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FEB 11 Vitriol of Saturn from Vlad Vitriol of Saturn - Forums This comes from another alchemy list that is now closed

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Vitriol of Saturn from Vlad Vitriol of Saturn - Forums This comes from another alchemy list that is now closed and deleted. I saved some interesting posts. --Greetings I would like somebody to try a experiment to confirm some results I got. Take Nitric acid commercial is ok, add salt peter, Ammonia chloride, heat . The color should change from clear to yellow . Should be a form of aqua regia which dissolves gold . Now put in copper and gold digest completely solution should be lime green. Boil down to thick syrup not dry. -Add sulfuric acid . Boil down again to syrup add sulfuric acid again. At this stage there was a small pop and the copper changed to gold and the gold dropped as a metallic. Wash with distilled water add salt peter and melt in crucible. To confirm copper changed to gold place the cooled gold nugget in Nitric. If it turns Blue your copper is still copper if clear and your gold is at the bottom you had a transmutation my end result was about 100 times greater gold quantity than I started with. End of that experiment I did this in a open test tube so some of the copper could have gone up in smoke. Ill use a distilling device and exact measurements next I noticed something else . Several months ago I explained a process of separating a black salt from copper resulting in a small quantity of gold. Today I got the reverse . I put gold into solution then dropped it into stannous chloride. ( Tin in Hcl ) . The solution turned to a black oil after heating my pure gold turned into copper and gold. The gold was in the form of a black to dark brown precipitated salt combined with some of the tin. the copper was metallic. This was also done in a open test tube. I had no copper in this solution at all in the begging . I was using CP grade tin and pure gold. I consider both of these to be very important anyone having the Rosicrucian Secrets, and Use of Lullys Spirit of Wine. Should also if you have tried many of the Recipes. Strength and Wisdom Terry Greetings All brothers in art This is a most fortunate day for you all. For my excitement is going to bless all of you . What is one to do to become an adept perhaps transmute a thousand fold of one metal to another . I don't know, or perhaps come up with a path of there own not found in books . Both of these I have done this day. First I wish to give thanks to the Creator for letting my eyes see such a sight. Second as a tithe I wish to share some of it with you all. What you see in these pictures are the step by step process done in less than 1 hour for the preparatory work and less than 17 hours for completion. They say a picture is worth a thousand words. You be the judge. In

the picture where you see a dime , & gold in a test tube, just to the left you will find 3 items in the shape of a happy face the smile is a large peace of lead, the left eye is a small peace of gold , the right eye is a small peace of copper. What is in the test tube is what I changed the happy face to. All required is before your eyes except my solvent. No high temp furnace was used. Hear is what I want from you for sharing this. If any of you can tell me what astrological information occurred last night 10 - 4-2002 3:00 pm till this morning 10 -5-2002 . 8:00 am . That is when this was made. I would like to know all you can tell me its very important. I have noticed the moon has great affects on my work. I'm not into astrology but I have seen some things that make me think the process is improved by these things . To the one who gives me the most information I will share more information about my process not found in any book. But you must reply by tomorrow. I will share every detail of this process with a few of you. Those I think worthy, and that I think can do the work. So the path is not lost . To any adept lurking if you know of good reason for me to remain silent perhaps this would be a good time to speak up. I am going away for a few weeks to give thanks to our creator and think of how I may use this new knowledge, and get supplies. So I will not be able to reply after a few days for at least 3 weeks. Please think me not a fool for my great charity to you all nor a bragger, nor a lyre. I just want you all to know that the great labor is not a foolish one. I would call your attention to the testube. Look closely you will see it is as one melted peace yet no furnace was used. if I had used one , the testube would have melted with the gold. If you look even closer you will see the residue that was not transmuted in 3 colors around the gold, - green , brown, and white . They are visible in the testube on the gold but you must look closely . I'm sure some of you will have many questions don't push me or I will leave. Don't hound me or I will leave . I'm going to choose some of you to share this with. Let me know if your even interested in my process. Also what you will do with this information should I share it with you? That I may choose among you brothers in art. I would like to name this process any ideas based on what you see before you in the pictures ? Strength and Wisdom Terry








Yesterday I sent some pics of some of my work. Today I ran another batch of the same just larger quantities. All results were the same . I got a few more pictures in the embryo stage look closely. I also had a dream about this process and named it "Vitriol of Saturn " So till a better name comes along that is what I'll call it. Please put this name in the Subject line for any comments. I also ran some tests on yesterdays smiley face material. I did a 14 caret and 24 caret test . The results were better than 24 caret in all tests if that is possible. Compared to a .999 pure Sun. What I mean is it took longer to react than the .999 source did. It does nothing in Nitric, Nothing in HCl , Nothing in cold Aqua regia, warm Aqua Regia it separates but does not

dissolve, In hot Aqua Regia it dissolves . Purple on the stannous chloride spot test which is also a 24 caret test. Both a Quantitative and Qualitative test Please keep this info in the Workers forum. Discretion is advisable. Read closely all I say about this subject I will no longer speak openly about it. But my intent is to share it with you true workers. Every word will have meaning so look closely. Hidden within this text is a great secret and key to the work Don't be offended by my secrecy I think it necessary after contemplation and counsel from a friend I will share what I feel I can and give clues to the rest Strength

















Hear are some more pictures of the finished product of the last work I did . The conclusion of the embryo stage. My second batch of the smiley face, in much greater quantity . I used a much larger test tube. Please notice the residue that did not change. The pictures speak volumes by them self's. I have found references to some of this work in the book Lullys book Spirit of Wine. But I have to many tests to do to read it. Ill keep you informed under this subject name. It made reference to it not being the philosophers stone but very close . A branch off the right path to it. Strength




The forum was Rubellus his workers list, and they chased Terry off the forum so to say. Nobody or almost nobody (at least not publicly) believed him and they even as far as I recall threatened him. I think his process was true and real. The key seems to be in producing the lime green solution of gold. Közzétéve ennyi ideje: 11th February 2009

Vitriol of Saturn This comes from another alchemy list that is now closed and deleted. I saved some interesting posts.

--Greetings I would like somebody to try a experiment to confirm some results I got. Take Nitric acid commercial is ok, add salt peter, Ammonia chloride, heat . The color should change from clear to yellow . Should be a form of aqua regia which dissolves gold . Now put in copper and gold digest completely solution should be lime green. Boil down to thick syrup not dry. -Add sulfuric acid . Boil down again to syrup add sulfuric acid again. At this stage there was a small pop and the copper changed to gold and the gold dropped as a metallic. Wash with distilled water add salt peter and melt in crucible. To confirm copper changed to gold place the cooled gold nugget in Nitric. If it turns Blue your copper is still copper if clear and your gold is at the bottom you had a transmutation my end result was about 100 times greater gold quantity than I started with. End of that experiment I did this in a open test tube so some of the copper could have gone up in smoke. Ill use a distilling device and exact measurements next I noticed something else . Several months ago I explained a process of separating a black salt from copper resulting in a small quantity of gold. Today I got the reverse . I put gold into solution then dropped it into stannous chloride. ( Tin in Hcl ) . The solution turned to a black oil after heating my pure gold turned into copper and gold. The gold was in the form of a black to dark brown precipitated salt combined with some of the tin. the copper was metallic. This was also done in a open test tube. I had no copper in this solution at all in the begging . I was using CP grade tin and pure gold. I consider both of these to be very important anyone having the Rosicrucian Secrets, and Use of Lullys Spirit of Wine. Should also if you have tried many of the Recipes. Strength and Wisdom Terry Greetings All brothers in art This is a most fortunate day for you all. For my excitement is going to bless all of you . What is one to do to become an adept perhaps transmute a thousand fold of one metal to another . I don't know, or perhaps come up with a path of there own not found in books . Both of these I have done this day. First I wish to give thanks to the Creator for letting my eyes see such a sight. Second as a tithe I wish to share some of it with you all. What you see in these pictures are the step by step process done in less than 1 hour for the preparatory work and less than 17 hours for completion. They say a picture is worth a thousand words. You be the judge. In the picture where you see a dime , & gold in a test tube, just to the left you will find 3 items in the shape of a happy face the smile is a large peace of lead, the left eye is a small peace of gold , the right eye is a small peace of copper. What is in the test tube is what I changed the happy face to. All required is before your eyes except my solvent. No high temp furnace was used. Hear is what I want from you for sharing this. If any of you can tell me what astrological information occurred last night 10 - 4-2002 3:00 pm till this morning 10 5-2002 . 8:00 am . That is when this was made. I would like to know all you can tell me its very important. I have noticed the moon has great affects on my work. I'm not

into astrology but I have seen some things that make me think the process is improved by these things . To the one who gives me the most information I will share more information about my process not found in any book. But you must reply by tomorrow. I will share every detail of this process with a few of you. Those I think worthy, and that I think can do the work. So the path is not lost . To any adept lurking if you know of good reason for me to remain silent perhaps this would be a good time to speak up. I am going away for a few weeks to give thanks to our creator and think of how I may use this new knowledge, and get supplies. So I will not be able to reply after a few days for at least 3 weeks. Please think me not a fool for my great charity to you all nor a bragger, nor a lyre. I just want you all to know that the great labor is not a foolish one. I would call your attention to the testube. Look closely you will see it is as one melted peace yet no furnace was used. if I had used one , the testube would have melted with the gold. If you look even closer you will see the residue that was not transmuted in 3 colors around the gold, - green , brown, and white . They are visible in the testube on the gold but you must look closely . I'm sure some of you will have many questions don't push me or I will leave. Don't hound me or I will leave . I'm going to choose some of you to share this with. Let me know if your even interested in my process. Also what you will do with this information should I share it with you? That I may choose among you brothers in art. I would like to name this process any ideas based on what you see before you in the pictures ? Strength and Wisdom Terry

