Unit 4 - Lesson A

Family obligations Jeff - When I was young, my parents never let me watch TV. Paul - Really? Why not? Jeff - They wante

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Family obligations

Jeff - When I was young, my parents never let me watch TV. Paul - Really? Why not? Jeff - They wanted me to read books and think about the stories

Paul - My parents were pretty easygoing about watching TV. Jeff - What do you mean? Paul - Well, they just made me do my homework first. Then I could watch all the TV I wanted.

Liz - I heard you broke your arm. What happened? Kaya - My grandmother asked me to change the lightbulb in the ceiling fan. I lost my balance and fell off a ladder. Liz - Ouch! What did your doctor say? Kaya - He told me to stay home for a week. Liz - Yeah. And you should get someone to help you next time.

Kyle - I hate Mondays! Naomi - Me too. They're the worst. Kyle - Yeah, Monday is when my mom has me clean the entire house. Naomi - Really? By yourself? My brother always helps me do my chores. Well, my little sister never helps. My mom just lets her play video games all day! Naomi - That's not fair!

Gripes - Unit 4 Gripes and Grumbles - Workbook Online

Complete the sentences with the words in parentheses and the object me.

My brother loves anchovies. He can't get me to try one . ( get / me / try one)

My father is pretty strict. He always has me come home early (have / me / come home early).

My parents want me to be a pianist. They make me practice every day (make / me / practice every day).

My sister is always watching TV. She never lets me have the remote (let / me / have the remote).

My daughter is always on her cell phone. She always wants me to pay the bill (want / me / pay the bill)

My parents never have enough time to cook. They often ask me to prepare the dinner (ask / me / prepare the dinner).

My kids don't like to clean. They rarely help me wash the dishes (help / me / wash the dishes).

My grandfather can't hear very well. He always tells me to speak louder (tell / me / speak louder).

About you (A) - Workbook Online

Look at the verbs used after let, make, have, get, want, ask, tell and help. Decide which sentences are correct. Correct the other sentences.

My parents want me to go to a really competitive college. = correct.

My best friend often asks me to check her math homework. = correct.

Our English teacher sometimes has us to write long essays. = incorrect.

I always tell my friend call at any time. = incorrect.

I can't get my family members to agree about anything! = correct.

Parents shouldn't let their kids to stay out too late. = incorrect.

My friends sometimes help me buy clothes. = correct.

I can't make my parents to buy me a computer. = incorrect.