Totte The Bunny Pattern

Totte the bunny This pattern is made with much effort by me, Elin Werner. I´m not used to making patterns, this is actu

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Totte the bunny

This pattern is made with much effort by me, Elin Werner. I´m not used to making patterns, this is actually my first one. Therefore there might be some mistakes or uncertainties in the pattern. Feel free to give me feedback so I can improve the pattern if necessary. This is a free pattern and you are welcome to crochet as many bunnies as you like. To sell them are, on the other hand, NOT allowed. If you want to check out my work you find me on Instagram: @elwecrochet and Facebook: Elin virkar. If you post pictures of your finished work, please be sure to give me credit. Happy crocheting!

Before you begin For this project I have used a light worsted cotton yarn (Adlibris cotton 8/8) and crochet hook 3mm. The finished size of the bunny is approx. 33 cm(12”). You need one colour for the body (A), two shirt colours (B,C), one for the trousers (D) and finally orange and green for the carrot bag. You also need a pair of safety eyes, 10mm. Body and head are crocheted in one part. That makes the assembly easier. One less part to sew on! Be sure to stuff head and body firmly to get the right shape. When you think you have stuffed enough, stuff some more! When it comes to the arms, you only stuff the hands firmly. The rest of the arm should just be lightly stuffed.

Abbrevations (US terms) sc hdc dec inc sl st

single crochet half double crochet decrease increase slip stitch

Legs (make two) 1: 2: 3: 4: 5-15:

With colour A crochet 6 sc in a magic ring inc in every sc (12) (sc, inc)x6 (18) (2sc, inc)x6 (24) 24 sc

First leg: cut the yarn and finish off. Second leg: don´t cut the yarn. Chain 4 and attach to the first leg with a sc. Continue crocheting sc in every stitch round the first leg, then in chain 4, second leg, and chain 4 again. 24+4+24+4=56 sc

Body 1-3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: 16: 17: 18: 19: 20:

56 sc Change to colour B (56sc) Change to colour C (56sc) Change colour every row from now on. 56sc 10sc, dec, 13sc, dec, 13sc, dec, 10sc, dec, 3sc 52 sc 10sc, dec, 12sc, dec, 12 sc, dec, 9sc, dec, 1sc 48 sc 10sc, dec, 11sc, dec, 11sc, dec, 7sc, dec, 1c 44sc 9sc, dec, 11sc, dec, 11sc, dec, 4sc, dec, 1c 40sc 10sc, dec, 9sc, dec, 9sc, dec, 3sc, dec, 1c 36 sc 1sc, dec, 8sc, dec, 7sc, dec, 7sc, dec, 5sc 32sc 10sc, dec, 12sc, dec, 6sc 30sc

(52sc) (48sc) (44sc) (40sc) (36sc) (32sc) (30sc)

Head 21: Change to colour A (sc, inc)x15 (45sc) 22: (2sc, inc)x15 (60sc) 23: (3sc, inc)x15 (75sc) 24-35: 75sc Attach the eyes between row 29 and 30 with 11 stitches apart. 36: 23sc, dec, 23sc, dec, 23sc, dec (72 sc) 37: (10sc, dec) x 6 (66sc) 38: (9sc, dec) x 6 (60sc) 39: (8sc, dec) x 6 (54sc) 40: (7sc, dec) x 6 (48sc) 41: (6sc, dec) x 6 (42sc) 42: (5sc, dec) x 6 (36sc) 43: (4sc, dec) x 6 (30sc) 44: (3sc, dec) x 6 (24sc) 45: (2sc, dec) x 6 (18sc) 46: (1sc, dec) x 6 (12sc) 47: (dec) x 6 (6sc) Cut the yarn and finish off.

Arms (make two) 1: 2: 3: 4-6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11-22: 23:

With colour A crochet 6sc in a magic ring. (inc) x 6 (12sc) (1sc, inc) x 6 (18sc) 18sc (4sc, dec) x 3 (15sc) 15sc Change to colour B (15sc) Change to colour C (15sc) Change colour every row from now on. 15sc (3sc, dec) x 3 (12sc) Finish with a sl st. Cut the yarn but save a tail long enough to sew the arm to the body.

Ears (make two) 1: 2: 3: 4-7: 8: 9-12: 13: 14-15: 16: 17-18: 19: 20-21: 22:

With colour A crochet 6 sc in a magic ring (inc) x 6 (12sc) (sc, inc) x 6 (18sc) 18sc (2sc, inc) x 6 (24sc) 24sc (3sc, inc) x 6 (30sc) 30sc (3sc, dec) x 6 (24sc) 24sc (2sc, dec) x 6 (18sc) 18sc (1sc, dec) x 6 (12sc) Finish with a sl st. Cut the yarn but save a tail long enough to sew the ear to the body.

Trousers 1: 2: 3-7:

Chain 35 and sl st in first chain to form a ring. Chain 2 (counts as first hdc). One hdc in every st. Sl st in chain 2. Repeat row 2.

8: 9: 10-13: 14:

Cut the yarn and finish off. This is the first leg of the trousers. Crochet one more but do not cut the yarn. Chain 2 and attach to the first leg with a sc. Continue crocheting sc round the first leg, then in chain 2, second leg and in chain 2 again (35+2+35+2=74 sc) Chain 2 (counts as first hdc). Hdc in every sc (74hdc). Sl st in chain 2 Repeat row 9. Sl st in every hdc. Cut the yarn and finish off. If the waist is too big you can make a few dec on the last row of hdc.

Suspender Chain 45. Sc back along the chain starting in second chain from hook (44sc). Cut the yarn and save a tail for sewing it onto the trousers.

Carrot bag 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8-10: 11: 12:

With orange yarn crochet 6 sc in a magic ring (2sc, inc) x 2 (8sc) (3sc, inc) x 2 (10sc) (4sc, inc) x 2 (12sc) (5sc, inc) x (14sc) (6sc, inc) x 2 (16sc) (7sc, inc) x 2 (18sc) 18sc Change to green yarn (18sc) *Chain 4, sl st in same sc, skip next sc, sl st in next sc* Repeat 8 more times. Finsish with a sl st. Cut the yarn and finish off. To make the strap, chain 65 with green yarn. Sew it to the bag.

Scarf Use a 4.5mm hook and crochet loosely. Chain 4. Hdc in every st starting in second chain from hook. (3hdc) Chain 1 and turn, 3hdc. Repeat until the scarf is long enough.

Finishing touches Sew arms and ears to the body. Embroider nose and eyebrows. If you want to you can put some colour on the cheeks (I use rouge). Sew on a button to the trousers, over the suspender.