VOCABULARY Unit 11 Fact and fiction

PERSONAL BEST B2 WORD LISTS UNIT 11: FACT AND FICTION Science analyze the evidence (v. phr.) archeologist (n) archeol

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UNIT 11: FACT AND FICTION Science analyze the evidence (v. phr.)

archeologist (n)

archeology (n)

carry out an experiment (v. phr.)

carry out research (v. phr.)

do an experiment (v. phr.) economics (n)

economy (n)

B2 Upper Intermediate

English definition When a technician or physician analyzes the samples to determine if the results are within normal limits. Someone who studies the buildings, graves, tools, and other objects of people who lived in the past Is the study of the societies and peoples of the past by examining the remains of their buildings, tools, and other objects. The performance of an experiment implies the manipulation of different variables that, according to the scientist, constitute the cause of the phenomenon to be confirmed. Research is an intellectual and experimental process that comprises a set of methods applied in a systematic way, with the aim of investigating a subject or theme, as well as expanding or developing its knowledge, whether it is of scientific, humanistic, social or technological interest. Is to perform a procedure to support, refute, or validate a hypothesis. The study of the way in which economies work, for example, the way in which they make money and produce and distribute goods and services the structure or conditions of economic


Translation Analizar las pruebas/ evidencias

Example sentence We need a person who is dedicated to analyze the evidence.

Arqueólogo, Arqueóloga

A team of archaeologists will join us in the expedition


Studying archaeology is very interesting, it helps you discover new things from the past. Today we will carry out a new experiment, which will allow us to know about parallel universes.

Llevar a cabo un experimento

Llevar a cabo la investigación

The students will carry out research on the phases of the moon.

Hacer un experimento

My brother has to do an experiment, for his physics fair. My cousin studies economics at the University of San Francisco.



The country's economy is declining.

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gather data (v. phr.)

gather evidence (v. phr.) geologist (n) geology (n) have a breakthrough (v. phr.)

identify a problem (v. phr.) law (n)

lawyer (n)

make a hypothesis (v.)

prove a theory (v) prove information (v)

B2 Upper Intermediate

life in a country, area, or period also: an economic system It is the activity that consists of collecting information within a certain context. Is the action of collecting, assembling or storing evidence for some purpose. A person who studies or a specialist in geology Is the study of the Earth's structure, surface, and origins. Refers to the act and result of moving forward: moving forward; anticipating, increasing or improving something. Is to realize that there is some fault and that we can give you a solution. The area of knowledge or work that involves studying or working with the law Someone whose job is to give advice to people about the law and speak for them in court: It is making the explanation of some phenomenon or problem that can be corroborated by observation or experimentation. It is checking through a scientific test a scientific theory or a hypothesis. To establish or demonstrate the truth or validity of information; verify, esp. by using an established sequence of procedures or statements.


Reunir los datos / Recopilar los datos

We have been able to gather data, so the report is ready.

Reunir pruebas

I have already gathered the evidence necessary to go to court. It may be prudent to seek the opinion of a geologist. Today we will meet the new professor of geology Students have a breakthrough on their projects

Geólogo Geología Tener un gran avance

Identificar un problema Derecho

Despite all the effort, they still can' t identify the problem in their research. The law school will have a fair today.


He comes from a family of lawyers, so it is possible that he is one too.

Hacer una hipótesis

In order to make a hypothesis a certain, evidences should be derived through observations or experiments.

Probar una teoría

We will continue to investigate until we find the data to prove this theory. Before using it, test if the information is correct, it could be non-scientifically valid data.

Probar la información

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psychologist (n)

psychology (n) publish the results (v. phr.)

reach a conclusion (v. phr.)

reach a decision (v. phr.)

Opposite adjectives acceptable (adj) unacceptable (adj) believable (adj) unbelievable (adj)

controversial (adj)

uncontroversial (adj)

A person who specializes in the study of mind and behavior or in the treatment of mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders: a specialist in psychology Is the scientific study of the human mind and the reasons for people's behaviour. Is produce and issue the results (printed matter) for publication.

Psicólogo / Psicóloga

If you still feel really tired, you might go to see a psychologist.


To arrive at an agreement, especially after spending a long time or a lot of effort treating it. To arrive a choice that you make about something after thinking about several possibilities.

Llegar a una conclusión

Three years ago, my aunt completed a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology. This week the university will publish the results of the winners of the research competition. Before reaching a conclusion, we must analyze all the hypothesis.