More on the process. --Greetings all Yesterday I sent some pics of some of my work. Today I ran another batch of the same just larger quantities. All results were the same . I got a few more pictures in the embryo stage look closely. I also had a dream about this process and named it "Vitriol of Saturn " So till a better name comes along that is what I'll call it. Please put this name in the Subject line for any comments. I also ran some tests on yesterdays smiley face material. I did a 14 caret and 24 caret test . The results were better than 24 caret in all tests if that is possible. Compared to a .999 pure Sun. What I mean is it took longer to react than the .999 source did. It does nothing in Nitric, Nothing in HCl , Nothing in cold Aqua regia, warm Aqua Regia it separates but does not dissolve, In hot Aqua Regia it dissolves . Purple on the stannous chloride spot test which is also a 24 caret test. Both a Quantitative and Qualitative test Please keep this info in the Workers forum. Discretion is advisable. Read closely all I say about this subject I will no longer speak openly about it. But my intent is to share it with you true workers. Every word will have meaning so look closely. Hidden within this text is a great secret and key to the work Don't be offended by my secrecy I think it necessary after contemplation and counsel

from a friend I will share what I feel I can and give clues to the rest Strength and Wisdom of Solomon now Terry.

n the process and more pictures. --Greetings all Hear are some more pictures of the finished product of the last work I did . The conclusion of the embryo stage. My second batch of the smiley face, in much greater quantity . I used a much larger test tube. Please notice the residue that did not change. The pictures speak volumes by them self's. I have found references to some of this work in the book Lullys book Spirit of Wine. But I have to many tests to do to read it. Ill keep you informed under this subject name. It made reference to it not being the philosophers stone but very close . A branch off the right path to it. Strength and Wisdom Terry -

Take Nitric acid commercial is ok, add salt peter, Ammonia chloride, heat. The color should change from clear to yellow. Should be a form of aqua regia which dissolves gold . Now put in copper and gold digest completely solution should be lime green. Boil down to thick syrup not dry. -Add sulfuric acid . Boil down again to syrup add sulfuric acid again. At this stage there was a small pop and the copper changed to gold and the gold dropped as a metallic. I think Terry uses this same process in his second experiment with lead, copper, and gold. Maybe his secret solvent is the same as this one? Was the pop related to the salt peter igniting?

I have no idea about the pop, but I tried his dissolution and it didn't yield the lime green solution, rather another translucent green. I didn't try the sulfuric acid boildowns however. Terry disappeared off the net without trace. He did tell me some things about his medicines he made though. He said one time he was thinking about a house he didn't like being in that place, and that very soon after, it got taken down by a fire. He said things like this, seemingly 'manifesting thoughts' seemed to happen more often, that he noticed that. Now that can be subjective, and open to discussion. But people on the ormus email lists claim ormus does the same rhing, and Barry Carter claims true energetically charged monoatomic gold does the

same thing: rapidly manifesting thoughts and desires. I personally don't know but I know Terry said his processes and results seeemd to match closely the ormes and monoatomics work and results. And Terry worked traditional alchemy and actually posted results. The list got closed, most posts weren't that interesting and more about the old antimony and lead acetate path. My attempt at this method is curious. I don't think I got the "pop". But I left this sitting and some interesting things have developed. The stainless vessel I have it in has been penetrated. Little pores appeared on the outsides which some reddish-brown matter has flourished like mushrooms on a log, but tiny. The vessel splits where these pores appear, so you can see the seams from how the metal was put together, which I wouldn't have guessed otherwise. Then it drips from the bottom too, so I have to keep it in a glass. The colors inside are interesting - a nice layer of red salt floating on top of the acids. Any recommendations on how to go about determining what this salt is? I just finished both sulfuric acid boil downs for my small scale experiment. This one was roughly 1/3rd to scale. I wanted to get a feel for what would happen (if anything). The experiment failed, and the results were nothing like Terry experienced. I'm not sure how far Terry boiled his down, but mine always had a few ml of acid left over (roughly 35% of the starting volume). This small amount of liquid was probably +95% sulfuric acid. The salts precipitated out of solution, and that's all. I decided to modify my aqua regia since my small test experiment was a failure. I added a small to moderate amount of potash. It's possible that the potassium Terry used in this philosophical aqua regia does play a key role. That's really the only thing that differs from my aqua regia other than different starting materials, but this shouldn't matter. I'll probably also add an excess amount of ammonium nitrate after I reduce the liquid 1/2 of the total volume. It's also possible my own philosophic aqua regia just won't cut it. So I'll have to distill some nitric acid. Then I should be able to replicate the experiment exactly as Terry describedCity of pyramids:

Author khalid

Message Post subject: Vitriol of Saturn by Terry Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 11:11 pm This is an old subject and would like to learn more about its true ingerdients and process.

The Immortal In ... turn/page3 item # 27 Aleilius wrote: Quote: After spending hours brainstorming over the process I think I've finally figured out what's happening. I'm going to keep this little secret to myself for a while until I'm able to test my theory. Not only that, but after understanding what's happening I was then able to stream the process. It should be much much easier.

Joined: Sat Mar 31, 2012 11:06 pm Posts: 83 khalid

How true is this process that Terry claimed his success of transmuation which he call vitriol of saturn? Are the ingredients he used common or philosophical? Post subject: Re: Vitriol of Saturn by Terry Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 3:13 pm I believe tow main keys are to be observed:

The Immortal

1- The aqua regia should be prepared to first become white then turn yellow. So the first key is yellow color of the aqua regia. 2- The second key is that once the gold and copper are dissolved in aqua regia, the color of the solution should be lime-green.

Joined: Sat Mar 31, 2012 11:06 pm Posts: 83 Post subject: Re: Vitriol of Saturn by Terry Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 9:34 am


Hi, The Immortal

No. it is not gold transmuted. It is only color on the surface. I experimented with Glauber’s formula (powdered coal + sea salt + iron vitriol) and distilled it. I poured the distillate on a Lead powder inside a glass tube resulted in an unfinished Lead garduated to gold specks/leafs stained on the glass tube wall but lost it when I shacked the tube! Alas.

Joined: Sat Mar 31, 2012 11:06 pm Posts: 83

Post subject: Re: Vitriol of Saturn by Terry Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 10:56 am


Monarcha Medicorum / CXP Forum Administrator

Interesting! I've read something in Welling's works about Saturn, Mars, and Copper being used together in a process to increase the copper to gold. Sounds a bit like the ingredients used here.

Joined: Sun Jun 28, 2009 5:42 pm Posts: 1892 Location: TX


Post subject: Re: Vitriol of Saturn by Terry Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 4:05 pm why not continue this front then if progress was made?

Artiste Philosopicus

Joined: Thu May 31, 2012 1:45 pm Posts: 90 Elias

Post subject: Re: Vitriol of Saturn by Terry Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 8:29 pm I personaly tryed this work "Vitriol of Saturn" and it worked perfectly for me every time. I also found a few secrets! My end

Artiste Philosopicus product was pure

Joined: Sat Aug 10, 2013 10:13 am Posts: 12


Post subject: Re: Vitriol of Saturn by Terry Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 8:40 pm The true ingredients were posted in pictures attached to this work

Artiste Philosopicus

with the weight of each. 24 hours start to finish.

