Unit 7 Written quiz: ______ /50 points

Unit 7 Written quiz A Name: __________________________ Total Score Date: __________________________ ______ /50 points

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Unit 7 Written quiz A

Name: __________________________ Total Score Date: __________________________

______ /50 points

Listen to John talk about four friends. Circle the correct answer. 1. Richard is a friend who ______________ .

3. Steve is a person who ______________ .

a. John met in class

a. likes music and sports

b. learns languages easily

b. John has known a long time

c. teaches at a college

c. wants to get married

2. Sherrie is an old friend who ______________ .

4. Carol is someone who ______________ .

a. never finished college

a. is a lot like John

b. has a part-time job

b. married John’s brother

c. has two children

c. John used to date A _______ /8 points (2 points each)


Circle the correct relative pronoun for each sentence. Can you leave out the pronoun? Circle Yes or No for each sentence. Can you leave out the pronoun? 1. Last week I saw someone which / that I used to date in college.



2. I have two high school friends who / which still call me sometimes.



3. I joined a club which / who organizes activities for single people.



4. Paul is the guy who / which I went traveling with last summer.



5. I’m taking a class which / who my friend Janet told me about.



6. I used to be in a relationship that / who made me very unhappy.


No B _______ /12 points (2 points each)


Rewrite each sentence using the correct form of a phrasal verb from the box. Use each verb only once. There is one extra phrasal verb. break up

go out

hang out

go away

grow up

settle down

turn out

1. My sister is always spending time at the mall. _______________________________________________________ 2. My date ended well. _______________________________________________________ 3. My friends have dated for a while. _______________________________________________________ 4. My cousin and I spent our childhood together. _______________________________________________________ 5. My brother wants to get married. _______________________________________________________ 6. My brother and his girlfriend stopped dating. _______________________________________________________ C _______ /12 points (2 points each)

Touchstone 3 © Cambridge University Press 2014


Unit 7 Written quiz



Complete the comments using the expressions in parentheses to make them softer. 1. My boyfriend never wants to go out. _______________________________________________________ shy. (I guess / a little bit) 2. I haven’t heard from you all week. _______________________________________________________ busy these days. (probably / kind of) 3. One of our classmates wears really strange clothes. _______________________________________________________ artistic. (maybe / just) 4. My brother is looking tired these days. _______________________________________________________ stressed out. (I think / sort of) D _______ /8 points (2 points each)


Read the advice column. Then circle the five statements that Sophie would agree with.

a. Megan should try to make her long-distance relationship work. b. Long-distance relationships never work out. c. These days, people are too busy to stay in touch. d. There are good things about long-distance relationships. e. People in long-distance relationships often have a better time when they are together. f. You can’t learn a lot about someone’s feelings from a long-distance relationship. g. It can be good for people in a relationship to be apart for a while. h. If you can’t spend very much time with your partner, you should break up. i. It’s important that people in a long-distance relationship talk to their partners about their expectations. E _______ /10 points (2 points each)

Touchstone 3 © Cambridge University Press 2014


Unit 7 Written quiz