English definition Activities and situations are those that most people approve of or consider to be normal. Too bad to be accepted, approved of, or allowed to continue Something that is believable makes you think that it could be true or real. If you say that something is unbelievable, you are emphasizing that it is very good, impressive, intense, or extreme. If you describe something or someone as controversial, you mean that they are the subject of intense public argument, disagreement, or disapproval. Not inspiring or causing controversy

B2 Upper Intermediate


Publicar los resultados

Llegar a una decisión

Translation Aceptable / Admisible Inaceptable / Inadmisible Creíble Increíble / inverosímil



You should meet and talk before reaching a final decision.

Example sentence The type of behavior of these students isn't acceptable at this institution. It is unacceptable to be late for work every day. He is a good impostor; his lies are really credible. It is incredible that we have not yet arrived at the airport, we will miss the flight. Politics and religion are very controversial issues.

This means that half of the amendments

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desirable (adj)

Deseables / Conveniente

undesirable (adj)

Something that is desirable is worth having or doing because it is useful, necessary, or popular. Not wanted, approved of, or popular:

imaginable (adj)

Possible, or able to be imagined

Imaginable / Concebible

unimaginable (adj)

Is difficult to imagine or understand properly, because it is not part of people's normal experience. If someone or something is impressive, you admire or respect it, usually because it is special, important, or very large. If you describe someone or something as unimpressive, you mean they appear very ordinary, without any special or exciting qualities. Is used to describe things that relate to the law. Not allowed by law

Inimaginable / Impensable

To have control and authority over something or someone and the duty of taking care of it, him, or her Not thinking enough or not worrying about the possible results of what you do Good or good enough for a particular need or purpose If you describe something as unsatisfactory, you mean that it is not as good as it should be, and cannot be considered acceptable.

Responsable / Comprometido

impressive (adj)

unimpressive (adj)

legal (adj) illegal (adj) responsible (adj)

irresponsible (adj) satisfactory (adj) unsatisfactory (adj)

B2 Upper Intermediate



are totally uncontroversial She is young, desirable, from a good family and clearly well educated. Unfortunately, they were all in an undesirable position. The chances of something like this happening are beyond anything imaginable. There was an unimaginable amount of garbage in such a small place

Impresiónate / Espectacular

It's the most impressive thing I've ever seen.

Poco Impresionante / Insignificante

It is perhaps the most unimpressive thing in the world.

Legal Ilegal

It isn't legal to sell beer to minors. The government knows it is illegal; but it did nothing about it. I’m solely responsible for my actions.

Irresponsable Satisfactorio / Suficiente Insatisfactorio

It is irresponsible not to submit homework on time. The opinions about the post are not very satisfactory. Despite his efforts his work had an unsatisfactory outcome.

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Sleep doze off (v. phr.)

Translation Dormitar / Adormecerse

fall asleep (v. phr.)

English definition Sleep lightly or intermittently, especially during the day. To start to sleep.

keep someone awake (v. phr.)

To prevent someone from sleeping:

oversleep (v)

To sleep for longer than you intended to and so wake up late Means being able to get enough sleep on a regular basis because of physical or mental problems. To sleep until later in the morning than you usually do. To get out of bed and walk around while you are sleeping

Desvelarse / Mantener a alguien despierto Dormir excesivamente / Dormir de mas Privado de sueño

sleep-deprived (adj)

sleep in (v. phr.) sleepwalk (v)

Dormirse / Quedarse dormido

Dormir hasta tarde Sonambulismo

sleepy (adj)

Tired and wanting to sleep

Somnoliento / Somnolienta

snore (v)

When someone who is asleep snores, they make a loud noise each time they breathe. Not go to sleep


stay awake (v. phr.) take a nap (v. phr.) yawn (v)

B2 Upper Intermediate

Permanecer despierto / Quedarse despierto. Tomar una siesta

Sleep for a short period of time, have a light sleep If you yawn, you open your mouth very wide and breathe in more air than usual, often when you are tired or when you are not interested in something.



Example sentence Mirka seemed to doze off during the class There was an explosion when she almost fell asleep They plan to keep everybody awake in order to finish the TV series. I'll set the alarm so I don't oversleep. If you don't sleep enough or are sleep-deprived, your body is going to pay. I don't usually sleep in, even on weekends. The fact that sleepwalking was also proof that sometimes one or more personalities lived in the same mind. Every morning I go sleepily to the kitchen and eat breakfast. He put his head back on his pillow and started to snore. I can't stay awake any longer. I'm going to bed. I will do my homework after taking a nap. I was so tired that I made a great effort not to yawn

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