The process took

Joined: Sat Aug 10, 2013 10:13 am Posts: 12


Artiste Philosopicus

Post subject: Re: Vitriol of Saturn by Terry Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 8:49 pm I can tell you for a fact it is a true process . 1000 fold . If you figured it out khalid What was your out come in the end ? Did you get 1000 times more than you started with as he did ? Could have

got an even better results if the

had been clean that was used.

Joined: Sat Aug 10, 2013 10:13 am Posts: 12


Post subject: Re: Vitriol of Saturn by Terry Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 7:18 pm Elias wrote: The true ingredients were posted in pictures attached to this work

Artiste Philosopicus with the weight of each. 24 hours start to finish.

The process took

You say he had the weights posted too? I never tried this because there was so much uncertainty. The ingredients, the weight ratios, the digestion temperatures, etc. I'm glad I never did now that you mention he completely left out something. He mentions lead but never says when to add it, and completely does not mention silver.

Joined: Fri Jan 25, 2013 6:38 pm So silver, lead, copper and gold. Posts: 74

Edit* Based on the post in AlchemyForums, there were never any weights or mentions of silver use. Just the photos of some lumps of greyish metal and some test tubes with colored liquids and a little heating lamp thing. I would like to give this method a shot if the missing data was available though.


Artiste Philosopicus

Post subject: Re: Vitriol of Saturn by Terry Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 6:48 am crestind wrote: Edit* Based on the post in AlchemyForums, there were never any weights or mentions of silver use. Just the photos of some lumps of greyish metal and some test tubes with colored liquids and a little heating lamp thing. I would like to give this method a shot if the missing data was available though.

agreed, we should push forward, I have made good fronts with this process myself so I can believe it holds something for us here..please Elias enlighten us a bit more to the workings of the process? in private or otherwise, thank you! Also big welcome to our little forum here

Joined: Thu May 31, 2012 1:45 pm Posts: 90 Elias

Artiste Philosopicus

Post subject: Re: Vitriol of Saturn by Terry Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 12:12 am Delphinny you said you had some good results and had ask about the quanity of silver used , it was a silver dime that is why the weight was not given . In a post test on the materials transmuted I find the silver completly changed . copper takes on a different form and some of the lead changes and some does not . The lead was not cleaned pryer to projection . Which I know helps ( take ammonia chloride to the lead first for better results) .

Joined: Sat Aug 10, 2013 10:13 am Posts: 12 delphinny

Post subject: Re: Vitriol of Saturn by Terry Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 6:39 pm Elias wrote: Delphinny you said you had some good results and had ask about

Artiste Philosopicus

the quanity of silver used , it was a silver dime that is why the weight was not given . In a post test on the materials transmuted I find the silver completly changed . copper takes on a different form and some of the lead changes and some does not . The lead was not cleaned pryer to projection . Which I know helps ( take ammonia chloride to the lead first for better results) .

Joined: Thu May 31, 2012 1:45 pm Posts: 90

Hi Elias, yes I had good results in a test tube, the top of the tube was covered in what looked like gold, I used .89 grams of salt peter and .85 grams of Ammonia chloride (50/50 weight ratio) and .10 grams of Au, let that dissolve first in some Nitric Acid (70%) and it immediately turned yellow, heated it some more until it dissolved, then I added 1 gram of Copper 99.9% pure, it turned lime green! and heated this down to a black syrup, the copper didnt all dissolve though so I kept getting green solution coming out of the stuff, maybe I needed more Nitric acid? Anyway then I saw the gold on the top of the test tube, I have pictures too if you like anyway I concluded that it needed more time to incubate and I kind of lost track of my research with it since my last experiment went by the wayside..sigh


Artiste Philosopicus

Joined: Sat Aug 10, 2013 10:13 am Posts: 12

Post subject: Re: Vitriol of Saturn by Terry Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 10:19 pm I would like to see your pics delphinny. You should try less copper and more silver , make sure all is in solution seperatly then combine


Artiste Philosopicus

Post subject: Re: Vitriol of Saturn by Terry Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 11:17 pm Elias wrote: I would like to see your pics delphinny. You should try less copper and more silver , make sure all is in solution seperatly then combine

Joined: Thu May 31, 2012 1:45 pm Posts: 90 delphinny

Artiste Philosopicus

Post subject: Re: Vitriol of Saturn by Terry Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 11:52 pm Elias wrote: I would like to see your pics delphinny. You should try less copper and more silver , make sure all is in solution seperatly then combine

This would make sense! then I would only be adding what ever dissolved and nothing more! ok can I replace the copper with silver entirely or do you mean make a 50/50 copper/silver alloy and dissolve that and use that solution? Also about incubation, do I incubate after or before I add the sulfuric acid? Thanks. I assume at the end one should be able to use this like a transmutation stone

Joined: Thu May 31, 2012 1:45 pm Posts: 90 Elias

Artiste Philosopicus

Joined: Sat Aug 10, 2013 10:13 am Posts: 12

Post subject: Re: Vitriol of Saturn by Terry Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2013 6:57 am Not 50/50 there is some good in copper but there is also some bad it is dirty like lead It has a blackness within and needs cleaning. Silver is a cleaner metal. In tests I ran on this after the transmutation it was the silver that all changed and was stable. 75 % of the lead changed and was stable , The copper was not stable . It changed to another form many years later. as did 25% of the lead. I believe it would have only needed alkalinity and high heat to stablize all but I was not part of the experiment at the time. What was most interesting about this work was what the real experiments were about that most of you may not have known. This was the target metal for changing and the BASE METAL but to hard The SOFTNESS was needed she offered COLOR ONLY reason for small quanity COLOR , DNA CRYSTAL STRUCTUR, Only a small amount was needed as seed to build upon Cooking brought it all together. Most glorious to watch go through stages of growth. Some of the most interesting work i have seen


Artiste Philosopicus

Post subject: Re: Vitriol of Saturn by Terry Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2013 7:20 am very good pics delphinny. I can see what went wrong by your pics . You used to much copper the blackness in your pic is the blackness of copper and it is not good. Lower its quanity increase the silver. All in solution first before putting together. same quanity of lead and silver. Keep this is mind the silver that was used was a silver dime age 1964 which has a small amount of copper in it. with the other small amount of copper added it was only still twice that of the gold in solution. which was a very small amount. The reason your gold was high was because it got wings. Turn your test tube sideways 45 deg very important, Like tying a rope around the leg of the keep him lower. nice job though you were closer than you know. The green color was not quite

Joined: Sat Aug 10, right either its more of a lime green 2013 10:13 am Posts: 12 Elias

Artiste Philosopicus

Post subject: Re: Vitriol of Saturn by Terry Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2013 7:28 am Another thing I can see your working outside but you really need a hood in the metal work its very dangerous , many bad fumes can kill you . If you do not have the money to buy one build one out of plywood , mount a blower above to suck the fumes out and pipe high and far away from you . A good test is take is to take acetic acid it has a strong smell . You should not be able to smell it at all. Stop all work till you do this. Not even

is worth dieing over.

Joined: Sat Aug 10, 2013 10:13 am Posts: 12 Elias

Post subject: Re: Vitriol of Saturn by Terry Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2013 7:43 am Look at the pics next to my name it is Terrys work. Study the pics

Artiste Philosopicus

well. Large amount of

Dime 1964 or older - keep in mind it

has a little copper in it. look at the

same size as the silver

very weighty, very small amount, very small amount. See the color of the lime green. Cook down to dry at a 45 degree angle . See the next pic All was transmuted to gold study the pic for days if you must . All YOU need is in the 4 pics near my name.

Joined: Sat Aug 10, 2013 10:13 am Posts: 12 Pelasgos

Post subject: Re: Vitriol of Saturn by Terry Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2013 3:03 pm khalid wrote: Hi Elias,

Artiste Practicus

Joined: Sat Jun 26, As I saw in the link u gave he used only aqua regia, gold and 2010 10:53 am copper. In which part of the procedure do we have to add lead or Posts: 144 silver?

Khalid: Hi Pelasgos, Please review Elias reply to Dilphiny you could figure it out I suppose. here are the The proportions I suppose we have to use is: Gold: 0,10 grams Copper: 0,25 grams Silver: 2,25 grams Lead: 2,25 grams Also notice the Sun rays on the green lime inside the test tube tilted at 45 degree to be fully exposed to the Sun rays. Question to Mr. Elias , what is the purpose of the glue pot? I would love Elias valuable comments . RDGS khalid khalid

Post subject: Re: Vitriol of Saturn by Terry Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 3:06 pm crestind wrote:

The Immortal

khalid, how did you reach the conclusion that those were the right proportions? Quote: The proportions I suppose we have to use is: Gold: 0,10 grams Copper: 0,25 grams Silver: 2,25 grams Lead: 2,25 grams

Joined: Sat Mar 31, My apology. These are suggestive that is way I said supposed, but 2012 11:06 pm could not be the right quantities to get the wished for result. One Posts: 89 of the main key is that the color of the solution should be lime green and this can be obtained by a proportionate qty of copper until you see the lime green. Picture is showing my attempt to get the color of Lime green. I feel it needs more attempts to get it right. I have not taken proper measurements just working on trial and error bases. crestind

Post subject: Re: Vitriol of Saturn by Terry Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 3:06 pm khalid, to my understanding, it is a little lamp used to melt glue (which delphinny identified).

