Used to - Would - Exercise 3.pdf

Exercise 3 Fill the gaps with either used to or would and the correct form of the verb in parenthesis. 1. I __________

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Exercise 3 Fill the gaps with either used to or would and the correct form of the verb in parenthesis.

1. I __________ (be) very shy. Whenever a stranger came to our house, I __________ (hide) in a closet. 2. I remember my aunt Susan very well.

Every time she came to our house, she

___________ (give) me a big kiss and pinch my cheek. 3. Illiteracy is still a problem in my country, but it ______________ (be) much worse. 4. I ___________ (be) afraid of flying. My heart ____________ (start) pounding every time I stepped on a plane. But now I’m used to flying and enjoy it.

Add an appropriate form of be if necessary. If no form of be is necessary, write Ø in the blank. 5. On rainy day my children find it boring to play at the home.

They _____ used to playing

outside in the big field near our house. They play there almost every day. 6. A teacher _____ used to answering questions. 7. People _____ used to believe the world was flat. 8. Mrs. Hansen _____ used to do all of the laundry and cooking for her family. Now the children are older so the whole family shares the household chores. 9. Trains _____ used to be the main means of cross-continental travel. Today, most people take airplanes for long-distance travel. 10. Ms Stanton’s job requires her to travel extensively throughout the world. She _____ used to traveling by plane. 11. You and I are from different cultures. You _____ used to having fish for breakfast. I _____ used to having cheese and bread for breakfast.