Unit 9 Test PDF

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Comenzado el Estado Finalizado en Tiempo empleado Puntos Calificación Pregunta 1




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viernes, 10 de julio de 2020, 20:00 Finalizado viernes, 10 de julio de 2020, 20:59 59 minutos 33 segundos 15,3/26,0 1,2 de 2,0 (59%)

You will hear eight short sentences. For each one, choose the best reply. You will hear each sentence twice.

Parcialmente correcta

0:00 / 0:00

Puntúa 0,3 sobre 1,0

1 A Sorry to hear that.

B Don’t worry about it.

C I’m afraid she’s not available.

2 A Speak to you soon.

B It's Claire here.

C Well, I'm a bit busy.

A Has he got your number?

B Can you tell him I called?

C I’m afraid he’s not available.


4 A We really must go.

B That's great news.

C Speak to you soon.

5 A I’ll just put you through.

B Has she got your number?

C Speak to you soon.

6 A No problem.

B See you tomorrow.

C I'll ask him to call you.

7 A Nice to meet you.

B Yes?

C I'll just check.

8 A This is Ali Marshall speaking.

Pregunta 2 Incorrecta Puntúa 0,0 sobre 1,0

Pregunta 3 Correcta Puntúa 1,0 sobre 1,0

Pregunta 4 Correcta Puntúa 1,0 sobre 1,0

B My name's Jason, nice to meet you.

C I'll put you through now

Choose the correct option. He ... this book if he ... it. enjoys-will read

will enjoy-reads

will enjoy-will read

Choose the correct option.

    If we ... him tomorrow, we ... hello. meet-will say

will meet-will say


Choose the correct option.  If you ... coffee at night, you ... drink-will sleep

will drink-will sleep

drink-won’t sleep

? /

Pregunta 5

Choose the correct option.

Correcta Puntúa 1,0 sobre

 I’ve planned  to study

 in the library because it is more peaceful.





Pregunta 6

Choose the correct option.

Correcta Puntúa 1,0 sobre

 If I   get

 good grades in the exam, my parents will feel calmer.



Pregunta 7

Choose the correct option.

Correcta Puntúa 1,0 sobre

Miguel enjoys  talking

 about his career progress and projects.






Pregunta 8

Choose the correct option.

Incorrecta Puntúa 0,0

     If we  don’t choose

 a career soon, our parents will be angrier.              

sobre 1,0



Pregunta 9

Choose the correct option.

Correcta Puntúa 1,0 sobre

  Jack doesn’t mind  working

 with children in his school classes.



Pregunta 10 Incorrecta Puntúa 0,0

Read the sentences about studying. What are the missing words? The first letter is already there. There is one space for each word. My little brother hates school and he r ecommended

to do his homework!

sobre 1,0

Pregunta 11

Read the sentences about studying. What are the missing words? The first letter is already there. There is one space for each word.

Incorrecta Puntúa 0,0

Alice studied e ngineer

at university and now she's building bridges in Germany.

sobre 1,0

Pregunta 12 Correcta Puntúa 1,0 sobre

Read the sentences about studying. What are the missing words? The first letter is already there. There is one space for each word. I'm going to study e ducation

at university because I want to become a teacher.


Pregunta 13

Read the sentences about studying. What are the missing words? The first letter is already there. There is one space for each word.

Correcta Puntúa 1,0 sobre

He wants to become a teacher, so he’s going to study e ducation

for three years.


Pregunta 14 Incorrecta Puntúa 0,0 sobre 1,0

Read the sentences about studying. What are the missing words? The first letter is already there. There is one space for each word. A lot of people d ecide

studying maths, but Catherine really enjoys it.



Pregunta 15 Incorrecta Puntúa 0,0 sobre 1,0

Read the sentences about studying. What are the missing words? The first letter is already there. There is one space for each word.  I don’t r evise

studying late at night – you’ll be too tired.




Pregunta 16

Read the sentences about studying. What are the missing words? The first letter is already there. There is one space for each word.

Correcta Puntúa 1,0 sobre

Salvador’s studying m edicine

because he wants to become a doctor.


Pregunta 17

Read the sentences about studying. What are the missing words? The first letter is already there. There is one space for each word.

Correcta Puntúa 1,0 sobre 1,0

I studied e ngineering

for four years, and now I design and build bridges all over

the world.  



Pregunta 18

Read the sentences about studying. Choose the missing word for each space.

Incorrecta Puntúa 0,0

Sorry, I’m  taking

for my exams, so I can't meet you this evening.

sobre 1,0





Pregunta 19

Read the sentences about studying. Choose the missing word for each space.

Correcta Puntúa 1,0 sobre

 If he doesn't work hard, he might  fail

his university exams.


Pregunta 20

Read the sentences about studying. Choose the missing word for each space.

Correcta Puntúa 1,0 sobre

It can be hard to  get

a place at a top university.



Pregunta 21

Read the sentences about studying. Choose the missing word for each space.

Incorrecta Puntúa 0,0

 Penny’s very kind – she has  recommended

to lend me her computer this afternoon.

sobre 1,0



Pregunta 22

Read the sentences about studying. Choose the missing word for each space.

Correcta Puntúa 1,0 sobre

Do you regret

not finishing university?





Pregunta 23

Read the sentences about studying. Choose the missing word for each space.

Correcta Puntúa 1,0 sobre

This teacher  seems

to be more friendly than the one we had before.




Pregunta 24

Read the sentences about studying. Choose the missing word for each space.

Correcta Puntúa 1,0 sobre

It was a huge amount of work, and that’s why Sven didn’t  manage

to complete it.



Pregunta 25

Read the sentences about studying. Choose the missing word for each space.

Incorrecta Puntúa 0,0

 I’d love to go to university next year, so I hope I get a  degree


sobre 1,0

Pregunta 26 Sin contestar Puntúa como 1,0

READING Read the email about Barbara's plans for the future. Choose the best answer for each space. Email to Lee Hi Lee, Hope you're well. I'm sorry I haven't written for a few weeks, but I'm very busy revising for my exams at the moment. If (25) them all, I'll get a place at university! I'd like to do a degree in art. I love painting and drawing, and can't imagine (26) She seems (28)

anything else! My mother often asks me, 'What kind of job (27)

get if you do a degree in art?'

I should study something more useful, but I'm sure I'll manage (29)

a job after

university. My brother's studying engineering, and he's working hard at the moment too. If (30) exciting job abroad. Of course I'll be pleased for him, but I'll miss (31)

How are your family? I'm sure that even if (32)

lucky, he'll get an time with him.

come to Edinburgh this year, you'll be able to visit one day. That'll

be so great! Write soon, Barbara

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