Artiste Philosopicus I speculate part of the recipe involves a prolonged heating of the mixture to energize it somehow, before boiling down. This would explain why it takes 24 hours. Many alchemical paths also involve digestions, which are prolonged periods of heating. The melting lamp would explain this. Perhaps try what you did originally, but heat your solution before boil down?

Joined: Fri Jan 25, 2013 6:38 pm Posts: 79 Elias

Artiste Philosopicus

Post subject: Re: Vitriol of Saturn by Terry Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 9:57 am I Just got some new information on The Vitriol of Saturn process. A $ 50,000 dollar machine was used to do some non distructive tests . The results of the all the material that were involved in the

transmutation were very interesting . 100 % of the was transmuted to

in the mix

according to the test results . There was

not even the slightest trace of the

in the mix. Also interesting

is this there was a increase in the quanity of . Now this was not Terrys original work but a repeat confirmation of the work with good results.

Joined: Sat Aug 10, Let me start over with a little back ground the mix contained 2013 10:13 am origionaly Posts: 18 45 % 45 % 5% 5% The end result according to this $50, 000 x ray light spectromiter machine gave these results of all the percentages of materials that were Transmuted. This conclusivly proves in a completly different way not only one transmutation but at least 2 different transmutations and what did most of the work. I also know for a fact this was not properly cleaned makes me wonder what would have happened if it had been. 0% 33 % 16 % 50 % .8 % silicon where none was present .1 % Phosphorous where none was present .1 % Iron where none was present I would suggest doing a little math hear that your mind would be illuminated as mine was.

Notice the percentage of of the

missing is the same as the increase

also notice the increase of the

missing from the

is the same as that

. This speaks volumes to me.

The most interesting thing to me hear is that ALL THE % s were changed. and other eliments showed up in trace amounts when all was pure to begin with. What this says to me is this was the stone to the first order of eagles where Terrys original was most likely the stone of the 2 order of eagles which gave a greater result of the I would like to add some of the original transmutation material which I was given to test. Turned out to be 100 % pure 24 K by these same tests . To test and calibrate the machine a U S $5 dollar solid gold peace which was stamped .999 pure straight from the U. S. mint was also tested and showed to be of much lower quality by almost a full 25 % to my shock. These test results were also confirmed by 2 other wittneses. Checked ,double checked ,and triple checked All with the same results. All I can say after this is WOW Awesome work. The Truth after several years for all of you to see. Is now revealed. One thing I forgot to add for those that didn't know it a pre 1964 dime was used for the silver content at 2.5 grams not 100 % pure silver it contained a little copper for those that didnt know it. Strength and Wisdom Elias Elias

Artiste Philosopicus

Joined: Sat Aug 10, 2013 10:13 am Posts: 18 Elias

Artiste Philosopicus

Joined: Sat Aug 10, 2013 10:13 am Posts: 18 khalid

The Immortal

Joined: Sat Mar 31, 2012 11:06 pm Posts: 89


Artiste Philosopicus

Joined: Sat Aug 10, 2013 10:13 am Posts: 18 abdo

Adeptus Major

Joined: Mon Nov 29, 2010 7:45 am Posts: 341 khalid

The Immortal

Joined: Sat Mar 31, 2012 11:06 pm Posts: 89 Elias

Post subject: Re: Vitriol of Saturn by Terry Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 11:49 pm

Koh is not used in this process both nitric and Aqua Regia are . yes the silver wil Artiste Philosopicus

Joined: Sat Aug 10, 2013 10:13 am Posts: 18


Post subject: Re: Vitriol of Saturn by Terry Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2013 8:14 am

Elias wrote: Koh is not used in this process both nitric and Aqua Regia are . yes the silver wil The Immortal Thank you Elias. Would you care to indicate the ratio or proportion of Nitric acid to Sal ammonia

Joined: Sat Mar 31, 2012 11:06 pm Posts: 89


Post subject: Re: Vitriol of Saturn by Terry Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2013 3:09 pm Quote: it is a short step from silver chloride to gold.

Artiste Philosopicus Joined: Wed Jul 03, 2013 2:27 pm Posts: 23

I feel so out of the loop here. Any particular tracts you could reference?

Author thrival

Post subject: Re: Vitriol of Saturn by Terry Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 9:10 pm delphinny wrote:

Artiste Philosopicus

Joined: Wed Jul 03, 2013 2:27 pm Posts: 34

...Health is surely the way, We can see this because of how much water and grain grains to feed to a cow in order to eat beef, your going to have to farm 12 times t

verses if we took on a vegetarian diet. plus with a vegetarian diet we can save the

I do herbal alchemy primarily now, made several tinctures, nearly cured my tinn lemongrass once.

I did the vegan/fasting experiment for +15 years, with mixed results. At the end, did the former and it helped, I'm still here. Who's to say what nutritional deficien on mere 2% protein in mothers' milk, acid vs. alkaline, etc. Modern vegetarians a work, IF a person has deep pockets, access to plant nutraceuticals globally, AND that cause phlegm. One thing I absolutely can recommend is colon-cleansing usi life-saver, IF a person follows the protocols. Fasting & vegetarianism doesn't cut achieve necessary nutrient density; alchemy does the same. The nutritional defic


Post subject: Re: Vitriol of Saturn by Terry Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 5:40 am thrival wrote:

Artiste Practicus

I did the vegan/fasting experiment for +15 years, with mixed results. At the eating dead animals again or give up the ghost. I did the former and it help theories about growing B-12 in the gut, getting nitrogen from the air, babie belief system, because the science isn't far enough along. Chinese doctors a missing (sarcastic LOL) What I learned is, some things work, for some peo cleansing using Arise-&-Shine product called 'Chomper' which I made my follows the protocols. Fasting & vegetarianism doesn't cut it anymore, it's n very concentrated, to achieve necessary nutrient density; alchemy does the

what were you doing exactly for 15 years? were you eating everything raw

Joined: Thu May 31, also can you give out the formula for Arise-&-Shine? I would love making 2012 1:45 pm Posts: 102


Post subject: Re: Vitriol of Saturn by Terry Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 9:55 am

any of you have seen that eating raw vegetables for a few months can chan Artiste Philosopicus

Joined: Tue Apr 30, 2013 11:41 am Posts: 47


the scientific report: use

Post subject: Re: Vitriol of Saturn by Terry Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 11:49 am

delphinny wrote: what were you doing exactly for 15 years? were you eating everything raw Artiste Philosopicus

Joined: Wed Jul 03, 2013 2:27 pm Posts: 34

also can you give out the formula for Arise-&-Shine? I would love making


It varied of course, no it was not all organic, who can afford that! I was buy days on canned fruit juices. People generally do what they can afford and h zinc.

The chemicals are leaching from most everything you buy packaged in pla

Raw foodism is a fad. The chinese say too much raw food ruins the stomac

It's not really helpful or possible to compare individual cases unless you in cure. Here's the herb formula. It's actually Dr. Christopher's recipe to which Dr. enough. Arise & Shine Chomper Formula: Plantain leaf Cascara Sagrada Wild Strawberry leaf

Sheep Sorrel Ginger root Rhubarb root Red Rasberry leaf Myrrh Gum Barberry bark Fennel seed Lobelia Licorice root GoldenSeal (leaf or root)

Other helpful books: Rational Fasting ...and The Mucusless Diet Healing S vegetarian diet, was able to bliss out during meditations. But when the japa Sorry this has gotten so off-topic, should probably be lodged under Health


Post subject: Re: Vitriol of Saturn by Terry Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 4:41 pm

thrival wrote: I was buying store-bought vegetables and eating local weed salads for the m Artiste Practicus

well there was your problem right there! you needed to do more juicing, w down. canned fruit juices are the worst because all the natural enzymes are builds its own protein, I have personal experience with this. no need to saturate our blood systems with foreign protein, just watch this thrival wrote: People generally do what they can afford and have access to. Don't expect

it can be, but try juicing Beets, Beets are very high in Zinc, as well as anti c thrival wrote:

Joined: Thu May 31, It's not really helpful or possible to compare individual cases unless you in 2012 1:45 pm cure. Posts: 102

this is very true, even though we all have the same body systems we need t

Thanks for the formula, Dr. Christopher is a well respected individual on m have a pdf of it perhaps?)


