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I'm feeling a b (it) bored in my job these days.  Even though I have to work long hours, I'm enjoying my job m (ore) t (han) e (ver).  Jess is earning e (ven) more money in her new job. She'll be a millionaire soon!  My company provides lunchtime yoga classes. They're q (uite) relaxing!  I work in sales and I get a commission, so t (he) m (ore) I sell, t (he) m (ore) I earn.  I'm m (uch) happier since I started working in the hospital. since started to the gym. a lot going healthier I I feel (I feel a lot healthier since I started going to the gym.) The one. more to run I read about more the marathons, I want (The more I read about marathons, the more I want to run one.) of expected. The results my health check than were much better (The results of my health check were much better than expected.) desk. much a more energetic I started using since standing I feel (I feel much more energetic since I started using a standing desk.) instructor I as job was ever had. a ski have easily the best Working (Working as a ski instructor was easily the best job I have ever had.) is all day way at a desk damaging more than smoking. your health sitting Some say for (Some say sitting at a desk all day is way more damaging for your health than smoking.)

DAVID: I started using my new standing desk this week. SASCH A:

Ooh, how's it going?

DAVID: So far, I love it. At the moment, I sit down in the morning and stand up in the afternoon. It's (much) less tiring than I thought it would be, so I might try standing up (a little) more next week. SASCH A:

I'm jealous! My company would never buy us standing desks. They're  (far) too mean! I'd love to try one. I really think it would help with my posture.

DAVID: It does! I've noticed that my neck and shoulders are (a lot) less painful after a long day in front of the screen. It's like (the more) I stand up, (the better) I feel. SASCH A:

And I bet your legs will get stronger too, with all that standing.

DAVID: Yes, that's the best part (of all). Standing up for just a few hours a day should improve my strength, as well as my cardio-vascular health. It's a win-win! c (creative) a (administrative) p (people) p (practical) h (helping) t (technical)