country, in which possibilities will be opened so that volunteers from 17 years old and up can join in our help work, we really hope to get the support of the media, such as television, radio, and if the situation occurs, we can use social networks such as facebook, Instagram, among others, and be able to get our message across the country and if possible, outside of Chile. 6.What’s our participation in these activities? Our participation in these work, is organize everything about the project. First, we are going to search help with volunteer donations. The volunteer donations, will be promoted by the mass media being a kind of teleton. After that, we will buy all the materials like wood, nails, hammers, and every we need to build the new houses. With the promote of the mass medias, we doesn't need just monetary help, we also search volunteer help to build the new houses, so in conclusion, we're going to organize the project from out, creating the campaign of promotion, see what we need, and motivating the people to participate in our project.

Conclusion During the development of our work, we have been able to learn both myself and my group, the benefits of a volunteer activity, which in our case, was the activity of helping people in need throughout Chile, where we through the development of this project, we learned more about volunteer activities in general and we really hope that our project works and its going to be useful throughout our country, and if possible, that it can be expanded even to other Latin American countries which also have several natural disasters such as storms. We also have a lot of expectations about this project and there are hopes for it to work and it can give a smile to every person in our country. So finally, we conclude that volunteering is an activity that provides us with benefits and satisfactions as well as us and the person helped. Also, it is a fundamental piece so that the community of a society can be better understood and can grow as a whole, since volunteering also unites ties between people, so they will understand better helping a lot to the development of the value of solidarity in our lives