Post subject: Re: Vitriol of Saturn by Terry Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 7:12 pm Delphinny:

Artiste Philosopicus

Joined: Wed Jul 03, 2013 2:27 pm Posts: 34

It's very easy to make remarks over why a person's experiments on their me ate enough sprout salads & sandwiches, fermented seed dressings, yada-ya know when you started but write me back in 10 or 15 years and let me kno Proper food combining is very important.

One of the highest vegetable sources of zinc is sunflower seeds, but they do sources. See: vegetable sources.

And a few last comments on the subject; the Chinese barefoot doctors say v phosphorous that the brain prefers, B-12 and other B vitamins, carnosine. I congests the whole system, stem to stern. (The same can be said for starche eaten the typical American diet are carrying a slime anaconda inside of the

There are always exceptions, some people do very well on vegetarian diet t that taking alchemy elixers can improve a vegetarian's performance. The ch most western vegetarians have yet to discover. Will they? Health is one rea hugging the head of a big, live, drooling Komodo dragon. Anti-cruelty seem bigger life's purpose?

Re: Dr. Anderson's book, it's quite fat, half of it is medical case studies abo


Post subject: Re: Vitriol of Saturn by Terry Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 9:32 pm

Elias wrote: Im a little shocked after 291 views that none of the more experianced on th Artiste Philosopicus

great hopes hear. I know there are people with experiance on this sight I co

Any Alchemist interested in making medicine for healing not just making G Elias

I have interest in making medicine, but I don't think I'm one of the experien

Joined: Fri Jan 25, 2013 6:38 pm Posts: 84


Post subject: Re: Vitriol of Saturn by Terry Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 3:43 pm

I am at this stage of digesting silver chloride with Terry lime green vitriol. (black, white and red). Would sulfuric acid act to take it through the 3 stage The Immortal Attachments: Sept 22 vitriol limegreen1.JPG [ 24.5 KiB | Viewed 71 times ]

Joined: Sat Mar 31, 2012 11:06 pm Posts: 93


Post subject: Re: Vitriol of Saturn by Terry Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 7:13 pm

Artiste Philosopicus

YES ,Now this color looks right. just what I saw before going throug shot of reaching your goal. You will know soon enough , by tomarrow. Mo

Joined: Sat Aug 10, 2013 10:13 am Posts: 22


Post subject: Re: Vitriol of Saturn by Terry Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 9:56 pm

this is my first post on the CoP forum. Thank you for this particular discuss The Path of StreamEnterer

Joined: Tue Jul 09, 2013 11:32 pm Posts: 4


Post subject: Re: Vitriol of Saturn by Terry Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 6:50 am Elias wrote: You will know soon enough , by tomarrow. More cooking and heat at this

Adeptus Major

The best times for starting gold work is at gold's hours. First hour of Sunda

Last edited by abdo on Mon Sep 23, 2013 7:18 am, edited 1 time in total.

Joined: Mon Nov 29, 2010 7:45 am Posts: 343


Adeptus Major

Post subject: Re: Vitriol of Saturn by Terry Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 6:52 am

khalid wrote: I am at this stage of digesting silver chloride with Terry lime green vitriol. (black, white and red). Would sulfuric acid act to take it through the 3 stage Wish you good luck.

Joined: Mon Nov 29, 2010 7:45 am Posts: 343


Post subject: Re: Vitriol of Saturn by Terry Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 4:48 pm

Thank you Elias for your comments, direction and hints. Also Thank you A The Immortal

Kind regards, khalid

Joined: Sat Mar 31, 2012 11:06 pm Posts: 93


The Path of StreamEnterer

Post subject: Re: Vitriol of Saturn by Terry Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 7:41 pm

Searching online for clues relating to this particular method that might hav ... 700&page=7 havnt found other clues online besides this so far

also, about 3 months ago, i read something from the RAMS collection, a sh

Joined: Tue Jul 09, 2013 11:32 pm Posts: 4


Edit: am unable to remember where i read that exactly, cant guarantee it wa

Post subject: Re: Vitriol of Saturn by Terry Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 11:03 pm

I read this link a discussion from one man who dosn't have all the facts and and stop helping other struggling Alchemists seeking the truth. He tryed on Artiste Philosopicus The only thing worth reading on the link is this

[color=#BF00FF]For example, the gold in the test tube pictures. I still think the reaction of the molten metal or amalgam being poured into the test tube

The sol was tested a number of different ways The most reliable was done

not the only one tested . Also tested was a transmutation of mars to Terry After posting his results to help others had his house broken into and

He ask how these things were possible I know because I have seen it many many times but I would never tell som

Joined: Sat Aug 10, 2013 10:13 am Posts: 22


Strength and Wisdom Elias the Artist [/color]

Post subject: Re: Vitriol of Saturn by Terry Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 11:25 pm

These are some very interesting details on Terry. If you read the AlchemyF Artiste Philosopicus

I have no doubt this process is real. One question though, I'm curious why filter out things like C, N, and O from the results. Or you melted it down fi

Joined: Fri Jan 25, 2013 6:38 pm Posts: 84


Post subject: Re: Vitriol of Saturn by Terry Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 12:37 am I can assure you Terry is alive and well. Just more lies or wishful thinking

Artiste Philosopicus

planned public Transmutation several years back . But I know his first real

A good question . You are correct about the filters. When you get the licen not get listed . Then there are some that will not register or pick up at all .

I was there and saw hundreds and hundreds of tests. Run by the XRF. Terr allowed to test anything that was a transmutation. Many were then tested, W Strength and Wisdom Elias the Artist

Joined: Sat Aug 10, 2013 10:13 am Posts: 22


Post subject: Re: Vitriol of Saturn by Terry Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 7:01 am

The link I shared wasnt that useful, I apologize. The paragraph pointed out good. The Path of StreamEnterer

Joined: Tue Jul 09, 2013 11:32 pm Posts: 4

Crestind, I also was speculating the lack of Sulfur (from sulfuric acid) in the final pro

I am thrilled that Silicon, P , and iron where created. This work is beautiful

It is an unfortunate necessity that alchemists opt for anonymity and secrecy

Let's succeed at keeping this discussion positive, alive and focused on the V todays world of online alchemy discussions, I thank everyone who worked Many thanks edited to remove wordiness on 9/24 around noon time CST.


Post subject: Re: Vitriol of Saturn by Terry Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2013 11:43 am

what is the difference between "philosophical mercury" and "mercury of th Artiste Philosopicus

Joined: Tue Apr 30, 2013 11:41 am Posts: 47


Post subject: Re: Vitriol of Saturn by Terry Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2013 12:02 pm

fourblue wrote: what is the difference between "philosophical mercury" and "mercury of th Artiste Practicus

fourblue, in my opinion its all related to the context it is used in but typical

Joined: Thu May 31, 2012 1:45 pm Posts: 102 Pray

Artiste Philosopicus

Joined: Tue Jul 09, 2013 11:32 pm Posts: 12

Post subject: Re: Vitriol of Saturn by Terry Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 6:37 pm Here's what I did: 4.225g silver (concept was to have 90%) 0.259g gold (concept was to have 5%) 0.227g copper (concept was to have 5%) Each was dissolved in a test tube with 10ml of our AR

Afterwards, each solution was added to the final (mixing) test tube in this o

Now it is cooking outside inside my evaporator/incubator plastic container

My fume hood is also made of plastic containers, a bathroom exhaust fan, l

My thoughts as of now: I might need a little more copper, or Au. I might have had a little too much silver (note that I did not include lead an

Elias, Please offer me any feedback on these photos and weights that I used

Unfortunately, I did not get that beautiful bright/radiating bright lime green color. Also the silver turned gray as the photos show which wasnt something i expected. I did this work today, now i need to let it cook, think about it, contemplate what i saw, and pray to God for help and pray for a successful conclusion to this experiment. I appreciate all your help and i look forward to your feedback


Post subject: Re: Vitriol of Saturn by Terry Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 10:07 pm Probably not good to go by photos with minute details like this... lots of lighting variables involved.

Artiste Philosopicus The silver is supposed to turn grey like that I think (hope). I believe it precipitates as silver chloride. As for why it's not lime green, I think I know why. I see that it was lime green just like mine in your first photo, but it appears it took on a more emerald (bluish) color.

