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UNIVERSIDAD ABIERTA PARA ADULTOS (UAPA) Trabajo final Escuela de psicología Licenciatura en: Psicología clínica Tema IV

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Trabajo final Escuela de psicología Licenciatura en: Psicología clínica Tema IV:


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UAPA (Santo Domingo, República Dominicana Abril 2019)

Hablar de las cosas que deseas realizar en los próximos cinco años

Among the important things that I would like to do in the next five years, improve as a person emotionally and spiritually, I want to be a stronger person who knows how to calmly confront the problems of life and not be weak.

Another important thing I want to do in a few years is to travel with all my family to Disney, enjoy every second with all the attractions of that world, since I was a child I wanted to do it but the responsibilities did not allow me, I consider it one of the best places in the world to have fun as a family and meet each of those fun characters.

Escribir una composición sobre las cosas que podemos hacer pata tener una vida más saludable.

One of the important things we must do to have a healthy life, is to eat healthy foods such as: vegetables and fruits.

Another thing to do to have a healthy life is to have a balanced diet and especially exercise such as walking, running, going to gym, try not to eat junk food, or soda, or food that put our health at risk.

Escriba una composición donde describas tu comunidad

My community is called Santiago Rodriguez It is my hometown, it is located in the north of the Dominican Republic, it is one of the most beautiful provinces in the country, it has three municipalities, it also has beautiful rivers, the people who live in these places are very nice, loving and good people, also has a beautiful park in which people always visit to enjoy their weekends.

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Weak among years stronger since child things balanced healthy food weekends run meet attraction