Joined: Fri Jan 25, 2013 6:38 pm Posts: 86


I note that in the photos where it looks more emerald than lime green, you have stuck a glass stirring rod into your test tube. I suspect that this agitated the (variously grey or faintly blue) silver chloride particles that had precipitated, throwing more of them into suspension. With more of the silver chloride in suspension in the above solution, its silver tint affected the color. Post subject: Re: Vitriol of Saturn by Terry Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 10:33 pm

my test tube has lots of this silver precipitate, the old/original Artiste Philosopicus photos dont seem to have that much if any gray precipitate, they just look lime green but maybe these pictures were taken before lead/silver were added.. Joined: Tue Jul 09, yes at times it looked lime green but it lacked in radiance (hard to 2013 11:32 pm explain) and yes the camera never captured the true color, i have another camera i will try to see if its better. Posts: 12 edit: I'll post photos tomorrow. Been digesting for a few hours, the green is nicer now, silver at bottom. Since i did not use lead, and used silver instead, i have more silver in quantity there because lead is heavier. i think if the key is the color then if i get the correct color then it should work. I am wondering if it needs, or if it could benefit of, more salammoniac. khalid

The Immortal

Post subject: Re: Vitriol of Saturn by Terry Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 3:29 am Pray wrote: my test tube has lots of this silver precipitate, the old/original photos dont seem to have that much if any gray precipitate, they just look lime green but maybe these pictures were taken before lead/silver were added.. yes at times it looked lime green but it lacked in radiance (hard to explain) and yes the camera never captured the true color, i have another camera i will try to see if its better.

edit: I'll post photos tomorrow. Been digesting for a few hours, the green is nicer now, silver at bottom.

Joined: Sat Mar 31, 2012 11:06 pm Since i did not use lead, and used silver instead, i have more silver Posts: 97 in quantity there because lead is heavier. i think if the key is the color then if i get the correct color then it should work. I am wondering if it needs, or if it could benefit of, more


Little more sal ammonia will do and provide you with that radiant lime green look, I guess.


Artiste Philosopicus

Post subject: Re: Vitriol of Saturn by Terry Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 9:51 am khalid wrote: Little more sal ammonia will do and provide you with that radiant lime green look, I guess.

Joined: Tue Jul 09, 2013 11:32 pm thank you Khalid! This matches my thoughts and gut feeling. I Posts: 12 woke up and the first thoughts on my mind where i should add more salammoniac to add more yellow to it, and you also agree now, so i will be doing this soon.


Post subject: Re: Vitriol of Saturn by Terry Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 12:04 pm you can use salt from dew?

Artiste Philosopicus

Joined: Tue Apr 30, 2013 11:41 am Posts: 49


Post subject: Re: Vitriol of Saturn by Terry Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 4:12 pm fourblue wrote:

Artiste Philosopicus you can use salt from dew?

Joined: Tue Jul 09, 2013 11:32 pm are you hinting at or asking? Posts: 12 salt of dew, you mean collect it, boil it down until salt starts to fall out of it, collect this salt add it to the lime green solution? some people call this salt ammonium nitrate


Post subject: Re: Vitriol of Saturn by Terry Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 4:32 pm

I found this picture of Terry work that I thought is as important as the other pictures. For it is showing that when you heat the substance to almost dry syrup it The Immortal should look dark brown/black in color, I believe, Which is an indication that digestion successfully produced the black phase and all ingredients are rightly mixed.

Attachments: dark brown.jpg [ 8.89 KiB | Viewed 47 times ]

Joine d: Sat Mar 31, 2012 11:06 pm Posts : 97


Post subject: Re: Vitriol of Saturn by Terry Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 4:44 pm

to me it looks yellow, the grayness might be from the silver or lead in this batch, or shade, IMHO Artiste Philosopicus

Joine d: Tu e Jul 09, 2013 11:32 pm Posts : 12

crestin d

Post subject: Re: Vitriol of Saturn by Terry Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 9:16 pm

Although sulfuric is clear, sometimes it is dyed brown, so I'm not sure what variety Terry used, and why his was brown. Might be because of the dye, or it might be because of some changes in solution. Artiste Philosopicus My sulfuric is brown unfortunately.

Joine d: Fri Jan 25, 2013 6:38 pm Posts : 86


Post subject: Re: Vitriol of Saturn by Terry

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 10:49 pm my sulfuric is also brown Artiste Philosopicus

Joine d: Tu e Jul 09, 2013 11:32 pm Posts : 12


Post subject: Re: Vitriol of Saturn by Terry Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2013 8:03 am Pray wrote: my sulfuric is also brown

The Immortal Even if you have the best lab-grade oily sulfuric acid if exposed to sunlight will get brown.

Joine d: Sat Mar 31, 2012 11:06 pm Posts : 97

fourblu e

Post subject: Re: Vitriol of Saturn by Terry Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2013 12:38 pm

Pray wrote: fourblue wrote: Artiste Philosopicus you can use salt from dew?

Joine d: Tu e Apr 30, 2013 11:41 am Posts : 49


are you hinting at or asking? salt of dew, you mean collect it, boil it down until salt starts to fall out of it, collect this salt add it to the lime green solution? some people call this salt ammonium nitrate.

I do not know, I'm just trying to give more ideas

Post subject: Re: Vitriol of Saturn by Terry Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2013 9:44 pm

Congrats to the one that completed the process Artiste Philosopicus more than you started with.

An was able to see

Joine d: Sat Aug 10, 2013 10:13 am Posts : 25


Post subject: Re: Vitriol of Saturn by Terry Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 8:51 am

Indeed, to whomever it is, many congrats. and good luck to all of us, the honest good seekers. It is nice to see people succeeding, it gives the rest of us energy and excitement. Artiste Philosopicus

Joine d: Tu e Jul 09, 2013 11:32 pm Posts : 12


Post subject: Re: Vitriol of Saturn by Terry

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 9:44 am A second person completed the work with good results . Only a .o1 gram Artiste Philosopicus extra increase when 2.5 was possible but still a good job . I can confirm by your

pics exactly what I expected to see. You operated correctly but you were lacking one thing . Your pictures were good enough for me to see where you went wrong. Study what I told you . Save this sol its different and special even though it is small in quanity it has the life force now in it and it can be increased when you know how to operate. Think of it as seed corn. With this when you know where to plant and how to plant you can increase your harvest. I will tell you one other thing These crystals of sol you knowhave are only a few steps away from Joine the Phylosiphers stone. After these steps then your stone can be d: Sat increased 10 fold , 100, fold , 1000 fold , 10,000 fold . You have one turn Aug of the wheel and you need seven. 10, 2013 Your problem was your sol you started with it was lacking in life force . 10:13 There are several ways to increase it . But it is now alive but just barely. am Posts Had you followed all of my instructions I would have told you what you : 25 need to know now to go farther with it, but for your own safety I can not. Dangers there are in the next step of the work. But know you made it this far. You saw with your own eyes. In just a few short days so be incouraged Strength and Wisdom Elias the Artist


Post subject: Re: Vitriol of Saturn by Terry Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 10:06 am

To those who just completed this work take pictures and save them print out all you did save it. Write yourself notes , keep records of your Artiste Philosopicus work. While fresh in your mind. You may have need to come back to this in the future. As your knowledge increases you will understand more and more. You will be able to see mistakes or how to operate better . Compile a note book . Keep these things to yourself as there are many out there who would laugh , slander , and Ridicule you . All for different reasons. Some because they are jealous , some because they

think is is foolishness, others because they wish to hoard secrets for them self's as if they own them. over 500 views to this subject. I wonder how long before the more experianced will have a word to say. Could it be none of them have actually seen a real Transmutation ? Sad if that is the case. Perhaps they are all over in Shangrala having a big discussion about how big there transmutation was in secret. Be nice if they would post there increase with pics

Joined: Sat Aug 10, 2013 10:13 am Posts: 25 Author Pray

Again my applause to your .01 gram increase are.

you know who you

Strength and Wisdom Elias the Artist

Message Post subject: Re: Vitriol of Saturn by Terry Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 1:17 pm A couple comments/questions:

Artiste Philosopicus

Joined: Tue Jul 09, 2013 11:32 pm Posts: 19

1)When I first heard of this process couldnt help but wonder what would happen if we did this process but without silver and without lead, only gold and copper, the acids and the process .. since there isnt silver to transmute would the gold itself be evolved to red gold maybe a red glass like tinging stone? 2)Some say in our Art we shouldn't use strong acids, some say that AR kills gold or destroys it rather than 'open' the gold. These people would promote using vinegar, sea salt, dew, or other menstruums for metals, or an alkahests made of GW or sea salt or nitre etc. Yet, we see a lot of the works the ancients did indeed involved strong acids (be it made from scratch). In this specific process, we are making AR then adding Sulfuric .. corrosive acids, yet we are (attempting to) re-introduce life to the metal, and animate gold and change silver to gold.

plz note: this post is an attempt to share an observation, and/or a question to Elias if he thinks there's a comment worth mentioning or elaborating on what i said .. so long as it adds value to the original process. thanks Pray

Post subject: Re: Vitriol of Saturn by Terry

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 9:36 pm Hi guys, here are photos from my work Artiste Philosopicus

i will use numbers to break it up 1) The 3 solutions i made, copper, silver, gold dissolved in AR made with Nitric acid + Sal of amun + niter Attachment: 1.jpg [ 56.25 KiB | Viewed 96 times ]

Joined: Tue Jul 09, 2013 11:32 pm Posts: 19

2) I mixed them and cooked / very i slowly evaporated - in fact this batch (batch #1) is still evaporating very slowly now. Meanwhile i made another batch, smaller, this photo is of a this batch with less silver, they had the same colors, after mixing i got this:

note: since we know the ratio of copper to gold to use here, the lime green should be easy, but if yours isnt lime but regular green then add sal ammoniac (chloride) and it will go yellower to lime green, found this from my batch #1, my batch #2 turned lime right away upon mixing the 3 solutions. 3) boiled down (note: i burnt some of it, it went black while i was heating so i stopped), and added sulfuric first yellow Attachment: DSC02938s.jpg [ 142.34 KiB | Viewed 96 times ] then orange Attachment: DSC02940s.jpg [ 128.64 KiB | Viewed 96 times ]

boiled it, it foams easily Attachment: DSC02946s.jpg [ 148.45 KiB | Viewed 96 times ]

my test tube is at an angle, so the orange salt seemed to climb up slowly when i stopped heating or gently heating it looks like this, green liquid and orange salt Attachment: DSC02954s.jpg [ 124.69 KiB | Viewed 96 times ]

4) I boiled it down more but not dry, and then added sulfuric again it was basically orange thick liquid over whitish salt, i boiled it, it became all orange and at the bottom green liquid. The orange salt foams and gets stuck to the glass and climbs up, when i stopped boiling this is what it looked like Attachment: DSC03009s.jpg [ 145.26 KiB | Viewed 96 times ]

5) boiled it down, all the sudden my foaming green reacted with the orange on the glass and it all turned black, then after some time it was clear liquid with metal at the bottoms and shiny things and some white and black metals. my best close up, i see few shiny crystals Attachment: 3s.png [ 647.63 KiB | Viewed 96 times ]

6) I wanted to boil all this off, but the boiling point now was high i had to use the direct torch flame to get it to boil and it stopped boiling as soon as i stopped heating. when it colled it looks like jelly or solidified wax and is yellowish in color thanks Elias

Artiste Philosopicus

Post subject: Re: Vitriol of Saturn by Terry Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 11:17 pm To Pray As for those that say you are not to use strong acids . I laugh at them and so does every master that made the Phylosiphers stone. They say its ok to use Dew and Salts yet they do not even know what is in the salts they talk about or the Dew or what they were used for and what they actualy did. They are the Blind leading the Blind follow them if you wish. To fourblue Thanks for the info worth reading To pray your copper is green was it pure

Joined: Sat Aug 10, should be blue in nitric ????? pic 1 , Pic 2 2013 10:13 am perfect color, Other pics all look good you Posts: 29 had a little to much vitriol in pic 3 but nice yellow color . The orange to red color in pic 7 is a very good sign. All is well. But your heat is a little to high because it is boiling it is climbing the walls little lower heat. This needs to be down in the acid. stir it and shake it down. All of this will turn to the sol


Your last pic is Excilent this is clearly living sol and a sign of Transmutation it is possible to grow a tree from this I have seen it and done it many times. From what I see hear you have at least one eagle done correctly at least 3 are required for a good trans.

Let me tell you what is happening at this point of your last pic your luna

is in the process of changing

to sol

IF you had saturn in hear it

would have changed to venus at this point depending on the eagles , power and quality of your sol. It is possible to grow this crystals many inches long hundreds upon hundreds of them. If you test this you will find it to be very pure 24 K usualy. If your eagles were around 7 there would be no luna in hear at all at this stage Job well done Elias the Artist crestind

Post subject: Re: Vitriol of Saturn by Terry Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 11:26 pm

Hello Pray, very nice photos. You seem to have gotten a similar result as me. The only difference is that I (probably) wasted 5 extra days Artiste Philosopicus doing it, under the assumption that prolonged digestion prior to addition of sulfuric acid would somehow "energize" the mixture and make it more likely to succeed. Here is a photo of what I am left with. What you see in the photo is the result of addition of sulfuric acid to boiled down lime green solution. I haven't boiled this down yet. With the addition of sulfuric it does not boil as readily, and I'm afraid of damaging it somehow with excessive Joined: Fri Jan heat so I have decided to learn some patience, something I need to 25, 2013 6:38 work on.

pm Posts: 92 Elias

Post subject: Re: Vitriol of Saturn by Terry Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 11:54 pm

Crest nice pic when you going to mail me some tooth past ? Your color is good , you are right about the vitriol it does make it need more heat . Artiste Philosopicus your vessel is bigger you need more heat. but you are also right about longer digestion. Nice intuition start to listen this work changes the

operator ! as well as the

luna This adds to the eagles both in

quantity and quality. By doing this you will increase the power a little and more than likely see a greater transmutation. I have seen 100% in less than 24 hours. But I have a little more skill you are learning. crank up the heat and slow it down when you get your volume down. Remember you have a big heating area. Just so you know you actually can loose some of Joined: Sat Aug 10, 2013 10:13 am Posts: 29

your sol when the clusters get small it will fly. in a open vessel. A distilling vessel is better. then recombine your acid for next eagle. Mostly because of the ammonia chloride if in mix. This is very folitile This is also a goal to actualy mix in the air your different metals on a much smaller level. Think of it as electroplating in the air, when hermeticly sealed. in circulation before adding vitriol it is for coagulating . A little dew water also helps the vitriol and hydrogen in the water conbine making hydrogen sulfide gas which helps crystalise the sol into a metalic form. There are other better ways to make it and bubble it in. But then this is a learning process. Many things going on in these vessels. Press on to the mark send me a pic. remember drop your temp a little just before it goes dry if you wish to see crystals of sol form let it cook if you get allot of them and look under a microscope you will be shocked at what you see. your eyes will pop out of your head I advise pray to check his if he has not overcooked it. Going dry is a eagle and a turn of the wheel . Start over all is well. You are on the right coarse. Strength and Wisdom Elias the Artist


Post subject: Re: Vitriol of Saturn by Terry Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 11:25 am Elias,

Artiste Philosopicus

I offer a heartfelt thank you. on copper green vs blue: mine was almost pure copper yep, but i dissolved it (all my 3 metals copper silver and gold) in AR, not in nitric. In AR copper is green.

Was i supposed to use nitric only to dissolve copper? How about dissolving silver, nitric or AR? Thanks

Joined: Tue Jul 09, 2013 11:32 pm Posts: 19 crestind

Post subject: Re: Vitriol of Saturn by Terry Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 9:49 pm I think it worked... more details pending.

Artiste Philosopicus Edit* Oh God Elias where are you?

Joined: Fri Jan 25, 2013 6:38 pm Posts: 92


Post subject: Re: Vitriol of Saturn by Terry Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 6:26 pm Here is what I observed.

Artiste Philosopicus After the addition of sulfuric acid to a boiled down lime green solution,

the solution is no longer lime green but a very faintly greenish yellow solution with orange powder at the bottom. As this is boiled down, it gets progressively more lime green. During this boil down process, I noticed that the amount of silver chloride decreased somewhat, or at least it appeared to. Finally it got down to a thick lime green solution with a slightly syrupy consistency. At this point the silver chloride had changed from the original cracker crumb texture into a more fibrous, Joined: Fri Jan clotted sort of mass like mold in water, so it sort of dissolved. At the 25, 2013 6:38 top of my solution was a little raft of shiny gold leaf. You could see where the gold had formed around the original seed because of the pm crystal shapes shooting out from the center. Posts: 92 At this point it had mostly boiled down. There was obviously metallic gold there already, and other parts looked like they were in the process of changing. So I poured in more sulfuric acid. At this point it quickly turned the color of diluted milk. Even the chloride/gold disappeared from view and apparently became white too like chalk. But just as quickly bits of it converted to metallic gold. There were bits that looked like chalk mixed with the metallic gold inside. As the solution continued to heat, all the color of the solution disappeared and it turned the color of sulfuric acid once more. All of the white precipitate disappeared soon after, leaving nothing more than metallic gold. I did not finish boiling down the second time because it did not seem to be necessary. The newly formed gold was sort of spongy in texture, and appeared to be agglomerations of gold particles. Now here is a tip. A flat bottomed vessel is superior because you can see more of the reaction as it happens and it's easier to boil away the solution too because it has greater surface area. The only problem is that as the silver chloride (is it still chloride?) is originally a grainy sort of texture, and in a flat bottom vessel it will likely be widely dispersed across the surface. As it turns to metallic gold, this will result in finer particles which would be more difficult to filter. So there are two solutions I see. One is using a round bottom beaker which is fine, but it will be more difficult to boil away the solution as vapors will tend to condense on the cooler top portion. The other solution is to stir the solution while the chloride is still in the powder form. The vortex will clump it all up in the center so when it turns, it will be a larger mass which will be easier to handle when you are done.


Post subject: Re: Vitriol of Saturn by Terry Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 8:30 pm Awesome and congrats! surprising no one else is joining this discussion.

Artiste Philosopicus

Joined: Tue Jul 09, 2013 11:32 pm Posts: 19 crestind

I took one of my batches this morning and transferred it to a beaker, evaporating off the lime green down is easier in a beaker than a test tube due to the surface area also lack of condensation the test tube promoted (similar to what a flask would do), later on i added sulfuric and again the larger surface area meant the orange salt didnt get stuck the tube walls so easily. I am currently letting it slowly evaporate/cook and tomorrow night i will increase the heat if needed to evaporate the rest and should God willing see similar results to yours. Is it possible to adapt this process to produce medicine for man?

Post subject: Re: Vitriol of Saturn by Terry Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 8:35 pm

Pray wrote: Awesome and congrats! surprising no one else is joining this Artiste Philosopicus discussion. No surprises here. A typical day in an alchemy forum...

Here is what I had left after I'd removed the sulfuric and washed with Joined: Fri Jan distilled. These are the best photos I took and I feel they are the most 25, 2013 6:38 representative of my results as they show the texture the best.

pm Posts: 92 delphinny

Artiste Practicus

Post subject: Re: Vitriol of Saturn by Terry Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 9:27 pm Pray wrote: Awesome and congrats! surprising no one else is joining this discussion. I took one of my batches this morning and transferred it to a beaker, evaporating off the lime green down is easier in a beaker than a test

tube due to the surface area also lack of condensation the test tube promoted (similar to what a flask would do), later on i added sulfuric and again the larger surface area meant the orange salt didnt get stuck the tube walls so easily. I am currently letting it slowly evaporate/cook and tomorrow night i will increase the heat if needed to evaporate the rest and should God willing see similar results to yours.

Joined: Thu May 31, 2012 1:45 pm Posts: 105

Is it possible to adapt this process to produce medicine for man?

each time you boil the solution down you want to add an equal amount of sulfuric acid to ensure a complete reaction each time, this should help I believe the oils from metals are easily obtained too and am working on that too


Post subject: Re: Vitriol of Saturn by Terry Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2013 7:31 am

Some of us are indeed watching, and learning as much as possible to avoid wasting energy and materials. Artiste Philosopicus I'm not sure what you mean by eagles, you said distilling to dryness is one eagle, OK and to then start again, do you mean use the new gold to repeat the entire process again? ...or Joined: Wed just add more sulfuric acid and boil Jul 03, 2013 to dryness 7 times to attain our PS? Also are you saying that the 2:27 pm sulfuric acid mix can be digested in a closed Posts: 43 vessel rather than adding fresh acid as it boils down? It's an elegant and simple process, Thank you Eli. Pray

Artiste Philosopicus

Post subject: Re: Vitriol of Saturn by Terry Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2013 7:46 am there is a certain joy one derives from acting on their passion, exploring, and making so called 'mistakes' in their way to progress as they gain experience. forblue, if you knew how much energy, time and money i (and I'm sure many other here in this discussion or forum) invested in alchemy or alchemy-related ares you wouldn't be crying. cheer up, you are most fortunate for reading this discussion, i wish i did 3, 5, or 12yrs ago

Elias is a most charitable and kind person. I show my respect to him Joined: Tue Jul and to this discussion, and my appreciation for this generosity, by 09, 2013 11:32 doing my part, by investing, by believing, by doing the work at the pm least. Posts: 23 khalid, I bet he used a fraction of a gram and whats in the photo looks like it would be more than a gram. delphinny, thanks for the info. I am hoping the process can make a red stone of gold of the first order that can be diluted in wine and taken as medicine. a medicine that is universal and has life force, something akin to what the leyden process sea salt/dew is said to produce, definitely something better than just mainstream colloidal red gold.


Post subject: Re: Vitriol of Saturn by Terry Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2013 2:54 am Below I tryed to attach a pic of luna

being changed to the sol

Artiste Philosopicus quite a good pic I hope you can all see it. The guy following Vitriol of Saturn wishes to stay annomous at this time But I thought you all might like to see a pic that captured a Trans look closely Strength and Wisdom Elias

Attachments: File comment: Trying to post a pic of a trans of silver to gold in process from one on the forum doing this work who wishes to remain annomous at this time Elias

Joined: Sat Aug 10, 2013 10:13 am Posts: 31 crestind

Post subject: Re: Vitriol of Saturn by Terry Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2013 11:43 am That's a very beautiful photo Elias.

Artiste Philosopicus I've seen the cottage cheese texture too. Mine ended up turning into this fibrous algae looking thing before it turned. It also seems the photo shows the importance of keeping the silver chloride submerged

in sulfuric acid during boil down? Because I see the lump on the right side of the photo seems to stick out more, and it does not appear to be metallic, maybe in some sort of intermediate stage.

Joined: Fri Jan 25, 2013 6:38 pm Posts: 98 delphinny

Question, is it a good sign if the silver chloride precipitate seems to be decreasing in quantity as it digests? I'd say mine at least halved in quantity over my one week digestion.

Post subject: Re: Vitriol of Saturn by Terry Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2013 10:35 pm hey guys here is my latest work check it out!

Artiste Practicus

Attachments: File comment: weights of the different metals I used weights.jpg [ 50.4 KiB | Viewed 125 times ] File comment: 0.92 grams sal ammoniac and 0.90 grams potassium nitrate, added to 3 ml 33% Nitric Acid and heated until it dissolved into a yellow solution

Joined: Thu weights2.jpg [ 43.86 KiB | Viewed 125 times ] May 31, 2012 File comment: yellow solution with gold dissolved 1:45 pm Posts: 115 IMG_20131012_163236.jpg [ 104.18 KiB | Viewed 125 times ] File comment: added copper and got lime green solution IMG_20131012_163752.jpg [ 100.52 KiB | Viewed 125 times ] File comment: boiled down to thick syrup IMG_20131012_164001.jpg [ 93.05 KiB | Viewed 125 times ] File comment: added silver to this but it would not dissolve, it kept getting a silver chloride coating on the metal which prevented it from dissolving! I don't recommend anyone add raw silver to their mix! So I poured this out (kept the green solution and whatever silver I had dissolved in it) and dissolved 2.65 grams of fresh silver in 10 ml of 33% nitric acid in another large test tube over night, the test tube was tilted and it was strange because it was on my hotplate in a sandbath

and after all the silver dissolved I kept heating it down to what looked like an oil under the nitric acid (was the moon causing this?), which later crystallized when it got close to the oil, I did not want to burn it! - it was a supersaturated solution of silver nitrate no doubt! IMG_20131012_164141.jpg [ 68.44 KiB | Viewed 125 times ] File comment: (the next day) I added green solution to silver crystals and got this color IMG_20131013_105038.jpg [ 89.03 KiB | Viewed 125 times ] File comment: heated it more IMG_20131013_105310.jpg [ 75.6 KiB | Viewed 125 times ] File comment: heated it more and then its color changed! the silver particles are getting darker! IMG_20131013_105425.jpg [ 91.16 KiB | Viewed 125 times ] File comment: kept heating IMG_20131013_105725.jpg [ 90.37 KiB | Viewed 125 times ] delphinny

Post subject: Re: Vitriol of Saturn by Terry Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2013 10:46 pm part 2

Artiste Practicus

Attachments: File comment: heated it hot.. IMG_20131013_105806.jpg [ 85.13 KiB | Viewed 124 times ] File comment: ...and I mean real hot!

Joined: Thu May 31, 2012 1:45 pm Posts: 115

IMG_20131013_105813.jpg [ 89.2 KiB | Viewed 124 times ] File comment: until I got a syrup (dark green solution with hardly any sediment! -->(silver dissolved in it)